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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1903)
3P Ti Ml I'll'T. v,CQ jI' olts"y urn,. "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." UOOD HIVER, OIIEGOX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1903. VOL. XV. KO. 12. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published every Thursday. S. F. Bl.VTHE ft SON, Publisher. If mm ol subscription l. SO a year when paid In idvtnce. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. HOOD RIVER. The postofflce Is open daily between Sam. S' d 8 p. m. ; Huailay rom Yi to 1 o'clock. Mails f r the East close at 11:80 a. m. an 1 9 p. m; for the Weal at 7:10 a. m. and 1:40 p. in. Hailli'avea For Jli. ilood, ditllr at 12M p. m.; arrlvel, 10: a. m For (heaoveth, Wash., at 8:30 a. m. Tues dav,T vranaii and buturdays; arrlres same slays at 7 p. iu. For I'nderw od. Wash., at 8:.K) a. m. Tues days, Thursdays and rjaturiiays; arrival name aays at i p. ni. For White Helmon, Waih., daily at 2:45 p, m.; arrires at u a. m. WIIITK SALMON. For Hood River dally at 9 a. in.; arrlvsj at 4:44 p m. For llnsnm. Trout Lake and Gules, Wash., daily at ,: a. m. ; arrives at u m. For Oienwotxl, (Hlmer and FuMa, Wash., dally at r.M a. in. ; arrives at ti i. nr. For Fine 11 at and Mnowdcn, Wash., at 11:30 a. m. Tuesrtars and 8aturdys; arrives same daya, Id:) a in. For Hin eu, Wash., daily at 4:45 p. m.; ar rives at 8:46 a. m. BOCIKTIK. SIOUKT HOOD R1VJCK No. 42, FOIIK8TE l!8 OF I AMKKK'A Meelsseeund and Fourth Hon ays In each month in K. of 1'. hall. H.J. Fkkikkick, C. R. B. F. Foi'TS, Financial Secretary. AK (IKOVE fOl'NCII, No. 142, OKDKR OF ) I'KK DO. Meets the Hccond and Fourth Frldavsof th.e month. Visitors cordiallv wel comed. F. V. Bkonius, Oouusullor. Jhss Nkllis Clark, Secretary. RDE ROF WASHINGTON. Hood Kiver Union No. 142, meets iu odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays in each munth, 7:80 o'clock. C. L. Corn., President. J. E. Hahna, Secretary. JAUREL REDEKAH UEtiRKE LOlMiK, No. I 87,1.0.0. F. Meets first and third Fri ays In each month. Miss Edith Moors, N. 0. L. E. Mokki, Secretary. pANBY TOST, No. 16, G. A. R.-Meets at A. j O. U. W. Hall second and fourth Haturdavs of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. Ail U. A. R. members invited In meet with us. W. 11. 1'khky, Commander, T. . Cubnino, Adjutant. J IAN BY W. R. C, No. 16-Mcets second and i fourth Saturdays of each month in A. o, U. '. l.all at 2 p. m. Mns. Kannik Bailey, Pres. ,KIh. T. 1. Canninu, Secretary. HOOD RIVER I.OIKiE No. 105, A. F. and A M. Meets Saturday evening on or befort ta h full moon. Wm. M. Yates, W. M. C. D. Thompson, Secretary. UOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Aleets third Friday night of each month. O. R. CABfKER, H. P. A. 8. Blowers, Secretary. OOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 2. O. 8. 8.- Meets second and lourtli Tuesday even- lnt! lugs ol eacn month, visitors t'o;aiauy wel comed. Mrs. May Yates, W. M. alas. Maxy B. Davidson, Secretary, L ET A ASSEMBLY No. 103. United Artisans, Meets first and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays social; Arti sans hall. F. C. Brosius, M. A. F. B. Barfes, Secretary. "IVAI'COMA LOIMiE, No. 80. K. of P. Meets iu K. of P. hall every Tuesday night. F. L. Davidson, C. C. Da. C. II. Jenkink, K. of R. & B. K1VKKSIDK LODGE. No. 68, A. 6. V. IV. . Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. F. B. Barnes, W. M. E. R. Bradley, Financier. Chester Suute, Recorder. 1DI.EVMI.DE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F. Meets iu Fraternal hull every Thursday Bight. Geo. W. TiiOMrsoit, N. 0. J. L. Henderson, Secretary. OOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.. meets at A. O. IT. W. bull on th first and rd Fridays of each month. Walter Gere ins. Commander. G. E. Williams, Secretary. IVErSlDirLODGK NO. 40, DEGREE Or HONOR, A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays at 8 P. M. Kate M. Frederick, C. of H. Miss Annie Smith, Recorder. H00DR1VER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A., meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the first and third Wednesdavsofeach month. J. R. Rees, V. C. C. U. Daein, Clerk. ,iDEN ENCAMPMENT No. 48, I. O. O. F. -1i Regular meeting second and fourth Mon eys of each month. W. 0. Ash, C. P. Y. L. Henderson, Scribe. Q II. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 94. Office in Laugille bid. Hood River, Oregon. JJR. I. T.CARN9, Dentist. Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of Up-to-Dati Dentistry. BOOD RIVER 0RK00H J L.DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to iir. m. f. bo aw. Calls promptly snswered In town or ceantry, Dav or Mht. Telephones: Residence, 81; Office, U. Office over Everhart's Grocery. J F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 381 SURGEON 0. R. ft N. CO. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNKY-ATLAW. ABSTRACTER, NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AGENT. For 18 rears a resident of Oregon aad Wash Inttnn. "Has had many years eipeneaoe la Keel Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher ol titles and agent Miisfactloa guaranteed s)r no charge. pREDERICK A ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Estimates furnished for all kindi of work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds of chop work. Shop on State Street, between First and Second. A.JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' THYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tbone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. j J to I and tMir.H. gUTLER A CO.. BANKERS. Do a (aeral banking batinaM. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import, ant Happenings of the Put Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Moat Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Reader. New wheat ia beginning (o arrive in Portland. The new pope at firat refueed to ac cept the tiara. Admiral Cotton entertained the Portuguese cabinet on board his flag ship. Governor of Alaska aaya Oregon ehoald have a ehare of the Alaskan trade. LordX'urzon baa accepted the offer of India to extend his term of office as viceroy. Charles M. Schwab has resigned as president of the ateel trust and is suc ceeded by W. E. Corry. A big land withdrawal baa been made In Idaho to protect the water sup ply ol Pocatello. The St. Paul city council will pass an ordinance to prohibit the use of fire works on any occasion. Bulgarians continue their depreda tions upon Turkish property. The last act has been to burn two villages. William Hamilton, who murdered and assaulted a 13-year-old girl in Asotin county. Wash., was taken from the jail by a mob and hanged. Spain faces serious labor troubles. All danger of further flood in Kan sas is past. Trouble is feared with miners at Idaho Springs, Colo. Cardinal Giobons ia reported to be suffering from malaria. Negio enlistments ' in the United States navy are to be shut off. Cardinal Sarto, patriarch of Ven'ce, was elected pope on the seventh ballot. Sixteen persona were injured in head-on collision near Hartford City, Ind. Dry spell in Australia cauaea mines to close and thousands face a desperate situation. Spreading rails near Portsmouth, Ohio, wrecked a train. Twenty-five persons weie injured. . It is claimed that General Miles will seek national G. A. R. honors as a presidential boom. Secretary Root will order the depart ment of justice to search for fraud in army contracts in which ex-Representative Littauer waa interested. Two negroes maimed a crippled youth at Hartford, Ind., because hi did not produce the money they ex pected. A mob is in search of them. Tanana valley. Alaska, is said to be imilar in size and conditions to Min nesota. Tint a .n-atto tl.n annniinnA. ment of the policy of the next pope for peace or war. A Chinese reformer has been put to a'horrible death by order of the em press dowager. King Edward and Queen Alexandra left Ireland amid atraina of "Come Back to Erin." -The viceroy of Chili province, China, is importing large quantities of arms and ammunition. The supreme court of Minnesota has decided the great railroad merg- r case against the atate. One more body baa been found under the Morrison street bridge, Portland, but waa loat again. Admiral Cotton entertained the king of Portugal and other high dignatariee on board the Brooklyn. The conclave