The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 10, 1903, Image 3

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    D A V E N
00 Worth of Land for
or Trade.
The Valley Improvement company have contracted for about all the water they can furnish without enlarging the Hume. In order to enlarge the flume the Davenport Bros, have divided
to sell land to the amount of $GO,000. This will be a bargain in landsand will hold good for 30 days and then will be taken off the market. So you will "have to hurry " if you want some of it.
This sale will include the Barrett Ranch, the best
farm in Hood River valley. Four thousand fruit trees; .
free water for a part of it; contains 180 acres; worth
$20,000, but will sell in a lump for $16,000 cash. Or
we will sell in 5, 10, 15 and 20 acre lots to suit the
purchaser. This is a fine bargain at only $16,000
Also, the famous ranch known as the old E. L.
Smith place, near the Frankton school house. This
place contains 150 acres, with several fine cold springs
on the place, and nearly enough water to irrigate the
entire land.. Only 2 miles from town, with the Frank
ton school on the place, one of the best schools in the .
valley. This place will be sold in small lots and will
all be gone inside of ten days, for $15,000
Next comes the old Van Johnson place, and this
will be included in this bargain sale. Worth $4,000,
but for the cash it will go for 3,000. This place con
tains 40 acres, 25 in clover and timothy, 500 bearing
apple trees, house and barn, nice wood shed, cold spring
at the door, good cellar, small hay barn, all the water
needed for the place from a private ditch from Ditch
creek. You can not afford to miss this at...... $3,000
Also, ten acres from the southeast corner of the old
Sipma place, all cleared and seeded to clover and tim
othy. Plenty of water for irrigating' the entire place,
free. Well worth the price J.L ..$2,000
Another 1G0 acres on Bald mountain, for ...... 2,000
Twelve hundred acres 4 miles from town, worth ten
dollars per acre. We will sell for.............. 8,000
3,300 acres up around Parker Town. This
land will be sold off in 80 and 1G0 acre lote for about
five dollars per acre, or thewholetractforabout..$15,000
M. M. Davenport has 13 acres for sale cheap. lie will
also sell his house and lot, with 8 acres, cheap.
We are not offering this land cheap because we are
hard up, but to help out the Valley Improvement Co. The
deeds to this land are in the name of the Davenport Bros.,
hence there will be no commission. All the lands selected
by them for choice hay lands, as well as apples and straw
berriec, all having free water more or less. These places
are the oldest places taken in Hood River, and are also the
best, as all of them have good cold springs on them.
We also have eight or ten large teams that we willsell
in the next thirty days, including harness and wagons.
Eighty head of cattle in good condition; two complete
saw mills.
Do not think because we are offering to sell that we are
going out of business, for none of this property is included
in our lumber business. The Davenport Bros. Lumber Co.
is incorporated for $5o,ooo, fully paid up. Their large
mill is now cutting 4o,ooo feet per day, and included in
this, besides their mill, is the water flume, timber, planing
mill, lumber, etc. We are sure that this property will be
sold inside of 3o days to men living right here in the val
ley, as the men know the bargains there are in it, and we
are also sure they will not let the outside take up these snaps.
Call on Frank Davendort, in the old bank building,
and look over the plat of the above lands.
3food Iftver (Slacier
Some Sound Views Political.
White Salmon, Wash., Sept.7, 1903.
Editor Glacier: Looking at current
events from the viewpoint of one who
has retired from city life to the "rural
deestricks," may I venture a bit of sug
gestion anent the trend of affairs polit
ical? I have been a republican all
my life. Was born that way. Re
member Lincoln's second election,
and the awful solemnity that came over
every patriotic home when he fell the
victim of democratic hatred and disloy
alty. Have in years past been a very
eager advocate of republican principles
and done my part to secure thoir success
at the ballot box.
Ranch life has its advantages as a
place from which to measure men and
events.llere one is out of the "mix up."
