The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 03, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 29.
Issued every Thursday by
S. F. BLYTHB SON, Publishers.
Terms of subscription 1.S0 year when paid
In advance.
The p itolflce is open dally betueen 8 am.
a' d p. m. ; Sunday rora 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails
1 r the East close st ll:ia. m. antt 9 p. m; lor
the West a'. 7:10 a. m. and l:4tip. m.
The carriers on R. F. 1). routes No. 1 and No.
2 leave the poslollice at 8:30 daily. Mail loaves
For Mt. Hood, daily at 12:31) p. m.; arrives,
lo:i a. m.
F'tr Chenoweth, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues
days, Ti ursclays ai d Saturdays; arrives same
days at p. in.
For Underwood. Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tues
days, Thursday and Saturdays; arrives same
aays at a . tn.
For While Salmon, Wash., daily at 3:46 p, m.;
arrives am a. m.
For Hood River daily at 9 a. in. ; arrive! at
:w p. m.
For Husum, Trout Lake and Guler, Wash,
daily at 7:itu a. m.: arrives at 11 m.
For Ulenwood, Uilmer and Fultla, Wash.,
daily at 7:3ii a. m.; arrives at 6 p. m.
ForFineflat and Snowden, Wash., at 11:90
a. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same
aays, ni:w a. m.
For Rin en, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar
rives at 8:46 a. m.
j A wtKiu a Meets second ana f ourth Mon
days in each month In K. of r. hall.
II. J. Frkukhick.C. R.
8. F. Fours, Financial Secretary.
PENDO. Meets the Second and Fourth
rridavsot the month. Visitors cordially wel
corned. F. U. Baosius, Couiuellor.
Mise Keli.ii Clark, Secretary.
Union No. 142. meets In Odd Fellows' hall
second and fourth Saturdays in each month,
7 :8U o'clock. E. L. Rood, President.
C. U. Dakim, Secretary.
i 87, 1. O. O. F.-Meets first and third Fri
ayi in each month.
Misa Edith Moors, N. O.
L. . Morse, Secretary.
ANBY POST, No. 16, G. A. R.-MeetsatA.
U. U. v. It all second ana lourtD Saturdays
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R.
members invited to meet with us.
W. H. Pehby, Commander.
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
ilANBY W. R. C, No. 16 MeeU second and
17 fourth Saturdays of each month lu A. O, U.
W. hall at 2 p. m. Mks. Fanii Bailiy, Pres.
i&iHS. T. 3. 1'annino, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 106, A. F. and A
M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. Wk. M. Y'ates, W. M.
C. D. Thompson, Secretary.
Meets third Friday ninht of each month.
G. R. CABTNtK, H. P.
A. 8. Blowers, Secretary.
Meets second and lourth Tuesday even
ings oi eacn mouin. visitors coraiaiiy wel
comed. Mas. May Yates, W. M.
sirs. Milt B. Davidson, Secretary.
0LETA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisans,
MeeU first and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays social: Artl
tans hall. F. C. Baosius, M. A.
F. B. Barnes, Secretary.
WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P. Meets
in K. of P. hall ever Tuesday night. -F.
L. Davidson, C. C.
C. E. Hemkan, K. of R. S.
Meets first and third Saturdays of each
month. F. B. Barnes, W. M.
E. R. Bradley, Financier.
Chester Shute, Recorder.
IDLEW1I.DE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
Meets In Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. Geo. W. Thompson, N. G,
J. L. Henderson, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M .
meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first and
third Fridays of each month.
Walter Gerkino, Commander.
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
. HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meeta first and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Kate M, Frederick, C. ol H.
Miss Annie Smith, Recorder.
tlOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A..
J L meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the first and
third Wednesdays of each month.
J. R. Rem, V. C.
C. U. Dakin, Clerk.
F Regular meeting second snd fourth Mon
days of each month. W. O. Asa, C. P.
. L. Henderson, Scribe.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 94.
Office over Bank BUlg. Hood River, Oregon
Cold orowns and bridge work and all kinds of
Up-to-Date Dentlstrj.
