HOOD BIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,-1903. CHR1ST1AS Will soon be here and no doubt you are oh the lookout for some thing for a present for wife, daughter, husband or sweetheart. We have lots of nice useful ar ticles that will make presents that will be appre ciated, such as . , Kid Gloves for ladies and gents. Wrist Bags in fine leathers, such as Heal, Walrus and others. Silk Belts, Bead Chains, Peail Waist Sets, Lockets, Combs nice ones, side and back. ' Coffee Try our Chase & San born's Coffee. It will please you. Hats In Gents' Hats we have a fine line and can suit you in any shape or price. The GORDON is guaranteed for one year. WHEN it conies .to first-class goods in any line you can always find a large and varied assortment at our store Gro ceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes etc. And when it comes to prices, why, we've got 'em all skun. This is no ad dream the goods and prices are here to prove it. Come in to see our stock. You're our friend whether you make a purchase or not. We are again glad to sav You can do better at THANKSGIVING SERMON CHRISTIAN CHURCH. (Continued from Fugo 1.) erty. Congress early saw tbe danger, and, to avoid it, the first amendment to the constitution declares that "Con gress hIiiiII make no htw respecting the establishment of any religion or pro hibiting the free exercise thereof." This evidently was the purpose of the divine Savior. Religion, then, is not legis lated into men. Man of intelligence before whom is brought by inspiration life and death la expected to decide be tween the two, not by compulsion but by the five exercise of Ids own will. This way, and only this way, c in man, Christ's disciple, be the "salt of the earth." He must come in contact with the unsaved, thereby lettinu his light shine so it can lead others into the sale way, to the "Lamb of tJod that lakes away the sins of the world." The pur pose of the church, then, is to shelter, to protect, to strengthen, and unfor tunate is the man that fails to see this power and thus concluds that he is just as safe out, just as strong out, and therefore believes he is just as good. A statement that cast reduction upon the judgment of the Christ, who saw fit to build It, who chose this way for the sal vation of man. If there is no differ ence between the church and the world, Jesus made a blunder; if there is, the man out of it Is wrong. A man acknowledges his weakness when he gives utterance to such a statement. It is the church, an organized body of Watch For BARTMESS' Xmas Display OF FURN There is no more useful or appropriate present than some article of Furniture. If you are unde cided in your choice, drop in and 1 will try to as aist you by showing you articles that are always in place for Christmas present. In a few days I shall be ready to occupy my BRICK ANNEX, which will give me more than 10,000 square feet of floor space, and will assure an abundance of room to display the class of goods in keeping with the o-rowth of the citv. Lowest prices guaranteed. Doors and Windows. All Kinds Build ing: Material. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. S. E. BARTMESS. Jewelry, Perfumes, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, Slippers made of Kid and Velvet. Collar & Cuff Boxes, and lots of other arti cles which " would make pretty and useful gifts. Clothing In Clothing we can fit you out in a nice Suit at the Kight Price. Underwear In Underwear we have some beautiful goods in Australian Wools for Men and Women that you must see to appre ciate. Ask to seem them faithful Christian men, that is the power for good. We thank Ood for the blessiugs and privileges that are vouch safed to us in His church. We thank 1 1 i in for these comfortable houses in which to praise His holy name. While we consider the church in its polity, we must not forget the state in its pol ity and their relation to each other. Three theories have prevailed in prac tice concerning the relations of church and state. First, church supremacy over civil government. Second, state supremacy over church. Third, church and state reciprocally independent. The last is evidently the purpose and plan of the author of Christianity. This principle is advanced when he said: "Render, therefore, unto Ca'sar the tilings which are Cesar's, and unto God tbe things which are God's." Yet with this independence there is a relation. The state looks to tbe church for the character of Its citizens; and the church in turn receives protec tion ol" its property and also from dis turbance in its worship, so that wecan worship "according to the dictates of our own consciences." is It claiming too much to sav that it's a divine bless ing that we can worship the Father