The magic circle, sacred to the individ
ual who is its center, here is clearer of
those invisible wires that touch other
men and control individual action, or at
least give direction to one's judgment.
For a whole year and more in a newly
adopted home i have had no voice as an
elector and so have done a little concen
trated thinking.
During the year of my practical dis
franchisement, I have been compelled
to witness on the part of a republican
congress one of the most infamous sur
renders to corporate greed and railroad
dictation ever perpetrated on a people.
The whole Panama canal, proposition
was a sidetracking scheme in which
congressmen and senators betrayed the
country at the dictation of centralized
capital. It was Abraham Lincoln who
understood best of all our statesmen the
heart and underlying purpose of the
common people, and he it was who said
"You cannot fool all the people all the
time." No statesman and no political
party, however entrenched, ever was
able to withstand the deep purpose of
the common people when kindled into
somethine resembling wrath. Again,
in its cowardly attitude towards reason
able and immediate tariff revision, the
dominant element in the republican
party is playing with combustible ma
terial. Every man knows that when he pays
for the commonest necessities of his
home life he contributes a few cents
along with his countrymen to assist the
multi-millionaire to lubricate his device
for selfishly controlling the output of
That grave tariff abuses exist today
no honest man will question. There
are hut two remedies: Either thereDub-
lican congress will courageously go about
righting the gross wrongs that the whole
country sees or the people will thresh
the republican party and lash its scoun
drels into permanent obscurity.
We have a president of character and
high purpose a man of nerve and true
fibre. Let him make his appeal to the
party of Lincoln to uphold him, and let
the people mark for political exile everv
one of their representatives whose vote
betrays him as the tool of the railroads
and trusts.
We shall never have a canal at Pana
ma controlled by the American people','
and the masses of America look upon
the Panama scheme as a piece of treach
ery. ... . . . . '
We shall never have an honest tarin
administered in the interest of the peo
ple w ho toil, until party slavery ceases.
No party can perpetuate itself oy plun
dering the individuals who comjioee it.
That is self evident. The republican
party is doing that today and is nearing
a defeat that will at least free it from
the political rats that infest it. Roose
velt and the usual democratic idiocy
may save it from defeat in 1904, but its
departure from the common people
its betrayal of their interests its delib
erate disregard of their purpose, is stor
ing up against it a flood of popular
wrath that will wipe it out when the
flood gates are loosed, and treachery of
senators and congressmen will be
responsible for its defeat and deserved
Let the young men of the republican
party make themselves understood. Let
it be known that no party owns them
to use them as voting units in polluting
our national life.
If the republican party is permanent
ly under the control of corrupting influ
ences, the true American spirit that has
rescued the republic before will do it
again and no party name will serve to
permanently obscure our best ideals.
Seymour W. Condon.
From the Rural Northwest.
It is estimated by a good authority
that the crop of marketable apples in
the Rogue River valley, Or., this year
will exceed 400 carloads.
Some very fine peaches from White
Salmon, Wash., have been on the Port
land market this year.
White Salmon. Wash.,is taking an im
portaut position as a supply point for to
matoes for the Portland market. The
nualitv of the tomatoes shipped from
that point is first-class and it is one of
the earliest shipping points in the North
Little Doing at Council Meeting.
The stupendous task before the special
committee on sewers made it impossible
to brine in a report for the council meet-
ine Mondav night. Chairman Prather
asked for an extension of time, which
was granted, and if with the assistance
oi an attorney ana a civh engineer wo
work can be completed by Monday
night, September 14, the council will be
ready for the report The work of the
committee is taken up in figuring the
probable cost of the system, and arriv
ing at an equitable manner of pro rata
After reading of the minutes of the
previous meeting, a communication was
read add placed on hie from a Salt Lake
firm, who, having heard Hood River
needed a water system, asked what like
lihood they would have in securing the
The reports of the recorder and treas
urer were read and referred to the
finance committee.
Marshal Cunning's salary of $50
for the past month was allowed and
ordered paid.
