F. L. DAVIDSON & CO Agents for Samson and I. X. L. Wind mills. Faultless Stump Pullers, Hayes Double Cylinder pumps, Ely & Stick ney Gasoline Engines. GASOLINE ENGINE WORK A SPECIALTY 5food Iftver Glacier THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1903. Seen at White Salmon. The ko'hI thinirs In tills life are al ways ripe if we are ready to harvest them. The first four days of this month were rich in pleasant aagociations and bt'Mutlful gurroundings, an we were then visiting at White Salmon. At the ferry Uncling near the saw mill we hoisted the white flag in token of surrender, and to signify our willing ness to be taken in, and soon heard the pulling of the little launch that carried us wifely aeroHs. The first person we saw kh we started up the hill was a young man on a large rock eating grapes, and in answer to our inquiry if he didn't think it "cheeky to be eat ing grapes so near the highway," he came smilingly and presented each of us with a bunch of luscious grapes. I suppose he was pleased to find some one with an equal amount of "cheek.'' We were made to feel at home at the Royal Aune farm of C. F. Waldo, on Nob Hill, Jewett avenue, facing the Columbia. Mr. Waldo's family con sists of wife and daughter Edris E., father and mother Waldo, and Mother Waldo's sister. The aunt is seriously or rather painfully afflicted with a crip pled right hand. Mr. Waldo has very much improved the place by good cul tivation, setting out trees and plants. In a few years he will have a valuable cherry orchard. White Salmon has scenic beauties of unsurpassed loveliness and grandeur, and among them Hood River is a star of dazzling brilliancy. On the 2d, Mr. Jewett took us and Mrs. Waldo to see the falls and to visit our Eden Dale ranch that we had never seen. We took lunch at the fulls, where there is a new store kept by Mr. Williams, who seems to be doing a good business. His (laughter, Miss Delia, prepared lissome coffee that made our lunch complete. With the Jewett grapes, Mrs. Waldo's cake and Mr. Waldo's wine, it could not be called a dry dinner. The ride from White Salmon to the falls was an agreeable surprise, as we expected hills and bad roads, but found it an even grade and in good order. For about, a mile along the precipitous bluff of the writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a vear.but a box of Bucklen's Arni ca salve cured me.Il's the best sulve on earth." 25c at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. Indian Creek Bridge Completed. Carpenter work on the Indian creek bridge was completed this week, and as soon as the grading and filling in is completed at the edds, the bridge will be open for traflic. This long-needed piece of work has been finally accom plished, and the public duly appre ciates the new bridge. For tins work the comity court appropriated $.S95. When this was found to be insufficient, an additional flit) was raisea ny sim- scription. It Is expected that the work of tilling In the approaches will he done hv the farmers of the valley under the audited claims, paid teachers, and was in school room more than once while school was in session. AVe left the registering Dart for Mr. Roberts, he likes to see his name in print. Exit, Coipi,e. A Rich Mine. Ex-Lieut. Governor Thurston Daniels of Vancouver, Wash., president of the Humboldt Mining company of Spo kane, has been in the citv this week. He was accompanied by M. V. Rand of University Park, a former well-known townsman here. Mr. Daniels was here in the interest of the Humboldt com pany and has succeeded in interesting certain of our citizens in the enterprise. He has exhibited some very handsome samples of ore from the mine, whieli has the distinction of being the richest discovery at the surface ever made on the south half of the Colville reserva tion. The company is now selling stock, fully paid up and non-assessable, ROOD RIVER SCHOOL REPORT. ' Following is the report of the Hood River Public School for the month end ing Beptember 25, 1903: TEACHERS. pupils EN KOl.I.KO White Salmon t he ride was thrilling to a tenderfoot, and there was a disposi tion to cling to the larboard side of the seat; but we were assured that there had never been an Accident there, and we left that part of the road with the hope that there never would be one, Saturday, the 3d, we were taken out two miles nortneast or white salmon by N. M. Wood, to visit and inspect his farm. Mr. Waldo and family were the invited ones ana tney included us by courtesy, and we were glad to have been in the party. The soil on this place is of volcanic ash formation, of great ueptn ana tenuity, and 1 believe, as he has demonstrated, that he ran grow strawberries here successfully without irrigation, if e lias on the up per part of his place a natural reservoir which, witli a trifling expense, he en larged so as to water 10U acres of land We met there, tiesides Mrs. Wood, Miss Johnson, a