The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 05, 1903, Image 2

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1 I
Hood I.ver Slacier.
Most Hood River people forgot all
about Halloween until they waked up
Sunday morning and saw evidences of
the small lwy's labors of the night be
fore. Ono harmless joke with a touch
of humor was the placing of quarantine
flags at private residences about town.
But some of the tricks played were any
thing but smart. The city road grader
was run down to the depot, w here the
tongue was broken. On the hill, it is
reported, a barb wire was stretched
across the road and a wheelman dashed
into it, cutting himself badlv, and al
most ruining a good suit of clothes.
Hood River boys should be able to de
cide between harmless fun and ruthless
destruction of property.
Malcolm A. Moody of The Dalles,
former congressman fiom the second
Oregon district, has been charged by
the United States grand jiry o.' opening
the letter of another with the intent to
defraud. The many friends of Mr.
Moody can not lielieve he has trans
gressed the law, and from the very clear
explanation Mr. Moody makes of ti e
matter, it is evident there lurks more
malicious intent than truth in the
charges. The early trial it is hoped
will clear the matter. Politics in Ore-
gon appear indeed to be growing worse,
when opposing factions of the leading
party must resort to such questionable
methods of destroying good men. It is
work like this that keeps many a worthy
man out of politics.
Mr. Moody's Explanation
The transaction on which the charge
arises relates to the final payment to de
positors of The Dalles National bank at
The Dalles, Or., of which Mr. Moody
was an officer. The department at
Washington had declared the final uiv
idend and sent letters to the depositors,
addressed to them at The Dalles, notify'
iiitr them that the final dividends had
been declared. Numbers of the persons
to whom the letters were addressed did
not live at The Dalles, and the postmas-
ler asked Mr. Moody to assist him in
findina their addresses, Ilus lie did.
There remained some letters addressed
to persons whose addresses were nut
known, among others one to Mrs. Con
roy. Upon inquiry, Mr. Moody learned
that she lived in Albina. The day of
the presidential reception last May, the
letters liaving come tne uay ueiore, mr.
Moody came to Portland, called up Mrs.
Conrov bv teletihone and notified her
that the final dividend had been de
clared. He made an appointment to
meet her the following morning at her
residence, but, being at the presidential
banquet that night, he did not arise in
time to see her before catching the train
back to The Dalles. Upon reaching
this place he phoned her, excusing turn
self lor beinif unable to keep the ap
pointment. Bhe replied that she would
be in The Dalles in a few days and asked
if she could get the money there. He
told lier "ao, uial ine money was in
Washington. Bhe said she was disap
pointed, as she was closing up some
business in The Dalles and needed the
money, and asked Mr. Moody if he
could orocure it for her. He replied in
the negative but informed her that the
First National Dank or i lie imues naa
formerly taken up some of the certifi
cates, but was not doing so at that time
Upon her request, however, Mr. Moody
asked the Dank U it would casn ner cer
tificate, and the bank agreed to do so
Mrs. (Jonroy went to The Dalles and
called upon Mr. Moody, and at her re
quest he calculated the interest on her
certificate, which she assigned to the
FirBt National bank, and secured a writ
ten request from Mr. Moody to the bank
to pay her the money due. Some time
t . .i ...... i. . f- tT:l..
later in me uay sue uici iur. ueuu,
who had been receiver of the bank, and
he informed her that she had not re
ceived the full amount due her. Mr
Wilson went to Mr. Moody and intormed
him that Sirs. (Jonrov was not satisfied,
and Mr. Moody told him that as the
bank had not been anxious to cash the
certificate, he had no doubt it would re
turn the certificate and take the money
back. This was done the same alter
Mr. Moodv opened the letter whicli
was addressed to Mrs. Conroy, in her
presence, and gave her the receipt which
it contained for her to Bign. This she
did. She then took the receipt, mailed
it to Washington herself, and received
t he money in due course of time.
At hiB own request Mr. Moody ap
peared before the grand jury and ex
plained tlio entire transaction and his
part in it, as lias been set lorui auove.