to elect a new pope has taken four ballots without result. Ow ing to the secrecy wh'cb prevails no de tails as to how the vote stood can be had. Four new cases of plague have ap peared at Iquiqne, Chile. The bakers' strike at Santiago. Chile, ia spreading and only a few hopa are now open. New York papermakera have gone on strike to secure recognition of their union. Boer immigrants who recently estab isbed a colon? in Chile have discov ered a large gold field. Thelevying of countervailing duties on imported and boon tied sugar ha been extended to March 31, 1904. Charles -B. Hare, of Ann Arbor. Mich., baa accented the appointment of government bacteriologist in the Philippines, at a salary of I,bOj. Robert Lee, who shot an Evanaville, Del., nolicf man and started a riot that , , resulted in the death and injury of many citizens, baa died in prison. The diplomatic body at the Vatican oredicta the election of Rampolla or Gotti aa pope. C V,., n.1.l .;l,t-fi.iA man are candidates for admission to Yate lit. nnt n. Ia1 AntArinoi flaoeM u ..." G -- n - of next September. Last year the tot al waa oat. ' Secretary Root has directed the Bale of the military reservation known as Co ambus barracks, Columbus, O., 60 days from date, at its appraised valua tion of f :90,000. TOPEKANS GIVEN A SCARE. Rain Descended in Such Volume That Houses are Flooded. Topkea, Kan., Aug. 5. High water caused much work and excitement in North Topeka toiay. rain began fall ing here shortly after midnight, and by daylight the storm had reached the pro portions of a cloudburst. The North Topeka sewers have not been reopened since the June flood, and all of the water ran through the low streets to the river, covering the first floors in a number of houses along Gordon street, and in the street was three feet deep. Many of tho residents of North Topeka thought that another flood was upon them. In South Topeka the water waa near ly as high as it waa north of the river. The state insane asylum, weft of To peka, waa cut off from the city for a short time. The little creek that runs through Auburndale, a auburb, was flooded to a depth of four or five feet: The residents of that part of the city procured boats and brought their neigh bora to the high land. The creek returned to its banks two hours after the rain ceased falling. The rain waa general in the northern and eastern part of the state. CHINESE ARB SULLEN. (lood Feeling Toward Foreigners Broken by Recent Execution. Pekin, Aug. 6. China is witnessing a return to the conditions which fol lowed the coup d'etat of 1898. Politi cal discussion among the Chinese which increased during the imperial court's -recent policy of friendliness to ward foreignera has euddonly stopped. The plan of the dowager empress to trerify the reformers by the execution of Shen Chien, which occurred last Fri day, has been unsuccessful. All tbe liberal Chinese, particularly thote who have been associated with the reform ers, are in the greatest fear of arrest and it is difficult to find a Chinaman who is willing to mention politics or Friday's tragedy, although the latter is about the only topic of conversation among the trusted friends. The offic ials are particularly dumb. Tbe affair is a disappointment to (he foreigners, who had hoped that the empress dowager's association with the ladiea of the legations would have a civilizing influence. Prince Su, the most liberal of the Mancha princes, is reported to have risked his office by opposing the execution of Shen Chien. HAWAII WANTS SETTLERS. Honolulu Plana to Advertise the Advan tages of the Islands. Honolulu, Aug. 5. The citizens of Honolulu have decided to do all within their powei to promote immigration to the islands. With this view the Mer chants' association and the chamber of commerce have opened extensive head quarters and will advertise the advan tages of Hawaii to the outside world, besides catering to the interests torn fort of visitors who arrive here. The merchants' associatin has cabled Secretary Root, of the war department, guaranteeing a constant supply of coal for army posts and that troops sent to the Philippines be hereafter brought via Honolulu. Options on three steamers available 'or government ubc aa