The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 31, 1903, Image 4

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. . ' -- " "' I
WE" mo
When you are trying to think what to buy for your
friends, drop in and see our
Special Holiday Goods
TIES All the latest and
prettiest patterns.
largest assortment in pure
linen, silk and lace patterns
The most attractive goods
and the most attractive
MUFFLERS and Gloves.
FANCY BOXES-for your
gloves, ties, etc.
SHAWLS Silk ones in the
most attractive designs.
ICE WOOLS and Fasci
FURS A few nice pieces left
and they are of the HEAL
FUR. too the kind that
you want for a present.
and Children, very dainty;
very pretty in Felt or Vel
vet. Exclusive styles in
Men's Slippers.
WRIST BAGS Beads and
many other useful articles
appropriate to the season
The following comments from news
papers in different parta of the United
States are interesting and of particular
interest to the people of Hood River:
Bural Mail Service In Peril.
Portland Oregonlan.
The need of adequate pay for rural
mail carriers in the free delivery system
has been answered by the argument
that the present pay seems sufficient to
secure plenty of carriers, and para
graph in these columns the other day
carried a partial endorsement of this
objection. In so far as our utterance
seemed to oppose the application of the
carriers for increased pay we wish to
disavow it entirely. An investigation
of the subject has shown us that the
facts are wholly otherwise and that the
evidence on which the view adverse to
the carriers was commended was erro
. neus. The truth appears that the car
riers are under paid to the extent that
the service is badly crippled and in dan
ger of collapse.
Inquiry develops the knowledge that
$000 a year is not sufficient salary to
make the free delivery service attractive
to desirable and efficient men. The car
riers first appointed have been resigning
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho,as in
other parts of the United States where
the wage-scale is nigh. .Kecenuy ai
Hood Kiver a rural letter route was sus
pended for two weeks because no man
could be found who would accept it for
the pay given. Finally the patrons of
the route collected a.aubsidy of 1250 to
put the route into operation, itm pian
has been followed in other parts of the
is or th west.
During the wheat harvest there were
so many reeianatnns in ha. tern wash
ineton and Northern Idaho tha it was
with great difficulty that the routes
were kept In operation. At mmeu
and other points in Idahe carriers could
be secured only by the prospect that the
recommendation ol a mirth . Assistant
PostBiaster-Oeneral Bristow, as to in
crease of pay from 600 to $750 a year
would be embodiou .Into law Dy con
Kress. ! "
The present pay of -rural carriers may
be sufficient in some portion of the
hast and south whereon the agnail tur
al districts, the wage scale ia low. But
there is every evidence that on the Pa
citic coast and in many other parts of
the country where the cost ol living ana
maintaining horses and vehicles is
increasing, the present salary of ftiOO a
vear is not suthcient ror rural carriers.
Everything the Oregon and Washington
delegations in congress can do to fur
ther this much-needed iaacrovement
should be done, and we believe ,will be
Let Them do Express Jobs.
New York Independent.
Of course, rural free delivery dwes not
pay : distances are too ureal ia the court
try. But it is a convenience that will
Real Estate Ian
Offers the Following
Bargains this Week
No 11. 10 a. good apple land under ditch $ 400
10 a. good early berry land, 5 bearing 2,000
10 a. fine every way for good home 4,500
17 a. mostly berries; house, free water.. 3,500
120 a. partly cleared. G miles out. 80
acres under ditch 2,200
20 a. best of apple land, 6 miles out on
the East Side 2,000
20 a. 2-year-old orchard best varieties 3,000
05 a. 4 m. out; 3 in berries; orchard 9.. 7,000
10 a. partly cleared; good soil,buildings 1,850
100 a. tract fine apple land on Willow
Flat, price per acre. 100
210 a., 120 Rcres good saw-timber, mill
on the place, GO acres in grass, vounr
, bearing orchard, buildings and tools... 10,000
100 a, half cleared, several acres in ber
ries and apples 5,500
SO a. in clover, fine for apples, berries... 4,000
120 a. nearly all cleared; 7 miles from
town, some fruit, best of apple land 4,800
11 -room house and lot $
3 large lots, G-room house, free water, in Blow
ers addition l,6oo
8 good lots on the hill for. 75o
Corner lot, fine location, new 2-story house.barn l,5oo
Good house and large lot on the hill for 4oo
Lots in Coe's 1st, 2d and 3d additions; call at
office to look at plat.