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town ot oosntry.
Day or Night.
Telephones: Kerideiice, 611; Office, 618.
Office over Reed's Grocery.
F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones; Office, 281; residence, 281
TAKi runiiii; ana ha-ai
For 23 vrars a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many yean experience In
K.taie mailers, aa abstractor, searcher of
titles and ef Satisfaction guaranteed or
r.o charge.
Kttimatet furnished lor all kindi of
work. Repairing specialty. All kind
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First and Second.
Abstracta Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BR0S1US, M. D.
Tbone Central, or 121.
Office. Honrt: 10 to 11 A. M.; J to 3
and 6 to 7 P. M.
rio . Mnral bankin bast
Comprehensive Review of the Import'
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Readers.
Dowie, the Zionist leader, has been
forced into bankruptcy.
The United States stands ready to
tender its good offices to effect a settle
ment between Colombia and the new
The Philippine exhibit at the St.
Louis fair will be an exposition within
an exposition. Forty acres are reserved
for the islands and every one who has
seen articles from that island expresses
admiration at the richness of the ex
hibits sent.
. The secession of Panama from Co
lombia in re-echoed in Venezuela and
Guiana, according to a dispatch from
Port of Spain, Trinidad. It is asserted
by one Venezuelan that the opposition
party in Ciudad Bolivar contemplates
imitating Panamans and seceding from
Germany has recognized the new re
public of Panama.
Hotheads at Cartettena would assass
inate the American consul.
Senator Mitchell will call up the
1905 fair bill early this month.
' Snow in mineral in Great Britain and
all Europe has suffered from a great
Spi-retarv of Aizriculture Wilson says
credit for favorable balance is due the
The federal grand jury has charged
the Hawaiian legislature with gross
General Brooke has charged General
Wood with insubordination before the
senate committe.e
China believes Russia intends to take
military occupation of and seize the
railroad near Niu Chwang.
The United States supreme court has
declared valid the Kansas law making
eight hours a day in public works.
Ei-officials and others implicated in
the postal frauds by Bristow strongly
maintain innocence and one has made
a counter charge.
Thn estate of the late Collis P. Hunt
ington is appraised at $28,301,765.
Riar Admiral Sigsbee says that the
navy is greatly in need of more men.
Tlrnvfna has finally triumphed in his
efforts to secure a judicial hearing of
his case.
ti, Htl tn thn rich Bonanza mines,
of Valdes, is confirmed to the Alaska
copper company.
T.nri Tlnlierts. commander in chief of
the British army, is likely to retire on
account of ill health.
Snvnral members of congress will op-
nose the plan of Roosevelt to reduce the
tariff on Philippine goods.
rMnmhift will ask Latin-American
irmntrips to protest against the action
of the United States, if Reyes' mission
York theater management
paid $30 a minute for 90 minutes to
hear Patti sing in making up a aenc
tency in receipt.
T),. nf thn American consul at
Cartagena is being mad every hard.
1,1b t. Clnvealnd declares he
has no idea of being a candidate for the
TTf all minora rWlnre they will not
stay out in sympathy with Coloradoans
if demands are met.
Tn Amprimn minister at Santo Do
mingo refuses to acknowledge the pro
visional government.
A nrflnt VSl .d hundreds of New
and approached President
Roosevelt while at a funeral.
General Reyes must confine his activ
.fr iinlnmhia at Washington to
lawful channels or be deported.
enotr Mitrhell will urtre that "the
fire pnnntxv" has paid far more into
the treasury than it has received In ap
propriations and the luo iair snouiu
be favored.
The Far Eastern situation is less re
The strike situation In Colorado and
tab. la fast approaching a crisis.
Th apttlnmnnt of the Chicago street
car strike did not restore normal condi
tions as soon as expected.
Colombia has given the Panama ca
nal company warning not to sell it
rights to the United Btaies.
