The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 03, 1903, Image 3

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Has moved into Williams' Drug Store, where
he has on display the finest line of
Watches, Diamond Rings, Gold
Rings, Cut Glassware, etc.,
ever shown in Hood River, and at right prices.
I wish to state to the general
nrenared to test voureves and flt
that will overcome all afflictions of
weak eyes that the best oculist can help, try Hie glasses 1 pell.
I have given this subject very close study and can tell you by
examination just what kind of glasses your eyes require. Eyes test
ed free and all glacses sold with a guarantee to fit your eyes with es
pecially ground glasses. If youreyes trouble you and cause headache
or throbbing pains with blurring vision when reading or doing tine
work requiring close and steady observation, come in and let me ex
amine your eyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester
and secure relief and comfort by the use of properly-fitted glasses.
, Married.
George William Graham of Hood
Hiver, and Mrs. Lillian Mancirt of Port
land, were married at Portland Monday
evening November 30, 1903. Mr. and
Mrs. Graham left the next day for a
short stay at Seaside. The wedding
came as a surprise 10 air. irunnni a
many Hood River friends, but all are
glad to extend congratulations.
A verv quiet wedding was performed
in this city Thanksgiving morning, No
vember 20, 1903, at the residence
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary
Booth, when Miss Caroline Booth
was given in Marriage to George I).
Cnlbertson, Rev. J. L. Ilersliner, offi
ciating. The bride is well known at
both llood River and The Dalles, where
she formerly lived, as a most estimable
voung hulv, while the groom is num
bered among Hood River's most pains
taking and sticcewful business men.
The many iriends of the newly wedded
pair unite in wishing them abundant
joy, peace ami prosperity through life.
Those present at the wedding were: Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Sharp and family, Miss
Mabel Mack, the Misses Thompson from
The Dalles, Miss Anna Fulton from
Wasco and T. C. Dallas. In the after
noon, Mr. and Mrs. Cnlbertson left for
Portland on a short wedding trip.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized
at The Firs, on Wednesday evening,
November 25, 1003, when tt. N. Young
and Mies Blanche V. Congdon were
united in bonds of matrimony ; Rev. J.
L. Hershner officiating. To the strains
of Mendelssohn's wedding march, exe
cuted bv Mrs Dumblo, the wedding par
ty marched into the richly decorated
front tmrlor.wliere the bride and groom
were united as husband and wife. The
groomsmen were I). It. Rand and David
M. Hess. The bridesmaids were Miss
I.izz'e Roberts and Mrs. David M. Hess.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of
Crepe Du Chine. After the ceremony
a dainty luncheon was served and the
happy bridal pair left on the 10:45 train
for Baker Lit v to be absent about one
week. The bride, who is well known to
Hood River's social circle, came from
Washington, D. C, nearly a year ago.
The groom is well known in Hood River,
nnd is junior member of the Transfer
and Livery conipanv. Those present
were Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Duinble, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Graham, Mr. and Mrs.
(i. K. Williams. Mrs. S. Langille, Mrs.
Jas Graham. Mr. and Mrs. L. K.Morse,
Mrs. Margaret Reid.Miss Liznie Roberts
Mr. und Mrs. David M. Hess of Wash
ington, D. C.
A quiet wedding took place at Bel
mont, llood River valley, November 25,
1003. Miss May lioorinun.eldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doorman,
was married, at the home of her parents
to W. K. Hanley of Washington county,
Or. ;Rev. Dillinger, pastor of the Bel
mont M. K. church, officiated. Invita
tions were limited to relativesof the bride.
Mr Hanley is a graduate of the Oregon
state agricultural college, and it was at
this institution where the young couple
became acquainted. Mr. Hanley is now
a prosperous farmer in Washington
county, where he had a furnished house
to receive his bride. The bride grew to
womanhood in Hood River valley. She
is an accomplished young woman and
' nil acknowledged belle in society.
