The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 20, 1903, Image 5

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Cotton Dress Goods, Wool Dress Goods,
Outing Flannels, Flannels,
Calicos, Sheetings and
Ginghams, Muslins, etc., etc.
This in the face of an advancing market.
A New line of Children's and Misses' Ready-to-wear
Percale and Gingham Dresses for School Opening.
Yourstruly FRANK A. CRAM.
East bound i ' '
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:50 a. m.
No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:27 p. m.
No. , Mall and Express, 110:45 p. ra.
No. 24, Way Freight, 8:45 p. in.
No. 22. Fast Freight, 8:45 a. m.
Went bound
No. 1, l'ortland Special, 2:06 p. m.
No. , Portland Flyer, 5:07 a. m.
No. 5, Mull and Express. 7:40 a. m.
No. 23, Way Freight, 8:45 a. ni.
No. 21, Fast Freight. 11:30 p. m.
Ice cream. Coe & Son.
Trib cures the tobacco habit.
Rambler Bicycles at Knapp's.
Mowers and rakes at Savage's.
McCormack mowers and rakes at Sav
age's. Joe Wilson has pear and apple boxes
for sale.
Washington ice cream, made of pure
cream, at Coe & Son's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Barnes, the real estate man, has a
competent stenographer in his office.
When in need of eyeglasses, see
Clarke, the jeweler, opposite postoffice"
Barnes collects rent. pays taxes, draws
up transfer papers and writes insurance.
Don't pay rent. See Barnes, the real
estate man and have a home of your
Made of pure cream Washington ice
cream come and prove it at Coe &
When in need of fine work in watch
repairing and jewelry, see Temple, the
If your eye sight fails and you have
pains and headaches, see 0. H. Tem
ple, the occulist.
Barnes, the real estate man, has for
sale one of the best stock ranches in
Sherman county.
For spring wagons, buggies, harrows,
cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon
ald & Henrich. -
Bone & McDonald will deliver powder
on Saturday of each week. Place your
order with them.
For 30 davs, the W. B. Cole residence,
lot 100 x 100. A good buy for $1,600.
Prather Investment Co.
Get my prices on solid silver metal,
knives, forks and spoons. CLARKE,
the Jeweler, opposite the postoftice. '
This is the season when you have to
buy a mower can't be put off so go to
Savage's and they'll do the rest.
If you want to file on timber land
homesteads, call on George T. Prather,
U S. Commissioner, district of Oregon.
Two hundred to $5,000 to loan on real
estate. If your security is good your
money is ready. Prather Investment Co.
About the
pleased cus
tomer being
the best ad ver
t i s ement i s
da ily being ex
emplified a t
our store. Our
August array
business bring
ers. No better
time to save
money than
by trading at
our store now.
at v re PATTERNS A new
' ICwAJaJ d meet the want of our
5c Bargains ' 6c
Tack hammers, good ones,
Tack elaws,
Butter spades,
Butter ladles,
Shoe blacking, F. Miller's,
Enameline stove polish,
Lamp chimneys,
Chandelier hooks.
Cake turners,
Basting spoons,
Table spoons,
Mouse traps.
The Little Store with Little Prices
;. .. . ' i i : . ' v.
the Next 10 Days of
nants at
' Please call and get your cull crates
that are piled at the west end of my
warehouse. - Job Wilson.
Take your watch to CLARKE the
jeweler, opposite the post office.
We carry a full line of groceries, flour
and feed. Bone A; McDonald.
We are paying cash for vegetables and
fruit at the Central market.
Watches, clocks and jewelry at
Clarke's, opposite postoffice.
You can get highest market price for
your eggs at Central Market.
The Montcllo, a good smoke at
Wright & Tompkins'.
We can fill your orders for chicken at
the Central Market. -
For bargains in watches and jewelry,
go to C. H. Temple.
Notary Public done by Barnes.
Jelly glasses at Coe & Son's.
Mrs. Charles N. Clarke and child and
Miss Smock left Saturday afternoon for
Collins. Mr. Clarke went down Sun
day and returned the next morning.
