The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 27, 1903, Image 2

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    Xocd Pv.ver (Slacier.
Tin- Uhicicr'n cireulutioit lias pused
the 1,000 mark. Bawd on the custom
ary estimate of five readers to the sub
scriber, there are now 5,000 Glacier
render. Of thi' fuel, advertinera should
take note. It iiK'tniH an inereasMvuluH
'to their udveiiihiiiK. There la scarcely
a home in Hood Kiver vaHey and the
Mount Hood settlement at which the
Glacier is not a weekly visitor; and in
tbe communities directly tributary to
Hood River it goes to a majority of the
homes in Mosier, Nicolal and Vieutoon
the Oregon side of the Columbia, and
to White Sainton, Underwood, Chen
oweth, Iliisum, Pine Flat and the
Trout Lake country in Washington.
Thus Uu Glacier completely covers u
torrliory 200 square miles' in extent,
and containing fully 5,000 people. As
an advertising medium, there are few
newspapers that so thoroughly cover
the field us does the (Under. Hood
. River merchants, in the matter of ad
vertising, are much more enterprising
than business men In the majority of
towns of 1,200 population. They have
found it pays, and long ago learned to
regard it from a business standpoint
and not In the light of charity. To re
ciprocate, we are glad to assure adver
tisers a growing circulation. This cir-
P culation is now . 1,008, and the sub
sertp'ioii lists are always open tc
Inspection. It la possible to do btisines'
without advertising in the Glacier, but
HtK'iess is Hindi mi er witli it.
dially Invited to attend.
Following is the programme as ar
ranged for today and Friday:
Openlug Lxerclsea, o'clock.
Geography r. A. Grout
Grammar Krunk Klgler
When an.i Why Itcsulls Differ in Two
Mcllnals uf i'arluil Fay incut -
A. P. Armstrong
Opening Kxercisea, LSI o'clock.
History D- A. ttront
Reading Krang Kigler
Kural School Frogrummes J. u. Ai-nerman
lniug Kxerclsea, il o'clock.
Civil Government 1. A. (front
Arithmetic Frank Kigler
Llttlo Things J. H. Ackermun
Opening Exercises, LSI) o'clock.
KlKth Grade Composition D. A. Gront
Grammar Frank Kigler
Civil Government D. A. Grout
The teachers In atteudance are:
Blanche R Wilson, Ethel Robards,
Tinn Rintoul, lialsy K Thomas
KUeu D Baldwin, Male Masiker,
Martha K ltaldwm, A' L Everett,
lionise Rintoul, Helen M Delta,
Ethel Johnston, Ashley H Caali,
Hess Isenberg, C I) Thompson,
l.ulu M;i nil, Margaret Kied,
Grace Mann, Carrie Copplc,
LtllleUredt, Charlotte Lucas,
Kathrvna Duvenrjort Cora Connie.
itiiia l. weicn.
9 1
President l'rael of the M n 1 I
Amateur Aihlellc club has extended i
ciiriiiul invitation In the newspaper mo.
of the state to a" ten' tlie big Kail en: ni
in IVrtli.nd, S , h nil i r l-l to 2i inch
she, nti 1 it-nckii! tin in lo make tl
club their lievilipiarters uliilo In (I
city. Tlie 51nltiii tniili rlnii'p In nie
the Imiids' il ( St on the con.-t. ll
Mile li. my liitit tlie bitf Kail cariiiv.
will be the best ever yirvu in I'xr i 1 i.
'J'l.e (ili cler 1 1 ! H li kx lint liuiliaeiiiei
f. r - .in il i itic-ii I it ry seiison tickets.
Elsie .McAlislor,
Menu While,
Edna Hamilton,
Louise Goodnow,
Hertlia Wllllums,
Iioru Nellsen,
Hester Kent,
Bertlna Cramer,
I. L Toimcy,
Mara Sin it n,
M nbel Klddell,
C A Kverlee,
Cnrdella Blevcns,
G W Mrown,
Ida Htrnnahan,
Lulu Thomas
Margnret Kellcy,
V II Isenberg,
Minnie Eltou, .
is. C. Roesman,
Etta E. Wrenn,
Martha Kartell,
l.ulu (.'. Horn1,
Inle Htraclian,
V, H llartwlK.