revenue cutters, have been sent to Washington by E. R. Stackable, collector of the port of Honolulu. This action was taken in accordance with instructions received some time since, the war department being anxious to secure a vessel suit able for ita officers in Hswaii. FIRE THREATENS YOSEMITE. duardlans of Valley Fight Flames -Forest Reserve Scorched. Yosemite Valley, Cal., Aug. 5. A big forest fire ia raging tonight just out side of the Yobetnite valley ana past the gateway guarded by El Capitan and Cathedral rocks. Should the efforts of the firefighters prove futile, the flames will enter the valley and lestrov a valuable amount of timber. .tate Guardian Stevena haa a large force of men at work fighting the flames and it is hoped that the fire may be kept between the Coulterville road and the Merced river. Would Alarm America. Victoria, B. C, Ana. 5.-W. C. Deering, of Chicago, who arrived from the Orient by the steamer Tacoma, in an interview, saya that although the people of tbe United Statee may not be aware of the fact, the insurgents in the Philippine islands are organizing and drilling, and tbe trouble there is far from over. He says filibusters are continually landing arms on the island ccasts, and the patrol is looked upon as a farce. Schooners laden with centra- band goods have no difficulty la "run ning their cargoes." Used Peasants for Marks. London, Aug. 6. The Timea thiB morning prints a Vienna dispatch say ing that tbe emperor of Rust-ia, received with be. evtlence from the Crotians in the United States a petition describing the position 'of Crotia in the darkest terms. ' It also says that Prince I' rut off, who on July 27 was reportel aa having been wounded in the Bazan dis trict by peasants, has bwotie insane, lie was in the habit of testing his marksmanthipon the bodies of peasants Militia Captures Posse. Sacramento, Ang. 3 A special to tbe Bee from Sheriff Hazger y says that the Plarerville militia company guceeps'ully captured Sheriff Boequit and his posse in the foothills near Greenwood. The company surrounded tbe pores and gradually worked in up on them nntil they effected a captnre while the pose waa preparing their evening nival. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON SUMPTER MINES. Improvement and Development Work Progressing Rapidly. Another crosscut tunnel Is being driven on the Modoc mine In the Cougar mine. This tunnel will open up the three veins on the property. Ore assaying $100 to the ton la being taken liom the old woiKings. A complete hoisting plant has been ordered by the Prairie Diggings man agement, which will be installed Im mediately upon Its arrival. The shaft is now down 80 feet. , s The vein of the Dixie gijbup has de veloped a width of fly "feet. This property is located on Granite Boul der Creek about four miles from the wonderful Morning mine in the Greenhorn district. The May Queen management Is now erecting a hoisting plant on the property. It will ba capable of sink ing to a depth of 600 feet. Tbe May Queen is in the Red Boy district. The machinery recently received here for the hoisting plant of the 1 Midway group is now being rapidly Installed. A sawmill Is also being erected. An order for BOO more cords of wood has been given by the; E. & E. management. This wood is being de livered at the hoist buildisg, which no doubt means the extensive oper ating of the plant. I Ore for shipment Is bow being sacked by the Valley Queen manage ment. A winze is being sunk, and has encountered a high , grade of quartz. The new sampling mill recently erected by Arthur & McEwen is com pleted and a test run hai just beer made on ore from the Flora M. prop erty near town. The mill worked to the complete satisfaction of the owners. I The management of tie Copper- opolis property located In the Quartz burg district, announces that work will be resumed In a few days. The main crosscut tunnel Is now In over 600 feet. A drift has also been run on a copper ledge. This drift will be extended over 100 feet. SECURES RIQHT OF WAV. People Who are Behind the Oregon & Pacific Hard at Work. While they are saying but little the people who are behind the Oregon & Pacific Railroad are working diligent ly, and a railroad line from Grants