HOOD RIVER APPLES BEST Oregonlan of Sunday, Hept. 20. Hood River, Or., Sept. 19. (To the Kditor) In your issue of the 17th instant you publish an interview with John D. Olwell, of Rogue river valley, in which he is quoted as saying: I am informed that Hood River grow ers are selling Spitzenburgs for2 a box and Newtowns for $1.80. The disparity between Hood River and Rogue river is only apparent, however. The Hood Kiver boxes are larger than ours, and consequently are quoted higher in the market. But the fact is that prices at both places are on the same level. Our boxes are the California size. In reply to this I want to state that our entire crop of Spitzenburgs and Yel low Newtowns has been sold at the pric es he quotes and we have received $1,000 deposit on the sale, the apples to be de 1 ivered as soon as possible after being picked. Mr. Olwell's statement in regard to the size of the boxes, however, is mis' leading. We use boxes of the two sizes that were adopted at the last convention of the Northwest Iruit Urowers' asso ciation. One box is known as the stan dard, or Oregon, and the other as the snecial. or California. The standard box is wider, deeper and shorter than the special, and contains 26) cubic inches less space. Instead of saying that the growers in the Kogue river val ley were selling apples in a smaller box lor less money man in noon iviver, air, Olwell Bhould have said tnat tney were selline in a larger box for less money, To be candid and fair with our Rogue river brothers, we are using both sizes and get the same for our apples packed in either box, as approximately there is no difference. The Uulitornia dox con tains our smaller apples and the few cubic inches in contents is thrown in to make up for size. I might add for the information of our Rogue river brothers that we have just shipped two carloads of mixed varieties of cheaper apples at prices as surprisingly high as those quoted above. Now, I want to ask Mr. Olwell to admit that, if his val ley is only receiving $1.50 a box for the same apple for which we are receiving $2, we must have either a 50 cents bet ter apple or an organization that is get ting us a 50 cents better price. Perhaps we have a little of both. To those who are seekingalocation for growing apples and are comparing Hood River valley with Rogue river valley, I want to extend an invitation to visit us, and we will endeavor to prove to them that we are second to none, in natural location for apple culture. Our soil, climate and access to markets are some of our winning points. For rive cents a box we can place our apples in Portland, where we have competition on freight rates with four transconti nental railroads and several ocean steamship lines. Mr. Olwell's common usage of his val ley's name as a prefix to ours causes us to smile. We have learned to say Hood River, then Rogue River. However, we won't quarrel over this, for it is that spirit in any community that makes life worth living and places all of us on the road to success. Mr. Olwell referred to a commission merchant in Portland, who said: "The apple industry in Oregon was on the decline from codlin moth." To that merchant I want to extend an invita tion to visit our valley. I'll meet him at the depot with a two-seated carriage, give him a free dinner, a free ride over our valley, and send him home with a box of our $2 apples, in order that we might know to whom we could ship pur apples without being misrepresented. To that merchant let me present a thought. The codlin moth is not a bad enemy to the successful, up-to-date and progressive apple grower. It removes the indolent.shiftless and slovenly apple grower from the field of competition, and leaves the grower and his fruit the pride of his community, state and na tion. In justice to Mr. Olwell I want to say, he is one of our most progressive apple growers, and will do justice to the state in representing her horticultural interest at the Lewis and Clark fair. No better man could have been appoint ed to have charge of our fruit industry. Yes, Brother Ol well, Hood River will meet Rogue river both at the St. Louis and the Portland fairs, and we will en deavor ta make each a success and bring back our share of the blue ribbons, and we will both endeavor to prove to the world that the state of Oregon is second to none in the fruit industry, and it will be our special duty to impress upon the minds of those seeking a profitable vocation or investment to corns "Where rolls the Oregon." A. I. Mason, President apple growers' union. w HERE YOU WILL FIND BARGAIN Dress Goods and Waistings 40 in. Zibline, all wool, for $1 00 Reautiful Veils for 75 48 and 52 in. Suitings, black, gray, blue and tan, from 1.00 to 1 2r .r0 in. all wool Serge , 1 00 42 in. all wool Serge () fl4 in. Henrietta 40 in. silk warp Henrietta (50 Fascinators, Opera Shawls & Scarfs. Fascinators from 25c up Opera Shawls from 75c up Silk Shawls, beauties, worth 3.50; our price... 