The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 22, 1903, Image 6

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    I The Contrabandist; 1
I : : the : ;
tile Lite's Secret! El
CHAPTER VIII.-Conrlnned.)
The next day Robin ctmt again.
"Rom," hs said, "I saw, yesterday, go
ing away from bar, when I was coming
down, a man whom I think I hare teen
before. Do you know who it was?"
"Yoa mean, I think, Gasparde, mj
coneln. But huehl here he comes."
And at that moment tht Individual des
ignated entered the cottage door. He
made a civil obeisance to Rose and the
young man, and accoetlng Hugh, request
ed, in a low tone, to speak with him
The two retired, as before, to the far
den. There a somewhat lengthy confer
ence was held, daring which time Rose
and Robin were conversing together in
doors, and Gaaparde'a name was not in
frequently mentioned in the course of
their dialogue. The young man seemed
to be somewhat interested in him, and
asked several questions concerning him,
by which he gathered the knowledge that
Gaaparde had some time yery deeply of
fended both Rose and her father; but he
also heard of his having come the pre
vious day to make apologies for ao do
ing. And, meanwhile, Hugh ended the col
loquy between himself and Qaaparde in
the garden, when they prepared to re
enter the house. The countenance of the
former was gloomier and darker than
"Captain," said the man, "I don't re
member having seen that person In the
kitchen before. I suppose you won't
think it Impertinent if I ask yon who
he It?"
"He la to become the husband of
Rose," returned Hugh. "His name Is
Robin Marron." And he glanced closely
at the countenance of his companion to
detect some signal of hie feelings at this
announcement But all was undisturbed
ed there.
"So Rose Is to be married V said Gas
, parde. "Well, he will- make her an ex
cellent hnsband, I hope; and I wish her
much hspplness, with all my heart I
suppose, monsieur, you have not forgot
ten the time when I wished so earnestly
to marry Rose myself have you 7 But"
he continued, "I am going to be married
to another young girl, at some distance
from here, shortly."
And the lie was believed. They went
In, and Gasparde remained a short time
longer, affecting an air of the most per
fect friendliness towards Robin. And
when he took his departure, to return to
the village, Robin accompanied him.
. They went along the road talking togeth
er of one thing and another In a care
less way, speaking on a great many sub
. jects, and dwelling on none long, till they
came to a little grove, past which the
road ran, about half way between the cot
tage and the village.
"A pleasant .place yonder," observed
Robin, nodding hia head towarda It.
"Yes yes; pleasant enough," respond
ed Gasparde; "but I dare say there are
pleasanter places."
"Just so, my friend," rejoined the
young man; "you are right. And those
that have more agreeable associations, as
well. For instance, If a man had been
shot there by an unseen enemy, the place
wouldn't be quite ao attractive as many
He glanced casually at the face of his
companion as be said it; but beneath the
careless tone and manner was a meaning,
and in that glance he read, like lightning,
the expression of Gaaparde'a face. It
was one of sudden, startled uneasiness.
The man looked quickly up at him, with
out answer. The effect was satisfactory.
Robin went on:
"I had a master formerly, who wss, one
day, wounded in the manner which I
have described, and In that very wood
which we have passed."
"And he told yon about It?" said Gaa
parde, watching Robin closely.
"You are right He told me about It"
"Did be guess who fired at him?"
"I suppose so. Though he kept It to
himself. He said he meant to pnnlsh
the rogue when he could catch him."
"Who was your master, If I may ask?"
"The Compte d'Artols. Yon may have
heard of him possibly. But I must bid
you adieu, my friend; for here I am at
the farm."
"Adieu," returned Gasparde; and he
continued his route, muttering, "I have
you now, my master! You think I am
cowed do you? Ah! wait only waltl
You are taking a great deal of trouble to
win my pretty cousin; but I shall have
her yet! Only time time. I will let
you just grasp the prise, and then tear
It from you. The later my vengeance,
the aweeter it will be!"