Hpnaral Funston reports that liqnor
and tuberculosis is largely reonsible
for sad plight of the Alaskan Indians.
rnnaion Commissioner Ware has re
signed. Everything was not going at
smoothly for the commissioner as he
desired. "
The senate is irare to pass the bill
appropriating $1,125,000 for the 1905
General Reyes, the Colombian com
missioner, baa arrived in the United
Secretary Hitchcock haa suspended
another clerk in the Indian territory
land office.
Reports from India tell of a flood of
v. i.!. ,in, hich wiped oat an en-
lii. k ...w- - .
tire town. Two hundred persona were
Russia and Japan Effect an Agreement
in Corca and Manchuria,
Paris, Dec. 3. The Assocciated Press
learns tliat Japan and Russia are on the
verge of a settlemnet of the Far Eastern
controversy, which promises to dissi
pate the war cloud that has been hang
ing over both countries. This settle
ment will be the result of the negotia
tions which have been Impending for
some time past, and which were assist
td by the friendly representations of
France to Russia and of Great Britain
to Japan. The two nations have prac
tically agreed upon the basis of a treaty,
the signing of which can be prevented
only by some unexpected development.
The basis of this forthcoming agree
ment follows:
Russia will accept the two agree
ments entered into by Japan and Corea,
dated 1896 and 1898, respectively,
under which Japan secured various
rights in Corea, including the niainten
ance of a garrison at Seoul. In ex
change for this concession, Japan will
accept Russia s treaty with China re
specting Manchuria. It is believed,
though this cannot be stated positively,
that Japan and Russia will reiterate
their support of the principles of the
"open door" and the integrityof China
and Corea.
In diplomatic and official circles here
much gratification is expressed at the
satisfactory stage upon which the ne
gotiations between Russia . and Japan
have now entered. Information has
been received here to the effect that
Japan is constructing at Seoul barracks
for 1,000 men, though she now main
tains only 500 in the Corean capital.
This is accepted as an indication that
Japan contemplates the stre'ntghening
of her garrison at Seoul.
Pirate Ship Much Wanted by Both
America aid Panama.
San Francisco, Dec. 3. The little
gunboat Bogota, which left here Octo
t)er 7 qf last year for Panama to sweep
the seas of all enemies of the Colom
bian government, has become the object
i search of the United States men of
war. A letter received yesterday from
in officer of the cruiser Bflston, dated
t Panama, states that the cruiser had
just returned from a three days' search
tor the Bogota, which has been de-
lared a pirate, and is much wanted by
the new republic of Panama and the
American warships. .
V hen the new lBthmian republic
lioisted its flag, the Bogota, controlled
by the Colombians, hastily weighed
tier anchor, and after firing npon the
lty, pwJ for the open sea with the Pa-
lilla, her erstwhile enemy in the form-
or rebellion, in hot pursuit. The Pa-
lilla is not the equal of the Boogta,
ind soon was distanced.
The Bogota was at last arounts be
lieved to be hovering somewhere in the
vicinity of Panama by, for reports were
received at the isthmus that the vessel
had captured two English merchant
vet-sels. A reward of $50,000 for the
apture of the Bogota was immediately
offered by the English government.
the gunboat is disowned by the Colom
bian government, which sees in her
lets of piracy no end of trouble.
Letter Says Ears and Head Will Follow
If Troops Remain.
Denver, Dec. 3. Adjutant General
Bell today received from Telluride a
letter wrapped around a human finger.
The letter stated the finger belonged
to a man who disappeared from Tell-
iride some time ago, and stated if the
troops were not withdrawn from Tell-
iride the man s ears and then his head
.vould follow in a few days. The letter
was signed "S N."
A physician who examined the finger
ml it was evidently cut off shortly be
fore the letter was mailed.
It develops tonight that the bloody
Snger came from the office of a local
urgeon,nd it is charged that it was
nt to General Bell as a joke by cer
tain newspaper reporters. General
Bell tonight issued a statement, in
which he declares he has placed the
matter in the hands of the postal
authorities, and no effort will be spared
to secure the apprehenison and punish
ment of the parties responsible for the
Panama Commissioners Start Home.