Choice lots on the hill, including Thompson Blk.
6 acres inside the city limits, to be sold
as acreage property, a good investment,
not be given up. Mr. liristow. the super
intendent of this department, recom
mends that the carriers be forbidden to
d. business for their patrons, just as
city -warriors are forbiddeu. But this
- . . i t . i
cunnot be emorceu. .uue exprens ju"o
they will be sure to do. to the great con
venience of their patrons. Thus, news
papers want the carriers to take sub
scriptions; and we do not see why
they should not even be required to do
to wuen uenireu, jum it 10 uuuc iu
postal departments abroad. the ma
chinery would be as simple at Wat as
our money order business. We know
that many people who want to renew a.
subscription neglect to do it because it
is so unconvenient to go to a post office
for a postal order or to a bank for a
check. But this is in the line of the
next great advance in our postal busi
ness, which will provide a parcels poet,
to the beneht ol everybody except the
express companies, which will always
oppose it.
Rural Free Delivery Here to Slay.
Whether wise and economical or not,
rural free delivery has come to stay .and
w ill eventually cover the whole country,
says the Washington correspondent of
the New York Evening Post. Fifteen
thousand routes were in operation on
June 30, aud applications before the de
partment tor twelve thousand more
were then pending. Extensive addi
tions have been made to this list in the
last five months. Representative Sper--
ry of Connecticut, who became post
master ot -lew Haven in 1801, relates
that when, toward the close of the civil
war, the first free currier was put on in
thai citv, one of the substantial citi
.wis came to him, asking almost iu in
dignation.if anybody was foolish 'enonuh
to want the government to tend a man
around to people 8 houses with mat
a hen it could not get men enough to
di'feud its life on the battlefield. This
man was among many w ho thought let
ter carriers a useless luxury 111 such a
city as New Haven; but today he would
n ml no sympathizers, the rural tree
delivery, although a generation later in
coming, is exactly as secure. For tiie
year beginning next July, it will cost
the government, according to present
estimates, $47,000,000 for all the home
delivery of mails, or as much as the en
tire postal establishment cost in 18.4.
And all kinds of letter carriers want
more pay
The cumhersomeiiess of business man
agement by the government shows itseff
in the requirement of uniformity of com
pensation. Uncle Sam obviously canno'
hire rural carriers at prices varying acs
cording to the prevailing scale of wages
in the different parts of the country, at
would a private employer. The result
is that he must pay salaries everywhere
as high as are necessary to sustain the
service at its most expensive point. The
present compensation of $(K) a year for
rural carriers, although double thai
which it was estimated would be neces
sary when the service was established,
has proved so inadequate in certain
places that Mr. Bristow thinks congress
should raise it to 7.)U lor the twenty
five-mile routes. Even there uniform
ity is clumsy. Twenty-five miles acre s.
mountainous country would wear out
horseB more than twice as fast ae that
distance on the level cornfield lands of
Indiana. The contract system would
adjust the inequalities, but coniires
would never consider thatjits advocates
were badly beaten out in its last at
tempt, aud the argument is not wholly
with them. There are other considera
tions beside economy
Few more potent agencies of postal
transformation have ever been set on
foot than rural delivery. It ought to be
Kept out ot politics. 1 he trouble in do
ing that comes from the overpayment
which uniformity enjoins in certain
quarters. As long as any class of Uncle
bam s servants are paid more than their
oulooking neighbors can earn, these on
lookers will demand rotation. At least
that has been the American experience
inus tar.
(lacier Clubbing Kates,
When renewing your subscription to
the tilacier it might be well to remem
bur that we give clubbing rates to some
excellent Eastern papers. The Inter
Ucean, that sterling republican paper
and all-round newspaperman bo secured
for 40 cents through clubbing with the
Glacier. The Inter Ocean has a page of
up-to-date farm and horticultural news.
