: '' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' - ' . -i''-, 'IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." HOOD EIVEE, OBEGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 190C VOL. XV. NO. 33. HCGD RIVER GLACIER leaned every Thursday by 8. F. BLVTHE SON, Publisher.. 8. F. BLYTHE. K. N. BLYT11S. 1 nni of aubscrlptlon 1.H a year when pall In advance. XX RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF HAILS. HOOD RIVER. The pritofHee la open dally between lam. i d a p. m.i Sunday rom 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails I r the East close at ll:3iia. m. and 9 p. m; lor the West at 7:10 a. m. and 1:40p.m. The carriers on H. F. I), mutes No. 1 and No. 1 leave the postoilice at 8:30 daily. Mail leaves for mi. iiooa, aauy at u:wi p. m.; arrives, 10:.a. m. . iT t'henoweth. Wash., at 7:90 a. m. Tuea rla s,T ursdaya ai d baturdays; arrives same days at ( p. m. tor I'nderwood, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues days, Thursday! and Saturdays; arrive lama oays ai o p. m. Kor White Salmon, Wash., daily at 1:45 p, m.; arrives at 11 a. in . WHITE SALMON. Fnr Hood Rivet daily at t a. m.; arrive! at 4:46 p.m. For lliisum, Trout Lake and Outer, Wash., dally at 7:30 a. rn.; arrives at 12 m. Kr ulenwood, uilmer and Fulda, Wash., daily at 1:H. in : arrives at 5 p. m. For nneHai and Kiiowilen, Wash., at 11:30 a. m. Tuesdays and Satunlavs; arrives same days, MltisJa. in. For Kin eu, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m. ar rives at 8:45 a. m. tX'IKTIKa. SlOUhT HOOD KIVEK No. 42, FORESTERS OF AMhkiCA Meetssecond and Fourth Mon ayi In each month in K. of I'.all. H. J. Frkocbick,C. K, B. F. Fouts, Financial Secretary. AAK GROVE COUNCIL No. 142, ORDER OF U PEN DO. Meets the Second and Fourth Fridays ol the month. Visitors cordially wel comed. F. U. Baoaiua, Counsellor. Alms Nillu Clark, Secretary. 0 RDER OF WASHINGTON. Hood River In ion No. 142. meets in Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Baturdays In each month, 1 :3u o'clock. . E, L. Rood, President. O. U. Hack, Secretary. JAUKEL REBEKAH DEOREK LODGE, No. I 87, 1. 0. O. F.-Meela first and third Frl ays in each month. Miss Edith Moobi, N. O. L. E. Morse, Secretary. 1ANBY POST, No. 16, G. A. R.-MeetsatA. VI o. U. w. Hall second and fourth Baturdays ci eacn monin at i ociocit p. m. All U. A. K, niembere invited to meet with us. W. H. Pirby, Commander. T, J. Cunmino, Adjutant. "pANBY W. R. C, No. 16-Meet second and i fourth Baturdays of each month In A. 0, U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mrs. Fannie Bailit, Pres. tUu. T. J. Cannimo, Becretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 106, A. F. and A M. Meets Saturday evening on or before eai h full moon. Wm.M. Yatks, W. II. C. D. Thompson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. tteeta third Friday night of each month. 0. U. Carmm, H. P. A. S. B lowers, Secretary. MOOD RIVER CHAPTEK, No. 2S, O. S. 8. 11 Meets second aud fourth Tuesday even fugs ol each mouth. Visitors cordially wel comed. Mrs. Mat Yates, W. M. Mrs. Mast B. Davidson, Becretary. LETA ASSEMBLY No. 108. United Artisans, Meeta first and third W ednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays social; Arti sans hall. F. C. 1JROS1US, M. A. F. B. Barnes, Secretary. UTAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P. Meet V in K. of P. hall every Tuesday night. F. L. Davidbon, C. C. C. E. Hemman, K.of R. 4 8. RIVERSIDE LODGE. No. 8, A. 0. TJ, W. Meet first and third Saturdays of each month. F. B. Barnes, W. M. K. U. Bradley, Financier. Chester shuts, Recorder. 1DLEWILDK LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F. Meet in Fraternal hall every Thursday Bight. Geo. W. Thompson, N. Q. J. L. Henderson, Secretary. H OOD RIVER TENT, No. , K. O. T. M".. meets at A. O. V, W. hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. Waltee Gerkino, Commander. 0. 1. Williams, Secretary. TIIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 40, DEGREE OF ' it HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meet first and third Baturdays at I P. M. K ate M. Frederick, 0. of H. MlM Annie Smith, Recorder. OOiTrIVER CAMpTno. 