New York, Dec. 3. Dr. M. Amador
nd Frederico Boyd, special commis
sioners from the republic of Panama,
wiled for Colon today on the steamer
Seguranca, having completed their
treaty mission to thiB country in two
eeks. It is expected that as soon as
they reach the isthmus a constitution
will be framed and arrangements maue
for the early election of a president
mil other permanent officials for the
republic. Carlos Arosema remains at
Washinton as secretary of the new le
Waehltiftoa Wants Money.
Washington, Dec. 3. Senator Foster
is after more money for public build
ines in Washington. He has intro-
iticed bills increasing the limit of cost
if the Tacoraa building from $400,000
to $1,000,000; increasing the limit at
Seattle from $900,000 to $1,000,000,
and increasing the limit at Spokane
from $400,000 to $900,000. He also
introduced a bill appropriating $50,000
for tevting American timbers, 25 per
cent to be expended on the Pacihc coast
To Pro loaf PrefMeatlal Term.
Mexico City, Dec. S. An important
bill is before the chamber of deputies
looking to the amendment of the con
stitution, so as to prolong the presi
dential term to eight years. This
measure haa some influertial rnip-
interest Therein Is Particularly Keen at
the Present Time Because of the
Pan am Agitation Enormous Sum o
Money Expended In Their Construc
tion Suex the Most Important.
Washington, Dec. 2. The renewed
attention being given to the proposed
isthmian canal at this time lends es
pecial interest to a discussion of the
great canals of the world, presented bv
the departing o5 riinmerce and labor
through its bureau of statistics.
The Suez canal is usually considered
the most important example of ship
canals, though the number of vessels
passing through it annually does not
equal that passing through the canals
connecting Lake Superior with the
chain of great lakes at the south. In
length, however, it exceeds any of the
other great ship canals, its total length
being 90 miles. The original cost was
$95,000,000, and for Jthe canal in its
present form slightly in excess of $100,-
000,000. The revenue of the canal is
apparently large in proportion to its
cost, the Statesman's Yearbook for
1901 giving the net profits of 1899 at
54,153,660 francs, and the total
amount distributed among the share
holders 61,5.18,028 francs, or about 10
per cent of the estimated cost of $100,-
The canal connecting the Bay of
Cronstadt with St. Petersburg is des
cribed as a work of great strategic and
commercial ' importance to Russia.
The canal and sailing course in the
Bay of Constadt are about 16 miles
long, the canal proper being about six
miles and the bay channel about ten
miles, and they together extend from
Cronstadt, on the gulf of Finland, to
bt. Petersburg, ihe canal was opened
in 1890. The total cost is estimated at
about $10,000,000.
The next of the great ship canals
connecting bodies of salt water in the
order of date of construction is the
Corinth canal, which connects the gulf
of Corinth with the gulf , of Aegina.
The canal reduces the distance from
adriatic ports about 175 miles and
from Mediterranean ports about 100
miles. Its length is about four miles.
There" are no locks, as is also the case
in both the Suez and CroiiBtadt canals.
The work was begun in 1884 and com
pleted in 1893 at a cost of about $5,-
000,000. . . ,
The Manchester ship canal, which
connects Manchester, England, with
the Mersey river, Liverpool, and the
Atlantic ocean was opened for traffic
January.5 1,1894. The length of the
canal is 35i miles, the total rise fro.n
othe water level to Manchester being
60 feet, which is divided between four
sets of locks. The total cost of the
canal is given at $75,000,000. The
revenue in 1901. according to the
Statesman's Yearbook, was 621,128
pounds, and the working expenses,
483,267 pounds.
Two canals connect the Baltic and
North seas through Germany, the
first, known as the Kaiser Wilhelm
canal, and having been completed in
1895 and constructed largely for mili
tary and naval purposes, but proving
also of great value to general mercan
tile traffic. Work upon the Kaiser
Wilhelm canal was begun in 1887, and
completed as above indicated, in 1895.