It was sunset again, and our pretty
heroine, Rose Lamonte, was returning
from the Chateau Montanban, whither
ahe had gone early in the afternoon to
see Mademoiselle Montauban, who, she
was told by her father, wished to speak
with her on a matter of Importance. With
a light and happy heart, Rose had gone
to meet the lady, and, three or four hours
afterwards, was returning home, with
teara In her eyes, and a step very differ
ent from that usual with her. Walking
lowly along, wrapped In sorrowful med
itation, ahe waa suddenly aroused by the
voice of Robin pronouncing her name. He
was just going down to the cottage.
"Why, what alls you, my Rose?" he
asked, tenderly. "Yoa are weeping! Why
la this?"
"O, Robin, my father is going away!"
was her sad answsr.
"Going away? Ah, how sorry I am for
yoa, desr child! Bat how soon la he go
ing, snd where will he go to?"
"I do not know. He did not tell me;
Msdemolselle Helen told me, and she
knew nothing further than what I have
Just ssid to you. But I am afraid It will
be very soon." And the tesrs chased
each other over her fair cheeks.
"Why did he not acquaint yoa with this
fsct. Rose?"
"Indeed, I do not know. Perhaps he
had not the courage. Poor papa! And
bealdee, the Marquis and Mademoiselle
Montauban are to keep me at the chateau
until he returns; that was why she wish
ed me to come up this afternoon, to tell
me of this, and so he left it ail for her
to tell."
"I knew yoa were going to stay at the
chateau. Rose, but not that your father
was going away. I learned it from him
last week." said Robin.
"Yon did? aod yon did not let me
"He preferred that I should not the.
But do not weep," dear Hose!" said the
young man, soothingly; "he will return,
snd, perhapa, will remain away but a
short time. And It will be pleasant for
yon to be st the chateau a little while,
only I am afraid yoa will forget me will
you not?"
"Ah, fanw ran yoa think so?" ssied his
Mmi-snica, in tone of gentle reproach.
"Yoa know, Robin, that I could not for
get you!"
"I will not go in to-night, I think, dear
Roae. You will have a great deal to say
to your father, and you will be better
alone. To-morrow I will come. You will
know then, I dare say, on whst dsy he is
going, and can tell me. I should like to
hear." He bent down and klased her.
There was sympathy and tenderness in
his glance and caress.
She weut an. Her father, standing In
the opposite doorway, looking out Into
the garden, turned quickly aod beheld
her. He held out his arms.
"Well, you know now," he said, with
sorrowful gentleness, as she came up to
meet his sad embrace "yoa know Bow,
"Yes, father I know; yoa are going
away. But It will not be long before I
ahall see you again? You will come home
"I do not know; do not ask me, I en
treat, Rose!" He spoke with the des
perate energy of sorrow.
"But where are yoa going, and bow
soon, papa?"
"I cannot tell yoa where I am going.
But It may be to Nantes or Bordeaux.
And I am going in two days."
"la two days? so soon I O, papa!"
She sat down, poor little Rose, and cov
ering her face with her hands, wept sad
ly. Hugh paced the floor with folded
arms, and despair on his dark counte
nance. "O!" he murmured, with fierce grief,
"has not my revenge turned upon mj?"
The next evening Robin came. He
seemed more serious than naual, and
heard of the arrangements for the de
parture of Hugh' In silence. At length
he said: "You are going, then, the day
after to-morrow?"
"Yes, and Rose will go to the chateau
to-morrow evening. The marquis and
his daughter are coming for her."
"Yea, Robin," ahe aaid; "to-morrow
evening I shall be gone."
Robin sat down by her, and tok her
hand In his.
"Rose,", he said, "do you not think thla
makes me as sorrowful as you csn be?
What shall I do when you are here no
longer? I cannot aee you In your new
home aa I have seen you here. I cannot
come there In my rude dress, though, one
dsy, I mean ,to make myself worthy to
enter even that proud place; There is
nothing for me to do but to go away."
"Ah, Robin," uttered Rose, with tear
ful eyea, "do not go! What shsll I do
with no one left?"
"Do not weep, mignonne!" entrested
ths young man, sadly; "can you not see it
is for the best? I cannot stay here with
out meeting yoa dally, as of old. And
ws may not meet now you are to dwell
at the chateau. We both would be more
unhappy should I stay. If I go away I
may gain aome situation where I may
obtsln wealth, and rise gradually to a
position worthy to come back and win
you. Now, Rose, tell me I may go."