Mrs. George Steinhoff and two child
ren of Tacoma are in Hood River visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Blount. She will remain two weeks or
T. D. Tweedy, the G. A. R. man who
received a stroke of paralysis, August 7,
is fast improving under the good nurs
ing at the hands of the family of A. L.
Mrs. R. R. Erwin of Lyndeni Wash.,
was visiting old friends in Hood River
the first of the week. Mrs. Erwin says
her father and mother are well and like
their new home at Lynden.
JasperAVickham met two old friends
in town Saturday. They were Henry
and Oscar Clyde of AVhite Salmon.
Henry Clyde he had not met since 18t5.
Oscar Clyde is an old soldier and served
in the civil war in the same company
with Mr. Wickhara's uncle.
Oatie Young, step-son of J. L. Gordon
of White Salmon, Sunday, visitied his
old chums. He says Mr. Gordon iB put
ting up a barbed wire fence around the
new goat ranch and getting ready for
the goats which they will bring up from
the Willamette valley later. M. Lauf
fenberger is helping him build the fence.
Mrs. Harry Bailey and Mrs. Frank
Chandler had "an exciting experience
last Thursday evening with a revolver
w hich wasn't supposed to be loaded.
The women were preparing to take a
picture of Master Louis Bailey decked
out in cowboy attire. The little boy be
gan to exumine the gun of course, and
to assure Mrs. Bailey that the weapon
wasn't loaded, Mrs. Chandler started to
open it, when the pistol discharged, the
powder scorching Mrs. Bailey s hand
and the bullet Just missing Mrs. Chan
dler's cheek. The reporter forgot to
ask if the picture was finally taken.
BLACK LENS STRIPE LAWN-Pretty lace effects;
will make up Ixviutihilly into waist or suit, llegu
ular 20c values.
Special 16 cts per yard.
lock Inst In. Our nattern business haa rmto
customers. Fashion sheeta free at our Pattern
10c Bargains 10c
Spring scales,
Steak pounders,
Silver polish,
Towel rings,
Wire toasters,
Cake pans,
Vegetable graters,
Emery knife sharjieners,
Shelf bracket,
Wood faucets,
Chopping knives,
Scrub brushes.
S. L. Taylor and wife were up from
Latourelle last week. Mr, Taylor found
things on his ranch very satisfactory
under the management of H. M. Wood,
and hae rented again for another year
to Mr. Wood. Mr. Taylor is living on
his son-in-law's place on the east bank
of the Sandy river, just five miles south
of Corbett station. Mrs. Taylor is always
in better health at Latourelle. Last
winter the snow was notover three inch
es deep at one time. During the forest
fire last fall, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor re
mained up lor three nights fighting the
fires about them. They managed to
save everything except one barn.
Professor I. E. Caldwell of Philomath
college was in Hood River last week on
his way home from a canvas of Sher
man county in the interest of his col
lege. Professor Caldwell found the peo
ple of Sherman county very anxious that
the college should locate at Hood River,
and secured the names of 100 young' peo
ple who would attend if the institution
moved here. Many of the families de
clared they would move to Hood River
while their children attended the col
lege. '
W. H. Hershey and wife, after an ex
tended visit with their son, A. O. Her
sheyi left last Saturday for Pendleton,
where they will visit awhile with Sam
Smith and family before continuing
to their home in Lafayette, Ind. Mr.
Hershey lives on a 240 acre (arm in
Indiana, where he is one of tho prosper
ous citizens of his community. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Hershey express them
selves as highly pleased with the fruits
and scenery of Hood River.
F. W. Angus takes exceptions to the
fish story told of him by Tlios. J. Cun
ning. He says that the story was all
true except that this fish was a salmon
and its length was 28 inches instead of
20 inches as reported by Mr. Cunning.
Mr. Angus says Mr. Cunning should
allow some growth for the fish after it is
Miss Effie Burns, whose home was in
The Dalles until late last spring, when
she left for Hood River, was brought up
from that place yesterday suffering with
a bad case of appendicitis. She is under
the doctor's care and is reported better.