Thanksgiving day, November 20, 1903,
at the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jasiier Wickham of Crap
ner district, Hood River valley, Miss
Nellie Wickham was given in marriage
to Fred II. Taylor; Rev. W. LDillinger,
of the M. K. church at Belmont, was
the officiating clergyman. Fred Gates
and Miss Maude Miller stood up with
the happy couple,and Miss Clara Blythe
played the wedding march on theorgan.
The ceremony was performed at 12
o'clock M. After congratulations, the
wedding party sat down to a wedding
dinner. Many useful and valuable pres
ents were received by the young couple.
Those present were " Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wickham, Rev and Mrs Dillinger, Mr
and Mrs 11 P Taylor, Mr and Mrs H A
Cunning, Mr and Mrs Drew Tavlor, Mr
and Mrs John Mitchell, Mr and MrsS K
Blythe, Miss Mary Wickham, Miss Frie
da Prigge, Miss Inez Martin, Miss Jennie
Miller, Miss Maude Miller, Miss Flora
Tavlor, Miss Clara Blythe.Duncan Mar
tin", Thomas Vanausdale, Fred Gates,
Vovle Lindsay, Mac Taylor, Lester
Wickham, J. D. Cunning, Russell Cun
ning, Harry Cunning, Uoss Mitchell,
I-slie Dillinger, Ray Cunning, Ray
mond Wickham.
i hp.ktK. n-Aititinty tnn)t ninety at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Miller, laet';
Thursday, Novembi-r 2ii, U03, at 3:30 p.'l
m.,when theireldett daughter, irginia,
1 'PI ' l.,u.laldl
was marrieu io iiiuinna numou.,
Rev. W. L. Dillinger officiating. Miss
Maud Miller, a eisier of the bride, was
bridesmaid and Fred Gates, best man.
Miss Clara Blvthe played the wedding
march. A delicious supper was given
by the bride's parents. Music mas ren
dered on the violin, guitar and imse viol
during the supper hour, by Mr. and Mrs.
II. S Hall and daughter.Golda. Many
useful presents were given the bride.
Thoe present were: Mr and Mrs J I
Miller, Kevand Mrs W L Dillinger, Mr
snd Mrs Fred Tavlor, Mr and Mrs II A
Moore, Mr and Mrs 11 S Hall, Mr and
Mrs Drw Talor, Mrs 11 Strong and
ditnghter.the Slissts Maude Miller.lrma
Miller, I ne Mswtin. Ruby Chandler,
Frieda Prigge.Cla-a Blvthe, Golds Hall,
Miss King; Messrs Fred Gates, Duncan
Just the Place, and now is the time
to make voorpurchawa for the Holi
days. Ko better collection of goods on
I he coast.
All work neatly mid correctly done,
eHpeciMlly fine Watch Repairing
and adjusting. Reasonable prices.
Do your Eyes
Trouble You?
public thai I am
you with glasses
Btlgmatisni, near-sightedness and
Martin. Orval Moore, Voyle Lindsay,
Ivan Miller, W A Miller, B Dodson,
Ashley Miller, Ha by Dillinger.
Compliments for Hood Klver Bride.
The Dalles Chronicle.
Wednesday we referred to the wedding
of a former Dalles girl which, was to
take place at llood River Thanksgiving
day, and at the home of Mrs. Mary
Booth yesterday at 10:30 her daughter,
Miss Caroline, was united in marriage
with Georite H. Cnlbertson. Beside
Mrs. Booth and her son,John Booth, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sharp and family,
there were present I. U. Dallas, an luti
mate friend of the groom, and Misses
Anna Fulton, Anna and Laura Thomp
son and Maybel Mack. The Booth home
had been decorated for theoccasion with
chrysanthemums and Oregon grape and
presented a very cozy appearance as Kev.
J. L, Ilersliner, of the Hood Hiver Con
lireuational church, pronounced the
words which united them for life, the
Kpiscopal service being used. A wed
ding dinner, the excellence of which
may be vouched for by Dallesites who
in former years have enjoyed the hos
pitality of the Booth family, was served
and Mr. and Mrs. Culbertsou.left on the
afternoon train for Portland. Upon re
turning they will make their home at
Hood River, where the groom is en
gaged in the real estate business. Dalles
friends have more than a passing inter
est in the welfare of the bride, who from
childhood has displayed a sweet dispo
sition and a charming, modest nature,
which attracted everyone who knew her.
