The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 31, 1903, Image 2

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    I ver lalacier.
Hi VI f PAY, I EC MI I R 31, 1903
The Editor Swears Off.
The Gfaei r lie heretofore tieen pub
Hailing lice n jinmi urni ui matter hi
(lie kind tluit nlher papers charge for.
Jls publishers have felt that whatever
wns done for the good of I lie commu
nity or of any church or society in
flood River was worthy of publication
fnp. But condition have changed.
The expense of getting out tlie Glacier
has grown with the iniprovtmenU
made, and the publishers are compelled
to charge the regular advertising rates
ht-reader for all matter advertising en
tertainments when there Is an admis
sion fee, or where articles are offered
for sale. Notices of dances, lodge en
tertainments, etc., where admission is
charged, will he charged for at adver
Using rates. Cards of thankh, resolu
tions of condolence and obituary poet
ry will l charged 25 cents an Inch.
Church and society notices, and all
other gatherings not Intended fur
money making, will be published free,
as usual. The churches are requested
to send In all notices of services
throughout the valley.
. Hood River fruit growers are again
reminded that fancy apples are wanted
for display J at the, meeting o
the Northwest Fruit Growers' as.
I icintion in Portland, January 11.
13. Those who haven't a box of fruit to
offer, should secure a plateof fine apples.
E. L. Smith, president of the state board
of horticulture, was in Fortland last
week arranging for this notable fruit
meeting. He says a number of the
members have consented to come from
British Columbia, while all the North
west states will lie represented. In ad
dition to an apple display, Mr. Smith
says the management of the meeting
wishes to secure all the medals won by
Hood River people for fruit. Proper
care will be taken to see that all medal
are safely returned.
Glacier want ads bring exception
' ally satisfactory results.
How to Tell Every Card la the Pacle
- With It Back Tarmd Toward Yoa.
Th Thlrtr-oa Trlok A Clever
'; War to Tell Drawa Cards.
This undoubtedly la one of the best
Illusions performed with cards, as It
- not only brings the whole pack Into
' tise, but Is also legitimately founded
upon arithmetical principles. By this
trick you are able to tell the whole pack
of cards with the backs toward you;
also to sort them after being cut any
number of times in the mere act of
dealing them out In a row. It la per-
formed thus:
a pnc& ui ihiub ueiug uiaixiuuieu uu
' the table, with their faces uppermost,
A 1. - - L. t I ... l t. .. .
they are picked up one by one In the
following order: 0, 4, 1, 7, 5, king, 8, 10,
knave, 0, 2, queen. Repeat the same se
ries of every thirteen cards. . Four times
over will of course complete the pack.
That the above order may be remem
bered, the following words are used at
a guide to the memory and they are
Intended to enumerate the cards:
6 4-1
The sixty-fourth regiment beats the
T 5 king
seventy-fifth; up starts the king, with
8 10 8 knave
eight thousand and three men and
0 2 queen
ninety-two women.
Hence this trick ii laid to be done
"by words!"
The pack being arranged. It may be
banded tetany of the company "to cut.'
with the proviso that this operation be
.done whist fashion that Is, by taking
a portion of the cards off in a mass
and placing the lower division on what
was before the upper one. This done
fairly and properly, It may be repeated
any number of times, as the audience
may think fit You then take the pack
and by a feint catch sight of the bot
tom card. Having learned this (It may
be done at a glance, in a second of
time), you have the key to the whole
, trick. Then commence -it by dealing
the cards out In the ordinary way, but
In thirteen heaps. Having dealt out
thirteen, begin again and cover them;
then go on as before. When finished
there will be of course four In each
heap. Now every heap will contain all
four of the same denomination, as the
four knaves In one heap, the four sev
ens In another, and so on. The thir
teenth, or last heap, will be of the same
denomination as the one at the bottom
which yon have contrived to see, and,
according to whatever that card Is, all
the suits will follow, but In the reverse
order, as the words above Indicate.
Thns suppose the eight was the bot'-m
card. Then on dealing them out they
would be In the following order: King,
6. T, X, 4, 6, queen, 2, 9, knave, 8, 10, ft,
and you-egln reciting In the mind the
words you use from that passage In the
sentence, working from right to left,
which the card Indicates In the above.