The lentgh of the canal is 61 miles, the
terminus in the , Baltic sea being at
Kiel. The total excavation amounted
to about 100,000,000 cubic yards, and
the cost to about $40,000,000.
The Welland canal connects Lake
Ontario and Lake Erie on the Canadian
side of the river. It was constructed
in 1883 and enlarged in 1871 and again
in 1900. The length of the canal is 27
miles, the number of locks 25, the total
rise of lockage 32 feet, and the total
cost about $25,000,000. The annual
collection of tolls on freight, passen
gers and vessels averages about $225,
000, and the canal is open on an aver
age about 240 days in a year.
The canals of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., and Ontario, are located adja
cent to the falls of the St. Mary's river,
which connects Lake Superior with
Lake Huron and lower or raise vassels
from one level to the other, a height of
17 to 20 feet. The canal belonging to
the United States was . begun in 1853
by the state of Michigan and opened in
1855, the length ol the canal being 5,-
674 feet, and provided with two tandem
locks, the original cost being $1,000,-
000. The United States government,
by consent of the state, began in 1870
to enlarge the canal, and by 1881 had
increased its length to 1.6 miles. The
state relinquished all control of the
canal in March, 1882. In 1887 the
government further enlarged the canal.
The Canadian canal, 1 J miles long.
was built on the north side of the river
during the years 888 to 1895.
Another Macedonian Rising Comlnr.
Vipnna. Dec. 2. It is again reported
that the Macedonian insurgents are
nlannir ir to renew their revolt neit
spring, and as the first step along this
line M. Dratarscnen nas oeen selected
to head a new revolutionary central
ittee. Servia is reported to bp
arming for war, and it is believed Bul
garia will be compelled to take the
field against Turkey early in the year,
... . r. :n : i i . .
and mat eervia win suu uer in consia
eration of being granted old Servia.
Dakota Divorces Null and Void.
Dea Moines, la., Dec. 2-Judge
James A. Howe, ol ttie district court,
hplrl tnilav that a decree irrantwl nn.
der the Dakota divorce statutes, if it is
proven the non resident litigant re
sides there merely for the purppoae of
securing a uinnw, u aiiu voiu
Oeneral Reyes Finds Such Talk Don't
Affect America.
Washinton, Dec. 2. Dr. Herran,
the Colombian minister, has silenced
all the members of the Reyes party
and the Bolivar commission. The
Colombians are now holding warm con
ferenees, in which they are attempt
ing to find out just what steps should
be taken to bring the South American
republic out of the present squabble in
the best form. General Reyes is
known to have undergone a change of
mind as to the best method of looking
alter ins country's interests here. War
talk did not make any impression upon
the United States, It is now presumed
that Dr. Herran s advice is to be taken,
and an attempt will now probably be
made to bring Colombia out of the
muddle with all the money possible.
The return of Panama to the Colom
bian union, and the retraction of all
the steps taken by the United States
government, are so far out of the qucs
tion that they will probably not be
Reports from ihe United States niin
ister at Bogota and other sources that
war talk in Colombia is becoming mure
widespread call attention to the fact
that even if General Reyes' mission to
the United States accomplishes no
other purpose, it will serve time for
the Colombian armies to mobolize and
equip in case a campaign should be
undertaken against the isthmus. It is
now conceeded that the passage of
troops by land from Colombia to the
isthmus is not impossible.
Figures Telling What the Government
Lost by Corrupt Officials.
: Washington, Dec. 2. The amount
of money secured by the corrupt offic
ials and their confederates is small,
as compared to the total loss to the
government. To illustrate: There is
no evidence that Louis received any
compensation from Ault At Wiborg,
yet during the first year of his ad
ministration the expenditures for can
celing ink increased over $10,000.
Barrett received but $6,000 from
Arnold, yet that company defrauded
the people out of over $3,000,000.
Machen probably did not receive
more than $26,000 from the Groff fas
tener. Yet the government has paid
approximately $130,000 for that de
vice, which represents a net loss, since
the department continued, by the
terms of the contract for letter boxes,
to pay for the original fasteners.