7,702, M. W. A., meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the first and third W ednesday of each month. J. B. Rees, V. C. C. U. Darin, Clerk. IfDEN ENCAMPMENT No. 48, I. O. O. F. ' Regular meeting second aud fourth Mon ays of each month. W. 0. Asa, 0. P. . L. Henderson. Scribe. Q II. JENKINS, D, M. D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephone: Office, 281; residence, M. Office over Bank Bldg . Hood River, Oregon JJR.E.T.CAKNS, Dentist. Cold crowns and bridge work anil all kind of Up-to-Dite Dentistry. HOOD RIVER OREGON l L.DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, accessor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered in town or ooantry, Day or Night. Telephone: Residence, 611; Office, (It. Office over Reed's Grocery. J. I. WATT, If. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephone: Offioe, Ml; residence, 28. BURGEON 0. R. N. CO. J OHN L ELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and RIAL EST A 1 It 'AGENT. For n year a resident of Oregon and Wart. niton. Haa bad many years experience la teal Estate matter, aa abstractor, searcher ol tales aud agent bauafacuoo guaranteed r Do charge. pREDEKICK dc ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Estimate, furnished for all kind of work. Repairing a ipecialtr. All kind of hop work. Shop on Stat Street, between Firtt and Second. A.JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstract! Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. " FHYSICLAN AND SURGEON. Then Central, or 111. Office) Hoon: 10 to U A. IL I to I and 6 to T P. M. gUTLEB A CO., BANKERS. Io general backing brulno. HOOD RIVER. 0EIQ03T. EVENTS OF THE DAY 0ATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happening of the Past Week Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. ( Jerome Sykes, the well known actor, is dead. W. J. Bryan's European trip failed to change hia free silver views. Roosevelt and the cabinet have con siilered the protest of Colombia and will answer it soon. Swrntarv Root is enndnctinir neiroti ations with General Reyes during the illness ol Secretary ilay. President Roosevelt has ordered an inquiry into the conditions atKishinef, where Hebrews fear a second massacre Senator Fulton has shown the land commission that the present national policy is working to the injury of Ore gon. One report says Russia is slowly mov ing troops toward Pekin ; another that she is more willing to make concessions to China. The senate committee has outlined a probable action if Senator Smoot chal lenges the authenticity of the charges against him. Japan tins outbid Russia for two war ships nearing completion in Italy. Postmaster Bancroft will not be re moved from the Portland postoffice. Whatcom and Fairhaven have united and will be known as Bellingham in the future. Rnntn Dnmintm has now two revolu tionary governments and foreigners fear they will sutler. The Jarmnese commissioner to the St. Louis fair says Japan will make no concessions to Russia. Ghouls robbed many of the dead in the Michigan train wreck. The death list has been swelled to 21. Russia is not prepared for war and may await a more favorable time, al though she is buying large quantities of stores. The Colombian charge at Washing ton has little hope of receiving a favor able answer and is preparing to close the legation. During the present session of con- areas the navy will be materially strengthened. When the additions al ready authorized are completed tne United States will have a more power ful navy than any other nation except Great Britain. Italy has recognized the new republic of Panama. Japan will send a larra force to Corea to end rioting. A severe cold wave has swept the East and Middle West. Russia will nrobablv modify her de mands rather than go to war. Janan is buvinti larire Quantities of lead for the manufacture of bullets. The United States has ordered a gun boat to Corea to protect the American minister. T.rtnrf are being redoubled to have China ratify the trade treaties, with the United States. The Colombian charge will quit Washington if Secretary Hay ignores Colombian demands. Larire natent medicine manufacturers will, the first of the year, take meas ures to establish uniform prices. n.ifif Newell, of the reclamation service, will visit Oregon and confer with the people about irrigation pro jects. The Far