Minnie Hchungcl,
Eunice Cotton,
Elizabeth Quinn,
Georgia Bonney,
Orphn Markley,
Mil u lie striwiahan,
Kate Roche,
Nan CKiper,
Carrie H. Coley,
Cora A Wlngfleld,
Eli.a Hteveus, -TM
Audry Markley,
Louis H A meson.
Content Eltou,
Minnie Michel),
Howell M. Metcalf,
Troy Hhelley,
Mary N. Campbell,
Erinu Thorn paon,
Nellie Mcllaley,
Lizzie Nichols,
Lucy Mullens,
n lr
r 14 in
You Can Always Find a Bargain Here.
Our buyer is in New York wlfctinj? nml- 'p?ti reml.v f(ir Hltipment onoof
the lawHt and best UKisortmentH of Fall and Winter (JoodH for ladies, gents aud
children that have ever been brought to Hood Paver. We will have an excep
tionally fine line of Capes, Coats, Jackets, etc. Don't buy until you have seen
our stock. - They will be here in , plenty of time, and you can't make money
easier than by waiting for their arrival.
LJ We have just reeei
Z Tablets, size 6x9, 4c
M 5c each. Lead Pencilt
in box, lc box. Erase
V Phone 711.
We have just received a splendid lot of Tablets for school purposes. IVncil
Tablets size 6x9, 4c each; Tablets, good grade paper for pen and ink, size 5x8,
5c each ' Lead Pencils, good, even lead, rubber in end, lc each. Slate pencils, 4
in box lc box. Erasers, lc. School Shoes, $1.05 and up. Boys' Suits, f land up.
ITImner Ind. Act June 8, W7R.1
United State Land Office, Vancouver,
Wah.,Mny, lDOi-Notlce In hereby given
that In compliance with the provision, of the
act of congrcaa of J une S, im, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber landa In the f teof
California. Orecon, Nevada and W asliliiglon
Territory," extended t all the public lanu
atuU by act of August L WU.
Of Hood Kiver, county of Waaco. state of Ore
gon, h.i thla day niea In inn uiii in "
Btatemciit No. S3ftl, fnr the purchase of the
Iota 1 and 2, aoulheast yt noru wn i,
northeaat eoulbwert H of Betrtton No. I, in
township No. 6 north, range No. Weast.W.M.,
and will otter proof to sliow that the land
aoucht la more valuable lor Its timber or
amiiellmn for agricultural piirtHisea, and to
establish hia claim to said land before the
Register and Rocfllverof this office at Van
couver. Wash, on Wednesday, tlielHU day.ol - tw...
tie names aa wimt"ra. " 7 " .i
Theodore F. Hhepler and Alfred J.
of Hood Kiver, Ore., and H. A. tmlnur oi
Any and all personn claiming adversely the
above-flescnueu iwiun hi int... -their
elalniB In tbla oiflce on or belore aaid
tllh dayofHeptemoer, emi.
ni7Jy9 KAN K. E. VAIiUnm, n'Kinij-
New Idea Patterns. 10 cents.
wild animals were interesting to old and
young alike.
If Campbell Bros.ever tour the North
west again, they should not overlook
Hood River. William P. Camibell,who
looks after tickets for the press, is him
self a newspaper man, and is one of the
proprietors of the Hornet, a weekly pa
per at Waukomi8, Okltihoma,that "land
of the fair god." Mr. Campbell write
weekly for his paper will-prepared de
scriptive letter of the country through
which his company pannes. This is hif
Deputy Assessor Lee Morse lius coin
pleti-d li s work for Hood River vitlle.v
ami the country went to I'jtsouile L eks
He found 1.327 itnliviiluul property
owners, having un assessable valuation
of ("01,150. 'I his is exclusive of the
railroad, telegraph and telephone
companies, w hich is expected to bring
the total up to over $!)00,000. Ju 1902,
the taxable property in Hood River,
alone, was 1717,790.
. Hood River is in possession of Wasco
county's winsome school ma'ms antl
staid old pedagogues. At the last teach
ers' institute, it was voted unanimously
to come to Hood River, and from all
appearances tho teachers are glad to be
here. The Glacier welcomes the teach
ers and believes there is nothing in
Hood River too good for them.
