Hooi Rver lacier. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1903. No time in the history of the Oregon alule fair lias there been euch .good tling among the agricultural classes ii.wnril the ncce8 of the fair as exists at the present time. Every section ol the etate seems to be taking au interest in the fair and promises to give it their hearty support. Eastern Oregon for the first time lias promised one or two county exhibits, consisting of agricul tural products, while the southern por tion of the state will also be represented by a comprehensive exhibit of its agri cultural products. Live stock from all over the state is being prepared for this year's fair. In order to encourage ex hibitors and attendance at the state fair, the Southern Pacific company will trans port all exhibits, including live stock to and from the Oregon state fair free of charge. Exhibitors should ship direct to the fair arounds, where they will find ample facilities for unloading all ex hibits. ' County Judge George C. Blakeley ml Commissioner Harriman turned down cold and bard the petition of the flood River neoole to have the Indian rppb l.ridire raised ten feet above its present height and set straight witb the section line. The county judge de litres It is an unnecessary expense Altliouiib he visited the point himself, he doesn't think traffic demands the removal of the sleep grade to the south approach. Put on a straight line, Mr, Kiakelev thinks it might look prettier, but that's all. Commissioner Hibbard would like to grant the petition to put the bridge where it properly belongs, Rut the others won't have It that way ,.) ihpr the matter stands. Hood River had a chance once to elect county Judge, but it didn't. Brine in the name of your country home. A revised list will be printed in next week's Glacier. When the name of the farm and that of the owner ap neas above the gate of every Hood Riv ... f.,-n, vigitarn tn the vallev may be directed about as easily as in a city Then it would be a splendid idea to have the names of the roads marked at each crossinc. With telephones and elec trie lights scattered over the valley, and a daily mail service to each house what more conveniences of the city can Hood River neonle ask for. unless it bean . -- f r ' electric car linel Ktmnere to sav. notwithstanding the Ileppner disaster, the volume of bust ness here for the month of July just closed has been greater than the cor . responding month of last year. Hepp- ncr is the logical business point of Mor row county and will continue to be one of the best towns in the Northwest Ileppner Gazette. Commissioner Hibbard says he can't recall a siugle instance where the east em part of Wasco county raised money by popular subscription to assist the county in road construction- Hood River people have lots of money, you know, and can afford to build thel own roads and Indian creek bridges, builded her reputation on strawberries, while Pnyallup is building on raspber ries and blackberries. The way this reputation is growing can be gained from the following figures: In 1901 there were shipped 15,000 erates; in 1902 it increased to 20,000, while it is expected the output will reach (10,000 this year, the greater part of which will be shipped East. As the production exceeds the demands for fresh fruit, factories for canning and making jellies and jams will be estaDlisnea, so mere are proua hlv some lame berry production figures in store for us before many years from that place. Written for the Glacier. To Mount -.Hood. A pilgrim, footsore, through the Wnt, Upon thy hills I climbed to rent, auu wept. When shadows through the pines dropjid down. And clouds caress'd thy crystal crown, Upon thy banks, with brake o'er strown, i slept. When mountain tides their mattlni nine, And mist along thy vslleys hung, j n prime, I wandered forth by fancy led ' To view the clouds uncrown thy head And o'er thy form a mantle spread sublime. When sunlight blends thy sparkling glance, And ariel lights around ineeaanoe By day, As "pigmy" 'bove thy flr-llned rills. One humble thought mv suirlt fills And names thee hnipress of the Hills, ror aye. While m ruing on thy lavish store The wealth thai from thy sides outpour r or man, I bow before thee, noble dame. Whose lavish hand Is Known to fame, bet nun reriise u Diem uiy name woo can. O, mother of a thousand streams. wuoae sparkling uquia necuir oeams w in neaitn. Who deck the vales while hastening through Wltii garlands bright of richest nue. And proudly 'long their banks o'erstrew ureal weuun. Knraptured by thy regal grace, beneath the shelter of thy face, Am on if thv Dine-clad domes I stood. And gave thee homage proud ML Hood, For ages reigned thee on thy throne, And time to come will be thine own; Hut wiuie i wain toy nuis upon, To me thou rt Uueen of Oregon, A. K. Ht. John. Epworth League. August 9 the subject will be, "Stir up the Gift ol God which is in Thee." 11 Tim. 1: 6-8. W. H. Bishop, leader. Cow Wanted. A good fresh milk cow, Jersey preferred. 