The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 31, 1903, Image 3

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I am positively going out of the Grocery busi
ness. Having secured an agency from It. M.
Wade's Implement house, I am anxious to make
room for the new line. By February 1, our stock
of Farming Implements, Wagons. Hacks, Mowers,
Hakes, eto., will arrive. In order to dispose of my
renuvinirg stock of Groceries and Hardware, I
have decided to sell at wholesale prices. Look this
list over carefully. We will start with Canned
goods, and while we cannot mention the price of
every article separately, wholesale prices will be
maintained throughout.
Canned Goods
Tomatoes, Fountain Brand,
1 can 10c; 3 cans 25c
Peas and Beans, per can 10c
Carnation cream, 10c a can
3 for 25c.
K C Peaches, regular 30c
cans now 20c.
Fountain Peaches; regular
20c cans now 15c.
Salmon, regular 10c cans
now 3 for 2oc.
Cann'd Meats
Ham Loaf...: 10c
Vienna Sausage 10 to 15c
Corned Href, Ists .12e.
lloast Beef, lsts 15c
Corned Beef Hash, lsts 17Jc
Shrimp Lobster 17c
Clams, etc., all reduced.
Maple Syrup
1 gal ca ns, regular price
1.75, now .....1.35
gal cans, regular price
J)0c, now 70
1 qt cans, regular price
50c, now 40
1 qt bottles 15
gal Pancake Dripts... .40
1 qt peerless Drips, 15c.
2 for .25
Koekleandy Drips, 2 gal
Jackets 1.10
Iowa Sorghum, pure, 2 .
gal pails 1.00
Crescent New Orleans,
1 gal 70
Loose, per gal .- 50
Dried Fruits
and Nuts
Itoyal Club Raisins and this yr's
pack, per pkg 10c
English Walnuts, new... 17c
Almonds, new 10c
We have a fine line of Decorated Vase
Lamps just t he thing for a New Year present.
We have placed a reduction of 33! per cent on
Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves and Ranges of
the very best makes I have decided to include in
this sale, and will save you at least 25 per Cent-
One six N-inch hole Steel Range, warming clos
et and large reservoir $38.00.
One Bourne Range, warming closet and reser
voir 38.00
Heating Stoves and Oil Stoves, Graniteware,
Tinware and Wooden wan--all ('FT to COST.
Bring along any wholesale catalogue, and I
will sell to you at the prices given not excepting
Jones, the man who pays the firight.
Also have a lot of Clover Hay and Dry .Oak
Wood. Flour and Feed at wholesale at warehouse
on track.
All sales for CASH, or good bankable
paper. No credit given.
1. 1. AI
Out Sale.
12 oz cans .-. .35
G oz cans... 17
2 lb cans 1.00
Force, per pkg 13c
Jumbo Mush 10c, 3 for.. .25c
Buckwheat flour 10c
Pancake flour 10c
Cream of Wheat 15c
Shreaded Biscuits 15c
or 2 for 25c
Rice, good quality, Japan
per lb Gc
Rolled Oats, 0 lb sack...35c
Corn Meal, 10 lb sack 25c
Shilling's teas
12 oz pkg 40c
( oz pkg. 20c
Fountain Chop, per lb 40c
lb, same.. 20c
17 lbs for 1 dollar; per sack
according to the market.
Small White ones, any quan
tity, per lb, 4c.
Star and Horse Shoe, 45c
Fairy, G bars ,...25c
Glicerine, (5 bars 25c
Golden Star, 7 bars 25c
20 lb bx Golden Star 65c
Santa Clans, 7 bars... 25c
3 lb pkg Borax Washing
Powder 20c
3 lb pkg Gold Dust 20c
-" : s
V -
tAv MM xT
The above picture of IIhiip Lage will
be readily recognized by his many
friends in Hood River. The day before
Christmas Mr. Lage came to town to
ftrocure some necessary articles to en
iven the programme rendered at the
l ine Urove echool liouse uiiristmas eve.
Anions' other thines was a pint; hat.