Eastern situation is very threatening. ' Britain will aid Japan if she goes to war with Russia. TIia ("Vinlmliian force which landed on the Island of Pines will nave to go. A Inn a maiiked man robbed a gambl ing room at The Dalles of about 1 1,000. riiiraim liverymen have decided to fight the union hearse drivers to a fin ish. Tha liolmra nf Paris have gone on a strike and the situation haa assumed a serious aspect. nanAral Rpvab has warned Colombia that war on Panama means war on the United States. itA national nark cannot be used as a storage reservoir for San Francisco water supply. Taft has left Manila for the United States. He was given an en thusiastic farewell on leaving Admiral Walker believes force of marines now at Panama is sufficient, . . HI !! but two more batainons win prooaoiy be sent. Colombians at Bogota are holding nightly warlike demonstrations. The contract has been let for the Alaska building at the St. Loo is fair. It is to cost 1 13,897. European powers will endorse Amer ica if she refuses to allow ranama mat ter to be submitted to The Hague tri bunal. R.ntnr llanna will retire as chair man of the national Republican com mittee and Rooeevelt wantt Root to succeed him. Rockefeller has Jnst given Chicago university 11,580.000. ARMY TO PANAMA. Oeneral Staff dive Orders to Prepare to Qo to the Isthmus. Washington, Dec. SI. The general Btaff of the army today ordered troops to prepare for a Panama campaign Soldiers at Vancouver, Wash., ire among those selected, as will be seen by the list, which follows: First, Fifth and Twenty-fourth bat teries of field artillery, Presidio, San Francisco; Eighth battery of field ar tillery, Vancouver barracks: troops A B, C and D, Ninth cavalry (colored), Monterey, Cal.: troops I, K, L and M, Ninth cavalry, Presidio; Fifteenth in fantry, Monterey; Nineteenth infantry Vancouver barracks; Tenth infantry, San Francisco; battalions of the Thir teenth infantry at Fort McDowell, Fort Madison and Benicia barracks, Cal.; four companies of Sixteenth infantry of Fort Slocuin, N. r., and eight com panies of. the same regiment at Fort Mcl'herson. Ga. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Shaler, who is a member of the general staff of the army, and an expert on fortifica tions, has been ordered to Panama to inspect the fortifications, and have his report in Washington before General Reyes, of the Colombian army, who is now here, can return. These orders for preparation were IS' sued today because the general staff has been informed that Colombia can land troops upon the isthmus much more easily than was believed to be the case. General MacArthur will have charge of all matters on the Pacific coast. His return from Hawaii was hurried for this purpose. ON WAR FOOTING. Japan Is Completing Final Preliminaries -Britain Will Take Loan. Yokohama, Dec. 31. The govern ment is completing the final prelimi naries for placing the country on a war footing. Imperial ordanccs issued au thorize the government to make an un limited issue of treasury bonds to pro vide war funds, creating a special coun cil of war, and fixing the imperial head quarters. In the event of war, if a special issue of war bonds is made, it is understood that the bnods can be floated in Eng land, whence it is said assurances have come that the money would be forth coming. The ministers and executive chief dis cussed the situation for three hours yesterday, but nothing regarding their deliberations was made public. The ordinance passed yesterday by the cabinet council authorizing a guar antee of the principal and interest of an issue of 10,000,000 yen debentures for the purpose of expediting work on the Seoul-Fusan railway, and which provided for all possible military ex penses for the protection of the railway and other interests, also authorized the government to utilize 60,000,000 yen, the proceeds of the Chinese . war in demnity, which hitherto has been de voted to educational and other pur poses, as a war mna. in anuuion, authorization is given to issue treasury notes, repayable in five years, and to raise loans repayable in two years to an unlimited extent. ASKS FOR AMERICAN WARSHIP. MlnUter Powell Drems the Situation at Santo Domingo urave. Waol.lnrrtn TW. SI. With three revolutions raging on the