They will be glad to know that she has
chosen well.
( lienowetli News Notes.
(Continued From Page 6.)
all winter. If they would have another
I social, or two, and merge it with the
spring term, it would make an eight or
nine month 8 term.
Our literary society meets every Tues
day evening for a debate. Our question
tonight is: "Resolved, That Women
Should Have the Right to Vote." We
are anticipating a lively time. Every
one, who so desires, is welcome to come
ami take part.
I'nilerwood School Notes.
Thanksgiving day is past, and every
body seems to survive, even though a
good many complained of eating too
much turkey or mince pie.
Christmas is the next thing on the
list. The pupils are arranging for a
small Christmas tree and programme to
be held on the afternoon before the
holiday vacation, which will begin just
a week before Christmas. It is a trifle
early for Santa Clans to come, but so
much longer time for the little folk to
enjoy their fun.
Mrs. A. J. Hayues has been confined
to her bed for several days, on account
of illness.
Mr. Knanp took the Spencer for Port
land, Monday morning.
Professor C. H. Cromwell spent
Thanksgiving at his ranch. While t here
he visited school on Friday afternoon.
Miss M. Hude went to Portland last
Friday to visist her niece, Mrs. A.
Messers Dubois and Keleey moved
onto their ranch, known as the Wen
dorf ranch, this Monday morning.
Mrs. Mike Thornton and children, of
Tliorntonville, returned from The Dalles
Master Corbett Underwood missed
school Monday, on account of sickness.
Miss Lizzie Keilendonk entered
school Monday.
Pine Grove Meanings.
Fred llennagin of Sherman county
lias come back to Hood River valley to
speml the winter.
A singing class witli 50 members
lias been organized and will meet twice
a week in the school house. U. A New
man is instructor.
Miss Mabel Riddell spent Thanks
giving witli her parents at The Dalles. .
The mail carrier, Mr. Bailey, on route
No. 1 has given the best of service einee
he took the route. He is always . on
time regardless of the muddy roads.
He now stops to feed his team, making
a little difference in time.
C. F. StaufK-r is talking of going up
on his homestead .o do some work this
L. E. Clark has just finished a Urge
apple house.
Mr. Shonquest has returned home
from Nebraska. He has a force of men
at work clearing his land.
Mr. Johnson has purchased six acres
of land of W. V. Johnson, adjoining R.
K. Harbison's plate, and is at work
leaning the same. He will build on
he place in the spring.
More help is needed in this vicinity,
as every one having a piece of timber
land is anxious to get it cleared this
Happening at Stevenson.
htevenson Pioneer.
At a recent meeting of the Skamania
county co-operative telephone associa
tion the capital stock was increased
f 1,000 by unanimous vote. The pro
ceeds from this, with f.'tOO in the treas
ury, and 2U0 due the association, will
equip it to rush construction work cn
the 11-mile gap to Castle Rock.
J. W. Stevenson, Skamania county's
oldest living pioneer was in town this
week attending the telephone meeting.
He is a stockholder and takes a lively
interest in the association's welfare.
Speaking of the weather he said the pres
ent season reminded him of the winter
of 182. The ice was piled np below the
rapids to a depth of 15 feet. In one
place the ice had cracked all the w ay
across the river about three leet wide
which filled with snow making an ex
cellent path. Mr. Stevenson crossed in
this path, using a pole about 20 feet
lone for a safeguard. At one point he
pushed the pole clear down without
striking the water.
The officials of the Regulator line are
still scouring the country making com
mendable efforts to regain their lost
prestige, and incidentally to bust up the
Siiencer. If it was not for this latter
fact they would deserve a certain amount
Ol pity, dui ineir intention is an too
plain, and amounts to this: Should they
succeed in their attempt to drive off
the Spencer, they would resume their
old tactics of "charging all the traffic
would bear," and be as offensive and in'
dependent as ever. But they mistake
our metal. Because the Willamette
valley farmers don't know better than to
return to a boat monopoly when the
temporary glamour of a cheaper fare is
flashed in their eyes, is no indication
that the bkamanians act in the same
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Duuthit was couBiiined by fire with all
its contents Monday morning Mrs.
