HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1903. R. B. BRAGG & CO Men's Hats Have just received a nice new line of Men's Hats in the latest novel , ties from 2.50 to 3.50. If you want the latest we have it. Shoes for Men A beautiful Colt Shoe with Monkey top, kid lined, Goodyear welt; felt between inner and outer sole just the thing for dress and comfort; wears well and will keep your feet warm. Also have Douglas Shoes in Vicars, box calf Velour calf and patent leathers. For a medium-priced shoe there are few to equal and none to surpass. Ladies' Furs We want to close out our furs before the holidays, and to do so we will make the following prices, which are rare bargains that you won't have of fered you again probably for years: Beautiful Beaver worth $10, for 7.50 Long black hair 8 tails with loop and cord, worth $9 U.- Long black Coney and Sa ble with gun-metal clasp and chain; worth 7.50, Other Collarettes worth 4.50 . yours for Seal Collarette . worth $5.50 Another o'ne worth $3.75, 5.25 that are 3.75 4.50 2.90 Ladies' Walking Skirts THESE ARE HEAL BARGAINS All All All All of of of of our our our our $8. 50 (5.50 5.50 3.75 Men's SALE TO LAST All All All All of of of of our our our our Men's Men's Men's Men's $18.50 lO.oo 12.5o lo,oo Fruitgrowing at White Salmon. M. Zimmerman, In Knterprlse. All kinds of temperate sone fruits do well here. The climatic conditions are right for the highest attainments in fruit growth. Every kind of fruit doe well and sells well. An acre in straw berries will brinu $150 net above every expense. Good "apples sell for fl.50 to $2 25 per box. Sixty trees to the acre, sii years old, would bear rive boxes to the tree and would bring the owner the gum of t450 per annum. Apples do well on the hiiih mountain land in the region of White Salmon. Apples of all kinds, Crawford and Salway peaches pears, prunes, plums, cherries and quince grow to perfection. And then come the grapes that are grown by the ton. And strawberries are shipped East by the trainload, the finest straw berries on Wie murnew m i"f I will now briefly mention our crops, Wheat, oats, barley, six weeks' corn, potatoes, carrots, parsnip", sweet, P"t- When You ome to Town Do not fail to call and see us and give us a chance to fill your order. Wo quote Flour in not loss than barrel lots at warehouse: iv.li..., ,.nr 1,1,1 SU..50 Hallos Straight, $ .oo. nt. warehouse in not loss than half-ton lots: Rollod barley, per ton Oats, imt ton Bran, jht ton, 21.50. Yours truly, bone & Ladies Belts SILK Belts with gun-metal case and buckle... 75c SILK Belts with fancy buckle and slides 65c SILK Belts with oxodized silver buckles back and front .....60c KID Leather Belts, nicely trimmed 35c BEAUTIFUL Silk-woven Cord Belts, made in ele gant styles. Your choice for 76c, $1, $1.25 PATENT Leather Belts in colors ....25c Shirt Waist Sets PEARL Shirt Waist Sets :25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 7EC CUT Steel Waist Sets, latest styles 75c JET Waist Sets. They are beauties 60c Collars SILK Embroidered Col lars. They are beauties 35c, 50c, GOc, 75c and$l Combs BIG Line of Fancy and Back Combs Fancy Hair Pins. Side and Opera Shwals SPECIAL SALE .75 Shawls for $ .60 .00 " " .80 .50 " " 1.20 1.75 " " 1.40 2.00 " " 1.60 2.50 " " 1.75 3.00 " " 2.40 3.50 " " 2.80 Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts at at at at $6.75 5.25 4.25 295 Suits TWO WEEKS Suits Suits Suits Suits at at at at $14.80 12.80 10.00 8.00 fnau i-fthlmira. onions. Deans ana melons timothv. clover, alfalfa, bluegrass and cheat do well. The soil and climate are rii.ht. Wi d fruits are in abundance. l.Ri-t year I cut t o crops of alfalfa from m'v land. receiving eight tons from 'and pastured the meadow till Phriatmos. I nlnnU'il a natcli of pota toes five vears ago and gathered a good crop eacli year without again planting. The ground never freeses over an inch deep. It rains a good deal in win ter, and one needs a lot of rooting to pro tect stock from cold rain. When it snows it falls straight down. I have seen snow 17 inches deep upon fence pwt, and the forest festooned like a fairy dream, exquisitely beautiful. Game and tish abound. Every little stream has trout; and hear and deer roam the mountains and belong to who ever will kill them. Vwv valuable timber abounds here, many trees 2lX) feet high and eight feet in diameter, principally hr ana yeiiow White River, Ivor bR.f-a-.25 ?24.50 Shorts, per ton.. J5.00 Bran and Shorts.. .