The hat he immediately prom (led to
wear, and as he stepped into the Mount
Hood hotel wearing the top hat his
friendo there thought the hat so he
coming they insisted on his having liif
picture taken in it for the Glacier. He
makes a good picture, and now that the
plug hat is again coming in fashion, Mr.
Lage should by all means wear one
when he goes from home. If ho wears
that hat to the next county convention
his party will surely send him to the leg
islature. The picture was taken in a
spirit of fun, and no one'entered into it
more heartily than Mr. Lage.
Hans Lage is one of Hood River's most
respected citizens, and a short sketch of
his life will not be out of place right
here. He was born March 18, 1847, in
Holstein, mw a part of Germany, since
war of 1800. He emigrated to America
in 1800, and after living about 10 years
in Iowa came to Hood River valley, and
home8teaded the now valuable quarter
section of land, his present home, near
Pine Grove school house. He was mar
ried to Miss Lena Ueock in Iowa, March
2, 1871. To them have been born nine
children, five boys aud four girls, of whom
four boys and three girls are still living.
His children, all grown to manhood
and womanhood in Hood River valley,
are among tha beet citizens, all worthy,
industrious and energetic people.
Mr. Lage aniliated with the demo
crats party until 1884. Since then he
has been an active republican and is
generally a delegate to the republican
county convention. He served as school
director about 12 years. At the organi
zation of the Roosevelt league in Hood
Uiver. December 19, VMJt, ho was chos
en one of the vice presidents.
It Is the Reflection.
White Salmon, Wash., Dec. 20, 1!H)3.
Editor Glucier: The Glacier, like a ban
ner of light, has come to us again, a
cheering, newsy home paper. And
say, Mr. Editor, if ever you called the
turn, certain, sure, and no cnniice mr
betterment, you did it when you said
"The nun shines at White Salmon, and
everything Is lovely." This epigram
should be the watchword of While Sul-
monites henceforth. It conies hard,
don't it? But come it must to many
people coming into our beautiful val
leys now. Can't hide the reflection
anv loutrer. Where there is so much
sunshine and love they are bound to
see it. The relleolion that has been
doing so much for Hood River so long,
so long, is now beginning to find some
thing high enough ana uriglic enough
in Hood River to reflect back again to
While Salmon. A Btrtinger asks, hat
are they looking at? He notices the
little bunches nt men standing upon
the corners of the streets in Hood River
and he solves the problem at once by
looking. Of cnuixo the sun shines over
the river! the reflection strikes him
and he wants to come over and see the
diamond that is milking so much light.
Result, 8 or 10 new homes have been
built, Improved farms, more apples,
more berries, more cherries, more sun
shine, more reflection. No, sir; you
good Hood River neighbors, of course,
you can't hide the reflect iou any longer
behind the Davidson Fruit company's
stamp on our early berries and prize
ringer apples, tomatoes and pumpkins.
We owe you no in win, neignoor; you
have done finely for yourselves and in
cidentally for Sunshine valley, too; and
when visitors were few at your little
burg, it was not so much of a task to
muzzle the sunshine fruit and give it
to the world enclosed in neat boxes
witli a. fine label and irrand nicture of
old Mount Hood trying to show itself
from behind a White Sulmoti straw
berry from Hood River, Oregon. And
now.alus! the berry has got large, the
reflectiou too great to many people
coming to your beautiful valley, to our
beautilul valley, It must IchK out. i- rom
mrside of this grand old river Hood
River glistens and shines and mnvts;
noble men and women dwell .there, I
jnd it elves us Dleasure as we view this
and reflect that "H Is more blessed to
give than to receive." Polish up, my
While Salmon neighbors that the re
flection may tie greater. A Nkkuibor.
Rector of St, Luke's.
A.Minrnliam. Out.. Anril 18. 1103. I
think it is only right that I should tell
on what woniiertui eneci cnamoer
nln'a rvnirii Kemeilv lias produced.