You would say:
8 10 ft knave
Eight thousand and three men and
0 2 queen 6 4
ninety-two women; alxly-fourtn
1 T 5
regiment beats the seventy-fifth; op
king -
starts the king with, etc. Here, of
course. Is your starting point
The same principle holds good what
- ever the card may be. Any person ask
ing for a card, all four of every salt
may be found In the same heap and
can be quickly turned np as soon as re
quired with a little practice, to the ut
ter astonishment and wonder of the
By taking np the cards In the tame
order as before, but all of one suit, yoa
may easily discover the position of any
one card that la demanded.
' A Cue trick with cards Is called "thirty-one."
It U played with the first all
of each suit, the aces In one row, the
deuces in another, the threes In anoth
er, then the fours, fives and sixes, all
laid ui rows. The oblect now will be
to 'turn down cards alternately ami en
deavor to make 81 points by so tnrnin;
or as noat to It as possible without
overrum-shg it, and the one who turns
down a card the spots of which make
him 81 or so near It that the other can
not turn down one without overrun
ning It wins. This trick Is very decelv
lng, as all other tricks are, and re
quires much practice to be well under
stood. The chief point Is to count so as
to end with tbe following numbers
vis, 3. 10, 17 or 24. For example, we
will suppose it your privilege to com
mence with 8 and your adversary
would add 0, which would make It 9.
It would then be your policy to add 1
and make 10. Then, no matter what
number be adds, be cannot prevent
yon counting 17, which number gives
you the command of the trick. We will
suppose he adds 6 and makes 10. Then
you add l and make 17; then he adds 0
and makes 23, you add 1 and make 24.
Then he cannot possibly add any num
ber to count 81, as the highest number
be can add Is S, which would only
count SO, so that yoa can easily add the
remaining 1, or ace, and make 81.
There are, however, many variations tci
tbe trick.
A clever way Is here given In which
to discern one or more drawn card
Turn nnpercelved tbe bottom card of r
pack- face upward; then let several c
the company draw a card. Reverse tli
pack rapidly, so that the bottom Is no
tbe top card, and thus all tn otm
cards are turned face upward unsee.
by the spectators. ,
Hold the pack firmly In your nnger
and request those who have' drawn t
replace their cards In the pack. Thus
all the drawn cards will lie with their
faces downward,' while all tbe other
cards will lie with their faces upward
You now step aside, select the drawi
cards and show them to tbe company
Boston Herald.
Oar Aairaala.
A dish of fresh water is a constant
necessity where there Is a dog or a cat
even though they never appear to touch
It Offering them water now and then
doesn't answer at all
Those who suppose a cat requires only
meat and milk should offer It a bit of
nicely cooked vegetable, especially as
paragus, corn, green beans or potato.
It Is criminal to keep caged pets un
less one Is sure to remember their
needs, not when on "thinks of It" but
constantly. -
The man who has no tender feelings
for his horse shonld remember that
this faithful servant will last longer
and serve better white be does last if
be receive consistent treatment
Read With Base.
A writer In Leslie's Monthly says: A
schoolbook that is In my possession,
dated 1832, has penciled Inside tbe
front cover these lines:
' Funis
written over the commandments
No solution was offered, and I stud
led over tbe mysterious medley for
some time before I saw that H made
sense If an E was substituted for each
of the dots.
His Altralatts Coaaeteaee.
Fuddy You say you have a very ten
der ""mselence., I notice It Is wonder
fully sensitive to tbe faults of other
but It never appears to be troubled h;
four own shortcomings.
Duddy No; I hope not. That won!
le egotistical, yoa know. Exchange.
Ftetloa. .
"What are yon writing. HawleyT"
"A story. I'm going In for fiction."
"Really for a magazine?"
-"No; for my tailor. He wants 1
money, and I'm telling htm I'j set.
him a check next week."
Care Fore Homely Bat.
Floorwalker I'm very sorry, madam
but I can't exchange this hat for yon.
Mrs. Smithson But my husband does
sot like It!
Floorwalker Then I'd advise yoa to
get a divorce. Syracuse Herald.
