0 o Real Estate Bargains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT 3 Our mw fall goods aw arriving every day. The store is full now. We want to aril souk? of the gootls at once to mako room for tho rest. Wo know that wo were a little late in petting our fall jgoods, but by doing bo we have later styles and better prices. You have waited a long time for these goods, and we hate marked them at prices that will pay you for all the time you have waited. While we have been in Hood 1 liver we have received many compliments on the style, workmanship and quality of the goods in our Ladies' Skirts. We have surpassed all previous efforts and can say without hesitation that we have a larger stock of better made, better goods for less money than has ever been brought to your city before. We can say this regardless of the fact that everything put into a skirt is quoted at advanced prices. All we ask is for you to call and examine them. The goods and prices we have pat on them Avill do the rest. AT THE EMPORIUM. A p Ladies and Misses' Coats, Capes and Jackets. We have brought direct from New York a full line of . CAPES, COATS AND JACKETS, contain ing all the new creations, at prices that will sur prise you. It does not take a pocket full of money to buy one of these. We have them within the reach of all. Our Jackets are at least one-third less in price than you can buy them for elsewhere. Hosiery and Underwear. It will get cold before long and you will need something to keep you warm. We have everything you want in this line. Nice, soft, fleecy cotton goods for men, women and children. All Kinds pi Woolen Underwear and Woolen Hosiery in abund ance. Ladies' first-class fleece-lined Hose 15c and up. Children's Wool Hose, from 1.5c and up. Men's Wool Sox from 12c up. Anti-Rust Tinware. We are sole agents for the Elliot Manufacturing Co's line of Anti-Rust Tinware. The trouble with granitevvare is that every time you drop it or hit it on something hard you knock off a piwe, and then a hole soon rusts through. Your objection to tin ware is that it rusts out. We will GUARANTEE every piece of - this tinware NOT TO RUST THROUGH. Any piece rusting through will be cheerfully replaced with a new article. Our Line of Men's Fall Goods Is complete. Cotton and woolen Underwear, wool en Hosiery, woolen Shirts, Mackinaws, Slickers in fact, everything needed to keep the body warm and dry. A Free Round Trip to the St. Louis World's Fair Every day brings us nearer to the end of our GUESSING CONTEST. Buy a pair of Heart and Arrow brand Shoes, the best wearing shoes on earth for the money, and get a chance for a Free Round Trip Ticket to the St. Louis World's Fair. "The shoes that fit, The shoes that wear, , The shoos that will take you To the World's Fair." to""' " ..... 'Keod Rver Slacier THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. Tbe road to the boat landing is now almost impassable. This makes the projected road an absolute necessity, and It is hoped the Commercial club will be successful in its efforts to put the new road through. Those who are prepared to subscribe to the fund should do so at once. They land owners over whose property the proposed road would pass have offered free rights of way provided the matter is put under headway immediately. An engineer's estimate places the cost between $1,000 nud $1,500. Argument that the road is needed and needed badly is brougt forth every day by those who have oc casion to wade through the mud of the present road. Move quickly or the opportunity will be lost. A 01acierman was in The Dalles one day during the week. This at one time metropolis of the great Inland Empire seems to be taking a fresh start in the race of progress. The fall trade from the interior is openinp up briskly, and the enrollment of the pub lie schools shows a gratifying increase over former years. The Dulles is not dead yet. The people at Drano insist that the Glacier was furnished a misleading re port of the drowning there last week. It was stated that the steamer Regula tor assisted the tug Pearl iu going to the rescue, but the Glacier is Informed that the captain of the Regulator brut ally refused to do anything of the sort. If this is true it is indeed a serious matter. Don't overlook the letters from our correspondents. For the "funny col umn," read the White Salmon notes. Oregon Press Association Meets. Oregon Press association will meet in Salem, October 22-3-4, 1903. All editors in the state are requested to attend. Aliiert Tozikr, Secretary. 