"Go, then, If it must be so," she re
sponded, striving to check the fast flow
ing tears. "But I shall be so lonely!" .
"Let me go to-morrow morning, Rose.
I cannot bear to see you, go away to
wait till you are gone."
And thus It was.
It was not without a sigh of regret
that Helen Montauban observed the pain
which ahe waa forced to Inflict on one
who loved deeply and truly. Francis Eg
erton had Inspired her with a sentiment
of the most earnest esteem; but the
knowledge of the depth of his regsrd for
her bad almost decided her, at first, to
break off an intimacy which, on his psrt,
claimed something more than the name of
friendship. .This, however, seemed too
haraba meaaure. She could not persusde
herself to go so far. She liked him sin
cerely; her regard for him waa too real
too deep, to permit her thua absolutely
to relinquish the occasional society of
Lord Egerton; while she trusted to cure
him, In time, of the pssslon, which she
felt too well, from a consciousness of her
own preference In a different quarter, she
should never be able to return.
Since hia arrival Just after Rose bad
become an Inmate of the Chateau Montan
ban, aha had begun to feel that ahe had
a means of assistance at hand. She did
not pause for time to define any plan,
or to say to herself, in so many words,
that such and auch an ultimate issue bad
been guessed at, or hoped for, by her;
but she appropriated the means present
ed to her, and trusted that they would
Meeting, on the very first evening of
his arrival at the chateau, with a repulse,
gentle, though firm, from Helen a disap
pointment to hopes long, yet doubtfully,
cherished; and feeling that the dejection
and unhapptness which he felt would, if
observed, drew upon him the attention
of those about him, he endeavored to con
ceal all evidence of his feelings under a
calm exterior, and to evince aa much In
terest in affairs about him as waa possi
ble. He found himself thrown dally into the
society of Rose Lamonte, often by
chance, oftener by Helen's own agency.
He admired her beauty her Innocence
and grace, had a charm for him. Helen
Montauban knew It. He first merely ac
knowledged, and was sensible of her
pretence; then he sought It Rose con
fessed to Helen her admiration of him,
and aeemed to evince a pleasure In his
society. It waa plain that ahe did not
dislike him; and Helen, although she had
many doubta at first, chsnged them final
ly for most agreeable yet secret specula
tions on the future, little dreaming thst
Francla Egerton was yet true to her, or
thst Rose Lsmonte's thoughts, even In
bis presence, turned and dwelt fondly,
though ssdly, on the memory of her hum
ble, yet unforgotten, lover.
Meanwhile, Mademoiselle Montaubaa
thought oftea and anxiously of" her cous
in; for Louis hsd not written once since
his depsrtur from the chateau, and two
montha bad now elapsed, and nearly the
third, since thst time. Her father also
mentioned him frequently, and expressed
his perplexity at bis silence, and no less
at hia prolonged absence. Many as hour,
at nightfall, Helen knelt aadly at her
casement with her glance sorrowfully
fixerd on the road below that wound
through the valley and beyond the hills
the road over which he had passed oa
the morning when he left her.
"Whea will he traverse It again?" ahe
asked herself. "Whea, kneeling here, at
my aad post, la the twilight or the dawa,
ahall I behold him returning?"
One afternoon, being oppressed with a
slight headache, ahe had thrown herself
upoa her conch to dispel It If possible,
by slumber. Suddenly her ancle's step,
light and quick, came through the gal-
lrv. anil lmmriiarlw Jhi!, Star! m
tered the chamber, bearing a light Her
fact waa suggeatlve of something pleat
ant She came oa tiptoe to the bedside.
"0, I am awake, Jessie." ssid Helen;
"but I bsve slept a great while."
"Yes, mademoiselle a loag time; but
I hope your headache has quits left you
now; for monsieur le compte, your cous
in, mademoiselle, Monsieur d'Artols''
"Jessie, la he here?" aeked Helen, quiet
ly, aa she rose.
"Yes, mademoiselle, he has Just come."
