The Contrabandist; I 1 One Life's Secret! i CHAPTER II. It was, perhaps, at the distance of halt t league from the cottage of Hugh L.a- monte that the Chateau Montauban stood. It was situated on a rocky and abrupt eminence, overlooking the valley below, where a small Tillage looked more like the miniature group of dolls' houses which children play with than the ordi nary habitations of ordinary men, while the stream that wound its way along at the foot of the hills was nothing more than a mere thread of silver. On the night of the attack on Connt Louis there were two persons seated in the library of this chateau; the one a lady, with beautiful aad somewhat strik ing features, a tall and graceful figure, and a bearing at once haughty and capti - vatlng. Mademoiselle Montauban was a person of strong feelings, of deep en ergy, of quick yet firm resolves, and de cided action. She was pleasing to all; yet with the very and noble beauty which captivated one, there was an air an expression of veiled haughtiness, of lofty pride, of insinuating command. All the world admired mademoiselle, but few loved her. Her father, monsieur le marquis, on tho other hand, was an extremely affable, polite and agreeable gentleman. He was universally kind and good to the peasant ry around the country, and there was no poor people who did not have cause to thank him for many an act of generosity. He had been married twice; to a beauti ful Frenchwoman, after the death of La Marquise Giudette, and this wife died also. He mourned her loss long and sin cerely; for they say he loved her even better than he lived Giudette, who was very violent and passionate. There was one child a lovely, sunny-haired child, with features like her fair mother's, and eyes like fresh violets, by this second marriage. But he has only Helen to com fort his approaching old age now; and there is a large portrait In the saloon the portrait of a smiling infant, painted nearly sixteen years ago, which he looks at and sighs. - The father and daughter sat in the li brary; he by a large table in the center of the apartment, reading, as was his custom in the evenings; she had drawn her seat forward near one of the deep windows overlooking the valley, and the road by which Louis was expected to come. Beth were awaiting his arrival, but it was with far different degrees of feeling. The murquis, indeed, looked for ward with pleasure to the meeting with his nephew, whom he had not received at the chateau for some years; but yet his anticipation was moderated by calmness, for he no longer possessed the hurry and Impatience of youth. With Helen Mon tauban it was not thus. Deeper feelings than were warranted by that calm and haughty exterior were busy in her heart. "Father," and her voice is calm and silvery as usual, despite the beating of her heart, that throbs more violently ev ery moment "father, it is already quite late. My cousin, Monsieur Louis, must surely remember that he may possibly ex pose himself to some danger by travers ing the lonely roads in tbis neighborhood by night." The marquis closed his book, hose from his seat and approached the window. "Yes; you are right you are right, Helen," he returned; "but I hardly think he will be so rash as to undertake to reach the chateau to-night with that ter rible storm gathering. As to the danger from brigands, however, I do not fear; for, without doubt, he will have his valet with him, and he will have also his weap ons. And you must consider, Helen, that our young relative has both strength of limb and skill in arms, that might well warrant him in setting at defiance a good ly number of besiegers." "Yes I know, father. And there are none more brave than Louis." A proud smile Bhoue in her splendid eyes as she spoke, and then she sank back in her sent again, and toyed with her fan, while the marquis placed himself by her side, and also watched for some sign of his nephew. But the night deepened, and still Louis did not come, while the storm, which had been threatening, ere long broke over the chateau, and raged with terrible fury. "I do not think we shall see him to night, Helen," said her father, as the old clock in the hall sounded on eleven; "and it grows late, my child. Perhaps you had better retire." And Helen Montauban would not be tray her anxiety and restlessness, even to her father; so she obeyed his sugges tion shortly. She did not seek her couch, however, but, after having dismissed her maid for the night, she wrapped a rich shawl carelessly about her stutely figure, and cast herself upon a pile of cushions beneath a window which commanded a view of the valley beneath, and, the light within being shaded, drew the curtain from the casement, and