when and where and the way we choose, and the enemy "shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowl edge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." We praise God lor the enjoy ment of these privileges. He has given us "cattle on a thousand hills," caused our burns to overflow with the tat of the laud. With but a little exception, has given us peace with the world. , I nm reminded just here that we are (Hi? CO 3 TORE not altogether as the young man was woo naa canea upon Dig sweetheart. In the quiet of the eveninar. foreettinir nil around, intoxicated in the smiles of ins intended, suddenly the door open ed, when in view stood the mother of the fair one. In her surprise, she ex claimed, "What are you doing?" The young man replied, "Only holding my own.' Might it not be that we are trying to bold that that is Another man's. In tbe main we present to the world a united people. No North, no South, no East, no West, but from ocean to ocean, and from tbe lakes to the gulf, it's American, under the Amer ican flag, with American principles; American free schools, free speech and free press. With Jesus as our captain, and though worshipping Him under different names and indifferent ways, it is the purpose of all to exalt tbe ban ner of the Savior and save tbe souls of men. We thank Him today for the best government, for tbe best free school system, for the best liberty, for the best people, for the wealthiest nation, for our railroads and great factories, for opportunities of a higher education in the colleges and universities, for peace and plenty at home. Shall we all, then, join this day in thanks and praise to His all-prevailing name? , Let halle lujahs ring and all our hearts be glad. It is only by tbe goodness of God that we have these bright, bappy faces, these hearts leaping forth with joy and gladness. We rejoice to know that tbe religion of Jesus civilizes, purifies and refines nations as well as individuals. It is only by this civilizing power that It is possible for us to stand at tbe bead of the class among the people of the world, that we are now privileged to sound to tbe nations of the earth tbe bugle notes of danger and give the gos pel call to safety. If we are leading in the way to God and glory, one day in 305 Is a very small pittance set apart for the nation, as a nation, to worship in praise and thanksgiving for showers of blessings come to us. The earth should be made to tremble, the rocks to turn in their slumbering places, as earth's millions pour forth their praises to Him who reigns above. May God's grace and glory be with ug during an other year's march to the world beyond the skies. ST. LOUIS FAIR. Hood River will be well represented in the fruit display at the St. Louis world's fair next year. Joseph A, Wilson, man ager of the Hood River Apple' Growers' union, last week shipped to Superin tendent W. II. Wehrung, at St. Louis, 33 boxes of the finest apples ever grown in Oregon. The fruit will be kept in cold storage until the exposition opens in May, when it will be put on exhi tion with apples from all parts of the world. Apples like these ought to have no trouble in carrying off tbe gold med als. The fruit was gathered up and care fully packed by My. Wilson. He paid $2 a box for most of the apples and must await the pleasure of the state of Oregon to. reimbursement. The varieties sent were: Spitzenburg, 10 boxes; Yellow Newtowns, six boxes; Arkansas Black, four boxes; Hyde's King of the West, four boxes; Oitley, three boxes: Gano, two boxes; Dela ware Red, two boxes; Genatin.one box; Winesap, one box. . i Those who donated their apples free were F. W. Angus and II. C. Hengst. E. Locke had intended to furnish some apples for exhibition, but the fine speci mens he had laid aside got mixed up by his packers, and were sold with his other applet Amazed at Big Apples From Oregon. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. "Uncle Joe" Mason about the beet known officer on the police force, has been a common benefactor to his broth er officers about the Four Courts for the fast few days. From the fruit belt of load River bottoms in Oregon, "Uncle Joe"recently received a barrel of luscious big red apples from his son, and he saw that there was a fair divide. The apples were mainly Klondike variety, magnificent specimens of the great American fruit, perfect in shape, finely scented and delicately flavored. Two monstrous Gloria Mundi apples were among the lot, and these went to Dr. William R, Faulkner as curiosities. Some of those received by "Uncle Joe" several months ago weighed 18 ounces each. The two that came in the last shipment outclassed the former. One of the last weighed 28 ounces and the other was only a bit lighter. "The Hood River valley is the finest fruit belt in the world," says Mason. "Apples are grown on three-year-old stock that outclasses anything we have in this part of the country.'' r Mason's son has a large fruit farm in the valley. It is young, but Mason thinks there is a great future for it. Receives Gold Medal for Apples. Joseph A. Wilson has received the gold medal he won at the fruit exhibit at the Ogden meeting of the irrigation congress last September.