Tho Glacier acknowledges receipt of
a complimentary to the 4th annual
Harney county fair,to be held at Burns,
Or., September 14 to 20. A glance at
the premium list, amounting, 2,500,
shows the people of Harney county to
be a generous lot. Here's wishing the
best of success for the Harney county
Hood River's much-needed sewer will
be built this fall. Councilman Prather
is working hard on a special report
which Engineer Paget has prepared,
and which Mr. Prather will lay before
the city council at an adjourned meet
ing, Monday night.
T T T- . - lli'.
- ii t.7 n . :v '!T,s
Woman's Dress Goods.
Yes, the women of 'Hood ltfver nrw getting more
So are we.
You are invited to call aud see the latest things
in Dress Fabrics and Waist Goods at prices in
reach of all.
You should buy your clothing from us:
1, Styles superior.
2. The iit is perfect.
The finish is excellent.
4. The material is the best.
.". The price is right. -
You can do better at
ITIinlwr In nil Af't J line 3. iivH. I
ri..i. u.iui lonrf Office. Vancouver,
Tni. A..ii on iui:i Notice la nereuy
given that in compliance with the provisions
of tlie att of Congrei of June 8, 1878. entitled
"An n.t for the aiile of timber land In the
nr riuiif..rnia ni'.-iron. Nevada and
Washington Territory," aa exiemieu J"
the public lana niaws oy bci oi
Of Porlland.county of Muliiiomnh, Mute at
tiregon, nan tnta aay nicu in i
sworn malement No. 30tt, for the purchase o
the went half southeast quarter and east hull
k,... ,,rl ,,f an. lion No. HO. In town-
ahlp no. o uorin, range fo. ii rai. "
will oiler proof to ahow that the land Bought
i ,. vuinuhiA for tu timber or titoiic than
foragrlcultuial purpownt, and to establish his
claim to said land before tlie Register and Re
ceiver of thin office ut Vancouver, wiisn.,uu
Tuesday, tlie 8t h day or September, imw.
He names aa witnesses: Frank K. Harrsiw,
.loliii K. Hli?ht. 13. Hosmcr and . V: Mow.
oil nt iltttinAuU. WasllllllFton.
am'v .mi all mirui,i,H (laintiiiu adversely tlie
aiu.imuiiwrihpri land! are reuucsled to Hie
tlielr claims in- this olltce on or before said
81 h day of September, 1H03.
m7Jy FRANK R VAUOHAN, Register,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
17. !!. Notice is hereby irlven that tin
liillowlng-named settler lias Hied noti(-3 ol
liU ItiU'lillon l make linal proof In
suunort of bis claim, and tliitt. said proof
villi he made before Ueo. T. riathir, V.
Commissioner, at Hood Kiwr, Oregon, on
Snturday, August w, ltkil, vir.:
or Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. :t07()l,fiu tlie
.yt HW)4 and iots ti and 7, section 1, township
I north, lunge eiist, W. M.
Heuanies the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldunce upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John llusklrk of I'urtlnnd, Or.; Krunk Netr,
W. R. Wlnans and Jumcs (iurrick, all ol
Hod River, Oregon.
jyitnii MICHAKI, T. NOI.AN. Register.
7i'TiiilM;r I Jind. Act .lutie- IK7H. I
Real Estate
For Sale
Park addition
A Feature of the Circus Parade.
Photo by DeBord.
Rachel Morgan,
J M O'Brien,
P II Sparks,
Margaret Hlgmati.
Ola Norman,
Lena C 8ncll,
The Glacier Is
Susie Ward,
Anna B.Thompson,
Ijena Merryman,
Cecelia LeDuc,
Mutdlna McLeod,
Viola llowenstine,
Flora Jones,
indebted, to Professor
Many Teacliern Attend Institute.
Ninety school teachers are in Hood
River this week in attendance at Was
co county's ami mil institute. The ses
sions opened promptly at 9 o'clock
Wednesday morning, and are in charge
of J. T. Nett, deputy county superin
tendent. In tlie absence of liev. I). V.
Polinit of Tlie Dalles, J. 8. Landers, city
superintendent of The Dalles public
schools, is looking after the musical
programme as of yore. County Super.
intendent C. L. Gilbert's smile is more
delightful than ever to nee. He at
tends to every want of the fair visitors,
and feels gratified to see the second in
stitute at Hood Kiver such a complete
Tlie opera house is well filled both
mornings aud afternoons, and close
attention is paid to the words of coun
sel of the able instructors ano exper
ienced educators wiio are imparting
the latest ideas of school work to the
teachers of Wasco county. Frank Rigler,
superintendent of the Portland public
school, and P. A. Grout, principal of
F. II. Isenberg of Cascade Locks for
furniehing the above list.