Milton Sunderland and Arthur Foster,
brother-in-law and nephew respectively
of A. J. Dufur.acompanied by Mr. Hen
ry, all of Hood River, were in Dufur the
first of the week. Dufur Dispatch.
1 A brother of R. 8. Andrews is ex-'
i pected to arrive this week from Kansas,
when with B. R. Tucker the partv. will
make a trip around the base of Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAIister of
Eugene are visiting in Hood River, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Copple.
Mrs. McAIister is a Bister ot Mrs. Copple.
presses the
quality of our
toilet prepara
tions Per
fumery, toilet
creams, tooth
washes, and
powders, face
powder, Tal
cum powder,
smelling salts,
toilet soap.etc
and things not
high priced.
ao that wa have nut
Counter. No expert
In a lame stock to -
merit In using McCall's.
Special Bargains.
Embroideries Deep cuts in
prices on beautiful goods in
Swiss and Nainsook. Don't
fail to take advantage of this.
A Nickel-plated Lamp.
B & II center draft, with
opaque shade. We say it's
the finest, most satisfactory
lamp ever made. Sells regu
larly for 2,."0.
'A week ago last Friday a hnrs-l
lunging to J. O. Eastman wag bitten by
a rattle snake in the pasture west bf Mr.
Eaetman's house When the horse
came home in the evening hn nose and
the lower part of his face was swollen un
til it was as wide across as his forehead,
and the animal was suffering severely.
Mr. Eastman remembered the egg and
salt remedy published m the oiacier a
week or two ago.and put plasters of this
mixture on the bite, changing them
frequently until midnight, when he
placed a good, big plaster on and left it
until morning. Nearly all the swelling
was gone then and the animal was able
to take his food, and is now thoroughly
recovered. That egg and salt remedy is
evidently worthy of a place in the fami
ly pharmncopea.
J. E. Rand and family returned Sat
urday night from their outing at Maple
I'eil. "Id Kuu vu H"11 11,10 'iaiJ w
have fun," remarked Mr. Rand. There
were aliout 50 eople at Maple Dell and
at the ford, and tbey all are enjoying
themselves immensely. Mr. Rand and
Charles Castner went fishing up the
lake branch. Elmer returned with
US5 and Charley with 98. This was Mr.
Hand's first day of real fishing. He had
gone to the woods to rest, and would
only dabble around a few minutes each
day catching a half dozen or so. He
finally couldn't stand the hard joking on
his catches, so went out just to show
that he is etill the crack fisherman. ; .
J. 0. Haroes, formeily night operator,
is now O. R. & N. station agent for
Hood River, while E. W. Quarles is en
joying his vacation. Mr. Hayneg has
been doing railroad work for six or seven
years, and in his capacity as night oper
ator in Hood River has made many
friends who will be pleased to know that
E. A. Khppel, the superintendent, ol
telegraph, warmly praises Mr. Haynes
for his satisfactory services. The rail
road officials regard Hood River as one
of the best towns on this division, and
people who have business with the sta
tion agent here are glad to have such
pleasant gentlemen to deal with as Mr.
Quarles and Mr. Haynes.
One hundred Congregational Sunday
school children and patrons attended
the picnic last Friday at Cliffton Park,
Frankton. Luncheon was served at
noon on tables erected in the beautiful
wooded grove. Ice cream was present
ed as a surprise to the children, and
cold, sparkling water came from a near
by spring. The children amused them
selves At baseball, croquet and other
games. The officers of the Sunday
school desire to thank Mr. and Mrs.
M. R. Noble for their hospitality, and to
say they feel grateful to Mrs. C. D.
Thompson, who generously supplied all
present with delicious pop corn. '
Mrs. M. P. Isenberg returned from
her Eastern trip last Friday, and in the
evening there was a pleasant gathering
of her friends and neighbors. Those
who enjoyed the occasion were: 'Rev.
and Mrs Dillinger, Mr and Mrs Church,
Mr and Mrs John Groves, Mr and Mrs
Farrell, Mrs Anderson and daughter,
Mr and Mrs Franz, Mr and Mrs Met
talf, Mr and Mrs Nickclscn, Mr and
Mrs Lindes, Mr and Mrs Alfred fioor
man, Mrs Spangel, Mr and Mrs Louis
It-enberg, Mr and Mrs M P Isenberg.
