The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 06, 1903, Image 3

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Centrally Located. Fine View.
Pure Spring Water.
Sidewalks will be Put in when Grading is Completed
.Property is in the Jlrst sewerage system that will be put in by the town
of Hood River.
Several fine buildings will be erected on the property during the summer.
Special Inducements to Peo
ple who wish to Build.
For full particulars call upon
J. F. Batchelder and R. R. Erwin, Trustees.
Hood iver lacier
Where Hood River's Apples Grow.
A Glacier representative spent a day
lust week in the Pine Grove neighbor
hood, the greatapple-producing section
of Hood River valley. Here is where a
railroad will be necessary iu a year or
two to move the apple crop. At the
rate apple trees are being set out in
Pine Grove district the whole country
will soon be one vast apple orchard.
Here is where the Yellow Newtown,
Spiizenburg, Jonathan, Black Twig
mid all the best vnrietiesof apples flour
ish to perfection. And here is where
the orchards are systematically looked
after and the best resultsobtained. The
Glacier man would like to spend a week
in the Pine Grove neighborhood and
visit every orchard.
It was our pleasure to visit the fine
fruit farm of V. Winchell, one of the
pioneers of Hood Kiver valley. Part of
Mr. Winchell's 210 acres was entered
asu homestead by his father. Win
cheU's butte, a prominent bill just west
of Pine Grove school house, takes its
name from Mr. Wlnehell'B father. V.
Winchell has 800 apple trees, 400 in
bearing. He has a good selection of
winter varieties, of which Yellow New
town and SpitzenburgB predominate.
His trees are bearing a full crop this
season. From foureight-year-old Spitz
enburg trees, last year, he gathered 00
boxes of apples. Mr. Winchell has 12
acres of unimproved land for sale at
flOO per acre. It is the best of apple
land. He has ottered to clearthisland,
set it to apple trees and then sell It for
$150 an acre. When the trees come
into bearing, at five years of age, if
they have been properly cared for in
the meantime, the land will be well
worth 500 an acre. From his place a
splendid view Is obtained of the valley
and the snow mountains of Hood and
Adams. There is no prettier building
spot In the valley than where his house
stands In the shade of tall oaks aud
tlrs. His meadows of clover and alfalfa
lend additional unarm to the scenery
as viewed from his residence at this
time of the year. Like George Rordan,
r Winchell has discovered there is
nionev in goats. He has 20 Angoras of
good pedigree and five kids. George
Rordan, Charles Davis, H. C. Crockett
and V. Winchell seem to be the only
formers iu the valley who have Invest
ed in goats, and all are satisfied with
I heir investments. Mr. Crockett had
the misfortune to lose all his kids but
one, some nine or ten, by some pred
atory animal supposed to be the wild
CITlie fruit farm of L. E. Clark, on the
Tvl Miiiro homestead, was visited.
Mr. Clark is just having the finishing
touches put on a handsome dwelling
house built for him by Frederick Ar
nold. The house is one of the best in
doiHil. with ull modern conve
niences, and will cost 2,0o0 above the
basement. The basement work was
done by Mr. Clark. The building will
be heated by furnace. The plumbing
alone cost t-'OO. Water is pumped by
wind mill to a reservoir on the hill,
aixi from the reservoir will be piped to
n riHrtd .if the new house. Mr. Clark
has 125 acres of orchard, meadow and
garden land. He bus 20 acres in or
chard, 10 acres of which are bearing.
Thin is an off Year for his orchard, but
he will have 2,000 boxes of winter Bp
ples. He is now building a eommod
f..,w nmde house. Mr. Clark bought
this place two years ago for f:l,400.
Last year he cleared over $2,100 from
sales of fruit and other produce, but
the farm will do better this year. The
place today would lie cheap at fl.lHMJ.
Mr. Clark came here from Wasco,
Sherman county, where he was a suc
cessful lumber dealer. He has an In
terestiug family, and all think there is
no place so good as Hood River.
The place of Captain F. M. Jackiou
was next visited and several hours
pleasantly spent In the company of the
old veteran aud pioneer. Captain
Jackson came to Hood Itiver in IS. 1
and located on the land where he still
makes his home. His place adjoins
that of Hon. Malcolm A. Moody on
the west. The captain and his sons
have over 800 acres in one body. His
own land much of it is worth 200 an
acre. He also has good apple land, and
his orchards of summer and w inter ap
ple net him a handsome income every
lear. Captain Jackson oaine from
Tennessee. Before the civil war he was
m great admirer of Andrew Johnson,
seventeenth president of the I'nited
states. As both lived iu the same part
of the state they often met. The cap
...i.. i r. . 1 1 nf u..liii0 nf Johnson and
reminiscence of the days before and
during the svweion movement in
Tennessee, he having taken an active
Interest in poll tics and war. The cap
tain entered the Confederate service
and served until the end of the war.
