The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 17, 1903, Image 2

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    Kood rv ver Slacier.
The Pope Manufacturing company
has the thanks of the Glacier for ft ufce
ful desk pad calendar. , Each page con
tains an expression from an enthusiast
in cut-door exercise. In their letter
fully one hall of the writers voluntarily
emphasise their belief in the benefits ol
bicycling for women; all ere of the opin
ion that the most natural and efficient
ion mill ine utuBfc iiotuiai
method of taking in Nature's, i
"The Breath of Life," is by syt
open-air exercise; and that the moM
fascinating, broadening and exhilerating
way of getting this out-door exercies if
by weans of the bicycle.
George H. Ilinies, assistant secretary
of the Oregon Historical society, Port
land, is quite anxious to know when
and by whom the block house
which used to be at White Salmon
was erected. He believes it was
during the winter of 1855-56, as a pro
tection from the Indians during tl.e
Yakima war. If any reader of the Gla
cier knows the facts in the caee, togeth
er with the name of the settlers wl.o
built it, they will greatly oblige Mr
Hiines by sending the information to
the Glacier. Every item relating to
the settlements along the Columbia
river he is anxious to secure.
The members of the Husum grange
have challenged Hood River for a com
petitive fruit exhibit next full. Thh
will be the date for Hood River's bi
ennial fruit fair, and whoever may be
elected to manage the fair must see to
it that the people of Husum are accord
ed space for their fruit and vegetables.
They can grow large apples iu the White
. Salmon foothills, and their exhibit will
be welcomed at our fair. There will be
no favors in the distribution of premi
ums, and if llubum carries off Ihe big
prizes, well and good.
Colonel bTf. .Shaw of Vancouver,
VVash.,will deliver the annual address at
the fifth annual meeting of the Oregon
,Historical society in Portland, Decern
" W 13. The colonel was a private in
the Cayuse war, and a lieutenant in the
Yakima war. Amos Underwood served
in the same command in the Cayuse
. war.
The Eugene Register has its linotype
lnntH.llad.and now this progressive morn
ing daily greets its thousands of readers
in a brand new dress.
Masquerade Ball at Mount Hood.
There will be given a masquerade ball
t ti.a Mmmi Tliual hall on Fridav even.
na..Q 'An hv thfi directors 0'
the hall. A dance and supper will be
given. By order ot tne ooaru 01 directors
Program for Band Concert.
Part I.
1. March "The Corker." Southwell.
' Hv the Band.
2. Solo. By J. R. Nickelson.
8. Selection, By Mandolin Club
4. Overture, "Queen City." Southwell
By the Band.
5. Selection, Male Quartette
6. Selection, Evans' Orchestra
Specialties, Davidson and DeBord.
Part II.
1. Overture, "Bijou." Vandercook
By the Band.
9 Rnn Bv Chas. N. Clarke
3. Selection, Evans' Orchestra.
4. Solo, By Sam Blowers
" 6. Selection, Bv Mandolin Cltib
Overture, "Pell-Mell." Southwell
jjy ine uana.
TOaftln A ratfla will ho hehl nt. trtv
house Wednesday, December 23, for
chickens, ducks and turkeys.
J. A. Knox, Dukes Valley
Barnes, the real estate man, will turn
ish abstracts on property in Dean's sub
division and Hull's subdivision ot I'leat
ant View addition ; and in Barrett-Sipma
and the Parkhuret additions, also for
any of the property included in the Coe
donation claim, at reasonable rates.
The orderlof the Fraternal Brother
hood have posters distributed about
town announcing a banquet and dance
in the K, of P. hall tonight ( lhursday.)
Admission, tl per couple including sup
ner; additional ladies free. IThere wil
be an X-ray de.i outiati n during the
evening, and pictuie9 will be taken.
Tk9 Scale Invented by Newton and
Amplified hr Fahrenheit.