Dr. W. T. Rowley, physician, and his
brother. Dr. A. r. Kowley, dentist, witn
their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
ft. K. Kowlev. have located in Hood
River with the intention of making their
permanent home here, tor the present
thev are located in Mrs. Rogers' bouse.
just west of the school house, lioth
doctors are graduates in their respective
professions from the I Diversity of Mich
igan. Lrs. Rowley expect to be located
ou the hill alter the middle ot uecem
ber, where Contractor L. D. Boyed is
putting up a building for them. )r.
W. T. Rowley will put in a stock of
drugs, notions, etc.
J. H. Mi 1 r, who came to Hood River
three years ago from Lewis county,
Wash., has concluded this country suits
him all right, and has decided to remain
permanently. Mr. Miller has 400 or 600
voting apple trees just coming into bear
ing.He expected to have about 15 boxes
this year, but instead sold over 50 boxes
at ll.ou net, ins farm is in tne t.aat
Hide apple belt, just this tide of Scars A
Rig vegetables have been received at
this office of late, but it remained for
K. C. Rogers to beat them all. He
brought in a beat that beats the record.
It was T jwn in his garden at Belmont.
It measures 20 inches in length and 17
inches in rircu inference, and weighs lti
pounds. Who can beat it?
F. T. Miner has sold his house and
lots on the hill to A. K. Lane, jr. ; con
sideration $S50. Mr. Miner will m're
to his place on the East Side. He has
20 aciea in the Pine (.trove district
which I e will improve by setting 10
acres to orchard in the spring. He is
now building houe, and expects to
get D oved into it by the last of sliis
' week.
O. A. Rinehart and family have re
turned from Northern Idaho, where
they have been part of the summer.
Wednesday they went to C"a'ka i ,
Here's a Bargain.
I have more land than I can makr nse of
nod will sell 1 arm. There l n. betler land
In H xt Klver valley either for fruil or gvn
rrai lirinint. I want fto an acre for oiu- so
aere. anil i'i an acre for 10 acres. Come and
tiw land. If you want to Invest, tall ua
or addrvaa the owner,
nJC mile went of 0 Jell school bouse.
where they will visit a few days with
relatives and then return lo Hood River
to spend the winter. Mr. Rinehart was
surprised to find the many changes and
improvements that have taken place in
Hood River during his short absence
Stockholders' meeting of the Valley
Improvement Co., Nov. 19, 1903.
It is reported that Tom Vanausdale
was in town Saturday evening and did
not go home until after dark. The Hal
loween fiends changed the position of
the wheels of his vehicle, putting the
front wheels behind to rear ones in
front. Tom drove home in this man
ner and the best joke of all he hasn't
discovered the change yet, though be
has boen in town a time or two since.
J. K. Carson was released from quar
antine last week, having recovered from
a fevere case of smallpox. Although be
bad quite a siege of it, Mr. Carson say
he now feels in the best of health. He
thinks a severe cold made his case worse
than others. Mr. Carson came here
three months ago from Kentucky and is
a clerk in the store of J. H. Gill. He is
a brother-in-law of Miss Johnson, the
Kentucky Belle."
II. L. Pittock and George T. Myers of
Portland were in Hood River last week.
In driving through our valley they no
ticed the great uumber of red apples ly
ing under the trees in some orchard's,
Mr. i'lttock suggested that the Chil
dren's Home in Portland would be glad
to get such apples and could make good
use of them Charley Hell ol tne Hood
River Transfer company, agent for the
Regulator line, said if farmers would
box np the apples and deliver them at
the 1 ransfer company's stable, he would
see that transportation was had to the
Home free of charge. It was therefore
decided that Saturday, November 7, the
apples can be received at the barn of
the Transfer company. Farmers are re
noested to box up s.'i'.ond class apples
and deliver them at the barn on that
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the same causes are
making human wrecks of sufferers from
throat and lung troubles. Hut since the
advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds, even
the worst cases can be cured, Hnd hope
less resignation is no longer necessary.
Mrs. Ijjis Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is
one of many w hose life was saved by
Dr. King's New Discovery. This great
remedy is guaranteed for all throat and
lung dis-eases by Chas.N. Clarke, drug
gist. Price, 60c and $1. Trial bottles
A Runaway Bicycle.
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J. H. Urner, franklin Urove, III
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield
ing to doctors and remedies for four
years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for burns, scalds
skin eruptions and piles. 25cat Clarke's
drug store.