Andrew Johnson was a staunch Union
man. In the campaign of 1800, when
the democratic party divided and ran
two presidential tickets, Johnson sup
ported Breckenridge and Lane, while
Captain Jackson went with the Doug
las wing of his party. During the cam
paign the captain was one of a commit
tee selected to invite speakers at a
Douglas ratification meeting. In look
ing over some old papers recently he
discovered a letter from Andrew John
son declining to speak at this meeting.
By permission of the captain we pub
lish the letter, us follows:
Greenville, Tenn., July 31, 18(10.
Gentlemen: Your letter of the 30th
inst. was received in due process of
mail. It would not be prudent in me
to attend one of the opposition ratifi
cation meetings for the purpose of dis
cussing the comparative claims of the
varioususpirants to tne presidency ana
vice presidency, and must therefore de
cline attending their meeting at Mor-
ristown on the 3d ot August, i win
with pleasure at some convenient time
with others make an appointment at ,
Morristown for the purpose of address
ing the people on the various questions
of public policy now being discussed
throughout tne country, i uope tuai
the democratic party will be true to
itself as it has been heretofore; but it
will require an eflbrt to save the party
and the nation.
I have the honor to be, &c,
Andrkw Johnson.
F. M. Jackson, Esq., and others, Com
mittee, Another Victory for Hood River Sine.
The umpire's poor sight in calling
"fair ball ' on a foul which landed just
outside the left field, a wild throw by
Sheets, and a muffed ball and error by
Fabric enabled the Stevens' nine to
score twice in the opening inning,
Sunday afternoon.
Stevens opened the engagement with
Emerick at the bat. L. Haynes made a
beautiful connection with a pretty fly,
and Blakely walked to first on balls.
Then came a liner from Roy Haynes,
which Johnny Castner felt so sure
was a foul that he began to
take his own time in unlimberii.g, and
Haynes witli an undecided start made
second. Olson struck out. Layton
struck to short stop where the ball was
raked in and thrown to Fabric. Hood
River evidently wasn't down to playing
vet, and Fabric startled scorer Theyson
In an attempt to put the ball home.
Ik-fore things untangled, Blakely and
I hi v nee had notched the score stick.
W hen Hood Kivertook the bat DeWitt
readied first on a grounder. Johnny
Castner tapped the sphere to A. Ander
son at second, where a pretty double
plav was executed, and it was two outs
for Hood River. Dunbar landed into
the hands of L. Anderson and the blue
tonkin? lads took another inning. The
visitors went down and out. Ditto for
Hood River.
Then followed some of the best base
ball work ever witnessed on the home
grounds. Dunbar was putting up good
league ball, and had Martin to stop him
behind the bat. The Hood River field
ers ulaved close in to command a better
view of the batteries' neat work. Lay
ton was found often enough, but not
very frequently for safe hits, the Ander
son brothers and Healey proving them
selves nimble and certain ou nearly
everv Httenuit. Some of their In and
ut rieliimi! iiiiule the neans oi tne uase
ball fans feel irood. An eve Kept on
Harry Bailey was all that was needed to
tell that Hood River was playing mag
nificently. In eight innings the Stevens
lads got but one man to third.
I n the second scene of the third act
Martin was the second man to reach
first. Ho signed his death warrant in
an attempt to make second. Blakely
reached skyward for a hiah ball, but
Fabric had' the sack before the high
iumner came down.
- . .... OI i
In tne Mil, an error oy nneeis gave
Kmerit-k ussMtae to first base. Iseeond
was stolen on a passed ball. He slid
into third and Umpire Dukes walked
him to the bench. Sheets cooked
Hlakelv'i aoose and Hood River took
hand. IK-Witt went out. J.Castner, Dun
bar and Haynes bunched the bases.
Hheeta drove one to Anderson at second
where a wild throw to Blakely gave
Hood River her first score. Anderson
repeated his error and there were two
more tallies for the favorite learn. There
was a jollification and no more lean lor
the result.