$22.50 22.00 Mcdonald pine. Much ol the land ii not hard 10 clear. Two men-and a team with a stomp puller can grub an acre iu three days. this is a fine stock country ; fine graite and plenty ol water most of the year. beeves eet as tat on grass as uo stait iea beeves in Iowa. It is also a dairy coun try. Butter brings 40 to 60 cents a roll (two pounds) the year round. There is no end to opportunities, oaw mills, shingle mills, cheese factories in mci, anyming uiai you ciiuubb iu uu, pay. We only lack people to develop in i a new country. Land is cheap on the Washington side. Everybody has more than he needs and many will sell Bmall tracts. These opportunities will not last always. E. H. s: IDE IMAGER. At a meeting of the directors of the Fruit Growers' union last Saturday, T. R. Coon's resignation from the board was accepted and J. W. Morton was ap pointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Gess ling's resignation as secretary was ac cepted and E. H. Shepard elected in his stead, whi le Mr. Gessling was elect ed to fill the vacancy in the presidency, The board of directors were very anx ious for Mr. Gessling to remain as the active manager for another year, but he E. II. 811 EPA RD, Elected Manager Hood River Fruit Grow ers' Union. positively declined to do so, although he agrees to aid them in every way that he possibly can. He has worked very hard the past four years to make a suc cess of the union, and he now wishes to take a rest. Mr. Shepard very reluc tantly accented the position, but as he is a very able business man, the straw berrv growers can rest assured that their interests are in safe hands. Tom Calkins Wins Second Prize. The Farm Journal of Philadelphia offered $25 in prizes for the seven most practical and useful articles on combat ing the San Jose Bcale louse. The firt prize, $10, was won by Frank Dexter of Los Gatoa, Cal. . Thomas Culkins of Hood River won second prize, $5. We copy below the prize article Dy nir. Dexter and the comments by the tarm Journal. It says: Our Folks are familiar with the rcc ord of the Farm Journal, in connection with N. P. Creely of Burlington, fl. J. In introducing the lime, sulphur and salt remedy east of the Kocky mount ains. an effective remedy which had for years been tabooed by those who spoke by authority; and now it seems likely that we nave anomer agreeame sumrise lor eastern iruu cunurisiB making known something better with wbieh to fight the worst insect pest ever knowu in thiscoinitry. We must not. however. I too sanguine; we sim. ply offer Mr. Dexler's method, feeling that H snouui nave a niir iriui. FRANK DEXTEK'B PHIZE ARTICLE. As soon as the leaves full the trees should be closely pruned. Saw out every limb that can be spared and cut out the smaller limbs and twigs until the tree looks thin. Cut the center out well so that the spray can euter and the sun afterwards. Commence pruu ing as soon as the fruit is gathered if the weather permits, but do not spray with the leaves on. Gather and burn the cuttings soon after pruning. Draw the dirt away from the trunk down to the roots and brush the trunk. If the hark is rough it should be scraped. Dissolve one pound of caustic soil a 78 per cent) in avery six gallons of water. In spraying, wet every part of the tree. Spray when there Is no wind, and finish not later than Febrbary 1 in warm climates and March 1 in cold climates. lUpeat the spraying after a rain, or after two weeks with no rain. The caustic wash is more effective than the lime, sulphur and salt, as it spreads better and Is not so troublesome to make or to put on. If orchards are near together, all ownein should spiay, or the work will be lost. Two sprayings may nave to he done the following year. One is not siirtlcieiit. as the young run from the dving mothers. This wash win not in jure any Ulna or iruu iree it put on when tue tree is dormant. As to the sprayer, any good pump will do. Use two lines of hose if the orchard Is large. The btnnboo rous nWI have a tube too small tor good work. Take an eight-foot piece of three-eighths galvanized iron pipe. Cut off nine inches, which put half way into the end of twenty feet of half-Inch hose of the best quality. 1'ut a nuriing (wire on well) on each piece ol me pipe and a half-Inch glow vsive neiween them. Then put a double eroiore! noule on end of rod, Urst slipping over the rod two nitcea if old half-inch hoe, one and half inches long, to keep the nray from the hands. Kpuraie me piece about six inches and place the tnnniiH that distance from the norzle. Turn the lira of nozzle down, so that by turning the roil every iwig ami ine under side or the limns may w rcacneu hv the snrav. Do the work so well tht a rirv siot can not lie found, but the unrnv should not form in drops Ufr der the iiml". I'ae a medium hole In tin if the wind is liifht. and a fine hole if there is no wind. Agitate the nu.teriid nt short iulervuls. Jb1 Piece f Pirdie. rirtlnd Journal. "The Hod River valley i Just a piece miied off Paradise to f how hat the : 1 T l. X Wil urn. president t f the Huod River Apple tirowere union, alio is in Portland day. Mr. Wilton displayed a gold medal . -f j-.'V- & ... . 