She entered her dressing room, and
hastened to bathe her face aad head and
re-arrange her hair. But ahe trembled
from head to foot She descended the
stairs Just ta time to meet Louis him
self. He It wss, but psler and thinner.
than usual. Ha came forward with aa
exclamation of pleasure.
"Helen, my dear cousin!" he cried,
warmly embrsclng her.
Her cheek burnt her heart beat rapid
ly, as hs pressed his lips to hers. Shs
could not speak at first.
"My own fair Helen, and so lovely as
everl yes, a million times lovelier!" he
said, smilingly, as hs gently turned her
face so thst ths glow of ths pendant
lamp above them fell full npoa It "But
you do not speak, cousin. And yet I
know you welcome me."
"Indeed, I welcome you, Louis, most
warmly. But you are pals yoa have
been 111."
"I have been 111 yes; but not long or
seriously; and as soon at I recovered,
I came hither."
He pressed her hand In his with kindly
affection, as he released her. She turn
ed and entered the ssloon. Her father
stood by the hearth, and the guests were
grouped about It, chatting together, as
she came in. She was greeted with unan
imous exclamations of pleasure, and
drawn into their circle. There were In
quiries on all sides concerning her lata
Indisposition, and Infinite rejoicings at
the arrival of Louis. In the midst of the
conversation Louis re-entered.
"My dear uncle, I cannot express ths
pleasure It gives ms to find myself here
once more," he said, "and particularly In
the mldat of auch excellent company."
In a little while the evening repast waa
spread and they gathered about the
board, a congenial party enough, as It
went; afterward they repaired, by the In
vitation of the marquis, to the library,
where they psssed the remainder of the
evening. Rose and Francis Egerton,
who, of late, had occasionally sung to
gether, were prevailed upon by the mar
quis and his guests to do so now. Both
hsd fine voices and excellent taste, and
their united melody poured forth in one
sweet harmonious atraln, that could not
fall to please. Louis, standing behind
the seat of Mademoiselle Montsubsn, re
garded Rose and her companion with a
quiet but closely observant glance.
"Is not Rose a little nightingale?" soft
ly whispered Helen, looking up at him.
"A sweeter one never ssng. By-the-by,
my desr cousin, when did she come
"Something more than a month ago.
She ia prettier than ever; do you not
think ao?"
Francla seems tacitly te
agree with us, too, it appears to me. It .
he not very attentive to her? And yet
h does not look quite hsppy to-night
What ails him, I wonder?"
(To be continued.)
Caatioas People Will Avoid the TVaka
fa Flying Exprees.
There la hardly any person, young or
old, who does not like to see a fast
railroad train go by. There la a faa
eluatlon ln the rush and roar, the en
gine represents so much reststleM
strength, and It ia all such a triumph of
man's skill that It never fails to evoke
wonder and admiration. Yet there la
danger In a moving train, and everyone
should know enough to keep at a re
spectful distance while admiring this
"The theory that a moving train car
ries along, with it an envelope of air la
very Interesting," says an engineer. "1
first had my attention attracted to the
subject by a curious Incident that hap
pened several years ago at a crossing
near Birmingham, Ala., where trains
pass twice a day at a speed of about
forty miles an hour. The tracks are
seven feet apart, and there would teem
to be ample room to stand between
them ln safety between two trains. One
day a terrier dog belonging to a section
boss was asleep In the middle apace,
and woke up Just as the trains closed ln
from each side. There waa a barrel
on the ground near by, and the dog In
hia fright Jumped on top of It That
probably brought him Into one of the
rushing envelopes of air. At any rate,
he was whirled off his feet and thrown
clear to the roof of the opposite car,
where he was subsequently found.
Jammed agalnat a ventilator chimney,
with no injury except a broken leg.
How ln the world he ever made auch a
Journey and escaped alive Is a mystery,
unless his fall was deadened by a cush
ion of air.
"Apropos of atmospheric pressure. It
la a well-known fact that there la a
vortex space,' or eone of auction, di
rectly behind any rapidly moving train,
and its presence accounts for a gro
tesque happening that took place tome
time ago on the Southern Pacific.
