The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 17, 1903, Image 5

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Men's Hats
Have just received a
nice new line of Men's
Hats in tin; latent novel
ties from $2.50 to $.3.50.
If you want the latest
we have it.
Shoes for Men
A beautiful Colt Shoe
with Monkey top, kid
lined, Goodyear welt;
felt between inner and
outer sole just the thing
for dress and comfort;
wears well and will keep
your feet warm. Also
have Douglas Shoes
in Vicars, box calf Velour
calf and patent leathers.
For a medium-priced
shoe there are few to
equal and none to surpass.
Ladies' Furs
We want to close out our
furs before the holidays,
and to do so we will make
the following prices,
which are .rare bargains
that you won't have of
fered you again probably
for years:
.Beautiful Beaver EJ A
worth $10, for 0)
Long black hair 8 tails
with loop and
cord, worth $0
Long black Coney and Sa
ble with gun-metal clasp
and chain; E O C
worth $7.50, O.AD
Other Collarettes that are
worth $4.50
yours for
Seal Collarette
worth $5.50
Another one
worth $3.75,
Ladies' Belts
SILK Belts with gun-metal
case and buckle.. ,75c
SILK Belts with fancy
buckle and slides 65c
SILK Belts with oxodized
silver buckles back and
front . 60c
KID Leather Belts, nicely
"trimmed 35c
BEAUTIFUL Silk-woven
Cord Belts, made in ele
gant styles. Your choice
for 76c, $1, $1.25
PATENT Leather Belts in
, colors...........'...... 25c
Waist Sets
PEARL Shirt Waist Sets
25c, 85c, 50c, G5c, 75c
CUT Steel Waist Sets,
latest styles 75c
JET Waist Sets. They
are beauties 60c
SILK Embroidered Col
lars. They are beauties
35c, 50c, (J0e, 75c and$l
BIG Line of Fancy Side
and Back Combs and
Fancy Hair Pins.
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
otner accidents, are every day occurren
ces. It behooves everybody to have a
reliable salve handy and there's none
as good as Bucklen s Arnica salve. Burns,
cuts, sores, eczema and piles disappear
quickly under its soothing effect. 25 c
at Chas. H. Clarke's drug store.
G. A. R. Election.
Canby post held an interesting meet
ing Saturday. Election of ofticera re
sulted as follows:
Commander H. H. Bailey.
Senior Vice Commander A.L.I'helps.
JuniorViceComraauder 8.A. Skinner
Surgeon M. F. Jacobs.
Chaplain E. D. Calkins.
Quartermaster S. F. Blythe.
Officer of the Day A. S. Blowers.
Officer of the Guard O.L.Stranahun.
Delegates to State Encampment S.
A. Skinner and A. C. Buck. Alternates
T. D. Tweedy and A. L. Fhelps.
After election, as agreed upon at pre
vious meeting, each member told where
be was wiieu he first heard the news of
the assassination of President Lincoln.
It was interesting to hear each one tell
of bis whereabouts and of the scenes
going on and of bis feelings on thatsad
occasion. The following responses
show how far the members of Canby
post were scattered on that eventful
14th of April, 1865:
W. H. Perry At Frankfort, Ky., in
the 30th Kentucky. The city was
draped in mourning. Where houses
were not draped the soldiers put up
the crepe.
T. D. Tweedy At Roily, Mo., in the
131b Missouri cavalry.
A. O. Buck At Montgomery, Ala., in
the 7th Minnesota.
Captain J. P. Shaw With -Sherman
in North Carolina, in the 31st Ohio.
E. D. Calkins At home, near Mad
ison, Wis. Had been mustered nut of
the 6th Wisconsin after losing his leg
at the battle of Antietaiu.
H. H. Bailey At home in Washing
ton county, Iowa, after serving three
years in the 8th Iowa.
Captain J. H. Dukes With Sher
man in the 110th Illinois.
M. F. Jacobs At Raleigh; N. C.with
Sherman's army, in the 8th Minn.
A. H. Jewett On picket In Tennes
see, in the I52d Illinois. Related an
incident of two soldiers rejoicing over
the deatn or .Lincoln, ihey were ar-
rested.onesideof their heads shaved and
were drummed out of the army. S. A.
Skinner also saw them drummed out
and told the regiment they belonged
to the 134th Illinois.
O. L. Stranahan At Wheeling, West
Va., on his way home. Wus in Wash
ington the day before t he nssnsH nation,
went to the theater and saw Lincoln In
a box at rord's theater, bit listed in
the 5th Minnesota; transferred to and
discharged from the United Siules sig
nal corps.
