The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 20, 1903, Image 2

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    Hood iiver Slacier
These warm summer days are not
conducive fn strenuous work on the
purl of the city counciliiien, ami a quo
rum in BveuR'tl but once u month, Per
haps i is as one councilman expressed
it. He didn't we why they should sit
around "chewing the rag" without ac
complishing anything for the public
good. "We can't put in a sewer sys
tem without water, and the Lord only
knows when Hood Bivrr will have
Fmirty thousand dollars spent in one
summer for new residences should in
dicate that Hood River people are in
comfortable circumstances, as well as
in comfortable homes. It speaks much
for a town of 1.2(10 noDulatioii. Half
this sum has been spent for other Im
provements, and a $20,000 summer ho
tel issoon to no up. All this, too,
without a boom. ' '
It is easy enough to write, talk and
preach in denounciation of the evils of
lynching, but just the mluute some
hellish fiend, black or white, enters the
sanctity of their homes how different
It will seem to these men. The reme
dy lies with the perpetrators of the
crimes. Let them cease their aw
ful offense.
The manufacture of fruit boxes Is no
small industry for Hood River. If the
apple men can get just as good boxes
at home, here is the place to buy tnem
Notes From Underwood.
(Continued from Page 8.)
an addition to his dwelling Ed Under
wood is making things move on his
ranch. He has rocked op his well, do
ing a good job of ma?onry work ; is pre-
nnrinir to huild a kitchen to his house :
and Imn beeun to slash 7 or 8 acres of
C. H. Cromwell, Ed Underwood and
A. J. Havnes went to Stevenson, Mon
day, the 'latter two going as witnesses
for Mr. Cromwell, who commuted on
liia elaim. located iust above Ed Under
wood's place. Mr. Cromwell has made
at least 12.000 worth of improvements
on his claim, has 400 Yellow Newtown
apple trees set out, and will set six or
seven acres to strawberries this fall and
nKt Btirinir. The partv succeeded in
getting the Regulator to land at Under
wood on their return, which was some
thing unusual for the steamboat com
pany. Competition appears to have its
effect already.
Chenoweth News Notes.
O. H. BroWh. wife and sister, are
(mendin? a few davs at the Collins hot
springs with relatives and friends.
Arthur Arnold is taking a few lessons
in surveying. ,
R. A. Snyder was in the City Monday.
II. Darniell spent a couple of days in
The Dalles on business last week was in
Hood River Tuesday.
Billy Underwood was in town Sunday
I wonder what the attraction is.
F. M. Arnold is out of town today
(Tuesday) on business.
The V. L. company shipped a scow-
load of ties yesterday.
Miss Sadie Orser was in town Satur
day. Miss Cory Morley from mill A was
, over Saturday and attended the ball
given at the Chenoweth, hall.
Mr. Brown of The Dalles is fluming a
load of posts from Mill A.
The camping party from The Dalles
have returned to their homes.
George Fisher and family have been
camping up the Little bite Salmon
for the past week. They report good
A. G. Wise and son Elmer are work
ing for the W. L. company.
1'oBtmaster Hill is contemplating a
big bear hunt in the near future. There
are a good many here at present.
J. F. Kelley, wife and daughter, Miss'
Daymon and Robert FiUpatrick went
fishing and camping up the Little White
Salmon over Sunday. They report a
catch of 400 trout, and gathered a good
many berries. Mail-carrier Haynes
piloted the party through the woods and
directed them to the good Ashing grounds.
Mr. Kelley is a member of the Uoddard
Kelley Shoe company of Portland.
Mrs. Earl Keys experienced an excit
ing time while driving through the
woods one day last week. Mrs. Keys
and baby and Miss Morley were on their
way to mill A, when four bears ran
across the road in front of their horse,
scaring the animal almost to a runaway.
In fact the horse did start to run and
it was all the heroic woman could do
with a baby in her arms to hold the
the frantic animal in check. It was a
narrow escape from a serious accident.
These bears are quite numerous. '
A load of 10 campers came in from
The Dalles last week.
15. F. Reals of Underwood is working
for the W. L. company.
Mount Hood Notes.
As time goes on our little community
continues to grow and prosper, and the
improvements are many and varied, from
clearing land for planting trees and
berries to building houses and barns.