- The medal is very handsome. Engraved on the ob erse is the inscription: "Eleventh National Irrigation Congress ' Arid States Fruit Exhibit, Ogden, Utah, September 15-18, 1903 Awarded to Jo seph A. Wilson for Finest Display of apples." The reverse contains the pict ure of an Egyptian god shedding forth an abundance of water upon the fields of grain. The medal was awarded for the best display of irrigated apples, three varieties of 24 apples each. The apples were gathered up by Mr. Wilson and sent by him to Ogden. The three vari eties were: Wolf River, grown by N.W. Bone at Willow Flat; Yellow Newtowns, grown by Mrs. J. L. Atkinson, Willow Flat; Kings, grown by J. G. Jarvis of the East Side. A condition of the cotnpetion was that the apples shonld come from irrigrted orchards. Good apples can now be bought at retail grocery stores in Portland at $1 50 per box. For $1.25 pretty good apples can be bad. A good many are sold at $1 per box. These are surfaced with good apples, but underneath they are a motley lot and there is probably not actually two-thirds as much apple which can be utilized in the f 1 boxes as in the fl.50 boxes, besides being of poorer quality. Rural Northwest. Rector of St. Luke's. Aehburnham, Ont., April 18, 1903. I think it is ooly right that I should tell yon what a wonderful effect Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was so dis tressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by the rough. The same day I received an order from yon for a sample bottle of your cough remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle ,and took about tfiree uoees oi me meuicine. To my great relief the cough and cold disap peared and I was able to preach three times on Easter day. I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your - - 1 T I. L. ' . ' cuugn remedy, i uio mm testimo nial witiiout solicitation, being thank ful to have found such a God-sent rem edy. Respectfully yours, E. A. Lang feldt. M. A..Rector of Ht.Luke's church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This rem edy is for sale by all druggiBts. (lacier Clubbing Rates. When renewing your subscription to the Glacier it might be well to remem ber that we give clubbing rates to some excellent Eastern papers. The Inter Ocean, that sterling republican paper and all-round newspaperman be secured for 40 cents through clubbing with the Glacier. The Inter Ocean has a page of up-to-date farm and horticultural news. The Twice-a-Week Republic, a demo cratic paper, can be had for 50 cents added to the price of the Glacier. The Republic is a great newspaper, and like the Inter Ocean, its news columns are reliable and impartial, without regard to politics. One issue of the week of the Republic gives a supplement devoted to farm and horticultural news that is well worth the price of the paper. The Toledo Blade,a thoroughly repub lican paper, but a weekly made up for the family more than for the politician, can be had through tbe Glacier for 50 cents a year. But for a home agricultural journal a journal made up expressly for the far mer and fruit grower of Oregon and Washington the Rural Northwest stands at the head and should have the largest circulation, of any farm paper on the Pacific coast. 1L M. Williamson, the editor and proprietor, is a 'conscien tious student of the work of the farm and orchard. He has made it a life study, and no more reliable farm jour nal than tbe Rural Northwest is pub lished anywhere. The paper is pub lished twice a month, and in clubbing rates can be furnished by the Glacier at 25 cents a year. Purple Iris Beautified by Cultivation. Bingen, Wash., Dec. 5, 1903. Editor Glacier: The purple Iris or wild Crocus (Liisynnchium granditlorum,) so abund ant at many places along the Columbia river above the Cascades, is a pretty flower in its wild state, but when culti vated generally forms larger many-flow ered clusters, which are very beautiful, especially if different colors are seen. One of its greatest charms is its easi ness, for it begins to bloom earlier than the snowdrop, often early in January, or sometimes even at Christmas.. Its cultivation seems to be easy.Bince it will grow almost anywhere, if kept dry and undisturded during the dry season. Flat rocks covered with an inch or two of