Not to return I benefit Is the greatest
sin, but not to confer It Is the earlier.
gemieman io manage DuslneBS In this county
and adjoining territory fur house of solid flu
uncial slauding. t straight cash salary and
expenses paid each Monday direct from head
quarters, Hxnense monev advanced noui.
lion pennant nt. Address Manager, (MS Mo-
Pair men 'a glove, owner can have tame
by proving property and paying for thla no
tire at Glacier oitlce.
For Rent.
I haw a neut new cottage In Mowers addi
tion Juat flnlHhed that will be ready for occu
pancy January 10. Free water. Rent to per
month. J2I M. F. JACOIW.
A purae containing SH. between Barrett
school limine and B. F. (Shoemaker's place.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Theannui I meeting of the stockholders ol
the Hon! 1(1 ver Ann.e timwera la
by called for Saturday, January 16, 1WX, at 10
. in., in nritHMu nan, mr me purpose or elect
ing a new board of diieetors, changing by
laws and any other business of Importance
u ivuio witire me meeting.
. A. I. MASON, president.
J. L. Carter, secretary.
Land to Exchange.
SO seres good fir saw tlmlier In rntnmhi.
county. Or., In exchange lor Hood River prop,
erty, either farm or town property or a bust
t". p"v"" M'F'J ui names, lue net
balate Man. ,io
For Sale.
Oond Vend Aptvtnv h nn. I I. wn
harness for $75. Apply to HARNks,
ine Heal kmu Man. -
Tnaoc Marks
Cova)tGMTa a r
nnTTro enmng s net en and Awrtpuna siay
ak-.1T asearuin mr oemtoa tnm wUther mi
lataeuloo Is pn.hahly iuentaltl. Coaimanlm.
tkmannetlremilMemlai. Haodlmnk on Hatenu
smi frea. Olrtaal annoy for ax-am patarna.
Patent taxen thrash Mann a Co. recarfe
Scientific Jlmrtm.
A kanitanmely mMrttml waeitr. Ijimat rtr
ealauua of any anenuar nuL Ttmrn. IS a
i7f: awnta, Bu)4 by ail DewadeaJera.
CT Co ''. New Tcrk
Staoea OOoa. it F St, WsAusjtoe. tt,C
i Ml
tL .
A lot of 1.25 and l.r0 Shoes at f 1 a pair. Large discount on all kinds
of Flannelette Underwear, Night Gowns, etc. We have accumulated several
boxes of odds and ends in Underwear, which we will sell at a sacrifice.
All our Misses and Children's Coats, Jackets and Capes at a large dis
count. Men's heavy sanitary Fleece-lined Underwear only 40c per garment;
Men's Linen Collars 5c; Men's Sox 5c; Good Brooms 2oc; Leather Half
Soles loc; good 0 cord Thread per spool 3c; all toilet articles at half price;
Men's work and dress Pants G5c and up; Men's Covert cloth Coats, blanket
lined, rubber interlining, only 1.5o; Good quality window shades fancy de
sign only 3oc. -. . -
It is'easy enough to mark up goods aid then mark them down again.
You get a la rge discount that way,-but do you get your goods any cheaper? -
We do not mark ottt goods up and then down. y
For Sale.
Throe male and one female Ht. Bernard dog.
JU JOSKFIt St'll.Vl IDT, Cascade l.ocks
Fresh Jersey Cow
And call for sale. Price Hi. Mil. It. or
J14 C11AK1.KM ljNK.U.
Strawberry Plants.
A tine lot of strnwtierry plants for sale at
$1 .26 lier 1000 on I he place.
Ill C. VAUMH AN, Paradise Form.
To Exchange.
, Eligible Hood hi ver ciiy p.upcrty to ex
change for country property in tlieiuimcdi
ate vicinity. Inquire ol
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting of stockholders of the
Water Hupply Co. of Hood Ilivcr Valley will
he held In I. O. O. F. hall, Hood River, Jan. 2,
1114. at 2 o'clock P.M., for the election of a
board of directors and to tmnuct such other
business as may come before the meeling.
Dated at Hood River, Decenilwr IN, l'Kiil.
, d'iti C. K. MARK II AM, Secretary.