G. M. Wishart has just finished a
very nice dwelling for his father, David
A. G. McKamey is laying the founda
tion for a house.
H. H. Tomlinson, our local surveyor,
has been busy lately running lines' for
new settlers and subdividing some of the
older farms.
The Belmont ball team came up and
played the Mount Hood boys, and
although the local team played well,
the visitors were victorious.
The United Artisans gave another of
their socials the evening of the 15th
iust., when cake and ice cream was fur
nished. These socials are becoming a
very popular feature of the local lodge.
The weather ie very dry and water is
scarce in these parts.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hess returned
last week from a visit to Oregon City.
Frank Kies met with an accident
which will lav him np for some time.
He fell down behind his horses in the
barn and one of them kicked- him and
broke his arm. It makes it rather bud
lor Frank, only having one arm.
The Mount Hood boys played Rc-lmont
last Sunday at this place. " The score
stood at 7 to 4 in favor of Belmont There
was a crowd of about 200 spectators
present, lioth teams played well.
M. F. Bird's daughters of Viento came
up to spend the day with Mr. liird, who
is working on the new mill.
une ol M ill fvars horses went over
the grade near the toll bridge last Sat
tnrday. near the place where tnckeyA
Biicley lostone three years ago, dm iucki-
cr than Luckey, Will did not lose his
burse, it merely rolled down the bank
and stopped in Bone's ditch.
Well, we did not hear the whiBtle last
week but will hear it this week sure, as
there are aliout eight men at work now.
It won't lie long now until it is ready to
Dad 1'erkiiiH is building a new house
on his farm south of the toll bridge,
that will be a model for his neighbors
to follow, which they will soon do.
iMikes Valley Items.
We are having fine weather, but
pretty dry and dusty.
William Dodson and family have re
turned from their camping tour at
Maple Dell. They report a good time;
caught 10 llsh and gathered three gal
lons of uuckieuernes up apove urni
Leonard Dodson is up from Salem
vlBitiug his parents and friends In
Dukes valley. ,
There was uo preaching at our school
bouse last Hunduy, as tiie Free Meth
odists held their quarterly meeting at
Odell and Rev. Andreas was there.
L. D. Boyed has sold 80 acres of land
for fo(i.25 per acre. He sold the south
80 which contained his strawberries
and apples and Dukes valley's famous
rattlesnake den. Mr. Mussee, from
Arkansas, is the happy purchaser.
He intends to build on the laud soon.
School district No 74 held a meeting
Monday. August 17. and voted to bond
the district for f.'lOO to build a school
house. There are 24 children in the
district, and eight in Odell district to
be enumerated in this one, so we will
have 32 upon which to draw school
money. Mr. Massee has four or five,
we understand, so we can have quite a
school. We are going to have a neat
house 24x32.
Lust week in v items were too late,
and week before last some one took
them out of the mail box before the
carrier arrived. So this week I will
take the gun and herd them until the
currier comes. Now I wish to say that
the party or parties who took the let
ter out of the box are not unknown,
and if this occurs again some one may
get into trouble.
Everything is dry and dusty. Peo
ple are going to the mountains to try
and find a cool place to rest
Our new school house is progressing
L. Dodson of Salem is spending his
vacation at the home ol his parents, J,
F. I'odsoii. '
A. J.Kesscll and family spent Sunday
in the mountains.
William Dodson and family spent
the last week in the mountains gath
eiing huckletierries.
Joseph A. Knox has secured a cob
bler's outfit and is prepared to dosboe
meuding of all kinds, so bring your
work right along.
Our Sunday school has a nice attend
ance for this time of the year.
Preaching every two weeks at 3
o'clock Sunday evening. Everybody
invited to come.
There seems to be quite a scramble
for our school here as there are some
seven or eight applicants for the posi
tion of teacher.
H. J. Kessell and Mr. McDonald are
logging for C. R. Rone.
The many friends of Mrs. C. Stanton
will be sorry to hear of her health be
ing so bad tills hot weather.
We are glad to learn Mabel Dodson's
health is improving since she was out
W. C. Dodge ana little daughters
went driving last evening.
Wilton niiiuamnn, Ueorie Pratt, H.
and J. F. Dodson have gone up the
river to work in a logging camp. We
wish them every success.
