The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 20, 1903, Image 4

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    The Hiisum post office la to be re
moved tci the Kails, two miles south of
its present location.
James Strain and Scott Davis, em
ployes of Lipnmn, Wolfe & Co. of Port
land, are at Guler's.
George Adams shipped .HO boxes of
tomatoes last Tuesday, for which he re
reived a cheek for $2.
Our "village blacksmith," Frank
Groshong, is putting in a limited stock
of hardware at bis shop.
Messrs. Poland, Frazler and McGin
iiis, with . their families, all of Van
couver, are camped on the banks of
Trout lake.
Mrs. Porter McMillan of Hood River,
with her son, cume in Saturday from
the McMillan homestead, 9 miles this
side of Trout Lake.
Rodney Raker, son of R C. Baker,
who is n'lHiiancr of the lace department
of Llpman, Wolfe & Co. 's store, Port
land, is I he guest of Mr. and Mrs.D. D
Two larije parlies are being organized
for the ascent of Mount Adams during
the present week. One composed ol
Kiieslsat Guler's, the other headed by
Judge Frazer of Portland.
D I). McClure has a reservolrof solid
masonry of tiO.OOO gallons' capacity and
litis laid nearly 5,001) feel of pipe for ir
rigating purposes. Keep your eye on
the McClure place; it's a coming one.
James Greaves of Oakland, Cal., will
remove to White Salmon In May, hav
ing already purchased land here. He
is a young man of character and en
erifVi and as he is expected to come in
double harness, Ave extend the hand ot
welcome this far hi advance.
Ground has lieen broken for the new
Enterprise cilice. Editor Harlan will
lay the corner stone, officiating as both
cliapluin and orator. After delivering
an original prayer, in his inimitable
wy, bro. Harlan will give an address
on "Journalism During the Glacial
Period," after which a picnic lunch
will! served to all tire employes of
the office.
C. A. Sliurte says there is good money
in growing peaches at White Salmon.
Ho is now shipping about 40 boxes a
day, besides 20 and 25 boxes tomatoes
Peaches are worth 75 cents a box in
the orchard at White Salmon. Some
of our ranchers below the bluff talk of
grubbing out their peach trees and cul
tivating the ground to strawberries ami
W. C. Duniway, with his wife ami
two little daughters, are among the
guests at Guler's. Mr. Duniway has
taken the right course in placing him
self under the coaching of the veteran
fisherman, Charles Waters, who at 83
years of age has more "steam" in him
than many of his pupils in the art.
Mr. Duniway hooked in 22 In three
hours the other day. Three in 22 hours
was his former record.
The new drug store is White Sal
mon's "sky-scraper," Other buildings
are to follow, among them a meat mar
ket, for which lumber is being gotten
out. A new school building is going to
be built. We are growing into a vil
lage. Some day we shall have to in
corporate so that we may have ordi
nances to prevent swine from bum
ming the streets and to prevent non
residents from expectorating on the
J. P. Egan, up to the 15th, had
shipped 900 boxes of tomatoes and
ships about 75 boxes per day. The
week ended with the price per box 75
cents. 8. C. Zeigler had shipped 1250
boxes, all raised in his strawberry
patch of 4 acres, and shipped at the
rate of about 100 boxes per day. C. D.
Moore shipped 1250 boxes. The price
during the week has ranged from 60 to
75 cents per box. The California prod
uct, which has been hawked at any
old price on the streets of Portland,
has been exhausted and the While
Salmon article is firm at 75 cents, with
Coming to
onday , Aug- -24.
RS: f i n-fc - r cST-
i-iT Tf POfl VNW'Wir Cht TT:VT TfCJ"E Or AHIMAl A I". T"Q IS :N iHt tNT'T:. A J, fl. "
Tise GREATEST Am Feature
Engaged at the Highest Salary ever paid any Attraction.
Creating tlie Greatest Enthusiasm. Producing
And attracting more thousands than .my ether amusement ever has done.
! i t',tR StEN, conuinine Grand New Features, AWe Horses,
More fclt-phants, More Men and Won-un, More Cages, Dens, Tableaux Cars,
More Bands of Music, More Rare Wild Animals than any other Show possesses.
TWO 6said. Complete EX::iH!T!CNS DAILY, afternoon and right.
Doors Open at One and Seven P. M.. Performances Commence One Hour Lator
the demand keen. Mr. Zeigler's 4-acre
berry putch, notw ithstanding the well
reniemtiered hot days that caused a
fearful lessening of profits, produced
700 crstes of strawberries. C. D. Moore
shipped over IKK) crates of berries.
Rev. Garrison, the new pastor at
White Salmon, preached Sunday morn
ing on "The Temptation of Jesus."
