mm THE most complete and elegant line of Suit Cases ever offer ed In America, and we name the very LOWEST m. a PRICES We have in stock all styles and qualities to suit you. FRANK i. CRAM, Elegant Neckwear 25c to $2 Suspenders- - 25c to $2 High Grade Shoes 25c to $2 Mufflers - - 25c to $2 Initial Handkerchief, 25c and upward Our stock is coropMo, market can produce for the BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Notary Public done by Barnes. We can fill your orders for chicken at the Central Market, For Sale The Gallon 'farm. Apply to J. L. Henderson. Use WilliaiiJB' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. You can get highest market price for your eggs at Central Market. Barnes, the real estate man, has a competent stenographer in is ollice. We carry a full line of groceries, flour and feed. Bone & McDonald. , We are paying cash for vegetables and fruit at the Central market. For watches, clocks and jewelery at the lowest possible prices see Clarke.the Barnes collects rentpays taxes, draws up transfer papers and writes insurance. Don't puy rent. See Barnes, the real estate man and have a home of your own. For Bale L. J. Mulkins' place, ad joining Lyman Smith ; price $;S000. Ap ply to J. JL Henderson. Two hundred to fo.OOO to loan on real estate. If your security is good your money is ready. Brother Investment Co. Barnes, the real estate man, has for pale one of the best Btock ranches in Sherman courtly. For spring wagons, buggies, harrows, cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon ald & Henrich. Bone 4 McDonald will deliver powder on Saturday of each week. Place your order with them. If you want to file on timber land homesteads, call on George T.' Prather, U S. Commissioner, district of Oregon. For Rent For a term of 10 years, the two lots on State street, b;ick of Hart mess' and the Paris Fair. Apply to J L. Henderson. For Sale The !0 acre strawberry farm owned by A. K. Lake and others, on west side. Price f 14.000. All in straw berries in their prime. A good oppor tunity for several bi.yers to go in to gether and each secure a part. Must all be sold at once. Terms half or .more cash. For sale by John L. Henderson. Pure Lard. We are selling our pure kettle-rendered lard as cheap as you can buy any other brand of lard iu town. We manufacture our own lard; it is made from pure hog fat and is not steamed as most of the lard put up by large packing houses. We have all the modern contrivances for putt ng up first class lard and will .guarantee every bucket. Five pound buckets, 75c; 10s, fl.45. MAYES PROS. has a mailbox ( at our store, where the boy i and fiirls can post their let ters to ld Santa, and he will be sure to receive them. He will be at our store the three days be fore Christmas Wateh for him at the Little Store. Baskets. Attractive fancy shapes and colors in Japanese make for nick nacks, fancy work, etc. Very pretty and inexpen sive.. Athletic Goods. P.ovs'boxinggloves.nugby footballs, striking bag ln- dian t'lubs, base ball goods. intt'u-h.-it oleases the bovs. Little Pukes. .,. SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS. The Little Store with Little Prices W H A TH P" THE (Jift most appreciated by the average man is that which he really wants, but puts off buy ing from time to time, having much' to think of besides his own requirements. Could anything be more appropriate than a Suit Case Sm'k'g Jacket 4.90 to 1 0.00 Bath Robe 2.85 to . 8.50 Umbrellas 50c to 9.50 House Slippers 40c to 2.oo and every article as good SPOT CASH. . TOUTS truly, A, Two hundred acres, nearly level, A 1 fruit land, 7 miles from town, easily cleared, on county road, near school. A lirst-claBS investment for you. Price, $20 per acre,. Terms. Geo. D. Cul bertson & Co. Twelve acres, three acres planted in apples, young, excellent orchard land, all irrigated and fenced, on county road, 12 miles from town. A snap for qnick sale. Price $1,000. Terms. Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. Twenty acres unimproved land one milo from town, all under irrigation, well Buited for orchard and poultry farm, good soil, on county road. A good bar gain. Price $050. Geo. D. Culbertson ACo. Wood for Sale. I have six or seven cords of oak wood, now under cover, to sell on the ground. The wood is oppo site William Kennedy's place, East Side. O. A. NOBLE. Subscribe for the Glacier then sub scribe for the Oregonian and get all the news delivered daily to your house for 85c per month including Sunday, 65c without Sunday. GEO. I. SLOCOM, Agent. - . When you read the Oregonian yo'u get the news up to 4 o'clock of the day you get the paer. Subscribe for it and keep posted. GEO. I. SLOCOM. Agent. Diamonds at prices lower than you can get them anywhere. All stones guaranteed by the diamond cutter, also by Clarke, the jeweler. One 5-acre and one 10-acre clearing land contract to let. Inquire of John Iceland Henderson. Go to Stuart's for hot waffles, maple syrup and coffee, chocolate and cake. Short orders a specialty. Toke Point, Eastern and Olympian oyhters in bulk or served any style at Stuart's confectionery. A full line of ladies'and gents'watches f -r the Christmas trade just received by Clarke, the jeweler. The best of everything in the jewelry lind at the lowest prices. Clarke, the jeweler. O 1 1! U R going to eat chicken at Carrier's Sunday. 2 bits. Chicken dinner at Carrier's Sunday, 25 cents. - The woman's alliance will meet this week with Mrs. J. E. Rand. Rev. A. A. Beery, pastor of the Val ley Christian church went to Portland Thursday. He expects to return Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Jewi'tt and their families of White Salmon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cunning Friday, and Saturday. GET IN THE HABIT "W STORE NEWS. 139th SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. LADIES' and Men's Purse., Pocket Books, Wrist and Chatelain Uajis make fine Christmas presents A splendid assortment of 50c and 75c values SIFECX-AJLi, 25c. ! Cups and Saucers j In egg shell and German Chi ! na, beaut ifully decorated and ornamental to any lady's col lect ion. We've got them from !S cts to ot) cts. A Most Acceptable Gift For your boy or girl would be a mandolin, guitar, violin, : or zitlier; iney are amusing, instructive and elevating. A mree of continual pleasure. man? 1.50 to $10.00 a value as the American lull. A bullet hole in the plate glass win dow of Williams' drug store attracted crowds of people all Friday morning. The shot which did the work was heard by a number during the night at about quarter after 12 o'clock, when several men in a drunken carousal were dis turbing the sleep of people along Oak street. The whole proceedings were moBt disgraceful, but worst of all the city marshal is said to have been as bad off as the rest of the crowd. He found it necessary to shoot, but with an un steady aim the bullet went wide of its intended mark. G. R. Castner and eon Charles made a trip to the Willamette valley last week. They visited Reedville, and also Van couver. In the vicinity of Reedville they found a rich stock and dairy country. Hay was a good price $12 per ton for the cheapest. In traveling along country roads they noticed the absence of teams going back and forth like we have on the roads in Hood River valley. They could travel there for miles and not see a team on the road ; but men and teams were seen at work plowing in the fields; G. B: Castner has been doing some advertising for Hood River in an unique way. In driving to town recently with a load of apples, he stopped in front of Rogers' art gallery and had himself, team and load photographed. On the picture is printed by the artist the words: "80 boxes apples brought 1150 50." These pictures he is sending to his friends in the Eastern states where they will do the most good. Mr. Castner is one of Hood River's most euicessfulorchard ista. The little daughter of Mrs. Ralph Savage was born in the South where they have none but artificial ice. During the late cold snap Mrs. Savage put out a tin cup with water in it to freeze fur the little one. In the morning Mrs. Savage gave little Eleanor a bit of the ice to eat. After crunching a mouthful of it she looked up and said: "This is the first time 1 ever ate wild ice, insn't it, mamma?" Mamma said yes, and collapsed. The senior editor of the Glacier is ?randfather for the first time in his life tis expected he will be obeyed and respected accordingly. There will bono advance in the price of subscription. Advertising rates will remain the same for the present. ''It's a cold day when we get left." C.F.Waldo of White Salmon paid the Glacier sanctum a friendly visit Saturday. The United Artisans will give a