27 V. U. BROCK, Hood River, For Sale. Gent le saddle pony. 7 years old, uie ana onuie, dm. Pony, fuid- PAUL BLOWERS, Fine Homestead Land Good wheat land ready for the plow. If you nave not usea your rigut, see me at once, id town or at home, 'A mile south of Hclmont. a27 T. D. TWEEDY. Fresh Jersey Cow And pony for sale. B. K. SHOEMAKER. Snap For Sale. A acres clay soil, mile from city. Free water, 2 acres in clover. Address C. D. NlCKEfSEM, a27 Hood Klver, Or. Wanted. loo cords of oonlwood or slab wood delivered on the beach at Moaler. a27 P. HENNING8EN. 10th Grade Pupils. All persons In this district or out of It who expect to attend the Frankton school the com- lug term ana wish to enter me win ana ima grimes win please noiuy m. u. Niekeisen, school clerk, whose P. O. address Is Hood Klv er, Or., not later than Beptembea 1, vm. M. R. NOBLE, Jy30 Chairman Hehool Board The PAR r The Leaders of Low Prices. 3 You will soon need a new suit for your boy to go to school in. We have a nice assortment and are positive that we can save yon money. It is no trouble to show you our goods. Come just to look. MEN'S SHIRTS. Do you know that we are selling for 7.1c or 8.1c as good a shirt as you have been paying $1.25 and $1.50 for? Look this matter up when you are in need of a shirt. It is not a good business proposition to pay more for your goods when you can buy the same goods for less money. House Lining, 2c per yard. New Idea Paper Patterns, 10c. , lt2, Summons. In the Circuit Ootirt of the State of Oregon, for tne county 01 w kw. L. L. McCartney, plaintiff, vs. M. E. Markley, Raymond auuraiey, nerscy maraici, vi j.lia Markley, Audry Markley, Gladys Markley, Iris Markley, Theresa Casluer and Charles t'astuer, ber husband; L. E. Morse, Charles Morse. George W. Markley, Peter Markley aud Harah Markley, his wire; Addle Mallet and Nelson Mulletl, her husband; Charles Markley, Edward Markley, Lee Markley, A. C. Markley, Ha m) k'lier and Klier. her husband: and J esse I m bier, ad in I n 1st rat or of t he estate of J. c Aiaraiey. aoceaseu. aeieuua.iiis. To George W. Markley, Peter Markley, Sarah MarKiey, Aauie maneu., ceisou mwini, Charles Markley, Edwnid Markley, l-e Markley, A. C. Markley, Harah Eller and Eller. Mrs. Bertha Wheeler, Milton Wheeler, defendants, In the name of the HI ate of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer thecoinplttlnt tiled against you in the above enlitiea nun witnio me nine hereinafter mentioned, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In this complaint, towlt: For a Judgment against the defendant, Al juaraiey, lor me sum ui lift, principal of the promissory note meu- uouea in me piainun s coiupiaiui, mm nun est thereon St 10 per cent per annum from March 28, HXW,and for the further sum of75.00 attorney's fees and for bis costs and disburse ments, and for a decree of foreclosure of a mortgage upon the following-dtscribed lands, to-wlt: Commencing at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section eleven (11), In township two (2) north or range ten (HI) east of W. M.; running thi nee east eighty (SU) rods, north twenty (20) rods, west eighty (HO) rods, and south tweniy (20) rods to place of beginning, containing ten (10) acres ol land, and decreeing thai the defend ant and each or them be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title and interest In sold premises and every part thereof. This summons is served nnon the defend ants above named by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Hood Klr Hinder, a newsuatier published in Wasco county, Oregon, said publication being made in pursuance of an order of Hon. ijwinnii' Hlakelev. tUiuntv Judge of Wasco county, state of Oregon, dated the lath day of July, iHUS, ana aireciing mat, service wj umue nn uulii defendants bv Dubllcution of this summons In said newspaper once a week for six consecutive weeas. ana viiiii shiu service shall be deemed complete at the expiration or the time so prescribed for the publication or this summons: The first publication there- nf la m arie 11 mm the Ztd davof J U I V. 1U03. an d the defendant above named and each of them are hereby required to appear and an swer the oialiitltt's oomDlsInt In this cause, nn or before the last riiiv of the time prescrib ed In said order above mentioned, namely. on or before six weeks from the aid day of