Why should the freezing point be
marked 32 degrees and the boiling
point 212 degrees on the Fahrenheit
thermometer scaleT Most students
know that its Inventor divided the
space between these points into 180
degrees Instead of the simpler 100 de
grees used in the Centigrade system,
but few understand how this number
fame to be chosen. A writer thus ex
plains the matter:
The thermometer was really Invented
by Sir Isaac Newton. He started his
scale with the heat of the human body
and used as his Instrument a glass tube
filled with linseed oil. The lowest fig
ure on the scalo was the freezing point
and the highest point boiling water.
The starting point of this scale, . as
mentioned, was the heat of the human
body, which he called by the round
number 12, as the duodecimal system
was then in common use. He divided
the space between the freezing point
and the temperature of the body into
12 points and stated that the boiling
point of water would be about 30, as
the temperature must be nearly three
times that of the human body.
When Fahrenheit took up the subject
a few years later he used the Newton
instrument, but, finding the scale not
fine enough, divided each degree into
two parts and so made the measure
between the freezing and boiling points
24 parts Instead of 12. Fahrenheit then
discovered that he could obtain a low
er degree of cold than freezing, and,
taking a mixture of Ice and salt for a
starting point he counted 24 points up
to body heat By this measurement he
obtained 8 for the freezing point and
C3 for the boiling point. Bis scale now
read: Zero, freezing, 8; body heat 24,
and boiling water, 53. It will be no
ticed that this scale Is Identically that
of Newton's, only starting lower and
having the numbers doubled.
It was with this scale that Fahren
heit worked for a long time, but final-
iv milium me letuueraiure UiYlsluim
etlll too large, he divided each degree
Into four parts. Multiplying the num
bers just given by four the thermome
ter scale now in use results.
The chance choice of Newton of the
Hotii-o 12 to renreseut the body heut
determined the present thermometer
scale, even as the yard, foot ana men
mcmnrM orlelnallv came from meas
ures of parts of the human body, and
as the width of a railroad carriage was
iintK-minpd hv the track, which in
turn v.-aa determined by the width be
tween the cart wheels necessary to
hpnr a load which could comfortably
be drawn by a mule. American In
John Leland -Henderson
has issued aeall foranieeting
in the K. of P. hall, Satur
day afternoon, at 1:30 o'
clock, for the purpose of or
ganizing a Roosevelt repul
lioan club. The organization
is to be a part of the Roose
velt League of Oregon.
Room 20x50 for Rent.
An unfurnished mom near center of low u
for warehouse purposes.
01 r..-ivii imit .i r.i-v,
For Sale Cheap.
Two Rochester Lamps and a annul airtlgh
Heater. H. S. HllAr'r KK.
Cook Wanted.
. A cook Is wanted al Mill A. Man and wile
preferred. Write or call at Davenport s office
In town. DA V r. A I OK f uuhh,
Wood for Sale.
In lick or cold lots, delivered. I'hone
J7 M. M. MU l'T. I'hone X.
Vnllse fontalninit duUilns. The name ol
Edward Huriiindon In valise. Owner ean
have same by paying lor lliia i.oilcc and prov-
Ins property ai. ti. it. nicKert
Purple Iris.
Hlsvriuehluin irrandlfloinin, or Olsynlum
Douulasn . also called w nil urocus, eie. is one
of our earliest wild flowers, very pretty and
win tnv of cultivation. Alter years of en III va
tlon. 1' offer for sale lor the tlrst time a limited
number of plants of the following line, va
1. Know while, Iniye. very early.
2. Striped purplennd while.
8. Deep purple, Willi short stripes.
4. V'erv larire. deep purple, nroontnir, late.
Hood sized elusiers, each 85c; throe of a
kind, SUe. W. N. Sli KHDuIlK,
d:tl Hlngen, Wash.
Wanted-A Wife.
A new one, not one warmed over. I am a Ills
Bend farmer. ) years old and ti feet tall; welicli
170 pounds; not very handsome hut as good as
tney maae mem tnese nines, mreei. ho lei
ters to ALUKK r .1. KI'K AIUHT.
J14 Almira, Lincoln Ik)., Wash,
Orean for Sale.
A (Voelave lisMy onrun. In flrt-elas cdtidi
tlon. ri'tceST.) an on or address,
d:ll DAVID ITTDN. Hoodlllver.