soil to hold moisture until April or May, may be called favorable places for this flower. The plants may be set out at any time in iau or winter, unless tnow or frost prevent it, and they will bloom the following spring. W. N. S. Unitarian Bazaar. The Unitarian bazaar will lie held December 11 and 12 in tbe K. of P. theater,-where one inav purchase ev erything desirable ror Xmas. There will be displayed beautiful fancy work. dolls, raffia, bags aud belts, Indian bas kets, fresh fruits, candies, home-made pop-corn balls, canned and preserved fruits, etc. One of the unique features of the bazaar will be a country store, wnere uncie josn will swap yarns while be ties up your goods. Friday evening you will be entertained by a bugle class concert, and Saturday after noon mere will be a baby show. Sat urday evening the coons will bold sway. Don't make Xmas presents when you can buy them at bed-rock prices at the Unitarian bazaar, Decem ber 11 and 12. A Frightened Horse. Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurren ces. It behooves everybody to have a reliable salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica salve. Burns, cuts, sores, eczema and piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25 c at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first symptom of the disease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by all druggiBts. ancient cms:. Jerusalem In the days of Solomon probably did not contain 20,000 people. Constantinople at the time of Its greatest aplendor aa capital of the east era empire had a population of about 1,600,000. Babylon, whose name bas come to be synonymous with dense population, never had over 1,200,000 inhabitants in. Us palmiest days, so the archaeologists declare. Athena, when she led the Greek tatea In repelling the Invasion of Xerxes, had only 30,000 inhabitant but Herodotus speaks of this number aa If It was something to boast of. Rome, tbe mistress of tbe world, the great city to which all roads led, "Rome the Eternal.'' did not exceed 2,000,000 In population. Gibbon, Indeed, believes that It had only 1,200,000, and in this estimate he and Mllman agree. Ham at ta CklaekHla. The chinchilla, the little animal the alze of a squirrel, la met wltb only In the Andes of Bolivia, Ecuador. Peru 8nd northern Chile and Is never found under a height of 9,000 or 10,000 feet The Indiana are eager trappers and hunters of it for Its One fur. Tbe skins are well seasoned with salt and made up Into small packages for dispatch to the towns, whence they are shipped abroad. Of the world's hay crop the United States grows 28,600,000 pounds. Thit Is about half as much aa Germany an two thirds aa much as.England. In London If you want rooms, a serr ant or a situation yon advertise the fact In a machine for a penny. Too write out yoor advertisement,- put It m with your penny, and tbe machine display It la your own handwriting. COTTAGE Meat Market. I am prepared to furnish the public wltb the best of Fresh and Cured Meats', Lard, all kind of Fresh Vegetables Chickens and Eggs, t tbe lowest prices. FREE DELIVERY. Phcne J. T. HOLHAN. To the People of Hood River: Our stock of FANCY and STAPLE GRO CERIES, Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, etc., etc., is now very COMPLETE. These goods are ALL NE:W, and have been CAREFULLY selected in order that we might give each cus tomer BEST POSSIBLE VALUE for the price charged. Hoping to MERIT a share of your PAT RONAGE, we are, f Yours truly, ' r'-Ji-rzf . ' v ' STUMP PULLERS. We carry a complete stock of W. Mnlth Grubbing Machines, wire cable, rope shortners, blocks, root hooks, etc., for which we are general agent for Oregon and Washington, Write for catalogue. . . . ONLY exclusive Hardware Store in THE DALLES, OR. The ISarlieat Surgreon. - Surgery ig said to tie. older than medicine, and probably, in' its simplest offices, it is as old' as' human need for it. Skulls of the neolltfjlc period give evidence that the operation of trepan ning was then practiced. The Hindoo surgeon 'Susiutu, who lived several centuries before Christ,; had more than a hundred different sorts of surgical instruments, and there la abundiffft proof that his countrymen were skilled In amputation, lithotomy and operations for" hernia, fistula and1 even for restoring lost ears and uoses' ' Hippocrates', who live 400 B. C, was a skillful' surgeon, and discoveries by Ebers and others in Egypt prove that the ancient Egyptians practiced sur gery, with suitable instruments, nearly 6,000 years ago. . Among the six" hermetic books of medicine mentioned " by ' Clement of Alexandria was one" deVoted to' sur-' glcal instruments. The' Greeks are thought to have leacutfl .tlie Hindoo methods, and the" Eomatts were skilled In surgery. .. ,. , i " ..'