July, im. W. H. WILSON. Jyga27 Attorney for Plaintiff. Received this Week ' Some of the latest novelties in Waisting and Suit ings, and the patterns are beautiful, with prices that you won't find fault with. Will be to your advantage to see these goods. f FOR HEN We have the well-known Gordon Hat, the best pop- ular priced hat on the market today, with a pos itive guarantee. Don't buy till you see Mem. Coffee! Coffee! Our 25c blended is simply immense. If you try it vou will continue to use it. It touches the right i, m j spot. You can't get it anywhere else. In all lines you can do better at i Bragg's. ' Horses for Sale. Three or four 8-year-old colt, weight about f. T. BIlltl.I.KY liou pounds. KM Inquire of East Side. Wood for Sale. 16-iiich fir and pine; also, cord wood In fir and pine. All nrstcluss wood. Leave orders at Glacier office or Inquire of aa P. T. Shelley, East Bide. The matter of a road to the boat land ine is now being looked into by the city council in conjunction with the Com mercial club. The Glacier earnestly hopes this much needed piece of work can be accomplished, and with the 5th largest river in the world at our door, that proper river transportation facili ties will be given Hood River. The total absence of smoke this sum mer speaks well for the work of Forest Supervisor M. P. Isenberg and his effi cient assistants. No better proof could be offered in substantiation of argu ments that the forest reserve policy and patrol system of the interior depart ment is a good thing. If Indian creek bridge is replaced where it statids now, it would be years before the county could be persuaded to put another one where it should be 12 feet higher and straight with the roud. Figs for Sale. On the 8'pniu place, 4 miles southwest of town. a A. i. EMEIWON. For Exchange. Horse, buggy and harness to trade for wood. a20 W. T. HANHKERRY. Notice. My wife, Jennie Countryman, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date. Hood lllver, July 22, 11103. JyitO V. A. COUNTRYMAN. Lost. The fact that the railroad companies are attempting to prevent the building of the Celilo portage is the best kind of argument that an open river would mean money for the Inland farmers. Fire wiped out the entire business section of the little town of Halsey in Linn county last Thursday. Will it be Hood River's turn next?, Is Nephew of John H. Gerdes. The following honorable mention of John Gerdes is copied from the New York World. Mr. Gerdes is a nephew of John H. Gerdes of Hood River. John Gerdes, who has lately won a state business certificate, is a Brooklyn tniy of uncommon brightness. The cer tificate was given at the close of busi ness course and regents' examination taken at Brooklyn school. The state business certificate Is an honor only lately established, and Is elven to those students who pass at a remarkably high percentage in business subjects. Gerdes has won the tl ret of these certificates given out in Greater New York. Only one other has been granted as yet, and that was won by a student loan Albany business college. Young Genles was graduated at a Brooklyn public school, and afterward took a course of two years in the aman uensis department of llettley school, Kluilvlmr the stenography, business Kngiish and typewriting demanded by the regents examination, itis per centnges have been excellent. Advertised Letter List. August S, UWt. Kirk patHr, Mrs E3 Klork, IVrry I-ipu-r, K.dilh Klock, PW lTird, Mrn A Nllsspn, M Mcltoberts, Mrs Mary Keea, Amoaa lHinovan. Kmnk lomllnson. (J H lleuseii, U t' Young. KH WM. M. YATKtS P. M. The Turallup vallev expects to com pe:e with Hood River for a reputation in raising berries, says the Pacittc Farm er. The probabilities are that it will in a few years raise and ship many times the amount, but it is a different kind of a berry altogether. Hood River hat Leather folding case, containing one NO eold piece, a bank receipt and other valuable pa pers, rieose leave at uiacier ontoe or return to s20 OEOROK PHAFK Artisans, Attention. I will be in mj office Etiday. from 0 o'clock until g p. tn., and Saturday afternoon from t until o, to receive assessments and dues. r . o. DAivn KM, Bec'y Oleto Assembly, Bicycles Repaired. I have opened a repair shop for Blcvcles on me in 1 wuiK promptly aone, Jy E. M. HOLMAN. rTlmber Jjtnd, Act June 3, 1878. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Office, North Yakima, Wash., July 17, WOi. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber iands In the states of California, Oregm, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended U all the public land states oy act oi August t, imk, At.lt K Kt llUVl.KH. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of uregon, nas tuim uny meu iu uuu-vj sworn statement. No. IMl, for the purchase of the east of southwest Vt and west A of south east V of section No. at. In township No, 7 . .fT XT.. , It, tfl . ... .11 .itTnm norm, rauge u. 11 emv, i . .u., u w, "i, proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land oetore w. n, rresoy, uiiiimu btalea Commissioner for district of Washing ton, at his office at Uoldendale. w ash., on Tuesday, the Ku day of (September, I'M. nue names as wiiuumscs; jasper rj. iuuug and Anna U Young of Coolie Kock, Wash.; Juines Cox and Alden Kingman of Trout Lake, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely tne above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this otnee on or oetore said Ulh day of September, lUUi. ANNA L. YOONO. of Caslle Rock, county of Cowlitz, slate of Washington, has this day nieu in tiiisomce her sworn statement. No. ItHH, for the purchase of the west of southwest H ' section M and tneeastoi soutoeust y oi section oi, in township No. 7 north, range No. II eunt, W.M., and will offer nroof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tlm ber or stone man ror agricultural purposes, ana to esuto- lish her claim to said land before W. II. i'res- by. United HUles Commissioner for district of Washington, at his office at Uoldendnle, Wash..on Tuesday, the mh day of Septem ber. 1HU3. She names as witnesses: Alice Hehuyler of l-oruano, Oregon; james cox, Aiuen King man and Robert Cox, all ol Trout Lake,Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said en b day of September. 1MM. jysisM ijuii v. hijimaw, rtegister. ? The Mt Hood Store Carries a full stock of goods such as is generally found in a country store. We can fit out campers with all necessary cooking utensils, groceries and canned goods. Fishing tackle and ammunition. Flour and Feed Always on Hand. A public telephone in the store building. W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Wagon to Exchange. A one-horse Hludelmker wagon toexcbanire nir miue hiuii ui a iigiiicr rig. rce SW . T. BAKIS1CS. Girl Wanted. Good girl to do housework. Address 1'. O. box 85, city. Small family. aaj Lost. A brown carved leather parse, containing 21 cent in change, 10 cents In stamps and a post olllce key. flease leave at the Olacier office. For Sale. A 5-year old bay more, 1000 pounds; broken to ride or drive, single or double. True, gen tle, and no had ways. Good for a lady's nag. n icei'O. inuuireoi ine owner, JOHN LKLAND HENDERSON. 3 Houses to Bent. One 4 room; two 7 rooms. Jy Apph7c.coe. Saddle Pony. A good saddle pony for sal by al J. H.SHOEMAKKR. For Sale. Light driving team and work harness; aouoie Duggy uarness ana ouggy. Jy2S W. B. O RIBBLK. $50 Reward. For the recovery of the body of Fred Foster, who was drowned from the steamer !allea City on June'JS, near Hinges Landing above aoove reward will be paid Hood Kiver. by the r JC( The REUl'LATOR LINE. Timber for Sale. I will sell the timber on 200 acres. A good place for small saw mill or wood camp. Call on !. C. Mithaney or aX C, L. KOOERS. Wanted. A live man to take Interest In manufacture and saleora slmnle. inexpensive and effect. Iveflreand burglar slur in lor dwellings and other buildings, small capital required. Ad vert Iser owns right lor K asco county. Ad- d ies r. . lock boi MSK, Hood River, or. 45 Acres for Sale. SO acre cultivated; about M0 growing trees, all bearing, all keepers; 14 acres clover, hit urfted 7 niilea out; well sheltered from the wind, nice 12 per acre. Terms easy. Jy 1 RosWKI.L SHKLLEY Notice. To the ladles of Hood Kiver and vk-lnlty: I am starling clsiwea ia Embroidery and Painting in ail their branches, as oil, pantile snd crayon, and will be pleawd to have yon chi I and see my embrtridery piece and palnt uigs, at my home Just west of the school house Will also make paintings, orembrold- ery piece to order at reasonable prices. Rr terms lor wwona. v cry i MRS. OLA UTTLEHKI.D. ma me l F. L. DAVIDSON, Tinning;, Plumbing, Steam Fitting. AGENT FOR SAMPSON WINDMILLS, And the Hayes Double Cylinder Pumps, THE BEST ON EARTH. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. July 17. IWH. inouee is liereoy given lliul tne lol lowing-named settler has Died notice of his Intention to make final proof in snpportoi ins claim, anu mat saia nrMi 111 be made before Geo. T. Ptatlier, U. K. Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Baturuay, August a, ivm, vm WILLIAM O. lHjasON. of Hood River, Or., H. E. No. MUM , for the lots li, n, 14 anu ii oi section a, townsnip i nortn, range 10 east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove ms continuous resilience upon ana cultivation oi, saia lana, vie: J. A. Knox, J. M. Ienx, Peter Odell and J.F. IHidson. ail or Hood River. Oregon. JyataW MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register, (Timber land, Act June S. ' NOTICE FOH PUBLICATlOiN. United BUtea Ind Offloe, Vancouver, Wash.. May 4. ltM.