o ' t fl0; Iff "ITS A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." VOL. XV. HOOD EIVEK, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1303. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON HCOD RIVER GLACIER Isaued every Thursdav ly S. F. BLYTHB SON, Publishers. B. T. Bl.YTHE. .. N, HI.YTIIE. Terms ol subscription $1.00 a year when paid In sdvance. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF RAILS. HOOD RIVKIt. The p'itofllce I open dully between I in. a-d A p. m ; Sunday rum Vi to 1 o'clock. Malls I r the Eut close at n:ai a. m. una 9 p. m; lor tbe em at 7:10 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. The carrier! on R. F. 1). rnutci No. 1 and No. 1 leave the postoltlce at 8:3o daily. Mail leaven For Mt. Hood, daily at 12:M p. in.; arrives, a. tn. For Chenoweth, Waul)., at 7:30 a. m. Tues da s, T urwiaysat d Saturdays; arrives nam dayi at 6 p. m. tor Underwood, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues days, 'I hurndays and Saturdays; arrives name aays at o p. m. or White Salmon, Wash., daily at 2: 10 p, m.i arrives at H a. m. WHITE SALMON. Fnr Hood River daily at V a. m.i arrives at :4fip.m. PorHusum, Trout Lake and (filler, Wash., daily at 7::i a. m.; arrives at 12 m. For lilenwood, liilirier and Fulda, Wash., daily at 7:Ho a. in.; arrives at 5 p. m. For Pinetlat and Bnowden, anh., at 11:30 a. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same days, 1U:) a. m. tor Din en, Wash., daily at 4:45 p. m.; ar rives at 8:4 a. m. OC'IKTIKO. SlOliHT HOOD K1VER No. 42, FOKKBTKKflOF j AMERICA Meeta second ami Fourth Mon eys in each month in K. of 1'. hall. H. J. Frehkuk k, C. R. 8. F. FouTfl, Financial Secretary. AK GROVE COUNCIL No. 142, OltliKR or J FENDO Meets the Second and Fourth Irldaysof the month. Visitor cordiallv wel comed. F. U. Bkosiis, lounsollor, 11 ins Nkllik Clark, Secretary. 0 It DE R O FWA8H I N OTON liood River Union No. 142. meets in Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays in each month, 7:8U o'clock. E. L. Itoon, l'resideut. V. V. IUkin, Secretary. JAUREL KF.KEKA1I DEGREE LODGE, No. I 87, 1. 0. O. F.-Meets first and third Fri ays in each mouth. Miss Edith Moots, N. O. L. E. Morse, Secretary. SANBY POST, No. 16, G. A. R -Meets at A. O. V. W. Hall second and fourth Saturdays each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members invited to meet wim ,n. W, II. I'krky, ( oi.'mander, T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. pANBY W. R. C, No. 16 Meets second and J fourth Saturdays o each month in A. O, U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mrs. Fanmk Hmlky, Pres. Mrs. T. J. t'ANNINU, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LOIKiE No. leo, A. F. and A M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. Wm . M. VATta, W. M. C. D. Thompson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday night of each month. G. K. Castnkr, II. P. A. 8. Blowers, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25, O. E. 8. XI Meets second and fourth Tuesday even bigs of eaon month. Visitors cordially w in to med. Mrs. May Yaibs, W. M, Mas, Mast B. Davidson, Secretary. LETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans, Meets first and third edncsila.s, work; second and fourth Wednesdays social ; Arti sans hall. F. (J. Bkosus, M. A. F. B. Barnis, Secretary. WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P. Meets in K. of P. hall every Tuesday night. F. L. Davidson, U. C. C.E. HEMMAN.K.of R. AS. KIVER81DE LODGE. No. 68, A. O. V. W. Meets first and third Salurdavs of each month. F. B. Barnks, W. M. E. R. Bradley, Financier. Chesteb Shuts, Recorder. JDLEWILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F. Meeta lu Fraternal hall every Thursday ght. Geo. W. Thompson, N. O. J. L, Henderson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K . O. T. M., meets at A. O. U. W. hall ou the first and third Fridays of each month. Walter Gkkkino, Commander. O. E. Williams, Secretary. RIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 40, DEGREE OF HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meets first and third Saturdays at P. M. Kate M. Frederick, C. of H. In Annie Smith, Recorder. "IT OO D RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.. 11 meets in Odd Fellows' Hall the first and third Wednesdays of each month. J. R. Rkes, V. C. C. U. Dakin, Clerk. J.-lDEN ENCAMPMENT No. 48, I. O. O. F. 'j Regular meeting second and fourth Mon ays of each mouth. W. O. Ash, C. P. . L. Henderson, Scribe. 1 II. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown aud Bridge Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 91. Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon JJR. K. T.CAKN8, Dentist. Cold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of Up-to-Date Dentistry. HOOD RIVER OREGON J L.DUMBLE, FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, accessor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or ooantrT, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611; Office, 618. Office over Reed's Grocery. J T. WATT, it. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 3S1; residence, 283. 8URQEON 0. R. 4 N. CO. J OUN LELAND HENDEKSON attorney-atlaw. abstracter, no tary PUBLIC and REAL E STATIC AGENT. For Si years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience in Real Estate matters, aa abstractor, searcher of titles and egeuk Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. pREDEKICK A ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND RUil DER8. Estimates furnished fur a! iuds of work. Repairing a specia'r v. A :1 kinds of shop work. Shop on n!s Street, between First and Second. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. " FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Fbone Central, or 131. OfEot Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. ; I to S and 6 to 7 P. M. gUTLER 4 CO, BANKERS. IV) a general banking business. HOOD RIVER. OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE s TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, ' Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. A Santo Dominican plot to kill Min iater Powell has been unearthed. Southern friends of Ilanna still have hopes that he will run for president Mayor Collins, Democrat, has been re-elected mayor of Boston by a large plurality,. ; J. Henry Booth, receiver of the Rose' bnrg, Oregon, land office will not be reappointed.. Chicago citizens have organized to put an end to the lawlessness which reigns there. A Connecticut bank cashier, whose accounts are short, on being surprised by the bank examiner, committed sui cide. President Loubet, of France, will visit Rome in April. The remains of Herbert Spencer, the philosopher, were cremated. Marines from the cruiser Prairie have been landed at Colon and sent to Panama. . The Utah fuel company says any miner who desires to return to work must give up the union. Senator Bailey holds that the Cuban reciprocity bill is invalid because it did not originate in the house. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, of Bos ton, has been appointed chaplain of the senate for the session beginning Janu ary 1, Senator Foster has introduced a bill dividing Washington into two judicial districts, north and south. His bill places Seattle in one district and Ta- coma and Spokane in the other. The cotton mills at Adams and North Adams, Mass., and Norwich, Conn., have made a 10 per cent reduction in wages. The order affects 6,000 opera tives. G.M.Stuart is likley to bj reap pointed postmaster at Seattle. Comment at St. Peterbsurg'onTtoose velt's message is very friendly. An election of delegates to prepare a constitution has been called in Panama. W. J. Bryan and son, who are tour ing Europe, held an audience with the pope. United States Senator Clark, of Mon tana, is much improved and should lie out in three weeks. Secretarv Hitchcock mav remove J. Henry Booth, register of the Roseburg, Oregon, land office. John W. Proctor, president of the civil service commission, died very sud denly in Washington. The senate committee on privileges and elections will ask Smoot to reply to the charges made against him. The national Republican committee has chosen Chicago as the convention city and fixed June 21 as the date. President Harirman 'announces that Union Pacific cars will soon run into Seattle. General MacArthur is accredited with predicting war with Germany in the near future. A nineteen-year-old Vermont love sick boy aided a woman to slay her husband so he could get a home. Many charges are pouring in against Asa B. Thompson, suspended receiver of the La Grande, Oregon, land office. A light engine and passenger train collided near Steubenville, Ohio. One person was killed and 15 others in jured. Queen Alexandra had a very narrow escape from death by fire. She wat asleep when a blaze broke out in her bed room. The house has received resolutions to impeach Fedearl Judge Swayne, ol Florida, and has ordered a committee to investigate. The federal grand jury at Omaha has indicted State Senator Lowe foi selling a postoffice position and promi nent cattlemen for fencing public do main. The attending physicians certify that Herbert Spencer died of simile decay. The appointment of General Wood to become major general has again been sent to the senate. Another unsuccessful attempt has been made with the Langley flying ma chine. The airship Is lying at the bot tom of the Potomac river, a total wreck. Indiana scholars cut a hole in the ice of a pond near the school house and af ter tying the feet of the teacher placed her in the water. She was rescued half an hour later nearly dead. fAt the inauguration ol Governor Bic-kham, of Kentucky, some of hit enemies turned loose 20 sknnks in the vicinity of the capitol in an endeavor to break up the crowd witnessing the ceremonies. An independent company to fight the beef trust it to be established in St Louis. After an elapse of IS months the Tracy reward is to be paid by the state of Washington. AIMED