Sewing Machine
FOR KAl.ft. llninu ii'-w Klneer. Price f
All chhIi or easy terms to sul t purchaser. May
be seen al the rotter tnrin.
Special School Meetings
IMlllce is neieny liven hi me leiu voiein 01
sebool district No. 6. of Wasco county, stale
of Oregon, thai a special school tneetiiiK of Ihe
district will be held at the school bouse tin
Ihe llllh day m Dceebiher, 1IKW, at 1 o'clock in
tn afternoon. Tins meeting is caueu lor tne
uumoHe of vol in if a sneclal tax to meet theex-
penses ot the district lor theeomimr year, and
the transaction ol any otber business that
may properly come bciore me mcenng,
Dated this fib day ot Di cemlMT. 1!KW.
HUirON ftll'l'LE,
Chairman Hoard Directors.
Attest: M. Odell, District Clerk.
DIHTItrt'T NO. 8.
Notice Is hereby alven that a SeehU meet
ing of the voters of Hrhool District No. 8 will
be held at Ihe Sta'e stn-et sebool house on
Saturday, December 111, at 1:110 o'clock, to vol
a special tax for school purpose.
Chiilrman Hoard Directors.
Kred B. Barnes, Clerk.
Notice Is herebv given that a special meet.
Ingof Ihe voters ot 'School District No. '2 will
be held al the Krankton school house on
nrday, December 19, I!i8, at 1 p. m., tor the
purpose ol voting asiicclal tax.
r XI. H. XOBI.K,
Chslnnan Board Directors.
M. H. Niekelsen. Clerk.
Night School.
Bookkeeping, sl-orthand 'and Typewriting
Penmanship, Arithmetic, el c five nights per
week. I'errns 5 per month. HtxiniH over
DftllttH' store. I3 H. M. ai'XLKY.
A few quarts of milk to spare.
D. .1. TRlilHKH, Paradise Farm.
Good Eating Apples
And potatoes for sale by
d D. J. THF.J UKR, Paradise Farm.
Custom Made Shoes.
I have a line of men u nnd boys' Custom
Made- 8hoe of the bet material. ThI! and nee
J?K Shoe Shop south of P. O.
I have found Ihe Jersey heifer advertised In
this space, hut the "common red ' Is still out.
John lawless refKirts having seen mj brand
on a brlndle heifer up bis ua.v, wbleh is proh
slily the same, as her inotiier was brindle.snd
the heifer can't be blamed if slie has lollowed
a family trait. Itnn ber In if you find her.and
Ihe cost of yonr trouble will be paid. Hpear
head brand on top of lef: hip.
d3 H. K. H AIIBISON, phone Mil,
Light red half-breed Jersey heifer, 2 years
old, with left ear cropjied and hole; upper
bll In right ear. dlO tiKO. UOKDKN.
tied eow, 3 years old, branded O. H.: year
llni calf, most all while, branded O. H.; red
heifer calf, no brands; bsd inux.le on wben
left Uome. Finder please noiilv me and re
ceive reward, t). H. UUOADKS,
Two yearlings, branded D on left hlp.sipiare
crop on left ear. hole in right. Ijist seen near
Odell mill. Heward for information as to
Whereabouts. I'hone or address
Barrett Knnch.
Taken Up.
Yearling Jersey heller: no ear marks or
brands, t'ome and take the animal, pay for
Its feed, and pay -h- for this n.iice.
Black 2-year-old heifer; square crop on left
ear. swallow tall in right and under hit; some
whiteon bellv. A. B. HII.I.IMiS.
d"' Mount Hood.
.. ft A M M
lmmr . a.
Tradc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Qiitt-kif juirtJiin our oiiintoii frve v hfr hr mn
in amnion l pnthnblr pAientAhto. CttmniunlrA.
timtnollTr.nn.lMitt?U. Huit1lMVk on Paidu
ent f r. 4 ,i1m mency fnmcrunnt; patmti.
Patent takfn timuub Muim A Co. rvcelvc
$prruu nnttc, wnhint chnr, in th
Scientific American.
