The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 10, 1903, Image 2

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    ood I. ver Glacier.
The Wasco county school teachers in
their annual session at Hood River last
month declared by a resolution that the
institutes hereafter should be held du
ring the school months, and not in the
vacation iieriod, as is' the custom all
over the state. All this, because school
districts employing teachers who have
attended an institute are allowed an ad
ditional 5 from the general fund.which
the teachers think should go toward
paying their salary while attending the
institute. This is well and good for the
teacliere.lmt not the tax-payera.Last year
there were 115 teachers in Wasco county.
At the low avirage of f2 a day, for
the three days at the institute this would
mean u cost to the taxpayers of f09O,
while the work of 2,226 school children
would be interrupted for three or more
days,or a total loss 6,678 days'attendance.
Schools do not all begin at the same time
or have the same length of term. As b
remit, schools would, in many cases, be
either just started or nearing their close
when the call to attend institute would
come. Teachers in general are more
conveniently situated for attending in
stitute during vacation (ban they would
be when scattered throughout the coun
ty, And again, teachers are in bettor
condition to derive beneut from the in
stitute when held near the close of sum
mer vacation a most important con
sideration. It is quite likely the people
who pay the taxes will want a voice in
this matter.
liood River might well profit by the
adviceof ex-Dairv Commissioner Huiith
of Minnesota, who says all farmers
should plant more clover and raise
more cows, if only as a supplementary
nroduct. Nothing adds so much to
soil fertility as barnyard manure, and
exnerienee has Droven that the most
HiicceBsful farmers are those who alter
nate their crons. This holds true in
Hood River. Those farmers are the
most nrosoeroiis who have their clover
patches, cows, pigs and chickens, as
well as their strawberry patches aud
apple orchards.
There is renewed activity in Hood
River real estate. Property formerly
for sale bus beeu withdrawn from mar
ket, and prices are being raised on other
lands. It is evident that prospective
settlers in Hood River should buy now
It is the general impression that land
prices in the valley are too high, but
$500 and $1,000 an acre for apples is
iiot conducive to bring prices down.
The best indication that Hood River
is steadily growing is the big increuse
in public school children. Eight teach
ers are now employed, but some of the
rooms are so overcrowded that in all
likelihood another teacher will have
to be employed.
An Open Letter.
Hood River, Or., Kept. 7, 1903. To the School
Directors of lisitrlot No. 6(Odell), Hood Klver:
In wrttlDg thiaopen letter and criticising yonr
work, I might have beeu courteous enough to
have gone personally and Interviewed yon
but (hut the Information thus gained would
consequently have beeu limited to the writer
and tin) few neighbors I know. Ry compell
ing a public discussion, It Is believed and
hoped, it will reach all taxpayers and parents,
thus creating greater luteins! in thu affairs,
and management of our scheol work.
That more personal Interest is necessary, it
may be stated that for years past only a min
imum of taxpayers have even attended the
annual school election; last January but nine
icing present. To my personal knowledge, it
Is not Indifference alone that creates tills con
dition of allairti but is allied to the belief that
the school oan not be lifted out of a bottom
less slough of old-1'ashioued, cheap and iuetli
rlent education.
Now, however, many of us feel the time Is
ripe for a complete and wholesome revolution
and the raising of the standard of this school.
The district has increased enormously in as
sessed value. The lu-inill tax levied lust year,
with increased income from other sources, we
hoHd would lead to more liberal policy. In
t his we are greatly disappointed.
Instead of inarching with the state In effort
to Increase teachers' salaries, we actually find
yon lowering them. Last year you iaia your
principal ) and for doing the Janitor work
per month. Your primary teacher you paid
the munificent salary of J-10 a month (now
well known to be one of the most important
departments, and In city schools drawing tiie
hignest salaries of any). This year you re
duce your principal to IMS aud advance your
primary lo for an eight months' school
one earning f I, the other 75 cents per day for
the year, uhd board themselves.