Pass to Crescent City will undoubt edly be a reality within the next year. Colonel T. Wain-Morgan Draper, chief engineer of the proposed road, is a very busy man, looking after the sur veying of the line, and the manage ment of the Waldo Smelting & Min ing Company's copper properties at Waldo, who are the principal backers of the new road. Colonel .Draper states that they have secured right of way for more than three-fourths of the road from Grants Pass to Gas quet, Cal., and have selected all of the stations on the line. At each of the places where stations have been selected ample rights of way has been given not only for a depot but also fot sidings. Coming Events. Ninth annual regatta, Astoria, Au gust 19-21. State fair, Salem, September 14-19. Second Southern Oregon District fair, Eugene, September 29-October S. Summer association of the North west Indian agencies, Newport, Au gust 17-27. Klamath county fair, Klamath Falls, October 6-9. Good roads convention, Jackson ville, August 15. Fruitgrowers' convention, Jackson ville, August 15. Teachers' institute, Tillamook, July 29-31. -Knights of Pythias convention, Ae toria, August 20-21. Teachers' institute, La Grande, Au gust 17-21. Trappings for National Ouard. The adjutant-general's office of the Oregon National Guard has been no tified that a shipment of 959 United States rifles and 60 carbines, to gether with bayonets, belts, scabbards, slings, etc.. Is on the way to Portland, and will arrive here In ample time for the annual encampment In Septem ber. There will be nothing 'ieJ'i--iua-l the new equipment of the home 'sol diery. The selection of an encamp ment site hangs fire on account of the railroad rates. It is expected that a decision will be reached this week as to where the mobilization will take place. Large Oat Crop. "The yield of oats in Clackamas county this year will be the largest of any year I have ever witnessed." said County Treasurer Cahill. who has lived in that county for 30 years. In discussing crop conditions. "Wheat is also generally good throughout the county." continued the speaker, "and I forecast a good yield of that cereal." The hay crop In Clackamas county was exceptionally large and It has been years Binee a large crop of fruit of better Quality has been harvested there. Harvest season is late. Warships at Regetfa. A telegram has been received by rh Astoria reeatta committee from the secretary of the navy, stating that the gunboat Alert nan neen ornerea in AatnHa for the regatta. Assur ances have also been received from Secretary Moody that me New i or. Marblehead and Bennlneton will be ordered here if they return from the Alaskan cruise in time. To Train Kindergarten. The professional department of the Weston State Normal School has been enlarged by the addition of the chair of applied kindergarten. Miss Violet Elizabeth Bowlby, of Astoria, has been elected to this position. NEW NATURALIZATION LAWS. dovtrnor Announces Provisions Against Illegal Immigrants. For the Information of all concern ed in Oregon Governor Chamberlain has made public a letter received by him from the department of state at Washington, D. C, calling attention to the new provisions of the United States naturalization laws. These new provisions took effect July 3, 1903, and provide that, In order to be valid, a court record of naturaliza tion must show that the person nat uralized is not opposed to all organ ized government nor affiliated with any organization so opposed; that he does not advocate the unlawful as saulting or killing of officers of the government; that he has not violated any of the provisions of the said act to regulate the immigration of aliens and that he has complied with the terms of previous acts on the subject of naturalization. The new act also requires that every certificate of naturalization shall specifically recite that the pro visions of this and previous acts have been complied with, and If It falls In any particular it Is null and void. The act making the additional regulations was approved on March 3. ENLARQB THE RESERVE. More Land Withdrawn From Settlement In Oregon City District. Nine townships of land in Clacka mas, Marion and Linn counties have been withdrawn from settlement upon telegraphic orders from Acting Com missioner of the Land Office Fimple. The townships are from 5 to 13 in clusive In range 4 east. Immediately adjoining the Cascade forest reserve on the east. Each township contains 3,040 acres, and the whole number of acres In the nine townships with drawn is 207.360. All of township 11 and two-thirds of township 12 are un wveyed land. Of the whole area withdrawn from settlement. 