island, the forces of Jimineg within four hours of Ssntn TVimino-o Citv. and excitement prevailing, Minister Powell thinks the situation demands the presence oi an additional warship, and in a cablegram dated yesterday appeals to the state de partment for aid. In anticipation of the crisis which appears to have ar rived, the state department nas aireauy taken steps to send another warship to Santo Domingo, jind at its request Sec Mrwvl v veatardiiv rnbled Rear Ad- .Kvn.j J J miral Lamberton, commanding the South Atlantic squadron, now at Trim- AaH in iliunfttrh one of his Vessels to Santo Domingo at full speed to assist the gunboat Newport in protecting Americans and other interests. Admiral Lamberton late today cawed tlm mrv denartment from Trinidad that he has sent the Scorpion to rein force the Newport in Uomincian waters. Soldiers Travel la Boxcars, Victoria. B. C. Dec. Dec. 31. Sum- her 83 comranv. Roval Garrison artill ery. 113 strong, left for Hong Kong on the steamer Empress of India. today, being relieved by . Ko. 58 company, whici. r rrived from Halifax tonight. Theclunge is made in the regular schedule of garrison changes and has no bearing on the Far Eastern crisis. The comany which came from Halifax came in boxcars fitted with hammocks, in structions .having been given to test that mode of travel. The men found the arrrangementg comfortable. Canal Party Wins Oreat Victory. Panama. 1W. 31. Heaw rains have been falling here for several days, caus ing severe damage to taiegrapn lines. No news has been received from Los Rantm or Chiriani provinces. From other provinces confirmation has been received ol the overwhelming iriumpn of the mixed candidates proposed for membership in the constitutional con vention by the patriotic committee, which endeavored to choose men favor ing the ratification of the canal treaty. Offers Kim Dawson Confutable, Washington, Dec. 31. Louis A. Dent, register of wills of the District of rvinmliia railed on President Roose- velt today, and talked over the recent ' action of the president in displacing him, and naming Corporal Tanner as i hia suiceesor. The president has ten dered to Mr. IVnt the position ol con sul at Dawson City, Yukon. TOSTAYMURDER Jewish Societies Fear for Peo ple ia Russia. - THEY WILL APPEAL TO ROOSEVELT Second Massacre at Kishlnet Very Prob ableJan. 7 la the Date Mentioned Seattle Club to. Their Aid. Washington, Dec. 80. Witn the view of enlisting the immediate and ac tive interest of the United States against the reported contemplated mas sacre of Jena in Russia on January 7, the Russian New tear, Simon Wolf, representing the United Jew societies, tomorrow w ill lay before the state de partment an appeaX in behalf of his people representing i!fWiii tLus to be threatened. Following his visit to the state de partment, Mr. Wolf will be received by President Roosevelt, at which time the whole subject of the status of the Jews in Russia will be discussed. Seattle Club Makes Appeal. Seattle, Dec. 30. The Harmony club of Seattle, composed of 314 of the most prominent Jews in this city, has sent messages of appeal to President Roose velt, the members of the Washington delegation in congress and William R. Hearst, of New York, asking aid and intercession in behalf of the Jews who are in danger of a massacre in Kishinef , January 7. The text of the telegram to the president which is indorsed by Governor McBride, of Washington, fol lows: "The Harmony club, consisting of dl4 Jewish citizens of Seattle, appeal to your excellency to intercede in be half of Jews of Kishinef, threatened with massacre January 7. Harmony Club. "By M. Summerfield, chairman." AOAINST REPEAL OF LAND LAW. Mondell Argues for Amendment of the Timber and Stone Act. Waohington, Dec. 30. Representa tive Mondell, of Wyoming, chairman of the irrigation committee, today ap peared before the public lands commit tee and presented an argument in favor of a modification of the .timber and stone act. He stoutly opposed the out right repeal of this law or its radical modification, for he showed it was the mainstay of the national irrigation act and afforded the great bulk of money that is converted into the reclamation fund. He furthermore asserted there has been no such extensive frauds per petrated under this law as