Alter years of hard study and expense on
the art ot these two young ladles you se
cured, no fair-minded and intelligent tax
payer In our district but feels ashamed and,
so far as 1 have talked with them, consider
ably disgusted at such narrow policy. J t does
not seem to be for the want of tunds.
Heportcd on hand, June 15, 1903 Join 51
You will receive from state fund, Oct 5... ll." m
You received last year from county fuud iJO 40
Last year from district tax 4.3 15
fotal S1.YAI.W
We stinie the two last will approximate
the same this year as last; the county fund
probably more. Even if we enter lwit with
same balance on hand of (MO, we would have
over tl.tHjo lor this year.
You pay two teachers S times S0 thlfl On
I merest on bond and note, say ..... 70 IX)
Incidental expenses 75 00
Total tTSO 00
I nm anxious and willing to be corrected If
I am mistaken, only we seem to be able to be
disvntly liberal Ui our teachers. One ot the
duties of the school directors of this state is
'to visit and Inspect their school from titneto
lime." We regret that during the lust year's
(hi.M) lerins not one of you visited once the
seh.iol while In session. .To comment' is sim
ply tmpuasiblo. I 11A1S. U. BOBKKTS.
The wife of Dr. O. D. Doane died at
her home in The Dalles, September ti,
aged 4S years.
"tirandpa" KUis is quite sick. About
ten days ago he was taken with the eric
und since then other complication? have
set in.
F. W. Angus, the expert apple pack
er, says the people of Hood River do
not fully realise the possibilities of our
valley in the way of fruit growing. He
ins packed apples irom a good many
orchards here,, and visited the same, and
says many apple trees are good for J0
each this year.
All who patronize the Japanese tea
next Saturday, September 12, will be
treated to a itood lunch. The guests
will be expected to tike with them the
cii): a as souvenirs. I he price of the
lunch is 25c. Hours, lielween 4 and 8
p.m. The ladies of the W.R.C. always
serve good lunch.
Ray Markley is home from a ten days
trip to Lost lake, where he piloted
party trotn Portland. hue there he
killed two tine black bears, and every
body at the lake had bear meat to eat.
Allen Fulton has sold his property on
Columbia street and his farm on the
hilt to John Inland Henderson and N,
C Kvam. consideration $1,1W. Mr
Fulton and family will remove to Winant,
Lincoln county, Or., on Yaquitia bay,
w here Mr. Fulton has bought SO acre.
The ladies' aid society of the Congre
gational church niet in the lecture room
--MlMllMMSMMa - ' I III - 11 ' ' " '
of the church last Friday afternoon.
Reorganization of the society has been
effected as follows: President, Mrs. Eth
el liutton ; vice president, Mrs. A. B.
Canfield; secretary, Mrs. May Freder
icks; treasurer, Mrs. Theresa Castner;
aid director, Mrs. C. D. Thompson. The
society voted to give dinners, monthly,
during the ensuing autumn and winter.
Abe Foley and George Tyrrell arrived
n from McCoy creek mines a week ago
last Thursday, bringing with them some
handsome gold nuggets. They have re
turned with another load of supplies.
Thcv report Jim Langille and Ed Fewel
hard at work with good prospects aneau.
Miss Flora Wilson went to The Dalles
Tuesday, where she will finish her course
of study in the high school and graduate
next June.
Miss Laura Wilson, who is in Idaho,
will return to The Dalles to spend the
The Knox-Kantner comedy concert
company gave a good entertainment
Tuesday night and played to a full
house. Every one enjoyed the pro
gramme throughout Kflox knocks the
sox on ot any impersonator in tnese
parts lately.
Mrs.J.F.ISatchelder and children broke
camp in Idlewilde, Tuesday, and left in
the afternoon tor their home in rort
land. Mrs. Ratchelder says Bhe spent
a most delightful ten weeks in- Hood
River, and regrets that the summer has
'Rev. Frank Spaulding, who has filled
the pulpit in the m . ennren oi hoou
River for the past five years, has been
transferred to Oakilale, Wash. Hiscon-
iirecation here part with him reliinctant'
ly. Mr. Spaulding has a homestead at
yonut Hood, where his family Will re
main for the next year. - Roll in and
Karl, the two oldest sons, will go to
Oukdale and enter school.