James O. Cameron b clover looks
fine. That shows what water will do
for our little valley.
Odell Notes. " ,
Outing parties to the lakes have been
frequent of late.
Lust week J lurry Kemp piloted the
following young people to Lost lake:
VV ill, Dave ann little Kemp, Mabel
and Fred Crockett, Bert and Hope
Shelley, Miss Bernice Wyman, Miss
Maslker and Mr. Cornell. There were
few Bsh caught. Someone said they
only went to to cast their shadows on
the limpid waters or the lake, and that
anyone wishing kodak pictures of the
Odell girls could go up now and get
excellent snap shots from the reflec
tions in the water.
- Wednesday morning Harry Kemp, J.
R. Crosby and son Dan, Willie Younjr
and Frank Wyman went to Lost lake.
Troy Shelleyand sons Bert and Jolly
went in to Chitwood lake last week.
Mr. Shelley says he will dlgoutacanoe
for the purpose of navigating this beau
tiful lake.
L. D. Boyed, last week, sold 80 acres
of his Willow Flat ranch to a Mr. Mas-
sey, recently from Arkansas. Mr.
Massey has a family of five children, is
well pleased with his purchase, and
will lie a valuable addition to the com
munity. He is an old friend of W. L.
Carnes on the E. L. Smith ranch.
The Little White Store man has been
so busy hauling cord wood this
week that he has had no time to down the festive itenjs.
Puts an End to It' All.
A grievous wail oftinien comes as a
result of unbearable pain from over
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, liver
complaint and constipation. But thanks
to Dr. King's New liife pills they put
an end to it all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only 25c tiuaran
teed by Clarke's drug store. .
Ills Heart Failed Him.
There are many who have not the
heart to meet an emergency, but when
it is from physical weakness there is one
unng uiHi nin restore utn toe Till force.
Furnished Room.
One furnished room lo rent by
sit) M KM. C. B. HA BUI Kf.. phono 778
For Sale or Trade.
Nice two-Rented top carriage for anle or will
iroue lor nay, can ai
Pigs for Sale.
Will be tlx Wt-eka old Sept. i. At that date
I will want wt-m laKcu away by mm-ha sera.
runners pnnneJSR rKTr.H MOHK.
Household Goods
ror me. iieasicsas, moles, springs, chad.
heat I mi atove, etc., pnierty of Itr. Donald
son, must be aula lininedlaleiy.
For Sale.
M0 Bed-room mill.
line Iron Bedsiead and 1 sprlnra.
One est Hlrds-eye Maple Dresser.
4 liininic ltiatm I 'hairs.
I sian.K K'H-klng Cuair, Large Ann Chair.
w of hlxhra.
Cook stove and Heater.
rooking Meiisils, wash-board and tub. etc.
These ataxia aie all Dew; have been in use
only a daya. v C. 8.KNODLE,
la I lie houaeat the bead of the atreet above
ine LAunury.
To Exchange.
farming or atnrk lands In KIU a I tat eountr.
W ah.. tor strawberry lantla in Hood K.ver.
inquire jamec ingaiia Hood Klver, or
I" OK'K A. SXUifcB, Lyle, Wash
For Sale.
I have team, harnen and two' wagnna for
ie. mo UM. ta. ISOALLK,
gv The PA IRIS
The Store that Gives the Most Goods for the Money.1
We have some odds and ends in Men's Summer Underwear, worth 50c and 75c
a suit, for 35c a suit. t
Hoys' Tennis Shoes, all sizes, 48e a pair.
Toilet Soap, 4 bars in box, only luc a uox.
Toilet soap, over 20 different kinds trt select from,
Williams' Shaving Soap, 7c a cake. !
Laundry Soil p, 2 bars for 5e. ?.
Mens' Half Hose, good weight and well finished, 5c a pair. A splendid lot of
Boys' Caps from 15c up. Boys' Felt Hats from 30 and up. Men's Felt Hats
from GOc and up. Boys' suits, well made and worth -a great deal more money
than we are asking for them, f 1 up. Don't miss looking them over.
Phone 711.
The U. B. Church
Edited by Rev. H. C. Shaffer.
TT T P fWm flnlivp.rprl a. verV
helpful address last Sabbath morning.
