(o3d Iiver Slacier THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903. The Klickitat Review is a new papei at Goldendale, making the third paper in that city. 0. C. Nelson Is nianagei of the Review.and Is getting out a ueat and newsy paper. Just why this pa per w:is slurted seems an unsolved puzzle. Tile people of the Mount Hood set t't meiit will be Interested In H. C. lititi ham's letter in today's Glacier. 'II i u t long-talked of electric lineup the v.-dlcy is about due. Not ig of the Ogilen Trip. Hood River went after only one prize a gold medal on apples and got it, to be sure. Hou. Thomas G. Hailey, or Tom Hai ley, an his friends love to call the mayor of Pendleton, overheard two women dig cussing the display of big red appleF from Hood River, and couldn't resist the temptation to get in a good word for Oregon. "Those apples must be painted," said que of the women. Tom assured them to the contrary, and went on to explain that there were carloadsof such fruit in Oregon. He laid it all to the climate, and declared the Oregon girls, too, had just such rosy cheeks as the apples. "Why, put one beside the other and yon can t tell which cheek to kiss." Sam White, the genial chairman of the democratic mate central committee, and his friend Tom Wright, the Union hanker, were wending their war toward the fruites hibit.In a vacant lot some live Ogden merchant had placed an unique bill board framed in the form of an ele phant. Sam began to twit his friend about the failure of the li. O. r. em blem to recognize sucb a staunch repub lican as Tom Wright. The latter took it all good naturedly and awaited the chance to turn the cases. On their re turn they met a farmer leading a long' eared mule. "Now we'll see if he recoz- nizes you," said Wright. The words were hardly out of his mouth before the mule made a bee-line for Sam, and it was all the farmer could do to restrain 1 1 1 id (the mule.) Formed of incandescent globes, and set between two huge mahogany pil lursof the monster pipe organ iu the tabernacle of the Latter Day Huints at Salt lake are the letters U-T-A-H. And how significant it is. No bistoriun cun write of Utah and leave the Mor mons out. The two are iuseoarable. To the traveler who stops off to visit the city of Zion.andto see the wonders or the Ureat Salt Lake, there is nothing to make him feel as If he were in a strange land. Everything indicates a thriving, industrious and wealthy American community. But the barren mountains on every hand aud the sage brush in the untitled fields offer an ever-present reminder that the country was a nesert land hair a century ago. To the toil of the Mormons are due the green fields and templed cities of today. With the Mormons will rest the ever lasting honor of pioneer work in the reclamation of the great American des ert. They were the first American irri gators the first people to transform a sage-brush plain into rich farming minis anu nappy nomes.' how unfit ting, therefore, would it have seemed had that great movement for the rec lamation of the arid West convened its first congress eleven years ago else- wnere mail in tsau iMke uuy, 1'i aims and Organs, M. M. Melvln, representing Soule tiros.- riuno company or Portland, Ore., is in Hood River prepared to fur nish ynu with the leading pianos of the woriu. ine Hteinway, together with many other high grade piano and or- 1THIIH Hllfltl flHtlm A U Phuua Pulair Starr, Emerson, Richmond, Heller and others. 1 will take your old piano or oi iran. and for the good of the musical public would accept some of the new pianos in exchange as part payment on one of our standards. Our prices are the lowest, and you may name your own terms. Hee or address M. M. Melviu at the Raymond. On account of the carpenters not be ing able to get out of the way with their work, school will not begin at Frankton until Monday .Uctober 12. Mrs. W. J. Fullam and Mrs. A. L. Rumsey returned to Portlaud, Friday, vt. a ii.nn(iib nihil 11110. 1' ICU Howe and family. , Miss Hilda Walden of Oregon City, recently the guest of Mrs. Fred Howe, tueu at ner nonie in that city, Septem 23, 1903. Barnes, the real estate man, sold his 20 acres in the Copple neighborhood on Sat urdav to k. L. 11,500 Smith ; consideration, Miss Vera Jackson of Hood River is visiting her school chum, Miss Una Wilson, tor a tew days. Dufur Dispatch Rev. W. G. Eliot will preach at Col- 1 I x-f c. i umuift nuuui iiuusv, iMuuiai, nunuay, uciooer , ai p. m. Mrs. K. C. Clark hag returned from Pendleton where she has been vis iting her son fcarl. Karl has a perma nent position on me U.K. s N.,as paint er, and at present lie is at Baker City. Miss Nellie Clark came ud from Port land, Saturday, where she has been for the past three months. She met her mother at The Dalles Saturday night ana returned w ith ner Sunday morning. 