Mrs. M. F. Jacobs, Mrs. II. J. Fred
cricks and Master Milo, Miss Eva Nick-
In sou and brother R. K Nicklason re-
turned Saturday niwht from a week's
visit in Portland. Mr. Nicklason, who
bus spent his summer vacation with rel
atives here, will return next week to bt
Paul, to enter his fourth vear at Ham.
line college. Miss Eva will leave about
ti e same time fur Walla Walla to enter
W hitman college.
Mrs. S. L. Pollock returned Wednes
day form an extended visit in Ohio
where she went June 4 last. Three
weeks ago she was taken sick, and as
soon as able she started for home. She
is glad to get back to where the gentle
and iieailliltil zephyrs blow.
Rev. W. C. Evans, the newly appoint
ed minister for the M. K. church, Hood
Kiver, will be here next week and till
his pulpit on the following Sunday. He
comes here from Oakdale, Wash.
Miss Pearl Eby left Saturday to take
charge ot her school near Trout Lake,
Claude Copple is reported on the sick
list, threatened with typhoid fever.
the new school house at r rank ton is
being hurried to completion, and it is
expected to be ready t open school by
tne nrst aionaay in October.
We stop the press to express the
thanks of the Glacier force for a box of
handsome peaches of the Early Craw
ford and Heath Freestone varieties.
Fearful Odd Against Him.
Bedridden, alone and destitute. 8uch
in brief, was the condition of an old
soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver.
sailles, O. For years he was troubled
with kidney disease and neither doctors
nor medecines gave him relief. At length
he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on
his feet in short order and now he tes
tifies. "I'm on the road to complete re
covery." Best on earth for liver and
kidney troubles and all forms of stom
ach and bowel complaints. Only 60c.
Guaranteed by Chas.N. Clarke, druggist.
Sheriffs Sale of Real Estate,
Notice Is hereby given that under and bv
vh tue of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon
lor Wasco county, on the 6lh day of Meptem-
ncr, mm, ana to me airecteu ana command
ing mo to sell the real estute hereinafter men
tioned, lor the puniose of satisfying a ludir-
ment and decree in favor of L. 1 McOartnev.
pluintill, and agulnst Mrs. M. K. Markley et
al defendant, lor the sum of 437.50, princi
pal and interest, and the further sum of (75
attorney's fees, aud the further sum of 27.50
costs, i win, on
Saturday, the 10th day of October, 1903,
At the houi of 2 o'clock P. M., at the county
court uouse ooor in iianes (jity, W asco coun
ty. Oregon, sell at nuhlie. auction to Mia hiirh.
est bidder tor cash Tn hand, the following da
scribed real estate, to-wit:
l oin mencing at the southwest corner of the
northwest quar'er of the northeast quarter of
section eleven in townslilp two north of range
ten east of Willamette meridian: running
thence cast eighty rods, north twenty rods,
west eighty rods, and south twenty rods to
place of beginning, containing ten acres of
Dulles City, Oregon, September 8, 1903.
t C. HKXTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate
Notice la hereby given that by virtue of an
execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of
the state or Oregon for Wasco county, on the
Mil day of September, I'.HM. and to me directed
and commanding me to levy upon and sell
I tie p'operty of the defendant hereinafter
mentioned, lor tne purpose of satisfying a
111 gmenlin favor of Kiltie Coe. plaintiff, and
against the Hood Klver Manufacturing Co.,
iieientmni, ror nip sum oi 54iio ., ana tne lur
tliersumof M50 attorneys fees, and the fur
ther sum of S24 cost, I will, on the nth day of
reptemoer, J ah, levy upou, anu on
Saturday, the loth day of October, 1903,
At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., at the county
court house door In Dalles City. Wasco coun
ty. Oregon, sell at Dubllc auction to the hish.
est bidder for cash In hand, for the purpose of
sansiyinir me saia juagmenu tne following
described real estate, to-wlL
All of a certain tract of land situated near
the northwest corner of the N. Coe donation
land claim, in section 2T, townslilp 3 north of
range iu east, w. M.. lying norm ot ana aa
jolning the O. IL A N. Co.'t right of way
through said N. Coe's donation land claim In
section, township and tange above noted, and
containing one acre of land.
