y.sssrtswM"" mm-' . . - v-- v . ........ ?ITS A COLO DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." HOOD RIVEK, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. VOL. XV. HO. 11. 1 HCOD RIVER GLACIER Published every Thursday. 8. F. BLVTHE St SON, Publishers. Terms o( subscriptloii-ll.&O a year when paid In advance. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. HOOD RIVKR. - The pfstoflice Is open dally between Ram. a d 8 i. m.; Sunday roin 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails f r the Kant clone at lt:ia. m. an . p. m; for the West at 7:10 a. m. and 1:40 p.m. Ma. Heaves For Mt. Hood, daily at 12:30 p. m.; arrives, 10:a. m. ForChenoweth, Wash., at 8:30 a. m. Tu.es da s,Ti ursdays a: d Saturdays; arrives same d.us at 7 p. m. f or l'nderw od. Wash., at :30 a. m. Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at 7 . For White lite Salmrn, Wash., daily at 2:W p, in.; m. arrive" at li a. m. WHITE SALMON. F'r Hood hiver dally at 9 a. m.; arrives at 4:4.1 p. ni. - For Hunum, Trout tale and Gules, Wash., daily at 7:1a) a. m.; arrives M 12 m. For (ilenwood, tiilmer and Fulda, Wash., dally at 7::) a. m.; arrives at b p. m. For I'inenat ana enuwacn, nasn., at ji:iw a. rn. Tuesdays and Haturd: ys; arrives same davs, a. in. For Bin en, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar rives at 8:46 a. m. SoeiETiK-i. SIOl'KT HOOD KIVER No. 42, FORKSTEI18 OF AMERICA Meets second and Fourth Mon ays ill each month in K. of P. hall. II. J. Kkkiikhick, C. R. B. F. Fouts, Financial Secretary. OAK OROVK COUNCIL No. 142, ORHER OF 1'UN 1)0. Meets the Second and Fourth Kridavs of the month. Visitors cordially wel comed. 4- K. U. Hrohius, Counsellor. Miss Ksiux Clakk, Secretary. R III! Kb f'WASHINOTO.N. Hood Rivar Union No. 142, meets in Odd Fellows' ball atacond and fourth Saturdays in each month, 7 :8u o'clock. C. L. Curru, President. 1. E. Hamha, Secretary. JAI'REL REHEKAH DEGRK.B LOPOE, No. H7.J. 0. 0.;if.Meeti first and third Fri ar a''k loeutti. Mats Edith Moobi, N. G. L. E: MoasR, Secretary. ( TANBY' POST, No. 16, O. A. R.-MeetsatA. U. U. . naaecoiiu alio lourtn HHturaavs each month ut 2 o'clock p. in. All (1. A. K. members invited to Hieet with us. W.H. Perky, Commander. T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. (1ANBY W. R. C, No. Hi Meets second and ) fourth Saturdays of each month in A. O, U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mits. Fannik Baii.xy, Pres. Mks. T. J, Canning, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LOIKiK No. 106, A. F. and A M. Meets Saturday evening on or before earh full moon. IVs. M. Yatih, W. M. C. 1. THuHrsoN, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meels third Friday iiiulit of each month. O. R. CA8TNK., H. P. 4. 8. Blowirh, Secretary. IIOOI) RIVE CHAPTER, No. 2S, O. K. 8. II Meets second and fourth Tuesday even ings of each month. Visitors coidially wel comed. - Mrs. May Yates, W. M. Mhs, Maiy B. Davidson, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 108. United Artisans. Meets first and third Wednesdays, work; Second and fourth Wednesdays social; Artl sans hall. F. C. Bkosius, M. A. F. B. Barnss, Secretary. AUCOMA LODOE, No. ,10, K. of P. Meets In K. of P. hall every Juesitay nignt. F. L. Davidsom, C. C. Pb. C. H. Jenkins, K. of R. A ft IVERSIDeI.ODOK. No. W, A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. F. B. Barnes, W. M. E. R. Bradley, Financier. , Chester Shute, Recorder. 1DLEW1LDK LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F. Meets 111 Fraternal hull every Thursday jiight. (jito. W. Thompson, N. J. J. L. Henderson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.. Jl meets at A. O. U. W. hall on the Arst and third Fridays of each month. Walter Ukrkino, Commander. C. E. Williams, Secretary. RIVERSIDE LODOE NO. 40, DEGREE OF HONOR, A. O. 0. W.-Meets drat aud third Saturdays at 8 P. M. Kats M. Frederick, C. ol H. Misi Annie Smith, Recorder. OOiTrIVER CAMpTno. 7,702, M. W. A., mcelB In Odd Fellows' Hall the first and third Wednekdavs of each month. J. R. Rees, V. C. C. V. Dakin, Clerk. -M)KN ENCAMPMENT No. 4S. I. O. O. F. -Ft Regular meeting second and fourth Mon days of each month. W. O. Ash, C. P . V. L. Henderson, Scribe. Q II. JENK.LSS, D. M. D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown aud Bridge Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 04. Office In Langille bid. Hood River, Oregon. 1) R. I. T.CARNS. Dentist. Cold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of Up-to-DaU Dantlstrj. HOOD RIVER OREGON LJ L. DUAIBLE, rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Dav or Night. Telephonea: Residence, 81 ; Office, 83. Office over Everhart's Grocery. J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 281 SURGEON O. R. AN. CO. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-ATLAW. ABSTRACTER, fiO- 1AKI ri liLiu aim naAb EST AT it AGENT. Fur 2S v. ars a resident of Oregon and W ash inglon. Has had many years experience) In t,...i k-.tHtA mmtiars. as abstractor, searcher of titles and ageitk tausfaclion guaranieei or Do charge. FREDERICK A ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. KfctiuiaUt furnished lor all kinds ol ltoik. Repsirinir a specialty. All kinds ol siiop or. fcliop on bUU Street, Iwtween First and 8wnd. A.JAVNE. LAWYER. Abstracts FurnislKtL Money Loaned. Hood River, Orejton. "p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Thone Centrl, or 121. Offco Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 1 to 3 and 6 to 7 P. M. JgUTLER A CO., BANKERS, po a general banking basin-rsa. HOOD RIVER. OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY QATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THB TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happening! of the