While the California-bound expreas
waa going through Western Arizona
at a clipping gait a passenger who waa
on the verge of lunacy rushed out to
the rear platform, climbed on a rail
and Jumped off. He waa wearing a
very long linen duster, and a muscular
tourUt who happened to be on the plat
form at the time grabbed It by the tails
aa It sailed by and yelled for help.
When some of the others ran to his as
sistance they found the lunatic stretch
ed straight out In the air behind the
platform, safely anchored by his duster.
which had turned Inside out and caught
blm at the shoulders. The muscular
gentleman was hanging on for dear lire,
but bad It not been for the tact that the
would-be suicide was virtually sus
tained and carried along by the auction
of the vortex something would certain
ly have given way. They reeled the
man in like a kite, and he promised to
be good. We have very tittle know!
edge at present of the atmospheric con
ditional that surround a moving train.
A fuller knowledge of them may lead
to the solution of tome baffirog prob
Iema In traction.'
Art la the Preper Direction.
Agent Don't yon want an enlarged
photograph of yourself?
Stout Gentleman Enlarged! What
Agent That'a aa But say let ns
make yoa one three sites smaller.
A I'll cm Ma.
Mrs. Von Blumer I don't know what
we shall do about that cook. ,
Van Blumer What's the matter nowt
"She threatens to stay."-Lifa.
Pleasant Iacldenta Occurring- the
World Over-Sayings that Are Cheer
ful to Old or Young-Fanny Selec
tions that You Will Enjoy.
Miss ABcum Did you really attend
hrwedi'ng? rtu . , ln,
Miss Wryveil-Oh. yes, Indeed! And
I enjoyed myself Immensely.
Miss Ascuiij Did you, really?
Miss Wryvell-Her gown didn't fit
her at all, and I heard several people
ay she looked a perfect fright.
Her Only Comment.
"Nevertheless, my dear," aald the
masculine portion of the combine,
"there are a number of men in the
world who are my . mental Inferiors."
"John," rejoined the wife of his bos
om as she looked him square ln the
eye, "you were always: a connrmed
Pre pa re J.
He If I should kiss you, what would
you do?
She I never meet a contingency till
It happens.
He But if it should happen?
She I'd meet It face to face.
. Pure to Pop.
"Where are you going, Jason?"
sjuerled the citizen of Keutueky.
"Goin down to Muillda Lee's to pop
the question," replied the lnuk youth.
"But you have your gun."
"Yes; if I find Brace Bradley's ahead
of me ni PP ull-"
Ta's WUJom,
Little Wlllie-What are dividends,
Pa Dividends, my son, are what the
stockholders get after the directors
appropriate their share.
I True Love.
I The Count So you really believe that
Lord roor man's marriage with the
American heiress was the result of a
love match.
The Duke Of course It was. At first
he Insisted on half a million, but final
ly agreed to accept four hundred and
ninety-five thousand.
Realistic Ktory.
"Have you reviewed that new book
entitled "The Editor's Purse?" asked
the critic's other half.
I "I merely glanced at It," replied the
masculine end of the sketch. "There's
nothing in It."
1 TJaeful Insects,
The old colored parson gazed at the
awarmlng mosquitoes with a sigh.
"Yes," he mused, "dera dull mosqui
toes am sniahteh den I Is. Dey kin
keep de congregation awake en I
Well Managed.
I Bess What makes you so subdued
and queer?
. Tom I guess you'd be subdued, too,
If you had a mother and father, four
slaters, two -grandmothers and two
grandfathers to boss you.
feminine Charity.
r Edyth-I wonder if Dolly Swift ta
realty as bad as she Is painted?
Mayme I don't see how she can be.
She certainly does paint dreadfully.'
Uninterrupted Chicago Blia.
"What of my future?" asked the fair
j : tYou will never know what grief or
Borrow Is," answered the fortune teller.
i "And will I marry?" queried the
fair one, anxiously.
"Sure," replied the Tislonary prophet
ess. "Four times."
Frieadly Gnaraeetloiw
Biggs I'm proud of my family tree.
Dlgge Yon ought to whitewash It
Biggs Whitewash it! What for?
Dlgga To keep the Insects off.
Her Teat
Little Effle Do you love me very
much, mamma?