The day before Easter I was so dis
tressed with a com ana cough mat i uia
not think to be able to take any duties
iIa npTt iImv. aa mv voice was almost
choked by the cough. The same day I
received n order from you for a sample
to different games all new
( one io cich package of
Lion Goffco
at your Grocer'f,
If I U
bottle of your cough remedy. I at once
procured a sample bottle, and took about
three uosea oi Hie medicine. To my
great relief the cough and cold disap
peared and I was able to preach three
times on Easter day. I know that this
rapid and effective cure was due to your
cougn reiueuy. i iubku iihs testimo
nial without solicitation, being thank
ful to have found such a God-tent rem
edy. Respectfully yours, E. A. Lang
feldt, M. A. .Rector of St.Lnke's church
To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This rem
edy is for sal8 by all druggists.
Birthdays We Celebrate.
Following is the address of Rev. Troy
Shelley, delivered at the Christmas tree
exercises at Union church:
Amid the festivities of Cliriatiiiaetiile,
with the joyous companionship of loved
ones around us. with the siiiiiimerinu
lightsof theChristmastreehefnre ns.luad-
e iwith beautiful premjntsof winch we are
alreadv in anticipation, with si.hduinv
or soul stirring music soothing our spir
it to rest or lilting them upward toward
heaven with all thin some of us are
liable to forget what this celebration it
for the birthday of our Savior.
It is notahle'that three of our holiday
Washington's bithday, the Fourth ol
July and Christinas are birthday ce le
gations.. Kow, it we celebrate) any
birthday outside of our own family,
there must be some special reason for it.
We celebrate Washington's birthday be
cause he was the father of our country;
because, through his self-sacrificing and
unselfish spirit, we enjoy the glorious
liberty and freedom of the land in which
we live. We celebrato the Fourth of
July because it is the birthday of our
country; because, when the old liberty
bell ui rhiladelphia rang out, it marked
the day and the hour when the rule of
any European tyrant king over us was
forever at an t nd.
Why do we celebrate the Savior's
birthday? Because he, too, gave ua a
beautiful free country to live in. And
the freedom of heaven is far more glo
rious than the freedom of the United
States, for there we shall be free from
sin, free from sorrow, free from death.
And we celebrate the Savior's birthday
because he,too,delivered us from a tyrant
whose iron heel is far more crushing
than the tyranny of George III ever
was the tyrant of sin. And one of
these Bins is the sin of selfishness. There
fore, on this day,of all days in the year,
we give beautiful gifts to others, for
Jesus is the first one in the world who
taught us "It is more blessed to give
than to receive." Before Jesus cama to
the world, and before he comes to each
of us, the strife was, and always is, to
gain happiness by getting. Hut after
Jesus comes we know it is only gained
hveivinc that the fullest, dennest. inv
of the soul is reached by making others
happy, as we strive to do on His birth
day. To some of us the celebration of our
birthday, especially when we were
small, has been the most pleasing event
of our lives. We can remember when
our mother hunted the lust egg, maybe
the last nest egg on the place, and took
the last spoonful of butter in the larder,
to make us a little cake that we might
alwavs remember we were welcome to
her arms when we first opened our eves
in this world. Our only regret then
was that our birthdays were so far apart
and that we could have only one in a
Dear friend away from the Lord, you
can have another birthday, and another
birthday celebration. Jesus says "Ye
must be born again." Into that higher,
diviner life which our souls may enter,
there must be a new birth. It may not
be celebrated in your own family, or
even here on earth, but it will be cele
brated above, for he savs again there
is joy in the presence of the angels of
God over one sinner that repenteth."
Sitting here quietly tonight, thinking of
all these things, would that some of yon
who never have before, would give your
selves unreservedly to God and have a
new birthday, celebrated with the
Ililious Colic Prevented.
Take a double dose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoja Remedy as
soon as the first symptom of the disease
appears and a threatened attack may be
warded on. Hundreds of people use the
remedy in this way with perfect success.
For sale by all druggists.
It Plctnre.qaa Streets, With Their
Quaint Customs mni Traditions and
Singular Names The Story of the
Street of the Raven.