8t. Mark's guild will meet with Mrs. K. E.Savage, Wednesday. M. M. Melvin of the Soule Bros. Piano company is in Hood Kiver taking orders, Little Miss Holliway presented the Glacier editor last week with a hand some ooquet of Mowers. Attorney John Leland Henderson left Thursday morning to accompany his motner on ner journey to her son Louis at Moscow, Idaho. Mr. Henderson will be absent four or five days. John W. Kelly, an old typo and news paper man, who set type with the sen ior proprietor of the Glacier on the old Portland Bulletin, 33 years ago, helped to get out this issue of the Glacier. arnin that the Glacier was in nwd of help, Mr. Kelly dropped his work at inei'aiies and responded to our call. John is an old-timer that did us good to see again. W. J. Lloyd, representee R. L. Polk A Co., directory publishers, is in Hood Kiver. Mr. IJoyd is collecting data for tiood Kiver s portion of a w asco county directory his farm is preparing for pub lication. Full citv directories will be given, and in addition to this the names of every property owner in the countrv districts. This ought to be a valuable ooo it. In past years The Dalles has eiper iencvd some inconvenience in connec tion with dock privileges, and is at present is in a tangle that will require some time to unravel. Hood Kiver mar well profit bv the lesson The Italic has learned in tin regard. An tflort it be ing madeto give Hood River better fa cilities for reaching a boat landing on the river, and a few days ago $1,600 were subscribed by the residents of that city to buid a wagon road from town to the saw mill, where a good landing can be had. It will be well for the people of Hood Kiver, betore they build a mad, to stipulate that the dock be public, where all boats may land and receive and discharge freight and passengers. It is always a good thing when the people put in an improvement to be certain that they are going to derive come bene-' fits therefrom. Mountaineer. The ladies' aid of the Congregational church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. 11. F. Davidson. Buv vour lard at McGuire Bros. Our lard isliome product, made from Oregon wheat-fed hogs, a pure kettle-rendered leaf lard. 5-wound pails 75c ; 10-pound pails, $1.40. Try the new Weatherby creamery but ter at McGuire Bros. Lost. A small black croquet shawl, used for head gear. Finder will please leave same at the Glacier office. Millicery. Ladies, you will find me maiIii 1. . i.i.,, i i, t .i , ativa nno .ln ICWH lui vuuiiiccd 11 1 J a vvi ... wiib wvrv. south of Abbott's grocery. I carry a full line of dress and street hats, also a good assortment of veilings and velvets at reasonable prices. Tailored hats a specialty. Mats. Abbott. Trout Lake News Notes. Ooldendale Review. A tetition has been sent iu for the organization of a Masonic lodge at Trout Lake. Miss JaneJ Locy of Goldendale ar rived in Trout Lake the 12th. where she began teaching on the 14th. The school children are responding reaany to the call of the old school bell. A ball will be given on the 26th In honor of Miss Mury E. Byrkett's 18th birthday. Seventy-five invitations have been sent out. Mr. Fresliour and wife of Miami county, O., are iu Trout Lake at pres ent, visiting relatives. Harvey Byrkett of Hood River Is vis aing his son and dauttirter. kuius Byr kett and Mrs. William Coate of Trout Lake. Owing to the rain last week, the farm ers were unnble to haul all their bay Home of it is badly damaged. A fruitless search was made this week for the body of the Indian girl who was lost near the ice-cave Novem ber, 1902. The father of the girl thinks she was murdered. Louis Powers of Trout Lake was bad ly injured while working iu a logging camp on the Sound. One leg was brok en and the other badly crushed. Card of Thanks. The family of J. P. Burnet, take this method of returning thanks to the kind neighbors and friends who assisted during the sickness and at the funeral of their little child, Mabel rear I. PARADISE FARM. Onen