A hn1fomtT 11fnrrtv wik'r. Trit rr
filiation of aiiT Hntir)r friml. Term. -t a
fur: four mimtba,L by all Tiern.
Branck 0o aril, Wubtotftua, D. C.
CHRISTMAS is so near you cannot delay buying your presents. longer
witli safety. Our stock is complete now but later it will be broken, liuy
your holiday goods NOW, so you can get what you want. V e have a large
assortment ol uames, among wnu n are
Ping Pong, Parlor Croquet,
Crokinole Boards, Checker Boards,
Percheese and many others too numerous to
mention in this small space. Buy your little boy a hobby horse or a steel
wagon and make him happy. DOLLS We have all kinds of Dolls from
2 for a cent up. Dress Dolls of all kinds-10e and up. Kid body Dolls, long
curly hair-25c. Doll Heads of all kinds. MECHANICAL TOYS
We have secured some Mechanical toys which were slightly rusted in crossing
the ocean, and which we are selling- at a sacrifice. Mechanical engines,
worth 20c, only 5C
Presents for Old or Young.
Or Anything You May Want.
Rooms to Rent.
Furnished and unfurnished; centrally lo
cated. Apply to
'John n d iiKgjffjwffl--
For Sale. '
Good gentle driving horse with buggy and
harness for 875. Apply to It AKN Km,
The Real Kstate .Man.
Feed Store.
I have opened a store at my place, and wit
curry In stock flour and feed: also. otatce
and'wood. Farmers south of me cn save a
long haul and buy Just as chesp of me.
ol Footol'Striiight Hill.
For Sale.
55 acres of old Odell Ranch, In 5 and 10 acre
tracts, on terms to suit purchasers. This laud,
cleared, and all under cultivation, Is situated
-,y. miles from town on the Mt. Hood road; 2
miles south of Tucker's Mill, and beside the
Utile White Store. Pilce, until January 1,
fHKI and -JltS, according to location. Ailer
January 1, price will be raised. Terms. if sale:
One llllh of price In cash; balance In five an
nual Installment, with Interest al ti kt cent.
Apply at the place to H. Morton, who will
show the land, or to K. I'. FRIDAY,
d 17 Real Kstate Agent, Hood . Ri veh
Cockerels for Sale.
Blsck Minorca, 1 rnd Hl.M). lluO Oiblng
tonsSl.M. First-class slock.
il24 RA1.1JH R. LKWIS, Jlelmqnt.
Bargain in Books.
Four volumes Universal Dlclionary, bound
In Morocco and handsomely Illustrated; orig
inal cost was H will sell for 110. Call and
see them t Geo. P. t'rowell's,
Timber for Sale.
I will sell the timber on 'ZOO acres. A good
place fot small saw mill or wood camp. Oil
on E. C. Mahaney or V. L. ROGKKss.
To borrow $1SOO to Improve a ranch. Mort
gage security. Address theG lacier. dl0
Horse for Sale.
I have three horws, ranging in wefRht from
turn tn 12.M. noiindNt will wil eli her one. i'ur-
ctiHHpr can have his pck.
U17 J. AU1 Illi'-uri, jkmiih mum.
For Sale.
10 acres, 1)' miles from Hood River, In the
valley; 74 cleared; remainder easily cleared.
On public road: telephone by place. Terms If
desired. CHAS. K. FliljI.F.K, Halem, Or.
To lease for one or more years a first-class
place, either berries or apples. Must have
Kood buildings and fruit In full beurlng, un
less taken for a term of years. ImtnediHte
possession desired, If possible. Twelve years
experience In irrigation fruit growing. Ad
dress W. F. f'ANII,
Mgr. Wilson Fruit Co.. Hoise, Idaho.
Stove for Sale.
A good second-hand heater.
Luckey's blacksmith shop.
Inquire st
Cnnironri flpnlip
n hi u nil ti in. mi
1) - UUlbUUUj UUUi
Office at residence, corner Eugene St.
and l'ark ave. 1'lione, main 371.