2 75 Wool Scarfs, silk stripe, worth 5.00; our price 3 50 All wool Scarfs, worth 3.00; our price 2 00 Look this ofer; ifwill save you money. Bed Spreads. We have them in White at 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 and 4.oo that are bargains. Waist Goods. Have some beautiful patterns in Waist Goods, mercerized, raised, fig ured and basket, and canvas weaves that are the very latest weaves, and other beautiful pat terns at 12c per yard and up. IShirt Waists. In silk, opera flannel, French flannel, made up in latent styles, at 2.5o, 3.75 and 5.oo. Wash waists cheaper. See Our Men's Hats. THE GORDON, the best popular price hat on the market. Stet son's at 4-5o and 5.oo. Other huts too numer ous to mention in all shapes and colors. -Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Such celebrated makers as Douglas ingham & flecht, who make ON EARTH. Try them and be convinced Miller, Ruck- TIIE It EST SHOES Clothing: for Men and Boys. Suits for men from .T.oo to lS.5o; boys, 1.5oto 12. o. Overcoats for men for 7.5o, lo.5o and 12.5o, that you can't get other places for less than lo.oo, 12.oo and 15.oo. Boys Overcoats, 3.oo and 4.5o. Rubber Shoes, Rubber Boots, high-cut leather sole rubber Shoes, Raglans and Oil Coats. When buying any thing to eat or wear you will always find quality better and prices lower at J R C O that weigh a great deal." Mason brought a green specimen of a "Gloria Muiuli" apple. This specimen is as big aa a cantaloupe and weighed 18 ounces. When ripe this apple weighs 3H ounces and is as big as a email sized watermelon. War History of the Calkins Family. E. D. Calkins of Hood River, the one- legged Grand Army veteran, who re sides at Frankton, and whose picture is here given, is one of 313 soldiers bear ing the name Calkins, who served in the American civil war. This is proba bly a record of which few American families can show the equal. In the five great American wars, the Revolu tion, the war of 1812, the Mexican war, Listpn to This Apple Story. Kt. Louis Olobe Democrat. Joseph Mason, chief police painter, returned from a 30 days' vacation Fri day, bringing with him samples of ap ple's which astonished Chief Kiely and other police officials. The samples came from Hie apple ranch of Mason's son, A. 1. Mason, in the Hood Kiver valley, Oregon, t miles from Portland. Ac cording to Joe Mason, this is des tined to become the apple Mecca of the world. "My son has only 20 acres in apples, but the fruit is enormous," said Mason. "The tree trunks are no bigger than a man's arm, yet crops are supported M1!, EDWARD DAVID CALKINS. the civil war and the Spanish-American encounter, the Calkins family furnished 431 men. William Wirt Calkins of Chi cago has recently published a Calkins memorial military roster, an illustiated book of 204 pages. Many of the Cal kins' rose to high positions in the army and are now found among the leading citizens of the nation. A picture of E. D. Calkins appears in the roster, accom panied by the following biographical sketch : Calkins, Edward David the son of David McIIuron Calkins and Margaret Marsh, his wife, was born June 21, 1843, in Wood county, Ohio. His grandfather was named Manasseh and married a Mc 11 n ron, by whom he had four sons and one datightr.E.D's father with his fam ily removed from Ohio to Lake county, III., in 1840, and to Wisconsin in 1857. Edward D., the oldest of nine children (all living) enlisted Nov. 19, 1861, in Co. A, 0th Wisconsin infantry, of the fam ous "Iron Brigade," Army of the Poto mac. With his regiment he participat ed in all the campaigns and battles up to and including Antietam, where, Sep tember, 1802, his lett leg was shattered to the knee by a shell from a rebel bat tery. Lieutenant Colonel K. -S. Hragg, then commanding the 0th, says in hie report in the "Ollicial Records of the Cnion and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 19, page 2i4," that "thirteen men of Company A were killed and wounded bv that one shell." Amnnta- The Dalles, Or., Sept. 29 to Oct.3,1903 FIFTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION dm On District Art AND The Dalles Carnival Association. in Purses and Premiums. Liberal Awards for Live Stock and Agricultural $4,000 No Entrant- Exhibits. 1"W on Articles Contesting for Premiums. Oregon Pacific and Oriental Street Carnival. The greatest show of the age. will give two grand jM-rforinanct's dailyafternoon and evening. Music by Vancouver Military Band. Reduced rates on all the steamboat and railroad lines. Write, for Premium List and Spetnl Programme. H. J. MAIER, Pres. Carnival. J. S.FISH, Piw.Dis.Fnir. MAX A. VOGT, See. C. E. BAYARD, See. tion followed and Edward D. recovered, in time except the leg! His brigade was in the third army corps until after the "Second Bull Run battle" (Grove ton), when it was attached to the fifth corps, under Hooker. In the Peninsu lar campaign, at Bull Run, Fredericks burg, South Mountain and Antietam, our young soldier helped to earn the ti tle conferred on the brigade. The following incidents related to me by comrades and friends of Edward I)., are characteristic of the man and his race as a whole. At South Mountain, while