AT GUBSSINQ CONTESTS. Penrose Would Also Amend Postal Law to Reach Qet-Rlch-Qulck Men. Washington, Dec. 17. Two bills have been introduced in the senate by Senator Penrose, designed to strengthen the laws regulating the use of mails One is aimed at the "get-rich-quick" concerns and guessing contests, aud in cludes the District of Columbia and "all territory within the jurisdiction of the United States" in the law forbid ding the use of mails for the transmis sion of lottery tickets. The bills were drawn in the law division of the post- office department. The act of 1890 for bidding lotteries is amended by inserr- ing the following language in the pro hibitory section : "Or any person, or company, con ducting any competition or contest in volving the award of prizes, ana Dasea upon the relative accuracy of guesses or estimates; or conducting any schemes Or device for betting, wagering or making pools upon horse races or other similar contests. This amendment is held to be neces- sary by reason of the attorney general holding that contests which involve the award of prizes obtained upon the relative- accuracy of guesses or estimates, as to the number of votes in a political election or the number of beans that a certain jar contains, etc., are not in vi olation of the present lottery laws. It is sought by the amendment alto to protect the public against fraud, as well as to suppress gambling which ac companies betting on horses. Betting on horse races has been held not to be within the purview of the lottery laws. Consequently it is held that the only way by which these turf investment schemes can be suppressed under ex isting laws is upon the ground of fraud, in which caes it is extremely difficult to obtain sufficient evidence to warrant an action. Such evidence cannot be obtained in any event until after the scheme has been in operation some time, and after the company has in its pos session thousands of dollars of the peo ple's money. PROPOSES AN INCOME TAX. Williams Also Wants Over-Issue of Stocks Prevented. Washington, Dec. 17. Representa tive Williams, of Mississippi, has intro duced a concurrent resolution in the house proposing an amendment to the constitution to give congress power to collect taxes on incomes, and providing that such tax shall not be construed to be a direct tax within the meaning ol the constitution. Mr. Williams also introduced the following bills: To put on the free list, when coming from countries which permit identical products of ours to enter free, hides of all animals, leather of all sorts, boots, shoes, saddles and harness. To prevent individuals or corpora tions engaged in interstate commerce from making it a condition of sale of their products that the purchaser shall not sell or deal in products of any oth er persons, firms or corporations. To prevent the over issue of stock by corporations or combinations of corpor ations and defining such over issues as "public cheating." Requiring the payment of interest on public funds deposited with banks. WILL TAKE PART OP THE DEBT. Panama Will Propose Three Millions of Canal Money Be Used. Washington, Dec. 17. The state ment from London that England, Hol land and Germany had decided to in sist that the new republic of Panama must assume a part of Columbia's for eign debt, brought an interesting re port here today. It is understood that the purpose of Minister Buna-Varri la's recent visits to the state department have been to make an agreement on this very point. It is said that he has prepared, and will probably sign, in a few days, an agreement by which the Panama republic binds itself to Colom bia, for application on her foreign debt, one-third of the $10,000,000 which the United States is to pay Panama. Such an agreement would be very satisfactory to the United States government, which is inclined to believe Panama, as a mat ter of equity, at least, should assume a portion of Colombia's debt. Montana Timber Stolen. Butte, Dec. 17. Certain members of the Mormon colony in the Big Horn Basin, Wyo., just across the Montana border from Red Lodge, are charged with wholesale thefts of timber from the public domain in Montana, accord ing to a communication addressed to United States District Attorney Carl Risch last night'by the county commis sioners of Carbon county, Motnana. The Mot m ms are accused of devastat ing hetvy forests in Pryor mountain and having sawmills in the midst of the timber on government land. Hodsoa Miners Determined. Stockton, Cal., Dec. 17. There is a possibility that the local military com panies may be called to Hodson, owing to strike conditions there, which are believed to be getting serious. A spec ial telephone message Jo the Mail today from Secretary Godlove of the Royal mine at Hodson, stating that there was held a big meeting of the strikers last night and that the strikers had threat ened to take forcible possession of the mine. Canal Treaty la New York. New York, Dec. 17. Tne steamer City of Washington arrived today from Colon, bringing