The leading thought being that a real
ization of sonshlp precedes a test trial
to come, so that exaltation is clow to
danger Sunday evening's discourse
whs on tlie topic, "Fear not, only be
lieve." Mr. Garrison isa very thought
ful and interesting speaker, and being
skilled along musical and elocutionary
lines, we are fortunate to have him
among us.
Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop of Grace M. E.
church, Portland,. and family, George
H. lurhani of the Irwin-Hodson. com
pany, Portland, and family, Mr. Nis
ley of the Simnyside boys' brigade
movement, and Judge Bradshaw of
The Dalles and family, have been en
joying camp life about Trout Lake.
Also, John S. Meek, the well-known
traveling salesman of Buckingham &
llecht, with his family. Judge Brad
shaw broke camp and returned to The
Dalles Saturday. The others named,
with Judge Frazer of Portland, will
make the ascent of Mount Adams this
The board of school directors of White
S.iliiioii, at a meeting held Tuesday
evening, voted to call a special bond
election for Tuesday, September 1. If a
favorable vote results, $1,800 of bonds
will be issued for the erection of a new
school building on the site at present
used by the district. The rale of in
eiest is not to exceed 8 per cent; bonds
to be redeemable in 20 years, the dis
trict reserving the right to redeem all
ir any of the bonds after live years
from date of issue. Polls to be open
from 1 to 4 o'clock p. iu.. The school
term will opeu on the second Monday
in September, and If possible continue
eight months.
We have no dentist residingat White
Salmon. For yearn people suffering
from defective teeth have tried the
"grin-and-bear-it" remedy, and when
they could stand it no longer, have
'one to the blacksmith, who has a
home-made set of "pullers." Here
they have seated themselves astride of
an anvtt win le our tio-pounn Knignt
of the sledae-haitiruer yanked the of
fending tooth from its grip in (lie jaw.
Mr. Wyers, with aching molar, went
to the blacksmith the other day and
ot more than he bargained for. tiro
shong got a grip on him that made his
blood coagulate. Wyers grabbed the
brawny blacksmith by the arms and
pulled back while Groshong tried to do
bis duty, it ended iu a "draw." .
Your correspondent visited Trout
Lake a few davs ago, and is impressed
with tlie fact that the country that sur
rounds the lake has before it a great ae-
velopment. It is worth one's while to
take the trip, and we recommend it
One leaves White Salmon at 7:30 a.
in., if the stage gets off on time, and it
generally does. The vehicles of the
staue company are quite comfortable.
and'you are whisked off up the road at
a good jog. there is always some good
natured sparring for favorable seats,
and the seats next the driver become an
object. The first mile of jostle forces
tlie elbows'into Bonie system; feet be
come eomtortably stowed and good fel
lowship asserts itself at once. Profes
sional men become boys again ; staid
school uiarm8 lose their severity and
even throw violent kisses at scare-crows
in neighboring fields and gardens; the
tlio driver cracks his whip and the four
horses seem to partake of the spirit of
fun. Tlie kodak man is along and all
pose for a group picture; and what a
picture it is! A quarter of an inch of
dust is over every face, except where it
has lodged in drifts by the side of the
nose or at the ears. One tries to wash
his face at a roadside brook and all give
him the ha-ha! for hie face is no
lomrer dust, it is mud. .
The falls are worth seeing. Thev are
Hood River
Three Carloads of Furniture
For the First Half of 1903,
And the ears just in by far the largest and filled to the roof with a better
grade of Furniture than we have, ever shown.
A mere statement of this fact proves much. We have not changed the policy that so quickly placed two
rarloads into the hands of users. We hav improved it. PRICE, QUALITY AND ASSORTMENT,
all changed to your advantage. No trouble toshow goods. If we are busy, please go over the stock, yourself. All
goods plainly marked,
STEWART, The Home Furnisher.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Building Material, Furniture, Carpets, Lin
oleums, Matting, Shade. Pictures framed, Furniture repaired.
about 8 miles from White Salmon. The
fall la not great, hot there in something
very charming about the scene. A sug
eeetion of power; of a nameless lapse o
time nd of waste. One might study it
for hours. Some day, man will harness
and Use it, and where shall you and I
be then? ' What industrial end will it.
serve? What then will be the develop
mentof the country?
The timber, mostly fir with under
growths of vine maple, is superb. One
needs to see it to appreciate it great,
tall, stately, and I was almost going to
say heroic trees, straight aim massive
and lotty.
At Husuui, 10 miles from White Sal
mon, we come to the picturesque home
of Mordecai Jones, an Englishman of
means who loves .Nature and books, tin
and his estimable wife are hunters, and
one of their spacious rooms is almost an
arsenal. Guns of every size and type.
Twenty-eight dogs await their call to
the chase. Ihenoors are covered with
rugs of great beauty, and the visitor has
no difficulty in sayingthat this is an
ideal country home of an English gen
tleman of refinement.