summer and winter. This well known resort is only 13 minutes walk from the de pot. Lovely view of Alt. Adams and the Co lumbia river, with fruit flowers, beautiful scenery and spring water, f Ine cuisine. Terms , to per week. HEKHKRT R.EN1RICAN, Manager Hood Kiver, Ore. "The Viento." Northeast cor First and Oak Hts., Hood River, Mrs. M. K. Bird, Proprietor. Breakfast t to 8 a. m. Dinner 13 to t p. m. Hupier 6 to 10 p. m. The tables supplied wltb what t he market anorqg. jr M. E. WELCH, Tie Veterinary Surgeon, Has returned to Hood River and Is prepared to do any work In the veterinary hue. H can be found by calling at or phoning to nance s um store. WE DO Job Printing;. neatly and promptly. Our office Is fully equipped with latest styles of type and up-to-date material. W carry a full line of printers station' ery, and can fill your order for a visiting card or a full-page color poster. Have . your stationery printed by E. R. BRADLEY. 4 Plymoth Rock Rooster, tnorootbred, tor tale a SI aaeh, MKrt. H. K. HHOKMAKK.K. Feed Store. I hare opened a store at my place, and will carry In stork flour and feed: also, potatoea ana wooa. r armers aoum 01 me can save a long haul and buy Just as cheap of me. JOHN LAWLE88, ol Foot of Straight Hill. Ring Lost. A child's rlna lost somewhere between Hav- ward'a residence and the Paris Fair store. r inder will be rewarded II by leaving at ine uiacier otnee. Wanted. Man and wife to take charge of boarding nouse. inquire ai omee. MOl'NT HOOD LUMBER CO, Lost. Open tar silver watch, with chain; Elgin movement, him in town. 1 liunvlay last week, Reward sir return to Uiarler office. For Sale. One thorough bred Jersey cow. DR. C. H. J F.N KINS. For Sale. A nine room house and three Iota with tood well. On the hill above the school bouae twit on phone its. Cow For Sale. Uood Jersey cow at mv ranch. Rev. J. W.J F.N KINS. Board of Equalization. ot!ote hereby given that the Hoard of r.quaiiunoa will meet toe 0ml Monday In m-iober, al I be court houw In llle l ttvnd continue In aetuuoa fcr ,.oe week, for toe aur poae ol am nut in and correcting Um I luenl roll for the year ItK H. F. WOODCOCK, Ai iii""' -ttrt " " 1 "4 JF ,''.f. ; iy l THE u Our Fall stock has bepfun to arrive, and within lo days we will have one of the very finest lines of Fall and Winter j,1h to he fouwl outside the lar?-e cities. Our buyer has taken great care in select inir this stock, and we can assure you it will mean a saving and satisfaction for you to wait and see what we have. A few more of those Men's Overalls at 2."c a pair worth double the money. SHOES SHOES SHOES c SHOES l We have the largest stock in the city and can ht your feet properly with the best wearimr shoes on earth for the' nionev. We have a few odds and ends in shoes we are selling below Phone 711. Vegetables and Fruit. loniHioes tor canning ana catsup i per hundred. Also Druneg. Dears. Dotatoes and apples delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays. i none u. j. i nner, raraatae f arm. Land to Exchange. M seres a-ood Mr saw timber In Columbia county. Or., In eichanite lor Hood River prop erty, either farm or town Dronertv or a busl nesa proposiiion. Apply to names, me neai Folate Man. alU Strawberry Plants. About 75.UU0 In first-clans shape, forsnle. ol A. HONNICKKKN. For Rent. 1 acres 2 mllea from town. Free water. Address l D. n; UCKEIjHKN, Hwid River. Saw Mill for Sale. Haw mill and nluner. located at Trout Lake. Wash., for sale. Addresa ni.uir,nijN t AMisi, ol Tmut ljike, Wash. Pony for Sale. Cheap. Inquire of HcUUIRK BROS. Wanted. To trade a team weighing 1HU0 pounds each, perfectly true, for a amallor one. Or will buv a team weighing about 12U0 poundB each, If satisfactory. Also have a new saddle for sale or trade. J. H. HHOEMAKER. Cow for Sale. A good family cow. Dart Jersev. for sale for M. MRS. II. R. LKW1H. Cow Wanted. 1 want to buy a No. 1 fresh cow, Jersey. s24 ROUT JONEH, Belmont. Cow for Sale. Good Jersey cow, giving gallons of milk a day. s n A it IV 1 BAII.EY. Furnished Room. A furnished room to rent, with no bed bugs. Inquire at the depot. l For SaleFor Debt. H. C. Jackson bas conveyed to John Leland Henderson as trustee his store building and lot by Abbot's store on the bill to .be sold to pay said Jackson's debts. The property is ollered for sale at (57ii. All persons owing said Jackson will please call at Henderson's office and settle at one. All persons having claims against anld Jackson will send Item ized statements.. JOHN l.KLAM) HENDERSON, Trustee. Summons. 