I lalles City. Oregon, September 8. 1I10S.
slllol K. C. SKXTON, Sheriff.
Timber Lend, Act Junes, 1878.1
Cnilod HUte Tind Office. The Dalle.
dr., September ft, liioct. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. M;s. entitled "An
nc for the sale of tluitn-r lands in the states of
Civliforniii, Orepon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public fund
states uy aci oi .August 4, isirj,
of Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, stat of
Oregon, has on Sept .Ii,'ki2,fl led In thlsodicehi
sworn slaiement, No. li ei, for the purchase of
the lot S, SK'iNW, 8V NEV4. NW tV.
of section No. 2, township No. 2 north,
ninccNo. east, W.M.and will offer proof to
show that the laud nought Is more val liable fir
its timoer or stone than for agricultural pur
noses. aud to estatilisb his claim to said land
before the K gisler and Kecelver of this office
at The Halle. Oregon, on Friday, tae 27LO
day 01 Novemler. litU.
He names as witnesses: S. W.Cnrran. Jamm
Chltty, A. O. Wright and James Kggert,aUof
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deseri bed lands are requested to ftie
ineir claims in mis orn-e on or before said
'J. til oay or isovemher, r"W.
IKnli Mli'HAKLT. Nnl.AN. Register.
Positively Cured.
The t aitfornla Medicol Company will re
fund U the customer all money that he pavi
the drngciKi In esse he la not cured of Kueu-
niatism by lite use or
Oil of Eden
Sweet Spirits
of Eden.
Chronic esses i n variably cared, and CU RED
For Sal by
Agent for Hood Klver.
1. ci.iui iu
y t? ilitVtr JUBl IUU t
I IVilUJ Icllft- nun.11 ...... . v. v.,- . 1 K
The Hamilton & Brown Shoe Company
Are tiie larsreHi iiiauuiu.t;Luit-i ui oiiut-n iu ti
themselves. - If vou have ever worn a pa i r, you O 0 W they are the best. 1 f you
have never tried them, try them now. Our prices are the lowest, and we guaran
tee your money's worth with every pair of shoes bought here. We have men's
shoes from l!l0 up; ladies' shoes from $1 up.
We have the Best Wearing Shoe on Earth for the money.
Don't take our word, but come and see for yourself.
We Are Leaders of Low Prices.
Phone 711.
Epworth League.
Subiect for Sunday evening, Septem
ber 13: "The call of Isaiah" lea. 6:1-8.
Leader, Herman Eyerhart.
We are juet entering upon a new con
r.. aar la ill, ila niHifirt unities and
.. i. k. 'I'l.n nitst vear is sealed
witli whatever there lias been of failure
or snccesH. Let u profit by the year's
experiences, and let im now deteruiino
that we shall put fortli renewed effort to
make the coming year more succeeeiui,
and more productive of Kood.
!; lection OI League onirere loinuimw
(P riday) evemng at tne cnurcn.
T.jmrl to Exchange.
Mm ...... in I i .1 MM hla
nu Keren uihiu in - ni.,..v. ...
county, Or., In exchange lor Hood River prop
er! v. either farm or town property or a bind
. ' 1.1, ... Iln.nflu lltO HPU
ne8 propobiuou. rtj'Fij w
KBtale Man. -"
Strawberry Plants.
About 7r,(X)0 In flrt-claH inane, fr Kiile.
Fish Baskets Found.
Owner can have imme by calling at Ulacicr
office and paying for tiila notice.