the signed copy of the canal treaty with the republic of Tana ma. The treaty was in a metal box in charge of the purser, who turned it over to a representative of trie govern ment on arrival at the dock. There as no news of importance reported by the officers and passengers. BILL WILL CARRY RIVER AND HARBOR APPROPRIATION SAFE IN THE HOUSE. Amounts, However, Will Be Small Work Now Under Way Will Oct the Bulk of It-New Projects Are Doomed Co lumbia River and Oregon Coast Will Be Recognized. Washington, Dec. 16. The fact that the river and harbor committee of the house today held a preliminary meet ing and decided to enter upon a series of hearings of representatives from the leading states of the United States that are in need of further appropriations for their harbors and waterways, is taken to indicate that a river and har bor bill will be passed at the present session. The opinion generally pre vails, however, that such a bill to se cure approval of the house leaders, must make a comparatively small ap propriation, and provide principally for continuing work previously begun, which would include all Columbia river uiuiuveiiieuiB nut uuteu uare ui m me sundry civil bill, as wel' as thp more important work along the Oregon coasts that are now in course of (onstruction. It is probable the bill will make pro vision lor surveys, but ry little in the way of out and out new appropria uons. Improving Upper Columbia. Washington, Dec. 16. tepresenta- tive Cushman today introduced a bill directing the secretary of wai to locate, survey ana begin tne construction of a wagon road over the most direct route from Valdes to Eagle City Alaska. He also introduced bills authorizing surveys of several rivers and , harbors, with a view to their further Smprove ment, as follows: Upper Columbia, between Wenatchce and Kettle Falls, Chehalis river, between Aberdeen and Montesano, Everett harbor, Helling ham bay and South Bend harbois. EXTENDINO THE CAREY ACT. Warren Introduce a Bill to Make It Op erative Ten Years Longer. Washington, Dec. 16. The Carey act, under which Oregon and several other Western states have undertaken the irrigation of lands under contract, expires by limitation on August 18, 1904, and after that date no new con- traits can be made, although in casee where lands ' are segregated prior to that date contracts covering such lands remain in full force. In compliance with a memorial of the Wyoming state legislature, Senator Warren today in troduced a bill extending the provis ions of the Carey act until August 18, 1914. Senator Warren also introduced a bill giving water companies and railroadi- right of ways for constructing and maintaining reservoirs and pipe lines across the public domain where water conveyed by such lines is to be used for railroad, public and domestic purposes. The bill gives constructors of such pipe lines right and use of timber from public lands adjacent to the right of way. PAY OP 150,000 CUT. Steel Trust Orders a Oeneral Reduction ot Wages. New York, Dec. 16. The statement was made today by a leading official of the United States steel corporation that, beginning January 1, 1904, about 90 per cent of the employes of the cor poration will suffer wage reductions ranging from 5 to 20 per cent. This eduction will affect about 150,000 workmen in the various grades of the subsidary companies. The remaining 10 per cent of the employes are mem bers of the Amalgamated association of iron, steel and tinworkers, whose wage schedule runs to July 1, 1904. The finance committee of the steel corpora tion has, it is understood, under consid eration the dismissal of many high sal aried employes, in addition to those al ready discharged, but no statement on this point was forthcoming today. It was ascertained that, barring some un forseen technicalities, employes of the corporation who participated in the profit sharing plan will, in the coming month, receive a $5 dividend. Strikes Blow at Unionism. Chicago, Dec. 16. The invasion of the municipal service by labor anions was today ordered brought to a halt by Mayor Harrison. "In the mechanical branches of the city's service," said the mayor, "where the employe is simply a workman, it is all right for him to belong to a union, but where the man belongs to a department, like the firemen or the policemen, he has no right to have a divided allegi ance. He must owe all allegiance to onlv one master the city of Chicago." Relief to American Shipowners. Washington, Pec. 16. Representa tive Jones today introduced a bill ex tending to the owners of American ves sels that were seized in Bchring sea, some years ago, the right to go into the court to prove their claims for dam- sees. The Canadian government ex tended this privilege to owners of Ca nadian vessels, but the Americans have not enjoved this privilege since the re jection of their claims by the interna tional commissionjn loHS. Want Panama ta Share Debt. London, Pec. 16. The correspondent of the Morning Leader at The Hagne says it is reported