Campbell Bros. Gave a Hood Show.
Over 3.000 neonle saw tlie eplendid
performance of Campbell Bros', circus
in Hood Kiver Monday afternoon, while
1.21)0 more men, women and ctuiaren
attended in the evening. This was the
first circus in Hood Kiver tor years, ana
of course tlie attraction drew, a large
crowd. The surrounding settlements
had been well billed, and it was surpns
ing to rind so many people in the coun
try. Tlie show management had not ex
pected such an attendance ana aauuion-
nl sections of seats had to be provided
after the crowds began pouring into the
mammoth tents.
The parade in the morning was a
feature never before seen in Hood Kiver.
Sliortlv after the business bouses were
opened, people began entering the city
in hacks and wagons irom me upper
vallev. while boat loads were crossing
every hour from tlie north side of the
Columbia. It was circus day. Of course
the children couldn't go alone, so the
old folks, too, took a holiday. About
half past 10 the good country people
and town folks crowded the sidewalks
on Oak street 2,000 strong. For blocks
it was a perfect jam. The people good
naturedly jostled and joked. A man
from tlie circus rode up and announced
to the people to look out for their horses
on the side streets as the elephants were
At this moment were heard the
strains of martial musio and a red
coated band hove in sight. Then came
tlie Shetland ponies, the ponderous ele
phants, with -'Frank A. Cram, Always
in tlie Lead" placarded all over the big
beast, camels, dromedaries,Indian cows,
clowns, trick riders, donkeys, graceful
horses, and a "coon" band closing up
the rear. The animal cages were miss
ing, as the sand hill from tlie show
tents was too much of a pull to bring
them up town.
"How was tlie show?" "Good; you
ought to go," was heard oij all sides as
the people returned from the afternoon
performance, and every one.w ho couldn't
get off to go then, went in tlie evening.
Campbell Bros, give a good, clean,
wholesome show, the Glacier is glad to
first trip to Oregon, and he is delighted
with the scenic effects of the country.
For Sale For Debt.
8. C. Jackson has conveyed to John Inland
Henderson as trustee tils store building aud
lot by Abbot's store on the bill to be sold to
pay said Jackson s debts. The property Is
oll'ered for sale at t")7i. All uersons owing
Mild Jackson will please call at Henderson's
ollice and settle at once. All persona having
claims against said Jackson will send Item
ized statements.
Pay Up Now.
persons having Dills against me will
lease leave them at the office of John Inland
Henderson. All perrons owing me will please
call at Mr. Henderson's office and pay up. I
wish to settle up my accounts as I expect to
.... aaU, f. Ilka wlHlur U f TA.''LMilN
For Sale.
Good bnckbonrd: 10 large tanks, 2O0 gallon
and over: dor 6 whiskey burrels, 4(1 or 6u gal;
s smi.ll lu gallon Kegs; i nve gaimn.orana new
Cull on on bhone, PETE It MoHH.
Fine Jersey Cow .
For sale. Bee ' 8. K. BARTMES8.
Onions For Sale.
Onions by the sack, 1J4 eents a pound, for
suie oy j. v. wuuus.
... i i
.; cco.p.cna
ur.ALtn IH
The Crowd at Crowell's Corner.
-Photo by DeBord.
I lie raiK street scuooi, i-ortiann, were say. w line the company auesn t pre-
tlie Instructors yesterday, wnile Mate tend to be the euttal of Uie world s great-
Sujierintendent of Public instruction 1 est shows, every one; who enters the
J. 11. Ackernian and A. P. Armstrong tents of this circus gets his money's
or tne rortiaua ousiness college are ex-1 worm and is giaa ne went. A strong
peeled to arrive today. 1 feature is the splendid atrobatic work,
liev. .Mr. 1 ulitig was cheduiea lr a ' snne ol men cannot tie excelled any
lecture ou "Our Boys," last night, but where. The little Japanese were won
in his si cad Frank Kigler was listened iders, and their clever performances elic-
to liy large audience Interested iu
pillule chooi work. His subject, "Re
lation of the School and Home," was
ably handled. If Mr. Poling is not
bete touight it Is likely Mr. Ackeraiao
will take his place. The public is cor-
ited frequent applause, as did the daring
minis 01 tne irapeie men. 1 be work ol
the clowns h unfortunately weak. But the
circtn as a whole was very good, and the
courteous attendants gave the public
every attention. 1 ne large collection ol
For Sale or Trade.