Card of Thanks.
We want to thank the people generally tor
their kindness durliiK our sicknes(smiillpox),
especliilly the ladles of the O. E. 8. We shall
never lorget inem. we are also very iiianmiu
to our attending nhvslclan. Dr. Watt, for his
speciui mvors outside oi nis meuicai aiu
lours fraternally
Advertised Letter List.
October 26, 1908.
Brown. Miss E M Crown, A L,
Ohaiiiberlin, Miss C l Hall, William
Thompson, Mia M J Hofran.A R
Hates, Will Block, Edward
Martin, K Brown, (J 8
Root, Wm B Thompson, Joseph
Wayne, 11 W Wagonblast, Mr.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whereas, It has pleased theHuprema Master
vvorKnmn oi ine universe to call irom oui
midst Brother Henry Prlgge, a worthy mem
ner of mversine louire, ivo. t. A. u. u. w.,
loving husband and lather and an honorable
and respected citizen: therefore be It
Resolved, That we as a lodge do hereby ex
tend to the bereaved fumlly and friends our
heartfelt sympsthy In this their hour of deep
amicuon. ahu oe it runner
Resolved. That these resolutions be spread
upon th records of our lodge, an engrossed
copy sent to tne bereaved family, aud pub-
nsueu iu uib noou iuver vtiaeier.
W. B. 8HUTE,
PljsfcM, Sieoi, MM.
Especial attention given to diseases of Eye
luir, xmm; ana i nroau
Corner Eugene St. and Park Ave.
BEWARE! Prescriptions for a sure nre-
ventlve and cure for smallpox or scarlet fever
sent for SO cents, ('an be tilled at any drug
sroreat small cost. Never known to fail.
Disease will disappear In 12 hours. . Full par
ticulars for 2-cent stamp. This prescription
is guaranteed or monev reiunnea.
n'Jfi Box 335, Balem, Or.
Cockerels for Sale.
Black Minorca", tl end SI.50. Bud Orbing
ions ti.ixf. i-irsi-ciass mora.
n-lK RALPH B. LEWIS, Belmont
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholder of
the Hood River I- run urowera' Union tor the
election of a board of directors and the traiis
ni t ion of any other business that may come
heiore tne meeting, win ne neia in Artisans'
hall, over McDonald's store, Saturday, No
vember 14. 1WM, at 10 o'clock a. in. A full al.
tendance of strawberry growers, whether
stockholders or not, is uesirea.
Hood River, Or., October 81. ISO.
O. J. OEWSL1NO, Secretary,
In the Found.
One brlndle calf, chain around neck; monae
Jersey calf; nn brand. Owner come and get
them Immediately and pay cents, otherwise
They will oe soiu in iu nays.
xi. a. (.t.niuu, maninai.
!nd Office at The Dalle, Oregon, Nor. 1,
MU.-Not lee Is hereby given that the follow
ing-named aeltlcr has tiled nollceof his in
tention to msice nnsi proof in support ol hla
claim, and that said proof will be male be
fore the ileRtsier and iieceiver at The Dalles
Oregon, on Friday, December 11, MuL Tin
of The Dallea. Oregon, 11. K. No.S9U. for the
east half southeast quarter, southeast quarter
.lorineani quarter and rot i, acriion , town,
hln 1 north, range 11 east. W. M.
He names me louowing witnesses toemve
hla contimiotia residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Donald McKadden, George Harrlson.Oeorgt
Ireland anu v. loung, an oi Mosier, or.
UkIIO Mlt'HAEL'f. NOLAN, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for
F. E. Berthla, plalnlilf. vs. Thomas J. Bui
ger, defendant.