For Rent.
19 acres 2' ml leu from town. Free water.
Add rem C.V.H ICKEljSEN, Hood Btver.
Saw Mill for Sale.
Raw mill and planer, located at Trout Lake,
Wiuih., for aale. Addresa
ol Trout Lake, Waah.
Persons desirous of obtaining posltloni.wlth
a gnaranteeof W per month, to call on Mra.
J. W. Rlgbv, Oak St.. Hood River, Or. ol
Boy Wanted.
Between the hours of 11:30 and I o'clock, nt
,10 . BLOCOM'8.
Two yearling heifers. One a Jersey, the
other common red. Both bearing sear-head
brand on top of left hip. Una dollar will be
given to the sender or a postal card or phone
iiiesange telling where these helfera can be
found. ft. K. HARBISON, phone34H,
Pony for Sale.
Cheap. Inquire of McOUIRE BROS.
To trade a team weighing 1800 pounds each,
perfectly true, for a smaller one. Or will buy
a team weighing about latX) pounds each, If
satisfactory. Also have a new saddle for sale
ortnule. J. H. HIIOKMAKKR.
Cow for Sale.
A good family cow, part Jersey, for sale ror
-!. MRH. II. fa. LEWIS.
Cow Wanted.
I want to buy a No. 1 fresh cow, Jersey.
824 ROBT JONKS, Belmont.
Cow for Sale.
Good Jersey cow, giving gallons of milk
i day. s.1 HA lilt Y BAILEY.,
Furnished Room.
A furnished room to rent, with no bed bugs.
Inquire at the depot s'J4
While fishing along Hood river, a pair of
gold-rimmed nose gluases, In red plush case.
83 H. J. BY UK KIT,
Angora Billy Goat.
I have an Angora Billy Goat of good grade
of stock that I will sell cheap or exchange.
r2I' Hazelwood Karm.
Boating Parties.
J. W. Taylor, caplaiti of the stenmer. Mnja,
Is prepared to take pleasure parties tu Mem
ahaiae, Collins Hot Springs, or any point of
interest on the (ktlnmhia. Charges reason
able. Phone main 404, Hood River. S
"FoFSaleor- TradeT"
One Jersey cow; one horse, 1200 lbs; one 8
seated spring hack; one set of double harness,
(second hand.) Terms easy.
Closing Out Sale.
I will do no more bicycle repair work after
Saturday night, August 2. All who have left
wheels should call and get them. Will also
close out my stock as fast as I can.
E. M. Holmnn.
For Sale For Debt.
S. C. Jackson has conveyed to John Leland
Henderson as trustee his sture building and
lot by Abbot's store on the hill to be sold lo
pay said Jackson's debts. The property Is
otlered for sale at s.7.. All persons owing
said Jackson will please call at llcndereou's
office and sett ie at once. All persons having
claims against said Jackson will send Item
lied statements.
Ud Now.
All persons having Tillls against me will
please leave them at theollieeof John l.eland
Henderson. All iersons owing me will please
call at Mr. Henderson's office and pay tip. I
wish lo settle up my accounts as I expect to
go east for the winter. H. C. J ACKSON
Fine Jersey Cow
For sale. Bee- U). BART MESH.
Onions For Sale.
Onions by the sack, Vi cents a pound, for
sale by J. C. BOGUS.
For Sale.
I have team, harness and two wagons for
sale. Price $100. J AS. INGAL1A
To Exchange.
Fanning or fllork Innds in KlickttJtt county,
Wwh., for atrttwlMMTy htni in Hood tit ver.
Inqnlre of Jamrs in tea Its, Hood River, or
h QKO. A. HXTQKK, l.) le, Wish,
while 3'ou rubber. A full
line just in and now on
digplay. "When in need
of prescriptions, remem
ber we make a upeeialty
of pleasing every cus
tomer. Try us once.
.UAH A W - - -
li..r TiTviisirefl than ever
Stump Pulllers.