One Jersey cow: one horse. 1209 lbs: one S
neatea spring Hack; one Helot double harnes,
inecuuu iiuiiu,; itruia easy.
Closing Out Sale.
I will do no more bicycle remilr work after
Saturday night, August 'in. All who have left
wnoeissnouia can ano get. mem. win also
close out my stock aa fast as I can.
u. M. rtnmian
To Exchange.
Farming or stock lands In Klickitat count v
Wash., for strawberry lands In Hood Kiver.
impure or jmues ingaiis. Hood Kiver, or
mu- uimi, a. Bi, L.yie, wash.
For Sale.
I have team, harness and two wmrons for
saie. rncemiu. ja. l.NHAI.IJS
For Sale.
A 5-ver old bay mure. 1000 pounds: broken
w riae or arive, single or double. True, gen
tle, and no bad ways. Good for a lady's nag,
rnoeaio. lnnmranr the owner.
For Sale.
Light driving team and work harnesi.
uoiiMie uukkv iiurticHs auu uuggy.
Firtfl TTrYi Pst.f a rl T.anrl
oaaw w ASM WW VW4 &aaltVJUJkA(
lfwiH urlmiit land un A .r t..m U 1 ... 1 1
n "vn mnu IUI HH7 )IUH. Jl W
have not used your ritfli!, ee meat once, in
luwn n hi iiimiiu, 'm nine wnuii 01 jieimoni.
M7 T W 'VWl L'i.'IV
Fresh Jersey Cow
And pony for sale. II. K. KHtiKSIAKKR.
Snap For Sale.
5 acres clay soli, 8 miles from city. Free
a uter; 2 acre in clover. Address
HoikI Kiver, Or.
la Tf sT ft nltfij "ftl If? I k
State Normal School
Trttinintf school for teachers' coursei ar-
runiced especially for training teachers for
all brunches of tlie profession. Most ap
proved met hods for graded and ungraded
work taoirht in actual district school. The
demand for graduates of this school as
teachers fur exceeds the supply. The
Training department, which eonsists of a
nine-rade public school of iiIrhiI 2"0 pu- well equipped in an lis orancnes, 111
clutling slnyd, music, drawing and liys
iciil training. Tlie Normal course, the best
and quickest way to state certificate.
Fall term opens September 22. lor cut
ilogue or format ion address
ti. l. Ki",ssi,f',n, rresitteni.
Or J. B. V. jiUTLER, Secretary.
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
The Mt. Hood Store
Carries a full stock of goods such as is generally
found in a country store. We can fit out campers
with all necessary cooking utensils, groceries and
canned goods. Fishing tackle and ammunition.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
A public telephone in the store building.
W. S. QUIBBLE, Proprietor.
1IW cord of cordwood or slab wood delivered
011 uie ucticu ai aiotiier.
Team Wanted.
Well-niHlched urmn oi'drlvlinr pont.4 for de
ll very wagou. Muni be well broke and re
llelile. A. II. CKOS1KU A M.,
em SiuTsor to 1 . B. Hartley.
Cow Taken Up.
Dehorned; circle on 1,-it itw Inpon
throiii: under emu left in r. iiin rr cron rlvht
eiir; bn-acliy. al.1 M. K KXN !.!.
Furnished Room.
lne furnlBhct r)'n to rent by
W Ml 13. V.. II. ii HitlKI.. phone ;ri
For Sale oi Trade.
N lee iwo-M-med top mrrluge ar sale or will
trade for liny. Call t
Tinning, Plumbing, Steam
? Aud the Hayes Double Cylinder Pumps,
Household Goods
Formle. Hednteadt, table., uprtng, chHiia,
heatlnit stove, etc.. property ol ljr. Donald-
n, must ueauld liuniediaU-lv.
For Sale.
f"0 Bed-mom sulie.
One Iron bolmead and i uprlnre.
Unr extra Bird -eyo Maple lircxncr.
IHnlnK Koom I hHinc
t Htud, Kocktag t'balr, La ore Arm Chair.