Beavers and his associates received
less than $20,000 from the automatic
cashier. Yet the department ex
pended $74,275 for this wholly un
necessary machine.
The total amount that the perpetra
tors of these frauds themselves received
cannot be definitely learned, but it
will aggregate between $30,000 and
$400,000, while the loss to the gov
ernment, considering the unnecesasry
supplies that .have been purchased
and the inferior quality of those fur
nished by fraudulent contractors, can
not be estimated with any degree of
Russia and Austria Propose to Have Ac.
tual Control of Macedonia.
London, .Dec. 2. The Chronicle
learns of a curious episode. When the
iippointment of European officers to
the Turkish gendarmerie in Macedonia
was proposed, Great Britain asked that
three English- officers be appointed,
thinking that each of the other powers
would require the appointment of a
similar number. The government of
Austro-Hungary, however, demanded
the appointment of 180 Austrian offi
cers, and Russia asked for an equal
number of Russian officers, the obvious
intention on the part of Austria and
Russia being the exclusion of all other
powers from any real share in the
control of the gendarmerie.
The Chronicle says the directors of
the Macedonian relief fund have re
ceived advices that pneumonia and
pleurisy are working havoc among the
refugees in the burned villages as the
results of exposure and destitution.
Russia Branching Out.
London, Dec. 2. The Times' Pckin
correspondent says that small bodies
f Russian troops are patrolling the
country around Hsinmintun, the ter
mination of a branch line of the rail
way between the great wall and Niu
Chwang, on the pretext of suppressing
brigands, although the region is per
fectly quiet and peaceful. The Chi
nese are daily expecting to hear that
the Russians have occupied the rail
road there and have resumed military
occupation of the country down to the
great wall.
Hobson's Plan tor Big Navy.
Washington, Dec. 2. Ex-Commander
Richmond P. Hobson, of the
navy, has prepared a bill which he
has requested Representative Wiley,
of Alabama, to introduce in the house
on the convening of the regular sos
lion, for the purpose, as he says, of
making the United States the fitvt
naval power of the vorld during the
next 18 years. The bill makes a total
appropriation of $2,750,000, 000, a por
tion is to be used each year.
China Will Retaliate
London, Dec. 2. The Morning Tost
says it has reason to believe the Chi
nese government has prohibited the
recruiting of laborers for South Africa
in any part of China. "This decis
ion," says the Morning Poet, "is main
ly due to legislation by the Dominion
of Canada excluding the Chinese from
Canadian territory."
I ' ' i JOS ' i I'JiJ"! !!
L . . . . . 1 1
Borrowers Turn to State When Market
Begins to Tighten.
Salem The indications of a slowly
tightening money market are tending
to increase the demands for loans from
the state school funds. The state loan
board last week approved applications
for loans to the amount of $69,315.
Earlier in the month applications were
approved to the amount of $30,000,
making a total of about $100,000 put
out m loans during Jiovemrer.
The demand for school fund loans
may be accounted for by two circum
stances. The state is lending at as low
a rate of interest as can be secured any
where, and in case of hard times the
state will not be forced to call in its
money. An applicant a few days ago
wanted to borrow money from the
school fund in order to transfer his
loan. He then had money from a pri
vate capitalsit at 6 per cent. In stat
ing his reason for wanting to change
the loan, he said he thougbt'it possible
that there might be a stringency in the
money market within the next year or
two and he was afraid his creditor
might need the money. He knew that
the state would not need the money
and that his loan from the school fund
could stand as long as the security re
mained good and the interest was kept
paid up-.
The rate of interest charged by the
state is 6 per cent. The security re
quired bv the state is greater than that
generally required by private capital
ists, so that many find it inconvenient
to borrow from the school fund. On
November 1 the state had $2,778,100
oaned out on mortgage security and
$63,600 on school bonds, or a total of
Every dollar of this is loaned on se
urity that is perfectly safe. On the
first of the month there was cash in
the school fund to the amount of $645,
482.89. Since that time some loans
lave been paid and $100,000 more has
been loaned out.