in the heat of battle and inspired by an enthusiasm born of the occasion, he mounted a stone wall and cheered for the "Badger boys" 1 For which, for sooth, he narrowly escaped a court mar tial! Strange, indeed! The battle of Antietam followed immediately after, closing too soon a military record of honor and daring seldom equalled or surpassed. At Antietam, while lying wounded in a barn (Poffenburg's), "skulkers" from the "front" sought refuge there, and our bleeding hero, seizing a loaded musket by his side, drove them out. He remained in the field hospital at Antietam until April, 1HC3, when he was discharged April 3, IKti.s, and sent home. Mis address is Hood River, Oregon. Trip to Mount Hood. Jasper Wickham, wife and son Ray mond and S. F. Blythe, wife and niece, Miss May Mueller of New York city, made the trip to Cloud Cap Inn last week: . The . PiirtyJeft.HaocL. River. Wednesday morning, at 8 o'clock, and camped at the Elk Beds Wednesday night. Next day they made the drive to the Inn by 12 o'clock. The wind wag blowing a gale at the Inn and a blizzard was raging on the mountain. The party went into camp at the old barn in the canyon below the Inn. Here they set up their tent expecting the wind would not bother them. About 6 o'clock Mr. Wickham was Invited to join Peter Felthauseu and Bert Handman in a bear hunt. Mrs. Langille, the landlady of the Inn, with her tield glass had discovered a liear gamboling on the bunch grass in a patch of prairie beyond the middle fork of Hood river, about half a mile from the Inn. Mr. Wickham joined the party ana on uiey went in tne direc tion of the bear. The lialance of the party went to the Inn, and from the dining room windows got sight of the bear and watched the hunters as they approached the abiding place of Bruin, and at the same time fondly antici pating bear steak for si) per. But the bear got wind of the hunters and had important business In another part of uisaomain. instead or tne bear, rour deer jumped up and stood staring at the hunters within easy range of their rifles. Bert Sandman leveled his rifle and drew a bead on a handsome buck that he said would weigh 200 pounds, when he happened to think he was in the government reserve, nd If he shot the buck his chances for a term in the penitentiary would lie bright. Bears are seen every day at this point from the Inn. While the party at the Inn watched the bear and the hunters, the wind roared round the Inn, but the fearful gusts didn't even seem to jar the building, which stood as firmly as the rocks upon which it is built. The blow increased as night came on, and when the nartv in thnir (put down in tli gulch turned in for the night at 9 o'clock, the roar of the storm in the trees above them was almost deafen ing. A light rain accompanied the wind, and with every fearful blast of the storm the water that collected on the pines above the tent would be pre cipitated upon ll in nuge showers. home f tne more nervous of the party couldn't slee'p, while others, tired out by mountain climbing during the day, slept soundly until daylight. Luckily the tent was well pinned down, else it would have lieeu wrecked even in that sheltered spot. After midnight the storm abated, and at sunrise the at mosphere was clear and everything peaceful on the grand old mountain, which from the Inn looked to be not more than a stone's throw away. The party In the tent were surprised to learn that the folks at the Inn regard ed the storm as only an ordinary blow. Friday morning was cool. A thin coating of ice gathered on the spring from which water Is piped to the Inn. The party wandered on the mountain and along the sides of the glaciers du ring the forenoon and at 12 o'clock pulled out for home. At J. X. Knight's place the horses were fed and the party cooked their dinner, and enjoyed the camp fare spread on the grass along side the road. At p. m. they reached town, happy in the expectation of a good night g rest in comfortable beds, but glad they had made the trip to Mount Hood even if it was late fn the season. Utter from H. C. Bateham. rainwville, Ohio, September 22. 1903. Editor Glacier: Mrs. Hate ham and I have finally come to our journey's end in safetv and good spirits. She is now in the Lakeside hospital in Cleveland, where she is already rapidly recover ing from her operation, ai I am at I'ainexville, the land of ruv birth, in the employ of the Storra A Harrison Nursery company for the present, as had planned. We have spent the most enjoyable two iiiommis in our lives on our trip, naving ranen in tne great U. E. con vention at Denver,- seen Colorado Springs, Pike's Peak, Royal Gorge, Salt Lake City and the Yellowstone Park; spent three weeks at Clearwater and bt. Paul and another week at Michel! inde and other fashionable summer re sorts on Lake Michigan, and from there down into unio, where we have visited all the rest of our brothers and sisters. In Cleveland I went to see an old classmate of mine who-is a larce ele trical inventor and manufacturer, and in taiKtng abou; Hood River and its re sources I spoke of the need of an ele& trie road up through the valley. He advised me to see a gentleman at Painesville who is a promoter of that sort or undertakings. 