Every old city has its legends, its
stories. Its peculiar customs and Its
characteristic quarters. Of all the cit
ies iu the new world, Mexico has clus
tered within it more of legend, history,
tradition and quaint customs and peo
ple than any other. Almost every
street has its story, and these stories
cover all the gamut of the picturesque.
the horrible, the sentimental and the
In its early history the City of Mex
ico was divided into wards, or quar
ters, each one of which was the special
home of some trade or profession.
There was the Btreet or quarter of the
shoemakers, the streets of the silver
smiths, of the bakers, of the saddle
makers, of the butchers, of the watch
makers, of the silk, merchants, of the
wine sellers and so on. There was
even the street of the coffin makers.
Many of these old names still exist
though the caste-like character of the
streets has somewhat changed. One of
the most fashionable streets of the city
is Plateros, the street of the silver
smiths. Even today there are more
Jewelry shops on this street than any
other kind of business, and here still
are to be found the most fashionable
Jewelry and art curio stores of the city.
The street of the coffin makers still
exists and is now very appropriately
known as the Street of Death. It is a
narrow lane, running the length of
only one blrcfc.
Cinco de Mayo (Tith of May) street
was named In commemoration of the
decisive advantage gained by Mexican
troops over the French, which took
place upon that date. This naming of
streets, parks and public places after
dates is common in Spanish countries.
One end rf Cinco de Mayo street en
ters the Zocalo, the principal square of
the city. The Zocalo has seen many
historic happenings. There in olden
times was the great temple of the As
ters, which was, with its accompanying
base or pyramid, larger than St. Pe
ter's at Home, the largest church build
lng in the world. There, too, was the
palace of Montesuma, in fact, two pal
aces, both noted, one the old. In which
were quartered Cortes and his officers
a building whose vast size excited the
admiration of even the Spaniards them
selves, used as they were to the Tsst
structure of the Moors of their day,
which still existed in opaiu in an vuetr
On the Zocalo, too, is the Cathedral
of Mexico, the third largest church
building In the world, which occupied
100 years In building. On this public
square the common people believed for
a long time that the ghost of the unfor
tunate Aztec emperor, Montezuma,
wandered at night lamenting the loss of
empire and the destruction of his peo
ple. Even today the humbler folk be
lieve that a tunnel connects the cathe
dral with the castle of Chapultepec, the
presidential residence, three and a half
miles away, at the end of the Paseo do
lu Reforma, one of the finest and no
blest public drives in the world.
One of the historic streets of Mexico
Is Mariscala. This faces the north side
of the Alameda, the largest ami mofet
fashlonuble park of the city. It was
along this street thut the army of Cor
tez, the great conqueror of Mexico,
passed on the "dismal night" when he
was driven from the city by the Aztecs.
On this street, too, occurred some of
the most desperale fighting on that ter
rible night. There the Spaniards were
able to do nothing against the tiger-like
ferocity and fanaticism of the Aztecs.
On the opposite side of the Alameda
is Avenida Juarez, named after the
great Mexican reformer, who had freed
the country from the grinding rule of
the church. This is a wide, well paved
street and on account of its width and
its central location is the scene of ail
the public processions, especially those
of ,a civic character. This street is a
continuation of the great public drive,
the Paseo de la Reforma.
Many of the streets have very curious
names. For instance, there are the
Street of the Lost Child, the Street of
Peace, the Street of the Arts, that of
the Wood Owls, the Deer, Sorrow, the
Sad Indian, the Holy Ghost, of Christ,
of Jesus, of the Sanctified Virgin, of the
Purified Virgin, of Death and the Lane
of the Rat All of these have stories
connected with them. Many of the
streets have unmes that sound impious
to northern ears. But there is no more
thought of impiety in naming them
than there is in calling a boy Jesus. The
Street of the Holy Ghost was original
ly the Street of the Church of the Holy
Ghost. So on with the other streets
bearing sncred names. This curious, in
congruous use of sacred names is to bo
frequently noted in Mexico.