1 n tbe Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for wacoi,t)unty. W. H. Wilson. Dlaintirf. vs. J. E. Friend, de fendant. To J. E. Friend, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In t lie above en titled suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for the publication of this summons as hereinafter mentioned, and Ifyou fail so to answer, lor want thereof the pluintln will apply to the court for the relief f rayed for In his complaint, to wit: For a udgment against you for the sum oflMOO.wlth merest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from tne win day of January, ana tor the sain of $76 attorney's fees and for his costs and disbursements and for a decree of tore closure of that certain mortgnge given by you to tne piaintitr, uuteu the mu day or June, 1(102, to aociire the payment of the sum of $100, with interest thereon at 10 per cent, which said mortgage la upon the south half of the south west quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 4, and the north west quarter of the northeaat quarter of sec tion nine. In township one north, range ten east, In Wasco county, Oregon. i his summons is served upon you by pub lication thereof for six weeks In the Hood Itiver Glacier, in accordance wlththeorder of the above-named court maae on the 17th day ol September, IWCI, directlog that this sum mons be published lu said paper ror six con secutive weeks. Tbe date of the first publication of this summons Is September '24, linn, ai.d you are required to appearand answer said complaint on or before six weeks from the dHteol said first publication, said time being the time prescribed lu said order of the court. W. H. WILSON. , 24o29 Attorney for plalntlft. Sheriff's Sale of Peal Estate. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution aud order of sale Issued out of tbe Circuit Court of the state of Oregon tor wasoo county, on tne sth day or Septem ber, TJOtt. and to me directed and command ing me to sell the rent estate hereinafter men tioned, for the purpoae of satisfying a Judg ment and decree in favor of L. U McCartney, plaintiff, and agalbst Mrs. M. K. Mark ley el al., defendants, for the sum of (4:7.oO, princi pal and Interest, and the further suui of lib attorney's fees, and tbe further sum of tnM costs, 1 will, on Saturday, tbe 10th day of October, 1U03, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M at the county court bouse door tn Dalles City, Wasco coun ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder fcr cash In hand, tbe following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Com niencing at the southwest corner ot the northwest quar'er of the northeast quarter ol section aleven In township two norlb of range ten east of Willamette meridian: running tbeneeeaaleighly rods, north twenty rods, weal eighty rods, and south twenty rods to Klac of beginning, containing ten aores of ind. Dalles City, Oregon. September 8, ltim. : F. C. BF.XTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the slate of Oregon for Wasco county, on the 5th day of September, lW:t, aud to nte directed and commanding m to levy upon and sell the ptoperty of tbe defendant hereinafter mentioned, for tbe purpoae of satisfying a Judgment in favor of Kittle Coe, plaintiff, and against tbe Hood River Manufacturing Co., defendant, fr the sum of HW7..Y). and the fur ther sum of SI,) attorney's fees, ana .,. fin- tner sum oi ousts, I nave levied upon, and oa Saturday, the 17th day of October, 1SKM, At the hour of 1 o'ewtek P. M.. at the count v court house door In Dalles City, Vt' asco coun ty, Oregon, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash In hand, lor the pur- flaw oi sni istying ne sum jungment. tneioi wlng described real estate, in-wit: Commencing at the N. W. corner ot the N. Coe iHinallon Land Claim In Sec. , township I north of range ten east; thence south to the center or tne o. ri. f. vo. s right of way on the west llneof said I. L. ('.; thence In an easterly direction following the center line ol said right of way all feet: thence north :i feet tn the north boundary of as id right of way, at which point a slake was set Irtr be Inning or corner; thence north feet; Ibence east a feet; thence south 'JIN feet; thence west feet lo place ol beginning, containing