4 - ) II I III '- ' ' '' ' awarded for the best display of apples at the arid states' fruit exhibit held at Og den, Utah, September 15 last. Mr. Wilson is a strong advocate ol spraying, and knows from actual ex perience what the results are. "I took special notice of seven trees last year," he said. "One of them, a Baldwin, I missed when I sprayed the first time, so I let it go on purpose. I gathered over a box of apples from it,1 and every one w as wormy. Another Baldwin that was sprayed bore 66 large apples, and not one was marred by an insect. "The apple crop of the Hood River country last season was in round num bers about 60,000 boxes. There are be tween 50,000 and 75,000 acres of tillable land in the valley but less than one tenth is under cultivation and of this less than one-tenth is bearing fruit. LaBt spring the strawberry crop amount ed to 80,000 crates of 24 pounds each, or 1,920,000 pounds. "But apples are our mainstay. We raise pears and cherries in abundance, and can grow any fruit adapted to the climate of Oregon. Prunes do well, but these orchards are being cut down and replaced, for there is no money in this fruit. "We have had delightful weather this winter, with just a little snow. The scenery around Hood River is magnifi cent. VVe are but 15 miles from Mount Hood, and Mount Adams is 35 miles away. Hood River Plauts 50,000 Trees. Portland Oregonlan. The orchardists of Hood River valley have not vet as many apple trees or apples as thev want, judging from the statement of E L. Smith, who says that already over 50,000 yearling trees have been ordered from various nurserymen, n the Willamette valley principally, for planting out in the spring. A large amount ot worn is ueing none n the way of clearing hind lo be planted to apples, as may be kimwii from the fact that a carload ot plump pullers is en route from the Fast to be iifed in this work. The car contains 20 tiinchiiics.lS of which are two-horse mucliiiies.weigli ing 1,200 pounds each, and the other two, one-horse machines, the trees to be removed are principally grub oaks and oaks, some two feet in diameter iu.il and some pine and fir. As to the var ieties to be planted Mr. Smith save over ninu-tenllis ot the d),UU) include only three varieties, lellow Newtowi s, Spitzenburgs and JouaUiAiis, the latter a seedling trom tlieSpitzeiimirg, and as may be imagined, a very choice fruit. All orchardists agree that there are too many varieties of apples in cultiva tion, many ol which aw of inferior qual ity toothers, but the trouble is that there are so many good ones it is dilti- cult to conclude w hich is the beBt. The list must, however, be thinned out, as new varieties are constantly being origi nated, and there ia no telling what the apple may come to in a few years. "Pipe" Dream From Portland. Portland Oregonlan A prospective fruit grower who has been looking over the Hood River or chards, takes exception to the statement of K. L. Smith, of that place, published a few days ago to the effect that irriga tion is used in only three or four places in Hood Kiver valley. The visitor says the water is laid on through pipes in most of the tracts in the valley and the pipes are constantly being extended. This is explained by the fact that the water is used in most cases for irrigating strawberry plats and in very few cases for irrigating orchards. The cultivation of orchards is found to conserve the moisture of the ground, which is all that is necessary as a general thing to produce perfect apples of good keeping quality. As there were no less than 100 carloads ot strawberries shipped trom Hood River berry patches last season, it was found desirable to irrigate many of these patches in order to give the best results, and as water is so plentiful and the necessary pressure for distribution so easily obtained, a system of pipes is beina itradnallv laid throughout the val ley. A few orchards in Hood River val ley are irrigated to some extent as, for instance, that of Sears & Porter, iu which 2?4 acres yielded this season 2,000 boxes ot second grade apples. trees bearing such a crop may well be excused for being thirsty occasionally. The newcomer who presumed to critizise the statements of E. L. Smith on apple growing in Hood River put himself and the Oregonlan reporter who permitted himself to be bored in a most ridiculous light. For informa tion of those who don't know, it may be said that few Hood River orchards are irrigated, but no one tbiuks of growing berries without water. In justice to Sears & Porter, it must be said they don't produce anything but