The streets of Mexico commemorate
the names of many famous rulers. They
also record the names of desperate
characters. There is the Street of Don
Juan Manuel, who committed murder
In defense of his own honor, which he
believed his wife had trifled with. Re
port says that the house where he lived
was haunted and for very many years
it remained empty because no one
dared to live In It.
There is also the Street of the Raven,
where it Is said there lived an old mon
who had sold his soul to the devil. Here
he lived with a raven which the com
mon people believed was the devil in
disguise. One day the old man and the
bird disappeared in the course of a ter
rible thunderstorm, leaving behind
them only a few feathers and a sus
picious smell of brimstone. So the street
was called after the raven because the
people did not wish to take the name of
the devil In vain. Modern Mexico.
In all things It la oetter to hope than
despair. Goethe.
Adversity borrows its sharpest sting
from our impatience. Bishop Homo.
He nlouo is an acute observer who
can observe minutely without being
observed. Lavater.
If the ancients left us ideas, to our
credit be it spoken, we moderns are
building houses for them. A. B. Al
cott. Money dishonestly acquired is never
worth its cost, while a good conscience
never costs as much as it is worth. J.
P. Senn.
The one who will be found in trial
capable of great acts of love is ever the
one who is always doing considerate
small ones. P. W. Robertson.
To be humble to superiors is duty; to
pnn.nlg is courtesy, to Inferiors is no-
Centrally Located. Fine View.
Pure Spring Water.
Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Completed
Property i.s in tlio first sewerage system that will be put in by the town
of Hood River.
Several fine buildings will be erected on the property during the summer.
Special Inducements to Peo
ple who wish to Build.
For full particulars call upon
J. F. Batchelder and R. R. Erwin, Trustees.
Uaa moved into Williams' Dmg Store, where
he Iuih on display the finest line of
Watches, Diamond Rings, Gold
Rings, Cut Glassware, etc.,
ever shown in Hood River, and at right prices.
I wish to state to the general
prepared to test your eyes and fit
that will overcome all aiiictions of stigitiatism, near-sigtedness and
, weak eyes that the best ocuiclist can help. Try the glass I sell.
I have given this subject very close study and can tell you by
examiuutiou just what kind of glasses your eyes require. Eyes test
ed free and all glasses sold with a guarantee to fit your eves with es
pecially ground glasses. If youreyes trouble you and cause headache
or throbbing pains with blurring vision when readingg or doing line
work requiring close and steady observation, come iu and let me ex
amine youreyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester
and secure relief and comfort by the use of properly-fitted gjseg.
bleness, aud to all safety, it being a
virtue that, for all its lowliness, com
miindetti those it stoops to. Sir T.
More. .
'The Value of a Vacation.
A vocation pays as much from the
standpoint of character as from any
other point of view. Just as "every
man is a rascal when he is sick," so the
best iiitcutloned man in the world may
ha a brute when he Is worn out phys
ically and working and planning or
trying to do so with a fagged, weary
brnln. The brutal qualities in a man's
nature come to the surface when he
hns drained his vitality to the dregs.
Ho loses his self control and his pas
sions get tho better of him. He does
things which in his soul be condemns
and says things for which be after
ward hates himself, and all because he
lacks physical stamina. The long strain
of the year has made him so irritable
and exacting that the merest trifle up
sets him. He goes all to pieces over
little things which he would not even
notice If he were In good bodily condi
tion. Success.
American Grit.
"I'm used to being drowned," writes
a Kansas City merchant, "but it is
crowding the mourners to have the
price of beef rise because the Missouri
river does." That, humorous stream,
which now takes away your farm in
the night and transfers it to your neigh
bor, now annexes his holdings to your
own, now overflows you altogether, is a
good symbol of American fortune. Bury
the dead, get a new suit of clothes on
credit, and to work again! Every
body's Magazine.
Aa Old Jewish Cemetery.