0. C. Dean has greatly improved his cottage on the hill by building a large porch on four sides of his dwelling. Frank Davenport has been at Parker town all week preparing to remove his taw mill to a better location iu the tim ber on the side of Mount Defiance. ' The ladies of the Congregationa church will give a harvest supper in Ar tisan hall, Tuesday evening, October 20. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock, after which old-fashioned games will be the social feature of the evening. A good time is assured. Price of supper, 25c. The 0. R. & N. is putting in a new bridge at the crossing of Phelps creek. Smith & Howard, the company contract ors, are authority for the statement that the O. R. & N. has a new bridge listed for the present structure over Hood river, but there is at present no informa tion just w here it w ill he built. The fact that the railroad company had the end of Irving street declared vacant, also part of Second street First addition west, and that the present depot facilities are inadequate, leads many to think that when a new depot is erected it will be built further to the west of the present site. Something will likely be done, but no one seems to know just what. Mrs. A. W. King and daughter May, after a two-weeks' visit at their old, home at Eagle Creek, Clackamas county, and at Portland, returned home last Saturday. Monthly School Reports. DISTRICT NO. 6, MOUNT HOOD, Following is the report of Bchool dis trict 6, Mount Hood, Oregon, tor montn ending October 2, lUiw: Total number enrolled 46 A verage daily attendance .......... 42 Number times tardv , 3 Percent of perfect days. 97.46 Pupils neither absent nor tardy Hazel Kelley, Violet Kelley, Khoda Hart, Laura Hart, Lucy Hart, Lulu Knight, Bert Knight, Zelma Meyers, Rollan Meyers, Hattie Cooper, Mae Cooper, Blanch Lafferty, rank Koontz, Rea Koontz, Mabel Koontz, Mace Baldwin, Walter Larwood, Donald Larwood, Martin Gribble, George Thomas Clifford Thomas, Bruce Billings. Loi'is H. Arneson, Teacher. DISTRICT NO. 8. MOSIBR. Following is the report of school dis trict JNo. o lor month beginning fcepiem bcr 7 and ending October 3, 1903: No. of pupils enrolled 15 A verage daily attendance I- The following received certificates of award ; Alice Mosier, Alice Phillips, Bertress Coyle, Henry Dunsmore, Clyde t ti.-i t I r iL:ii:n aim J-iesue ivuoi, irum aim iseuHr runups. Rachel Moruan, Teacher. To Exchange. liM-acre Improved farm. In southwestern Missouri, for properly In Oregon or Washing, ton. J. I). GARDNER. Cider M; I have bouicht the rider mill of John Hchefc tier or the toast Bine ami am prepared to make elder for all who may bring apples. Charges win De 7 cents per Durrci. n;. D. A.CHKYNEY, Girl Wanted. A girl to do general housework. Apply to ol.i MRS. HUH1E MOKUAN, Phoi.e. Cows for Sale. Two Jersey cows, fcs) each any one wanting a good cow, A bargain for JOHN HAKEL. L0St. Retween Booth's Hill and town, the 1st day of October, a hot cake griddle. Keturn to (i lacier ullice ami get reward. Wanted. A girl for general housework. oii .L . TKl) K, Vlento, Or. Lost. Oct. 12, between the Mount Hood Lumber Co s store and the boat landing, mackin tosh. Reward will be puld for Its delivery at "The Viento." Northeast cor Flint and Oak His., H kkI River, Mus. M. F. Bird, Proprietor. Hrcitkrit8t0to8a.nl. Pinner 12 to I p. ni. Mipper 8 to 10 p. in. The tables supplied with what the market ii Hi mm. ji Up to Sat., Oct. 24 no longer. $3.50 HAT with every man's $15 suit or over. $2.60 HAT with every $10 suit or over. $2.00 HAT with suits at $7.50 or over. $1.25 HAT or ehoiee of any boys' eap with Iniys' suits nt $5 or over. CHOICE of boy's cap with any boy's suit. This proves it, doesn't it? that You can do better at ragg ITimber Land, Act June S, 1878.1 NOTICE JYOit PUHLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., October 8, 1905. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all I ha public land states by act of August 4, 18U2, KM MA UODUAKD, Of Portland, county of Muluiotnah, state of Oregon, has this dsy filed In this otliee her sworn statement No. 8465, for the purchase of the south V, of nortbeust and northwest yt of southeast W of section No. 20. In town ship No. i north, range No. 10 east, W. M , and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before tbe Register and Re ceiver of this ottiee at Vancouver, WaNh., on Wednesday, the A day of December, 1H0S. Hhe names as witnesses: Richard Janson, Alma J. Haynes, Ueoige H. Marsh and iJenJ smln K. Beals, all of Underwood, Wash. GEOKGE H. MAUH1I, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office bis sworn statement, No. 84.ii, for the purchase of the W H f NW and N W of 8W of section No. 20, In township No. 3 north, range No. 10 east, W. M., and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this otllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the d day of December, 1MB. He names as witnesses: Benjamin F. Beals and Richard Janson of Underwood, Wash.; Kdwln C. Goddard and Anson W. Goddard of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described hinds are requested to file their claims In this office on or before suld 2M day of December, Moll. olftdH FRANK E. VA COHAN. Register. love Sale Summons. In tbe Circuit Court of the Hi ate of Oregon for Wasoo County. W. H. Wilson, plaintiff, vs. J. E. Friend, de fendant. To J. K. Friend, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint tiled against you In the above en titled suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for the publication of this summons as hereinafter mentioned, and If you fail so to answer, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief firayed for In his coin plaint, to wit: For a udgment agalust you for the sum ofMuo.wlth ntcrest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from the 28th day of January, W2, and lor the sum of 175 attorney's fees and for bis costs and disbursement and for a decree of fore closure of that certain mortgage given by you to the plalnllir, dated tbe 28lh day of June, 1U02, to secure tbe payment of the sum of ftuiO, with Interest thereon at 10 per cent, which said mortgage Is upon the south half of the south west quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 4, and the nort h west quarter of the northeast quarter of sec tion nine, In township one north, range ten east, In Wasco county, Oregon. This summons la served upon you by pub lication thereof for six weeks In tbe Hood River Ulacler, in accordance with the order of the above-named court made on the 17th day of September, IU03, directing that this sum mons be published In said paper for six con secutlve weeks. Tbe date of the first publication oft hit summons Is September 24, ai.d you are required to appearand answer said complain! on or before six weeks from the date ol said first publication, said time being the time prescribed In said order of the court. W. H. WII.BON. s24o2 Attorney for plaintiff. PARADISE FARM. I have just received n very desirable line of heat ing Stoves, consisting of Steel Box, Hot Box, Vulcan and Bee Heaters, which I shall place on sale this week at very attrac tractive prices. These stoves were purchased last spring before the prices on steel and iron went up. I can and will save you money on these goods. ALSO Decorated Vase Lamps. You should see them in order to appreciate thcin. All to be sold at Cost. B.JU On the Top of the Hill. Stump Pullers. We carry a complete stock of W. Smith Grub bing. Machines, wire cable, rope