-,.: '-.. i How. Hsna ,BMflv. The mechanism of the Ienndoot of a chicken or other bird that' roosts on a limb Is a marvel of design. It often seems strange that a bird wIH sit on a roost and sleep all nlghfwltbont fall ing off, but the explanation is perfectly simple. , The tendon of;, the leg of a bird that roosts is so' arranged that when the leg. is bent at the knee the claws are bound to contract and thus hold wltb a sort of death grip the limb round which they are placed. Put a chicken's feet on your wrist, and then make the bird sit down; and. you will have a practical illustration on your kin that you will remember for some time. By this' singular 'arrangement, seen only In such birds as roost, they will rest comfortably '.and uever think of holding en, for ft is Impossible for them to let go till'they stand' up...,". E6S TRUE TO NAME.. T hav Air Ml this season. 10.000 Yellow Newtown Pippins: s,om Hpiirenbunrs: i.ixx) Arkansas Black. Grafted on whole roots and from wlons that were carefully seleeted from nmeofthr bent bcarlnc treea In Hood Hiver valley. I do not hesitute lo guarantee my treea true to name. Henri for prleen lo .M I I.W A I K EE .N I KKIU h-H. . N. B. Habvkv. Prop. Milwaukee, Or. F. E. STRANG, local a-ront. WE DO Job Printing neatlv and promptly. Our- vtfice is lull v equipped with latert styles of type and up-to-date material." .We carry a full tine of pritfte'r station ery, and can fill: your order Jor a visiting card or a. fillI-pSiie color poster. Have ,you"r' stationery printed bv E. R. BRADLEY. Apple T PHONE 51. r.Fl . Mineral and Life. The base of nutrition in nil living beings Is oxygen, water, salts, carbon and nitrogen. Korster tried to feed dogs on organic substances deprived of nearly all their mineral matter. Death from starvation occurred sooner than if the dogs hod been completely with out food. M. Herrera says In Revue Sclcntifiiiuc, Taris. "Living beings are but aggregations of mineral substances and biology Is but a chapter In min eralogy." Promoter of Conrnsre. Spartacus Women are a greet Incen tive to manly caunige. Stnarticns That's right. Since I've been married and had n few tilts with my wife the prospect of a scrap with the meanest man on earth scenis like mere child's play to me. Baltimore American. An Odd Apology. This is the classic apology of a cele brated statesman of the last genera tion: "Sir. Speaker, In the heat of debate I stated that the right honorable gen tleman opposite was a dishonest and unprincipled adventurer. I have now, In a calmer moment, to state that I am sorry for It." Oregon Nursery Co. For ftrt-elnss, whole-rooted and budded Trees, send yonr order to the old reliable Oregon Nursery l"o at Hnlein, Oregon. We have yet for sale a few more thousand ttist-cluss Newtown l'ipplns, Hpltienburga, and a full line of all other varletlea of ap ples and general nursery stock. Now Is the time to place your order, before all the best trees are aold. C. T.'RAWSON. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We (k-.siro to lot our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, nil the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen liergand Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. When You Come to Town Do not fail to call and see us and give us a chance to fill your order. We quote Flour in not less than barrel lots at warehouse: Dalles Patent, per bbl...$4.50 White River, per bbl..4.25 Dalles Straight, f 3.55. i Feed at warehouse in not less than half-ton lots: ; lloll.'d barley, ier ton. f 24.50 Shorts, per ton $22.50 Oats, jHTton 25.00 Bran and Shorts 22.00 . Bran, jier ton, $21.50. . ; ;. - Yours truly. bone & Mcdonald V I -r -. Lives of Anlmnla. Animals vary greatly In the length of their Uvea. Elephants, eagles and parrots may celebrate their hundredth birthday, but our domesticated beasti are thought to be aged when they have reached a quarter of a hundred. A horse Is old at twenty, a donkey at twenty-five and a cat or dog at fifteen, Tbe span of existence allotted to In sects Is shorter still, the fly and the butterfly commonly enjoying but one summer of vigorous life and then be ing taken off by tbe cold If they are not previously snapped up by a bird. It Wu Both. "What do you think of old Uncle Peter devising all bis money for tbe erection of a mausoleum over his re mains?' said the first needy relative. "Awful!" replied the second. "Ifa Just a willful waste." "Huh! I call It a wasteful will." Philadelphia Press. riabed For a Compliment ana Got It. Alice (looking at her portrait) Dont you think that Mr. Van Brush has managed to make rather a pretty pic ture of me? Edith Tea, be really bas. What remarkably clever artist be la! F. H. STANTON