The most interesting sight in Prague
Is the old Jewish cemetery. It is in the
center of the city, surrounded by thick
walls. There are thousands of ancient
moss covered slabs, some bearing In
scriptions of great antiquity which only
Hebrew scholars can decipher. The
cemetery is unused, but no other Jew
ish burial ground in Europe can com
pare with it for nge or general interest
to the antiquarian.
. An Unfair Deal.
"Tried to skin me, that scribbler
did!" ' '
"What did he wantr
"Wanted to get out a book Jointly, be
to write the book and I to write the ad
vertisements. I turned him down. I
wasn't going to do all the literary
work!" Baltimore News.
Just the Place, and now Is the time
to make yourpurchases for the Holi
days. So better collection of goods on
the coast.
All work neatly mid correctly done,
especially fine Watch Repairing
und adjusting. Reasonable prices.
Do your Eyes
Trouble You?
t ..a
public that I am
you with glasses
"l-and Office at The Palles, Oregon, Nov. 17,
WW. Nolle Is hereby given that the following-named
settler lius tiled notice of her In
tention to make filial proof In sup-
Krt of her cliilm, and that said proof will
i made before the HeglHter and Receiver at
The DulleB, Oregon, on Thursday, Jiecember
81, 1903, via:
of MoBlor. Oregon, H. K. No. fncl2, for the Wl
NW, NW4 and NW NK section M,
townxhlp 2 north, range II east, W. M.
Khe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of Huld land, vis:
Kdwin H. Wood of The Dalles, Oregon;
Ocorge 11. Wood, Jumps J. Lewis and K. J.
Huskey of Mosler, Oregon,
naidai MICHAEL T.NOLAN. Register.
i Isolated Tract
Public Land Hale.
Notice Is hereby given that In puranance of
Instructions from the Ootnmlssloner of the
General Land Office, under authority vested
In him by section H'Ji, V. H. Revised Htatutes,
as amended by act of congress approved Feb
ruary 26, lsilf), we will proceed to otter at pub
lic sale on Haturday, .lan. 2, 1!M, at the hour
of HI A. M., ut this office, the following tract
of land, U-wll:
Lot 4 of section 26, township 2 north, range
11 east, W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this otllce on or Wore the day
above designated for the commencement of
the sale, otherwise their rights will be for
feited. M 1CHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
ANNA M. LANG, Receiver.
United Butte Ind Office, The Dalles, Or
November 17, 1!0H,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1K78.1
United States l.and office, The Dalles,
Oregon, No. 12, lDOH. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1H7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by actor August 4, 1892, the following
named persons have Hied In this office their
sworn statement, tn-wlt:
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore-
fon, sworn statement No. 1&7, Bled May 19,
Mi, for the purchase of the south half south
east quarter, northeaat quarter southeast
quarter and southeast quarter southwest
quarter section 22, townsblal north, range 9
east, W. M.
of Vlento, county of Wasco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 1SI2, filed May 12, 1903,
for the pin-chase of the southwest quarter
northwest quarter, north half souMiweslquar
ter and southesst quarter southwest quarter
section 1, townxhlp I north, range 9 east, W.M.
of The Dalles, Oregon, county of Wasco,sworn
statement No.lKtl.llled May l2,llHM,tor the pur
chase of the southeast quarter northeastquar
ter, east half southeast quarter section 2, aud
southwest quarter southwest quarter section
1, lownsnip z norm, range v east, w. M.
That they will oiler prxf to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural Dlirooses.
and to establish their claims to said laud be
fore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles.
Oregon, on Wednesday, February 10, 1904.
niey name as witnesses: w.r . Hand ana
F. H. Button of Hood River. Oregon: Ned H.
Gates and Fred W. Wilson of The Dalles, Ore
gon; Ueorge K. Mason, James Chltty and Mi
chael I. Ostragaard of Vlento, Oregon: Otis
Patterson, The Dalles, Oregon; and isinllh W.
Curran of Vlento, Oregnn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to rile
their claims In this office on or before said
101 h day or February, 1HOI.
n2fiJ2R MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.