A. L. Phelps With Sherman's army
In the 14th Michigan.
S. A. Skinner lii a hiockhouso in
Opera Shawls
.75 Shawls for $ .60
l.oo " " .80
1.50 " " 1.20
1.75 " 1.40
2.oo " 1.60
2.50 1.75
3.00 " 2.40
3.50 " 2.80
Ladies' Walking Skirts
All of our 8.50 Skirts at $6.75
All of our (5.50 Skirts tit 5.25
All of our 5.50 Skirts at 4.25 ,
All of our 3.75 Skirts at 2-95
Men's Suits
All of our Men's ftLS.50 Suits at $14.80
All of our Men's 1(5.00 Suits at 12.80
12.50 Suits at 10.00
10.00 Suits at 8,00
All of our Men's
All of our Men's
Mimical Treat for Hood Uiver.
Cosgrove's Concert Orchestra, now
on its fourth annual tour, will give an
entertainment in Hood River, Decem
ber 2!, at 7..30 p. m. This company me
very highly recommended wherever
they are known, and nuicie lovers
should not miss hearing them. The
press speaks of them In this way:
To say that they pleased their audi
ence is pulling it very mildly. The so
loists are certainly all artist.-, and we
bespeak for them on their return en
gagement In October a packed house.
St. Paul (lobe.
TheCosgrove Orchestra pave a con
cert Inst evening, which certainly -as
one of the ticst ever heard in the city.
The musical organisation is well bal
anced; all aitists, and their descriptive
musical numbers and the classic music
was rendered with skillful execution.
It Is a concert orchestra of the first
rank. Such selections as the overture
to Poet and Peasant were rendered
with the same musical finish a the
more popular airs. Menominee Daily
Head About to Burst.
"I had a severe bilious attack and
felt like my head was alxmt to hurst
when 1 got hold of a free sample of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tali
lets I took a dne of them after np-
per and the next day like a new
man and have Iteen feeling happy ever
since," says J. W. Smith of Juliff, Tex
as. For iiiliousnees, stomach troubles
and constipation these tablets have no
equal. Price 25c. For sale by all drug-
Willi I'aitli Knough ('mil (I Work Wonder.
While Salmon, Wash., Dec. 14, 1903.
Kiiitor (ilnrier: An editorial in the
Oregonian of November 11, under the
captain, "The Appearance of Common
Sense," was to tlie point as to mental
A Portland liesler visited this com-
tn u 1 1 it v latelv nil h Hint led his belief
that the reason children were sick with
the diptlieria or any other disease was
that their parents or others were afraid
thev would he sick, and said, "You will
tin) many in Portland w ho believe as
1 do. I lieal the sick as Jesus did."
"Can you cure ull, as Jesus did?"
"Yes; by' prayer."
"Can vou raise the dead, as Jesus
did?" "We could if we had faith
"Will your treatment prolong life?"
"Yes, many centuries," was Tils answer.
There is one patient from this neigh
borhood under ins care now in Port
land. Klickitat.
A Frightened Horse.
Rnnninir like mail down the treet
America s BEST Republican Paper.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
52 twelve-page paprs $1 a year. The Inter Occun
and (ilacier one year for f 1 .90.
Tennessee, in the 43d Wisconsin.
L. Henrv At spanisii fort. Mobile
bay, in the 94th Illinois.
H. J. Byrkett At rort wacy. va , in
the 147th Ohio.
Captain A. 8. Mowers On the march
near Jordan, Minn., In the 2d Minne
sota cavalry.
T. J. Cunning At oioretieaa (Jity,
N. C with Sherman's army, in the
24th Ohio.
8. F. Blvthe At Winchester, Va., in
2d regiment Hancock's Veterans.
At the next meeting tne memuers or
the nost will tell when and where they
enlisted at what their feelings were at
the time.
Same day, December 12, Canby W.
It. C. elected the following officers.
President Mrs. Alida Shoemaker.
Senior Vice President Mrs. Cath
a tine Gill.
Junior Vice President Mrs. Helen
Chaplain Mrs. Francis Chapman.
Treasurer Mrs. Ellen Blount.
Guard Miss Carrie Crowell.
Assistant Guard Mrs. 0. C. Dean.
Conductor Mrs. Merybeth Crowell.
Assistant Conductor Mrs. Ellen
Color Bearer No. 1 Fannie Bailey;
No. 2, Helen Perry; No. 3, Carrie Ab
bott; No. 4, Hattle Hansberry.
Musician Miss Clara Blythe.
New 0. K. & Ji. Time Table.