granddaughter, and Mr. Cooper, a nephew of the Woods. Miss Johnson is teaching the White Salmon school. There is an interesting school at the falls, hut did not learn the name of the teacher. The intelligent looks of the children and the picturesque sur roundings made a pleasant impression. Sunday we spent at that model of summer resorts, the Jewett home. It is a garden of fruits and flowers, of fine trees and shrubbery, of pleasant walks and drives, of precipices and waterfalls, of grottoes and gorges of flesh-creeping depths, of magnificent views from the different towers and lookouts a car nival of natural and artistic beauties, and I do not wonder that this popular place is so crowded with the elite and refined of Oregon's metropolis. Mrs. Jewett was absent at Portland, where her son is being treated at a sanatorium. I attended services at the Congrega tional church and listened to an inter esting sermon by Mr. Garrison from the text, "For we know in part," etc. was much pleased with the sermon but could not down the thought that my greater experiences made me know many who Knew it all. The outlook for White Salmon Is very flattering, and I know of no place where investments of capital, skill or labor may be more safely made. T. J. Cl'NSINO. A Love Letter. Would not interest you ifyou're look ing for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns or piles.Otto Dodd.of Ponder,Mo. Mr. Hhaw Arm and second trades Mis. Cotton, first and sceond grades.... MIhs ( roves, second xraae MIhs Dellz. third trade . Mis. y ninn, fourth grade Miss Couple, flrtb and sixth grades. Mrs. Refcl. sixth and seventh grade. Miss MhiiDgel, eighth, ninth and tenth grades. Total.. 3 I 5 1 23, 17, 4CIISS.IW ill K mm.u IS 18: :w 17.3 2 IS lt'22.13 W 2.1 47iiM. 24 2S I 41120.4 27 2,1' (ill 22H J 24 89 ti32U - nwi AV. DAILY CASES ATTENDANCE TA KDIN KSS. n 1 3 n.n 4!.2 lll.3D42.SS 17.3 34.11 15.3 37.4 '20.8 41.4 ,8 143. 20. 142.3 15. IOi.l lWl'l'17i8!lM!.S!H8.7 )3l 10 23 ought to go to Williams' phaeniacy and get the great nerve and body builders, Palnio tablets. These tablets arn abso lutely guaranteed for all forms of weak ness, at 50c a box. Remember they are for any form of weakness. There is no manhood builder equal to them. Resolutions of Condolence. Hall of Mlewllrto Idge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., Hood River, (Jr., September 10, 1IW3. We.yonr cominitU'e appointed to draft resolutions upon the death of W. 1), Casteel, who fell fion a bridge and was instantly killed, beg leave to repori hw ioijown: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our beloved brother, W. V. t'asteel, who was a faithful member, loval to the principles of the order; therefore be It Resolved, That, as a token of our esteem, the charter of this lodge be druped In mourn ing for the period of 30 days. Resolved, That we extend our hoartfelt sym pathy to the bereaved relatives of the de ceased brother. Resolved, That these resolul Ions be spread npon the minutes of this lttdge, and a copy be given to ttie Hood Ulver (ilacler tor puhltea tlon, and a copy be sent to the relatives of the deceased brother. W. T. ItlllHARK, 11. R. KNTKICAN. Card of Tlniiiks. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the brethren of the Odd Kellows' lodges of W hite Salmon, V ash., and Hood Klver, or., for their kindness in caring for the remains of our dear bov Joint. We are j ours sincerely, MR. aKd Jilts. JAM. A. JOHNSTON. J-owcr Durham, New Brunswick. 10. T. RAWSON". F. II. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. AVe desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear, Apricot, Peach & Plum Trees GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzcn burg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. Daring the first two weeks of the month, the pupils of MlssGroTe's room were tn Mrs. Shaw's and Miss Cotton's rooms, which fact accounts for the average dally attendance In those roomj tnlng greater th in the n inib ir o'piplia enrolls I. ,, MINNIE HCHUNUEL, Principal. Oregon Nursery Co. For first-class, whole-rooted and budded Trees, send vour order to the old reliable Oregon Nursery Co., at Kalein, Oregon. We have yet for sale a few more thousand Hist-chiss Newtown Pippins, Hpltzenburgs, and a full line of all other varieties of ap ples and general nursery stock. Now is the time to place your order, before all the best trees are sold. GEO. F. COE & SON. Racine Feet. Stoneware, Crockery and Glass ware, China and t Vases, Pitchers, Tankards, 'Tumblers ami Goblets, Decorated Lamps, Fancy, riiiin, Nickel and Bracket, Chimneys, Wicks and Lamp Supplies. Confectionery, Nuts, Alden chocolates, etc. Fruit Paper. Phone 351. supervision of the road supervisor. The bridge Is about 30 feat high in the middle, nearly 800 feet long and IK feet wide. S. H. Cox did the work un der contract. CaHh pubscrlptloiiH for this work ure now due and payable