The following named party made the
trip to Cloud Cap Inn and Cooper's
Spur .last week; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McCuistion, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mc
Cuietion, Mrs W D Rogers, Mrs Sarah
Gray of Seattle, Mrs Price Hunter of
Mosier and two children, Frank Rogers
and John Rogers.
C. N. Ackley of White Salmon, who
has been at work for the Mount Hood
Lumber company in the timber up in
the forks of Hood river, met with a se
vere accident, Monday, when a big
boulder rolled against iiis ankle. He
went to his home at White Salmon,
Tuesday morning.
A quorum of the city lawmakers
failed to show up Monday night. On
motion of Councilman Prather, adjourn
ment was taken until Tuesday night,
August 25, when the sewer committee
will have a report to submit.
J. E. Dunbar, who is in the employ
of the Hood River Electric Light com
pany, began Monday on a job of setting
32 poles for the purpose of carrving
electric light wires to the Country Club
cottage in Idlewilde.
Mrs. W. D Rogers and children
with 3ome of Mr. Rogers' people spent
several days at Mount Hood returning
Thursdy night, last week, after a very
pleasant outing.
Mrs. S. II. Green, daughter Jennie,
and cousin Lalah Schafer of Portland
came up on the boat Saturday and are
visiting the families of Robert Rand and
D. N. Byerlee. ,
H. F. Davidson and family retuned
Wednesday from s two weeks' outing at
Willow Flat and Mount Hood. They
went up as far as Cooper's Spur.
Mr. and Mrs. Carrier returned from
Portland last evening. While in the
city they purchased a large coffue urn
lor use iu carrier restaurant. ,
W. G. Carrier has bought the Glacier
restaurant of Mrs. Allen, and has added
a lunch counter to the same. ' Lunches
of all kinds will be served.
After spending the months since since
school closed at her homestead up Hood
river. Miss Nan Cooper returned home
yesterday. Chronicle.
W. A. Slingerland of Portland was a
visitor in Hood River for several days
last week. Mrs. Slingerland is visiting
at Oysterville, Wash.
Mrs. E. C. Rogers, who is convales
cing from a six-weeks' spell of sickness,
was able to come to town Monday.
L. N. Blowers is in Portland with
Lang & Co., wholesale grocers, where he
has a situation as city buyer.
Frank J. Baker, an attorney of Colo
rado Springs, is a visitor in Hood River,
the guestof T. J. Cunning.
Mrs. P. S. Davidson and her mother,
Mrs. A. Price, returned from their Cal
ifornia trip last week.
Mrs. Price Hunter and two children
of Mosier are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Rogers.
Arthur Green of the Oreuoninn is in
Hood River, the guest of Mr. aud Mrs.
Truman Butler.
The alliance ol the Unitarian church
will meet Friday afternoon with Sfrs.
T. J. Cunning.
Miss Luce of Portland, a well-known
teacher of elocution, is the guest of Mrs.
James Ingalls.
Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at
Pine Grove next Sunday at 3:30 p. m.
Earl aud Meigs Bartmess went to As
toria, Tuesday, to attend the regatta.
Miss Mae Roe returned Saturday
from a ten-dasy' visit at Milton, Or.
Mrs. W. H. SUate of Dufur is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Chas. N. Clarke.
Mrs. II. Powers of Trout Lake was a
visitor in Hood River last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Phelps are visit
ing in Vancouver, Wash.
Apple Growers Meet Saturday.
The secretary of the Hood River Apple
Growers' Union is mailing poetal cards
to members with the follow ina ootioe:
Hood River, Or., Aug. 17, 1903.