-Notlce is hereby given I that In compliance with the provisions of tins act of congress of June , lKTK, entitled "An act forthesHle or timber muas in ine California, Oregon, Nevada and wasiiingwin Territory, as e.tcnueu to an wiv uu.iv. .....v. states by set of August 4, ltt. RALl'H 8AVAGE, of Hood River, county of Wasco, stste or Ore gon. Ims this day filed In this office his sworn statement o. ssn, ior nu i'""-"""; " r lots I snd il, soutneOHt yt surai " " northeast V. aouttawest H of section No. 1, In towuslilp No. 6 north, range Po. u east, ...., and will offer proof to show that the land mnbi Is more valuable for Its timber or stone man ior BHrmuuuiai f";r-; , .i . establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 9th day ol September, He names as witnesses: f :t t., i , a u,,rl Alfred J. 8henler.all of Hood River, Ore., and H. A. Palmer of Gilmer, Wash. ,..,, ,v Any ana an persons wimim - - above-described lauds are requested to file ti,ir claims In this office on or belore said Wh day of ptember, . ItwUti,r. ITImberLand, Act June s, i;l NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. .t... m.. itni nmn. Vunconver, 1 J 1 1 1 VKVA nw-uj -"".7 . Wash., April 80, WH. - nonce is i mrcu. " ""'"'"? r." .u i-u .iitii of the act oi tjongrcm oi u , -"An act for the sale of timber lands In the atuiMM or i;aiitornia. iireaou, Wash neton Terrtuiry, as the public land states by act of August , a'H.l 111! H lAMh.UON. I i.r-,11,,,.,1 n.nntv of Miilinonmh, slate of Y.' i,..,hi. d. filed in tills otlice his sworn statement No. 3042, for the purchase of the west halfsoutneast qiiarwr southwest quarter of section No. HO. In i towu slilp No. b north, range No. 11 east. W. M.,and will oiler proor to snow umi mo ..- Uaiuhia for Its flintier or stone than nlAlf iiral nliriUMMl. Slid tO establish IliS claim to said land before the Register 'and Re ceiver of tills omce at vauuuuvrr, ,..nDuu oAUth duv of Heotember. 1110,. He names as witnesses: Frank K. Bni bow John K. Higlit, B. Hosmer and O. L. Bow- An'v and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to me their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of September, hum. . . . m7Jy FRANK K. V AIJUH AN, Kegister. Timber land, Act J une s, i7j NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. iTnitiri Rtates Ijind Office. Vancouver, Wash., April M, 1U03. Notice Is hereby given ti.ui in nonuillance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1B78, entitled "An act for the salor timber tanas in tne smms ui California, Oregon, Nevada and wasiilnguin territory, as extenueu w an lijv puunv muu states by act of August 4, HUB, GUST AVE A. KAMl'BIR, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of iikmt.ui ha this ilav filed In this otlice his sworn statement. No. 2ES21. for the purchase of the lots 8 and 4, and south nortliwcst M of section No. 4, in townsnip o. o nortn, raiiRc No. 10 east, w. m., ana win oner prooi iunuu thai ih lund sfiuirht Is more valuable for Its timber or gtone than for agricultural pur- Ewes, and to estsunsn nisciaiin uisaiu mnu .forn tha Rraister and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wedueuduy, the lath day of August, im. He names as witnesses: wiiiiam in. nuii- Held. Peler (Smith. William Koor and Ciitisi iiulur nil of Trout Ijilce. Wash. Any ana an persons uiuiiuuig uuvwnjij above-described lands are requested U) file their claims In this omce on or ueiore sum ltfth day of August, 1UU8. ni7Jy9 FRANK K. VAUG H A N, Register. fTimber Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United HUtes Uind Office, Vancouver, Wash.. Am il 20. lfltti. Notice is hereby given ilmi In nomnllance with the provisions of the I act of congress oi june a, in,n, uuiitieu -in act for tne sale oi limner lanus in ine sutu;s oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to nil the public lund states oy act oi August i, isu. HKN III HKWtlT. of Portland, county of Multnomnh, state of (ireaon. has this (lav tiled In thlsofllce his sworn stttiemeni., no. .raa, ior tue puix-iisse oi the east half southwest quarter unit west half southeast yt section 14, township No. 6 north, range No. lz east, W.M. and wlllotter priMjf to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than loragricuiturai pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol this olllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, me 2Uth day of August, 11)03. He names as witnesses: .1 nines E. Mason, Crocket Castle, Hiisan W.ISnilth and Preston W. Hniltn.ail or f uiua, wasti. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands aro requested to tile their claims In t his office on or belore said jkith day of August, MM. ni7Jy9 FRANK E. VAUGHAN, Regislcr. Real Estate Bargains. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. lunife per Money to loan. 1. Lots in Waticoniit Park addition $150. The east half of the north 40 of the Henderson 80 acres west of i.vinaii Smith's; free irrigating water; T'l,tHK). 3. Lot 10, Belmont; j cultivation; fair house; 5 acres; price f 1,5th). 5. The NV ;4' section 2"), T 2 U 9 E; known as the W K I'earson home stead ; improvements worth (oOO; half the land, or more, tillable; Davenport ditch runs through it. In the Craiiper neighborhood; price $1,500. corner lot in front of school $300. The Geo. Melton lot and coltmro Barrett-Sipma addition, $;i75. I. Jiarrett-bipma addition: Hi 25 lot: $10 down and $. per month. 2. Eligible residence lots in f!iiiiiiilor'a eubdivision, near cannon liouse: onlv $125; terms easy, installment plan. 6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17 acres well improved; free irrigating water. Price $4,000. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood Kiver, belonging to tieorgu E. Forsyth ; price $ 1000. 21. N. i S. E. S. )i N. E. U sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; tine timber land ; $10 per acre. 100 acres, house and garden patch, located 10 miles south of The Dalles. Known as the Woodman place. Price $900. The Hunt place g mile, southwest of town. House, barn, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1450. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsit company, of which com pany John Inland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River liank treasurer. Five acres at Frankton, known as the Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and plenty, of free water. Trice, $1,050. Terms easy. House and garden for rent by the month at $5.00 a month. The 3 acres east of Gamer's, near M rs. Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the city imits. All in berries and apples; good cottage. A lovely home. Trice for 15 days $1,700; after that $1,900 subject to lease till ..November 1, 1903. Persons who have made desert land entries and have abandoned the same may get their money refunded. Persons who have made stone and timberentries, which entries have been suspended by the government, may have their entries completed and get titles to their lands by conferring with John I-eland Hender son, attorney, Hood River. tli'il n n a rie wopK In Carriage and Wagon Repairing, Horsenhoeing and General Blacksmithing is done by SNOW & UPSON. This firm is competent to do all repairing of ve hiclesno break so bad that they will not repair it. Give them a trial and lie convinced of their capac itv to do fine work. Phone 125. 1 HAZELWOOD ailot Is now open in the room formerly occupied by Miss Roe's millinery Hlore. Hazelwood Ice Cream lias a reputation second to none. Former patrons will neetl no introduction to this famous cream. All others are invited to rail and try it. MRS. LAURA BALDWIN, Manager. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office utThe Dalle. OreRon, July 17, m. col ! ia Dot-eny Kiven ttiut me i Inn-named netlkir hat filed notice of kin in Will ion to man commutation proof in upport of till claim, and that (aid proof will be made before ieo. T. Prattler, 0. 8. Com liilHuloner, at Hood Klver, Oregon, on Halur dHy, September i, l'.Ht), vlx: E11WAKD H. HARTWIO, of Hood Kiver, Oregon, H. K. No. 11125, for the N WW aectieu 2, township 1 north, range eaat, W. hi. He name the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: Andrew A. Jayne, Casslus A. Hlckle, John I. Miller and L'lyaaes ii. Dyer, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. JyaaW MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register. Cow for Sale. A good milk cow, giving a rood flow of milk. Inquire of J. N. UKIIX4KS. For Sale. 12 acre good apple land, DO rod from Pine Orove school houae. fall on V. Winchell,flrt bourn south of school bouse, east side or road. Or address V. WINCHELL. TRY STUARTS NewConfectionery HOME MADE ' DAILY. Hood KiTer.Or. I tW. Notice of Final Account. Notice Is hereby siren that the final so count of Henry I'rtmresa executor of the will of Van Johnson, deceased, has been (lied in the County Court of the slate of Oregon tor Wasco county, and that Friday, the 7th day of August, mil, at the hour of 10 o'clock, or as moo I hereafter on said dsy as the same can be beard, has been niedbythesaid court to bear objections to said account and settle