on acre of g rou nu. r. t'.euno, sl7o Sheriff. Rheumatism Positively Cured. Tb California Medical Company will re fund A the- riuliunM all Itmnov that h r the drngglat in case he fat not rated of Rheu matism by tbe um- of Oil of Eden Sweet Spirits of Eden. Chronic case In variably earn), and Cl'RED PERMANENTLY. For Rata) by O. R. WILLIAMS. Agent for Hood River. PARIS FAIR. ! of XjO-w- Prices. cost. If we have y ur size you THE PARIS FAIR. New Stump Pullers. w cnri'v a comnlete stock bing Machines, wire cable, rope nhortners, .Utjcks, root hooks, etc., for which we are general . ng-tmts for Oregon and Washington. Write "for catalogue. SEXTON & WALTHEIt, ONLY exclusive Hardware Store in THE DALLES, OR. CENTRAL MARKET. MAYES BROS., Proprietos. Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured: and Canned Meats. Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket oflitie for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and have a hack carry you to and from tho boat landing If you want a lirst-clasp turnout rail on the H00D KIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. FASHION Livery, Feed Bargains in Real Estate. 8 acres, three miles from town, all in berries, a good house and barn. 1") acres 4 miles from town, $200 house and 12 acres cleared. Good apple and berrv laud. 100 acres, (i miles out, 1,000 bearing apple trees, J acres in berries, and all kinds of other fruits; .'50 acres in cultivation; good house, barn and milk house; income, f 1,100 a year. 40 acres 4 miles from town, 20 acres in cultiva tion, 5 in bearing trees; can sell in 20 acre tracts. o acres (S miles from town, 300 apple trees, the balance in wheat and clover. 20 acres 7 miles out, all iu apples 2 years old. 20a 7 miles out, all cultivated, fine" apple land. 80a, 1) miles out; 'ion in cultivation; barn&house. For prices and terms call on or address H. F. J0CHIMSEN, Hood River, Or. Closing The entire stock of merchandise, consisting of Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Wagons, Harness, Fancy and Staple Groceries " AVill fie sold at cost for the next 00 days. Flour and feed will lie sold at mill juices during this sale. We are about to make a change in our business, and in order to make a quick sale, have placed our goods at cost for CASH only. Our books areclosed for any further credit. Thanking the public in general for their patron age, and appreciating their good will, we cheerfully ask you to take advantage of this sale and lay in your fall supplies. We want your business and will save you money. Parties owing us will kindlv pav up ami oblige. ABBOTT & CO. Watches and Jewelry. As I have worked at my trade for 18 years. I can turn out the finest work in wnt.h repairing hikI adjusting in eight positions. Jew elry repairing of all kind. Tpct YVlfir PvPC Fit ll,'n, ,he White IVbhle 1 2l I UUI W Grout;,! Otittr bim. oel frame., for fl.00. S: !!d pM imvkc and tins, f3.50, rtgular Chicago pricw. War ranlt.(l In giveeiwy fit and to imptove vnuri-yea, C. H. TEMPLE. get a bargain. 6 Idea Patterns, 10 cents. of W. Smith Grub STABLE. and Draying. STKANAHANS & BAGLEY. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rips. Spe cial .attention given to moving Furniture mid Pianos. Yi! do everything horses call do. IIOOL) H1VKK, OREGON. "hone 701. Out Sale. fTlmber iJtml, Aet JtineS, lHJfl, NOTICE FOK PUBLlCAilU. ITnlld BUti iJind Offlie. Vancouver, Wash June 15, IM Notice la n?r.- in umt In cumpllano with th. prov - to of the m i of coi.k r r J ne . l1' ,Yn thi An act tor tno am. " "" - ., (alD or (Uiiktrma, yicguu, '-"-'-r - the publio land lnlei( by wt of Angust i, V MAY K. KW1UKRT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stM 101 uretron. ha. thla dy Hlrd In tll ..fflcel he sworn HtuHMni ii i , ". , ,. theNKUof KWii and lots 1 and t of auction R, and lot, 1 of aectlon , in lowiiniiip No. 8 north. range No. 9 east, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land aotiirnt l more valuable for It tiinlwr or atone I ftitrlciiltuial piirfMweH, aim ; ""3 olulnt to mild land before the Knliilr and Receiver of thin office at Vancouver, Wraith., on Monday, the 2Sth day of Heptember, HUM. Hhe naniVs n wltiieea: Homer L. Cunip bell, Geoiye W. Hlmoua. Charles K. 8wl?ert and Kmeiy Oliver, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons ciai iinin "" f"i "-flbove-desonbed lauds are reo,nestd to lilt- .. . . . .li. ..m.. .... hafim Hnin ttieir eiHinis in hub uh.