there that both Hol land and Great Britain insist that the republic of Panama shall assume lis bility for 115,000,000 of the Colom- taa wwva ROASTS IN WRECK. Iowa Passenger Train Is Derailed on a High Bridge. Ottumwa, la., Dec. 16. Five per sons were killed and 10 injured in a wreck this morning on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road, three miles west of Albia, la. The westbound pas senger train was in some manner de railed while running onto the Cedar creek bridge, and five cars were wrecked by collision with thesteel giders of the bridge. , The wreckage immediately took fire, and several victims were badly burned. Mildred Mitchen, the little 3 year- old child of Mrs. W. E. Mitchen, was hung to one of the bridge girders and burned to death before the eyes of the uninjured passengers and trainmen. When the train was derailed just be fore reaching the bridge, the sides of the cars struck the bridge and were torn out. The live coals from the stove were scattered throughout the cars. Ihe Mitchen child fell through the bottom of the car, its clothing catching to the girder, when it cried loudly for its mother, who had been instantly killed in the wreck. The cars and the bridge were in a few sec onds a mass of flames and the child was burned to a crisp before aid could reach it. Just what caused the accident is a mystery. As soon as the engineer noticed there was something wrong, he applied the air brakes, but was unable to stop the tram. Five cars were com pletely burned, and the remainder of the coaches badly damaged. The work of rescue was carried on with difficulty, as the cars took fire im mediately after the accident, and the bridge is a high one. The injured were taken to Albia and Ottumwa. BITTER COLD IN CHICAQO, Firemen Cannot Oct Through Snow- Switchman Frozen to Death. Chicago, Dec. 16. This was the cold est day in Chicago for this season of the year since 1876. Early this morn ing the temperature began to fall, until at 8 A. M. it had reached 13 below zero. The only time that this mark has been reached in the history of the weather bureau was December 9, 1876, when 14 below was registered. During the day it began to moderate an to night it is hovering around the zero mark, and the indications for torn irrow are for warmer weather, with snow storms. On account of the cold and heavy condition of the streets owing to the heavy fall of snow yesterday the three story department store of Bodzinksi & Co., in West Twenty-second street, was destroyed by fire today. A special call for engines was sent in, but before they could reach the scene of the fire through the drifts of snow, the build ing had been burned, causing a loss of $85,000. So far but one death, that of W il- liam Duffy, a switchman, who was found frozen to death in the Chicago & Northwestern yards, has been re ported. AID TO EFF1BNCY. fhe British Remount System Pleases Oeneral Carter. London, Pec. 16. General William H. Carter, of th United States army, who has been investiagting the re mount system of the British army, with a view to reporting to the general staff of the United States army, had a farewell interview with II. O. Arnold- Foster, British secretary of war, yester day. He will leave England tomorrow for the Transvaal. Every facility has been afforded Gen eral Carter here and he expresses his appreciation of the friendly spirit of the war officials, and especially of the remount bureau, which arranged for his investigations. At Aldershott a squadron of the celebrated Fourteenth Hussars and a battery of the horse ar tillery were paraded before General Carter, who highly praised these or ganizations and particularly the quality of their horses. The general thinks the excellence of the British cavalry and horse artillery is due to the system of supplying re mounts and to the efficiency of the corps of riding masters. General Carter visited Woolwich and Sandhurst. He does not think these establishments compare very favorably with the military academy at west Point, but he says the results obtained are more satisfactory. Engine Pulls Down Train. Madrid, Dec. 16. While running at top speed today the express train from Malaga for this city jumped the track near Cabra, and 12 persons were in stantly killed, while 20 others were ser iously injured. The accident took place while the train was crossing a bridge spanning a ravine, and the loco motive was the first to leave the rails. It pulled the rest of the train after it, the whole piling up, a mass of wreck age 50 feet below. All of the carriages were reduced to kindling wood and that any escaped is miraculous. Dreyfus to Be Reinstated. London, Dec. 16. The Paris corres pondent of the London Daily Chronicle states that it has been decided that se soon as the court of cassation declares the innocence of Captain Alfred Drey fus, as it seems likely to occur soon, the former disgraced officer will be re instated in the French army, will be given the rank of lieutenant colonel of engineers, and will be assigned to