has been represented by certain department offic ials and in the newspapers. Mr. Mondell believes the timber and stone act should be amended so as to permit the government to realize a higher price for its public timber land in Oregon, Washingon and California, where this land is worth more than $2.50 an acre, but he stoutly objects to having the priie raised on timber lands in the inter-mountain states. Chairn an Lacey, of the public lands committee, also addressed the commis sion. He is opposed to the repeal of the timber and Btone act but is willing to see the law amended so the govern ment will derive a reasonable price for its timber lands. He thinks a fixed price per acre cannot be agreed upon, owing to the varying vahie of timber lands in different parts of the West. TO AID AMERICAN SHIPS. Strong Effort Will Be Made for Bill Con cerning Philippine Trade. Washington, Dec. 30. Unless there is some unforseen opposition, it is more than probable that the present session of congress will enact some leg islation for the protection of American vessels trading with the Philippines. It was said today by an officer of the Newport News shipbuilding company that Senators Frye, Lodge, Hanna and other powerful leaders intend to push the bill recently introduced, by the Maine senator providing for such pro tection. The bill is radical in its pro visions, and inflicts as a penalty to for feitnie of any cargo brought to the United States from the archipelago ex cept in American vessels. The bill, if passed, is to go into effect on July 1, 1904. . Oorge la the Alleghany. Pittsburg, Dec. 30. The recent cold snap has made dangerous the ice in the Alleghany river. At Rosston the gorge is an immense affair, being packed to the bottom and extending 15 miles up stream. It was formed during a thaw and the ice, breaking into small pieces, has packed all the way to the bottom, offering resistance that can scarcely be overcome. The water is now backing up and spreading over the lowlands. The gorge at Springdale still holds and but little ice is floating in either the Alleghany or Monongahela rivers. ' Purchase of Tacoma Slto (Urged. . Washington, Dec. 30. Representa tive Cushman today appeared before the general staff of the army and urged a favorable report on the project to pur chase the American lake camp site, near Tacoma. He was assured his re quest would have early consideration. Cushman also urged the interior depart ment to reconsider ita ruling that there is no authority of law for erecting new buildings at the Puyallup Indian school. This will be taken under advisement. Japan Trying to Buy Warships, London, Dec. 30. Japan ia negoti ating for the purchase of the Argentine warships Moreno and Rivadavia, now building at Genoa, Italy, but the Jap anese legation has not heard of the com pletion of their purchase. LOOT UNDER FIRE. Daring Robbery of Bank at Kiowa, Indian Territory. South M' A Hotel- T T TW 90 A gang of five bank rot bers looted the bank in Kiowa, a smalt town a6 miles north of here, at 3 o'clock this morning and escaped after several hundred shots had been exchanged between the rob bers and a posse of 50 citizens of Ki owa. The robbers dynamited the safe and secured 12.800 in cash, soma of which is believed to have been mutilated by tne explosion. The bank building was partially wrecked, the damnim in th Duiwjng peing anout 1 1,000. An entrance to the bank was gained by the use of crowbars throneb. a rear window. While two of the mnn did the work of blowing up the safe, three stayed outside as guards. The first ex plosion was a failure, makinc a lnnrl ro. port but doing little damage. The citi zens heard the noise, and arming them selves with revolvers and shotguns, hurried to the bank. At the Command of a leAder nf th citizens a volley was fired at the robbers, who were visible throueh the shutter. The fire was returned by the guards secreted on the outside. While the two men on th inui.t. worked, the three men on the outside kept up a steady fire with the posse of citizens. It took three explosions to open the safe. After the last explosion the burglars gathered up their tools and leaving through the front of the bank got away in the dark. lhe posse followed the gang for a dis tance but lost the trail. Whiln an ma of