The village of Trout Lake', is a thriv
ing one. Two stores carrv a stock of
general merchandise the Chapman
Bros., 'long established, and Messrs.
Wolfard & Smith, the new men in the
Held. Uoth do a good business. Mr.
Smith very kindly took your correspon
dent over to the creamery, which lias
so completely divested the milk output
of this splendid dairy section as to make
butter a scarce article. The business
has been Tunning but three months, and
up to this time 19 farmers are contribu
ting their milk output to the creamery.
Most of these farmers buy their butter,
selling all their milk. The cheese fac
tory is a commodious, neat, well-arranged
building, light and airy. We
found the cheese room full of as fine a
product ae any creamery could turn out.
Some 4.000 rounds of milk are used
daily by the Townsend Creamery com
pany, wno cnarge the larmers 'I cents
per pound for making and marketing,
leavintt the farmers a net profit of 28)
cents per pound. Two hundred cows
now supply tlie milk. The herds are
yet small, the largest single dairy herd,
in milking, behig 33 cows. But this is
only the beginning of a growing business
witft a great iutnre. Tlie herds are in
fine condition. The man in charge of
the factory is a master at the business,
and the cheese product commands the
very ntghest market price.
ine whole country has a prosperous
air. Jew builihrnrs dot the plain and
the farmers are well-to-do. The climate
is good; water pure and sweet and clear
as crystalis plentiful, and this is the
home of the clover.
We took a boat ride on Trout Lake
with Judge Frjcer of Portland at the
oars. We traversed the beautiful little
lake and followed up Trout creek, its in
let. The water of the stream is verv
Ice Cream
and Candies
Now Is a Good
Time to Paint
Powdr Paint Costs Iess
than one-half the price of
oil paint; is weather ami
fire proof. For prices see
Abbott & Co.
To the People of Hood River:
Having purchasod the grocery stock of O. B. '
Hartley, we wish to inform the public that we will
continue the buninoss at the old stand while more .
extensive repairs, are being made to our permanent
location across tfie street in the Langille building,
where we will curry a down-to-date stock of Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc. We shall aim to
make our prices reasonable, and your trade will
be appreciated. Call and let's get acquainted.
deep and so perfectly clear that f rout by
the scores may be seen sporting in its
depths or darting before the boat. A
finer stream of purer water cannot be
found anywhere. ,
c Xntes From Underwood.
A. Foloy spen t Sunday with his
mother and family at Hood Iitiver.
George Stokoe cahie in from the Mc
Coy. Creek mines, Monday, and reports
everybody as well as usual. Amos Un
derwood expects to start another pack
train into the mines by the first of
September with a winter" supply of pro
visions. Miss Agnes Fergiuoii, after a six
weeks' pleasant visit with the families
of W. H. Kellendonk and Kd Under
wood, '.eft for her mother's home at
Champaeg, Or., last Monday a week ago.
Miss Lizzie Kellendonk is stopping at
present with Judge Byrkett and family
at Bingen.
Mr. ami Mrs.Charles Walthers passed
through Underwood oil their way to
Hood Kiver to do some shopping last
George Fisher and wife of Portland
passed through Underwood, Monday.on
their way to Chenowith, George's for
mer home, for an outing of a week or
more, which I am sure will be quite a
treat to "them;
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Luckey of Hood
River spent Sunday visiting with the
families oi' Amos Underwood and Mrs.
Grace. Jark. Come agiin, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. L.,you will be quite welcome.
Mrs. Ed Underwood is at present on
the Huckleberry mountain, gathering
berries for home use, but can spare
a few gallons to her old customers.
Mrs. Tyrrell and Mrs. Dark made
Mrs. Brown a visit Sunday, and to say
they had a good time would hardly ex
press it.
Most of the Thorntons from Thorn,
tonville. went to Hood River shopping
today. 116
We are sorry to lose such good neigh
Did .You Ask Whether or Not We Had
Anything for
"The Little
t :
Yes, we have everything usually carried in first
class drug stores for the health, pleasure and com
fort of the babies (bless 'em).
. And we want you to get into the habit of coming,
sending or phoning to us whenever you need any
thing in our line.
CLARKE, the Druggist.
Base Ball Games,
C. A. Morgan &
When You Come to Town
Do not fail to call and set1 us and give us a chance
to fill your order. We quote Flour in not less
than barrel lots at warehouse:
Dalles Ptttent, w bbl...f4.1." White River, r bbl..$.'i.9()
Dalles Straight, f 3.30.
Feed at warehouse in not less than half-ton lots:
Rolled bsulev, mt ton.'23.r0 Shorts, ier ton 21.50
Oats, jht ton 24.00 Bran and Shorts 21.00
Bran, jr ton. $20.50.