-c w ... 2xih duv of Hentember, lmW. FRANK K. VACOHAN. Register m rnber Land, Act June 3, 187.) -NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. UnlUd SUlea Ijtnd Offloe, The Dalle. Or., September 5, 1H0TI. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of eoiiijress of June 8, 1ST8, entitled "An act for the sale or timber lands In the states of California, Oreuon, Nevada and Washington territory," asextnded to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1HWJ, m URK1N H. HAK'I LEY, of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of i im.m hnn Hent.lii.lWi2.fi led I ll thlsofllue hie sworn stafement, No. m. for the purchsse of the lot 8, 8K NWJ4, W'4 n wi nr.y, of section No. 2, township No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, W.M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Itegister and Receiver of this office at Tne Danes, uregon, on r riaay, ine tau dAK ot November. IWKl li, names an wilnesses: H. W. Curran. James Chitty, A. (J, Wright and James Kggert, all of lento, uregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file ttieir claims in tins omce on or Detore saiu 27th day of November. 1008. slOnia MICH AKI. T. NOLAN, Register. Heating Stoves You want one now that fall has come. Drop in and see what Savage has in the stove line. Also ex amine the many other goods that are unpacked daily at SAVAGE'S Estrav. Two yearling, heifers, tine a Jersey, the other common red. Both bearing spear-head brand on top of left hip. One dollar will be given lo the sender of a postal card or phone message telling whero these helfera can be utunu. k. e. MAitniHON, phone W, THE NEW FEED STORE. On the Mount Hood road, Bouth of town, keeps constantly on hand the best quality of - Groceries, Hay, Grain & Feed At Lowest Prices. . "22 I). K. LAMAR, "Prop. Cow for Sale. A flve-year-old cow, Holsteln and Durham will be fresh first seek In Ocuiber. "'J T. BISHOP.' Wanted. One good driving horse. Must begentleam l good driver. A. It. CRO.SI ER & CO. Horse for Sale. A good, gentle horse, 6 years old; weight .."v piunun, iur BJlie oy J. VAUllllKtl. "" Mount Hood . Fine Jersey Cow For sale. Hee 8. K. HaRTMRmm. Furnished Rooms. Four well-furnished rooms, for house-keep- ik, mn, iictj nnici, Apply wi S M. F. JACOI1.H. Itlouera Arfrtlli,.n Oak Wood for Sale. Address J. F. BATCHja.lJiR.jdRlrer. Found. A purse containing moaey. Owner can have same by calling upon ALPINE 11ARTMES8. For Sale or Trade. A good cider mill, as good as new. Will sell or trade for lumber or hay. Inquire of A. T. 1XJUUK. Dukes Valley. Found. 1 lnrlM.mMa.n I..I . . . . Owner can have It by railllng t Olacler oflice a art pay lug for this notice. Horse for Sale. I have a iriwiH huru c. - . for wood cutting. A.BUTTH. Lost. A fold ring with Initials K.J.S.on Inside. A liberal reward will be paid If left at the Olacier oltlce or returned to os l.vuiv avitru For Rent. .li'!.ui!l,anJ,-llTk K-IIood Blv"-- Lo and 4, Block 8, Parkhurst. A. A. KCHENCK. 04 12K1 Fariiiim at lima),. vaK Furnished Room. One furnished room lo rent by niKiiea room lo rent by MKS. C. B. UABUIKL. phone 77S. siu BELIEU & RE A, Contractors & Builders. Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. S. H. COX. A. R. HOG AN, General Blacksmithing: AND REPAIRING. MOSIER, . . . OREGON. FOR YOUR CHOICE Ice Cream and Candies GO TO STUART'S. BON TON BARBER SHOP. The place tn get an easj shave, an up-to-date buir cut, nd to enjoy the luiury of a poroeluiu Utii tub. For Sale or Trade. " FASHION STABLE Real Estate Bargains. LIST or LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. 1. Lots ill Waucoina Park aililitinn $150. The east half of the north 40 of tlm Henderson 80 acres west of l.v inn m Smith's; free irrigating water; j'l.lilX). Corner lot in front of school Ik,hm $300. The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in Barrett-Si pina addition, $400. 2. Eliihle residence lots in Spungler's subdivision, near cannon house; only $125; terms easy, installment plan. 0. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17 acres well improved; free irrigatini! water. Trice $4,000. 4. 320 acres of timber land al the falls of Hood River, belonging to George E. Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit hirul;$4000. 8. 