We carrf a complete stock
hing, Machines, wire cable, rope shortners,
blocks, root hooks, etc., for which we are general
agents for Oregon and Washington. Write for
catalogue. .
ONLY exclusive Hardware Store-in
Wear Like Iron
Neat PatternJust
what the boys need
Two & three-piece
0 3
And the price
Charles R. Spencer.
Fast time between The Dalles and Portland. Sleamer leaves The Dalles, Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m.; arriving at Portland at 2 p. m.
Returning, leaves Purl laud Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 a. m.; arriv
ing lit The Dalles at p. m.
stopping at Vancouver, Washugal, Cascade Lock, Stevenson, Parson, St. Martin's
SprinKS, Collins, While Salmon, Hood Klver and Lyle, for both freight and pasHengers.
J. W. Crlchton, Geueral Agent, The Dulles; landing foot of Union St. C. K. Sieel
smith, agent Pnrtlnud; landing foot of Oak st. Uapt. K.W.Spencer, General Man
ngcr, I'orlliilld. K S. (U.INGKR, Agent, Hood River.
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in AH Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
The Mt. Hood Store
Carries a full stock of goods such as is generally
found in a country store. We can fit out caniers
with all necessary cooking utensils, groceries and
canned goods. Fishing tackle and ammunition.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
A public telephone in the store building.
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
I now open in the room formerly occupied by Slisa Roe'a millinery
store. Hazelwood Ic Cream Una a reputation second tu none. Former
patrons wilt need no inlroduelioii to thin famous cream. All others
are invited to call and try it.
America's BEST Hepublican Paper.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
52 twelve-jmge papers $1 a year. The Inter Oeean
and Glacier one vear for 11.00.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry run to and from the boat landing If you want
a fml-claa turnout call on the
line of Slioea to 'our al-
to suit you.
nil 0-nrulsiMHPilk for fl
",v" ..r.- m
of W. Smith Grub-
is right at
New Idea Patterns, 10 cents. I
hi i i'i iiiiriftF iHTin. in .1 iiiik a. into, i i
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., June 15, liMl Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provision!
of the act of congress of June 3, IH.S, entitled
"An set for the sale of timber lands In the
slates of Caliloruia, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public lend states by act of August 4,
of Portland, county of Multuomsh, state of
Oregnii, has this d:iy filed in tills office her
sworn statement, No. XiTJ, for the purchase of
the N rM of SW hi ana lots I ana I oi section
2ft, and lot 1 of section 2!, In township
No. 8 north, range No. D east, W. M and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is
more vaiuanie lor us iimoeror mumih man mr
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before the Register and
Kitceivcmf t his oince at Vancouver. Wusii..
on Monday, the 2Mb day of September, HWi.
she names as witnesses: Homer t'. t'ami
bell, (leorgo W. Simons. Charles K. Swigui t
and Kmery Oliver, all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ahove-desoribad lands are requested to file
tlie r claims in this omce on or Deioru saiu
2fth day of September, HKtt.
J2ls'il FRANK V.. VAUUHAN, ItegtHtcr.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, August fi,
liW. Nolii is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of bis I men
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof wilt be made be-
foretieo. T, I rather, U. S. uoiiuussioiier, at
Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, September
21, ltM, viz:
of Hood River, Oregon, II. K. No. KW2, for the
Nh;v; section 4. townslilp i noi tn. range w, W. M.
lie names the loiiowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Charles H. Stanton, Joseph A. Knox, Charles
W. Murphy and William (. Doilson, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
al3sl7 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
You .want one now
that fall has come.
Drop in and see what
Savage has in the
stove line. Also ex
amine the .many
other goods that are
unpacked daily at
On the Mount Hood roud, South
of town, keeps const ant ly on hand
the best quality of
Groceries, Hay, Grain &-Feed,
At Lowest 1'rlees.
h23 D. K. LAMAR, Prop.
Paradise Farm.
This well-known summer resort Is again
open totiie public. It Is only 15 minutes'
walk from the depot. liovely surroundings:
the best of water and fruit. Terms, ti a week
lor this season.