Yours tnilv.
bone & Mcdonald
bors as Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huff have
been. But the best of fnwrds must
part sometime, so Mr. and Mrs. Huff
leave Underwood Thursday for their
new home at or near La Grande. A
surprise and farewell party for them is
talked of for tonight.
J. O. Clarkeon made a trip to The
Dalles on the steamer Metalka,1 Mon
day, Coming home the Same day.
Abe Foley takes turns about hauling
freight first for tlie W. L. company then
for. I. W. Coulter, nvanftger of ne of
Frost's camps. To say he is kept qulto
busy wonld hardly do justice to the way
he works.
.Underwood would do a land oflice
business with a general merchandise
Abe Ames went out to the McCoy
crock mines over a -week' ago to help
dig out gold. A letter from there stated
he had arrived all O. K.
A son of Ed Lyons was up from Port
land last week.
C. H. Cromwell will again teach the
Frank ton school at Hood Kiver.
W. A. Wendorf is slashing new lands
and marketing his fruit crop of apples,
peaches and tomatoes. His peach crop
this year is exceptionally good.
Mr. Marsh is here from Portland
building an addition to his house and
making other improvements on his
claim just the other Side of B. F.Beals.
J. F. Kelley, wife and daughter, and
Robert Fitzpatrrek, who Lave been
spending the past three weeks at Acorn
Lodge, the Goddard ranch, returned
today to their home at Portland.
A. W. Goddard, formerly of Uie God
dard Shoe company, Portland, is up
from Portland visiting his daughter,
Miss Emma Goddard, who is spending
the summer oh Iter claim.
Improvements seem to be the order
of the dav at Underwood. -Mail-carrier
Haynes has let a contract to B. F. Beals
to grub 2 acres of land. Haynes also
has lumber on the ground for building
Co's Cigar Store.
Is uuapproached in Hood River Valley.
Studebaker Wagons and Vehicles.
Canton Agricultural Implements.
Kimball Orchard Cultivators.
Pomona Spray Pumps.'
Watches and Jewelry.
As I have worked at my trade for 18 years, I can turn out the
finest work in watch repairing and adjusting in eight positions. Jew
elry repairing of all kinds.
Tpct Vnnr Fvpc Fit them witu the best Wllilelvbble
Cal I Ollr CjCo Ground Center Lenses, steel frames, for
1.00. Holid gold nose and tips, f.50, regular Chicago prices. War
ranted to give easy fit and to improve your eyes.
Bargains in Real Estate.
8 acres, three miles from town, all in berries, a
good house and barn.
,15 acres 4 miles from town, $200 house and 12
acres cleared. Good apple and berry land.
100 acres, G miles out, 1,000 bearing apple trees,
3 acres in berries, and all kinds of other fruits; 30
acres in cultivat ion; good house, barn .and milk
house; income, $1,100 a year.
40 acres 4 miles from town, 20 acres in cultiva
tion, 5 in bearing trees; can sell in 20 acre tracts.
5 acres 0 miles from town, 300 apple trees, the
balance in wheat and clover.
20 acres 7 miles out, all in apples 2 years old.
20a 7 miles out, all cultivated, fine apple land.
80a, 1) miles out; 35a in cultivation; bam&house.
For prices and terms va on or address
H. F. JOCHIMSEN, Hood River, Or.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.,
J) 10
The largest list of Fruit and Berry Lands in
Hood River valley and White Salmon to select
from. Honest treatment will award you by plac
ing your property in our hands. Loans nego
tiated. Insurance.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otleii Huilding,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
City Blacksmith Shop, j. R. NickelseiRrop.
General Blacksmithing.
Horse Shoeing and Wagon Wood Work
Dealer in Blacksmith and
Complete lint of Syracuse
Farm Implements
Cor. 4th and Columbia.
Livery, Feed
True to Name Nursery,
We will offer for next season's planting about 20,
000 well-bred apple trees, largely Xewtowns, Spitz
enburgs, Jonathans and other varieties adapted to
, local conditions. This--nursery stock was grown
mainly to insure trees true to name and propagat
ing from buds selected only from well known trees
of health and fruitfulness. We warrant this stock
free from apple canker, wooly aphis and other pests
common to many parts of the country. As our
supply of trees is limited, orders should be received
at an early date.
Sun Proof Paints.
For sale at
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
- Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have hack crry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a first-class turnout call on the
America's BEST Republican Paper.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
."2 twelve-page pujers 1 a year. The Inter Ocean
and Glacier one year for ! .MO.
Wagon Makers' Supplies
Agency for Milbum Wag
ons. Carriages & Buggies.
'i'hone 2SU
and Draying.
" Horses bought, fold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure lii Ht-chiHs rigs. Spe
cial attention given to moving Furniture
and Pianos.
We do everything homes can do.
Fir find (Ink sis. "honpTIW.