pub lic dance next Wednesday evening. Vancouver, Wash., lias 140 old sol dier pensioners. See the fine honey at Holman's on the hill. in mind tne fact that you ret the best possible values here in 'addi tion to our generous pre miums. There is no ot her store which gives tne pre miums we do. Ask your neighbor if it isn't so. Then see foryoursejf Novelties. Our collection of calendars, thermometers, pipe racks, match holders, trinket and jewel boxes is individual. No one else has anything like it. Japanese Silk Hand- KIyUCIULTS. Our assort ment is a most beautiful one, embroidered flower effects in fine Jap silk, 2"e values, but we've got 'em as high as $2- George II. Himes, upon his return to Portland carried with him an old Revo lutionary war sword, which Dr. W. L. Adams loaned him for exhibition in the museum of the Oregon Historical society. Connected with this sword is the story that it once belonged to the famous he ro, General Warren, as it was picked up from the field of Bunker Hill near the spot where Warren fell on that memor able 17th of June, 1775. I'r. Adams se cured the relic from Jeremiah Pease, when on a visit to Boston in 18ti9. He bought the sword more particularly be cause his forefathers from the Green mountains of VermoUnt were partici pants in the fight at Bunker Hill, Charley R. Bennett of Oregon City, Or., visited his sister, Mrs. Rose Wilcox, of this city, last Tharsday and Friday. Mr. Bennett operates the steam ax in the wood room of the Oregon City Paper mills, where he has been employed for several months. He took home with him his little daughter Louise. She has been in Mrs. Wilcox's care since her mother's death nearly two years ago. Little Louise w receive for her Christ mas present, a new mamma. Perry Leisey, a schoolmate f Mrs. Wilcox, accompanied her brother from Portland for a visit and to see the country. Have you ever stopped to think when you notice the columns of a newspaper filled with advertisements that the men who do the advertising are the men who do the business? When a man comes to the conclusion that he can't afford to ad vertise, he may as well conclude he "can't afford" to succeed in business, for he never will. The merchant who con tinually reminds you that he is here to stay and wants your trade is the one who gets it Be assured (hat the mer chant who toots his own born has some thing worth tooting about. Chronicle. A letter from ' L. NV- Blowers states that he and his family w ill spend the next month or so at Long Beach, Cal. "We explored San Franciscj, last Fri day," he writes. "It is quite a thrifty appearing villa, e. We saw 20 ships sailing In from the ocean at one time under full sail. We were at the Cliff house at the time and it ' was a mag nificent sight. , But after all, there's no place like home, particularly, if 'home' means Hood River, 'J, Recorder Nickelsen has received noti fication from the clerk of the circuit court to furnish Judge .Bradshaw with certified papers giving a complete re view of the case now pending between P. F. Fouts and. the city of Hood River, the same being an appeal on behalf of Fouts from the decision of Recorder Nickelsen in revoking the saloon license of 8. F. Fouts. Judge Bradshaw will review the case January 9. A. L. Evans is thinking of organizing a class for instruction on the violin, pro vided he can secure enough pupils. Mr. Evans has done this sort of work before, and has always had good success. He is a brother of Grant Evans.formerly of Hood River, and was himself a resident of Hood River for a '"number of years, leaving here about 10 years ago. Mr. Evans is now furnishing up-to-date mu sic for local dances. The Dalles is to have a fruit cannery. The Dalles Fruit company incorporated last week with a capital stock of $25,000, and it is intended to have the cannery in operation to handle next year's crop. The board of directors of the company are: J. S. Bchenck, E. C. Pease, E. M. Williams, H. J. Maier, R. II. Weber, F. S. Gunning, L. E. Crowe. Mrs. O. D. Kea is in St. Vincent hos pital, Portland, where she underwent an operation, Tuesday of last week, for gall stones in the bladder. Nearly 100 gall stones were taken from her, ranging in size from a BB shot to the sb.e of a small marble. Mr. Rea and daughter Alice visited the hospital Sunday, when the patient was getting along nicely, The children