H. R. ENTRICAN, Manager.
Ice Cream
and Candies
L. C. Hay nes
James f. ueiioi d
The place to Kt-t hu env ahave. an
up-to-date htiir cut, and to enjoy the
luxury ot a porcelain bath Uiu.
& Builders.
g-FLANB aud Estimates KtiHNisiiKi-4
and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
S. H. COX.
Acme Cement
I do Aeme Cement Plastering that will last
a long as the house stands. Also, cement
foundations. Wee samples of work and get
prices before letting contract.
Meat Market.
McGuire Bros., Propr's.
Dealers tn Fresh and Cured Mesta, Lard
Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone
E. A. SOULE, "
and Builder.
Plans and Estimatks Furnish kd
Upon Application.
and Builder.
Plana furnished and Estimates jrivn
on Buildings, juyl
Household Goods
For sale, (fe-dsteadi. tables, springs, chairs,
heating stove, eic., proisriy of Dr. Donald.
son. must be sold Immediately.
aJ) J. W. RI'iHY.
For Rent.
LotaSand S, hUs k K, Hood River. Ixt
and 4. Block g, Pwkhursl.
J larl Fsrimin jit.. Omaha, Neb.
Furnished Room.
On furnished rK)ni lo rent hy
sW MKS. a M. HABKIKL phone 7T:i.
For Sale oi Traded
Nice two-sealed top carriage rr sale or will
trade for hsy. Call st
For Sale.
find bwkhoitrd: n larsre tank, fl gallon
and over: ." or a whiskey 1mm l. i or :t g:).
II sini Jl Ki gallon keg; i five t nvw
Call on on biione, PKl'Kit M.iHit
For Sale.
12 seres rood apple land, ui ri front Pine
Omve M-hool liotiw. on V. W iiil-i!.iirxt
liouw south ui arliool limit... east sideof rond
Uraddmu V. W INt Hf.LU
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park adililion
The oast half of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres west of I.vnmn
Smith's ; free irrigating water; f'l.lillO.
3. Lot 10. Uelinont; in cultivation:
fair house; 5 acres; price 1,500.
5. The NV J4' section 25, T2 X, I: )
E; known as the W K IVaison home-
stead; improvements worth fXIO; lialf
the land, or more, tilluhle; Iiavenport
ditch runs throuuli it. In thy Crupper
neighborhood; price 1,500.
Corner lot in front of school house
The Gob. Melton lot and cottaye in
Barrett-.Sipina addition,
7. Itarrett-Sipnia addition; $125 per
lot: $10 down and S per month.
2. Elidible residence lot's in Spanker's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
125; termaeasy, installment plan.
6. The Koplin place at Frnnkton.- 17
acres well improved; free irri-atinu
water. Price fl,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land al the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George K.
Forsvlh ; price flood.
21." K. )i S. E. i4', 8. i,' X. E. U sec,
4, 1. 3 N., K. 11 15,, White Salmon; line
timber land ; f 10 per acre.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $000.
The Hunt place )' mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in straw ber
ries and other fruits. Price, f 1450.
The new company now offers for sab
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Kiver Tow nsite company, ot which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the hood Kiver Dank treasurer.
Five acres at Frankton, known as the
Charley liojfers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Price, f 1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at f5.00 a month.
The 3 acres east of Garner's, near M rs.
Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the city
limits. All in berries and apples; good
cottage. A lovely home. Price for 15
days f 1,700; after that f 1,900 subject
to lease till November 1, 1003.
Persons who have made desert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timberentries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
by conferring with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood Kiver.
For 30 Days.
For Sail! The old Galligan place, (iO
acres; f 1,800 two-story dwelling, hard
finish; barn and out buildings; 10 acres
in cultivation, 2 acres strawberries, some
orchard; Hume, irrigating ditch and
Phelps creek pass through property
f 4,500; fralO down, food December 1 ,
balance in live yenrs at 7 percent. This
offer is good for 30 days only.