To Thomas J. Bulger, defendant above-named
You areheiehy required to amiearijid an.
swerthe complaint tiled against yon In the
above entitled cause within aix weeks from
Ihe -th day of October, IsuS, the date of the
Hrst pnbl.catlon of this summons, and If you
fall so In answer, tor want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to tbeeourt lor tne reller prad
for In me nlalntlrTs complaint, tow 1 1; For a
decree that the itlalntilt la the owner In fee
alnmle of the north half of the aoatheaat
quarter of section 12 tn townalilp J north hT
range l w . m.. in w aaco ewumy, uregon.
excepting that portion thereof known as
Leavan s lu-itti's aoiiiuoo io taacaae loc,
and certain other portions which have beea
conveyed therefrom, aa described In the
plalnlttt's complaint, and also decreeing thai
the title thereto be qul. U-,1 and that the de
fendant he decreed lo have no right, title. In-
tertsi or estate In said property or any portion
Ihereor. and Uial the piainun Usve judgment
for his costs and uisbursemenia.
This siimiiton Is aerved upon rod by pub
ication thereof tr six eonaeciiur weeks la
the H.sid River t.lacier, Ihe Ural publication
ihen-of hein on the th day of October. I
the same being so published by order of the
above-named C4Hirt made oa lhe?7ito day of
t letoher, puM, specifying that said summons
be served by publication sn aald paper m
Kild period of aix weeks, and requiring tin
defendant to appear and answer oa or before
the expiration of aald time.
aSHM Attorney tor Plaintiff.
A Plain Talk on Capes
In this department our goods are all fresh and of this year's patterns. We
have not got a single Ladies Cape, Coat or Jacket that we carried over from last
year, which is more than any other firm who carried this class of goods last year
can truthfully say. We went East and picked out these goods right at the fac
tory, and can assure you that the styles and workmanship are latest and best.
I nHlAC TjirkJQ Made of Melton cloth, tight fitting, lined through
L5 IS out, bell-shaped sleeves, turned in edges, tailor-made,
if you are looking for a real bargain take up this snap for $2.25.
I nHlffcc' C CI fit Kersey cloth box coat, double-breasted, pearl buttons.
WUctL four rows of stitching on bottom, inlaid velvet collar,
romaine lining, they are very fashionable, price each, $4.75.
I fl H I pc' Ccf t Ker8ey clotn kox coat, trimmed with selfstitched straps
LclillCo vUdl stitched velvet in pretty design, late style sleeves, double
breasted, velvet color Satin-lined, beautifully made, each $9.25.
I nlfPC I nnO1 Cant dutiful loose coat, 45 inches long, latest
LwClUlCI? Ltfll vUdl French design, made of all wool, fine Kersey
colors, caster or black", lined throughout with fine quality satin, handsome cape,
collar and cuffs, daintily trimmed, witji, Velvet and passementire, also trimmed
with eight 3-4 inch open plaits front and back, pearl buttons; each 11.76.
All in all we can truthfully say we have the BEST assortment of the VERY
LATEST garments in this line, and our prices are the LOWEST.
Children's Coats, all styles in great variety, and the prices are within the
reach of all. Don't fail to see these goods.
The Christmas number of the New Idea Magazine is now on
display. It is only 5c a copy. NEW ideas in every issue.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by order of the county court of the
slate of Oregon for Wasco county duly ap
pointed executrix of the will of Henry Prlgge.
deceased; and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to me, duly verified, at the
office of A. A. Jayne, In Hood River, Oregon,
within six months rrom tne aaieoi me nri
publication, of this notice.
Dated this itb day of October, 100S.
f want tn Int. nontract to cut 100 cords wood
more or less. Also, contract to clear land. H e
me on Blowers place, the old Divers lancn, or
address me at Hood River. fKAfi njtn .
TTAns for Rfllfi.
Thoroughbred White Wyandotte and I ... .. a . ". I- mimltAl.
fT ill W unuw ub, wiii .......... . .
A girl for general housework.
oii? . J. U. TRUE, Vlento. Or.
Oct. 12, between the Mount Hood Lumber
UO I store ana tne ooai tanning, a nincai
tosh. Reward will be Daid for Its delivery
the Glacier office. n
For Sale.
Konr.vcar old nllev. drives single or double:
700 pounds: price $-15. Jersey-Durham cow, 2
years o a, nrsl call, lganons moa auayiu.
OB Ji. A. navnmii
Man aud wife without children to work on
a farm. Will give steady work the year round
ana pay gooa wages, laiiiranrwmeio
nl2 Monkland, Oregon,
Horse for Sale.
A good, gentle horse, 6 years old; weight
law ponuus, tor sale oy a. iAuinir.n.
o. Mount Hood.