The Junior society is increasing in
numbers and interest tvery week. The
nmn1. I.IKIu elauu in KlindftV
JUUIIK 11 1 II B MJl - J
school is a decided success. One young
. .Mnli 1 . ,U.,f (.dflkup all
Ullul DHKIi 11 w imvc Hint '
the time I will be there every Sunday."
Young man, come uext Sunday at 10
o'clock. The young people's meetings
Tuesday evenings are decidedly interest
ing. A word to the unsaved: God loves
you. Christ gave himself for you.
"Herein is love, not that we loved God,
b it that he loved us, and sent His Sou
to be a propitiation foroursiiis."Friend,
trust Him.
That one thing is Palmo Tablets, the
great nerve and manhood builder, sold
by Williams' pharmacy. These tablets
will restore strength to the back and
kidnevs.and rebuild the whole nervous
svstem in a short time. Price 50c per
box. Do not hesitate to get these tab
lets for anv form of weakness.
To Apple Growers.
The stock holders of the Howl Klver Apple
Growers' Union are hereby notified that thetr
board of directors have this day, August S,
11103, In legal session, voted an assessment of
i per cent on eaeh snare of stock, which must
be paid within 80 days In, the ottice of our
treasurer, Butler & Co., Hood Klver, Or.
Hood River, Or., August ,
A. I. MASON, Fresli.ent.
J. L. Cabtek, (Secretary. ,
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received by the County Court
of Wasco county at the court house In Dalles
City on Monday, August 'U, 1UU3, for the con
struction of a bridge across Indian creek,
l'lana and specifications nmybeseen at the
offlceof County Judge, The llalles, or H. J.
H ibuard, County Commissioner, Hood Klver.
A certified check amounting to " per cent of
bid must accompany same. The County
Court reserves the right to reject any and all
By order County Court, Wasco county. Ore.
10th Grade Pupils.
All persons in this district, or out of It who
expect to attend the Kmnkton school thecotn
Ing term and wish to enter the nth and 10th
grades will please notify M. H. Nlekelaen,
school clerk, whose V. O. addresa la Hood Riv
er, Or., not later than Septemlwa I, Itma.
Jy3H Chairman School Board.
Horses for Sale.
Three or four 3-year-old colts, weight about
Hint pounds. Inquire of P. T. Sjucllky,
h20 Kast Side.
Wood for Sale.
18-lnch fir and pine; also, cordwood In fir
and pine. All first-class wood, iave orders
ut Glacier otHce or Inquire of
n P. T. Hhki.i.kv, Kast Side.
Pigs for Sale.
On the Sipma place, 4 miles southest of
town. a2t) A. J. F.MKKHON.
For Exchange.
Horse, buggy and harness to trade for wood.
My wife, Jennie Countryman, having left
my bed and board, I will not be responsible
for any debts contracted bylier after this date.
Hooa Klver, juiy -a, lima.
Leather folding cane, con talnlngoneSJO gold
piece, a bank receipt and other valuable pa
pers. Please leave at Glacier office or return
to aa) GKOKGK FllAKK.
Girl Wanted.
Good irlrl to do housework.
Small family,
Address P. O. box ", city.
A brown carved leather purae, containing '21
cents In change, 10 cents In stamps and a post
onice key. nease leave at tne Glacier otnee.
For Sale.
A S-vear old bay mare. 10U0 isnitida: broken
to ride or drive, single or double. True, gen
tle, and no bad ways. Good for a lady's nag.
Prie7&. inonireor tne owner.
For Sale.
Light driving team and work liarness:
double buggy harness and buggy.
jyai w. s. (iKiKMi.i:.
A live man to take Interest In manufacture
and sale of a simple, inexpensive and effect
lve lire and burglar alarm tor dwellings and
other buildings. Small capital required. Ad
vertiser owns right lor Wasco county. Ad
dies P. O. lock box 3SH, Hood River, or.
For Sale.
Gentle saddle pony, 7 years old. Ponv. sad
dle ajidjH-idle!liPAUL BLoWKRs.
Fine HomesteadLand.
Good wheat land ready for the plow. If you
have not used your right, see meat once. In
town or at home, 'A mile south of Belmont.
a27 ' T. I. TWKKDY.
Fresh Jersey Cow
And pony for sale. B. F. HHOKMAKKR.