Rich Tract Near Bend Goes to an East
Salem One of the largest deeds ever
executed by the state land board was
issued a few days ago when 15,853
acres of land were conveyed by a single
instrument to the A. J. Dwyer pine
land company, of St. Paul, Minn. The
land is in the Deschutes pine belt,
southwest of Bend. The consideration
of the transaction is $19,817, or $1.25
per acre.
The purchase was made in 1893,
when the price of lieu land was $1.25
per acre. As the land was selected be
fore any extensive buying had been
done in that legion, this is probably
the best of the Deschutes pine lands,
and was secured at an exceeding low
price, especially in view of the advance
n the value of timber lands in the last
five years.
In the original purchase 62 certifi
cates of sale were issued to as many
different persons, and all these were
later assigned to the Dywer company.
Premiums for Ootid Roads.
Salem The Greater Salem commer-
ial club has adopted a resolution pro-
iding a plan by which the city will
tinmlate the building of permanent
liobwavs leading into the city. There
are five road districts adjacent to Salem.
The club will raise a purse of $2,000
and divide it into premiums of $800,
$600, $400 and $200, to lie awarded to
ir road districts according to the
amount of money or labor volunteered
by the residents of the districts for
rmanent road building. It is pro
led. however, that no premium shall
he awarded for more than 40 per cent
of the value of the amount volunteered.
Cordwocd Will Be Scarce.
Salem It is apparent that cordwood
will lie scarce and high priced again
next season. For several weeks the
state boards have been advertising for
8,000 cords of wood to lie furnished to
the state institutions next summer.
The bids opened aggreagted less than
4,000 cords, and the figures named
wprn 2.95 for second growth and $3.50
for old growth, the latter price being
on board the cars, making the price
rlolivprpd 13.75. The bids were asked
this early in order that men might
have plenty ot time to nil contracts,
but the bids were comparatively lew.
Basswood Blossoms for Bees.
Oregon City Hermann Anthony, of
New Era, this county, is believed to
have on his property the onlybasswood
trees in the state. Mr. Anthony
planted this variety for the benefit the
trees are to his large apiary, which
consists of more than 100 stands of
bees. When in bloom the trees are
invaluable for honey-making, while
the wood is esiecially adapted for man
ufacturing lioxes. This variety of
trees is very general in Ohio, Pennsyl
vania, Illinois and many others of the
central and eastern states.
Oeneral Law for Recording.
Astoria Officials of Clatsop county
are anxious that a general law be passed
at the special session fixing uniform
fees in all counties of the state for re
onnlina Inn. At present the several
counties exact different fees, with the
' l.a ll.ont iy r.ften mnrli inpnn.
Iirpuu . " 1 . - .
, venience to the recording clerk. An
j idea is offered by County Clerk Clin
ton that fees should be 25 cents per
folio, which would just about cover the
' actual coet of recording.
State Board Grants Application of Mars
ters and Associates.
Salem The state land board has de
cided the contest over 7,000 acres of
UnHlirvpVpl BVBmll luml noo, lirrM
Klamath lake, by awarding to Sena
tor A. C. Marsters and associates all
the laad for which thev bavn nimlin,!
and upon which there is no contesting
application, out an tne other swamp
land in the tract will be advertised for
sale and sold to the highest bidder.
This decision permitx thn Mrutra
people to purchase about 4,600 acres
of HWflmn Irtllfl nt. ti nAr aoM u-tiila
the remaining 2,400 acres will be sold
at auction. As the land is not sur-
VPVpd thn flllttp lmfl nt. aomiiivul nnm.
plete title and all purchasers will be
rpnilirpi! tn U'lltvo all luit,, tn nuiMm
the purchase price if the title should
The board hIho mfidp. a ruin in Ilia
effect that hereafter when application
is made for the
swamp land and there is no contest,
the board will take its own means of
ascertaining the value and the price at
:i :n i i i i ,
nuu u iv iu oe Bom, oui wnere mere
is a contest the hind will lie Hold tn thn
highest bidder.