leaned forward npon the sill, with her anxious glance piercing the gloom for some glimpse of the yet expected guest. Still the moments crept on, and the hour of midnight sounded sternly on the now silent air. Her heart beat violently; she trembled. "He said he should come," the murmured; "why, then, this delay? for Louis never yet broke his word. He may have been murdered 1" and she buried her face in her trembling hands. Ixmls had been her playmate for weeks together in childhood, when she had b?eu permitted to visit his family in Lyons, and she had never been so hnppy as dur ing those periods. They were the crown and glory of her sleeping and waking dreams. She was never so Uappy when she returned to the old, lonely chateau, as in recounting the wonderful stories of those happy times, and anticipating her next visit. Ho was a fine, handsome, graceful and independent boy, and she thought there could be nobody in the world like her cousin Louis. Ilia firm, proud, gallant bearing and manly spirit, his noble intellect and his fine, thought ful countenance, with the innocent en thusiasm of his boyish years, had always exalted him in her esteem. She had learned to look upon him with the deep est reverence of her nature, and to al most adore in him those qualities of heart and mind which, she observed with dis dain, few others possessed. He had never visited the chateau more than twice, and those visits had been white stones in her life. She had remem bered and recalled them constantly in the secluded and dreamy life she led therrf, and now was it a matter of wonder that, after the p.issage of months without hav ing seen him. she should look forwar.l with such eager emotions to bis coming? Yet, even hen alone, in the solitnnV uf her own apartment, she did not entirely lay aside, even in the intense interest of watching for him, that air of stately , pri le. that guarded raininess of demean-1 or which characterized her in soriftr. j Sue tueit there by the casement, it is true, waiting still, even till midnight; hut a thousand fearful emotions straggled in her breast, of which she gave no outward sign, or, at the most, but a faint one. A dark form seemed to catch her eye, moving along rapidly through the path in the valley, coming nearer and neurer, while the clouds, passing still across the moon, veiled it ever and anon in shadow. Drawing nearer, till the soft silver radi' a nee of the night shone full upon both horse and rider, and then there was only a slight start a quick, convulsive clasp of the fair hand that rested on the cold stone sill a faint yet eager smile hover ing about her beautiful lips, aad flash' ing in those splendid eyes, as, softly mur muring, "It is he!" she rose from- the cushions on which she had knelt so long, and closed the casement. "My dear uncle 1" cried Louis, warmly embracing the good marquis, as they met in the saloon, on the morning following the storm, "I cannot express half the pleasure it gives me to meet you. The marquis smiled at his nephew's warmth. ' "My dear boy, I also am delighted to see you. Let me welcome you to my old eyrie a thousand times. But sit down sit down, Louis; I must take a leisurely look at you. Why, you have grown a full inch since we met last, and all the handsomer, too, for your wanderings!" . "Oh, uncle, I appreciate your flattery, believe me," laughed bis nephew; "I con fess I bad rather have it from you than any other, almost. But, now, how have things been going on here since I saw you? and how is my fair cousin?" "For the first," answered the marquis, "I cou give a very satisfactory reply. My affairs are in a state of prosperity, and except, possibly, that Helen and I are a little lonely at times for want of com pany, we do very well. I need scarcely say that I am sure we shall be all the happier for your presence. For your oth er question, Helen herself must be ap plied to when you see her this morning. She was in excellent health yesterday, at all events, and we watched together a long time last night by the library win dow, for your appearance. And now tell me, my dear Louis, something more concerning that adventure of yours in th forest; for your sketch of it last night Jl COUNT MONTATJBAS AND HELM .A. WAITING LOUIS. ' was somewhat hasty. You were never too much given to talkiDg of yourself. I bate an egotist as heartily as you can; but I desire to hear something relative to your journey and your general wel fare; so let me hear it before our coffee it ready." The young man gave his uncle a sketch of his haps and mishaps, to which the good marquis listened very attentively, and which occupied some few minutes, when, just as be was finishing by men tioning his application at the