The Twice a-Week Republic, a demo
cratic paper, can be had for 50 cents
added to the price of the Glacier. The
Repnblic is a great newspaper, and like
the Inter Ucean, its news columns are
reliable and impartial, without regard to
politics. One issue of the week of the
Republic gives a supplement devoted to
larm and horticultural news that is well
worth the price of the paper.
The Toledo Wade. a thoroughly reuub
lican paper, but a weekly made up for
the family more than for the politician,
can be had through the Glacier for 50
cents a year.
But for a home agricultural journal
ft journal made up expressly for the far
mer and iruit grower of Oregon and
Washington the Rural Northwest
stands at t' e head and should have the
largest circulation of any farm paper on
the Pacific coast. H. M. Williamson,
the editor and proprietor, is a conscien
tious student ol the work ol the farm
and orchard. He has made it a life
study, and no more reliable farm jour
nal than the Rural Northwest is pub-
it8ned anywhere, l ie naner is imli-
lished twice a month, and in clubbing
rates can be furnished by the Ulaoier
at o cents a year.
Rector of St. Luke's.
Ashburnham. Ont.. Anril 18. 190... I
think it is only right that I should tell
you what a wonderful effect Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy has produced.
The day before Easter I was so dis
tressed with a old and cough that I did
not think to be able to take any duties
tne next uay, as my voice was almost
choked by the cough. The same dv I
received an order from yon for a sample
bottle of your cough remedy. I at once
procured a sample bottle, and took about
three doses of the medicine. To mv
great relief the rfniiih and cold di
peared and I Ktis i.hle to preach three
times on EaMer day. I know that this
rapid and effective cure was due to your
.WM1..I. ..!.. t i. .i' ..r
vu,.i. ituicuj. i uinite whs M'HlimO-
nial wituout solicitation, being thank
ful to have found sueh a Ood-w-nt rem.
edy. Respectfully yours, E. A. Lang
feldt, M. A. . Rector of Ft.I.nke'n rhnrrh
To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This rem
edy ia for rale by all druggit-ts.
Head About to Burst.
"I had a severe bilious attack and
fell like my head was about tn hnwi
when 1 got hold of a free sample of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets I took a dose of them after sup
per aim me next uav leit like a new
man and have been feeling happy ever
since," says J. W. Smith of Juliff', Tex
as. or biliousness, stomach trouble
and constipation these tablets have no
equal. Price 25e. For sale by all drug
gist. rieht Will be Bitter.
Those mho will persist in closing their
ears against the continual recommen-
H -1 inn f .f I Ir Kino V - .. - .
- - - ' - - ' : " - " , 1 1
consumption, will have a long an.( bit
ter fight with their trnnhW if ti i .t ml
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read
what T. R. Beall, of Ilea II, Miss., Las to
sav:"I.ast fall mv wife had every symp
tom of consumption. She took L)r.
King's New discovery after everything
else had failed. Improvement came at
once and four botilee entirely cured her."
Guaranteed by Chap. N. Clarke, Drug
gist. Price 50c, ani fl. Trial bottles
Letters From the Southland.
Santa Barbara. Cal.. Dec. 24, 1903.
Editor Glacier: We arrived here the
evening of the ISth. It has been pretty
cool ; frost this morning; warm in the
middle of the dav. 1 he town is ton old
to suit me. Sights are scarce and hard
to find. One business street in the city,
about one mile long. Rent of rooms are
high. Jieef lo to 30 cents p' r pound,
potatoes two cents per pound, and every
thing in proportion. There has been no
rain here sfnee last March, and some
stock is dying of starvation. But when
tliiB country gets old enough to supply
the city this place may do better.
We will leave here Saturday morning
for some place farther south, maybe
Long Beach for a few days. We are
well and enjoying ourselves as well as
we can. they are looking for their har
vest of tourists here now. Some have
already arrived. Climate and tourists
are their main support. Got the Gla-
cer l uesclay, U. K. 1. tiKNB,'.