On motion of P. S. Davidson, side
walks were ordered laid on the west side
of Fourth street between Oak and State
Centrally Located. Fine View.
Pure Spring Water.
Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Completed
Proprty is in the first sewerage system that will be put in by the town
of Hood River.
Several fine buildings will le erected on the probi ty during the summer.
Special Inducements to Peo
ple who wish to Build.
For full particulars call upon
J. F, Batchelder and R. R. Erwin, Trustees.
streets, and on the east side of Second
between Itiver and Oak streets.
Adjournment was then taken until
7:30 next Monday evening.
Base Ball on Labor Day.
The youngsterB livened the hearts of
the base ball fang Labor day with a
game on the sand island below the
depot. The game was advertised as a
contest between the Unitarians and the
Bull Dogs, but the latter were scared
when they saw the line-up of the other
side, so the captains "chose up" anew.
A large number of spectators enjoyed
the exciting contest, which ended 11 to
10 for the Unitarians. The line-up of
the teams follows:
Unitarians. Bull Does.
Will Chandler c Grub Bhoemaker
I'etc Sinnott p l'uss Ueyer
B. Bro(?e 1 b Kstee Broslus
Roberts 2 b Howard Hanky
Klwood Luckey Ellsworth Hanna
Art tunning .. Harry nooa
Harold llershner 1. f Kred Bell
r. r. Kveretl Kiina
Alfred McCafferty c. f.
The smm
Unitarians 0 0 6 1 0 1 0 2 1-11
Bull Does .8 800 9 11,0 1-10
umpire 'aveujiorikt , , w
The Republic's Great Offer.
Hpeclal arrangement ban been made by the
8U Louis Republic to furnish old or new sub
scribers with the only otllclal aud authorized
life of Pope Leo XIII. This Is one great vol
ume, bound In elegant cardinal clolh, gilt and
Ink slumping, with papal coat of arms, con
taining nearly SIX) pages of text and Illustra
tions. The work was prepared and written
by Monslgnor O'Reilly, I).D.,l.,.D.,D.,l,lt., olti
clal biographer of the Pope.
The regular cash price of this book Is It2."0.
Any one remitting fr2."0 will be entitled to If
monlths subscription to the Twicc-a-Week Ue
puhl.c and a copy of the book, l'ostaxe pre
paid This offer Is open to old and new sub
scribers. The book is printed In English,
French and German and Is now ready for de
livery. Address all orders to The Republic,
St. Louis, Mo.
What is Life.'
In the last aualysis nobody knows,
but we do know that it is under strict
law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain
results. Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs, resulting in consti
pation, headache or liver trouble. Dr.
King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts
this. It's gentle, yet thorough.Ouly 25c
at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. '
f Advertisement.)
A Terrible Charge.
"Prisoner at the bar, have von anything to
say why sentence of death should not be miss
ed upon you?"
A solemn nnsn reii over the crowded court
room, and every person waited In almost
Dreamless expectation lor an answer.
Not a whisper was heard anywhere, and the
situation had become painfully oppressive,
when the prisoner was seen to move; bis head
was raised, his hands were clenched, and the
blood had rushed Into his pale, careworn face,
suddenly he rose to his feel, and In a low,
linn voice, said:
1 have! Vniir hnnnr. vmi hftvs aeberi me
a question, and I now ask It as the last favor
on earth that you will not Interrupt my an
swer until I am through.