Douthit was preparing to wash and had
a good ore burning in the stove, ami
was out talking to a neighbor when the
latter saw smoke issuing from the eaves.
Both women then rail into the house
The baby, two years old, was found
screaming and the room full of smoke
and flames. The mother only had op
portunity to save the child.
A real tangible gold mine that pro'
duces gold in big quantities from the
start has at last been found in Skamania
countv. Two claims were filed for
record by the British-American Explor
ation company, called the htrain and
Maber mines, which are located in sec
tion 21, township 3 north, ranged east,
on Boyer creek
Odell Note.
Everett Lafferty, who has been absent
in Eastern Oregon since last spring, has
returned to spend the winter here with
his people.
Rev. A. A. Beery, patter of the Valley
church has been holding services at the
Union church for three evenings, clos
ing Tuesday evening.
The Odell school mado the following
donation to the orphans' home of Port
land: rour sacks of potatoes, four boxes
ol apples and one case of canned fruit,
also fl.Zo in casti. This is a good show
ing, but people always respond to a
worthy cause. Superintendent C. L.
Gilbert had this matter in charge and
we presume all the schools of the countv
Mr. McDuffy of Portland, an old time
friend of ours was here last week looking
over the country. He will file on a
homestead near Mount Hood post office.
Mr. McDuffy has a family that is cul
tured and refined and ali such find a
hearty welcome.
Neither the roads nor the weather get
too rough for strangers to have a look
at Hood River valley. Yesterday there
were two parties here, one of them lor
the second time, looking for a location.
It is now hog killing time, but in
the absence of the hog the neighbors
are killing beef and corning it for winter
use. reed is high and in consequence
beef is cheap. From the amount of
bacon used hero, it does seem that hogs
would prove profitable.
Mrs. Booth is now in Portland, visit
ing her daughter Nettie Kemp and oth
er friends. She will return about the
first of December.
D. L. Davidson of Willow Flat will
leave soon for the winter. He will eith
er go to Portland or Seattle.
Turkey comes high this time but most
people will reach the famous bird tomor
row. These thanksgiving days are al
ways welcome. There is much to be
thankful for here in Hood River valley.
It is a day of retrospection; a day when
smiles take the place of frowns. A day
when the world seems kind instead of
cruel. This alone is worth the price
of the turkey.
(ilacier Clubbing Rates.
When renewing your subscription to
the Glacier it might be well to remem
ber that we give clubbing rates to some
excellent Eastern papers. The Inter
Ocean, that sterling republican paper
and all-round newspaperman be secured
for 40 cents through clubbing with the
Glacier. The Inter Ocean has a page of
up-to-date farm and horticultural news.
I he twice a-week Kepuhiic, a demo
cratic paper, can be had for 50 cents
added to the price of the Glacier. The
Kepnbhc is a great newspaper, and like
the Inter Ocean, its news columns are
reliable and impartial, without regard to
politics. One issue of the week of the
Republic gives a supplement devoted to
farm and horticultural news that is well
worth the price of the paper.
The loledo Klade.a thoroughly repub
lican paper, but a weekly made up for
the family more than for the politician,
can be had through the Glacier for 50
cents a year.
isut lor a home agricultural journal
a journal made up expressly for the far
mer and fruit grower of Oregon and
Washington the Rural Northwest
stands at t-e head and should have the
largest circulation of anv farm paper on
the Pacific coast II. M. Williamson,
the editor and proprietor, is a conscien
tious student of the work of the farm
and orchard. He has made it a life
study, and no more reliable farm jour
nal than the Kural iNorthwest is pub
lished anywhere. The paper is pub
lished twice a month, and in clubbing
rates can be furnished by the Glacier
at 25 centB a year.
Unitarian Bazaar.