cottage for shelter, Helen Montauban entered. She was beautiful and self-possessed as ever. A calm smile parted her lips and lighted her fine eyes, as she ap proached, and, saluting her father, gave to Louis, who advanced to meet her, her hand. "My charming consin!" exclaimed the young man, warmly, taking th offered hand and kissing with deferential affec tion, the fair cheek of the lady "my dear Helen, this is truly delightful. I am very happy to behold you again. How do you do?" "Well, Monsieur Louis, I thank you. And you?" "Admirably, my dear friend." And ha seated himself by her side. "You have, then, arrived at the chateau at length, Louis? It is some time since we saw yon," she said, regarding him with polite interest. "Yes; it is a long time, I think, since we met, and I could not deny myself the pleasure of a visit to the chateau." "Your journey, I trust, was a favora ble one." "A few drawbacks, such as travelers must meet with at times, but nothing very serious." "My dear boy," said the marquis, "what, then, do you call serious? An attack from robbers. In my time " "An attack!" interrupted Mademoiselle Montauban, turning a shade paler, as her glance rested nnquietly on the face of Louis "an attack! how, Monsieur Louis? You have been in actual danger?" "No, my dear Helen no," the count hastened to say. "I was merely request ed to deliver my purse, a simple affair, and, perhaps, one with which I may meet twenty times in my life." At that moment, however, the coffee was brought In, and the subject was abandoned. After the morning's repast was concluded, Louis drew bis fair cous in out upon the paved terrace before the windows of the saloon, where they could sit conversing, while the early sunshine gilded the lovely landscape far and near, and resting sweetest of all in the charm;, ing valley that lay beneath the height' of the chateau. It was certainly a bean tiful morning, and Louis d'Artois enjoy ed it thoroughly. It was a most sincere pleasure thus to meet with his old play mate and companion, after so long a sep aration. Louis regarded her with real affection, and had ever done so; for though with that calm and stately de meanor still unchanged, yet there was ever something gentler kinder in her manner, when she addressed him, that pleased and won him. She seemed even unusually lovely, toe, this morning; for the cool, soft winds rime freshly from the nearer hills, touch ing her fair check with a rosy tinge, and bringing a darker, clearer light to her beautiful eyes; and when, turning her fare to him, she smiled, with more than her accustomed air of animation and en joyment, saying, "What a charming hour this is. Louis!" he rould not help express ing the thought that occupied him. "Ye: but not half so charming as yon j are," be returned, gaily, yet earnestly, pan wm Wmm mm a ha kissed her fair hand. "I was Just deceiving myself with the Idea that you were cheating me with a shadow; it was only when you Bpoke that I was unde ceived. I forgot that the goddess " "Louis, no compliments!" ottered bis cousin, Imperatively. "Here comes my father." CHAPTER III. It was on the night of the adventure of Count Louis that two men might have been seen emerging from the forest and directing their steps in the road to the cottage of Hugh Lamonte, which Louis bad left some ten minutes previously. One of these, the elder, was a tall, sturdy man, dressed In the coarse garb of a peasant, and his features were by no means displeasing. At present, they wore a look of deep thought, an air almost of sternness, as he walked rapidly, and In silence, listening to bis companion, who was speaking in low, but bitter and an gry tones, and evidently on some exciting subject This' man, whose dress was much the same as that of the first, had a less pre possessing appearance than the other. Like that of his compauion, bis counte nance was unshorn and rude; but the ex pression of the features was sinister and forbidding, the features themselves, apart from their expression, anything but agreeable. You might have been assured a thousand times that he was nothing more or less than a simple and honest peasant, as he was generally un derstood to be; but for all that, you would have disliked to meet this man on the highway at midnight, or in the depths of the forest from which he bad just emerged. "I tell yon," he was saying, venge fully "I tell you. If I have but the pow er, I will make him pay dear for this; two of our best fellows disabled, and my own brains nearly knocked out by that arm of his. Who would think it had so much strength?" "Chut. Gasparde!" said the other, a little sternly; "do you want to show your claws? Better speak a little lower, if you don't want