160 acres at White r-almon; tine timber land; $10 an acre. 100 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Trice $900. The Hunt place )i mile southwest of town. House, bam, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Trice, $1450. The new company now offors for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Hank treasurer. Installment plan. A Good Investment. I w ill sell IliO acres of mountain land on county road five miles southeast of Hood River for $1,000 cash, aud will guarantee $200 ad vance in two years, or (ailing to sell for $1,200 net in that time I will take the land back and pay $1,200, and half ot profits over $200 to go to investor. First come, first eerved. Of the liiO acres liKI acres fruit land, 00 acres stony. All fenced, small house, well, large" spring. A fine goat ranch. J. L. Hkndkhson. 7 Tickets to and from Europe. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Africa may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is agent for the Beaver line of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, 1903, the rates will be as follows: $10 a day; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Special Offers The Howell cottn'e ami ii acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, 1,700. Hanna house and lot, $1,800. For 8ale The old Galligan place, 00 acres; $1,800 two-story dwelling, hard finish; barn and out buildings; 10 acres in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries, some orchard; flume, irrigating dih'h and Thelpg creek pass through property $4,500; $.500 down, $500 December 1, balance in five years at 7 percent. This offer is good for 30 days only. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. (Timber Ijinrt, Act June 3, IS7S I NOTICJK FOH PUBLICATION. United HfatPS Ijind Office, North Yaklnnt Wash., July 17, 1IKW. Notice 8 Kreby irlveii that In compliance with the provisions of the act ofooiiKn-wt of June 8 IS7H, entitled "An act lor the aale or timber lands In the atateaor ) alilornla. Urexon, Nevada and WashliiKton Territory, ' aa extended to all the public laud unites by act or Auicuxt . 1XW, AI.It.'K Ht.'HIAI.Krt, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state or OreKon, has thU day filed In thin office her worn Matcment. No. Mi, for the pun-haw of the east of southwest 9t and weal ' .ol soutli eastuf aectlon No. at, In township No 7 north, ranite No. 11 east, W. M., and will oiiVr proor to show that the land souKbt Is more va unbic for Its limber or stone t hun for aarl cultural purposes, and to establish her ehThn losald luixf before W. H. I'resby U, states t'onimK-ioner for district of Wushiinr. Jon. at his otth e at Holdendale, Wanh Vm Tuesday, the anh day of September wui Hhe mimes as witnesses: J as per' K. Ynuinr and Anna L. Youu of Castle ttoek Wssli &e"wah"Ua AllK'U K"l,f"u" Tnuit Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-dewrila-d hums are re.iirstcd u file their claims In this oltlce on or before uil.l th day of September, Unit. ' ANNA I.. YoUNil, of Castle ltKk, county of Cowlll., stale or ttashiiiK'on, has this dav died in Ibis oflice her .worn statement No. IM.i. for I he pun-haw of the west of southwest ol section xt and theeast V'f aoulheast of s-tin Ux township No.7 north, ranae No. Ileast W V and will uirer proof lo show thst the html' bouk'iI I, niore valuable ror iutimberorsb iH than for agricultural nnrs4-s, and loeslab-li-.li her clnim u said land before W. H I'res. by I . nlted Ktslea Commissioner for district of Wsshlng'on, at his oilice at (foldcndsle Wash. .on l'UMalay, Hie Alh day of Hcpti-m- Hue names as witnesses: Alice Schuyler of Portland, Oregon; Ji fx. Allien King, limn and lloliert Cox.all of Trout lj.ke,Wsli Any and all persons elalininy adversely the l..e-deTlbed lands are requested u, na their claims In this offlce on or before ss.i.1 alh day of September, l n "J . !TtM. HKNKY V. HINM AN.H.ylsicr. For Sale. fhmd bticklioard: In larve Unks, 3) (allon and over, i or 6 whiskey barrel,, . or i .a" ami II 10 l,, kegs; 2 live imimn.hr.iiid new' t all on on blmi,,.. I'KTKIl Mull It For Sale. 12 acres rood apple land, tie roils from Pine drove arh.M.1 houw. Call on V. WlnchHI flrli house iwuti, ,u fch.a.1 houw, et slef road r addreas VWIM HKI.U ' Wanted. Persons dealmu of obtainli.( positions with tnan.tef w ,r month, to call o,i Mrs! tJU WIiAf. l.MH dUi virir. ,,! . Angora Billy Goat. ' h n An.,w Hilly t,i f g,, d of atovk U.al 1 . ill set I cheap or ,, H.;.( K,K KrlT? ' llaaelwaal Kami.