Mamma (a widow) Yea, my dar
ling. Effle Then why don't yon marry the
man at the candy store?
Marital Anaenitiea.
"Hateful thing T she cried ln the
midst of their spat "I waa a silly
goose when I married you."
"Perhaps so," replied the great
brute; "at any rate, you were no chickens-Philadelphia
Land mt HI lav
She What Is your Idea of Utopia? .
He It ia probably a place where all
the inhabitants are engaged but never
Not Superstitious.
Miles Mrs. Catcuern has Just.been
divorced from her fifth husband. '
Giles-Is that so?
Miles Yes; and, strange to say, each
time she was led to the altar on a Fri
day. Giles Well, I suppose she will keep
It up until she has acquired her thir
teenth victory, Just to see If that will
break her run of tough luck.
"Who," asked the originator of fool
questions, "according to your notion,
Is the most popular woman ln the Uni
ted States?"
"The blonde lady whose face adorns
the (20 gold piece," replied the old
Usual Viniah.
Evalyn And did he pine away and
die after you refused to marry him?
Imogeue No; the ungrateful wretch
married miserably well.
Hepelesa Case.
Toradix Have you learned to make
the repairs on your automobile?
Bojax No; and I'm afraid I never
Touidix-Why not?
Bojax I haven't a bit of mechanical
genius. Honestly, I don't believe I
could invent a washing machine.
Thay Surely Wilt
Young Microbe And ao we are para
sites, and are killing the man we are
Old Microbe That's the case, exact
ly. "And you say he has summoned the
"What will the doctors do?"
"Can't tell yet, but I am sure of one
thing; they will call us hard names."
Quite Another Matter.
"Before I give you my answer," said
the fluffy-haired summer girl, "I would
like to know if you are ln a position to
keep me ln the style to which I have
always been accustomed?"
"If the styles don't change too often
I am," replied the wise youth. "Other
wise the odds are ln favor of my going
"This is the first bread I ever made,"
remarked the young wife.
"Well," rejoined the optimistic hus
band, "there's nothing like starting
with a solid foundation."
Delicate Thrust.
Miss Okie Harry said he'd like us
to be married ln a balloon. He's fond
of freak marriages.
Miss Rose But why go to the trou
ble of going up ln a balloon?
True to Her Pax.
Mr. Kewpop Why, bur baby talked
when it was five months old.
Mr. Oldwed Xo wonder; It's a girl
Aa Compared,
She Young Addleton Is rather slow,
Isn't he?
He Yes; he's as slow as a woman
walking along the street reading a
Knew the Pattern.
. Landlord I'll have to request you to
pay In advance, Mr. Shortlelgh.
Shortleigh Why, ain't my trunk
good for a week's board?
Landlady No; It looks like one of
those emotional trunks.
Shortleigh-Emotlonal ?
Landlady Yes; one that Is easily
In the Riaht Place.
Askltt By the way, what became of
young Chilllngton who graduated with
our class ln '98? Gold, calculating sort
of fellow, you remember?
Knowltt Yes, I remember; and he's
the same cold, calculating chap now
that he was then. He's got a Job as
bill clerk with an Ice company.
Out at First.
"Sir," began the young man, "I came
to ask your daughter's baud in mar
riage. I feel that I am not worthy
of her, but "
"Young man," Interrupted the stern
parent, "I fully agree with you on that
point and there is nothing further to be
said on the subject Good evening,
Bar View aud Hia.
Mrs. Naggs Man's superiority over
woman Is all ln his mind.
Naggs Not all of it, my dear. Tart
of it ia due to his physical strength.
Tee Much Work.
Mrs. Starvem There doesn't seem
to be any pleasing you, Mr. Sharps.'
Tan tar vou don't like steak for ann-!
Mr. Sharp No. ma'am; you see, I
have to use my arms so much at my
work during the day that they're very
tired when I get borne at night
The Coming Trouble.
"Hello, Laura, la that you?"
"Thla la George. Say, I can't get
anything to eat downtown here to-day.
The hotela and restaurants are all
closed on account of the strike. Have
a good dinner ready for me when I
come home."