the am a. All persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified to present their obtecitons to the ss ji within the time above named. Dated i t Hood Kiver. Oregon, this July 7. HENRY FKIUUK, Executor. The; Spot Cash Grocery Having purchased the grocery sto re ot j . ft. iianna, I ivill continue to conduct it on the same liberal business basis, and guarantee to the trade cour teous treatment and good goods at the right prices, prompt delivery and close attention to all your wants. Will continue the agency for The Dalles tSteam Laundry, and solicit a shareof yourpatron age in that line. My stock is complete, consisting of Flour and Feed, Staple Groceries, Green Vegetables,. Fruits, Nuts candies, etc. Tom's for quick sales and small profit. Re REED. Phone 391. (Timber Lund, Act June :l, 1X78.1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United State lnd Otlice, Vancouver, WaHli.. June 8. 1IKW. Notice Is hereby Kiven that in compliance with I lie provisions of the act of connress of June H, 1MT8, entitled "An act tor the sale oi limner innas in tne amies oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington U-rrtUiry." as extended to ail the public land 81 hum by act of August 4, lMf2, MINERVA E. U ENTRY, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale ot Oregon, has this day tiled in tins office tier sworn statement. No. ill 111, for I lie purchase of the southeast quarter of section No. 19, lu township no. o north, range no. I z cant, w, u., and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stouc thsu for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish ber claim to said Und belore the Register and Receiver or this omco at Vancouver, tVashluglon, on Monday, the 17th day ol August, 1UUI. cine names as witnesses: iua rmsweii auo George tiuswell of Portland, Or.; k A. Kaliuer or Oliiner. wash.: p. i). Heudei- ahot of Porlland, Or, Any snd all persons claiming- adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this otlice on or before su id 17th day ol August, IK Jcllaia FRANK E, VAUOHAN, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. V. M. Land Of fice, The Dalles, Oregon, July 3, !!. A sultt- cienl contest amuavil having been tlli'U in tills office by Henry M. Harvey of Oresham, Oregon, contestant, against reter , ttropen. geter, aerendant, II. K. Kntry No. ail. miiile iny is, nmu, tne Danes, Oregon, lor the yy. riEVi. HEW WM sec. 9. and HW NWd sic. 2H, township I south, range 10 east, by Pe ter r. urapengeier, contesiwi, in wnicn it is alltged that claimant lias never constructed a house upon the tract, has never resided upon or cuiuvaiea tne same: inattneaoanaonnient nas exinteu ior tne six montns last past, anu that said alleged absence from the land was not due to his employment in the army.navv or marine corps oi me tinned Htaies as a pri vale soldier, omcer, seaman or marine, during tlie war with Hpsin, or du ring any other war In which the United Mates may be engaged. Kald parties are hereby no titled to apear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegations at HI o'clock a.m. on August 15. Hurt, before the Kealster and lto- ceiveroi ine uanes band omce. The Dalles.or. rnesnia coniestant having, in a proper am davit, tiled June ;J, W, set tortli fncu which show that after due diligence personal service ot tins nonce can not be made, II l.i hereby or L dered and directed that such notice be given uy one ami pni(er puoncaiKin. lynaa mh;ha at. i. wo LAN, Kegister. NOTICE FOB PLBLICATIOnT Land OfTlce at The Dalles. Oreson. Jut' I", 1WM. Notltw ia hereby given that tri' fillowing-named settler has tiled notlci of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof I will be made before Geo. T. Prather. V. H. Commissioner, at Hood Kiver. Oreaon. nn I on lui uny , AuifuM ttf, i;rj.i, vis: r ltA.I KLill A. JtJrt. of Hood River. Oregon, H. E. No. 30701; for Ihe w4 ana ioutiand7, section 1, township 1 Ill.l 111, INIIKC W CL W . 01. tie names tne loimwlnir w tnnsses tonrnve nis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi said land, vis: John Busklrk of Portland, Or.; Frank NeflT, W. R. Wlnans and James tiarrkk. all ol JyJHa27 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Fre Delivery. HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CO. Tickets to and from Europe. Persona deairint! to purchase tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Airica may secure the same Irom John L. Henderson, who is agent lor the Beaver lins of steamships. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept 2 iirst-elass transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of lavini out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do- uiKaii Kiiiusoi surveying anil plattinir. Irom and nfter this date. Anril '.). llld.'i. the rates will tie as follows: f 10 a day ; Lot corners estalilished for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the same price. Special Offers Howoll cottaw find .'5 of Mrs. Alma " davs at 1.700. The acres, east Howe's, for after 2 weeks 1,000. ICO-acre farm, .) miles HOutheast of town on Tlie Dalles road; fences andlmild-in-s; several acres cleared land-$l,000. The Fulton 11-rooni liouse aim ior oy tlie urniorv, $1,000. or Meats and HOOD RIVER, Fruits. OREGON. Our supply of fresh meaU U alway the best the market fiords. We fell Sirlolti Steaks at 15c per lb., nd other choice tneti at lowent prices. Call on nsr.ie ri,i, iinis for Snndav or week day dinners. We handle the Hlllwood Creamery Butter nne l?tter in market. We will Meet all Honorable Competition. Timler Inl, Aet June 3, lS7il.l NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nlted 8ttPS Ijind Ortlr. Vinnu,. rwssh., June 15. 1WIL Nolle Is licn-liy slvcn tnsl in mmiillsnce with Ihs nmvlslons or inewiotoonirrpKKiiijiinf H, lurn, entitivrt "An sci Br the mile of timtier lands In the stales of California, Ureioin, Nevada and vt asninxion lernuiry, ext. nilcl to al uie puouc in n a siates nv set or Antrum i. lsr. MAY K. HWIUKHT. I or roniann, eoiinty or Multnomah, state of I Oregon, has this d:iy tiled In this otrtre. her sworn statement, no. a.(, ror the purehase of IhoNK'of SW) and lota 1 and 2of section hf, and lol 1 of serlltin iti. In loa-nmilo No I Dorttt, ranxe No. 9 east. w. M and will I otter proof lo show that the land Hourhl is mure vaiuauie tor jts utnoer or imiw than for avrteullural urHws. and in eul,lli her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this otllue at Vancouver. on Monday, the tottt day of September. I Mil. one names as wiineMies: Homer (am li ne 1 1, tteortfe W. Hlinona. Charlem V Ka rt..ri and Kmery Oliver, all of Portland. Oregon. Any snd sll persons clalmlns adverw.iv n. ahnve-desnrihed lauds are reuiiexted to tile their claims in this office on or before said wh day of wepiember, MH. jyssttt FRANK K VAIUHAN, IWI'ter. tTliuber Land, Act June H, lSTH I NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United Klntes I,and Offlce, Vanniuver, Wash., Apiil 20, 1WH. Noticu is hereby Kiven that In compliance Willi the provisions of the act of eon (reus of Junes, 1ST", entitled "An act fur the ssle of timber lands in the Klines of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waslilniclon Territory," hs extendud to all the public In nd suites by net or AiiKiixt J, 1M. WILLIAM J. KltDST. of Portland, county of Multnomnh, stale of Oregon, has this day filed In this olllce ln sworn statemiint. No. ,1212, for the purchase of the southeast northwest V, mid northeast !, southwest section t, In UiiishlpNo.:liiorlii, rnniie No. 10 east, W. M., and will oil, r proof fo show that the land soiudit is more valuable for its timber Or stone than forauTlculluml purines, and to establish his claim In said hmd before tlie Register mid Receiver of this otlice at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 1Mb day of August, VM. He names ss witncssi: Dennis Carney and James K. Cameron ot Portland. Or., and Jn sepu Hulllvan and R. I). Cameron of While Maluion, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the shove-described lands nie nsjuested to II If their claims In this oltlce on or before said lsth day of August, ptt. niTjytt FRANK K. VAt'dltAN, Register Investigate This. Twenty acres 1 mil, from town. Hearing orchard and berries. All under irrigation Flnesprtngs: early kteailnn: Oeslraliie h,,,. Cheap fisr cash. 8ea owner. I. R. COON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given that A. H. Hammond of siau Francisco, California, has made appli cation to the Register and Receiver of die l ulled Males Irftlld lll,t at The iHllIes, Ore- 3 on, to selis-i, under the act of isniaress of unci, li7 () Slat., .liii, the following descrile ed tract, which III la-, when surveyed, the !W( of r. K 1 , ncciion i. township 2 nortli, ratue east. W. M. This notice is published for the purisc of ?ivlng the sialulory isrlod of thirty da mm dale hens.f lorfllingat the t nilcii Mules Ijmd otrii at The lialles, Oregon, of any protcslM or contests against the selis-tion of said land, or any poition thereof, on the ground that said land, or nv isirtion thensif, is more valuable for Its nilueral than for ag riciitiuntl purjsiseM. Ihile.1 June 21. ti:l Jna M Ii H AKI.T NOLA N, R.-glster. 15 Acres at $4,000. Five ax-res n strswberrics: t seres In clover; t seres ready for ttrrries. Farming Jiuple nienisand lo.. included. U FRANK CADDY.