the citizens believe one robber was injured not one of the citizens was struck. The latter were protected from the fire of the robbers by stock pens in the rear of the bank building. A posse of United States marshals is in pursuit, with little chance of im. mediate results, as the men had several hours' start. OUTLOOK OMINOUS. War Party Qalnlng Strength la Japan- China Would Bo Neutral. Pekin. Dec. 30. The oninion entar. tained by the best informed diplomats in Pekin. that war between Russia and Japan is probable and almost inevit able, remains unchanged. Nothing has been received here to corroberate the special dispatches from Tokio which said that the Japanese government was adopting an impera tive tone in pressing for speedy reply to this last note. The report is not believed. Official communications received here from high sources sav that the Japanese war party ia growing in strength and is bringing all ita influ ence to bear' upon the government. ine L-hinese board ol war has ordered the vicerovs to furnish full information as to the numbers of foreign trained troops available for active service. The viceroys of three of the central provinces in response have reported that 90,000 such troops are in readi ness. This unquestionably, is a re markable exaggeration, as the great majority of the foreign trained troons exist only on paper. The dowager empress has issued an edict at the request of Prince Ching, appointing several unknown and probably inexperienced officials as heads of army departments.- One such has been appointed director of training, another has been given command of the department of instruction, while a third has been put in charge of the de partment which has to do with the aim. ply of ammunition. JAPAN WILL SAFEQUARD COREA. Russia Must Modify Her Answer at Once to Avert Such Action. Tokio, Dec. 30. An extraordinary meeting of the privy council today ap proved the issue by the cabinet of an emergency ordinance authorizing the guarantee of the principal and interest of an issue of 10,000,000 yen debent- uers for the purpose of expediting the work on the Seoul-Fusan railway, which is expected to be finished by the end of the year. The ordinance also provides for all possible military ex penses for the protection of the railway and other interests. Ruaala tlvaely Watching China. New York, Dec. 30. The Russian government is noting with the closest attention and keenest interest the un common energy now being shown by the Chinese in making warlike prepar ations under the guidance of a large number of Japanese instructors, cables the Herald's St. Petersburg correspond ent. This has grown so serious as to come into the first line of Russia's cir culations, broadening out the situation on new lines. Such a complication would bring into place the Franco-Russian and Anglo-Japanese treaties. For Three Cent Car Fares. Cleveland, Dec. 30. Two ordinances were introduced in the city council to night pertaining to a 3-cent fare on street car in this city. One was to the effect that the Woodland avenue fran chise, expiring September 20, 1904, be g'ven to the new 3-cent fare company and a like transfer to occur when the Central avenue line 'franchise expires. The second ordinance was to the effect that the rate of fare on streetcar routes shall be made 3 cents. Panaana's Stand aa Debt. Washington, Dec. 30. The state ment of M. Bunau-Varilla, the Panama minister, that his government is will ing to assume a portion of the Colom bian debt, haa been received at the British embassy and transmitted by cable to the London government for ita ' consideration. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON RECORD IS COMPLETE. ',, Oovernor Files Last of Acta Passed by the Legislature. Salem Governor Chamberlain has filed the last of tile acts passed by the last legislature, and the record, of that body at its special session is complete Only ten of the bills seem to haveeffeC' tive emergency clauses. A number of others have emergency clauses which merely declare that an emergency ex iBts, but under the referendum amend ment it is necessary that in order to put an act into effect at once the legislature must declare that the immediate prea ervation of the public peace, health or afty so requires. Those acts which contain the emergency clause such as is required by the referendum amend ment, are marked with an asterisk. All others will take effect 90 days from December 23. Senate Bills. . B. 2, Smith of Umatilla To amend charter of Adams. S. B. 3, Carter To incorporate town of Gold Ray. S. B. 4, Dimmick To incroporate Beaver Hill. 8. B. 5, Dimmick To incorporate North Bend. S. B. 6, Dimmick To amend charter of Marsh field. S. B. 7, Miller To amend charter of Lebanon. 