Trouble came in the 7th. Stev
ens filled to pass first Fabric landed
on the visiting pitcher, and Rov Haynes
couldn't gather up the ball. DavidsoB
(sacrificed. W hile the pitcher was pus
lied because he made no start tor the
base, Sheets, Davidson's substitute,
ran safely to first Johnny Castner
drove the ball into the clouds, and right
here the story hinges. If it hadn't been
for the wind it would have been a safe
and sure hit, but the Stevens fielder
tore round from behind the pines way
to the left and gave everybody the im
pression that it was a foul. But the
umpire had rendered his decision and
Johnny had scored a home run. The
visitors were frantic. They stormed
and fumed, hut Dukes remained immut
able. No, no, they wouldn't play ball
any more, and began to put on their
coats. It looked like it was all off, and
the fans bunched in all parts of the dia
mond. Finally, encouraged by Pitcher
Layton, the boys went back to finish the
game, rne otners migiu piay diu not
Roy Haynes. There was no way to
fine him, and persuasion proving futile,
Charlie Morse was drafted in his stead.
The rest of the contest was void ot the
spectacular. The score :
K. H. E,
Stevens 20000000 0-2 I 4
Hood River u u u u u s u i a
Batteries Layton and Emerick; Dun
bar and Martin. Umpire Dukes.
The players and positions were :
Htkphknh. Hood River.
Emerick 0 Martin
Blakley 1 b Fabric.
Haynes s. Sheet
Oleson I. f. J.Castner
Layton P Dunbar
A. Anderson 2 b C. Castner
L. Anderson 8 D uaviason
Healy o. f. Haynes
Baker r. f. DeVVllt
Hcorer, Theyson. umpire, mutes.
Down Town Boys Win Again.
The Unitarian juveniles came within
two, last Thursday, ot a winning score
with the Bull Dogs, who, by the way,
renounce the title of "U. Bs" or "ngly
boys." They play though with bull
dog tenacity and are determined the
championsnip snail oeineirs. inegame
began with the Unitarians making
score of 2. This was repeated in the
third aud with 4 to 0 against them the
Bull Dogs bristled up and gnawed the
score stick for five notches. The Uni
tarians got to be one ahead iu the 5th,
and felt trood all over again. They add
ed another in the 7th, aud their Bnp-
porters cheered until the pines moaned.
But victory was not to be theirs, and in
the second half of the 9th inning the
scales were turned by the Bull Dogs
with one point to their favor.
The players were :
Unitarians. Bull Dogs.
Willie Chandler o Estle Hroslus
Willie Baker p -Elmer Roberts
I). Lone 1 b Cierny tieyer
Kenneth Baker 2 b Harry Rood
El wood Luckey 8 b Ellsworth Hanna
Arthur Cunning s. 8 ....Jiowara naruey
Bert Bimnionds I. f. HI wash Johnson
Everett Rand c. f. Alfred McCatlerty
Kent Shoemaker r. f. Ben Chrismau
The score by innings was:
Bull Dogs .. .(MKXMMM 0-2-8
Unitarians sWO-l-0-0-7
Umpire Edgar wrtgnt. scorer ouuaiunr.
Speaking of a game in which Salem
defeated the Eugene nine 5 to 3, the
Salem Journal says of Kaoe Haynes,
a brother of L. C. Haynes of Hood
River: " 'Babe' Haynes made the star
Five Carloads of Furniture
Sold Since the Beginning
of this Year.
This may seem like a fairy tale or a fish story,
but it is nevertheless true. We are not inclined to
boast through the columns of the paper, but to
keep abreast with the times we are justified in stat
ing facts. Come to think about it, there is not so
very much furniture in a car load $1200 or $1500
worth and sold on a close margin it is not a big
thing, nor would we try to deceive any one. Every
week word comes to us that our prices are below
Portland prices. Glad to show you our full stock
at any time. Denier in
Doors and Windows. All Kinds Build
ing Material.
play, putting a high one over the right
nee, and trotted around to the home
'eate where a shower of big iron dollars
P'eeted him."
Report on Eoad to Boat Lauding.
Monday was regular meeting night of
the common council. Present Mayor
Coon, Councilmen Blowers, U. F. Dav
idson. P. H. Davidson. Gessliiig, Maves:
Recorder Nickelsen and Marshal Cun
After reading of the minutes, a com
munication from the Commercial club
wan r.mwmted. it beina a report of the
committee having in hand the matter of
a road to the Doat lanaiug. n un ine
reoort were signed statements from the
Mount Hood Lumber company, Frank
Button and Aud Winans, over whose
laud the road would pass. The Mount
Hood Lumber company declared that if
proper action was taaen within 60 days
the company would grant free of charge
the right of way along the north hank of
Button slough, and ground for a dock
location. Frank Button offered right of
way south of slough for 12,000, or would
lease same for 1200 a year rental; right
of way to cross the northwest corner of
his field was granted proviuea tne roau
was built on a dyke and riprapned. Aud
VVinnna nireed to srrant free 20 foot right
of way over his land on the bank of Hood
river, conditioned soroeuiuig was aone
within 60 days.