Set of Hixlie.
Cook Hmve and Heater.
Cookiuic nleiiKils waMh-board and tub, etc.
Thexe jtood aie all Dew; have been In uae
only i dya. c. S. K Nulil.K,
la I he house at the bead of the atrwt abov
the lAtindry. a7
Pony Wanted.
imv or 1 wo wa ne ponlea; mint
Inquire at J. K. fUuJ aturo.
be en tie.
('aniage and Wagon Jlepainng, Hoi-seslioeing
and (roneral Blacksmitliing is done bv
This liriu is competent to do all repairing of ve-1iH-les
no break so bad that they will not repair it.
Ciive them a trial and be convinced of their capac
ity to do fine work. Phone 12-j.
Ji no open in Hie rx'i" formerly occupied by Miss Rue's millinery
"'. llaiariwood Ice Creain lias a reputation second to none. Former
patron will iecl no introtlucliou to this fatuous cream. All others
re inviu-d ta call aud try it.
United Ktnt"s l.nnd tJlllic, Vnncouvcr,
Wiutli.. June 13. l'.Ol. Notice it liercby
Hiven that In compliance with Ilic jnoviHioiih
of Ilieactol congrensofJuue S, lrf78, entitled
An act for the Hale 01 tiniuer ihiiu in 111c
tiitcn of Cnlllbrnlii, Orcuon, Niviula Hint
WakhliiKtou Territory," extended to ah
tlie public hind atutcs by net of August 4, ISiU,
AlA 1 r.. r iui'.iu ,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stHte of
Ureicon, haa this d:iy tiled In tit It office her
aworn atateincut, No. SSU7, for the imrcliuse ol
theNliVor aim tola 1 anil 'i 01 Mention
26, and lot 1 of Bcctlon 211, in towiiHhlp
No. 8 north, ranice No. V euat, W. M and will
oll'cr prtatfloahuw Unit the land nought Is
more valuable for IU limber or alone than lor
agricultural purposes, and U eHtahilau her
claim to aaid land before theKegiHter and
Receiver of thla ollice at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Monday, the 2xtli day of Keptember, WtW.
Hiieuameaas witue.ssca: itomer i . i ainii-
bell. Ueorge W. Simons. Charles F. Swlgert
and Kmery Oliver, all of Portland, Oregon.
Anv and all oersous claimliiK adversely the
above-desoribed lands are reijiiested to ttlc
their claims In this ollice 011 or before suid
atth day of September, m:i.
Jy2ls24 FRANK K. VAUtjHAN, Register.'
Land OfTlce at The Dalles. Oregon, July
1". lWW. Notice ia hereby given that the fol
lowing-named settler lias tiled notice of
his Intention to make final prool
In support of his claim, aud that said prool
will be made before Uco. T. I'tathcr, U. H.
Commissioner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on
Saturday, August 211, HUM, vir,:
W 11.L.1A1V1 u, 11U11?10i,
of Hood River, Or., H. K. No. (RKt, for the lots
11, 12, IH and H or section it, township 1 1101 111
range 10 east. W. M.
lie names tne ioiiowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
or. aaid lanu. vn:
J. A. Knox. .1. M. Ienz. 1'eter Odel and J.K.
Dodson, all of Hixid River, Oregon.
iyWuW M ICHAKL T. NOLAN. Hcgister.
Land Office at The lialles. Oregon. July 17.
IWM. Kolice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his In
tenlion to make commutation proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
De inaue oeiore ueo. J. rrainer, u. . uom
missioner. at Hood River. Oregon, on Satur
day, September 5, 1!KM, viz:
of Hxd River, Oregon, It. K. No. 11129, for
the N W y, section 24. Uiwnsh iu 2 north, range
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Andrew A. Javne. cans us A. 11 CK e. Jo in
I. Miller and Ulysses U. Dyer, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
Jy23a27 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. August ft.
lHttt. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Bled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Ueo. T. 1'ralher, U. S. Coin .nissloner, at
Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, September
21, Wit, vin:'.ll U. IK1UH15.
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. KVi72, for the
isr.'.a section 4. towushiu I north, range 1U
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldeuce upon and cultiva
tion of aaid land, via:
Charles H.Stanton, Joseph A. Kno,Cbarles
W. Murphy and William O. Dodson, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
ali!17 M1C11AK.L T. NOLAN, Register.