Covina, Cal., Dec. 23, 1903. Editor
Glacier: I arrived in l.os Angeles No
vember , from 1 'arsons, Kan. Los An
geles is quite a busy city; warm and
pleasan. but very Smoky." I went from
there to eawtelle on the electric car,
where the soldiers' home is located, 17
miles from Los Angeles. In that section
they produce beans.walnuts and ligs.The
hav is barley, oats, and bean straw.
Tom Bishop arrived November 30 and
then we moved to Santa Monica, on the
beach, four miles away, where we stayed
tor two weeks.
8anta Monica is a summer resort
There are two pleasure piers, several
bath houses and plunges. We came
here to Covina the Lth. Covina is 23
miles east of Los Angeles, iu the San
Gabi'it I valley. Elevation, 657 feet. It
is mostly oranges aud a few lemons here.
Picking will begin about the first of the
year. The orange trees require a great
deal of care and attention, such aa cul
tivating, irrigating, fumigating and
spraying. We have had two light frosts.
There has been no rain here yet this
Everything here is on wheels and I
expect Christmas will be. The land
agents here are as plentiful as they are
in Hood River. 1 have been out two
davB with them and expect to go out
tomorrow. To be continued.
L. D. Blount.
At the Theater.
One of the most annoying thing in
the world Is to go to the theater and
ait back of a man who has been to see
the piny and insists upon telling big
companion all about the performance
and what's coming next. The other
night at one of the local playhouses a
man was greatly annoyed by the occu
pant of the sent in front of him talk
ing In a loud voice about what was
going to happen on the stage. Finally,
when the talk became incessant, tie
"What an infernal nuisance!'
The man In front turned around and
said in a threatening voice:
"Do you refer to me, sir?"
"No, indeed," replied the man In the
row behind. "I was simply saying
what I thought of the actors. Tbcy
are making so much noise that I can't
hear one-half of your interesting and
valuable conversation." Philadelphia
You want one now
that fall has come.
Drop in and see what
Savage has in the
stove line. Also ex
amine the many
other goods that are
unpacked daily at
A She Understood It.
A pretty rosy cheeked country girl
entered one of our Inrge department
stores. It was bargain day, and tha
crowd was greater than usual. She
bad wandered about from floor to
floor, a little bewildered at the magni
tude of the establishment, the largest
she had ever seen.
Seeing her, a floorwalker approached
and said, "ia anyuouy waning wj
"Yes. Blr," said the girl, blushing to
the roots or her flaxen hair. "He's out
side; he wouldn't come in." Philadel
phia Ledger.
. "Wasn't the execution of the man
Who stole horses a trifle Irregular?"
"It was Jes' as regMar as we could
make it" answered Bronco Bob stoutly.
"Course we didn't have no Judge or
Jury handy. But we captured the feller
on Wednesday an' put off the hangin'
till Friday, so's to have It accordln' to
custom." Washington Star.
The Bride' Critic.
"Now that we are married, dear,"
tald the bridegroom, "you have a eri
oiis task before you."
"Why, George, what is it?"
"You must prove to my three sisters
that you are worthy of me." Philadel
phia Press.
Some people make money by spend
ing it Atchison Globe.
A Water Teat.
It Is one of the easiest things In the
world to tell pure water from the Im
pure. If you want to test th color of
the water Just fill a colorless glass bot
tle with the water and look through It
at some black object, and the distinc
tiveness with which you can aee the
object will give you an Idea as to the
amount of clay or sand there is tn the
water. Then pour out one-half the wa
ter, cork the bottle tightly and set It
in a warm place for about twenty-four
hours. Remove the cork and smell the
air In the bottle. If there is an offen
sive odor, even the slightest the water
Is unfit for domestic uses. Well water,
no mutter bow bright and sparkling, ii
nine times out of ten putrescent. Then,
as a matter of course, decomposition is
sure to set In In a day or two if you
put the bottle la a warm place.
A Slap at Wnlatler.
A young San Franciscan, the owner
of a large and valuable collection of au-tor-'-nnha,
once wrote to .lames MacNeilt
Positively Cured.
The California Mxrliivit r - mi ,
fund to the customer all money that he nays
thedrugtrliitlncase he Is not cured of Uheu-
mni.iiii uy me iih. Ol
Oil of Eden
Sweet Spirits
of Eden.