of the Congregational Sunday school are preparing a pro gramme for Christmas eve. The chief feature of the entertainment will be the presentation of the cantata, "Waiting for Hanta Clans." The officers of the Sunday school have the entertainment in charge, while A. W. Onthank is di recting the musical features. Wm. Davidson and F. W. Angus were the Hood River apple growers to con tribute fruit free for the St. Louis expo sition. Mr. Davidson gave three boxes of handsome Spitzenburgs, and his name will appear with the apples when displayed at the World's fair. S. II. Cox has traded his fine resi dence property in town to J. J. Turner lor his 35-acre strawberry farm near town. Mr. Cox gave considerable more than the price of his, property, but we did not learn the full terms. Mr. Tur ner, it is said, will convert the building into a hotel. James McBane has just finished the stone work on the residence of Captain A. S. Blowers. This is the finest piece of stone work in towrr, and reflects great credit on the workmanship of Mr. Mc Bane Mr. Blowers has now a hand some residence built at a cost of 5,000. Captain Belcher has started upon his big hotel, which will' be three stories, 75x100, and contain 96 rooms. The new store building was finished this week, 45x00, and the big barn will soon have an addition.-Pioneer. The Regulator company advertised last week that the Bailey GaUert purser would refund all 'ares to passengers if the opposition boat should reach The Dalles first. Saturday the Spencer won the race and the Regulator people paid P- Barnes, the real estate man, made sale of J. H. Miller's home place on the East Side. The purchaser has returned East for his family and proposes to make Hood River his home in the future. Sale was made last Friday. The ladies' aid of Belmont will hold sale of quilts and aprons December 18 and 19, at Mr.. Jackson's store. The ladies of Hood River are invited to come and see us.. ' . , Mr. and Mrs. Claude Connie spent last week at Pendleton. Mr. Copple is rap idly recovering from his recent illnees, and will soon be hearty and robust once more. Little Lawreuce Hershner is expected home today from the hospital at Portland for a few days. He is doing nicely at last report, but very homesick - Mis Nettie J. Kemp, student of. tin Gillespie School of Expression will givt a recital at Odell, December I'd, begin ing at 8 o'clock. Admission 15c. C.E.Wilcox returned to Portland Thursday morning He is a teamste in the employ o.' Wakeman A Mora Transfer company.' . ' A. I. Mason lost part ot his sprint wairon seat between fine drove am town last week. He ' holies the findei will return the lost spring. Mr. and Mrr. Mark Thomas left last Thursday for Rapid City, 111., when thev witl visit relatives lor the neit two months. L. H. Roborts write from Grasi Val ley, Cal., that he has sold his land an gold mine at Grass Valley and made i good sale. D. A. Hanna, representing theKansa City Packer, was in Hood River lat week gathering data lor an article on the fruit industry of the valiej. Wm. M. Hird, a prominent hop-grow er of McKee. Or., is visiting with hu brother, M. F. and family, this week. Beu Powell of this city received, one day last week, from his home in Pali sade, Neb., a box containing a paper bag of popped corn. It made Ben feel a little homesick and he almost wished himself back in old Nebraska. But after thinking It over came to the con clusion that to eat big red apples, such as grow here in Hood River valley, was just as good as Nebraska pop corn, so he will remain here for the present. Mr. Powell came here last spring to pick strawberries and being pleased with this part of the country, has taken up a homestead in the upper part of the up per Hood River valley. His friends are seeking information concerning this famous fruit valley and may sometime come West. Mr. Powell sends them the Glacier every week that they niay read for themselves the stories of the big apples grown here. Several weeks ago an agent appeared in The DalleB taking subscriptions for magazines at "combination" rates, and secured a long list of subscribers, all of whom paid in advance. As yet none of them have received the periodicals for which they subscribed, and it is begin ing to dawn on some of them that they have been buncoed. Mountaineer. Little six-year-old Mildred Smith came with her aunt