duty with a regiment of engineers in South ern France. Britain WooM Boy Ships. London, Pec. 16. It is reported that the British admiralty has made an offer to the Argentine Republic to buy the two cruisers Rivadavia and Morons, now being built at Genoa for that gov- T "T" t E.NOLISH PARTHIDQES THRIVE. Covey Turned Loose In Linn County Has Multiplied. Albany A number of inquiries as to the success experienced with the Eng lish partridges which were turned loose in Linn county have been received in Albany. These queries came largely from prominent Portland SDortsmen. who were instrumental in securing the valuable addition to Oregon's stock of game birds. Edwin Stone, who se cured - the covey ot birds that were turned into Linn county fields, and who has kept an eye on the irds since they were Ireea, said today that he had heard from the English partridges re cently, and they seemed to be thriving Twenty-foui of the birds were turned loose in Linn county by Mr. Stone in January, 1901. The partridges were secured by popular subscription. When released, the birds immediately flew away in divers directions, but soon began whistling to each other, and in a short time they were gathered into a covey. They were turned loose on the Lines place, at the base of Knox butte, about four miles from Albany. Wheat was placed in the field for them, but they did not remain to partake of the hospitality of their liberators. They soon took to the butte, to orchards, small groves, etc. Since that time a number of English game birds have been seen about the butte and in the surrounding fields. and always are seen in coveys. A com plaint has been registered that some one was following the birds with a gun last fall, and killed a number of them. Several coveys of the birds, ranging from ten to sixteen in number, have been seen this fall, and any number of them have been heard whistling in the fields around the butte. COAL IN ORANT COUNTY. Expert Says There Is Every Indication ol Oood Quality. John Pay County Surveyor C. G. Caspary has returned from the newly discovered coal region below Mount Vernon. He stated that he had just completed the survey of 22 claims that have been taken up by local investors, chiefly Canyon City promoters. The claims are located under the United States laws governing coal land entries, and aggregate 1320 acres. They are sit uated north of the river, and a few miles below the original discovery near the farm of James Small. Mr. Caspary, in speaking of the probabilities of success in opening up large bodies of coal said: "You may say for me that there is every indica tion of good coal in large bodies in the newly discovered fields, and there will most certainly be great coal mines opened up. I have had a great deal of experience in the coal fields of Pennsyl vania and the middle west, and have made a careful study of the conditions, formation and indications of coal de posits, and I am sure they are there, that is in that section." Robert Hinees, one of the most suc cessful metal-mining men of the dis trict, has taken charge of development work on theBe new claims. He has a crew of men at work sinking and tun neling. This makes the third enterprise un dertaken in the last few months. The first to begin prospecting on a large scale was the Sumpter Valley railway people on the James Small place. The P. A. Snyder company then began de velopment work near this place, 20 miles above the original location of the Sumpter people nad Boise people. Shlpmsnt of Beef Cattle. Pendleton Three carloads of beef cattle were shipped to Seattle from this point last week. On Saturday after noon two were shipped, thus making a shipment of about 200 head. The cat tle shipments at the present time are about the same as they were last year at this time. Puring the earlv part of the fall, however, they were heavier than they were last year. The sales of the season are not as great of last year. Buyersq uote lower prices than last sea son, and the growers are determined to hold against the markets. Handle Much Wool. Pendleton Just one year ago the scouring department of the Pendleton woolen mills closed down for the year's run. This year the run will extend to January 15 nearly one and a half months longer. Estimating the work of the coming month the mill will have handled 8,250,000 pounds of wool About 4,750,000 pounds passed through the scouring department, while the rest was shipped in the grease form to the manufacturers. Coming fcventa. Traveling Passenger Agents' annual meeting, Portland, December 26. Northwest Fruitgrowers' association, Portland, January 11-13. National Livestock convention, Port land, January 12-15. - National Wool growers' association, Portland, January 12-15. Poultry show, Albany, January 12-15. Anogra Goat show, Dalles, January H-15. Sales of Swamp Lands. Salem As a result of a recent con test over swamp land in Southern Ore gon, east of the Cascades, in which con test there was mcuh evidence of keen rivalry over the right to purchase, the state