Cows for Sale.
Two milk cows, one fresh recently.
Feed Store.
I have opened a store at my place, and wll
carrv In stock flour and feed: also, potatoe
and wood. Farmers south of me can save a
long haul and buy Just as cheap or me.
ol Foot of Straight Hill.
Cows for Sale.
Two Jersey cows, $30 each. A bargain for
any ona wanting a good cow.
Cow for Sale.
An Al cow, giving S gallons of milk a day,
trice fto, J. n. rAtm,
o22 ? at A. I. Mason's place.
and Harness
FOR HALK7 For particulars call on or ad-
aress ; w. i. i'ii,ijiur-ii,
nlSP " Pastor Belmont church,
Oak Wood.
Several cords good dry oak wood for sale.
Inquire at tne Ulacler oftlee.
tv immu .Tiaiiiaa-iiai v mrrj vuaiKO in Mine
work. Call oo or ftddrew MKH. L. E.CLARK,
nHitiiaa Vk Of Hi rt-JU
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Hock Creek Mining and Milling l.'o. will
be held In their office in Hood River, Oregon,
Tuesday, Deo. 1, m, at 10 o'clock a. nt. All
stockholders ar hereby notified to be present.
n : vt m. r UKfcmirti, Bee y.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov.
2, I WITH. Notice la hereby given that the fol
lowing-named settler has Hied notice of
bis intmtion " to make final proof
in support oi nts claim, ana mat said proof
will be made before Oeo. T. Prather, V. H.
Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on
Tuesday, December 2, PKB, vis:
of Vlento. Oregon, H. E. No. 12sri8, ftr the Si
w)tuo wv, awv section , lownnutp
north, range east. W, M.
Henamea the following witnesses to prove
nisooniinnous raaiaence unoo ana cull vatlon
Milton r . u Ira ana rreemnnt Foster or Hood
River, Or.; Theodore Olasyer and Samuel
wooaara or t asraue ix-rs, or.
PM10 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
For Sale
At a Bargain.
A good 0-room house and
two lots on the hill, Has
bath,and hot and cold water
supply in kitchen; fine cellar;
good well, wind-mill and
tank; barn, wood shed and
chicken house. Everything
new and in good shape. The
best bargain in the city at
flGOO. Owner desires to
build on other property. A
rare chance to secure a good
home. Apply to
Golden Rule Bazaar,
Wishes to call your attention to
the new arrivals in Holiday Goods.
A new line of decorated
Stand Lamps with No. 2
Sun or Rochester burnerp,
shade or globe, and the price
just to suit the people's pul
ses, And Note
B. & H. Nickel lamp, 21
inches high, 10 inch white
dome shade, only .2. Others
sell the same for $2.50.
On the
A line of shell novelties,
also some choice sea shells
just from the home of the
shell. These goods always
Yours tilll we
Did You Say?
We carrv a full line of Stnnlp mid F
y' "
the lowest possible prices.
-' 3 nL J "I
una see wiuix we can do.
country produce.
R. REED, proprietor.
Phone 401. Free Delivery.
Drug Store
To be
Disinfectants and Rubber Goods.
Blood Purifiers (Our make and others)
White Pine Cough Syrup (Our make)
Vegetable Hair Tonic (Our make)
Prescriptions Our Great Specialty.
Livery, Feed
Any Girl or Woman
I-ir1n a horn fnr tha wtn'sr. pln luqnlrrsi
"lira rmnsr mat or I'arafliw rarm. oral
un-miiwision, Mair wora
n'v MUS. Jl UA A. h.N.Mr.
& Jackets;
A superb line of Utopian
Art Vases. No two alike.
We are sole agents for these
vases in Hood River.
Some beauties; values that
have never been equaled in
Hood River, and they are
new creations just from the
Road :
A Holiday line of China,
etc. We KNOW that there
is a demand for it here and
have anticipated that want
I niv)i vi"tt in u ui
Just give us a trial order
T W t , ...
mgiiest prices paid for
had at
and Draying.
Hirw I ought, wil. I or rxcliHiil.
rit-itsiire iurti- cim sentry HrHt-.-ln.s-i rit". Sie-
ciul uttptitiiui given lo turning Furniture
nmt Piune.