Hattie Hansberry from Cascade, Locks, last week.and is vis iting at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hansberry. O. B. Hartley made sale yesterday o 75 barrels of pure white flour to Will iams the baker. This is the largest flour sale ever made in Hood River to one man for his own use. Christmas " We are helping out Santa this year by carrying a full line of all good things to eat and wear. The great bargains we are offering in silver-plated ware, cut glass, Chinaware cannot faiLto interest you who want to buy useful gifts. At the Handkerchief counter you will find the assortment complete in Lace, Embroidered, Hemstitched, and Hand Embroidered Initial to be most generous. , LAMP SPECIAL. We shall place on sale all of our lamps, which are an endless variety-all the newest shapes and decora tions. All prices. FOR MEN. Mufflers, Fancy Suspenders, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, fancy Hosiery, Gloves, Sweaters, etc. "SI ' w Free Delivery M. Manly of White Salmon, the sen ior member of that city's leading renl estate firm of Manly & Crow, was in Hood River last Saturday. Mr. Manly owns a large farm at Gilmer, Wash., but is at present interested in pushing the tale of White Salmon real estate. He says settlers are steadily increasing in his country and that by next spring two new stores will open for business. Read the ad of Manly & Crow to be found in the White Salmon column, and if you are thinking of invcatingin White Salmon real estate, it will pay you to correspond with them. Once more we will mention that ads and all notices must be handed in by Tuesday to insure publication same week. ThisweeK we were overwiieimcu with copy on the last Hay, ami as a con sequence some oi our huvwub-ih t,"i left with their chango of ads. We are sorry to have to crowd out anybody s copy, but it can't sometimes be helped. hiring your copy in iu " the rest. Monday is a good uay, or e eu the Saturday before. fipn V. Coe & Son have issued their last call on Christmas goods. They have everything imaginable in the shape of toys and lancy goous iur uiruunw ind ents. Baskets, purses wtin your unmc on, cards and booklets from 5c to 2oe, calendars, shell goods, candies, celluloid goods, books, albums, 100 different games from 5c to 4. You can always get what you want at Coe's. Mrs. Alice Love returned to romanu Wa.tnoa.1av mortnns:. atter a visit oi three weeks with Mrs. Edward Wythe. While here. Mrs. l)ve met nirs. naipu Savage, and in the course oi comers- tion it developed inai mo mu.on.-n distant relatives and well acquainieu with many people in fxmisann, me ior mer home 'of both. Wriuht. who bought out the transfer bueinessof W.Ganger.about two weeks ago, had the misfortune to lope a f'200 bay mare Monday night. The animal sustained a bruised font'snmehow and was taken very sick, told una t.......!it u ml .iiMu.xl n tever set in, n m muug".! v.-.- -sudden death. Judire and Mrs. L. Henry left lues- dav. for their California trip, iney gi direct to Loe Angeles and will spend the winter at Santa isamara. ine will return to Hood Kiver anoui prn is Thoir mrniv friends wish them a pleasant trip and safe return. HID iiuiiiu... .i... n u Knpph next Mnndav evening ti. ..rAi. i tinn h nance win met-i i rwohor 21. K. O. Miller of Portland will be present. A good programme. J,,l,n Metca f is visiting las aaiignier, Mrs. C. J. Fit, and sister, sirs. Arcnie Chapman, at ancouver, vtasn. II. I! .o2i mm Co different games all new one in each package of Lion Coffee at your Grocer. BEFORE and AFTER. Before Xmas you are looking Jor something tasteful, pretty and artistic, After Xmas you will be glad you selected holiday goods with reference to usefulness. We are prepared to meet your requirements at prices that give you your money's worth most abundantly. Among them are Handkerchiefs, newest, most beautiful designs in endless variety. Silk Opera Shawls, Gloves, our Sorosis are noted for their excellence Elegant Pattern Hats BELOW COST. ileal Furs at the same prices you pay for manu factured Fur elsewhere. Bring in your Xmas list, we can fill the bill in our line to your entire satis faction. KNAPP'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Ho May John G. KoIIh. who came to Hood River last summer from Palisade, Neb., savs he has received a number of letters lately from his former neighbors