1 called upon mm, tne otner day, and he seems quite favorably Impressed with the idea. He wants more information in regard to the valley and is inclined to go out to Oregon in October or Novem her and look over the ground. I ad vised him to wait until spring, but he is too rnucu ot a hustler, so I told bim to "(Jo West, young man," that the East was no place for a man like him. 11. C. Bateham. Mr. Roberts Makes Reply. Hood River. Sent. 23, I!H)3.-To the Hchool Directors of District No. 5, (Odell) Hood River: Personalities, though amusing if cleverly done, cannot be permitted to becloud or pre vent us sticking kUlie poluUttituiue between us, our teachers' oaluriett, and the ability of me uisu hu 10 pay as gooa or oetier man our neignooring Bcnoots. we therefore pawl such perHonalltleg as exhibited in yours of recent date as of no consequence, and unworthy of further notice. In my last, I gave a detailed itatementof cash on nana, and approximating from last . hiwiiic me pruuiiuie mii m your uih posal to run our school during this year, and deducting expense account showing we could afford to be liberal and up to date with our teachers. Still, as I mentioned, I was "anx ious and willing to be corrected." This state ment of funds was read direct from ourcounty superintendent's office at The Dalles, over the signature of the assistant superintendent. You Inform me, and through the press the voters and taxpayers, that the statement is "fulse, misleading and deceptive." An ex amination of our school board clerk's books will show this financial statement was cor rect. It is now up to you to prove your posi tion by figures and statements of fact, as vi tuperation and personalities do no good nor prove anything. If you cannot thus prove your position, then you most certainly owe us a public and ample apology for such a gross and uncalled lor Insult. We would be the last man to doubt the abl I Ity of the esteemed young ladies who teach our school, and trust In their success, but If they bad received f 10 each per month more, I would have had more confidence still and so far as I yet understand the situation, we could easily have afforded It; now unfortunately too late, having signed a year's contract, which no doubt is duly filed with our county superintendent. However, this discussion was begun with an eye for future benefit; we flatter ourselves we are succeeding admirably and greater attention will be given to our school affairs than of late. Thatafotchman should have the Impu dence to criticise school work Is really too bad. Everybody knows, ot course, that his native country away up there In the North seas Is totally unknown, and never was recognized a factor In making the world wiser or better through literature, schools and colleges, arts or Industry! But I have some consolation re maining, it wasMamuel Johnson who tinted Scotsmen with all his heart, when asked by "Hozzy:" "Can't you get any good out of a Scotsman?" answered: "Yes. when yon catch him young enough." Now, I was caught young by Uncle Sam and he has been thrash ing Into me, among other things, one thing as old as his venerable self, vis; that when I pay taxes we want to know what's done with the money and to get value for it. And Just as certainly as I have been one of the heaviest tax-payers for ten years In our district from leased and personal property, I have every right, regardless of nationality, to inquire In to Its ex penditure. It seems In that country, they must not be very "smart," either, when they actually pav school ma'ams as much cash per month as we do where the buj Ing pnwer of money Is much greater-give them 12 months' pay In the year, and finally, when hunt wnrlr n,l old age comes along, actually pensioning them for life. Just as If teachers had been pub lic benetactors. I regret I must still maintain that none or our director visiiea our scnoot while in ses sion in 1SU2-3 though also denied the school record confirms It, our late principal so pro claimed it when remarking: "It was discour aging to say the least," C G. ROBERTS. Toledo Blade Puts On Sew Dress. The Toledo Rlade is now Installed In Its new building, with a modem plaut and equip nient and facilities equal to any publication between New York ;and Chicago. It Is the only weekly newspaper edited expressly for every state and territory. The news of the world so arranged thst busy people can more easily comprehend, than by reading cumber some columns ot dailies. All current topics made plain in each Issue by especial editorial matter, written from Inception down to date. The only paper published especially for people who do or do noi read dully news papers, and yet thirst for plain facts. That tills kind of a newspaper is popular, is proven by the fact that the weekly Blade now has over liR),(lyearly subscribers, and Is circu lated In all parts of the U. S.. Iji addition to the news, the Blade publishes