to put your neck in dan ger. One can never tell bow many ears there may be in these bushes along here." "I can shut them up, unless they be long to auother like the one that dealt with me to-nighta. I shall feel his fist for a little while to come." "Do you want to put yourself In the way of feeling it again?" "Wait till I get on his track the next time. I'll cure him of bis impudence!" "Better hold your tongue, comrade. Why didn't you cure him to-night? three to one, and beaten at that! A fine story to tell the men!" "Who knew he had bis pistols? He must have found out before he started that somebody had drawn his teeth. Ah, he bit with them, I can tell you! If we had a dozen like him in the band, it would be worth somethiug, captain. As it is, I'll take care be doesn't do us any harm, now that he has got off. If you had been there to-night, instead of mind ing something else, we might have sung a different tune; but now all the way to mend matters is to give mm a little mu sic to dance to." "Blockhead!" muttered the elder, with a frown. "What do you say, then, captain?" asked his companion. "Nothing, Gasparde. But here we are, and the light is burning in the window," as they reached the cottage. "And Mademoiselle Rose waiting for her father, no doubt," added the other. (To be continued.) SAYS HE WAS NOT EXCITED. Why Mr. Blenkinaoa Paid the Coats in a Snit lie Won. "I never could understand," said Mr. Blenklnson, "why people should get so excited over a lawsuit" "Don't you?" asked Mrs. Blenklnson. "Never," said Blenklnson. "It takes more than the threats of a lawyer or the frowns of a judge to upset me. So long as a man has Justice on his Bide he need have no more fear at the bands of the court than of his own family. Yet some people go all to pieces the minute tbey step Inside a court room. That was the wny with Wllklns this afternoon. He got so nervous he couldn't have told his own name If be had been hanged for It." "Mr. Wllklns?" echoed Mrs. Blenkln son. "Was he In court this afternoon?" "Yes," said Blenklnson. "He got Into some trouble over that sidewalk he bas been laying up at 92d street and was hauled up for trial." "Why," said Mrs. Blenklnson, "I thought you were Interested In that sidewalk deal too." "So I am," admitted her husbaud. "1 was at the trial too." "Oh," snld she, "how terrible!" "Nothing terrible about it" corrected Blenklnson. "Our side had such a cinch that the whole business was over in less than an hour after the case was called. The Judge soaked the other side good and hard flOO and costs.' Wilklns acted like a crazy man when the verdict was rendered. I couldn't do a thing with him. 'One dollar more of costs here,' said the judge, and Wll klns danced around like a flying dervish. 'One dollar more,' said the Judge a second time. 'I've got it, your Honor,' said I, and I tried to make my way up to the bench, but Wilklns was so excited that he caught me by the coat tails and pulled me back with might and main. I was positively ashamed of biro. He had everybody In the court room laughing at him. He clung to me like grim death, aud It was fully five minutes before I could break away from him and go up and pay the' judge that other dollar he was calling' for." "Before you could pay him?" Inter rogated Mrs. Blenklnson. "I thought you said yon won the rase?" "So we did." said Blenkinson. "And that the other side bad to pay the costs?" she persisted. "Then why In the world did you Insist upon paying that additional dollar No wonder Mr. Wilkins clung to your coat tails and, tried to hold you back. I think you were the one that was excited." I Mr. Blenklnson pushed back his p!ate and flushed deeply. "If you want to hear some logical reasoning," he said. 'Just get a woman started to talking about law. I excited!" "Then what made you pay the costs of your opponents?" sle persisted. "You couldn't understand If I'd tell you," he said stiffly. "But whatever It was. It was not excitement." New York Tress. Hlgh-Nprrd KIrt-tric Kallway. One hundred and sixty miles au hour Is the speed aimed at by a new electric railway company In Germany under the direct patronage of the kuieror Cars w ith act-ommodatioi: for fifty per sons each are now being built ai.d uhi be tried on a 30-kilometer track. liOW A BOY CAN MAKE A PIMP. Il If f Select a thick piece of bamboo about eight Inches Ions and without joints; clean the Inside carefully, making it as smooth as possible. Bore a small ,bole about two Inches from one end to hold a smaller piece of bamboo, , which Is to form the spout A hollow piece of bamboo (c) somewhat thinner than the pump barrel Is Inserted Into ', the lower end of the pump barrel; the ;top of the barrel (c) la closed with a