Several changes were made in the
0. R. & N. time table last Monday to
accommodate, the arrival and depart
ure of Spokane-Pendleton trains. The
revised schedule is as follows:
East bound ' ' -
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:4:1 a, m.
No. ft. Mall and Kxpress, IftSO p. m.
No. 24, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m.
No. 22. Fast Freight, 4:2ti . in.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special. SKIS p. m.
No. 8, Port land Flyer, 5:32 a. m.
No. 5, Mall and F.x press 6'J& a. in.
No. 28, Way Freight, :i a in.
No. 21, Fast Freight. 6:4o p, in.
. .
The Cow and the Ox In India.
Few people traveling In India can
fail to notice the part pliyed, whether
in the flesh or Its representation, by the
cow and the ox. Sacred cattle wander
unmolested and unmolettlng through
the streets of the cities, siore especial
ly In the south, generally decorated
with garlands of flowers; stone "tin n
dis," the bulls of Siva, keep guard be
fore his temples and round his tanks;
they are portrayed in fresce or in carv
ing on the walls'of many a rock cavern.
Oxen turn mills, plow the hind, are the
drawers and carriers of vrater and,
above all, are Invaluable for drawing
loads. Cattle, as Is well known, are by
Hindoos held in great and superstitious
reverence, Ganges water poured over a
cow's tail lieine equivalent to the kiss-
The largest line of late and popular books ever
carried in the city. I can fit you out in this line
from the finest binding .and best authors to the
cheapest series. I have a specialty this year
of books for the young folks.
A nice line of Bibles of every size, from the lit tle
Pocket Testament to the large Long Primer Bible.
I have a large assortment of Albums and
am. offering them at a bargain. The old cus
tom was to keep the price up until after the hol
idays, then cut them down. Not so with me. I
am not going to have any left to cut prices on.
Get them while they last.
It costs to advertise. No use to take up space
telling you of this line. Everybody knows when
they get their stationery Of Slocom they get the
A full line of the famous 'Waterman Fountain
Pens. The best made. Also a fine line of Pearl
Handle gold tip Pens.
A nice assortment at the right price. Remem
ber, I make a specialty of these lines'. Will be
pleased to show them to you. There is but one
Geo. I. in town, and that is
GEO. 1. SL0C0M,
The Book Man.
Investment Company.
The oldest, most reliable and up-to-date Ileal Es
tate Agents in Hood River.
If you want an abstract;
If you want insurance written;
If you want conveyancing done;
If vou want to buv a farm, or a house and lot in
town, or sell a farm, or a house and lot, CALL ON
US. We sell more real estate than any other firm
in the city.
We have the best list of farm and country prop
erty to chose from.
Information and full particulars of the surround
ing country gladly given. Mr. Prather has lieen a
resident of the town and valley for 2 years, and
no one is letter posted in regard to Hood River
valley. '
We will issue a price list of property March 1,
11)04. Write for it. We will be pleased to mail it
to you.
Correspondence solicited. Telephone main 701 .
To the People of Hood River:
etc., is now very COMPLETE. These goods
are ALL NE;W, and have been CAREFULLY
selected in order that we might give each cus
tomer BEST POSSIBLE VALUE for the pric
Hoping to MERIT a share of your PAT
RONAGE, we are,
Yours truly,
im i
No Z
Si ' . m f '
. ... ' " J 1- i M ' m. it-' l . m Tmr : w A .
We carry a comploto slock of W. Mullh (iruliblni? Mac'ilnea, wire cable, rope shortueru, blocks, root hooka, etc., for which
we are general agents for Oregon mul Washington, Write for catalogue.
ONLY exclusive Hardware Store in
lng of the sacred oook or taKing aa
oath. Yet, unfortunately, the draft bull
often receives very rouh treatment at
his driver's hands. So long as the ani
mal's life Is not taken 111 treatment
counts as nothing among these people
who regard the brutes as sacred.
Sadden Lap.e of Memory.
"I saw the whole thing," said the
passenger with the nose fusses. "I wus
standing on the front platform when
the car hit the wagon. It was all the
fault of the blamed driver, lie started
to cross the track when the car wasn't
ten feet away. The motorniau shut off
the power and put on the brakea, but
he couldn't stop In time. Some of these
fool drivers are always doing thnt sort
of thing. It would serve 'em right If"
Here a policeman with a notebook
came along.
"Did yon see how this happened?" he
"Me?" said the man with the nose
glasses. "Gosh, no! I don't know a
thing about It." Chicago Tribune.
A Doubting Father.