at the bank. District No. S Heard From. There is nothing go hard to penetrate as the density of man's ignorance. Espe cially if it is willing ignorance; then it's bliss. We thought by giving Mr. Koberts a little time he would see the fallacy of his statements; make the necessary apology for his misrepresentations, and that would end the matter, but he comes again but in a milder form. hen our school closed last vear. about the first of April, there was not a dollar in the treasury, and we owed our teachers $210, witli othor debts for inci dentals, but before the time for our an nual report, June 15, we had received from our special 10-mill district tax, $453.15. I want Mr. Koberts to under stand that that 10-mill tax levied last January at a special meeting was entered ! .1.. ll , unmeuiateiy upon me tax rous ana paid into the county treasury last spring and apportioned to us in May with our per capita appointment, and before our report was made June 15. at which time we had a balance of $510.51 on band after paying what was due our teachers $213.50 paying interest on bonds, interest to Mr. Henrichs, re newel of our insurance and numerous other incidentals. Mr. Roberts' statement should have stood this way, assuming that his figures are correct : Received from county land, last May ...S120 40 Hecelved from special 10-mlll dlst. tax... 453 15 Total receipt up to June 15, 11KB JHiS 35 Disbursement Paid teachers balance on salary $218 50 Paid Interest on bonds, Interest to Hen richs and other outstanding bills as numed above to the amount of. 149 55 Total disbursements j:ms 05 Balance on hand June 15, W03 510 50 The trouble with Mr. Roberts is he didn't know he ought to look up a better source of information. The great trouble with the gentleman is he thinks we are going to receive those two large amounts after the 15th of last June, whereas the fact is we received them in our May ap portionnient, which enabled us to pay our indebtedness; and have a balance of $510,51 on hand the 15th, of June. We hope this explanation will be sat isfactory and that we will hear no more about $l,52i).6li for school purposes this year. When it's all paid in that is to come yet, we will not have more than half of that amount. When the proper time comes our dis trict clerk will make his report. We are too busy just now attending to our own business to pay any further attention to Mr. Roberts. He still maintains that the directors didn't visit the school be cause he didn't find their names on the register. We visited school at the close of each school month in line of duty, to drive its long-working tunnel, install machinery and ' otherwise equip the property. Other mines in the imme diate vicinity are proving wonderfully rich with development, notably tiie Summit, Gold Cord and Malachite, which are believed to be on the Hum boldt ledge. Mayor Boyle of Indian apolis, Ind., is at the head of the com pany which Is putting In a smelter within a mile of the Humboldt mine. At present stock in the Humboldt is selling at 15 cents a share. This stock also covers the company's townnite property, embracing some 40 acres ad joining the new town of Keller. Work on an extensive scale will be resumed within a few ditys at the Humboldt mine, and a great strike is predicted soon in the lower tunnel. The com pany has a little more stock yet for sale at 15 cents per share, and those who desire to get a block of it before the price advances should address Kx-Gov-ernor Daniels at Vancouver, Wash. Saves Two From leafli. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. llavi land.of Armonk, N. Y "but, when nil other remedies fuiled, we saved her lifo with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr.King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infalli ble for coughs, and colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke, druggist. The Strongest JLiiii in Hood River. It is not generally known that the strongest man in Hood River may see times when he feels his strength is not what it ought to ho. Then is when he THE LAT EST BOOK is always found at Slocom's. Head Call of the Wilds, by Jack London, The Sherrods, by Goo. BarrMcCutcheon, au thor of 'Gran stark, Castle Craneycrow, etc. Handsomely il lustrated. Buy it at SLOCOM'S Registered at the Hotels. THIS FIHS. J W Atkinson, Mrs J W Atkinson, Mnllne, III; .Miss .lean M Sliupp, Portland; Mrs Ishain Hormsbv. Washhuilon. 