Dear Sir: There will be a meeting of the
Apple Growers' Union Saturdav.Angust
liXtt. at the Knights ol fythiM hall,
at 2 o'clock p. m. Every member is ex-
Mias Lelah Boorman underwent ar
successful operation for the removal of
a tumor from her side, last week, and
is recovering nicely, and her many
friends will be glad to learn that she
will soon be able to return from the
sanitarium. The operating surgeon
said the tumor was caused by Lelah
permitting the broomhandle to strike
her side while sweeping. Our house
keepers should take warning and not
J. R. Steele was in town from Mount
Hood Tuesday. He reports an excel
lent second crop of clover in the Mount
Hood district, which will be better than
the first crop and will be ready for the
sickle in about two weeks. Mr. Steele
has eight acres in clover. His garden,
one of the best in the country last year,
is doing as well this year. He brought
in garden truck.
This morning Secretary Bayard order
ed a car load of lumber from
Hood River to be used in building new
stalls and shed on the race track for the
accommodation of stock that will be ex
hibited at the district fair Mountain
eer. Mrs. G. I. Grant of Boston arrived
Tuesday, via Portland, and will spend a
few weeks with her old friend Mrs.
Louise Goddard at her summer home
in Crapper.
Owing to delays in making repairs to
the Spencer, this steamer will not make
its appearance until Saturday.
Did it again. A luck purchase of 17G Ladies' ItEADY-TO-WEAIi SKIRTS, in
the very latest man-tailored garments. All colors, as black, gray, blue and
brown. Every one a perfect model of style. We got them at nearly one-third' of
regular factory prices and will give you the benefit of the purchase. They will be
placed upon our bargain tables at the following low prices. . Remember, they are
not cheap shoddy stuff but the very best grades and styles of one of the best
Skirt houses in the Eapt.
Regular $7.50 Skirt for .....$5.50
Regular 9.00 Skirt for 6.50
Regular 12.00 Skirt for 8.50
Regular 13.50 Skirt for.... 10.00
Dress Goods.
NEXT WEEK our fall line will be
ready for inspection. All the new fab
rics, such as Zivilines, Mohairs and
Etamines. Everything that goes to
make a stylish garment will be here.
Please call and look them over. No
matter if you don't care to buy we
will always be pleased to show goods.
Ladies' Lace and fancy turn-over Col
lars. Large assortment,
ro '
and at prices below that
Phone 581.
pected to be present, patters relative
f i,o,,,T unit aniline ourfruit.
and other subjects of special importance
to our members win ne aiBousseu. vuwe
without fail, By order of the board.
A. I. Mason, President.
J. L. Carter, Secretary.
Fire in the Steam Laundry.
Wuirnr niekev'R steam laun
dry caused lota of excitement, and'dld
prolmDiy IiU uuiuuge, nuuuu o u uvpm
Jack Baelev was
there again with his chemical fire ex
tinguisher and soon had the flames
subdued, but not until some beltingand
pulleys had been destroyed and por
tions of the machinery broken. No
clothing was aauiageu.
c...iina fmm the enirlne had been
leaking and had filled the whole build
ing with gas. w nen waiier emereu
with some clothes and a lighted lan
tu.n tUa imb Icmitpil nnrl in a moment
the whole interior was ablaze. Walter
lost no time In lookiug Tor me aoor,
but bolted right through a pane of glass.
&ina umilHlncr Innirlentg hnDDened
during the course of the fire. Sen
Fouts stood on the blazing roof and
yelled loudly for water. After Bob
Husbands had performed the nervy
act of carrying a burning gasoline en
gine Into the street, some one threw a
bucket or water upon it, wuue ruun
a oo atiM oolllnir for water on the roof.
This made Joe Wilson lean against the
lence ana tnugn.
Church Notices.
J. W. Jenkins will preach in the
Union church, Sunday, at 8 p. in.
Unitarian. K. of P. ball. Fred Al-
bau Wiel, minister. Sunday school at
in oVlnck. Preachintr service at u
o'clock on Blessedness. All are cor
dially invited to be present. Please
note cnange 01 nan.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
Rrmnn bv the Dastor. Rev.
H. C. Shaffer, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Junior C. E. at 5 p. m. Senior C. E ,
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer
meetinu Wednesday ai o p. m. ah cor
dially invited.
Vuiiou rtiriittinn Snndftv school at
10 a. m. The pastor has been granted
a four weeks' vacation and there will
ho nn nronniiinor aervice' duriiin tils ab
sence. The Endeavor society will oc
cupy the time or me evening Bervice,
beginning Bt 7:30 p. m.