Tlmtier Ijind, Act June S, 1H7S.J
United Mates Ijuid Olfice, The Pnlles, Ore
gon, Nov. 1'2, liKKl. Notice Is hereby given
mat in compliance wllh the provisions of the
act of congress ot June ;t, IK. 8, cut i lied "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the stales ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wasblngtoii
territory," as extended to all the public lend
slates by act. of August i, Isiri, the following
named persons have tiled in Ihis oflice- tin it
sworn statement. t4wii:
of The Dalles, flregon. Whm-o county, sworn
statement No, Isi.u, tiled May 21. iiai.t, for the
purchase oflhe south -half northwest quarter,
northeaat ciuarter nortbuesl ciuurter sci tton
and southeast quarter southwest (imtrter
section 2s, township I north, range lleaai,W.M.
of University fark, county of Multnnmtih,
slate ot Oregon, sworn statement No. ls.i."i, f-r
the purchase of the southwest quarter norili
west quarter, west half southwest quurtr end
southeast quarter southwest quarter section
24, township 1 north, range 10 east, W. M.
of lone, county ot Morrow, state of Oreg r,
sworn statement No. 17W, filed April 21, I..I1.
for tlie purcttHM' of the west half southi-M
quarter and east halt southwest quarter .
lion 35, township I north, range hi east, W. .m.
of Hood River, ctmnty id s'Hsni. state of o -e-gon,
sworn s'sli-iii.-oi' No. 17.0, tiled April !,",
l'.mH, for the purclowof the lots 1 and 2 of s-c.
tlon an, township i truth, range east, and lot
1 and southeast quntu-r noriht-sstquartcrs.v
tion 4, township I north, ratore i east, W. Al.
U'UKI.l.A M l.Y.M'H,
of Thlrty-ntnlh and I'imeli str,fi, I'nrtlnnd,
county of Mo It none, h, slate of Oregon,
statement So. tiled April It. In, tor the
purrbsseof the northeast quaiier northw t
quarter, north lisli tiorllieasl quarter mid
Mitithenst quarter u iclln i-t quarter seen m
V. township t north, r.n ge eut, W. M.
That they wnl otter .r..f to show that liie
land soui:lit is more VHluubie for its tiiuU r ,,r
i stone thau (or agricultural purpo."t, and to
establish their i-Uiiiis to said land !.. , le ir e neceiverat 1 lie I 'atlcs, t
on I liursday, January L'S, '
They nsnip as witnesses: T,.Mlore I. Scn
fert, William ken-In... i, Ju.;d X. FUli aid
Nicholas J. Mtiinott or Ihe Hiilles, Oregon- W
F. Kand. Art Knoll. 1. F. ;,.r ..i'
t'liarl.-s fusiticr of ll.,l Itiver, or.x-on :
V.K Miller, J K Steele. T.I. Tvr,dv and H ll'l
Toinllnson of H.shI liiver, Onon-red
Hrvant, W. K.s. Winans, A. W'n iiis and K
T. Winansof Hi ver. Oregon; Willi nu F '
Hand of Hood Klver, oiegon. Frankse is"!
Mrown, ..Mahiida A. Mit. m ll aim Frs-ia ,
Mitchell nf t'ortiand, on-gou. j
Any and all person ,1 luiiine adverxiv f '
ahovMte-ritei lands are request, d to r, e i
their claims In this oti t,n or u-fore su u
iMh day of January, inn.
BliX MICHAtL T.N01.AS, Register. I
Larger engines, worth 60c, only
Why not
All the best brands found at
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits
Livery, Feed
Did You Say?
AVe carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at
the lowest possible pricen. Just give us a trial order
and set what we can do.
R REED, proprietor.
rhone 49 1
Agents for
Samson and
Faultless 5tump Pullers, Hayes
Double Cylinder pumps, Ely & Stick
ney Gasoline Engines.
Ten Pins
Tiddledy Winks
smoke a
and Draying.
Horses Imugrit, solit or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure tirst-class rigs. Spe
cial nttentiiin given to moving Furniture
nml Pianos.
We dw?vervtliinK horses can do.
Highest prices paid for
Tree Delivery.