Wo Iu everything horses can do.
Strawberry Plants.
I liav. w ssle am.lMi or more Hnit-rlaai
siraDrrry (.minis grown from this rear .set
lint. A. K. HI KKtrr,
2I bln(rn, Waah.
(Timber Ijinfl. Art .tune 8.
United State Lund Offlro. Vancouver,
Wash.. Oc-ubr8. imH. Notice 1 lifreby
given thHt In eoni)illanc9 with the provisions
of the act of eonirrusaofjune :t, 1H78, eni ltlt-a
"An act for Hie sale of ti m tier lands In the
slati of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory, as exu'nneu i an
the public hind states bv actor August 4, lHttt,
of Port land, county of Multnoinah, state of
Orexiin, has this d:iy Hied in tills office her
sworn statement, No. 8.HI7, ror tne piircuatie oi
theNKof WWV4 and lota 1 and 2 of section
25, and lot 1 of section l. In township
No li north, runirn No. II east. W. M.. and Will
otli-r proof to show that the land soiiKht is
more valuable lor lis tnnoer or some umii n
aerlcullnral purposes, and Ut establish her
cliiim u said land before the RckIkUt and
Kecelverof tills office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, The 2yth day of December, l'JKt.
nne names aa wllnesats: tieorxe w.niuioiis.
Emery (lliver, A. H Richmond and Mrs. Ju
lia lmn lap, a II of Portland, Oregon; and Frank
Davenport of Hood Hlver, Oregon.
Anv and all neraons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
2Sith day of December, IWB.
olfdl7 FRANK K V A HO HAN, Register.
ITImber Und, Act June 8, 1K7.
United States Ijind Office, The Dallea, Ore
gon, Kept, 6, 11)03. Notice la hereby given
mat in compliance with tne provisions oi me
act of congress of June 8, 1K78, entitled "An act
for the sale of limber lands ill the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
teniUiry,'' as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, D-Irl
of Hood River, county jf Wasco, state of
Oregon,ha8onHept.ll,l'.NI2,nied In tlilsollloe hlf
sworn statement, inc. i i.m, ior tne pur:naiieoi U UL'I.' VU'l UWi VL'I Viri. Uli't
of section No. 2, township No. 2 uortli.
11". , ai .7. a. o T 7A -7.1 i. " X ' .
range No. 9 east, W.M. and will otter pnsf lo
show that the land sought i more valuable for
Its timber or stone than foragrlcultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of tills office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on f riaay, tne zun
day ol November. Mitt.
He names as witnesses: n. w.lnirran. James
Chltty, A. . Wright and James Kggert, all of
viento, uregon.
Any and all rjersons claiming; adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tneir claims in inis oinco on or ueiore saia
27tli day of November. 1!H.
siuniz MJC'rlAfcL, i. noi.aim, ticgister.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Oct. 2.
1008. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-
ing-nnmea seiner nils niea notice of nis in
tentlon to make commtitnlion proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Geo. T. Prather, U. H. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Wed
nesday, November 20, 1MB, vise:
a ot rxi lj rivtivn
of Hood River, Oregon, II. K. No. 11071, for
tne w i r.'4, w y ana jv$ sp.w sec
tion 1. township 2 tiorlh. range oast. W. M.
He name the following wilnessestoprove
niscontinuous resilience upon ana cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Frank Davenport, Fred E. Newby, diaries
nan una waiter tiiirris.nnoi itoon ttiver.or,
onnl'2 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Lund Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, October 7, 11KW. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to alt the public laud
states uy act oi Auggsi 4, imrj,
of East Portland, county of Multnomah, state
of Oregon, has this day filed In thlsoillce Ills
sworn statement, No. Iti7, for the purchase of
tne n 01 ow '4 ana pia , tn nw y.
of section No. 9. In townshin No. 1
north, range No. 9 east, W. M., and wllloifer
proof to snow that the land sought Is more
valuable ior its limner or stone than lor agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said lsnd before the Register and Receiver
or tins oince at xne Dalles, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 21st day of Dtcember, lmiit.
