The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 10, 1903, Image 4

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OU will get better results with
your dollars at our store than
at any other place in town; You expect to
spend money for Xmas, but you want values, '
good values. And when you buy a present you
want to know it is good and you want it pretty.
Our Xmas offerings are pleasing and useful.
Among many we mention are the following:
LADIES' Velvet and Felt
Slippers, black, red and
green, trimmed in Jet and fur.
ISSES and Children's
Felt Slippers, nice ones.
MEN'S Mocha Kid, Elk,
Velvet and Alligator
slippers. Dancing slippers in
patent kid.
Umbrellas. Men's Gloves.
Golf and Kid Mufflers. Handkerchiefs.
Fancy Hosiery. Fancy
Wool Sweaters for Men and Boys.
Following is the eerruon delivered by
Rev. A. A. Beery, pastor of the Valley
Chrisitan church, Thanksgiving day,
November 26, 1903:
The day set apart for Thanksgiving is
not on account of legislation but be
cause of public pressure or sentiment.
It was and is so fitting for a Christian
nation, after the harvest has been gath
ered, to thank Him who is the giver of
nil good for blessings showered upon
us during the past year. -Remembering
that every good gift and every per
fect boon is from "above, coining down
from the Father of Light. Perhaps it
is not then that the one In authority Is
religious nor desirous of offering praise
to God, nor even a believer. It is the
outburst of Christians throughout the
l:iiid praising God from whom all bless
ings flow.
(Shall I enumerate today some of the
things, the larger blessings, that we as
a nation should be thankful for, and
"sing unto the Lord a new song and
lis praise in the congregation of the
I speak of liberty, and liberty as only
a free and Independent people have it.
The Roman lawyers said: "Liberty Is
pHE ewellest assortment
of Men's Ties, espec
ially selected for the
holiday season. Patterns
are the latest and most
beautiful. Colorings are el
egant. One of these ties
would make him adeligtfully
acceptable present. Come in
and see what a splendid as
sortment we can show you.
jthe power (authority) of doing that
wnicn is not 101 bidden ny Jaw, and
that whatever may please tUe ruler has
the force of law." The French say:
"Liberty is equality, and eqality is lib
erty." The Germans my : "Liberty or
justice, nir wnere mere is justice there
is liberty, and liberty is nothing else
than justice." lint the Roman simply
meant that man is not a slave. The
French equality may mean stagnation
and death. The German makes equiv.
alent two things which no definition
can reconcile. But American liberty
means the enjoyment of high civil
privileges and rights. It means a gov
ernment of the people, by the people,
for the people. Utterly abused Is a
curse even among a free and independ
ent people. There must be a limit tbeu
to even religious liberty. Chief Justice
Waite, in rendering the decision of the
supreme court of the United States in
the only case in which the government
bus undertaken to define the limits of
religious liberty, where congress pro
hibited polygamy in the territory of
Utah, said: "Lnws are made for the
government of actions, and while they
can not interfere with religious belief
and opinions, they may witli practices.
As a law of the organization of society
under the exclusive dominion of the
United Stales, it Is provided that plural
marriages shall not be allowed. Can a
man exercise his practices to the con-'
trury liecause of his reliitious belief? To,
permit this would lie to make the pro
fessed doctrine of religious belief supe
rior to the law of the land, and In effect
Headquarters for Xmas Crockery, Glassware. Table Silverware, etc. Our line of Xmas Crockery is very complete
and affords a good selection. A full line of Fruits, Nuts and Candies for 'the Holidays now on hands. Our Grocery
shelves are filled with a most choice selection of canned and package goods suitable for Holiday festivities. Remem
ber while looking for Xmas presencs to see our Parlor Lamps, Cut Glass, Table Silverware and Dishes of all kinds.
The goods are the best. One price to nil, and that the LOWTST. Free Delivery.
Yours truly,
to permit every citisien to become a law
unto himself. Governments could ex
ist only in name uuder such circuim
stances." Liberty not based upon mor.
amy is tyranny, jnoi ouiy men iuusi
we have laws whose deepest roots spring
f nm morality, but those laws must be
obeyed. The obedience to law ana ine
punishment of the lawbreaker is divine.
Education, morality and religion have
j;i ven us a code of laws that are perhaps
not equaled on the globe. If we have
a government by the people and at the
Mine time have laws that are not what
t hey ought to be, it is prima facie evi
dence that the people are at fault.,
In the hands of the people our legis
lation has been restricted until liberty
and protection have come to bless m
God-loving people; ana tor mis ao we
give thanks unto the God of glory and
praise the Almighty Father. Wethank
Him for life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. This we can not have un
der the Greek idea, which is to deify
person ; neither under the Roman,
which is law of Individual. The Greeks
worshipped wisdom without seeing: the
true. The Rowau saw the abstract
trutti and then- created civil Jurispru
dence. Bub tba American, purely
American, born on American soil, be
gotten by the principles or Christianity,
trave the law of liberty to man as man;
announced the ultimate authority of
both state and man ; liberty, the gift of
divine win.
God by Inspiration seems to have
made Paul the constitutional law-
writer, because of which Christianity
has become historically, and by judicial
precedent, the common law of our na
tion. Hence" we have our boasted re
publican form of government, where
law is liberty ana citizenship is inde
pendence. A government where only
the people make it possible for iu exist
ence. A government which can be
traced to Scandinavian origin, with
the principles deepening, broadening
and lengthening in the Fnglisli or, if
you please, the Saxon commonwealth
of England. A country where the state
was the commonwealth. A country
where its system of Jurisprudence was
the common law, where the general
tribunal its common pleas; and where
finally in religious succession we And
I lie common prayer. A country with
constitution unwritten. But we praise
God today for our written constitution.