Congregational. Preaching service
with worship will be conducted by the
n.uin. nnvt. Knnrinv fit 11 a. in. Sun
day school at 10 a. m., with A. C. Sta-
ten, superintendent. jviiaweeK meet
ing on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome. Services at Piue Grove
next Sunday at 8:30 p. m.
Sew Today.
Eat Sunday dinner at Carrier's.
Have vou seen those new dishes at
Coe's? So! Well, then, you are notup
to date.
LKinald Nickelsen haa a few pairs of
Guina pigs for sale, English and Abys
sinian, from f 1 to 3 a pair.
At tho residence of Mr. and Mrt. A. L.
Phelp. In Hood Klvcr THlley, August 1. 1M,
J. B. Phelps of H'Kxi Klver and MiMMary
Etta HiirrU of Vancouver, Waab.; Rev. J. I
llerahner, official I n. lmrlnr the ceremony
thebrlile and arnoui were draped In one
larire American fla. A very nice luncheon
wasaerved. Mr. and Mrm. Phelpa will realde
In Hood Klver. The Olaoler Join, tnelrinany
frlenda in congratulation..
In The Pallea, Or., Angtiat 17, IMS, K. C.
Owenaand Mr. Ketia Wolle. both of Mount
Hood; Uev. Walton Hklpworlli officiating.
In Hood River vall y. Aueu.t T, lauS, to Mr.
nd Mrs. E.T. Foil, a daughter.
Registered at the Hotels.
Mln Alice Huong; Miaa M E Hbogreo, If ua
We quote you a few prices
25c to $2.50.
ly half the
always have a complete and
usually asked for inferior stuff.
Ruth Shogren, Miss Ellmbeth Dickens, Mrs
II L Pittock, Mrs S A Mlddleton, Mlxa 8 A
Mtddlcton, Portland; Mla A K Pittock, Pitta
burg, Pa; Mr and Mm Win MacMaster, Mrs
John Cram, Mix Vents K Towusend, Miaa
Clara Teal, Mr and Mra F J Haley, Mm F J, Portland; Prof and Mrs D F Ander
aon, Miwi Beanie L Anderson, Walla Walla.
- jbwbtt cottage; whitb salmon.
Mra C C Smith and children, Mra Herbert
Cardwell and sons, Miss Ida M Irons), Miaa
K Alice Qulgg, Portland; Miss Ethel Webb,
Northumberland, Klin; Mlxa Marie M Merrill,
Maater Edward Merrill, Portland; Tbomaa
Harlan and wite; W N Sondder, Jr. WestHe
attle; Samuel Ureen, Seattle; Rev a C Uarri
aon, Han Francisco; Miaa Helen A Rice, Chi
cago; Barton R Deiulng, Cleveland, O; L C
Wynken, Han Francisco; Mra Kllen R Miller.
Mra F A Htuhr, Mra Jttmee F Falling and
children, Mr and Mra Win MacMaster, chil
dren and nurse, Portland: Mrs Adele Pick and
son, Vienna, Austria; Mlsa C Hoiman, Uev U
J Talbot, wife and daughter. Miss Jessie Far
rell, Miss Anna Finlay, D B Kelly, Portland;
Mra James Keating and son, Astoria; Rev A
N Fisher, Portland.
Dukes Valley Items.
Too late for last week.
We are having some warm.dry weath
er and irrigation is necessary to keep
things green and growing. The clover
that has been watered looks fine.
The rattlers are on their regular
rounds, but are not so numerous as they
have been.
J. O. Cameron and family took
dinner with Charles Murphy lastSunday.
William Dodson and family intend to
go camping, this week, up at Maple
John F. and son Harry Dodson are
at work in the lumber camp for the
Mount Hood Lumber company.
Our new school house is going up
rapidly under the management of Will
iam C. Dodge.
The writer was mistaken when he
said we had had but one application for
our school. There have been some four
or five, but no steps have been taken to
hire any one yet. We want to have
some six or seven months' school, and if
there is any teacher without a position
she might do well to send in her appli
cation. As we want a good teacher, we
do not expect to get one for nothing.