piece of rubber that li fastened with a small tack, and can be moved up and down, ; The pumping rod Is mado of a thin stick of wood and another short p'ece 6f bamboo (d). The short piece of bamboo (d) la closed on one end by a piece of rubber similar to the lower part of the pump mentioned be fore. This piece of bamboo la fasten jed to the stick of wood with the help of cord and putty, and must fit tight ly Into the pump barrel. The pump barrel will work satlfactorlly If small quantity of water la poured Into the upper barrel to get It started. BITTER ROT OF APPLES. Damage to the Crop Estimated at $10,000,000. The Department of Agriculture has Issued as bulletin No. 44 of the Bureau of Plant Industry a paper on the bitter rot of apples, prepared by Professor Hermann von Scbreck, special agent in charge of the Mississippi Valley laboratory, and Perley Spaulding, a special agent of the department. For the past four or five years the bitter rot of apples has been the cause of heavy losses to growers and hand' lers of this fruit. As stated In the department report for 1901, the presl dent of the National Apple Shippers' Association estimated that the damage to the apple crop of the United States In 1900 from bitter rot was $10,000,000. Iu some orchards there was a total loss of fruit; In others from one-half to two-thirds of the crop was destroyed. The disease is especlaly severe In the Mississippi Valley and the States along the Ohio River. At the request of nu merous growers the Bureau of Plant Industry undertook extensive invest!' gatlons to determine more definitely the life history of the fungus causing bitter rot, with the hope of discovering a more effective method of holding it In check. The report of this Investiga tion contains a general account of the history of the disease, a description and lire history of tbe fungus causing It and some facts which have been re cently discovered In regard to tbe mode of life of the parasite. During the year 1001 co-operative ex- perlments were carried on 'with the Illinois experiment station, but during the last season the work was conduct ed Independently by both the station and tbe department Co-operative ex periments on the control of this disease were started the past year with the Missouri fruit experiment station, and will be continued with this station and fruit growers In various apple sections during the present season. Washing ton Star. IN HIS NATIVE TONGUE. The Horse Understood Abase When It Was Spoken In Portnanese. Ten or twelve years ago the present Prince of Wales visited Lisbon. He was then Prince George, "seeing the world" and having all sorts of experi ences, delightful and absurd. At Lis bon a great review was held In his honor. During the passage of the army Prince George's horse became unruly, and the crowd, edging nearer, made the situation an uncomfortable one. Tbe prince spoke to his steed, at first gently and then forcibly, but without avail. Then be gave up, and exclaimed "Oh, you poor brute! I suppose you don't understand Englisb, and I can't talk to you In Portuguese." The borse curveted again, and the prince was nearly unseated. Then be beard a voice within a yard of him say, In perfect English: "Pardon me, your royal highness, but- perhaps I can be of some assist a nee." Tbe prince looked around, and saw a youth In tbe black gown and shovel bat of an English college. In his sur prise be exclaimed: "And who are you?" ' '1 am an -Englishman, studying here at the English college, your royal high ness, and I thought If you would allow me to abuse your borse In Portuguese, it might quiet him, and Incidentally re lieve your royal hlgbness's feelings." They tried the plan, and It worked admirably. Tbe horse, hearing a lan guage he knew, linbtbed a few Ideas from It, and concluded to profit by them. More Than Bis Share. Terence, a lusty, good-natured Irish man, was one of a number of work men employed In erecting a new build ing. The owner of the building, who knew him, said to blm one day: "Terry, didn't you tell me once .that a brother of yours Is a bishop?'' "Yls, sor." "And yon are a hod-carrier! The good things of this life are not equally divided, are they, Terry?" "No, sor," rejoined Terence, should erlng bis bod and starting np the lad der with It "Poor felly! He couldn't do this to save his lolfe!" Birth Rats la Massachusetts. Tbe birth rate among the foreign born In Massachusetts is fifty-two mt l.OuO; among the na ive b in it I. (' rnteen. AN OLD-FASHIONED GARDEN. . I Strange, is it not? She waa making her garden, I Planting tbe old-fashioned flowers that day , Bleeding hearts tender and bachelor's the seeds In the old-fashioned way. Just in the old-fashioned way, too, our