The Unitarian bazaar will I held
December 11 and 12 iu the K. of P.
theater, where one may purchase ev
erything desirable ror Xmas. There
will be displayed beautiful fancy work,
dolls, raffia, bags and belts, Indian bas
kets, fresh fruits, candies, home-made
pop-corn balls, canned and preserved
fruits, etc. One of the unique features
of the bazaar will be a country store.
where Uncle Josb will swap yarns
while he ties up your goods. Friday
evening you will be entertained by a
bugle class concert, and Saturday after
noon there will be a baby show. Sat
urday evening the coons will hold
sway. Dou t make A mas presents
when you can buy them at bed-rock
prices at the Unitarian bazaar, Decem
ber it ana 12.
ITght Will be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing their
Positively Cured.
The California Medical rnmimnv will re.
fund to the customer all money that he pavi
the drumeUt In ce he l not cuied of Ulie'ii-
matuni by the neof
Oil of Eden
Sweet Spirits
of Eden.
rhmnteeasf Invariably cured, and Cf RKD
Vor Sale by .
Agent for Hixxl Hiver.
ears against the continual recommeu
dation of Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, will have a long and bit'
ter fight with their troubles, if not end
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read
what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to
..T . :i i i
say ..Last iau my wne uau every symp
tom of consumption. . She took Dr.
King's New Discovery after everything
else bad failed. Improvement came at
once and four bottles entirely cured her."
Guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke, Drug
gist. Price 50c, and fl. trial bottles
Way the Characterl.tica of the Peo.
pie In the Two Section, of Mexico
, Are So I'nllke EHect. of Two Cen
turies of Serfdom,
There Is no country In the world that
presents more strange contrasts of
land and people, habits and customs,
heat and coM, than Mexico. The table
lands of tha country are a mile and a
half higher than the coast lands, and
between these there are to be found
all gradations of climate. This fact
lends much of the picturesque and
strange to Mexico and gives It a va
riety In all things possessed by few. If
any, countries in the world.' Of all the
Inhabitants of Mexico; the life of the
I eople of the hot country. s the most
interesting. Tula is, strange, to say, due
to the fact that there the people have
ever possessed more of freedom than in
the colder localities. For two centuries
or more the great mass of people of the
uplands were slaves. They tolled In
the mines, with a guard of soldiers set
over them; they built the public roads;
they worked the ranches, farms and
haciendas for masters who gave them
scarcely more than the food they ate.
The great farms of the uplands have
ever required sure help, and so each
ranchman bad his serfs. Many estates
possessed hundreds of them. Thus all
Individuality was crushed out of the
lower class, and the terrible effect of
tills condition of things is still evident.
The people of the hot lands fared bet
ter, because there it was much easier
to make a living and much harder to
hold very large haciendas. For this
reason the characteristics of the people
ore quite distinct from those of their
brethren of the upland plateaus. In
the hot lands many Indians still claim
to hold in right of inheritance from
remote ancestors portions of lund each
In his own Individual right There,
too, the mayor of the village or town
holds office so long as he pleases the
muss of the people. In the uplands
it Ihib imnn tin. custom of the rich nnd
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Oftiea. Tim rinllpa
Oregon, No. 12, 1MB. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions ol the
act of congress of June 3, 1K7X, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 18112, the following
named persons have tiled lu this otllca their
sworn Hlatements, to-wlt:
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, -morn Huuumeui. rso. itn, nieu .May r.t,
IWH, lor the purchase of the south half south
east quarter, northeast Quarter southeast
quarter and southeast (luarler southwest
quarter section 22, township 1 north, range 9
eusl, W. M.
of Vlento, eouiity of Whhco, hihI of Oregon,
sworn statement No. IHU, tiled May 12, l!Kl,
for the purchase of the southwest quarter
nortiiwesi quarter, north hall Houthwestquiir
ler and souiheast nuarler southwest auarler
section 1, township i iiorMi, range east, W.M.
of The Hal lea, Oregon, county of Wasco.swnrn
statement No.lMl.llled May l2,VXti,for the pur
chase ol the souiheast quarter rtnrtheast iiiar-
ter, eawi mui souuieaai quarter section i, and
southwest quarter southwest quarter section
1, township 2 north, range east, W. M.