81.320 teres are vacant land, of which 38, 100 acres are unsurveyed. The action of the general land office Is construed to mean that the interior department Is desirous of extending the reserve. Insane Population Orowlng. The report of Superintendent J. F. Calbreath, of the state Insane asylum, for July, shows that during the month the population of that Institution In creased from 1324 to 1332. During the month 38 new patients were re ceived and one escape returned. Fourteen patients were discharged, 16 died and one eloped. Of the pa tients enrolled July 31 there were 939 males arid 393 females. The av erage expense of maintenance was $9.31 per month, or 30 cents per day The total value of articles consumed was $6316.39. In Behalf of Slnsiaw Harbor. The Commercial Club of Eugene has indorsed a petition prepared by O. W. Hurd, of Florence, which will be presented to the secretary of war and congress on behalf of the citizens of Oregon, asking the government to continue well commenced Improve ments on the jetty In the Stuslaw har bor. The petition bore the Indorse ment of the Oregon delegation in con gress. Mr. Hurd ia at present In Portland and will bring the same mat ter before the commercial bodies of that city. Later he will visit San Francisco and secure aid from the shippers there. Qold Fever In Clackamas. Great excitement, not without cause, prevails In the southern part of Clackamas county because of the recent discoveries by local mining prospectors. Gold In immensely pay ing quantities has been located on claims that have been repeatedly worked and prospected for the last ten years, but the hidden wealth was never disclosed before. Samples that will assay between $2000 and $3000 to the ton have been brought to Oregon City by the interested owners. In tense excitement exists. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, T78"8c; val ley, 79c. Barley Feed, $19.60 per ton ; brew ing, $20. j Floor Beat gradea, (4.10 5.59; graham $3.3503.75. Millstuffs Bran, $23 per ton; mid dlings, $27; aborts, $23; chop, $18. Oats No.' 1 white, $1.07 1.07)1: gray, $1 05 per cental. Hay Timothy, $1920; clover, nominal; cheat, $15 16 per ton. Potatoes Best Bnrbanka, 7076 per aax; ordinary, 354fe per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3 3.50 per cental. - Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11012c; young, 1617Kc; hena, 12e; turkey, live, 10(312c; dressed, 14S15e; ducks, M.005. 00 per dozen; eese, $6.00(9 .50. Cheese Full cream, twina, 15 a 16e; Young America, 15Xlc; fact ory prices, J (1 t lees. Butter Fancy creamery, 2022Ki per pound; extras, 22c; dairy, 20 22Xc; store, 16c317. Egga 20 21c per dosen. Heps Choke, 15316c per pound. Wool Valley, 1718c; Eastern Or egon, 12&15c; mohair, S537Xc Beef Gross, cowa, 34g4e, per pound; steers, 65ie dressed, 7H. Veal 7X8c Mutton Groaa, 3c par pound; dressed. SSgSc. Lambs Grosa, 4c pet pmni ; dreeeed, 'e. Hogs Gross, 86 Jsfe per pound dreeaad, 6, Si 37c FIRE FROM COVER. Escaped Folsom Convicts Ambush and Sboot Three of Posse. Placerville, Cai., Aug. 3. A desper ate fight between a band of five of the escaped Folsom convicts and a party of six militiamen, who were following a freah trail of the convicts, took place tbia evening just at dutk on a hillside near the Grand Victory mine, and, aa a result of tbe conflict, two ol (he mi litiamen, namej Rutherford and Jones, were killed and a third member of tbe posse, a man named Dill, will prob ably die of his wounds, aa he waa ahot through the lungs. The convicts were bidden in the thick brush which covers the hill, and tbe manhuntera happened upon them moBt nneipecttdly. The convicts, who were well armed with rifles, fired a vol ley into the posse, with the result above stated. The other member.) of the poste opened fire on the convicts, and