L. Wind
Timber ijind, Act June 3, 1K78.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wasb.. October 8. 1MM. Notlco Is hereby
given that 111 compliance with the provlsioiu
of the act of congress of June 3. ls;s, entllleo
An set for the sale of timber lands in m
tatus of California. Oregon, ISevada ani
Washington Territory," as extended to al
Ihe public land slates by net of August 4, 1WJ
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state o.
Oregon, has this day filed In this oftlee hei
sworn statement, No. 1CI07, for the purchase o
llieM','401 and lots 1 auu 01 sccno,
25, ami lot 1 of section 21, in townsbl
No. 8 north, raniie No. 9 east. W. M.. and wil
otter proof to show that the land sought !
more vuiuaoie lor its tifuner or some man 101
agricultural puraises, and to establish hei
claim u said land Oclore tne iiegister an.
Receiver of this ofllee at Vancouver, Wash.
on i uesday, Die iWth day ol December, iwii
Hhe names as witnesses: lieorae W. Minions
K.mnry Oliver, A. 11 Richmond and Mrs. J 11
llaDuniap, all of Portland, Oregon; and frank
Davenport of Hikid River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely th
above-described lands are requested to tli
their claims in this office on or before saic
2iilh day of December, htt.
ohain FRANK K. VAUGHAN, Register.
Timber l.iinil, Act June 8, DffH.l
United States Ijind Oltlce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, October 7, 1IKJU. Notice Is hereby given
mat in compliance wilb the provisions ol tin
act of congress of June 8, IH7H, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the slateso
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public lanu
suites uy act oi August -i, isir,
off-ast Portland, county of Multnomah, statt
of Oregon, has this day filed In this olilce hh
sworn statement. No. IliTU, for the purchase ol
me a oi n w 4 ana pb h ot v.
of section No. 9, in township No. I
north, range No. east. W. M.. and willotl'ei
pnsil' to snow that the laud sought is more
vamaoie ior its limner or stone than lor airr
cultural purposes, and to eslublish his claim
to said laud belore me Keglster and Kece vei
of this oftlee at The Dulles, Oregon, on Mon
day, me usi any oi la-ccmuer, 1WM.
He names as witnesses: Carl Tagli-Whither
or rort tana, or.; Aiart Malison ol Mellwood,
or.: cnanes m, merriman of I'ortiand, Or.
ami William F. Hand of Hood Klver. Or.
Any and all persons clalmlmr adversnlv ihe
above-described lands are reuuested to 11 li
their claims In this olllee on or before salu
21st (lay of December, l!HI3.
QliidH Mlt'HAfX T. NOLAN, Register,
ITimber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United .States Land Office. Vancouver.
Wash., October 8. liitiS. Notice is herein
given that in compliance With the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 17S. entitled
"Anactiortne sute of limner lauds in the
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington lerritory." as extended to a
the public land states by act of August 4, IHttt,
Of Porlland.couuty of MuLiioinuh, state ot
Oregon, has this day filed In this office hei
sworn slalcment No. K4, for Ihe purchase ol
ine souui y oi uortneaai and mil thwest 14
ui suiiiijeusi y4 01 sei;iion rto. au, tu OWlt
snip no. B north, range No. itieatit. W.M .una
will oiler pnsif to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone thau
for agricultural purposes, and to establish lie
claim to said land before the hegish r and Re
ceiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on
luii. nun.. , iuc V.l i.e. "el, I lie! ,
Hhe names as witnesses: Klcliard .lanson
Alma J. Havnes. Oeo'ge H. Marsh and Heni
noiiu tienis, uu ,,i liiiuitwimki, ustl.
or I'ortiana. county ot Multnomah, Mute ol
Oregon, has this ilav tiled In llilsniii,-.. hi,.
sworn utetnenl, No. if4.jii. for the purchase ol
the W 'A of NW 1l and N W V. of HW u 01
owuou 10. ai,iu kjhumii xno. o nort n, raugt
mo. lueasi, w. anu win otter prool to show
niai me inuu sougoi is more vuiuanie tor lis
timber or shine than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
oeiore tne uegister and Receiver ol this oil!