"I can't do It, George. The girl says
all the grocery stores and meat mar
kets out "here are closed on account of
the strike."
"Well, cook up a pudding or some
thing of that kind."
"Can't do that, either. No milk to
day. The milkmen are all on a strike."
"Well. Great Scott! Can't you seed
one of the children in with a luncheon
of bread and molassee?"
"No. Johnny says there are no trains
or street cars running. But, say, may
be I can "
"Well, go on. Maybe yon can what?"
But there wjs no response-
Everybody at the telephone office bad
gone on a strike.
Harmony la one of the thlnga the
matrimonial trust falls to monopolize.
Maine's seacoast ln a straight line Is
225 miles, while following the Ins and
outs It la 2,486 miles. Between Kit
tery Point and Quoddy bead there are
fifty-four lighthouses.
A Lewiston (Me.) woman sat up foi
her husband till one o'clock the other
nigty intending to discuss with him
the sinfulness of his goings on. Fin
ally ahe gave it up and went up stairs
only to find him ln bed and fast asleep
there for many hours. He hadn't been
out at all.
Most of us are born with about the
same mental capacity. The size ol
the brain does not differ very widely
among men. . In most men the brain,
including the network of the nervoui
system, weighs between three and foui
pounds; and Instance after Instance Is
recorded of men of splendid uentality
yio brains t ere under tie
Thirty years ago there were twenty
nine street railroads ln Massachusetts,
to-day or, rather, two years ago, for
the 1901 report Is the latest at baud-
there were 119 companies. This num
ber has Increased since that time. The
capital Invested for the two periods
contrasted waa 17,203,589 and U9,011,
185. In the earlier year they trans
ported 43,557,036 passengers, In the
later 483,528,985. There was 204 miles
of rail ln 1873, 2,309 In 1901.
It is now known that smallpox germs
are communicated through the air as
well as by contact. The smallpox hos
pltal boata anchored In the Thames
have produced a regular epidemic In
Essex, yet the shore Is nearly half a
mile away and there has been no
communication. In districts ovet
which the wind has blown from the
hospital boats twelve per cent of the
inhabitants have been attacked, while
In the other direction the cases have
been less than one per cent.
The stroller through .the markets of
San Francisco will find the Western
representative of the New York weak
fish a huge creature ranging from
eighty to one hundred pounds and
will be told that a similar fish li
caught In the Gulf of California weigh
ing two hundred pounds. In the Ital
ian quarter of this city will be seen
the octopus, or devll-flsb, bung up for
sale, a terrible array of arms or ten
tacles; not the little creature a foot
or two across, common ln the East,
but a veritable monster with a radial
spread of perhaps twelve or fourteen
feet. Along the upper coast these ani
mals have been found with a radial
spread of twenty-five feet well named
the spider of the sea. Along the coasl
will be seen a bass which often tlpi
the scales at five hundred pounds; and
at Monterey has been taken a mack
erel weighing nine hundred pounds
suggestive that even fishes grow large
In Western waters.
Guessing somewhere near the weight
of a pound of sugar, rice, coffee, tea,
etc., Is not very difficult to the grocer
who has had years of ex
perience ln putting up
these commodities, but be
would be apt to find fault
with the new clerk who
spent his valuable time ln
practicing to see how close
he could guess to the
weights of the different
commodities. Yet If the
clerk was able to guess
weights with accuracy val
uable time would be saved
ln doing up packages for
the trade. Here is a scoop
which will make It unnecessary guess
ing, however, as it will automatically
gauge the quantity and discharge any
surplus over the amount required. In
the picture the handle portion of the
scoop has been cnt away to expose the
working mechanism by which the scale
feature Is operated) The commodity is
shoveled up in the reservoir at the
top, Just aa would be done with an
ordinary scoop. The reservoir being
suspended by a spring supported ver
tical bar, the weight la immediately
indicated by lta depression and the
corresponding movement of the hand
on the dial in the face of the handle.
By setting the spring-pressed pawl ln
one of the notches on the front sup
porting bar. of the scoop the ' wetght
is transferred to the rear bars, which
slide on the reservoir and open a gate
through which the commodity flows
until the required quantity only re
mains. As the weight Is gradually re
duced by the outflow of the coffee,
rice or other goods, the scoop rises
and the gate closes automatically.