Ihe contestants in this case were J.
D. Carr and others, of Klamath
Successful Yields are Being Shipped to
San Francisco.
OrPffOn Clt.V Thn nntafn urnn
Clackamas county was very generally
a success this year, yields exceeding
200 bushels an acre having been re
ported. Particularly in the vicinity
oi new .ra was tne crop ot tuners
Georfffi Brown, nn pyrnnaivn urnn'nr
at that point, reports a yield of 700
bushels from 34 acres. Mr. Brown's
crop consisted of Garnet Chili, the
Peerless and Burbanks. Farmers re
reive 75 cents a sack and the product
of this locality is shipped almost ex
clusively to San Francisco.
Frequent shipments of carload lots
are being made from New Era, and it
is estimated that from 15.000 to 17..
000 sacks will be marketed this year
from that point. As a rule the crop
in mis county is oi good quality.
Plenty of Feed In John Day.
John Day Joseph Oliver, for many
years the leading dairyman of Grant
county, says that the recent rains,
warm and bountiful, have placed the
stockmen on a basis of practical cer
tainty as to having ample feed for their
stock in the John Day valley. Mr.
Oliver has always been inclined to take
a hopeful view of the stock and feed
supply situation, and vigorously denied
the reported scarcity of hay. Ho now
points to the fact that a large number
of both sheep and cattle have been
driven into the valley.
Oood Promise of Coal.
John Day Recent investigations
have shown beyond further question
the existence of vast deposits of coal for
many miles along the John Day river.
The interesting thing yet to be determ
ined is whether the many thin strata,
generally separated by layers of slate
and sandstone, will unite with depth to
form a continuous vein sufficiently thick
to be profitably mined. Should veins
of such strength be developed, the value
is a foregone conclusion.
Wheat Walla Walla, 72c; bluestem,
77c; valley. 78c.
Barley Feed, $10 per ton; brewing,
$2020.50; rolled, $21.
Flour Valley, $3.753.85 per bar
rel; hard wheat straights, $3.904.10;
clears, $3.553. 75; hard wheat pat
ents, $4.204.60; graham, $3.75;
whole wheat, $4; rye wheat, $4.755.
Oats No. 1 'white, $1.07i; gray,
$1.05 per cental.
Millstuffs Bran, $19 per ton; mid
dlings, $23; shorts, $20; chop, $18;
Unseed, dairy food, $19.
Hay Timothy, $1516 per ton;
clover, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $12.
Vegetables Turnips, 65c per sack;
cai-rots, 75c; beets, 90c; parsnips, 75
90c; cabbage, l(glc; tomatoes, $1
(31.25 per crate; cauliflower, 75c$l
per dozen; celery, 4U(890c; pumpkins,
lc per pound; onions, Yellow Danvers,
80c(8$l per sack.
Honey $3(? 3.50 per case.
PotatoesOregon, choice and fancy,
6065c per sack; common, 60c;
sweet potatoes, sacks, 2c; boxes, 2J-4C
Fruits Apples, 75c3$2 per box;
pears, $13.50; cranberries, $910.50
per barrel.
Butter Fancy creamery, 30(S32)4'c
per pound; dairy, 2022jc; store,
Cheese Full cream, twins, 1415c;
Yonng America, 1516c.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 9c per
pound; spring, 10c hens, 10c turkeys,
live, 10314c dressed, nominal ducks,
$6(47 per dozen; geese, 8c per pound.
Egsg Oregon ranch, 35c; Eastern,
Beef Dressed, 5(?6c per pound.
Veal Dressed, small, 8c; large, 5c
per pound.
Mutton Dressed, 5(3 6c; lambs,
dressed, 6e.
Pork Dreesed, 6?6'c-
Hops 1903 crop, 12(8 22c per pound,
according to quality.
Tallow Prime, per pound, 4(8 5c;
No. 2 and grease, 2(3e.
Wool Valley, 1718; Eastern
Oregon, 12815c; mohair, 35!37e.