Snap For Sale.
5 acres clay soil, S miles from city. Free
water, i acres la clover. Address
a-T Hood River, Or.
luo cords of cordwood or slab wood delivered
on the beach at Mtwier.
Booms Wanted.
Two rooms for Portland parties; one with
double bed tor old gentleman, two beds or a
cot for other room; country place prefeired.
Phone or call at Glacier office at once.
Team Wanted. .
Well-matched span of driving ponies for de
livery wagon. Must be well broke and re
liable. A. M. CHonIKK Ol.,
a!3 Sueceaaors to O. B. Hartley.
Cow Taken Up.
Dehorned; circle on left hip; acwlapoo
w., Hutin it-it ear, upper crop riktilt
breachy. alS WM. KKNKKDY.
Pony Wanted.
On or two saddle pontes; must be gentle.
Inquire at J. E. Rand's store. al::
Horse for Sale.
A 1200 pound mare. Cheap. Inquire of
. Mi-Wl'IRK BRl IS.
Cows for Sale.
Three fresh Jersey cowa for aale hr
" J. H. K'ofiKRG.
Sack of men'a clothing. Owner applrto
Box SI. H nod River. Or. if
Cow Wanted.
A good fresh milk cow, Jerser preferred
aiT V. C. BROCK,' Hood River.
Feet Hurt?
Th in hot, dry weather makes 3'our feet so tired.
We have ladies' easy shoec, expressly designed for
this kind of weather. Why not come in and have
your feet fitted with
Something: Comfortable ?
In styles and prices
And Hats ?
We have anything you want. You can do better at
i -
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
The Mt. Hood Store
Carries ti full stock of goods nuch as is generally
found in a country store. We can fit out campers
with all necessary cooking utensils, groceries and
canned goods. Fishing tackle and ammunition.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
A public telephone in the store building.
. W. S. QUIBBLE, Proprietor.
Tinning, Plumbing:, Steam
, Ami the Hayes Double Cylinder Tumps,
f 106
In Carriage and Wagon Repairing, Horseshoeing
and General Blacksmithing is done bv
This firm is competent to do all repairingof ve-hii-Us
no break so bad that t hey will not repair it.
Give them a trial and be convinced of their capac
ity to do fine work. Phone 12.1.
U now open in the rnm formerly occupied by Mix Rue's millinery
dore. HiwUixmI Ice Cream lias a reputation second to noue. Former
patrniiK uill ueel no ititrntluclroii to this famous cream. All others
are invited to cull and try it.
a on ke.
iaea patterns, lO cents.
that will surprise you..
0 Sr
State Normal School
Trtiinintr school for teachers' courses ar-
rouged cspeeiully for twining teachers for
all branches of the profession. Most ap
proved methods tor- graded una unimidcd
taught in actual district school. The
demand for graduates of this school as
teachers far exceeds the supply. The
Training department, which eonsists of a
nine-grade public school or uiiout km pip well equipped in all its branches, in
eluding sloyct, music, drawing and phys
training. The Normal course, the best
quickest way to state eertincnte.
Fall term opens September T2. For cat
alogue or information address
K. 1). RESSLER, President.
J. P.. V. HUTLKK, Secretary.
t'Nmuer lJind, Ant Jim 3, T.j -
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May 4. 1W. Notice is horeby (riven
that In compliance with the provisions wt the
act of congress of June;), 1K7H, entliled "An act
for the aale of timber lands In the Mates uf
California (frenou, Nevada sutl Washington
Territory." as extended to all Uie public land
slates by act of August 4, 1SM2,
of Hood River, comitvof Wasco, state of Ore
gon, Ii.ih this day filed In this office his sworn
slHlcincnt No. .fill, lor tne porcine oi me
lots 1 and 2, southeast north west 4, and
northeast V. southwest of section No. 19, In
township No. 5 north, range No. l'east.W.M.,
and will otter proof U show that the land
Bought la more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Van
couver. Wash., oil Wednesday, theHth dayol
He names as witnesses: Oliver C. Dean,
Theodore K Hhepler and Alfred J. Shepler.all
of Hcaid River, Ore., and II. A. Palmer of
utimer, wasn.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely me
above-deseribed lunds are requested to tile
their claims In this ofllce on or belore said
mh day of September, 1IKH.