the survivors ef tbe tittle band are firm in their belief that at least two members of the convict gang were wounded. The news of the conflict soon spread, and messengers were dispatched to this place for reinforcements. A post-e under the leadership of Sheriff Boequit is now on the aiene of the conflict, but, aa it ia dark, it is im possible to locate the convicts, who have the advantage of position, and could pick of tbe members of tne joa:e if a concentrated attack waa made upon them. Sheriff Boequit and his advis ers are considering tbe feasibility of setting the brush on fire and foicing tbe convicts to surrender or at least dis close their exact position. Sheriff Bosquit'a posse now numbers ISO men, but tbe situation is so criti cal that no one will approach cloce enough to the supposed hiding place of the convicts to ascertain the exact con. dition of affairs. So far the bodies of Rutherford and Jones, wbo are mem bers of Company II, Second infantry, N. G. C, have not been tecovered, though it is positive that the men are dead. COMPLAIN OF INDIGNITIES. Steamer Passengers Tell of Treatment by Honolulu Customs Men. San Francisco, Aug. 4. A communi cation addrecaed to the Associated Press and signed by 35 passengers wl o arrived here from tbo Orient on the steamer Siberia protests' atrongly against the action of the customs-house officials who examined their ba;gage at Honolulu. They i Initn to heve been treated without common civility and to have been subjected to much inconven ient and bodily discomfort. Coming from a warm cilmate, most of them were lightly attirrd, but, des pite their vigorous protests, the r heavy clothing waa placed under offi cial seals, not to be broken until San Francisco waa readied. Tbe baggage in tbe stateroome waa closely inspected, and all deemed unneces, ary by the ofli cera waa bundled up, sealed and placed in the hold with the trunks and other personal effects. This the passengers designate as "an atrocious outrage," and wish the matter called to the at tention of the secretary of tbe treasury. TO FORTIFY DALNV. Russia Appropriates $6,500,000 for Ad ditional Improvements. Pekin, Ang. 4. Advices from Port! Arthur say that the Russian govern ment, as a result of recommendations made by the recent conference there, has appropriated $6,500,009 for addi tional fortificafions, particularly for the protection of Da ny, and that when comple'ed they will have a continuous line of fortifications from Port Arthur to Dalny, 35 mi es a'ong the coast. A Pekin journalist named Spenthin, was beheaded here today. The evi dence at the trial was so weak that he ptobably would have been acquitted, but tbe prisoner admitted the charge that he had attempted to organise a rebellion at Hankow in 1900. He boasted that be had always advocated the assassination of the Manchus in or der to rid the country of the dynasty. He declared that he was willing to die for the cause, and went to his execu tion calmly and bravely. Omitted From House Journal. Helena, Mont., Aug. 4. According to W. J. McIIaffie, wbo is printing the journals of the recent legislature as sembly, house bill 55, under the pro visions of fchich tbe eight hour law was to be aubmitted to the electors of th state aa a constitutional amendment, waa omitted from the journal of tbe h nse. Authorities hold that such an omission is fatal to the art, an 1 the people of the state will nol be given an opportunity to vol upon the pro posed constitutional amendment. Money for Victim' Polk. Salt Lake Citv. Ane. 4 A special in the Tribune from Hanna. VYvo.. aaya: "Tbe Union Pacific coal con pany haa off red to settle with the rela tivea of the men killed in the recent mine explosion on tl;e basis of $250 for tbe unmarried men and $500 to be paid each widow, with $50 additional for each child in the family. J lie co-oner's inquet over the reamina of the victims of the explosion commenced yesterday." More Mowcy for Fair. London, Aug. 4. The supplementary nt taaned this mornins: grants an additional $2'0,000 for the aid of tbe royal commision to the t-t. Louis t inn for the twriod endinu March 31. 