20 Acre Fruit Farm
For sale: 8 acres cleared; balance cm wily cleared:
i acres in full bearing strawberries: 15 fl'tiit
trees, all kinds; hotise, barn, chicken honsc,
woodshed and packing house: y, mile from
White Halmon, 2 miles from Hood River,
plenty of wuter on place. Price 0,1, 1 m: terins
Address J14 R. FIELDS, 'While Halmon.
Hay for Sale.
First-class clover hay. Call at my place, 3
miles south of town.
35 Acres
For sale at a bargain; on tjie rond' to Mount
Hood; good apple land; nice, healthy location
fora bouse by the rouddc. Inquire on the
premlaea. 11,24 J. P. HI LUSTRUM.
Horse Wanted.
I want to buy a horse about ll(X) pounds.
See me on Davidson Fruit Co s much on W il-
low Flat.
Cockerels for Sale.
Black Mlnorcas, 91 SO lo It'; Bull Orpington,
Sl-uO. Kggs for liatcliing alter Feb. 1.
Room 20x50 for F.ent.
An unfurnished room ner center of town
for warehouse purposes.
For Sale Cheap.
Two Rochester Lumps and a annul alr tlgh
Heater. 11. C. SHAFFER.
Cook Wanted.
A cook is wanted at Mill A. Man and wife
preferred.1 Write or call at Davenport's otliee
in town. DAVKMIIItl lltitis.
Wood for Sale.
In rick or cord lots, delivered. Phone
JT M.M.MOTT, Phone 1V.
Valise containing clothing. The name ot
Edward Harrington In valise. Owner can
uuve same oy paypig lor tnis nonce ana prov.
lng properly at- II. R. Tucker's.
Kooms to Kent.
Furnished and unfurnished.; centrally lo-
cated. Apply lo
uy 10
Night School;
Bookkeeping, storilmnil and Tyiiewriting
reninuusuip, Antiimetic.etc. Klve nights per
week, terms Si wr nionlh. IN hums over
lianas' store. 113 H. M. ilUXI.EV.
A few quarts of milk to spare.
. 1'. J. TRKIIIER, Pan. disc Fori 1.
For Sale.
20acres,C' miles from Hood River, in the
valley: cleared; rrnialnder easilv . lean . I.
On public road: telephone by place. Terms Ii
desired. CHAS. E. ! CLLEIt, rtnlem. o-.
Stove for Sale.
A good se.ond han.1 lientcr. Inquire -it
Luckey's blacksmith shop. . riil
Purple Iris.
(!yr1nchlum gruinliitprnin, or OUvnium
Douglssll), also culled W 1 1.1 1 Metis, eici Is one
of our earliest wild flowers, very pretty nod
woitnv ff cultivallon. Aficr yenrs oi ciiliivii
Uon, I offer for sale for the flri limit a limited
number of plant ol the loiloJlui Hue va
rieties: 1. Snow white, targe, very rurly.
3. Htrljied porplennd whit,-.
leep purple, with short stripes,
4. Very large, deep purple, dnsipins, late.
Oood sixed clusurs. ka: three oi' a
klnd,50c. W. X. srKsiMiRF,
.131 Ilingcn, Wash.
Treat inent by
At the
Anow and scioiitific im tir
od for troatnion of the hair,
scalp and skin.
The treatment is extraor
dinarily efficacious in the
speedy and permanent re
moval of Dandruff, lilack-
heads, Flesh Worms, Wrink
les, Sallow romplexisn. ('old
in the Hentl, etc.
l ww SI Vt A
lilt; HAKlb
America's BEST
The Weekly
52 twelve-page papers $1
and Glacier one
" Why not smoke a
All the best brands found at
c a; morgan & eo's
HAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
Li very, Feed and Draying.
Did You Say?
We carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at
the lowest possible prices. Just pre us a trial order
and see what wi can do. Highest price paid for
country produce.
R REED, proprietor.
Phone 4!). Free Delivery.
T S-V "i
Republican Paper.
Inter Ocean.
a year. The Inter Ocean
year for $ 1.90. -
Horse bought, M mr zchingeil.
rinflsure )wrtimon ecim HraU-lmi ris.
cial kttr'ition gifen la umrinj; Kiirniture
uiul l'ianos.
AV Uo everything lmw em do.