"i stana uere neiore tuts oar, convtcteu of
the willful murder ol my wife. Truthful wit
nesses have testified to the fact that I was a
loafer, a drunkard, and a wretch; that I re
turned from one of niv Dmlomred debauches
and fired the fatal shot that killed the wife 1
bad sworn to love, cherish and protect. While
I have no remembrance of commtllinir the
fearful, cowardly. Inhuman deed, 1 have no
ruthl lo complain of. or condemn the verdict
of twelve good men who have acted as a Jury
in mis case, tor meir Vermel is l n accordance
with the evidence. But. may It please the
court, I wish to show that I am not alone re- j
SN,ii!,iuie mi tut, iiiuiuciui my wnut , f
The prisoner paused a few seconds, and then
continued Id the same tlrni, distinct voice:
I (epeat. your honor, that I am not the
only one guilty of the murder of niv wife. The
Judge on this bench, the Jury In the box, the
law yers in mis oar, ana mostoi the witnesses,
are also guilty before Almighty Uod, and will
have to appear before his Judgmeut throne,
where we shall all be righteously Judged. If
twenty men conspire together for the murder
of one peraon, the law of this land will arrest
the twenty, and each will be tried. Convicted
and executed for a whole murder, and not for
one-twentieth of a crime. I have been made
a drunkard by law. If it had not been for the
legalized saloons In my town; I would never
have become a drunkard; I would not be here
now, ready to be hurled Into eternity. Hail
It not lecn for the human traps set out with
the consent of the government, 1 wuulu have
been a sober man, an Industrious workman ,a
tender father and a loving husband; but to
day my home Is destroyed, my wife murder
gd. my little children Uod bless them cast
out U)Mn the mercy of cold world, while 1
am to be murdered by the strong aim of the
state In which I live. Uod knows 1 tried to
reform, but as long as the open saloon was In
my pathway, my weak, disesaed will-power
w as no match against the fearful, consuming,
agonizing appetite for liquor. At last I sought
the protection, care and sympathy of the
church of Jesus inrisu ror one year our
town was without a saloon. For one year 1
was a sober man. For one year my wile and
children were supremely happy, and our
Dome was a jienecv mntuiie. iimunrfll
those who signed remonstrances sroinst re
ooeninv the saloon id our town. The uamca
of half of this Jury can be found today on that
letition. certifying to me good moral charac
ter of these rum-sellers, and falsely saying
that the sale of Honor was necewsary iu our
town. The prosecuting attorney In this cae !
is one that so eloquently pleaded with the
court ftr the license, and the JuUe who now
sits on this bench, and who asks nie tf I have
anything tossy before the sentence of death
! passed upon me. granted the license.
-1 began my downward career at a saloon
bar H-aaliwa sud protected b the common
wealth, w hk-o has received annually a part
of the blood mone; from the pts,r, de;udcd
victims. Aner the state nan made me a
drunkard and a murderer, I am taken before
another bar to bar of justice by the same
power Isw that aalist-i the first bar, and
liowtbel.iw power will V-oiuiut-t me to the
arnes the Real Estate lan
Works a Simple Problem in Arithmetic
for You this Week.
Twenty cents a day saved is f 73 per year. Five years will pay for one of
those lots in Pleasant View. Ten dollars per month rent is G00 in five years,
enough to build and own a lot of your own.
Young Man, Don't Pay Rent.
1 have now on the market block 8, Pleasant View. These lots are large, 50
by 13."). Easy of access and altogether the finest lots at present for sale in that
part of Hood Paver. Prices and terms reasonable.
House and two lots $."00
2 choice lots, 100x135 325
1 choice lot, 50x135 135
1 choice lot, 25x135 05
80 acres unimproved land, fine for apples or berries; under ditch $1100
10 acres close in, partly improved; fine apple or berry land 050
40 acres unimproved, under ditch; good ! 1000
.20 acres partly cleared and set in orchard; rest easily cleared 050
00 acres, partly in fruit, good house and barn; terms easy; only 4500
10 acres near town, 3 acres in berries; new house 1500
5 acres near town, nearly all in fruit 1800
7 acres near town, good early berry land 1 000
20 acres partly cleared and in fruit; free water; easy terms 1400
10 acres near town, 5 acres in strawberries; plenty of water 2000
8 acres partly cleared and in clover; remainder easily cleared 025
1 2 acres all improved and partly in fruit; house and barn 2400
35 acres near town, 1G acres in cultivation 2500
10 acres close in, all in berries; good house and barn 2500
14 acres, one-half cleared, 4 acres in apples and berries 2800
PJ1GS, The Real Estate Man.