He names as witnesses: Carl I'airh-Wlnther
of Portland, Or.; Mart Maltson of Hellwood,
ur. i.naries n. iierriniau 01 rornuna, or.,
and William F. Rand of Hood River. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
tneir claims in tnis oince on or Derore said
21st day of December. I'.Htt.
olSdl7 MICHAEL T. NpLAN, Register. '
ITirn ber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
nnii., ui wruci , i,uiii'H is uereoy
given that In compliance with the provisions
pi me aci 01 congress or June a, IH7S. eiltitleil
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
slatea or California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4, WW,
Of Portland, county of MuLnoinah. state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this olliee her
sworn statement No. ;W5i, for the purchase of
me wiuiii 01 noruieasi biiu nortnwest y.
of southeast M of sectlnh No. 20, In town
ship No. 8 north, range No. 10 east. W. M.,and
will otter prisif to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim 10 said innu Ueiore the Register and Re
ceiver 01 una omce at Vancouver, Wash., on
.......1 .. .. o.M l.
- t-iimiunj , tne . uuy H i muiiiwr, JISJ.1.
She names as witnesses: Rlclinrd .lnnson.
Alma J. JHnynea, Oeo-ge H. Marsh and Benj-
aniiu r. enm, an 01 u uuerwiHX, wiun.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this (lav tiled In thlsoillce his
sworn tatement. No. SWi, for the purchase of
the W of NW and NW V of HW of
iwrutiim no. in ujwiisnip jo, ti norm, range
No. 10 east. W. M.. and will offer uroof to show
that the laud sought Is more valuable for Ita
limner or stone man for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of tills office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesdiu-, the
28d day of December, 11103.
He names as witnesses: Benjamin F. Heals
and Richard Jsnson of Underwood. Wash.:
Edwin C. Ooddiud and Anson W. (joddardof
fortlanu, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
uieir claims in mis omce on or before said
aia nay or December, W03.
Qlidl7 FRANK E. VAUUHAN. Register.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of-
nee, 1 he Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 13, 190:1. A suffi
cient contest affidavit having been Hied in
tins omce Dy Hansen Ooliln of Mount Hood,
Oregon, contestant, against Homestead enirv
No. 7M'I, made September 2U, lxt,i, for the
nortnwesi section ai, township 1 south,
range 10 east, by David Calvin Rigirs. deoeas.
ed, said contest affidavit being against Kate
icaery, Angle lienoeinon.Naunle ualbraith,
Otis Hearing, Reuben Riggs, Mrs. lsaih J.
Butler and .1. P. Riggs, heirs at law of said
David Calvin Riggs, deceased, in which It is
auegea that sain eniryinan died more than
two years ago: that the heirs of said deceased
have wholly failed to cultivate or Improve
said tract and have wholly abandoned the
said laud for more than one year next prior
lo filing contest herein, and that such failure
still exist and are not due to Bervlce or enlist
ment In the United Stales army or navy.
Said parlies ate hereby notified toannear. re
spond and otter evidence louchlngsuiu allega
tion at 10 o'clock A. M. on November 27, PU3,
before (feorge T. Prather, U.S. Commissioner,
at Hood River, Oregon, and that final hesrlng
will be held at.J0 o'clock A. M.un November
., l!n, before I lie Register and Receiver at
the I nlted states Ijind Office In The Dalles.
1 he said contestant having, in a nmner affl-
dsvil. tiled Oct, I. IMI3. set torlh fads whii-h
show that nfler due diligence personal service
oi inis noiii-eean not oe made, It u hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given
by due and pmjier publication.
n u wilii t-.t, iN UL.ti Keglsler.
Timber Ijind, Act June 8, 1878.1
United State Land Office. The Dallea. Or .
Octnlier 19, lmn. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance wlih the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1H78, entitled "Au
act fur the sale of timber lands In the stales ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the public land
stales by act of August 4, I'M.', the following,
named persons have flk-u in this office their
sworn statements, to wit:
of Pendleton, county of I'matllla, state nfOre-
gon, sworn siaiement .o. l,lh, n led March 19,
it.-., mi uif oi ioi 4 ana ah y.
N W! section 5. and lot I and KkUNr.k
tlon 6, township 1 Dorth. range in east, w. M.