Wethank Him for the Declaration of
Independence. We thank Him for the
genius, the design and the form of our
government. We thank him that the
three depart men t men ts, legislative, Ju
dicial and executive, are essentially
Christian. We thank Him that we
r cognize the fact that "all men are cre
ated equal."
Some one has said: "Education is the
only sure foundation that can be de
vised for the preservation of freedom
and happiness." With that idea, the
American free-school system soon be
gun to grow in favor with the people.
The common school, as we understand
it and have it, unknown to the a in
dents, is a power for our development
and protection. And rapidly are we
learning that the cultivation of the
head to the neglect of the heart is a
mistake. Studying the question care
fully, we And- that education and
Christianity go' hand in band. The
origin of the common school was in
the Christian church. The leiders li
the reformation saw its importance!
Martin Luther established a free-school
system. It was no stranger to the
Scotch reform. It was in Switzerland
and not unknown In Prussia. But iti
these United States we have the corul
pletent and most successful free school
on the globe. We praise Ood, then, lo-
oay lor the orinolDies or education in
Hie Bonk. We thank Him for the. op
portunity, of a Christian education.
And may we understand more and
more that without a Christian educa
tion our learning Is In "vain. May God
speed the day when the Book,' the
Bible, will again take its place in the
school room. Education has taught us
to understand more deeply Jesus' words
when he said; "No diuh can serve two
masters." "' '
The picture I now draw may be a
dark .one, and some may think it nut
of place on a Thanksgiving" day. But
the sweet is sweeter after tasting of the
sour. The light seems lighter after
passing through the dark. No one can
be so stirred as he who sees the facts.
A young man upon his return from the
Klondike, in rejMirting his trip. In part
said : "When we landed off the steamer
we found only a sandbar for teu miles
back, with no- prospect for a settle
ment, but when we returned, IS months
later, we found a city ol 10,000 Inhab
itants. It sprang up us if in a night.
We also found that that always follows
civilisation the saloon; and three
fourths of the business bouses In that
city were saloons." We recall our land
ing of civilized men in the Philippines.
Among the first cargo to be carried
ashore was that that carries with It dis
cord, disease arid death intoxicating
liauors. But wo thank God that the
principles laid down In the Book are
opposed to such, we manic nun tor
some advancement In the good cause,
and do this day Bray for more success,
more courage, more, determination,.
more victories, we pray that ine time
will come when souls of men will not
he sent to a drunkard's grave from a
Christian natio.
Let u look at the picture again. 'Go
this time intn-our almshouse, Into our
reformatories; iuto our prisons, Into our
great asylums where numbers, of chil
dren are being reared, -and ; we must
conclude, with, a sad eart, that in
their helplessness. '.they cry unto God
and humanity, ; Go next Into the
crowded tenements, of the cities, Into
the lowest dens and dives, see the mis
ery," shame ' and -degradation ' there.
Men and wonWi .' low" and besotted,
children dying In the feted air or grow
ing up to bring a curse aud shame upon
our natlon lu these abodes of shame,
of poverty, "of. misery and of crime ask
for the reasons of all this, and the an
swer comes-in trumpet tones,-Drink,
drink! Shall we thank God for all
this? No, But thank Him for a gospel
that tells of Christ's redeeming love,
whose all-atoning blood wilt wash all
guilt away. Thank Him for calling us
to Himself. Thank, him for the spirit
of temperance," Thauk .him. for the
sweet story and the privilege of telling it
; If the religion of Christ is voluntary,
His church can not-exist wlrhont lib-
(Contlnnert on Hugo S.)
Positively Cured.
The Oiillfnrnln Medical 'Gxnpany will re
fund to the customer all money that he pnys
the druggist tu CHe Me Ib not cured of Itueuk
nullum by the uf of ...
Oil of Eden
Sweet Spirits
of Eden.
Ohronlrnuwa invariably cured, and CUBED
Kpr Hole by
Agent for Hood River.
You want one now
. that fall has come.
Drop in and see what
Savage has in the
stove line. Also ex
amine the many
other goods that are
unpacked daily" at
and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Fuknishkd
. Uion Application. dl
;&: Builders
9-Plans and Estimates Furnished-
and Builder
Plans and Estimates Fcbnisiied.
S, H. COX.
On the Mount Hood road, Boutb '
of town, keeps constantly on hand i
the best quality of
Groceries, Hay, Grain & Feed,
At Lowest Prices. ,
822 1). K. LAMAR, Prop.
Meat Market.
. McGums Bros., Propr's.
Dealers In Fresh nd Cured Meat, Lard
Poultry, Fruit and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 85.
The Veterinary
Hh returned to Hood Kivermid Is prepared
to do any work In the veterinary me. He
can be found by calling at or phoning to
Clarke's dnig "tore.
if coughs and colds are
permitted to go on their
way of making us miser
able, unrebuked and un
molested. We have cold
cures galore. Some that
we guarantee and some
that we don't.
CLARKE, the Druggist.
Is unapproached in Hood River Valley.
Studebaker Wagons andVehids.
Canton Agricultural Implements.
Kimball Orchard Cultivators.
Pomona Spray Pumps.
Harness and Saddles,
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Hood River, Oregon.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Plans drawn and estimates given on work. Leave orders with Geo.
D. Culbertsou & Co., Hood River.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
- Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamer Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a first-clapfl turnout call on the
Post Office.