That they will otter proof to show that
he lund sought Is more valuable for its tim-
berorstoue than for atrrlcnlruml ntirooses.
and to establish their claims to said land be-
lore the Kegtster and Receiver at The Dalles.
Oregon, on Wednesday, February 10. l'.mi.
i uev name as witnesses: w.r . Kuna ann
F. H. Hutlon of Hood Ulver. Oregon: Ned H.
Gates and b'red W. Wilson of The Dalles, Ore
gon; O-orge K. Mason, James Ohtl ty and Mi-
enaei i, usiragaaru or lento, Oregon; Otis
Patterson, The Dallca, Oregon: and Smith W.
'urran of Vlento, Oregn. i
Any and all persons claiming advprsolv the
above-described lands are requested to tile
ineir eiauiiH in mis oiuce on or before sum
lilt It day of February, 1HW.
n-njzn MiciiAtii.aui.AiN, Register.
Lund Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Nov. 17.
1IKK. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of her in
tention u make final proof In sup
port of her claim, and that said proof will
he made before the Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, ou Thursday, December
St, 1H03, vlr.:
of Mosler. Oregon, H. K. No. flwa, for the W'o
NWV, NEX NW and NWVj NKy, section 23,
township 2 north, range II east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Kdwin B. Wood of The Dalles, Oregon;
(leorge R. Wood, James J. Lewis and E. J.
Huskey of Mosier, Oregon.
ii2tKt.ll M ICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
i Isolated Tract. I
Pt'Bi.ic La mi Sa1.e.
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of
Instructions from the Commissioner of the
(Jeneral Ijind Office, under authorltv vested
In him by section 2t.'w, II. S. Revised Statutes,
as amended by act of congress approved Feb
ruary 2i, ls", we will pna eed to otter at pub
lic sale on Saturday, .Ian. 2, loot, at the hour
of 10 A. M., at this office, the following tract
of land, to-wlt:
Lot 4 of section 28, township 2 north, range
11 east, W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office oif or rtefnre the day
above designated for the eonnncnccmcnt of
the sale, otherwise their rights will be for
feited. MICHAF.LT. NOLAN, Register.
ANNA M. LA NO, Receiver.
United States Land Oillce, The Dalles, Or.,
November 17, ltKW.
"The Viento."
Northeast cor First and Oak Sis., Hood River,
Mrs. M. F. Bird, Proprietor.
Breakfast 8 to 8 a. m. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m.
Supper 6 to 10 p. m.
The tables supplied with what the market
affords. ' jl
Here's a Bargain.
I have more land than I can make use of
snd will Hell 120 acres. There Is no better land
in Hmh1 River valley either for fruit or gen
eral farming. I want 9o an acre for one sO
acres, and tf:j an acre for 40 acres. Come and
tee the land, If you want to Invest, ( all on
or address the owner,
n i mile west of Odell school house.
L. C. Haynea
James F. Delt.vd
The place to get an easy sh- an
up-to-date bair cut, and to er'ov he
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
Laud to Exchange.
SO .errs good fir nf timber In Cutnmhts
county. Or., In eichange tor Hood River prop
erty. either farm or town property or a tm-i
news proposition. Apply to Barnes, the Kesl
F.stale Man. sin
Cow for Sale.
An At cow, giving t gallons of milk a day.
Price $45. J. M. FA Kit,
o22 . at A. I. Mason', place.
powerful to 'distribute olilccs or nil
kinds as part of their prerogative of
birth and wenltli. The lower classes
of the uplands, although they now
have the nilvantiige of n fairly good
public system of education nnd are be
coming gradually educated, are in the
main a distinctively uniuiihitiotis peo
ple. They were so long in seinislavery
that they feel that the world of the
middle and upper class people Is be
yond them. They have, therefore, no
interest in anything outside their cir
cle of friends and acquaintances that
is, in a political way. But not so iu
many hot country villages and com
munities. There the Indian has ever
been more or less a factor in the life
of the community in which he resided.