m7jy VKAMH. K. VAUUHAi", '"'s
Timber Land, Act June 1K7M.J
United States Land Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. Aurll 30. 1H0J. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1K7S. entitled
"Ail act for the sale of tinnier lanus in me
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory, as exwnueu to an
the public hind states by act of August 4, WW!,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
uregon, lias tnta aay men in mis omce ins
sworn statement No. am'A lor tne purcuuse oi
the west half southeast quarter aud east half
southwest quarter of section No. HO. in town-
snip no. o norm, range no. u east. w. M.,anu
will oiler Di-oof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Vancouver, w an., on
TnesriHV. the 8th dav of Kcnlemher. 11K);1.
He names as witnesses: Frank K. jiarhow.
John K, Might, a. Hosiner anu u. u Bow
man. all of Uoldendule. Washington.
Anv and all DersonB claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this otlbe on or before said
8t h day of September, 1"W.
ni7Jy FRANK E. VAUUHAN, Register,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
17, lHO:). Notice Is hereby given that the
rniiowing-nnmca seiner rms niea noum oi
his Intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Oeo. T. I'ral her, IJ. S.
Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on
saturuay, August z, ium, viz:
of Hood River. Oregon, H. K. No. 80701, forthe
te HW and iota and 7, section 1, township
1 north, lange 8 cast, VV. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous real dunce upon and cultiva
tion oi saia lana, viz:
John Busklrk of Dortlund, Or.; Frank Ncff,
W. H. Wluana and James Oarrick, all of
iiooa uiver, tiregon.
JylSlaiW MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ITiinber "Land, Act June S, is7.l
United States Lund Office, Vancouver,
Wash., June 15, l'Mi. Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
ol the act oi congress oi June ;1, entnieu
"An act for the aale of timber lands in the
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4, lSW,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has tills d:iy filed in this office her
sworn statement, No. SW7, ror the purchase ol
theNKof SWJ4 and lots l and 2 of section
2, anu lot i oi section zo, in townHinii
No. 3 north, range No. east, W. M ami will
oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for 1U timber or stone tliun for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
Claim to saia lana oeiore me Register ana
Receiver or tins omce at Vancouver, wasn.,
on Monday, the 28th day of September, imm,
She names as witnesses: Homer C. Cum li
ne 11, George W. Simons, Charles K. Swlgert
and Emery Oliver, all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-desoribed lands ure requested to file
tneir claims in mis omce ou or peiore saiu
28th day of September, 1!KM.
Jy2Hs24 FRANK K. VAUUHAN, Register,
Land Olliefl at The Dalles, Oregon, July
IT, WOU. Notice Is liercby Klven Unit theful-
InwliiK-nnmed settler luia tiled notice of
his Intention 10 iniike Until prooi
In support of Ills claim, and that wild nrool
will be inAde before ieo. i . iTutlier, U. 8,
Commissioner, at Hood Klver, Oregon, on
Saturday, August 29, lima, vlsn
of Hood River, Or., H. K. No. IKDM, for tbe lots
11, n, to anu ii 01 Ft'cuim a, uiwnsiup 1 norm
ranee 10 east. W. M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
nis continuous resilience upon and cultivation
01, saiu ninu, viz: -J.
A. Knox, J. M. Lenz, Peter Odell and J.F,
Dodson, all or Hood Klver, Oregon.
JyStaW MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Regtaterv
Land Office at The Dal leu. Oregon, July 17,
ino-5. iNotice is nereuy given mat the follow,
lng-named settler tins tiled notice of his in
ten I Ion to make commutation wroof 111
support of his claim, and that said proof will
uo maae Deiore ueo. 1. l'ratuer, u. . lorn,
mlssloner, at Hood Itlver, Oregon, on Sat ur
any, Bcptemner 0, um, viz:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. 11125, for
the NWW section il, Uiwnship 2 north, range
east, W.M.