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the
xou uay ui iecL-uiour, 11"1,
He names as witnesses: Reniamln V 11,.,, 1
and Richard Janson of Underwood, Wash.;
F.dwln C. Ooddard and Anson W. Uoddul d ol
I'ortiand, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to 11 le
their claims in this oflice on or before said
21 day of December, 1U0X
Ql5dl7 FRANK K V A UGH AN. Register
Timber Laqd, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Stati'S Land uiflcc, The Dalles Ore
October 1st, lWM. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance Willi the provision's of the
act of coiiKrexs of June H, 17, enlitled "An
act for the sale of Umber lands In the stales o;
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," us extended to all the public Ihhu
states by act of August 4, M, the following
uanied persons have filed In this oflice then
sworn statements, to wit:
CHAHl.hM H. HAMl'rtllN,
of Pendleton, couuty of Uiuaillla, suite of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 17 Hi, tiled March 19
1!KM. for the purchase of the lot 4 and t-iVV'4
it ,, ?a ..ii ,,mM,l 1,, 1, 1 UI1U Or.W IS I
lion b, township 1 north, range HI east,
E.llA I. M(i'sn'
vr.'i wr
it, w. ai.
of Vlento, county of Wi.sco, stale of Oregon
sworn statement No. I.'tw, filed April 2'i I'Kii
for the purchase of t he Nt;!-, of section :u town
ship 2 north, range 8eat, W. M.
of V lento, county of Wasco, stale o Oregon
sworn statement No. lsoo, filed April 29 I'wtl
for the purchase of iho KJ of S i'te ol
8Wi section 7, township 1 north, range 10
east , W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or
stone limn for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims 10 said land before the
Keglsler and Receiver at The lMlles, Otegou,
on Monday, January IS, ISK14.
They name as wlluess.s: Edith To.ler
.Veatherred of 1'ortland. Oregon; A. Wlnans
I.ymau Wlnans and W. Hoss WlniiiiHol'Hood
o h' w,ro?"D: J''',llrlt's T- K'iry- William
Rand, William Kccles, Kdith 11. Kaily and E
P. Monson of Hood Klver, Oiegon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this oflice ou or before said
18th day of January, HUM.
o22d24 MICHAKI, T. NOI.AN. Reglste r
t ''."Jl? ?'5,' Thl 1)8llt'8' Oregon, Nov.
5, MM. Notice Is hereby given that the
a muwing-namea settler has tiled notice of
on Mu.-uiiuu hi maae nnal prcnil In
Bupport of his clulin, and that said proof
will be made before (ieo. T. l'rallier U K
CYimmlssloner, at Hood River, Oregon 'on
Monday, December 21, HWI, vli:
ol Hood Klver, Oregon, II. E. No. 5987, for the
south half northeast quarter and south half
norlhwest quarter section 5, township 2 uorlh,
range 10 easl. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to pre
bis continuous residence upon and cult!
vi, u xit mill IHIIU, v ix:
K E. Jackson, O. H. Hartley, 0. A. Bell and
Robert Husbands, all of Hood Klver. Oregon
n!2dl7 MICHAEL T Nol,A.N,Keglster. '
Lnd Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, Nov
2, 1WK. Notice Is hereby given thai therol-lowing-named
setller has tiled notice of
Ilia intention lo make final proof
In support of his claim, and that said prool
will lie made before (jeo. T. Fruitier, U H
Coniinlssioner. hi HimmI Klver, Oregon, or!
Tuesday, December 29, 1WB, viz:
PH 11.11' U. W AKHKN,
of Vlento, Oregon, If. E. No. 129:18, for theK'4
NWand WVj ttWtj tartion i, towuship 2
north, lunge u uast, W . M.
He tinmen the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlval ion
of, said land, viz:
Millard K.HIrd and Kreeiitont Post erof Hood
R'ver, Or.; Thwalore lilasver and hmiiucl
Woodward of Cascade Locks, Or.
n.MllU MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
l-uud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 11
IWH.-Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Ing-nauied
leltler haa filed notice of his In
tention lo make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proor will lie made he
fore the Register and Kin-elver at The Dalles
Oregon, on Friday, Janu.irv 22, Itiui. vl: '
of The Dalles, Ongun, 11. E. No. .VJ12, for the
north half southwest quarter, northwest
quarter soulheast quarter and miutnwest
quarter northeast quarter section 4 town
ship 1 north, range 11 east, W. M.