first-class apples. WHEN ONE IS A GUEST. the Pleasures of Tlsltlns an tfca Datles ot tha Visitor. It is a pleasing sensation to wake up In the morning and feel that one is luest Strange wall papers and strange furniture surround one's bed, and there is a strange view out of the window. All the Jostling demons of worry, anx iety and responsibility, whether domes tic or professional, who stand ready to crowd upon our consciousness vanisn in the unfamiliar environment. vs have got away out of the claws of th usual and lie blissfully waiting tor a knock at the door which shall have an unfamiliar sound. Downstairs we find new faces, new nlcturcs. strange books, a iresu sxanu- nnlnt Life has a new savor. We taste It everywhere in trie atmospnere anu In the conversation, even in the bread and the salt Our first sensation is that everything depends upon somebody else. It is nothing to do with us what ever happens. But presently the old truism of our childhood, that every sit uation in life has Its duties, comes back to our mind, and though with our wak ing thoughts we cast off those of the home dweller we must Immediately prepnre to take on those of a guest, at least if we are constitutionally con sclentlous, which, alas, all guests are not They may indeed be divided by this conscience test into visiting sheep and visiting goats. I The motto of the conscient'ius guest Is Mme. Mohl's well known fcaylng. "It Is a shame to eat another man's bread and give hira nothing In returnr Such a one should be a joy to his hostess, but In the holiday world of hosts and guests, as In workaday life, good Inten tions do not always Insure success. The conscientious sometimes fall where the unconscientious succeed. London Spec tator. THE SENSE OF SMELL. T Akorla-lae af Per Ha Derel apea It Waaaerfally. How infinitely minute must be the oarticlc that emanate from the object to - -tiii-h the doe to tracking, aaya the i.,, vU- It tbe matter is ex- Stock Taking Time And we have ' But from a well-selecttxl i .stock;- which will be more than doubled in the next few weeks, we will continue to give best possible valut'S' at the right price. II FREE DELIVERY. Mt. Hood ; .wl! i. , " tremely divisible. The tenth part or. a grain of musk will continue for years, to fill a room with Its odoriferous par ticles and at the end of that time. will. not be appreciably diminished In weight by the finest balance. A cubic luch of air rising from the flame of a Bunsen burner 1ms been fouud to. cou tain no fewer than 489.000,000 dust par ticles. A drop of blood which might be suspended from the point of r needle- contains about a million or. red flat tened corpuscles. Still, though matter Is bo marvelously divisible, the olfac-' tory nerves are infinitely more sensi tive. Much has yet to be, investigated with rpirard to the differentiation of the points in these nerves so that they may discriminate with such apparent; Iv miraculous nccuracy. Yet.veii the results iu the scent of dogs show how marvelously fine is their discriminating power. Our sense of smell, unless in the trained chemist, is not even so acute as that of the semisavage. The aborigines of Peru can in the darkest night and in the thickest woods distin guish respectively a white man,, a ne gro and one of their own race by the smell. Much we have gained by-civilisation, but not without some losso our bodily energies and senses. Man's re cuperative power after an injury Is irj the inverse ratio to his social.advnnce ment. Similarly he seems to become less acute and delicate In the souse ot smell as he fares better and lives more comfortably. The faithful dog puts him to shame. Greek Nones. We learn that the nose of Socrates was not Greek, but such as Greek art-. Ists usually assigned to satyrs, eca sionally, as in a beautiful group of a satyr playlug dice with a .nymph on- a bronze mirror, they gave satyrs anoth er kind of nose. The noses of the la dies in the Tanngra terra cotta ore' of all agreeable orders of nose, not neces sarily Greek. The chances are that the Greeks varied as much as we, do in their noses, while the tradition of their art preferred the conventional straight nose. In the same way the kind of Ro; mans who had their portraits done on coins and gems were just the Bort .of energetic, conquering people who have Roman noses everywhere, like William of Orange and the Duke of Wellington. London Saturday Review. Tha Letter Came Back. A circumstantial fish story is told by the London News. The captain of the steamer Bemtlder of Lelth. on a voyage Horse for Sale. I have three horses, raniilnir In wrielil from tooo to 12TO ponndw; will sell either one. Pur- j chaser cun have tils pieK. dlT J. V AlU Hl I-.ll-S Mown imhiu. BON TON BARBER SHOP. L. C HAYSEH, Prop. The place to get an easy h', an up-to-date hair cut, and to ee'o the luxury of a porcelain bath tub. E. A. SOULE, ontractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Fr.RxisHKr Upon Application. ' dl STUIIP PULLERS. We carry acoiniMe stock of W.Jmlthriihlrrii.'Mne,.ln.', wtrc cable, rope shortneni, blocks, root hooka, ete., tor which ire general agents for Oregon and WushinKto1, Write tZt Ciitnloiruc. ' ' ' ONLY exclusive Hardware Store in THE DALLES," OR. No. 2 boon . unable to find any Shelf-Worn Shoddy g'ootte with us, No Clearance Sale yy.