1) C: Mrs Robert K Kvaiis, Hurmstiv Kvans, Vancouver Barracks; Mrs J W Wolf, Miss Wolf, San K run Cisco; Mrs K B Wolf, Portland; M K Yorke, Mrs David lluller, Carrollton. Wi.sli; J M Treat tind wife, K M Mi-Arthur. Walla Walla; Mr mid Mr A KppliiKer, Ashland: i)r F 14 Smith, Kunene: Miss C (! Walker, Mrs A 1 Walker, Harry W Walker, Hah Francisco, Advertised Letter List. September 28, lwiS. Booth, Rev ) M Mn ley, II Halstcad, J M Lytuck, J 1) Hyde, Albert T Richmond, I, If Jones, I)r M A Rosenan, llcunie October a, 11HJ3. Bacon, Mrs. Alvy Ferguson, H Ft,Jr Armstrong, James W Hlct, Charles Hall, K O Monuur, 1' 13 Drown, V U Wll. M. VATHS, I. M. E. C. Mahaney returned last week from Sherman county, where he put in the season in the harvest fields. Geo. D. Culbertson & Co., DEALERS IN EEAL ESTATE. The largest list of Fruit and Berry Lands in Hood River valley and White Salmon to select from. Honest treatment will award you by plac ing your property in our hands. Loans nego tiated. Insurance. HOOD RIVER, ... OREGON. The Mt. Hood Store Carries a full stock of g-oods such as is generally found in a country store. AVe can fit out campers with all necessary cooking utensils, groceries and canned goods. Fishing tackle and ammunition. Flour and Feed Always on Hand. A public telephone in the store building. W. S. QUIBBLE, Proprietor. seplO AND IDLEWILDE ADDITION TO HOOD RIVER. Centrally? Located. Fine View. Pure pring Water. STREETS ARE NOW BEING GRADED, Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Completed Property is in the first sewerage system that will be put in by the town of Hood River. Several fine buildings will be erected on the property during 1 he summer. Special Inducements to Peo pie who wish to Build. For full particulars call upon PRATHER INVESTMENT Or GEORGE D. CULBERTSON J. F. Batchelder and R. R. Erwin, Trustees CO., & CO. DAVE N HAVE WOO Worth of Land for Sale heap, or Trade. Also, H0RES, CATTLE, WAGONS, MILLS AND WATER. The Valley Improvement company have contracted for about all the water they can furnish without enlarging the Hume. In Order to enlarge the flume the Davenport Bros, have decided to sell land to the amount of $(50,000. This will beji bargain in lands, and will hold good for 30 days and then will be taken off the market. So you will "have to hurry" if you want some of it. This sale will include the Barret t Ranch, the best farm in Hood River valley. Four thousand fruit trees; free water for a part of it; contains 180 acres; worth $20,000, but will sell in a lump for $10,000 cah. Or we will sell in .", 10, 15 and 20 acre lots to suit the purchaser. This is a fine bargain at only $16,000 Also, the famous ranch known as the old E. L. Smith place, near the Frunkton school house. This place contains l."0 acres, with several fine cold springs on the place, and nearly enough water to irrigate the entire hind. Only 2' miles from town, with the Frank ton school on the place, one of the best schools in the valley. This place will be sold in small lots and will all 1h gone inside of ten days, for $15,000 Next comes the old Van Johnson place, and this will U included in this bargain sale. Worth $4,000, but for the cash it will go for .'1,000. This place con tains 40 acres, 2." in clover and timothy, ."00 bearing apple tr(es, house and bam, nice wood shed, cold spring at the door, good cellar, small hay barn, all the water needed for the place from a private ditch from Ditch creek. You can not afford to miss this at $3,000 Also, ten acres from the southeast corner of the old Sipma place, all cleared and seeded to clover and tim othy. Plenty of water for irrigating the entire place, free. Well worth the price $2,000 Another 1G0 acres on Bald mountain, for 2,000 Twelve hundred acres 4 miles from town, worth ten dollars per acre. We will sell for 8,000 3,300 acres up around Parker Town. This land will be sold off in 80 and 100 aero lots for about five dollars per acre, or the whole tract for about.. $15,000 M. M. Davenport has 13 acres for sale cheap. He will also sell his house and lot, with 8 acres, cheap. We are not offering this land cheap Itecnuse we are hard up, but to help out the Valley Improvement Co. The deeds to this land art' in the name of the Davenport Bros., hence there will be no commission. All the lands selcctM by them for choice hay lands, as well as apples and straw Iterrieo, all having free water more or less. These places are the oldest places taken in Hood River, and are also the best, as all of them have good cold springs on them. AVe also have eight or ten large teams that we will sell in the next thirtv davs, including harness and wagons. Eighty head of cattle in good condition; two complete saw mills. Do not think because we are offering to sell that we are going out of business, for none of this property is included in our lumber business. The Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. is incorporated for $."o,ooo, fully paid up. Their large mill is now cutting 4o,ooo feet per day, and included in this, besides their mill, is the water flume, timlwr, planing mill, lumler, etc. We an? sure that this property will Im sold inside of 3o days to men living right here in the val ley, as the men know the bargains there are in it, and we .are also sure they will not let theoutsidetakeup these snaps. Call on Frank Duvendort, in the old bank building, and look over the plat of the above lands.