The renort of the Commercial club
committee stated that the whole of the
proposed road could be builton the lauds
of the mill company and Aud Winans.
On motion of P. 8. Davidson, the
recorder was ordered to notify the Com
mercial club of the receipt of the report,
and to state that further time wag nec
essary in which to secure information
as to probable cost ana ukuiiooo oi bud
scrintion and other funds before action
could be taken by the council.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Transfer company for street work
under J. 11. Dukes, company's
poll and property tax for 1902
to be deducted I 33 65
Light and Water company 5 00
J. R. Nickelsen, steel jail cage . . 112 50
Fashion stable hauling patient to
nest house and other work 5 00
Marshal's salary 50 00
. Marshal Cunning's report of arrests
and impoundings was then read.
11. K. Wright was present ana ex
plained the usefulness of the Waggoner
exteusion ladder. The committee on
fire and water was authorized to pur
chase ladders if they found it necessary.
Win. Foss Meets With Singular Heath.
William Foss died early Tuesday
morning, August t, IW6, at nis r,ai
Side home, of arsenic poisoning, lhe
circumstances of his death are very
singular, though not the least of blame
is attached to any one. Mr. Foss was
helping T. Steinlnlber the day Deiore
to spray his apple orchard, as had been
his custom all summer. A short time
before the dinner hour Mr. Steinhilber's
little girl took a can of arsenite of soda
compound out to Mr. Foss. The same
can had always been used for this pur
pose, but Mr. Foss, in a joking manner,
asked if it was coffee. "No, of course
not," said the little girl, "It is deadly
poison." But it seems Foss put the can
to his lips and took a swallow. Mr.
Steinlnlber found him shortly after
deadly sick. The poisoned man was
taken to the house and given quantities
of milk and egg.which induced vomit
ing. A doctor was called and the patient
was moved to his house. About six
o'clock he became unconscious when
the doctor was again called. He .never
regained consciousness and died early
the next morning.
After he became sick, Mr. obs saiu
he knew the liquid was poison, but de
clared he didn't know why he drank of
it. Mr. Stoinhilber says the man has
been working hard Bince early spring
from daylight to dark, which with worry
and trouble had broken him down, and
Derhaos while thirsty, and in a fit of
absentmindedness he drank the poison.
William Webster Foss was born at
North Adams, Mass.,Septemper 10,1840.
At the age of 14, with his relatives he
located in Illinois, and in 1871 at Dan
ville he was married to Miss Phabe
Purser. Five children came to bless
the home, three of them preceding their
father to the better country. In 1885
Mr. Foss was converted and united with
the Methodist church at Belmont, and
often he walked to prayer meeting from
his home on the fcast bide, alter tne
toils of the day were done. During the
pastorate of Rev. Kaufman he united
with the U. B. church, and has been a
faithful, consistent member for these
years. He leaves two sisters, two sons,
and his wife, besides many friends to
mourn his departure.
Mr. Foss was a veteran of the civil
war, having served with Company K of
the 37th Illinois infantry .General Black's
Funeral services were conducted at
the the U. B. church, Wednesday after
noon, bv Elder J. T. Merrill and Rev. H.
C. Shaffer, and were largely attended by
his East Side neighbors. At the grave
in Idlemilde cemetery, the ritualistic
services of the Grand Army were con
ducted by members of Canby post.
Letter from L. D. Blount.
Parsons, Kansas, July 30, 1903. Com
rades and Friends: We left Portlaud
the 6th; arrived at the Grand Canyon
Tuesday morning; stopped for a train
to pass ; after the train had passed we
cime to a rock which had caved and
covered the track for 200 feet. It took
until noon to clear the track. '
Western Kansas never looked lietter
arnes the Rea
Works a Simple Problem in Arithmetic
for You this Week.
Twenty cents a day saved is f 73 per year. Five years will pay for one of
those lots in Pleasant View. Ten dollars per month rent is G00 in five years,
enough to build and own a lot of your own.
Young Man, Don't Pay Rent.