-.. Comber Company to.Cliiiyi, inrew sj puiidte oi oiu letter overboil rd iii' the' Mediterranean. Some rtfinlsh ''fiMionnPii' of Aguilnti. near OfrXajrena; Inter caught a largo fish' n'mV.'on -opening it found a bundle of letters , inside. They took ' this to the mayor. ' who managed to decipher in one the name nrtd nddivM.of the super intendent of the bteamshlp Hue iu Lon don and' thus to restore the letters to (heir owner. . ...... . . Orlr?in"of ilip; llaumim. '' The-hansrim-was the indention of Jo seplr nanioiri, the architect of the Eir minsham town hull. Hut the two wheeled tab which .he patented In 1S34 little resembles the! vehicle which now bears his ndme. It had. a square, sedan 'clmir sjn'utcd body hung between two wheels nearly eight feet high. The driver's scat was in front, as also was the door. , The .fare entered the cab be tween the wheel and shaft. The mod ern hansom was nduptcd from this original by Messrs. Gillet and Chap man. It is M peculiarly English vehi- icla,.,and no foreign nation has ever compassed -the dogged courage of the Briton who can sit calmly Inside it London Chronicle. Ucr Fear. Maud Wluit makes youso- jiwfally nervous, jdoaf? Clara Why, Fred Is to have an interview-with'papa this afternoon. "Oh!"And you are afraid your father will not give his consent?" "No; I'm nf raid, Fred won't show up." , .. A, .Mathematician. "Father," said- the little boy, "what is a umathematician?". ."A mathematician, my son, is a man who can calculate the distance be tween the most remote stars ahd.wbo Is Habieto'be flimflammed in changing n two dollar bill." Washington Star. A Late Sapper. A.lvery' steady and. serious country gentie.mau' had Joined a newly .estab lished London west end club which of , fered the' advantage of bedrooms for country tiiciWer3 temporarily in town. ivWlirn ncxt'the squire visited the mod ern Bahylori hc pufun for the night at the 'duff, wiilch had In the meantime Wnrhe 'extremely fashionable and Its Oregon Nursery Co. .Kor llrst-fliiss. whole rooted iind budded Trees, send your order to the old reliable 'Oregon Nu'fkerv l'., ul Sftlein, Oregon. t We hsve yet tut sale a few more thousand rllsl-i-lHSH Newtown pippins, NpitxenlHirgs, and a full Hue of all other varieties of ap ples and general nursery sloi-k. Now is the time to place yoijr or,der, before all the best trees are sold. C T-IUWPON. F.H.STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. Wedt'sire to lot our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number " Cherry, Pear;Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can t Ripply .the tratle with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen ! lerg and Jonathan apple trees. . RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. 7. --Y V' -tS'.-cj; 7 "ft is Here or Is On PHONE 61. hours -correspondingly Irregular. The squire went to bed at an early hour, when all was quiet and decorous. If there were a racket in the night he elept through it .Next morning be came down to breakfast at his usual hour, 8 o clock, but wag surprised to find the room in the middle of the dusting process and not a cloth on the tables! While he was gazing helplessly around a sleepy eyed waiter came up to him. "I beg your pardon, sir," he said apol ogetically, "but no suppers can be served after half past 7." London TU BUS. , Optimists. The people who are most skillful ul seeing the silver lining to the cloud aw nsunlly the nmbrellaless ones that blockade your doorway while waiting for the rain to stop. Judge. COTTAGE Meat Market. Iam prepared to furnish the public with the best of Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard, all kinds of Fresh Vegetables Chickens and Eggs, at the lowest prices. FREE DELIVERY. Phone J.T. HOLMAN. pees TRUE TO NAME. I have for sale tliln xeimnn, 10,000 Yellow Newtown Pippins; fi.OIIO Hplwenlurn: 2,000 ArkiuiHiiH Blin k. Griiflod on whole roots and from scions tlint were carefully selected from sotneof the best bearing trees In Hood Hlver valley. I do not .hesiutle lo guarantee ,ny trees true to name. Hend for prices to MILWAUKEE NUKHKKIGS, N. B.-Harvey, Prop. Milwaukee, Or. F. E. STRANG, local agent. wmmm. Apple ,KhT o