Mr. George. Manville Fcnn was In
the Reform club one afternoon, snys u
London Journal, when he noticed that
an old gentleman, a friend of his, was
looking rather perturbed, so he in
quired If there was anything the mat
ter. "Well," said the old gentleman,
"the fact Is my son has got a play
coming out tonight, and I fear it will
be a ghastly failure. ITe can write
pretty little plays when he likes, but
this one he has written is a nonsensical
sort of a thing, and I'm sure It won't
do at all. However, I suppose I must
go and see It." The son's name was
William S. Gilljert, and the Dlny was
"Trial by Jury."
roi.lbly So.
'Yes. children." said Uncle Henry:
"the fishes In the sea go in schools."
"In swimm na schools r asaea me
gmart nephew, who was planning to
enter l arvaie.
"Most of 'em," replied Uncle Henry.
"Hut the sea horses go to riding
erlionl!. find the starfishes go to astro
nomical schools, and the seal goes to a
law school, and the sworansn goes w a
military school and. the sawfish to a
manual training school."
"And where does the lobster go?"
Htfked the smart nephew.
"He doesn't go anywhere. He stays
at home and practices his college yell."
Wbtatler and nl.rarll.
Whistler once came very near to
painting a portrait of Disraeli. He had
the commission. He went down to the
country where Disraeli was, but the
great man did not manage to get Into
the mood. Whistler went away disap
pointed, and shortly afterward took
place a meeting in Whitehall which
was the occasion of a well known sto-n-
Disraeli cut his arm in Whistler's
f,r a little wnv on the street, bringing
fr,,m tht. artist the exclamation, "If
nnly my creditors could see!"
Aa Irlah Aaawer.
The London Chronicle tells a itory
of an Incident In a Donegal village
bowing the friendly Irish habit of
giving a pleasing answer In preference
to the bald truth. "I want some pep
permint lozenges," said the Saxon vis
itor, coming straight to tne point.
"Sure ye do," smiled the Irish shop
man. keeDing off It "How much are
they?" pursued the Saxon as the man
did not move. "And isn't it two ounces
a penny they are?" answered the Irish
man, still without moving. "Well,
have you got any?" persisted his cus
tomer impatiently. "Sure, not any at
all!" said the Irishman, coming reluc
tantly to the point, with his sweetest
smile of all.
Meat Market.
I am prepared to furnish the public
with the best of Freeh and Cured Meats,
Lard, all kinds of Fresh Vegetables
Chickens and Eggs, at the lowest
prices. FREE DELIVERY. Phone
Oregon Nursery Co.
Kor flrst chiHs, wliole-moted and budded Tree, send your order to the old reliable
Oregon Nuixwv tin., atHalem. Oregon. We have yet for le a few more thouwiud
tli si-; lnss Nett town l'lppin, Kpltxenbtirgs, and full line of all other varletlen of ap
ples uml general nursery stock.
Now is the time to place your order, before all the best tree! are sold.
Sick Herring.
"Why," said a youngster to his elder
brother, "do herrings have so many
more illnesses than other lishr
"Who says they do?" asked the
yonth addressed.
"Why, this book says that thousands
upon thousnnds of them are cured ev
ery year."
Silence la Golden.
"Of course," said the beginner, "to be
nccrssful in politics one must know
how to speak."
"Better still," replied the old hand,
"he must know how not to speak."
wnen a woman ivea wsj u bhk't i
the begs her own pardon with tears. j
Stock Grown on Full Boots.
We desire to lot our friends and patrons know
t hut for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
lerg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWS0N & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to call and nee us and give us a chance
to fill your order. We quote Flour in not lens
than barrel lots at warehouse:
Dalles Patent, ler hbl.. .$4.."0 White River, ier bbl.f 4.2r
Dalles Straight, f 3.55.
l Wd at warehouse in not less than half-ton lots:
TRUE TO NAME. i j, barl,,v yT ton. f 24.50 Short, ier ton f 22.50
veftwwie ih -. iv -f Yri:.. ()ats. 1HT ton 25.00 Bran and Shorts 22.00
Yours truly,
I have
Arkiinui lilu. k. iirYtl n ln.i.' nit mt
. ..r.fiiliv M'tt-iM':! (TtJll
imill rm inn. i m . - -
inMnhelwt bearine tree In H."1 Iliver
mlley. I do not li.-sitme to rimrnnK-0 my .
trees true U namo. s. -nl ,rPr"-"'
N. B. Habvky. Prop. Milwaukee, IT. j
F. E. STUAXd. l'K-al agent.!
bone & Mcdonald