quarrel Grew, until angrily the set me frei Planting, indeed, bleeding hearts for the two of us Ordaining bachelor's buttons for me. Strange, was it not? But teed a planted in anger Sour in tbe earth and, ere long, a de cay Withered the bleeding hearts, blighted the buttons, And we were wed In the old-fash ioned way. Frank Leslie's. REDDY'S PLUCK EVERAL of us were seated JS) around a table in the Manila Club, talking about war and feats of daring, as men are wont to talk when some of their number are still In khaki and campaign hats, with tbe smell of powder on their clothes, Although there was still plenty of fighting going on within a few miles of Manila, the stories were mostly of days long gone by, and bad acquired a certain unnatural luster by dint of frequent usage. It Is curious how men will crane their necks and strain their eyes toward the past in order to find proof of tbe hardiness which every day they pass by unnoticed In the men around them. One man went so far as to suggest: "There Isn't any chance the way we fight nowadays for a man to show any Individual nerve; he Is simply a machine, and medals are distinctly out of place." "Medals may be out of date, old man," said Captain 01dsbon!h, "but the sort of thing that won the med als Is happening all. along tbe line. I had a young corporal In my company when I was on duty down In Tayabas Province, who bad tbe 'kind of sand' that one doesn't even read about of ten. He was a boy about 21 years old from a factory town In Connecti cut, where I think be worked In a bat shop. There wasn't one bit of ro mance or dasb about bim; be had washed-out red hair and freckles, stood about five feet four In his shoes, aud weighed about one hundred and twenty pounds. He never bad any thing to say for himself, and I shouldn't have noticed him except for bis silent manner and the quiet, thor ough way In. which be attended to all his duties. I can't remember bjs name, but the men all called him 'Reddy.' "We bad been In the field about three weeks, and the fighting had all been with small bands of guerillas, who kept us constantly on the alert The rainy season bad come on, and several of the men were suffering from dysentery; the cholera made us very cautious of what we ate, and even mangoes and bananas were for bidden fruit We were far from com fortable, and If a runn bad any yellow In him, I promise you It showed. Well, 'Reddy' was never known to kick about anything; several times I knew of bis doing work for his 'bunkle.' "We bad been harassed for several days by a Btnall band of natives who had been following us at a safe dis tance and taking a chance-shot at any who happen to straggle. I decided that it was best to detail a squad of reliable men to follow this party, and once for all rid ourselves of their un welcome presence. Accordingly I se lected sixteen men under a sergeant, placed 'Reddy' second In command, and sent them off with a few hours' provisions. They had with them two native guides who soon got on the track of the enemy, and a weary inarch of five hours began. Part of Jbe way the walking was through very heavy underbrush and bamboo forests, so dense In parts that the men had to walk In single file, aud an un expected 'nolo' rush would probably have finished the whole party before a shot could have been fired. Part of the way lay through deserted rice pad dles and tobacco fields, where the trop ical sun burned fiercely when tbe rain was not pouring down In torrents. With the exception of one small vil lage, whose Inhabitants professed themselves 'Amlgos, and a few stray carabao,' they saw not a living thing. "Finally, toward dusk, the 'party came on a smau crees, wnose Danics were covered for some fifty yards on both sides with a heavy dense growth of reeds and broad-leafed palms. No sooner was the middle of this creek reached than the men were surround ed by the band they were In search of. Instead, however, of finding twenty-five or thirty guerillas, as they had expected, the enemy numbered about 100. Order waa given to charge for the open. A short, sharp fight fol lowed, and my men found themselves In the open, pumping away for dear life with Ave of their number lying somewhere between them and the creek. About twenty-five yards fur ther on stood a single nepa shack, which the Filipinos bad used as a sort of arsenal This shack was their only refuge, and another determined charge brought them to It On the way another man was killed and 'Red dy' was shot through the Intestines. By sheer nerve be managed to get In the but which was built on tiles about Ave feet from the ground; the ten men remaining made openings In the bam boo walls of tbe shack, and began a long, steady fight 