shortners, blocks; root hooks, etc., for which we are general agents for Oregon and Washington. Write for catalogue. SEXTON & WALTHER, ONLY exclusive Hardware Store in THE DALLES, OR. Open summer and'wlnler. This well hnmr resort Is only 15 minutes walk from the de pot, oeiy view or mu Adams and the V lumbla river, with fruit flowers. heamir,.; scenery and spring water. Fine cuisine. terms, su per ween. HERHKRT R.EN1RICAN, Managerjlood River, Ore. Heating Stoves You want one now that fall has come. Drop in and see what Savage has in the stove line. Also ex amine the many other goods that are unpacked daily at SAVAGE'S For Rent. W acres 2 miles from town. Free waUr Add C. D. MCKLIJSKN.Hood Rler. CENTRAL MARKET. MAYES BROS., Proprietos. Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. ... Headguartcrs for Vegetables and Fruits, FASHION STABLE. Livery, Feed and Draying. STKANAHANS & BAGLEY. Hon Ikiii;M, mill or exchanged. Pleasure part it s can Bceure lirst-t-luss rijjM. Spe cial uttention fciven to moving Furniture ami I'iuni a. We do everything lnusos eati do. HOOD RIVE It, OREGON. "honeTIW. STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. i. sl time briween The Hallos and Poitland. Ktenmer leaves The Dalles, Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m.; arriving at tortland al i p. m. Returning, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays snd Haturdavs, at 7 a. m arriv ing at The l)lle. at 3 p. m. Mopping at Vancouver. Washucal, Cascade IM-ks, Rtevenvm, Parson, SI. Martin's Spring's Collins WhlteHalmon, H"m1 River and Lyle, for both freight and paiwnper J. W. Crii-hion, iKmeral Agent. The Dalles; landing foot of Union st. V K Hitvl-' smith, agent ('.inland; landing loot of Oa st. t'aiit. K. W. fepencer, tirneriil Msn agT, fori land. K. W nl,liK,R. Ag.-nl. Hood Kiver Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and have a hark carry you to and from the boat landing If you want f) rt--! ay. turnout rail nn tlie HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is herebv given that bv virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of uie siaie oi Oregon lor Wasco county, on the urn uj oi nrpwiuiH-r, i.w, unu io me airecteu mid commanding me to lew noon and sell the pioperty of the defendant hereinafter mentioned, for the purpose of salM'vliig a JiKlKinentlo favor of Kittle Cue, plalnllir, and against the Hood River Manufacturing Co., uciriiuMiii, nir i.ue sum oi lltii.nu, snu tue iur thersuiuof SliiO attorney s fees, and the fur ther sum of (M costs, I have levied upon, and Saturday, the nth day of October, 1IKM, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M-, at the county court house door In Dulles City, Wasco coun ty, Oregon, will sell at public auction to the .iiKiit-M uiuuer lor casn in nana, lor me pur pose of satisfying the said Judgment the fol lowing described real estate, lo-wll: Commencing at the N. w. ci.mr nt the K Coe Donation Land Claim in Hec.2(i, township 8 north of range teir east; thence south to the ct-nier oi ine u. It. s N. Co.'s right of way on the west line of said I). U C; thence In an easterly directlou following the center line of Hlllll l-ivllt tt u-uv U'llV ff,tf. tlw.nA ......... u,i fl to the north boundary osald right of wsy, at which point a stake was set for beginning or corner; thence north 2119 feet; thence east !Mt feet; thence south tXM feet; thence west 'JtW feet to place of beginning, containing one aere of sl'OH Sheriff. ITimber I jind. Act June S, 1H78.