1904. An explanatory note say - . .. ., .; ... a.l further eonirinuiions win oo pro vided in the btidgeta of subsequent years. POPE IS ELECTED CARDINAL SARTO THE UNANIMOUS CHOICE OF CONCLAVE. Has Taken the Title of Pious X-New Pontiff Is a Man Plain In His Habits and Well Liked by All Who Know Him-WIII Follow Lines of Pope Leo Public Well Pleased. Rome, Aug. 4. Cardinal Sarto, pat riarch of Venice, who was elected pope to succeed Leo XIII, now reigns at the vatcan and over the Cutholiic world aa Pi is X. Tonight all Rome is illumi nated in bia honor. His election and tbe assumption of his holy office were marked by a strik ing demonstration and impressive cere monies at the Vatican, which ended oniy inis evening, umorrow the new pope, clad iu bia new pontifical robes, and with all the ritualistic ceremony, will recieve the members of the diplo matic corp", the cardinals and the bish ops, who will then offer their official homage, this notwithstanding the fact that twice today the cardinal and nuny high officials of the Vatican went through a similar ceremony. Tbe date on which the coronation of Pius X will take place baB not yet been decidel, but the impression prevails that it will take place on August 9. Although the election was over at 11 o'clock this morning, and waa an nounced to the world 45 minutes later by the appearanca of the new pope at the window of St. Peter's, the conclave waa cot formally dissolved until 5:30 o'clock this afternoon. The eletion of the patriarch of Ven ice this morning whs unanimous. Af (oi Monday's ballots, it was a foregone conclsuion that be was tbe only candi date sufficiently acceptable to all to secure the necessary two-thirds that thelawaof the church require. One of the cardinals said to a representative of the Associated Press tonight that he believed Tius X would follow the broad lines of Leo's policy, although aites" .... 1-5 I'tll'li I'll H X he probably would cot accentuate it. This voices the general feeling here, which ia one cf satisfaction. The new pontiff is a man of simple origin, and although not a prominent candidate, he had been mentioned fre quently as one of the many cardinals who might be taken np aa a comprom ise candidate. BIQ STRIKE IS VOTED. Rock Island Trainmen Are Solid for In crease of Wages. Chicago, Aug. 6. Trainmen and conductors employed by tbe Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad have voted to strike unless the road pays the increase in wagea they have demanded. Their determination wi.l be nude known to tbe officers of the railroad company tomorrow, when committees representing the Order of Bailay con ductors and tbe Brotherhood of Rail way trainmen will wait on them. These committees will tell the officers of the company the result of the refer endum vote that haa been taken on the question of a strike, and will ask the officers to meet their demands. In case of a flat refusal, the committees will then adjourn to prepare for calling a strike of the 2,000 trainmen and con ductors employed by the road. Tribute to McKlnley. Honolulu, Aug. 6. The proposal to establish a public park in or near this city as a memorial to the late Presi dent McKinley will be abandoned. Instead of tbia tribute to the chief ex- ecntive, during whose administration the people of Hawaii beet me ciiizena of the United States, it '? cow plannrd to erect a Mckinley memorial light house at tbe entrance ( Honolulu 1 ar bor. This woild re a prominent ob ject, from both lavl and sea, besides being of great practical utility, ibis project meeta v'.tb much favor. Oas Company Makes Big Stock Issue. New York, A-g. 6. Circu'ara have been mailed to the stockholders of the Consolidated gas company of this city, announcing an issue of $ti,r00,000 of treasury shock, which la offered at sub scription at $: 50. The object of the st k issue ia to meet the cost of a plant niw being erected on Long Island, which will supply all of Man hattan, and do away with the present scattered plants in this cit. The capital of the company is $80,000,000. Third Trial of Boodle Case Opens. Ft. Lonia, Aug. 6. -The selection ol a jury for the third trial of perjury rase against former Delegate Harry Faulkner waa completed today, and Circuit Attorney Folk made bia open ing add.-exs, outlining the charge against Faulkner. if j II OOD RIVER. OBEGOS. e