land board lias adopted a new role, ordering that hereafter all sales of nnsurveyed swsmp land be made to the highest bidder. Sales will be made after 90 days' advertisement. SHOULD FORM DISTRICT. Importance of a Corporation Is Urged at f-'reewatcr. Freewater A. I). Stillman, a prom inent attorney of "Pendleton, delivered an address on the irrigation question of this district before a large attendance of fruitgrowers of this district. The meeting was held in tho schoolhouse north of here. His principal object was to show why government irrigation districts should be formed. An election on this question will be held December 21. A deep interest is taken. Mr. Stillman said in part: ."An irrigation district, organized un der the statute, is nothing more nor less than a municipal or public cor poration. The irrigation district as a municipal corporation is of such recent origin that it is not generally under stood, and it is probably for this reason that the inhabitants of a proposed dis trict hesitate to assume the powers and obligations of an irrigation district. "The irrigation district is provided for by the general laws of the state of Oregon, act of 1895, which provides that the inhabitants of any given or limited area that is irrigated from a common source may form an irrigation district and assume the powers usually exerc.'sed by a municipal or public cor poration." , NEW I IQHTS AT CAPITOL. . Incandescents Take tbo Place of tho Old Arc Lamps. Salem Electricians have finished in stalling a complete equipment of incan descent lamps in the rotunda of the capitol, to take the place of three arc lights that have been used heretofore. The arc lamps hung in the center of the rotunda, on each of the three floors. The incandescent lamps are arranged around the edge of the large circular openings in the second and third floors. There are 30 lamps in each of these circles. Around the base of the interi or of the ornamental dome a circle of 60 lamps has been placed in such a po sition that the light will be thrown upon the ornamented surface. At the top of the interior dome is a circular opening about 20 feet in diameter, cov ered with ornamental colored glass. Above this has been arranged a group of 30 incandescent lamps. When all these lamps are lighted at nig'it the rotunda of the capitol will be a place of rare beauty. Creamery Talk at La Orande. La Grande There is a move on here to bring about the establishment of creamery. George Goodhue, of Salem, and Mr. Harper, of the Union cream ery, are looking over the country with a.view to getting the ranchers interest ed. The matter has been brought be fore the Commercial club, but no ac tion has been taken. Mr. Goodhue and Mr. Harper have also been looking over the field around Pendleton, and they are desirous of establishing a plant there, which they say is an ex cellent country for such a plant. Pendleton Lumber Business. Pendleton It has been learned from the management of the lumber yards here that the lumber business of Pen dleton for the year just closing was $150,000. This business is done by three yards and includes the work done by one planing mill. It is estimated that 400 carloads of lumber were used in Pendleton and vicinity since the first of the year. The lumber men report that this is the best year in the history of the country. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7172c: blue- stem, 77c ; 'valley, 78c. Barley Feed, $20 per ton; brewing, $2020.50; rolled, $21. Flour Valley, $375.3.85 per bar- rel; hard wheat straights, $3.904.10: clears, $3.55(33.75 ; hard wheat pat ents, $4.20 4.50; - graham, $3.75; whole wheat, $4; rye flour, $4,509 4.75. Oats No. 1 white, $1.10; gray. $1.07 pet cental. Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid dlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19. Hay Timothy, $16 per ton; clover, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $12. Vegetables Turnips, 65c per sack; carrots, 75c; beets, 90c; parsnips, 75 4) 90c; cabbage, lfaic; tomatoes, $1(9 1.25 per crate; cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen; celery, 4090c per dozen; pumpkins, lc per pound ; onions, Yel low Dan vers, 80o$l per sack. Honey $3'?3.50 per case. Potatoes Oregon, choice and fancy, 65 75c per sack; common, 60c per sack, jrrowers' prices; sweet potatoes, sacks, 2c; boxes, 2e. Fruits Apples, 75c$2 per box; pears, $18 1.60 per box; cranberries, $6(810 per barrel. Butter Fancy Oregon creamery, 30c per pound; dairy, 20S22)tc; store, 15 15Xc Cheese Full cream, twins, 14(3 15c; Young America, 15(lBc. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 109 10)c per pound; spring, 11c; hens, 11 9 lie; tnrkeys, live, 13c; dressed, 15c; ducks, $6 7 per dozen; geese, 8c per pound. Egrs Oregon ranch, Z74e; East ern. 27(?30c. Hops Choice, 22c per pound; prime, 20c; medium, 17c; common 15c. Wool Valley, 1718c; Eastern Oregon, 1215c; mohair, 3235. Beef Dressed. 6(86 c per ponnd. Veal Dressed, small, 8(88ie; large, 5?6c per ponnd. Pork Deseed, 66Xc.