He names the following wllnessestoprove
nis oonunuons residence upon and cultlva
Hon of said land, viz:
Andrew A. Jayne, Casslus A. Hickle, John
I. Miller and Ulysses O. Dyer, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
JyjttaW MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August .,
iww. nonce is nereoy given mat the follow
Ins-named settler has tiled notice of hlKlnten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Oeo. T. Prather, V. H. Com .nlssloner, at
Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, Heptember
21, 11)03, vl
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. 10.YT2, forthe
NEJt section i, township 1 north, range 10
east, W.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Clisrlcs H.Htsnton, Joseph A. Knoj, Charles
W. Murphy and William U, Dodson, all of
ikmmi ill ver, Oregon.
ai:is!7 M 1CHAEL T. NOLAN, Register,
In the Clrcnlt Court of the Ktate of Oregon,
iur me Aiumy oi w lutco,
L. L. McCartney, plalnliir, vs. M. K. Markley,
Raymond Murkier. Hersev Msrkiev. Or.
Dha Markley. Audrv Miuklev. im1v
Markley, Iris Markley, Theresa Caslner
ana cnaries i.:astner, ner hushanit; L. E.
Morse, Charles Morse, George W. Mark lev,
l'eter Markley and Harah Markley, his
wue; Atiuie Aiaueit ana iNelson .MalieM,
her h'lsband: Charles Mark lev. Eilu uni
Markley, le Markley, A. C. Mark lev, Ma-
rab Kller and Kller, her biihlmnd'; and
Jesse I mller, administrator of tlieestateof
j. u. Maraiey, ae-aseii, defendants.
To tieorge W. Markley, Pelur Markley, Sarah
Msrklev. Addle Miillett. Ni.lson lll..ii
Charles Markley, Kdwaid Markley, Iai-
aiaraiey, a. ;. Markley, Narah Eller and
Eller. Mrs. Bertha Wheeler. Milton
Wheeler, defendants,
In the name ol tbe Hlate of Oreiroiv. von nd
eaeh of you are hereby required lo appear
and answer tbe complaint filed against vou
In the above entitled suit within the lime
hereinafter mentioned, and if you fail so to
auswer, air wani inereoi trie plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for tbe teller prayed for in
this complaint, towit: For a ludgnient against
t tie defendant, M. E. Markley, lor the sum 01
principal 01 tne promissory hole iiien
tioned In the plalntlirs complaint, and Inter
est thereon al 10 ner cent ner unnnm fr.,m
March Zi, KHX1, and for the further sum 01 5 j.iio
attorney a tees ana lor his eosis and disburse.
ments, ana ror a decree of toret-uwure of a
mortgage upon tbe following-described lands,
Commenclngattheninthwest corner of the
nortnwest quarter of the nort beast quarter of
section eleven (111. In tiwnsliln iwniimrmh
of range ten (1U) east of W. M.: running tin nco
ewiuj mil hhii, norm iwemy cjii) rods,
west eighty (Kl) nala, and south twemv .an
nals to place ol beginning, containing u'n 1
acres ol land, and decreeing tnai the defend
ants and each of them be lorever barred and
foreclosed of all right, title and Interest in
said premise and every part thereof.
Tins summons is served unon the defend
auu above nsmeil by publieiui ai ihertvr
once a week for six consecutive aeeks In the
Htsid River Olaeler, a uewspas r published
In Wasco county, Oregon, said piibltcation
being made in pursuance of an order of Hon.
OeorgeU. Klakeiey, County Judge of Wasco
county, state of Oregon, datctl tiie l.ith dny of
July, lwtt, and dlrei iing that service be made
on said defendant by publication of this
summons In said nep,-r once a week for
six consecutive weeks, and tbst said srrvic
snail be deemed TOmpiete at tbe expiration
ol the lime so preserilml for the publication
of llilssnmmons: Tiie first publication there
of is made upon the 4 day of Julv, luuiaud
the. defendanla abnte named bii'.I exeli of
MH-m are hereby requireu lo appear and an
swer Ibe plsiiitiil's complaint in Ibis cause,
on or before me last dav of the itm ii.t-.riiJ
ed In said order above mentioned, uamelv
on or before six m eeka from ibe il day of
July.lwa. W.H. WILnon.
J Attorney fcr PU-iuiitT.
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
1. LotB in Waticoma Park aildilion
The east half of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres west of Lvnian
Smith's; free irrigating water: Jl.tiOO.
3. Lot 10, Belmont: in cultivation:
fair house; 6 acres; price f 1,500.