1 have now on the market block 8, Pleasant View. These lots ore large, 50
by 135. Easy of access and altogether the finest lots at present for sale in that
part of Hood Itiver. Prices and terms reasonable.
House and two lots .f 500
2 choice lots, 100x135 '2r
1 choice lot, 50x135 135
1 choice lot, .25x135 G5
40 acres, 25 acres in cultivation; 400 bearing apple trees, choice varieties; good
house; two barns; 1 acres berries; plenty of, spring water; (im. from town.f 4,000
80 acres, 4 acres apples; 4 acres clover; fine apple or berry land; 4 miles out ... 3,000
80 acres unimproved land, fine for berries or apples; under ditch 1,100
10 acres close in; partly improved; fine apple or berry land..... C50
14 acres at Belmont, with good buildings; nearly all cleared .. 3,500
40 acres unimproved, under ditch; good 1,000
40 acres in Washington, near the Columbia; 4 acres in bearing- berries; 400 ap
ple trees; good buildings; fenced; plenty of water. Terms easy.
Sale Record for Week Ending July 11th.
- . . --w . t 1 - tilt f d t
1. Mr. Caver's 10 acres in Crappcr District to A. W. Untliank, consideration, .i,uut
Mr Affihnnpv 's 1 0 nereM in linrret District to C. D. Thompson, consideration, 2,000
3. Frank Clark's Stevenson properties of 126acrestoP.Inman,of W allowa,con. l,rUO
4. Miss Ida 15. Roe's city property, cor. State and 5th streets, to T. Schall, con. 1 ,G00
5. Robt. Rand place, now occupied by C. I). Thompson, to Mr. Fred Deitz, con. 1 ,000
The Man who makes Sales of Real Estate
Is the man to list your property with.
and prettier; in middle Kansas, wheat
and all cereal crops iook nne. riarvesi
hands get f'i a day. Everything on
the Kuw river is torn un badly. The
storms were anything but gentle in
that section. The fruit crop is badly
damaged; iu fact there willie no crop
at all to speak of. But in southeastern
Kansas the fruit is very plentiful, espe
cially apples, grapes and peaches.
1 was sick one day coming nere, out
it did not last long, as I met a man on
the train, and he and I got acquainted,
and bv talking a few minutes I found
it was his birthday, and to celebrate he
had a bottle of "0 be joyful," which he
invited nie to have with him. Of
course I did not refuse, and after In
dulging moderately I felt much better.
1 nave oeen lea on an oi tne water
melons that I could eat and ice cream
and Pabst best, and of course I feel very
good most of the time. . I went camp
ing two weeks ago Sunday and caught
one little suntish; that was all, but we
had a good time.
I attended several Dosts. but none
can compare with Canby post of Hood
Kiver. L,. v. wlount.
Who Tore Down School Meeting Notice
Dukes Valley, August 2, 1903. To
whom this may concern ; to the public
in general, and to one individual in par
ticular: While clerk of school district 43,
the board of directors ordered me to post
three notices for a special meeting. 1
placed one near Geo. Booth's barn on a
tree, and some malicious scoundrel
tore it down. I am clerk now of school
district 74. The board of directors
ordered me to post three notices for an
election to vote on bonding our district
for money to build a school house. I
posted one on a United States mail box
that is fastened to a fir tree in the mid
dle of the Mount Hood road, near C. R.
Bone's and Bert Boardman'g corners.
The sanw thing happened again. I
think I know the guilty party. I am
not sure enough yet to prosecute, but
when I am sure I shall prosecute to the
full extent of the law, and that is $50 to
$300 fine or imprisonment in the county
jail from one month to six months.
These notices are public property posted
by legal authority.
Now, I will say further, if any one has
or thinks he has a personal grievance
against me, come and see me. I am
always at home and upon being con
vinced that I have wronged you I am
always ready to make it right. Come
aud see me and take your spite out on
me, and don't put the sheriff 'tj any
trouble hunting you up.
Joseph A. K sox.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
ureventive of suicide had been discov
ered will interest many. A run down
Timber Land, Act June S, 1S78.)