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office. Vancouver, nitsu., uciooers, huh. notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions in me aci oi congress ou one , IH7H, endued "An set for the gale of timber lands In the slate of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." hh extended lo all the public land states by act of August 4, 1M, MAY K. SWIIIl'.RT of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of wit-gun, una mis nay niea in mis omce tier sworn slalement, No. SKI7, for the purchase of theNKViof HWa and lots 1 and 2 of suction 25, and lot 1 of section 2li, In township No. 8 north, range No. 8 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her ciuim io said land before the Register and Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver, Wash., on luesdny, the 2m h day of December, 1H03. mie names as witnesses: Oeorge W.KIinons. Emery Oliver. A. 11 Richmond and Mm .In. lia Dun lap, all of Pol l land, Oregon; andr'rauk viiviiijiiiiiui iiiMiti tiiver, uregon. AnV Slid all lienum Clulmltitr u,t varcuOu tha alsive-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this otllce on or before said iwui uay oi iiecemoer, l!Hi:i. ol'idn FRANK K. V A HUMAN. Register, ITimber land, Act June 3, 187S.I NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION. hilled KtlltMH t .I...H IMKna Wl.n Tnlln r gon, Hept. 5, i'.m. Notice Is herebv given that In compilative Willi the provisions of the act of congress of June S, 1H78, entitled "An act for I he sale of timber lands In the states of iniiiiiiiiiii, I'leguu, nevaus ana wasmngton territory," as extended to all the public land ulutua l.u nn 1 A ......... . i.i OHK1N H. HARTLEY, ... ...ru itumy in VVUM1J1, RI81R OI " s.t i'v.iu,i.ro.,iicu 111 lIllMUIIH'f IIIS sworn HtKtement. No. for the nurrhiise of , lAin neuij xii. jfi norm, range No. 8 eant, W.M.and will offer pnHf to 11 t miSiiu. mure VH1UHUIU lor tfikl on1 rviul.l,ll.il. 1. 1,. ..i..i? . . , . ,r .. cn. nuiinu iiih III IU Wild .Ut)l before the RtgiHter and Receiver of this o!l1-e lit. ThU I til lluu Onru.i... .i 1 J v" T in oi i , i ,n. hi. He names as witnesses: 8. W.Curran.James AnV ailn all awoaAs.a t l . j . . . a.novtvi(uplhAil unHu uu . i , . f hel rU ...V uT" "I ""L"? " ,e r , " "ii" "u or ueiore sum ' "i inovemoer, unci. n.ni4 J1IU1A6I,I,IIMN. Hewlslor. Ved- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T.nnrl fn Tk t.. i i . Inir.nu. ...I .VlJ. 7.. 5, ," -" I. IIOW- : . v mm iiuuiu ui IIIS ii U-ntlon to make commutation proof i mini, nun mm saia pnKi wil be made before lieo. T. l'ralher, D. M. Com- lltleufi.Mor tit liiU,H Ul. ..... ' ... . nesdiiy, November lmt ir.: "m fit IllUtfl nlvor t U;.cr,n II It- .ii.iu-TV;') :;r.V"!. ". r- r ilnn 1 liiwnHlif,, 'J Ci' H3. tniw the following wimeHWBlopro IIH 14 lilt I Itmiiiu ruui.luiu. i n.,rL. i"h ..'." uu uu cu"11 a!l"jrr-1C-.IS.".,.t"rl- K.Newby, Charles ' 1 " 1 'd W a 1 1 er 11 rri s, a 1 1 of H ood R ver.or. "n.iisr,bi..i)u. Register. NO'lTCK I'-OU PUBLICATION. United Hlates Ijmd Office, The Dalles On gon. OctolHsr 7, li.-Noile Is hereby glvei that in eointiiiance with n... i,i.i,.. .,r actofc-ongressof June S, ;s7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states ol ( allfornla. Oregon, Nevada and Washington lerrltory, as extended to sll the public land wkh uj act ui Allglisi 4, IW, KRANk' Mllv-ub-lr of East Portlaml, county of Miiitnoniah, state of Oregon, has tills dav nled In ii.i..hi.. hi.. 1JU- 'i f"r tue Purchase of V :t r," M,,u or nw is of stclfon No. J, tuwnli.ip No. r u'Miu. range an. east, w. M.. and will offer proof Ui show that tbe Isnd sought Is more vn ublc for Its llmls-r or alone than for agrl caltura purposes, and to establish hU claim K.sji d land before the llmer and R elver . i.l a"e"' "rc-o:i, on Mon day, the 2.;d day of jMceinbT, li.i HenainesaswIlneHses: ('rl HaghWinther ofl'ortla,,d,Or.; Mart Ma.tson of Nellwood, .-1 ,M,,r'"""n of Portland, Or. and V llliam K. Rsnd of Hood River Or Any aud all persons claiming adversely the above-deiM-ribed lands are rcq.ue.ted li Hie their claims in this office on or before said 2ld day of lmiiibcr. Inti. olsl n m k-h I AJONOIAN, Ri-glsler THE NEW FEED STORE. On the Mount Hood road, Soulh of town, keeps constantly on hand the best quality of Grwifriw, Hay, Grain & FmJ, At Lowest Prlrwi. D. K. LAMAR, Prop. BELIEU & REA, Contractors & Builders. M-fLAKS AND TI)IATBi FraiflSHrii-f Money to loan. lliinna house and lot, 1,800. 