5. The NV "4 section 25, T 2 X, K 9
E ; known as tiie W E Pearson honie-
stead ; improvements wortli fiOO; half
the land, or more, tillable: Davennort
ditch runs throticli it. In the Crapper
neighborhood; price f 1,500.
Corner lot in front of school house
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipnia addition, Js:J73.
7. Barrett-Sipina addition; $125 per
lot: $10 down and $5 per .month.
2. Eligible residence lots in Ppangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
6. The Koplin place at Fraukton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth; price $1000.
21. N. S. E. S. N. E. H sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine
timber laud ; $10 per acre.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price S'JOO.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townnite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Five acres at Fraukton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Phi-, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
The 3 acres east of Gamer's, near Mrs.
Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the city
limits. All in berries and apples; good
cottage. A lovelv home. ' Price for 15
days $1,700; after that $1,000 subject
to lease till November 1, 1003.
Persons w lib have made desert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timber entries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
by conferring with John Inland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver lina of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
Irom and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will bo as follows: $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, tbe
same price
Special Offers
Tlio Howell cottage Mini
acres, east of Mrs. Alma
Howe's, for 5 days at 1,700,
after 2 weeks 1, 1)00.
.iGO-acro farm, miles
HOinlieast of town on The
Dalles road; fences and build
ings; seA-ernl. acres 'cleared
The Pulton 11-room house
and lot by the arinorv, for
Timber liid, Aet June 3, 1S7H.1
ttnited Slates Lsnd ottlee, North Yakima.
W ash., July ir, lla..V nice is lieivtiy Klven
lliat In eoiiiillaiiee with the provisions of the
art ot fnuicresK of June ;i, :;s, entitled "All
aet lor the sale of liniher lands In thesiatesor
J .altiorniii, oreon, Nevada and Washington
territory. ' as exteimed to oil the nuhlic land
stales by aet of August 4, lau,
, ,, AI.I.'K wt lit l.KIt,
of Joitland, oourily ol Multnomah, state of
Oremin, ha this duy tiled In this olllee her
swoi n siai,.u.t. No. l u, for the pmehase of
the east !, ot southwet ;4and wvsti.orsoutb
eastkot No. si, In fowniiip No. 7
norlh, riiie No. 11 east, V. M and will otter
l1""" to how Hint the lu::d sought h, more
vn i.mhle f ,r Uf ih,.r or stone ,hau ,or
cultural niirixises, and to esu.hllsti her claim
losanl h.rd hetore v. It. -,vsl)V, fulled
states i oinmissioner lor dlsu let ut 'Wiuhinic
;mi. at his otliee lit Uoldendule, Wh,Ii . on
1 uesday, the Jnii (lay of hept.-ilH'r. Will.
."he names wilnesais.: J,.r k. Youmr
and Anna U Youinr ol Uwtie ti.-i, Ws.h
tL'kTvlnX AW'" K",S"""' uf J'"'"'
tu? H." f;-1?'"" elalmiiiK adversely Hie
?i ir, jr':''b"a,,1"""S ',rB ""lulled lo file
"'"J" 'U" '' or before said
a'th day of (epi.-mher, hii'l
. .. ., AN-NA ViifNu,
of (sstle Hix'k, eouniy of Coulitr., state of
Washington, has tha day riled in t hi." m"e
her , stau-nu in, No. I,!, lorlhe j un-l'al
of the west V,t -outnwest 4 oi , Sl IJ
thee,l .,t utheBt i.t,S strthm "i,
?, ,.,' ""' ',r'",r l" "" Ihsl 11 eland
IhLT. i ,r ".'riT V,tt,U"ihl; f"r 'tll..tTr.lone
Mi I. rt I 1-ori-. , h.,,1 loeslah-
isti her claim lo said land la lore W IL l're
by. tn ted hu,, Con.,,,!,,,,,,. lor ',1,1m. ,
W.'. . "i '" """p Hl lder,dsie,
it? i u" "lu'J"J'. H'ewih day oi .wm'
: , . 7 """ "o or ta-iore ssni
r.. k 1 . H N M A N, Iteei.ter.
For Sale.
ll'nIVln an.l. I..J ,
1 1 , I ' v f rrv,s "tn imih
Or a.l.ln uouej suitor road.
ura.iur.-w . WINCH ELU