On the uplands there are long
Btivtchc.4 of mure or less hare lauds,
with mountains rising up boldly in the
l.aclwor.nd. In many narts during
t!io dry season the land is almost 'bar
ren of vegetation. But lu the hot coun
try grow tall and shady trees and
thick undergrowth. Everything grows
i.lmost without attention from tho
l.atid of man, and yet, strange to saw
the peon, or laboring mini, is there
nore ambitious and a better worker
than the peon of the colder uiilands.
This Is not natural nnd is only ex
plained by the different conditions in
v.-hi eh they have passed the last -lOU
years. Serfdom on the uplands extin
guished ail ambition in the lower class.
The lower class of the hot country
1 :-op!e nro fond of social life, and al
most any night or early evening the
year throughout one may liud groups
or people in a little Indian village
gathered together and entertaining one
another In front of some one of the
houses or on the public snuare. which
every Mexican town, however small,
possesses, with music, songs nnd occa
sionally dancing Modern Mexico.
Facta About Gluntn.
That very few" of the giants who
have ever lived have been healthy or
well formed recent researches nroie
beyond a doubt. All we know about
Goliath Is that he was very tall, hut in
the second book of Kings we read
about another giant, who had more
fingers than nn ordinary human beliir.
und, according to modern scientists.
this is invariably a token of degener
acy.' Marcel Domini saw at Milan a
giant who was so tall that his body
filled two beds nt night, but whose
legs were so weak that he could hardly
stand upright. William L'vans. the
gigantic porter of Charles l had little
strength, and Cromwell's Dorter, an-
other-giant, ended his days iu a lunatic
asylum, f inally, O linen, the Irish
giant, lias been described as "an enor
mous sick child who grew up too fast."
(iooil us 111. Word.
"Have you any live cent stamps?"
Inquired the lady.
"No, tna'um," replied the drug clert
absent mindedly, "but we have some
thing here just ns good."
"Ila, ho! Force of habit! That's
where I caught you!"
"Not nt nil. mu'ain. I can L'ive von
two twos and a one." Philadelphia
Pore Spring Water.
Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Completed
Property is in the first scwcniiit' system that will be put in by the town
of Hood Hiver. line ln;ilili:i,u's will beenrtetl on the property during the summer.
Special Inducements to Peo
ple who wish to Build.
For full particulars rail upon
' J". F. Batchelder and R. R. Erwin, Trustees.
If you Wiint to buy anything- or
liavo nnyt hinjj; to sell, try the effect
iveness of n Want Ad in the OLA
VWAi. A six-line ad will cost you
An l:ni.y and Simple Way of Securing
Health and Good Loolca.
Kxerciso Is much more necessary to
human life than most women think.
Healthy stimulation Is nn absolute
need; without It the body will rust
nnd fall to bits. The baby that never
creeps about or kicks or exercises at
nil either wastes Into a tiny midget of
hones nnd wrinkles or else takes on
pounds ot unhealthy fat nnd becomes
Bolt nnd short breathed nnd without
The bra'n that never calls upon It
self for work must become dull and
stupid, and it is the same way with
the nmsele3 of the body. They are
filled with blood vessels that should
he t;p and doing. Tho blood has sev
eral purposes, and one Is to carry away
l:t mil of the waste fluids of the body,
i'ho Ic.ngs are a sort of refinery, and
tht! blood is n distilling nge.nt. If the
blood becomes thick nnd unhealthy and
sluggish the body does not keep Its
youthful state. Kyes grow dull; Hps
lose their redness; the complexion Is
sallow and unlovely.
H is an easy and simple matter to
make exercise a habit Just like the
habit of putting out the lights atnlghl
nnd wondering If burglars will show
up before morning.
A most excellent scheme Is to take
long, slow full breaths whenever you
have a chance when you nre waiting
for a car, when you nre walking, when
you are going to sleep, when you have
just awakened.