1,I:,'5;tt!iyarlaby cured, and CUBED
M. r.xv.v! tin i Lj J .
For Sale by
Agent for Hood River.
Happy New Year!
The Same to You.
Start in RIGHT this year. Trade at the RIGHT
place. Beginning the first of the year, I am going
to give you better prices than ever before.. Here
are some lines for a starter:
MEDALI0NS and framed
pictures reduced 30 per
cent, and so on down the
Don't think I am going to drop these lines.
Far from it. As soon as exhausted they will be
replaced. I am going to give you an in
ducement to trade at home.
ALBUMS The very best
qualities-ACTUALLY AT
boxes, reduced 25 per cent.
nvestment Company.
The oldest, most reliable and up-to-date Real Es
tate Agents in Hood River.
If you want an abstract;
If you want insurance written;
If vou want conveyancing done;
If you want to buy a farm, or a house and lot in
town, or sell a farm, or a house and lot,' CALX OX
t'S. "We sell more real estate than any other firm
in the city.
We have the lest list of farm and country-property
to chose from.
Information and full particulars of the surround
ing country gladly given. Mr. Prather has been a
resident of the town and valley for 24 years, and
no one is better posted in regard to Hood River
We will issue a price list of property March 1,
1001. Write for it. We will lie pleased to mail it
to you.
Correspondence solicited. Telephone main 701.
M(ia'i Uff WT
as a mode of ministering
medicine is too well
known to require argu
ment. We have on hand
all the standard kinds,
and our own pill
CLARKE'S the Rill
that WILL.
CLARKE, the Druggist.
Opposite Post Office.
Whistler, politely requesting uis signa
ture. The letter was sent In care of
the London Royal academy, with which
the famous American painter was at
outs. After four months the letter was
returned to the San Francisco address
from the dead letter ofllee In Washing
ton. Covering the envelope waa the
word, repeated numberless times, "Un
known." Tbe Rent Force.
"Man does his best when he Is haitl
put to It. Necessity, you know, Is thi
mother of Invention," said the observe!
of men and things.
"Yes," replied the benedict, "but I"
necessity were Invention's mother-In
law then you'd see how Inventio'
would have to hump ltself."-PUllail'
phla Press.
Erldencr of an Eyewlte.
Guest-Why do you believe In seco:
Bight, major?
Major Darby (lu an Impressive w!.i
per) Because I fell In love at fir
sight! Punch.
neatly and promptly. Our office i?
fully equipped w ith latest styles of
type and up-to-date material. We
carry a full line of printers station
ery, and can (111 your order for a
visiting card or a full-page color
poster. Have your stationery
printed by
Meat Market.
McGumE Bros., Propr's.
Dealers In Kresh Biid Cured Xluata, Lard
I .niltry. Fruits und VeKUit)le8.
Kree Delivery.
The Veterinary
II an returned to Hood Kiver and Is prepared
to do any work In the veterinary lino. He
run be found by calling at or plionlu lo
CUike'a drug tre.
X rVhooan,
and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
S. H. COX.
On Hie Mount Hood road, South
of town, keeps constantly on hand
the best quality of
Groceries, I lav, Grain & Feed,
At Lowest Prices.
k22 I). K. r.AMAR, Prop.
"belieu &Tkea,
& Builders.
j-Plakk akd Kstimatks Fi-knisiikd-s
Watch For
BARTMESS' Xmas Display
There is no more useful or appropriate present
than some article of Furniture. If you are unde
cided in your choice, drop in and I will try to as
aist you by showing- you articles that are always
in dace for Christmas presents. In a, few days I
shall be ready to occupy my
which will give me more than 10,000 square feet of
floor space, and will assure an abundance of room
to display the class of goods in keeping with the
growth of the city. Lowest prices guaranteed.
Doors and Windows. All Kinds Build
ing Material.
Is unapproached in Hood River Valley.
Studebaker Wagons and Vehicles.
Canton Agricultural Implements.
Kimball Orchard Cultivators.
Pomona Spray Pumps.
Harness and Saddles,
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hood River, Oregon.
Civil Engineer and Surveyer
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
first-Till turn., nt m11 n- !. " 7"u "11