E.KA P. Monmon
of Viento. county of, stale of Oregon,
- - . -v. mm April 0, ihis,
a.r the purchase of theSE'i of seel ion 34,Uiwn
hip t north, range east, w. M.
of Vleoto, county of Waacn, state o Oregon,
sworn atalement No. lNin. filed Anrll nan.
for the purr h use of the Kvj of NWJ4, V. of
SW aectiiMu 7, townshin 1 north, ranse 10
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable flir iu timU-ror than for agrk-ullural purp,,sea. and to
riMiinaii inf ir ciaiina 10 aatu limit before the
Register and Receiver at The Iavllca, Oregon,
on Mondsv. January 18, Mm.
mey name as witness.- . F.dilh Toiler
VcMtherred of Port land. Oregon; A. vVln-,na.
I.yniau W inanaand W. Rosa W inansof Hood
River, Oregon; l lmrl.- T. Karlv. Wlliiiim
Rand, iliiaui Kn-lra, I'.Jiih II l-jirly aud K
P. Monsnn of lliast River, Oregon.
Any and all rMTMsnsclaiintn advorsu
above-deacritw-d lands are rroiiested to rtle
Ihelr claims in this ortW on or before a-ud
18lh day of Junoarv. I414
od24 M Kll ALL T. NOLAN. Refl.ter
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
Uanna house and lot, sl,800.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
Comer lot in front of school house
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipnia addition, $400.
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'a
subdivision, near cannon house; only
125 ; terms easy, installment plan.
4 . 320 acreB of timber land al the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land,T4000.
8. lflO acres at White Salmon : fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
lfiO acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Krwi as the Woodman
place. Prici $9X).
The Hunt p'aoi mile southwest of
town. House, uarn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
'rrmerly belonging to the Hood
Kiver Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
t -
A Good Investment. I will sell 160
acres of mountain land on county road
five miles southeast of Hood River for
$1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad
vance in two years, or failing to sell for
$1,200 net in that time I will take the
land back and pay $1,200, and half of
profits over $200 to go to investor.FirRt
come, Brut served. Of the 100 acres 100
acres fruit land, 00 acres stony. All
fenced, small house, well, large spring.
A fine goat ranch. J. L. Henderson.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Heaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
II. IliA FmiukHnn. . I . n r . .
,.,,., ,, Bre pi a ursi-ciass
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre-
tvaro.I , 41... .. 1. f ' . r
w. u w,o nun oi inviiig out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
me all kinds nf snr,.....;.. .i ..I...-
trom and after this date, April 9, 103.
tlia rnta will ha n- r..n A.,.T .
.. ... a IUIIUWH: fiuaaav:
Lot corners established for $5 a lot
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
For Hal TIip nlil f;li;.,a.. ..t.. a
acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard
finish; bam and out buildings; 10 acres
in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries, some
orchard; Hume, irrigating ditch and
l'helns creek nana tlirnnuli ..,.....
$4,500; $.5(o down, $500 Decern ber 1,
balance in five years at 7 percent This
offer is good for 30 days only.
Mrs. Heavwier'H 5 ncron
near Tucker can 1m had for
The Howell cottage and .3
acres, east of Mrs. Alma
Howe's, 1,700.
.lrfnv,!,fe Jh". "" 0rp"n, fief, 15,
inn. Nolle Is heret.y given that the follow-Inx-named
aetner has filed notiiwnr 1,1.1. ,i
tion lo make final pr.f In aunoort or hi.
elaim. and that ald jmavf will be made be
fore ,en T. 1'n.ihfr. L. K. fio,n.rilwilwr ,
Hood Klver. on vtn. on l-'rl,l. 1 w .
I, I'Mt, vl.: " 11
Formerlv Hatlie ll.-t.-n Istvl. rsf M.-irr om.
ron. H. K. No. j2. f.,r tha NW swu nh ii
NWandWi4 SK'i aeetion , Uiwn'sblp I
north, range tl east, W. M.
Khe namea the followlrif wllneaae. torrora
her ronllniioua residence upon and rulUra.
lion of aald land. Ik
John loveniairt. (ieorre Ireland, Jamea Miv
Umror and tieora Harrison, all of Moair ()r.
o2in M It'll A t.L T. NuLA.N, Ke,liu?r.