ITImberl-and, Act June 8. W7H.1
United State Land Olrine, Vancouver,
ul. i. ir a hum. Notice Is liereDy
glveu'Jbal In .compliance with the provlslona
5f the act of CJouKreHS of June 8 18,8. entitle.!
'An act ror tue sine oi iimuci muu-, -
tUs of California, Oiegon, Byj! "'7.
Washington Territory," aa ei.i"o"
me public lund KIHU-S by act 01 August 1. iHttt.
Of Pori land, county of MuUnoinah, state ol
Oregon, has thla day filed In this ollti-ebor
sworn statement No. 816S, for 1 he purchase 01
ihevouih Kof northeast yt and northwest
of southeast H of section No. 1U iu town
. . l ' u. . . . SJrt 111 miul W 1 11 1 1 i I
ship io. 6 norm, rsn -
will oiler proof U) snow mat me taiiu hoiikm
is more valuable for its timber or stone thun
a.h a..i.,lttpul imriM,Mtt. Hlld to eHtttbilHll IICI
claim to said land before the KeglHt. r an.i He
eelverof this oltlce at Vancouver, Wash., on
Wednesday, the iSd day 01 Decemoer, mm wiiniMMew? Kic.liard JailHoll,
Alma J. llaynea, Cieoige H. Marsh and UunJ
amln K. beuls, all ol" 1,'uderwood, Wasli.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ol
Oregon, has this day filed in this office, bit
sworn taUiment. No. 84oii, for Hie purchase 01
the Wi of NW i and of HWMI
section No. 20, In township No. 4 north, range
No. lueusl, w. M., ana win oner proui iuiw.
haltneiana sougia ib mora vaiuauiv
1iiImi nr atj,ne than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Keiflster and KeceLver of this office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Weduesday, the
23d day or uecemoer, m.
He names as witnesses: Benjamin F. Heals
ami Klcliard Jsnsoii of Underwood, Wash.;
Kdwin C. uoddard and Anson W. uoauaruoi
1'ortlaud, Oregon.
Anv snd'all nersons claiming adversely the
above-dewribed lauds are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
23d day of December, 1113.
ol5dl7 FRANK K. VAUOHAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United Land Oltlce. Tlie Dalles, Ore.,
October 111, UKM. Notice Is hereby given
Hint In compliance with the provision ol the
act of congretm of June s, IH'H, entitled "An
act for the ale of timber lundx In the unites oi
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," an extended to all the public lmid
atatea by act of August 4, Iwi, the follow mu
mmied peraons have tiled In thin olllue their
sworn statement, to wit:
of Fendleton, county of U nun Ilia, mate of Ore-
iron, aworn siauiiueni ro., niea Aim fij in,
1SKI8, for the purchase of the lot 4 and W'4
NW4 section 5, and lot 1 and Hh'M sec
tion b, township 1 north, range ID east, V . M.
of Vlento, county of Whsco, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 17'.W, filed April 29, 1SK,
for the purchase of theNK'of
hlp 2 north, range Oeast, W. M.
of Vlento, county of Wasco, state o: Oregon,
sworn statement No. tmw, filed April '. l'.KW,
for the purchase of the of NWU. KV, ol
8W) section 7, township t north, range 10
east, W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its t imber or
atone than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish their clulma lo sulrf land before the
ljeglster and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon,
on Aiouuay, juuuary is, iifm.
They name as witnesses: Edith Tozler-
Weatherred of Portland, Oregon; A. Wlnans,
Lymau W I nans and W. Koss Winansof Haid
River, Oregon; Charles T. Karly, William
nana, vv imam hccics, taiih u. Early and h.
P. Monson of Hood River. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aoove-aescrioea lands are requested to nle
their claims In this offlco on or before Baid
18th day of January, Itxtt.
o22d24 MICHAKIi T. NOLAN. Register
Iand Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 11,
lHOa. Notice Is hereby given thut the follow-Ing-named
settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
wicguu, wu k i iun.v, .1 HUUHry ll. lyui, viz:
ofThe Dalles, Oregon, 11. K. No. 5912, for the
uuriu nan Bouinwesi quarter, northwesl
quarter southeast quarter and southwest
quarter northeast quarter section 4, town,
ship 1 north, range 11 east. W. M.
lis names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Donald McKadden, George Harrlson.George
ireianu anu v. j loung, an oi Hosier, Or.
d!7J21 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Kegisler.