All those who signed the subscription
paper to build a school bouse are noti
fied to pay up, as this money is needed
in constructing the new house.
Dennis Dodson will haul wood for Ros
well Shelley, the proprietor of the Little
White Store.
Down at Wyeth the O. R. & N. has in
operation a plant which attracts those
who give more than a passing notice to
what is to be seen along the line they
are traveling. They are what is termed
tie treating retorts, and were installed
there about six months ago, the plant,
including electric power, costing about
$100,0C0, and being one of three which
are used on the coast, the others being
on the Southern Pacific and Union. Six
or seven hundred tiea are loaded on to
an iron carriage, dumped into the re
torts, the fluid, which is composed
principally of creosote, is turned on and
they remain in the bath about six hours,
when they are taken out and piled up to
season. At present they have 76,000
ties at Wyeth which have undergone
the process. It Is said that such a
treatment will extend the usefulness of
the ties from three to four years.
The 1905 fair com mission receives some
curious offer of oddities. Some weeks
ago a fir tree 400 feet high and not over
3ti inches in diameter at the base, was
reported, and later, another tree, one
half of which was petrified and the oth
er half still tree, was offered to the com
mission. These teem a little out of the
common, but Oregon produces such won
derful things that, in all probability, the
commission will have these things in
vestigated to see if they are what is
claimed for them.
Mr. and Mra. B. Warren returned last
week from Portland. Mr. Warren baa
since been on the sick list
On Circus Day
Drop in and see our new Fall
styles in
Comfort is what we want
combined with good looks, of
You mny enjoy t wo feet of
comfort if you wenr WALK-,
Walk-Overs are stylish, too.
Let us prove it to you by the
If the first pair fails to suit
you, don't buy another.
We have an odd lot of Shoes in all
sizes but somewhat broken lines, worth
from $2.50 to 3.25. Our special price
to clean up only $1.98.
Large assortment of hard and soft
Hats for fall wear. We are showing the
very latest things in headwear and will
be pleased to show you our values.
We are ready to take your measure
for a new fall suit. A fit guaranteed as
good as the best of tailors and at near
fresh stock of Groceries
Bring butter and eggs.
Free Delivery.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to say to the citizens of Hood River,
that words are inadequate to express my
gratitude to all those who so ably assisted In
extinguishing the flames at my laundry on
Tuesday evening last.
Advertised Letter List.
August 17, 1903.
Booth, Mrs Mary L Kidder, Olio a
Union, Mrs A J Mcllride, M H
Wilson, Miss Ruth Mcllride, J M
Dawson, W W Roberts, D J
Hulls, William Hhaw, II
Epworth League.
Topic for Sunday evening, August23,
"Making Our Lives-Count." Lesson:
II Timothy, 10:15; I Cor. 11: 23-28.
Miss Nellie Horner, leader.
There is not a person who has reached
the age of accountability but should be
interested in making the best possible
use of their lives in making them
count for good. This league service
should be a decided help to all who are
endeavoring to establish right
lives. Come prepared to take part in
the exercises even though you may
have no special assignment given you.
It's a good place to spend an hour.
Light and Water
All light and water bills are
due and payable at the com
pany's office, from the 1st to
the 10th of each month, in
advance. All service not paid
for before the 10th will be
shut off, and the consumer
will have to pay for having
the service turned on, in ad
dition to arrears.
All those wishing to irri
gate lawns or gardens must
make application at the com
pany's office for number of
lots they wish to irrigate, be
fore irrigating, or their ser
vice will be turned off, same
as for non-p.'13'mcnt for ser
vice. All irrigation MUST
be done by SPIUXKLLYG;
no other METHOD will be
ALLOWED. Street sprink
ing by hose is absolutely
All irrigating west of line
of Fifth street must be done
from 3 a. m. to 11 a. m. All
irrigating east of line of Fifth
street must be done from 1
p. m. to 9 p. m.
Any or all failing to
comply with the above
rules for irrigating will
have water shut off.
By order of board of di
rectors. N. C. Evaxs,