'Reddy' quietly told the sergeant that be had been shot but that he waa still strong enough to help the men load. So be and three men loaded while the others kept up a constant Are for over an hour. After this time tbe enemy's ar dor was somewhat cooled, though our party had to keep constantly on the alert Then 'Reddy' crawled noise lessly to a corner and laid down on bis back. The Filipino line waa so closely drawn that our men could not possibly risk a dash for the creek. Their water supply was soon gone, and the poor lltte corporal must have suffered the tortures of a damned soul; but not once did he call for drink or ask any one to turn blm over or try to ease his position. The rest of the men were almost dead from ex haustion, and each man took his turn walking about the shack aud kicking his companions to keep them awake. "The next morning at daybreak the Filipinos became more active again, and it looked for a while as though tbe little fort must be taken. Through all these stifling hours, 'Reddy' breath ed on quietly. The little room was filled with smoke and splinters of bamboo, the roof had leaked and tbe floor waa soaking, and the crashing of rifles and singing of bullets never for an Instant abated. Finally at noon the shooting subsided, and one of the men discovered a small spring about twenty yards from the bouse. Driven to desperation, a sortie was effected, and tbe men returned with some wa ter. 'Reddy' was given his share like the rest, and the men told me after ward they never saw such a look of gratitude on a man's face before. Aft ernoon bad drawn on and the party bad been twenty-four hours on water and hardtack. The men then realized that the poor boy's end was near, aud one of them was detailed to care for blm and ease his last hours as much as possible. 'Reddy' protested that he was all right, and Insisted that the fellow go back to what he called the firing line. 'Never mind me, old man,' he said, 'get back to the firing line and stay there,' and for several hours longer the little chap lay dying with out a murmur. "Toward 6 in the evening 'Reddy' called a man to bis side; be was so weak he couldn't talk above a wills per, and the man saw be was dying. 'I guess it's all up now,' said the little corporal, 'and I wish you would say a prayer for me, 'cause I was always used to It at home.' Tbe comrade knelt down, and with his bead close to the wounded man's (for the firing was still sharp), he repeated the Lord's Prayer. And then 'Reddy' peacefully closed bis eyes and let his head fall back without a sound. We found the party about twenty-eight hours after they had been ambushed, and eight of them were still alive. For some time after Oldsborough bad finished nothing could be heard but the even swing of the punkah over our beads, and then some one said, "Heroes don't always wear the white plume of battle, do they?" New York Evening Post FOES TO CONTAGIOUS ILLS. Onions and Lemons Are Preventive of Many Disagreeable Maladies. When a mere lad I bad often heard It said that the eating of onions aud lemons was a protection against cou taglous diseases, and when about 18 years of age I had an opportunity to test them for myself. I had spent the winter In the city of New Orleans, where, In the spring, yellow fever of a virulent type made Its appearance, causing an urgent demand for nurses, and having faith In wbat I bnd heard of the protective power of onions and lemons I' concluded to take what my friends called a ghastly risk and made application at the "Common Street Hospital" for a pqsltlon as nurse, was accepted and entered at once upon a line of duty, in commencing which 1 began the use of raw onions and lem ons, alternating weekly with leiuoni always taking tbetn just before going to bed. I took no other remedy, although medicine was provided every morning for all attaches. At the expiration of the tenth week I was no longer necd.d and left In as vigorous health as when I entered the hospital. On taking my departure I was re mhided by the head physician that his medicine had proliulily preserved my health. Nevertheless, a number of nurses and attaches bad died of the fever, despite his vaunted lurdlca ability. Before leaving the Institution I acquainted, the doctor with the fact I had not used bis medicine, but had relied solely upon my onion-lemon treatment, when he said It was a won der that It bnd not killed me, and If It hud that I deserved It. During our Civil War I had a sim ilar experience with smallpox cases In Washington, D. C, finding the onion and lemon a perfect protection' to my self and many of my associates. Med leal Talk. Actios; the Part. "Now, Henry," said tbe bride, "I want you to understand distinctly