United States Ind Office, Vancouver,
that in compliance with the provisions of
"An act for thesnle of timber lands In the
Ktutes or California, urw$o",
..... li --' I' am qv l.nilun 1 1, all th
W MPMIMKld" WHH.m.t, " ' 1
Public Land Htates by act of August 4, ISM,
..'!.. Ii u 1.' VT I, LOWt D
i- 1 1,1 111'... II. 1 m i . ' . . iv,
of Glenwood, connly of Klickitat, state of
W asninicion.nttH wis uhv mm m iiuhhi
worn statement, No. 'i ir the purclisse of
i. . . . n.i.thvo.1 1, u.iil m.rth
Hie I'M I, niiiinin.1 yA im" " ,A "
ship No. north, range No. 12 east W . M., and
W1U oner "nnn , wn,
is more valuable for lis timber or stone Uian
for agricultural purjH, uu w rmuuu m
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this ottlce at Vancouver, Wssh .on
Wednesday, themh day of (September, MA.
sen Myrtle llarker.llobert Barker aud Charles
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
their Claims mi uii-imimtt un w wwi.w.
H i day or m-piemoer. ..
niTJy FRANK K. VAl'OHAN. Register,
Job Printing
In up-to-date stvleH, pood
material and right prices.
We will meet Portland com
letrtion, quality of stock, size
of order and work coiiMdered,
We resiHHtfiillv solicit your
order for anythinginthe Job
Printing line.
Agt.for Densmore Typewriter
The Real
system, or despondency invariably pre
cede suicide and something bas beeu
found that will prevent that condition
which makes suicide likely. At first
thought of self destruction take Electric
Bitters. It being a great tonic and nerv
ine will strengthen the nerves and build
up the system. It's also a great stomach,
liver and kidney regulator. Only 50c.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Chas. N.
Clarke, druggist.
: Apple Growers Elect Officers.
Chris Dethman. F. G. Church, A. I.
Mason. J. L. Carter and William David
son) the newly elected board of direc
tors for the Hood Kiver Apple Growers'
Union, met Saturday afternoon in the
office of E. L. Smith and elected the
following officers: A. I. Mason, presi
dent; William Davidson, vice president;
Butler & Co., treasurer; J. i. carter,
seciietary. Arrangements were made
to ascertain an estimate of the apple
crop of the members of the union, and
manufacturers of apple boxes were re-
Turn "Frfish Cows
For sale at Riverside Farm, 8 miles west of
town. H5each. J, W. MORTON.
L. C, Haynes
James F. Uellor
The Dlace to eet an easy shave, an
up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy the
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
Water & Light Notice
All water ana lignt dims are payaoie at tne
Hood River Klectrle Llirlit. Power and Water
Cc's office from the 1st to the luth of the
month. Iu advanoe.
oaitr J. U. hvaho, manager.
For Sale.
AS-seated hack, almost good as new; one
double back harness and one set light har
ness; both in good condition.
For Rent.
LoU 5 and 8. block F, Hood River.
and t, block 8, Park burst.
Je4j 1208 Farnam at.. Omaha, Neb.
& Builders.
W-Pi.'ans and Estimates FCRXtsiiEDg
On the Mount Hood road, South
of town, keeps constantly on hand
the best quality of
Hay, Grain and Feed,
At Lowest Prices.
d22. D. F. LAMAR, Prop.
rlSning laCMC, piles and Plain Hooks, Snell Hooks,
Keels, Creels, Lines and leaders. IF YOU DON'T SKE WHAT YOU
WANT, ASK FOR IT. Ostrich and Turkey Feather Dusters, Counter
Brushes, Clothes, Market and Lunch Baskets. Stationery and Cifec
tious. Agents ALDEN CHOCOLATES. Agents Racine Stocking Feet.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Ch crry, Pea r, Ap ricot, Peach&PlumTrees
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
burg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. .
Estate Man.
quested to furnish prices of boxes. An
other meeting will be held Saturday,
when a business manager will bo
There are now about 45 members of
the apple union, which includes nearly
all the apple growers of the valley.
Is the name of the world's greatest cure
for the liquor and tobacco habits and
can be found at any drug store in Hood
River at a price of f 12.50. It is tho
greatest remedy of the kind ever placed
upon tho market.
Acme Cement
I do Acme Cement Plastering that will lost
as long as the house stands. Also, cement
foundations. Bee samples of work and get
prices before letting contract.
Barber Shop,
On the Hill,
S. C. JACKSON, Proprietor.
Ice Cream and Candies
in adjoining room.
Meat Market.
McGuire Bitos., Propr's.
Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard
Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
and Builder.
Plans and Estimatf.s FuRNrsiiF.D
Upon Application.
and Builder.
Plans furnished and Estimates given
on Buildings. juyl
and Builder
Plans and Estimatks Furnished.
S. H. COX.
50N. Phone 351