ITimber 1-and, Act Junes, 1K7H. I
United States Land Olfice, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 12, lwa Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
aci oi congress in jnne a, is.s, emitted "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended wall the public laud
states by act of August 4. Ufa, the following
iiHineu persons nave niea in nils oltlce theii
sworn statements, to-wil:
of The Dalles. Oregon. Wasco count v. sworn
statement No. 1HG, tiled May 2:t. 19o;t, lor the
purcnase oi ine souin nail northwest quarter,
northeast quarter northwesl quarter section
SU, and southeast quarter southwest quarter
section 28, township 1 north, range 11 east, W.M.
of University Park, county of Multnomah,
state ot Oregon, sworn statement No. 18:w, for
the purchase of the southwest quarter norlh
wesfquarter, west half southwest quarter anil
southeast quarter southwest quarter section
24, township 1 north, range 10 east, W. M.
of lone, county of Morrow, state of Oregoi,,
sworn statemeut No. L 82, tiled April 21, 1'M.i
for the purchase of the west half soiilhensl
auarter and east halt southwest quarter see
on 36, township I north, range 10 east, W. M.
of Hood River, county of Waseo. stale of Ore
gon. sworn statement No. 17;0, tiled April 15,
1908, for the purchase of the lols 1 and 2 of sec
tion 3a, township 2 north, range 8 east, and lot
1 and southeast quarter northeast quarter sec
tion 4, township 1 north, range 9 east, W. M.
of Thirty-ninth and Powell streets, Portland,
county of M u It noniali, state of ( iregou, sworn
statement No. 1793. Bled April 24, Mtl, for the
purclmseof the northeast quarter northwest
quarter, north half northeast quarter and
southeast quarter northeast quarter sectiou
27, township 1 north, range 8 east, W. M.
That they will olt'er pnsif lo show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their clnlms to suid hind before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Thursday, January 2d, llH.
They nsme as witnesses: Theodore J. Keu
fert, William Ketchum, Judd 8. Klsh and
Nicholas J. Xinnott of 'J he Dalles, Oregon; W.
K. Rand, Art Rhodes, L. E. Morse and
Charles Castner of Jlood River, Oregon;
O.K. Miller, J R. Steele, T. D.Tweed v and 11.11.
Tomlinson of Hood RiVer, Oregon; Fred C.
Bryant, W. Ross Winans, A. Winans and E.
T, Winansof Hood River, Oregon; William K.
Rand of Hood River, Oregon, Frankie S.
Brown, Malinda A. Mitchell and Prank.
Mitchell of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons churning adversely th
above-described lands are requested lo Hie
their claims in this office on or before said
2th day of Januarv, IHH.
nl9J2i MICH A EL T. NOLAN, Register.
Sewing Machine
FOB SALE. Braim n-w Singer. Price HI.
All cash or easy terms to sul I purchaser. May
lie seen at the Potter faint.
diu mux ki.kaxor hitter.
Good Eating Apples
And poitiUwnt for sale hv
d J. J. TUKIIiKK, Phih ine Farm.
Pteicii, SorgeoD, Oculist.
Office ttt residence, corner Etijrene St.
nd Park ve. Phono, main 371.
Executor's Notice. '
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by order of the county court of the
slate or Oregon for Wasroeoiintv dulv ap
pointed executrix ofthe will ol Heiiry Pngge.
deceased; and all ersons having ciaiins
gsinst said estate are Inn hv notified to pre
sent the same to me, dm v wrilied, at the
otttee of A. A. Jayne, In HKd River, Oregon
within six months from the dale of the iirt
publication of ibis notice.
Dated this 2lb dsy of Nnremlier 190:1.
oatiiat W 1 1 . 11 K I. M I N A J ' K 1 1 H i E.
Wanted-A Wife.
A new one, not one wsrrm-d over. I ima 1!lg
Bend farmer. 20 years old sndlj f.vt tall; weigh
170 pounds; not very handsome but as good as
they make them thee limes. Direct ell let
J1 Almira. Lincoln Co., Wash.
Organ for Sale.