that I do not wish to be taken for a bride. I am going to act exactly as If I were an old married woman. So, dearest, do not think me cold and unloving if I treat you very practically when there Is anybody by." "I don't believe I can pass for an Old married man," said Henry. "I am so fond of you that I am bound to ahow it I am sure to betray myself.' "No, you mustn't. It's easy enough And I Insist that you behave Just like all old married men do. Do you hear?" "Well, darling. I'll try, bat I know I shall not succeed." On the first evening of their arrival at their hotel the bride retired, and the groom fell In with a whist party, with whom be sat playing cards until 4 o'clock In the morning. His wife spent the weary hours In weeping. At last he turned up and met bis grief-stricken bride with the hilarious question. Well, ain't I doing the old married man like a daisy?" She never referred to the subject again, and everybody In future knew that they had just been married. Plate Glaea. "Good morning," said tbe old gentle man, "I'd like to look over your spec tacles to see " "Good idea!" Interrupted the fresh clerk, who bad been told be could leave at the end of tbe week. "You can see just as well by looking over them as through them." Philadelphia Public Ledger. Somehow a pouy Impresses us as un- fa vorably aa dwarf man In a side show. If a man has no reputation to lose he can afford to ignore public opinion. GEO. P. MM, i Successor to K. L. Smith, .atabliihed House in the valley -I DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, . Flour and Feed, etc. Thin old-eftablished house will cou tinue to pay cash for all it goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but does not have to divide with a partner. All dividends are made with customer! n the way of reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an office in Hood River. Call and get prices and leave orders, which will be promptly filled. THE GLACIER Published Every Thursday $1.50 A YEAR. Advertising, 60 cents per inch, single solunin, per month; one-half inch or let-s, 25 cents. Reading notices, 5 cents a line each insertion. THE GLACIER prints all the local news fit to print. When you sre it in THE GLACIER you may know that others see it. REGULATOR LINE PORTLAND AND THE DALLES ROUTB All Way Undines. STEAMERS "BAILEY OATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGTLATOR" "METLAKO" Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Railway Co. FOR Wahkeaeni. Paly, Centervllle, Goldendale and all Klickitat Valley points. Steamer leaves Portland dally (except Sun day) 7 a. m., connecting with C. R. dt N. trains at Lyle 6:16 p. m. for Uoldendale, arrives The Dalles 6:90 p. m. steamer leaves The Dalles dally (except Jun day) 7:30 a. m. C. R. AN. trains leaving Goldendale t:U a. m, connect! with thli steamer for Portland, ar riving Portland 6 p. lu. Steamer Metlako plying between Cascade Locks and The Dulles, leaves Cascade Locks daily (except Sunday) 6 a. m., arrives The Dalles 11 ;3u a m. Leaves The Dalles 3 p. m., ar rives Cascade Locks 6 p.m. The steamer Bailey (jatzert leaves Portland daily (except Monday) 8:80 a. m., Sundays! a. m., for Cascade Locks and return, affording an excellent opiortuniiy to view the magnificent scenery of the Columbia river. Excellent meals served op all steamers. Fine accommodations for teams and wagons. For detailed information of rates, berth res ervation!, connection!, etc., write or call oa nearest axent. H. C. Campbell, (Jen. ollU-e. Portland, Or. Manager. Beele & Morse Agents, Hood River, Or. Oregon Shoit Line and Union Pacific Dinar TIME SCHEDULE! Peruana. Or. Aaaiva Salt take, Denver, Ft. worth.Omahe, Kansas City, St. Leuia.Cbicagoand Eaik 4:10 p. 1 Atlantis Eipreas 1:15 p.m. via Huntington. St. Paul Fast Mall. St. Paul Fast Mall t;00 p. m. via pokan Atlantic Express. 7 16 a. I 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Change Of Cars. Lowest Rates. Quickest Time. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rKOIg POHTLAMD. ISOp.aa. All sailing dates subject to cbaug, For Ban Francises Mil every t days Dally Ex. Bunder t On p. m. Saturday 10:00 p. m. Cekiatkla liver tlaaawft. To Astoria and Way Landings. 600 p.m. a. Sunday :46a.m. Hon., Wed. and FrL Willamette River. Salem, Indepen : . at, Toaa , Tha- dence, (orrallli ana way landings. T.Stam. YaakMI II nr. 4:Ma.m. Hob- W aad Frk Tncs., 1 bur. aaasat. Oregon City, Daytoa auu way tannings. ly.iuparte Saake titer. Lv.Lewuftea 4:06 a. m. I a m . Dally exoapt RIparU te Lewlatoa Daily sieep . . inoay. A. L. CRAIO, taarairaawageragMt. ParUaa4.0t. A. W. BOAB, Jgeal, Hm4 Blvaa. sMyoLMfO 21 Mo V 1 lOi'Li 9 Chicago Portland' Special 1:20 a. m. via Huntington. o