William Maxwell, of Pittsburg, Is
the patentee.
Progress la the Pine Arte.
Fond Mother What does Henry say
in his letter, paw?
Fond Father He set that If he had
my whiskers on bis bead be could get
onto the football team this fall."
A True Portrait,
'The widow waa taking her first look
at the bust of her beloved husband.
The clay waa still damp. "Pray ex
amine It well, madam," aald the sculp
tor. "If there la anything wrong I
can alter It"
The widow looked at It with a mix
ture of sorrow and satisfaction.
"It Is Just like blm," she Mid. "a
perfect portrait his large nose the
sign of goodness." Here she burst
Into tears. "He was so good! Make
the nose a little larger!"
We suppose that when a woman lifts
off her ba'ir and takes out ber teeth,
contractors call It "removing the fa:
i Successor to E. L. Smith,
jtabllahed House lu the valley.)
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house will con
tinue to pay cash for all its goods;, it
pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but
does not have to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with customers
in the way of reasonable prices.
Posts, Etc.
Davenport Bros
Lumber Co.
Have opened an office in Hood River.
Call and get prices and leave orders,
which will be promptly filled.
Published Every Thursday
$1.50 A YEAR.
Advertising, 60 cents per inch, single
column, per month; one-half inch or
less, 25 cents. Reading notices, 5 cents
a line each insertion.
THE GLACIER prints all the local
news fit to print.
When you see it in THE GLACIER
you may know that others see it.
All War Laadhw.
Connecting at Lyle, Waah., with
Colombia River & Northern Railway Co.
YVahklacus. Paly, t'entervllle, Qoldendale and
an Kucmiai t aiiey points.
Steamera leave Portland dallv fexcent bun.
day) 7 a. m., connecting with C. R. ii N. tre ns
ai Lyie o:i) p. ni. lor uonienaeie, arrlvea The
liallea 6:Su p. m.
Bteamer leaven The Dalles dallv (excent Sun
day) 7 : a. m.
0. R. 4 N. trains leaving Qoldendale 6:15 a.
m. connect with thin steamer for Portland, ar
riving i'ortland 6 p. in.
The steamers Dalles City and Bailey Oataert
leave I'ortland 7 a! m. Tuesdays Thursdays and
Faturdays; leavea The Dallea 7 a. m. Mondays,
Wednesdays anil Fridays. Round trip tickets
between these points fto cents. Good on stekin-
era "Bailey Uafzert" and ' Dalles City" only,
anoraing an excellent opportunity lo view the
magnlfloent acenery ol the Columbia river.
Excellent meals served on all steamers. Fine
accommodations for teama and wagona.
For detailed information of rates, berth rea-
ervatlons, connectlona, etc., write or call on
nearest agent. rl. C. Campball,
ueu. uuiue, ruriianu, ur. manager.
Beele & Morse Agents, Hood River, Or.
Siioip Line
Union Pacific
Ptftland, Or.
:2ue. m.
Bait like, Denver,
rt. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
15 p.m.
at. I'aul Fast Mall.
10:10 a. i
St. PaHl
Fast Mall
p. m.
Atlantic Expreea.
No Change Of Cars.
Lowest Ratea. Quickest Time.
moat PORTLAND. '
All sailing dates
subject te change
For Ban Francisco
Ball ever; t days
imp. m.
Xl.UU p. SB.
Celesakla Rlvw
To Astoria and Way
00 p. m.
Ix. Sunday
Mod., Wad.
and FrL
WlilaaseHe Mm.
Salem, Indepen
1:90 p. Bt,
Tuea . Th
dence, Cbrvallla
ana way landings.
Taee.. Thar,
and Bak
TaatklH sine.
4 SO p.m.
Moo.. W4.
Oregon Cite, Dayton
sou way uuiauifa.
t7''Pri L? tewlao
Daily except Blperla to Lewlstoa Daily eioept
, . . fnaay.
A. L. CRA1Q.
Ceseral Passenger Agent, FenUaeVOr,
A. . BOAK, igsai, u4 Bivar.