short and serial stories, and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family. Only one dollar a year. Write for free specimen copy. Address THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. Strenuous Rccurd fur Wild (iiime, W. Ross Wiuans has a record for wild mountain game which the strenuous Mr. Roosevelt could well be proud of. ISince locating in Hood River in 1887, Mr. Winans has killed 17 mountain lions, 21 bears, 23 wild cats and 7 wolves. Mr. Winans has also bagged some fine speci mens of deer, but never ruthlessly slays the deer, preferring rather to extermi nate the fierce animals which prey upon them. His first mountain lion was killed at close range with a shotgun loaded with buckshot, and one time he took desperate chances by going on his hands and knees into a dense thicket after a wounded black bear. The en raged beast arose suddenly from behind a log, and it took three quick shots from a Winchester to bring him to earth. So close was Mr. Winans that the muzzle of his rifle was covered with blood. Mr. Winans has had a very fine speci men of mountain lion's claw mounted for a watch charm. It makes a hand some piece of jewelry and is the work of r. . (Jlarke. When in Portland last spring on Rooseveltday Mr. Winans wore tin disappear in twelve hours, smaller doses." Forajchild, i. The Strongest Man in Hood River. It is not generally known that the strongest man in Hood River may see times when he feels his strength is not what it ought to be. Then is when he ought to go to Williams' pharmacy and get the great nerve and body builders, Pal mo tablets. These tablets are abso lutely guaranteed for all forms of weak ness, at f0c a box. Remember they are for any form of weakness. There is no manhood builder equal to them. The biggest squash ever seen by any one in these parte was raised by' John II. Tilley, on his homestead 15 miles south of Fossil. It weighed 188 pounds and measured over 8 feet around. This mammoth squash was sent to the state fair, where, if it docs not win the prize it will at least show the ontsiile world t hat Wheeler countv is some pumpkins along agricultural line?, for soil and climate that produces such a whale of a fquash will pro duce most anything Fossil Journal. Saves Two From Dentil. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mm. W. K. Havi lund.of Armonk, X. Y "but, when nil other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr.King's Xew Discovery as to no other medicine on earth .Infalli ble for coughs, and colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke, druggist. Dr. C. H. Jenkins gathered two toma toes from his garden in town, each of which measured 17 inches in circumference. e mounted claw with a picture of thepTe8l(leiit. lie refused an offer of $50 for the charm. Smallpox Cure. ' A correspondent of the Stockton Her ald gives the following remedy for smallpox. S. B. Fay says it has been tried in the Willamette valley nnd in every instance proved to lie all that was claimed tor it. The correspondent says: "I hereby append a recipe which has been used to my knowledge in hun dreds of cases. It will prevent or cure the smallpox though t lie pittings are filling. When Jen ner discovered cow pox the world of science hurled an av alanche upon his head, but when the scientific school of medicine of Paris published this recipe as a panacea for smallpox, it passed unheeded. It is as unfailing as fate mid conquers in every instance. It is harmless when taken by a well person, it will also cure scarlet fever. Here it is: "Sulphate of zinc, one erain: fox glove (digitalis), one grain; half a table spoonful of sugar; mix with two table spoonfuls of water. When thoroughly mixed add four ounces of water. Take a spoonful every hour. Disease will Geo. D. Culbertson & Co., DEALKRS IX EEAL ESTATE. Th largest list of Fruit and I Wry Lands in Hood Kiver valley ami White Salmon to select from. Honest treatment will award you by plac ing your property in our hands. Loans" nego tiated. Insurance. HOOD RIVER, - - OREGON. F, II. STANTON C. T. RAWSON. ' HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear, Apricot, Peach & Plum Trees GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, nil the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen burg and Jonathan .apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. Rubber Goods while you mblter. A full line just in and now on display. When in nml of prescriptions, reniein ber we make a specialty of pleasing every cus tomer. Try as once. WILLIAMS' PHARMACY AND IDLEWILDE ADDITION TO HOOD RIVER. Centrally Located. Fine View. Pure Spring Water. STREETS ARE NOW BEING GRADED, Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Com pleted Property is in the first sewerage system that will be put in by the town of Hood River. Several fine buildings will be erected on the property during the summer. Special Inducements to Peo ple who wish to Build. For full particulars call upon PRATHER INVESTMENT CO., Or GEORGE D. CULBERTSON & CO. J. F. Batchelder' and R. R. Erwin, Trustees.