8 B. 8, Wade To provide for dep uty district attorneys in eighth district. 8. B. 9, Smith of Yamhill To fix salary of judge of Lincoln county. 8. B. 14, Carter To amend law pro hibiting killing of elk. ' 8. B. 17, Rand Correcting law re lating to executions at penitentiary. 8. B. 18, Pierce Fixing time to give notice of tax levies in 1904. S. B. 19, Rand, Fixing time of hold ing circuit court in ninth district. ' 8. B. 21, Marsters Appropriating $2,500 for Soldiers' home. 8. B. 22, Carter Placing limit of 10 per cent on interest on tax sales. 8. B. 23, Brownell To prevent as signees from bringing suits to recover recorders' fees. 8. B. 25, Tuttle To amend charter of Seaside. 8. B. 26, Mulkey Granting life di plomas in certain instances. 8. B. 27, Wehrung, by request Pro viding or condemnation of water rights. House Bills. . H. B. 1, Kay To repeal the tax law of 1903. ' H. B. 2, Kay To re-enact the . old tax law. II. B. 8, Carnahan To correct the law relating to recorders' fees. II. B. 15, Adams Amending charter of Athena. H. B. 16, Hale Fixing salary of judge of Josephine county. II. B. 20, Edwards-To incorporate Cottage Grove. II. TJ. 21, Whealond To appropriate 1 100,000 for Celilo canal right of way. H. B. 23, Shelley To revive the $300 tax exemption. H. B. 25, Whealdon To amend charter of Dalles City. H. B. 26, Burleigh To incorporate Lostine. II. B. 29, Malarkey Raising salaries of circuit judges in Multnomah county to $4,000. II. B. 31, Judd, by request To give owners of stallions lein on mares. II. B. 37, Gault Relating to com petency of witnesses. II. B. 40, Galloway Amending charter of McMinnville. II. B. 41, Edwards To protect Chi nese pheasants. 11. B. 42. ways and means committee To appropriate money for expenses of special session. ' Have Cash to Invest. Pendleton Never in the history of Eastern Oregon have the people been as wealthy as they are at the present time. The heavy crops, with the high prices, the large herds of cattle and the increased flocks of sheep is the cause. The farmers and the business men alike enjoy this reign of prosperity. More mortgages have been paid off this fall than ever before in the history of the country. A majority of the farmers, after paying themselves out of debt have deposits in the banks and are looking for investments. Lumbermen Enter Protest. Eugene Two of the most important complaints to be made before the coun ty board of equalization, which has been in session this week, was made by A. D. Hyland and the Booth-Kelly lumber company. They ask for a re duction in the -assessed 'valuation of their large timber holdings. Assessor Burton has assessed timber lands at an average valuation of $3 per acre, which is considerably higher than they have been assessed before. Interest on Tax Sales. Salem The new law placing a limit of 10 per cent upon the rate of interest to be bid at delinquent tax sales will not go into effect until March 23, and will, therefore, not affect sale that are now being advertised under the tax roll of 1902. In some counties the tax sales are delayed, and may not be com pleted until the new law goes into effect. In nearly all counties, however, the delinquent list are short, and sale will be conducted in January. Shcdd Postoftlc Robbed. Albany A report has reached Al bany that the postoffice at Shedd sta tion, in the southern part of Linn coun ty, waa broken into and robbed one night last week. The report is to the efted that the robber broke in the rear door to the bnilding. MONEY IN SUOAR BEETS. Orand Ronde Farmers Oct $95,000 Thla Year for Their Product. La Grande The sugar beet industry netted the fanners this year $95,000, according to the management of the La Grande beet sugar factory. The beet crop this year was greatly in excess over the yield of 1902. The yield last year was 9,000 tons of