Tickets fo and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Iieaver lino of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 lirst-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and lifter this date, April !, 1003,
the rates w ill be as follows: f 10 a day ;
Lot corners established for f5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
The Howell cott iigo mid .'5
acres, east of Mrs. Alnia
Howe's, for ." days at 1,700,
after 2 weeks 1JOO.
100-nere farm, 5 miles
southeast of town on The
Dalles road; fences and build
ings; several acres cleared
land $1,000.
The Fulton 11-room house
and lot by the urniorv, for
I'i'linlicr Land, Act Jim 3, 1K7S.I
trailed Stiilcs ImW oiHop, North Yukiina,
Wusii., July I. I'tti Noiice In i i,.,v ulv. n
tlmt In coiiiplian. wllli thp provision's of tin'
act of conKr-1 of June :t, ;s7s, entitled "An
a-t for I lie wile or timlier innds in the slate of
( aliforniu. Oregon. Nevada mid Wa-hiiisMoii
'territory," s eMen li-t tonll the pulMie l:inl
Hlules by (let of AimuM t, Isli-i,
At.irK stills i.nit,
of Portland, mum y or Miilinoiimli, stale of
iircBon, luis tills day Hied in n,, otliee her
sworn statement. No. UU, for the pnrehase of
tlieensl 'jjor wmtluv st 1.4 and wl .,ol oiith
enst '4 of M-ciion No. .il, in lownshlp No 7
ni.rtli. raut 'o. 11 ent, W. M., an I will oil. r
IIMof IO BllllW III si the l.-.ii.l s.HII!lll is more
rallialile for 1!s limher or stone loan lor snjn
Pllltnral piiriSHM-s, and to eMal.llsh tier r!a:m
tosiild! lieforp V. li, 1'n.hy. I inl.-il
Stale; 1'oiiiiiiissioner for ilistri.-t of 'WHIiinu
lon, Kt his o'tiee m lit, I l-mlale. Vli , 01
I nivday, tlic LMt!i day of W'pleinlier, lim.
hlietiaine as witness,.; JasjM-r K. 'fiiini:
and Annii I,. Yoiunr of tnsiie itix k. Wash.:
James 1 ox und Alden Kingman or Trout
Uike. Wash.
Any and h1! persons claiiiilni! adversely the
atnivivilP' eiiheil lands urn riillesleii to tile
Ih.lrenl in in 11ns otti 011 or ln-fire said
anil day of (s..(iteT,iiM.r, i:t
ANNA I, YurN.;,
of t 'us! Iff ftoek, couiitv of I 'ou litz. stale of
Wasiiintrion. lli sday tiled In ihisotli. e
!;er kwoiii slali no 111, No. 1- fl.r I he nrehax'
ol the west f southwest 01 ais l 1011 i.' un I
thesi i-.; 01 autlieast i' of section :u, m
liwiishii No. 7 liorlli.ruiijre No. II ensi, W..M ,
and will fi'l. r .i.sif u snow ihst the land
sought i mine valuatd for lis iiiilH-ror stone
tlisli f-r nterieuuiiral ptirisises, hinl tieslah
llsli lier l Uini to s.o.1 land U io.e w. It. i're
by, I'nil. d Mutes (.,:,,,, 11-si.. in r for ills ii, l
of Wssiitllit'oli. ut ,M Oltiee Hi (iol.lelldnle,
Wash., on luelay, (he Mh Uav of S 1.0 111
ter. Hit. '
She minus, as w itnesses: Aliee -hnyler f
I'orli ,n.1. rs z--n: Janus, ( ox, Alden' kin
mini und Itots'rt fox, allot I roui I jike.M sh.
Any Mint ail 'Mi elainiiinl advers. iv H e lands arm r..Hel. d lo ii;e
Ineirels.ios i,i thin otth-e 0,1 or ta lore sid
.th ilav ot i.'enits r. lurt.
Jy2..-4 UKMtY V. HlNMAX.ItKisUr.