The Man who makes Sales of Real Estate
Is the man to list your property with.
place of The execution and hasten, my soul
into eternity. I shall appear before another
bar, the Judgmeut bar of Uod, and there you, :
who have legalized the-traffic, will have to
appear wilti inc. Think you that the great
Judge will hold me the poor, weak victim of
your tratlic alone responsible for the murder
of my wile? Kay, I, in my drunken, Ireniled,
Irresponsible coimitinu, have -murdered one,
but you have willfully and deliberately mur
dered your thousands, aud tle murder mills
are Unlay in oprrutltm with your oonsent.
"All of you know In your hearts that theae
words of mine are not the ravings of ao un
sound mind, but (iod Almighty s truth. The
liquor of this nation Is responsible for nearly
all the bloodshed, murders, riots, poverty,
misery, wretchedness and wis?. It breaks up
thousands of happy homes every year, sends
the husbands slid tiithers lo the prison and
the gallowa, aud drives countless mothers
and clil Ulren out Into the world lo suiter and
die. It furnishes m arly all thecrlmlnal busi
ness of this and every other court, and blasts
everv community it touches. This lufernal
trallic Is legalized and protected by parties
which yon sustain by your ballots; aud vet
some of you have the audacity to say t hat
you are in favor of prohibiting the Irattle,
while your votes go in tite ballot-box with
thoseo the rum-sellers and worst elemenuof
the land. In favor of continuing the business!
Everv year you are given the opportunity of
voting against Hits soul and body-destroy tng
busin.'ss, and wash our hands of all respon
sibility for the fearful results of the liquor
traffic; but Instead, you lulonn the govern
ment, hv your votes, that you are perfectly
satisfied" with the present condition of tilings,
and that they shall continue. Yon legalize
the saloons that made me a drunkard and
murderer, and ou are guilty with me before
uod and man for ibc murder of my wife.
' Your honor, 1 am done. I am now ready
lo receive my sentence and be led forth to the
place of ex.-cution, and murdered according
to the laws of this state. You will close by
asking the Lord lo have mercy on my soul. I
will clisie by solemnly asking lod lo open
your bl ind eyis to the truth, to your own In
dividual responsibility, so that yon will cease
lo give ymtr support to this heil-born trallic"
lieebe Times.
Suirlde Prevented.
-The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered will interest many. A run down
system, or despondency invariably pre
cede suicide and something baa been
found that will prevent that condition
which makes suicide likely. At first
thought of self destruction take Klectric
Bitters. It being a great tonic and nerv
ine will strengthen the nerves and build
up the system. It's also a great stomach,
liver ana kidney regulator. Only 50c.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Chas. N.
Clarke, druggist.
The Strongest Maa In Hood River.
It is not generally known that the
strongest man in Hood River may see
times when he feels his strength is not
what it ought to be. Then is when ho
ought to go to Williams' pharmacy and
get the great nerve aud body builders,
l'almo tablets. These tablets are abso
lutely guaranteed for all forms of weak
ness, at 50c a box. Keniemlier they are
for any form of weakness. There is no
manhood builder equal to them.
0 School Begins Aug. 3 1 . M
W And furthermore, we have the stock to fit you out
. for6chool.
Do you need Text Books, Dictionaries, Iti
r Tablets, Pens, Pencils, f-pones, Slates, Lrasers, Jj
V Ink or Crayons, we can fit you to a T. In fact, you
cannot call for anything in this line that we cannot J
f supply you.
w Try our Official Tablet, No. 2000. It's value is 0
unequaled. Yours for business,
H Phone 351. GEO. F. COE & SON. M
Tinning, Plumbing, Steam
And the Hayes Double Cylinder Pumps, '