Money to loan.
1. Lots in Wuucoma
The eaHt half of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres west ol Lyman
Smith's; free irrigating water; fl ,000.
3. Lot 10, Belmont; in cultivation;
fair house; 5 acres; price $1,500.
5. The N W i section 2!), T 2 N, R 9
E; known ns the V K Pearson honie
stead ; improvements worth; half
the land, or more, tillable; Davenport
ditch runs through it. In the Crupper
neighborhood; price (1,500.
Corner lot in front of school house
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Burrett-Sipina addition, (375.
7. Iiarrett-Sipma addition; (125 per
lot.: 1 10 down and $5 per month.
2. Eligible residence lots in Kpangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
- 0. The Koplin place at Frtmkton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to tieorue K.
Forsyth ; price $ 1000.
21." N. 8. K. W, S. N. K. M see.
4, T. 3 X., R. 11 K White Salmon; line
timber land ; $10 per acre.
100 fierce, house ami uunkm natch.
located 10 miles south of The
Dulles. Known as tho Woodman
place. Price f'JOO.
The II 11 nt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
Tho new company now offers for salt
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Lelan J Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Five acres at Frankton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
The 3 acres east of Garner's, near Mrs.
Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the city
limits. All in berries and apples; good
cottage. A lovely home. Price for 15
days $1,700; after that $1,000 subject
to lease till November 1, 1003.
Persons w ho have made dusert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timber entries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles -to their lands
by conferring with .John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
In the Circuit Court of tlie state of Oregon,
for the Countv of Wasco,
L. L. McCartney, plaintiff, vs. M. K. Markley,
Raymond Markley, Herey Markley, Or
plia Murk Ivy. Audry Markley. Ularivs
Markley, Iris Markley, Theresa CaslniT
anu dairies castner, her hunhnnd: L. K,
Morse, Charles Morse, Ueorge W. Mark lev,
Peter Markley and Sarah Markley, hi
wile; Addle Mullet! and Kelson Mallill,
ner irispmm; t mines Markley, hdward
Markley, Lee Markley, A. C. Marklev, Sa
rah Eller and Kller. her husband': and
Jesse Imbler, admiuistraior of thcestuteot
- J. C. Markley, deceased, defendants.
To Ueorge W. Markley, l-ter Mnrklev. Sarah
Markley, Addie Mallctt. Nelson Mallctt,
Charles Markley, Kowuid Murklcy, Iav
Markley, A. C. Markley, Sarah Eller and
Kller, Mrs. Uerlhu Wheeler. Milton
Wheeler, defendants.
In the name ol the Stale of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required lo appeal
and answer the complaint tiled ntuilnst vou
in the alstve en 111 led suit within the lime
hereinafter mentioned, and If you fall so 10
answar, lor want mereol Uie plaintllf will ay
ply lo the court for the relief pravi d for in
tins oomi.laiilt.towlt: r'or n iudgliienl uiminst
I lie dtfeuduiit, M. K. Msrkiey, tor Itie sum of
J.ii", princloul ol Ihe iroinisrv note men
tioned in the plaiiititl s complaint, and Intcr-
ei inereon si 10 -er cent p..r annum Irom
Msren . nmu, ami lor uie lurtherstim 01 f 5I
uitorney's fets and for his costs and disburse
menu, and for a de-ree of foreclosure of a
iiorlgime upon the following-diserlbed lauds,
Coniiiienclng at the southwest comer of the
northaurt ituarter of the northeest uatler 01
section eleven (II), lu township in (2i north
ol range uu (10) east of w. .i : runnliigiln nee
east eighly isoi rods, north iweiuv iJ ) rods
esleiglu.v (W) rods, mid south iweiuv (2iii
nsl to plsi 01 Isgiiiniiig, c Hiisiuing u'n (111;
aciea ol laud, and decreeing tuai tlie defeud
anlsand each of tliein u- mrever harreil and
loreclmd ol ail rlglil, title and Inieiesl in
aaid premises aud every wrt thereof.
This summons is served iiMin Ihe defend
ants above named by thereoi
once a week lor six conaorutive weeks In Ihe
Hood River Olacier, a neier published
in Wasco rouuly, Oniiuli, said ptlhliiHIlon
being marie In pursuance ol an order 01 Hon.