1. Lots in Wauconia Park addition 1 150. The east half of the north 40 of thy Henderson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's! free irrigating water; f'l.tiOO. Corner lot in front of school houee 300. The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in Barrett-Sipnia addition, $400. 2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's subdivision, near cannon house; only $125; terms easy, installment plan. 6. The Kopliu place at Frankton. 17 acres well improved; free irrigating water. Price $4,000. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood Kiver, belonging to tieorge K. Forsyth ; Hit) acres good fruit land ;$ 1000. 8. 100 acres at White (Salmon; line timber land ; $10 an acre. 100 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Price $000. The Hunt place i mile southwest of town. House, bam, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood Kiver Townsite company, Of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood Kiver llank treasurer. Installment plan. A Good Investment. I will sell 100 acres of mountain land ou county road five miles southeast of Hood Kiver for $1,000 cash, and will guarantee $200 ad vance in two years, or failing to sell for $1,200 net in that time I will take the land back and pay $1,200, and half of profits over $2U0' to go to investor. First come, first Berved. Of the 1110 acres 100 acres fruit land, 00 acres stony. All fenced, email house, well, largu spring. A fine goat ranch. J. L. Henderson. Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points iu Europe or South Africa may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is agont for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lota and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, 1!H)3, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Special Offers For Sale The old Galligan place, 00 acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard finish; barn and out buildings; 10 acree in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries, some orchard; flume, irrigating ditch and Phelps creek puss through property $4,500; $500 down, $500 December 1, balance in rive years at 7 percent This offer is good for 30 days only. The Howell cottaooaiitl W acres, oast of Mrn. Alma Howe's, 1,700. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON EUREKA Meat Market. McGuire Buos., Propr's. Healers In Fresh snd Cured Meats, Lard Poultry, i rults and Vegetables. ncu jirn very. I C. Haynes" Phone :t". , lyclio ii BON TON BARBER SHOP. The place to get an easy shave, tin up-to-dule hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury of a porcelain bath tub. Feed Store. I hsye opened R store at my plaee, and will carry Id slock flour and feed: also, potutoe and wood. Kiiriners south of me run save a long haul and buy just as cheap of me. , JoH.V LAWI.KHH, Ol KiMit ofKlriil,.!,! Mill Cows for Sale. Two fresh cows for sale cheap by !.''-! P. 1). HIXKU'IIW. 4 Plymoth Rock Boosters, thoroughbreds, for sale al Jl each, M ll. J. 11. HIIOKM AK Kit. House Plants I hHVA ftJiniA ir l.l.w....ln u . . - a!". OH MILS. W T II A V-itViMiV Cheap Land for Sale. Krom one to 10 acres mile south of HH mont church Also, some ood homesteads. This Is gixid for three weeks only Jv" T. I. TWKKPY. Pekin Ducks for Sale. " o2l" V. D. NK'KKIXKM linn,! ii. ... Timber fnr fin To i,,."rlIMhti"m,K'ron al" ,"'r''- A .... I' ' M i "" "r " CHIlip. ( Mil on h. . Miiliiiiifv or ,, ,, i. ui ulviti For Sale. Four-year old lilley, drives snntle or double tiiiid: price Jcrwy-Dnrlmin To. 2 year, old, llrst calf, IV, pilous lu'iii . dav: 11. A. HACK KIT. Wanted. Man mrl wirtwiii.n...L. i . . ft.,,,., wni -Vv"LV"' .V"'",rPn " on snd pay m'lnJ: JOHN KHKI.IU UH, . . Monklstiil 4 liwnn Bargain in Milk Cow. One tluimuirh hiW l,.. . . . ... - - - . w ii ir mi ip ny lli.f. H. JK.NKIXS Horse for Sale A aTl M wl Itbnl Is. - m I'M. pound's, for s..e b? jrVAl TH:ihWHsK,,t m Mount HismI. t Cows for Sale. Two milk row, one frwh fwntlv For Sal a C.ha-n -. a irRMI t DflTtr una ti cow, ftesh, young sheep. u,, i slx ilk Mount Hood, O