A (-octave Kt-y In Hrt-cls condi
tion. PrUri I all .n or add rem
dll DAVID CITO.N. H.s,d River.
"The Viento."
Northeast cor Firt and Oak Sts., Hood River,
Mrs. M. V. Bird, Proirie4nr.
Breaklkatfitnsa. in. Dinner K to 2 p. I .
cupper lo Iu n. in.
The table sopplied with what tbe market
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
HantiB house and lot, $1,800.
1. Lots in VVaucoma Park aJdition
Corper lot in fr n i . . ) . i .
For Sale Residence on State street at
headol Front; 12,500, including 8 lots.
Tlie Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipnia addition, $400.
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
.if Hood Kiver, belonging to George K,
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$ MOO.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known a8 the Woodman
pluce. Price 900.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn,- mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lota formerly belonging to the Hood
Utvur Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood Kiver Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
A Good Investment. I will sell 100
acres of mountain land i n county road
five miles southeast of Hood Kiver for
$1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad
vance in two S'ears, or failing to sell for
$1,200 net in that time I will take the
land back and pay $1,200, and half of
profits over $200 to go to investor. First
come, first served. Of the 100 acres 100
acres fruit hfnd, 60 acres Btony. All
fenced, email house, well, large Bpring.
A fine goat ranch. J. L. Henderson.
Tickets lo and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points iu Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-clas9 Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From und after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
For Stile The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. K. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berriei in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
For Hale The old Galligan place, (ill
acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard
finish; barn and out buildings; 10 acres
in cultivation, 2 acres straw berries.some
orchard; flume, irrigating ditch and
Phelps creek pass through property
$4,500; $500 down, $500 December 1,
balance in five years at 7 percent This
offer is good for 30 days only.
For Sale The Galligan farm.
For Sale L. J. Mulkins' place, ad
joining Lyman Smith; price $3000.
For Kent For a term of ten years,
the two lots on State street, back of
Bartuiess' and the Paris F'air.
Mrs. Heavoner's 5 acres
near Tucker can be had for
The Howell cottage and 3
acres, east of Mrs. Alma
Howe's, 1,700.'
Land Office t Vancouver, Wash.,Novemlier
2S, iwtt. .Notice Is herehy given that the fol-lowlug-nanied
settler 'as riled notice of his
intention to make final proof in
supisirt of his claim, nnd that said pioof
will tie nisdo tielore Register and Receiver
I'niled states I .slid ottioe at Vancouver;
ash., on Jmiuarv 11, liH, vl:
li:oK;i.; SAN DELL,
forthe W NK'j and N'z jsW sectional,
township north, range 10 east, W. M.
Ho names the following wit nesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ol said land, vlr.:
Alva J. Hayne, r rimk Havnes, Amos I'n
denrouj and John Koonli, all of Underwood,
Vt ash.
d (J ,; Fit A S K K. V A t'UHAN. Register.
Feed Store.
1 have 0H-ned a store at inv place, and wll
carry In stock flour and feed; also, pnlali e
and wood. Farmers south of me can save a
long haul and buy Just as cheap of me.
IllMM I tUM L'Ull
Foot of straight 11 fit.
Tor Sale.
55 acres or old Odell Ranch, in S and 10 acre
tracts. on terms to suit purchaser. This land,
cleared, unit all under cultivation, is situated
: miles Iran town n Hie Ml, Hood road; t
nnlea south of Tucker s Mill, and Isolde tlie
Mule White Store. Pilce. until January I,
fiiio and $!, according to location. Alter
January I. price will tie raised. Terms of sale:
One null of prh-e in cash; balance In five an
nual installments, with !ntercl at 8 per cent.
Apply al I lie place to H. .Morton, who will
show the l-ind. or to K. P. FRIDAY.
di; Real Fstate Agent. Hood River.
Timber for Sale?"
I will sell the limber on acre. A good
plsce foi small mw mill or Wish! camp, fall
on K. C. .Valiancy or C. L. KiMJKRS.
Cuitcni Made Shoes.
I hsve a lite" of men's snd bov" Oi-to
Murte Shoes of the bes material, t sllandfe
them. JOHN (t)WLKV,
J- Shoe Shop smith of P.O.