Such habits nre valuable, most valu
able, but because they don't cost any
thing and are a little trouble lots of
women fancy there Is nothing in such
practices. Nonsense! Look at the ath
letic men that train. They ore the
healthiest, strongest, finest look tog
creatures in existence.
Go thou nnd do likewise on a little
scale. Chicago Itecord-IIerald. .
An electric pickpocket alarm hag
been Invented by n man In Manches
ter, England.
The experiments of Muller prove that
if microbes bo placed In a gun barrel
the wound made by a bullet fired from
it would be infected by the microbes.
Commercial phosphorus Is satisfac
torily made by mixing the finely pow
dered phosphate material with carbon
itnd sand In tho electric furnace and
then, when heated, distilling the phos
phorus from the mass and collecting
it under water.
Such common substances as sugar,
glucose nnd chalk having been found
to absorb sunlight all day and to give
it off in rays during the uight, the dis
covery of some moans for rendering
these rays useful In illuminating
houses nt night with little expense
seems a possibility of the near future.
The thorium atom, universally be
lieved since its discovery by Iierzellus
three-quarters of a century ago to be
a single nnd Indivisible particle of
matter, now nppears ns the progenitor
.. c.n new substances, even more ele
' itmmVH
Located. Fine View.
mental tnnn ltsetr, evoiveu ny succes
sive and spontaneous changes within
Its substance.
The scientific reason for the popping
of corn has been investigated by Pro
fessor Kraemer of Philadelphia, who
finds that the endosperm la more or
less translucent and borny and Its cells
contain closely arranged polygonal
starch grains having a central rarefied
area. The degree of the expansion of
these cells depends upon the relative
amount of water and air In the grain.
Love la the Mainaprlaff.
Political economists have told us
that self Interest Is the mainspring of
industry. It Is not true. Love Is the
inainspriikg of Industry. It Is love for
the home and the wife and the children
that keeps all the busy wheels of In
dustry revolving, that calls the factory
hands early to the mill, that nerves
the arm of the blacksmith working at
his forge, that Inspires the farmer at
his plow and the merchant at his desk,
that gives courage to the soldier and
patience to the teacher.
Ersklne was asked bow he dared, as
an unknown barrister, face a hostile
court and Insist on bis right to be
heard. "I felt my children," he re
plied, "tugging at my robe and saying,
'Here Is your chance, father, to get us
bread.'" It Is this vision of the chil
dren dependent on us that Inspires us
11 In the battle of life. Rev. Lyman
Abbott In Atlantic.
Origin of a Famona Sarins,
Euclid, who Is sometimes called the
father of mathematics, taught this
subject In the famous school at Alex
andria. Being asked one day by tho
king of Egypt (Ptolemy Soter) whether
be could not teach him the science in
a shorter way, Euclid answered In
tvords that have been memorable ever
since, "Sire, there Is no royal road to
learning." Not many scraps of conver
sation have lived, as this reply has, for
2,200 yearnh
(rcntleman to immune business In tills county
and adjoining territory for house of solid fin
ancial standing, two straight cash salary and
"xprnses paid each Monday direct from hend-
Hon permsnuil. Address Mannuer, ttti M
non building, Chicago. fit
For Sale.
Macros, fli miles from Hood River, In the
valley: cleared; remainder easily cleared.
On public rosd: telephone by place. Terms If
desired. CHAM. K. PITM.KK. Haiem, Or.
Copyright Ac.
Anyone sending a nkelc-h and description mr
Qiilr k IT ascertain our opinion free whether an
in vein i. in ii prnnaoir patentable. Communica
tion! MrlotlyoonlKientlal. Handbook on Patenta
lent free. Oldest ipmcj for aecurlng patent!.
Patent! taken throunh Munn A Co. recelva
jwrtai notice, without charge. In the
Scientific flinericait
A handsomely lllnrtratad weekly. Largest cir.
dilution of any aclentlUc Journal. Terms, III a
SR.r.!.f2'.,ri"",th',L 8o'a b " """dealers.
MUNN Co."'B New Tort
Branch Office. (B6 r Ht. WanMngtnn, I). C.
i i
rccR fr:.t