in quiring auout tins country, some oi whom will likely come nere nextspnng. Mr. Zolls thinks he made a wise move when he uame to Hood Kiver. His wife was in very poor health for 10 vears while thev lived in Nebraska, but since locating here she is much im proved. Mr. Zolls is glad to hnd good schools and savs ins ooys are progressing very nicely with their work.and that they expect to be promoted the hrst of the year. John G. Zolls, who is a first class stone mason, having mastered the trade n huroiie.says the best building stone in Hood River is to be obtained from the quarry on H. It. Erwin's property on the state road. This stone works up nicely, while rock from other parts of the val ey is so hard it is very difficult to cut into shape. Last week Mr. Zolls lid considerable work, gratis, on the East Side grade. W. J. Uakor has rented his fruit farm for one year to W. F. Cash, from Boise, Idaho. Mr. Maker will move to town and his family will occupy rooms in the Artisan building, over McDonald's store. Mr. Cash is a thorough lruit man, ana himself and family will be welcomed to Hood River. H. J. Frederick is preparing to- build a house 24x-'t in Blowers addition. John U. Zolls will do the stonework. Born. In Hood River, December 12, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Blythe, a son. In Hood River valley, December 10, HUM, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Fossburg, a son." Married. In Hood River, December 9, 1903, at the home of the bride. East Side, Roy Jackson and Misa Lulu Thomas ;Kev.V. L. Dillingur officiating. Quite a number of relatives and friends were present. A number of nice presents were received. Both are members of the M. E. church at Tine Grove. New Today. Fine pickles at Holman's. Sweet potatoes and cauliflower Christmas at Holman's. for Meats of all kinds for' Christmas at Holman's. Turkeys and chickens for Christmas at Holman's. Cranberries and mincemeat for Christmas dinner at Holman's. your See the vegetable display at Hoi man's on the hill finest pickles in town. A nnti'h uamo of basket ball will be playeil at the gymnasium Monday even ti. Djcui'nr -J. F'r S.ilo. One hundred twenty acres partly cleared, six miles out, HO acres under ditch t2,200. For Sale. One hundred twenty acres nearlv ail cleared, seven miles from town.Vinie of apple land $4,800. Church Notices. I. B. Church Sunday school at 10 ' a. m. Sermon by pastor at 11 a. m. and 17:30 p.m. Junior C. E. at 3:30 p.m. ; Senior C. K. at 7 p. m. Prayer and l praise meeting Wednesday evening at I::i0. A cordial invitation to all. Il.C. '. Valley Christian. Services at osual. : Snliject Sondav at 11 a. m.. "The Goa- pel Its Power." At 7:30 p. m., "Vice : and Virtue." All are cordially invited to these services. A. A. Beery, pastor. ' t nitarian. Service at 11 a. m. Sun day. Subject: "I'nitarianism Dertrnct ; ive, Instructs e and Constructive." Sur. Gifts. Phone 581 VIBRASSAGE Treatment by RUSSEL&REIS, At the O f BARBER IV. SHOP. A new and scientific meth od for treatmen of the hair, scalp and skin. The treatment is extraor dinarily efficacious in the speedy and permanent re moval of Dandruff, Black heads, Flesh Worms, Wrink les, Sallow Complexisn, Cold in the Head, etc. day school at 10 a. m. at K. of P. hall. Subject for December 27: A genuine Christmas and music to correspond. Christian Tabernacle. Services at Carmichael'i hall. Sundav school every Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Preaching by Rev A. A. Beery, every 1st and 2 1 Sun day immediately following Sunday school. All are given a kindly invita tion. A. B. Cash, Superintendent. United Brethren. Next Sabbath morning the pastor will preach about "Christmas Its Uses and Abuses." In the evening the subject will be "Five Husbands and Fathers." The C. E. so ciety will meet at 6:30, and the evening preaching hour win De 7 o'clock. ISieh op N. Castle, D. D., will be in Hood River in the near future.' Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. write fire insurance in both Oregon and Wash, ington. Lowney's Chocolates The finest assortment of Christmas candies ever displayed in Hood River is now on sale at onr store. We also have Christmas Cigars The best grades put up in boxes of 12, 2." and 50 each. No nicer pres ent for a smoker. We have everything needed for Christmas tree decorations. TOMPKINS & JOCHISI.