Ueorge C. Hlakeiey, Countv Judge of Waseo
omiuy. stale of Oregon, dated Ihel .ihdav 01
July, 1KB, and dirrciing Umt service be made
.n said del, -mini. is by pu hi 1. 11 of this
siimniona In said nra spsix-r nnre a wwk for
six miuterutlve weeks, aud Hist said servii-e
usli be deemed complete at the expiration
..I Ihe time so prescrilkeil lor the publication
of this summons: The first piihli.aiion tlien
of la made upon the titi day of July, Inf., and
the defendants above named and eaeJi oi
ihem are hereby required to appear aud aie
wrr the plainllrl's minpUlnl in U is cause
on or belore tl-.c last day 4 Ihe time prescnte
ed In said order aive mentioned, namely
on or beljre six weekt from Ihe tus day ol
July, 1MB. W. H. W II-S.1S.
ii ii AtUtrney tor I'lalut.ff.
Tickets lo and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Airica may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is aiient for the
Beaver liny of steamshius.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property iu lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
from ana utter this date, April 9, 1003,
the rates will be as follows : $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
The Howell cottnge and li
octoh, oust of Mrs. Alimi
Howe's, for 5 days ut 1,700,
after 2 weeks 1,900.
100-acre farm, 5 miles
southeast of town on The
Dalles road; fences and build
ings; several acres den red
The'Fulton 1 1-room house
and lot bv the armory, for
ITituher Land, Act June 8, IK7K.1
United Slates Lund Ollice, North Vaklni.i,
Wash.. July it, IMU. Notice Is hereby given
Hint In emiipliuui'e with the. provisions ol tin)
act Ol 'congress of June ,f, ;srs, entitled "An
acl for tne sale of limber lands in the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada ami Washington
rerrtiory," aacMciidcd losll the public land
stales by aci ol August 4, isw,
of Portland, couniy of Multnoinali, stale of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollice her
sworn slaieiiient. No. it: 1 J, for the purchase of
the east , of southwest iand wi.t '..oisoulli
easi I, of swtlou No. s, In township No.
norm, range No. II east, W. M., uud will oil. r
pnsif to show liiRt ihe land sought is more
valuable f ir Its limta-r or alone ihan for agri
cultural purposes, aud to eslalilish her claim
to said land la-lore W. 11. l'leshv. l lllti d
Slates t.'oiiiiuis.,i,,uer for district of ' Washing
Ion, at his oiliec at l.oldeiidalc. Wash., m
fuesilay, the ami day ofMeptember, 1:H.
Mte lliilile as Jasper K. Young
and Ann. L. ouug of casMe lt. k, Wash.;
James Cox and Allien Kingmsn of Trout
l-ake. W
Any and alliersons claiming adversely the
alsivedesi rilKMl hmds are n .Uested lo hie
their c aims in tliis oiliee on or beliire suid
Jlth day ol siej.ieiobi r, !!ii.
ANNA L. yill Nil.
of Ciis'lc Uo. k, n.umy of ( owlilz, slate of
asliliigtou. has th s day Illeil lu li.lsoltlee
her m n slatement, No. 1 tl, lor the purehav
of the west ol southwest ol seei ion Xi and
Uie east '5 ol 'southeast '4 of section .tl. In
township No. J north, range No. 1 1 east, W.M.,
and will olter" to snow thai Uie land
sought Is more taltiahic for itstimlier or stone
tlisn lor agrlcliituiu! .ui is, and loeslale
lish her claim to said land belore W. K. I res
Oy, t'niud 8tHies Commissioner for distriel
l Washing' at Ills otiiee at Uoldelidalc,
Wash., oil 1'ueaday, Ihe Jiilh dav or Meplelu-
hue mimes as Hiiuess.-s: Alice Ridiuvlerof
fori land, urcgon; James Cox, Aldcn' King
man and Hubert Cox, allot Trout Ijike.Wssh.
Any and all persons elaimiug adverM iv tlie
above-described lauds are renuesU'd lo rile
their chums in tins ollice on or belore sold
ilh day oi s ..u iiib, r. l;it.
. J !- Hf Ntty V. HINMAN.KexIstcr.
For Sale. apple land, all r.sls from Tine
(Hove ,!... I bouse. Call on V. Wlnclicll.flrst
house wiutli ol house, east side of r.aid.
Oraddreaa V. W INCHLLU