II names the following i ituejisen to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
Donald McKadilon, (corge Harrlson.tieorge
Ireland and V. C Voune, all of Mooter. Or
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
haa been by order of the countv court ot ihe
slute of Oregon for Wasco coiintv dill v ni
polnted executrix ofthe will of Henry Prlgge
deceased: and all per-.ns having claims
against wild estate are hereby notilii d to 1 re
ent the nine lo me, lolv verified, at ihe
office f A. A. Ja.vne, In Hood River, Oregon
within n months fiom the dateofthe flrt
publication ofthl notice.
Dau-d dnv or November Mat
cuaoi-JH W 1 1 , II E I . M I N A I ' K 1 ( )'( i K.
Heres a Bargain.
I have more land than I can make use ol
ndwillell IJOactfs, There Is no rslter hind
In Hood Itiver valley either f.- fruit or "
eral farming. I want mi for ou S)
a-re. and 1o an a-re for acre. Come nd
ee the laud. If you m 10 invest, mi on
or addretw Uieowner,
b2 P H mile went of odell school lions
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
Ilanna house and lot, f 1,800.
1. Lota
in Waucoma Park addition
Corner lot
1). 1 ' .1 , 1 ,
The Goo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma addition, $400.
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'g
subdivision, near cannon house; only
125; terms easy, installment plan.
4. 320 acres of timber land al the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George K.
Forsyth ; 1(10 acres good 11 uit land ; 1000.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
ItiO acres, house and garden patch,
localed 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $000.
The Hunt pi ce
town. House, barn,
ries and other fruits.
mile southwest of
mostly in Btrawber
Price, 1450.
The, new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Kivur lowiiHito company, of which com
pany John Inland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
A Good Investment. I will sell 100
acres of mountain land on county road
five miles southeast of Hood River for
1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad
vance id two years, or failing to sell lor
1,200 net in that time I will take the
land back and pay 1.200, and half of
profits over n'OO lo go to investor.First
come, first served. Of the 100 acres 100
acres fruit land, 00 acres stony All
fenced, small house, well, large spring.
A hue goat ranch. J. L. Hendkkson.
. Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa nmy secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Leaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, ig pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
Irorn and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follows: lO a dav!
Lot corners established for 5 a lot1
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
bemei in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
getlier and each secure a part. Mustall
be sold at once: Terms half or more cash.
Fr tii!1'(;'7.TI'e M place, 00
acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard
finish- barn and out buildings; 10 acres
in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries.some
orchard; Hun0) irrigating ditch and
I helps creek pass through property
4,o)0; .jtJ0 down, $500 December 1,
balance in five years at 7 percent This
offer is good for 30 days only.
For Sale The Galjigan farm.
For Sale-L. J. Mulkins' place, ad
joining Lyman Smith; price $:)000.
For Rent-For a term of ten vears,
the two lots on State street, back of
Hartmess' and the Paris Fair.
Mrs. IleavciierN 5 acres
near Tucker can be had for
Tlio Howell cottage nnd 3
acres, east of
Howe's, 1,700.
Mrs. Alma
Ijind Office at Vancouver, Wari.,Niivetiilier
, l'rt. Notice a lurebv iflven that the fol
low ine-numcd secli-r -as filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In
supiort of his claim, and that said pnaif
will te made before Keirister and Keceiver
Cnlted htatea l,nd mile at Vancouver;, on Janimrv II, l'M, vl:
for the W'i M4 and H Wlf section 21,
township :i uorlh, range IV east, w. M.
He names Ihe following wltnesaeiiiopmve
his comlnuoua residence upon and cultiva
tion of satd land, vl:
I A Ivs J. H.yne, K ran It liavneo, Amoal'n-
derwood and Johu Kooutx. all of Uudrrirood,
d-iiT KKANK K. VAl'UIIAS. lU'glster.