beeta, while this year it was nearly 12,000. As announced earlier in the season, there were some portions of the crop which proved to be a complete failure. The failure, it is said by the professors at the experimental station at Union, was due to the lack of cultivation on the part of some of the farmers. It ii said the farmers fully realize how beets should be cultivated, but some of them were careless about their work. The acreage planted during the past summer was much larger than the pre vious year. There are more farmers entering the industry now than ever be fore in the history of the plant, and the indications are that the acreage for 1904 will be nearly double that of thia year. The soil here is highly, produc tive for beet taising, and excellent re sults are obtained where proper culti vation is conducted. The labor in harvesting the beets is not expensive, as pulling is generally done by Indians and Japs. Sometimes white labor is employed, but this year it was scarce. The management of the factory rea lizes a large profit from the sugar man ufactured. The management says one ton of beets will produce 240 pounds of sugar. Thus the 12,000 tons produced 288,000 sacks of 100 pounds each. This sugar was sold at 5 cents per pound, making a gross output off 144, 000. LAWBREAKERS QET THE BIRDS. Lane Sportsmen Do Not Believe Law Will "Be Effective. Eugene The new law enacted by the special session of the legislature, prohibiting the killing of Denny pheas ants for the next two years, is the sub ject of much comment in this vicinity, especially among sportsmen. The law does not appear to meet with favor. The argument is advanced that it has not been the shooting of these birds lawfully that has been the meana of re ducing their nur.bers, and that if the old law had been rigidly enforced there would have been no occasion for further restrictions. Coming Event. v Northwest fruitgrowers' association, Portland, January 11-13. National livestock convention, Port land, January 12-15. National woolgrowers' association, Portland, January 12-15. Poultry show, Albany, January 12-15. Angora goat show, Dallas, January 14-15. Whitman-Oregon debate, Eugene, January 15. Oregon Christian Endeavor conven tion, Pendleton, February, 19-22. Vote to Form District. Freewater The election for the es tablishment of the Little Walla Walla irriagtion district according to state law carried by a good vote. An at tempt was made some time ago to form a district, but it was voted down by heavy property owners living near town. This time the district was se lected so they would be left out. The formation of this district will stop the endless litigation over the supply of water. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 71c; blue stem, 76c; valley, 77c. Barley Feed, $20 per ton; brewing, $20.50; rolled, $21. Flour Valley, $3.753.85 per bar rel; hard wheat straights, $3.904.10; clears, $3.55'3.75; hard wheat pat ents, $4.204.50; graham, $3.75; whole wheat, $4; rye flour, $4,600 4.75. Oats No. 1 white, $1.07X1.10; gray, $1.05 per cental. Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid dlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, $18;" linseed, dairy food, $19. Hay Timothy, $16 per ton; clover, $12; grain, $12: cheat, $12. Vegetables Turnips, 65c per sack; carrots, 75c; beets, 90c; parsnips, 85c ?$1; cablMtge, llj.4c per pound; red caliliage, lc; parsley, per dozen, 25c; tomatoes, $1(31.50 per crate; cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen; celery, 75c; pumpkins, leper ponnd; onions, Yellow Dan vers, 80c(3$l per sack; Fannos, $1, prowers' prices. Honey $3(33.50 per case. Potatoes Oregon, choice and fancy, 6575c per sack; common, 6060c; sweet potatoes, sacks, 2c; boxes, 2c. Fruit" Apples, 75c$2 per box; pears, $1(31.50. Butter Fancy creamery, 27Ji30c per pound; dairy, 20(322 )i'c; store, 15 15Xc Poultry Chickens, mixed, 9(3 10c er pound ;spring, 10c; hens, 10c; tur keys, live, 1I8c; dressed, ZOc; ducka, $6(37 per dozen; geese, live, 8c per pound. Ffrgs Oregon ranch, 30c; Eastern, 27(327 ",'e. Hop Choice, 24325c per pound; prime, 2lS22c; medium, 1920c; common, 15(?17c. Wool Valley, 17(3 18c; Eastern Ore gn, 1215c; mohair, 3235c. Peef Dressed, 5(3 7c per ponnd. Veal Dressed, small, 83Jc; large 5 (3 6c per pound.