Put Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Rustia, in retaliation (or the Kih ioef petition, will issue (ewer pawports to Americana. John D. Long, United States consul general at Cairo, gypt, is dead as the result of a fall. Russia, it is said, has made conces sions to the powers, which will assure peace in the far East. The lumber freight rate ' on the Southern Pacific will be raised from 13.10 to 6$ a toa August 20. Populis's in conference at Deuver have agreed to lor net the past and will re-enter the political arena. Whlttker vVright, the London pro motor, will be extadited at once, the papers having been prepared. A fierce race riot occurred at Loi aine, Ohio, because two negroes severe ly cat a white man with a razor. Russia has been swept by a severe tornado, which destroyed three vil lages and caused great loss of life. A cablergam (rem Consul General Gudger, at Panama, says everything is queit and He expects no further trou ble. Representative Wilcox is at the head of a movement to secure indepen dence for Hawaii from the United States. fhe American squadron will engage in a great mimic war off the coast of New Fng'and next month. Thirty vessels will paiticipate. The race war at Danville, III., is over and quiet restore!. The Japanese press is strongly in favor of war with Russia. Cardinal Gibbons received a very cordial reception on his arrival at Rome. A coavention to organize a new re form political party is now in session at Denver. the British press terms Russian crlicial's words on Manchurian situa tion as insulting. - -- ' ! A Texas contractor attempted to bribe an army officer by sending bim (200 in a box of cigars. Preparations are completed for the holding of the conclave which will elect successor to Pope Leo. Satisfactory progress is being made in the trade treaty negotiations be tween the United States and China for the opening of Manchurian ports. A coke trust, headed by the Frick coal company, is to be formed. The capital is placed at (7,000,000. The new concern uas control oi iu,uuo acres of coal land. The discovery of four boxes of dyna mite in the mountains three miles from Nelson, B. C, with the date 1881 marked on them has led to speculation as to a tragedy in which pioneer pros pector! were the victims. A fierce wind storm in the Boundary creek valley, B. C, has done 5,00tt damage. It blew down a steel smoke stack at the Greenwood smelter, over turned buildiuRS. smashed windows and crippled telegraph and telephone wires. - Several men were injurea oy falling trees. Harriman will try to wrest the cen tral of the Northern Pacific from Hill. Secretary Root will recommend that troops in Alaska be given aouoie time allowance. A high Russian official charges Great Britain with duplicity in the Man churian affair. ' Five men were hurt and $100,000 worth of property destroyed at a Terre Haute, Ind., fire. Extreme hot weather prevails in eastern Nebraska. Crops are thought to have been injured. The stubbornness of a Hungarian officer is responsible (or the prostration of 450 soldiers by heat. Cardinal Gibboni surprised every body in Europe by appearing in ordl nary dress instead of robes. Canada is still in favor o( reciprocity with the United States, despite Cham berlain! policy for preferential trade, A sensational note has been sent to President Roosevelt exposing a plan of Hnncarv to control its people in the United States. The battleship Kearsarge made the trip across the ocean in nine days, four and a half hours, an average speed of 13.16 mile can hour. Bhe arrived on this side all ready for action. The pope's remmains have been laid in the temporary resting place. Thirty thousand people viewed the reaains of the late pove toe second day tbey lay in state. Prince Ferdinand has fled from Bui garia and it is thought he will not re turn to bis throne. Indian cannibals on Tiburon Island capture') a party of Mexican piofapec- tori, killed and ate mem. Tom Johnson says be does not want to be tovernor of Ohio but would like to succeed Banna as senator. HUNT FOR COVER. Escaptd California Convicts arc for the Mountains. Headed Placerville, Cal., July 30. Of the 13 convicts who eecaped from the state penitentiary at Folsom, 12 are still at large. Joe Murphy, who was serving a 14-year sentence (or robbery, was shot at Pilot Hill. S. M. Gordon, the reported leader of the gang, who had been sentenced to 45 years for robbery desertel his followers soon after they left the prison. He is heavily armed and it is not known in, which direction he sought safety. A negro convict named Seavis, who was reportid wounded in the first encounter with the officers, appears not te have been injareJ. The 11 outlaws who remain together are making for the Sierra Kevaaa mountains. They are closely pursued by the sheriffs of Sacramento, Eldorado and Placer counties each backed by numerous deputies and assisted oy a company of militia. About 20 guards from the Folsom prison are also en gaged in the chase. It is believed that the fugitives will toon be surrounded, and a desperate battle is anticipated, as all are heavily armed. The work of the pursuing posses has been rendered lees difficult toan was anticipated by the unexpected action of the convicts, who released all of the free men they bad held as hostages. It is thought that this course was prompted by lack of food and ammuni tion. Tha 11 escapes are now believed to be near Placerville, in Eldorado county, in a rough country and not far from the mountains, wnicb they evi dently hope to make their refuge. The fight at Pilot Hill between the convicts and their pursuers seems to have been a more serious affair than at first reported. After they had looted a provision store at Tilot Hill they were practical ly surrounded by the sheriffs of Sac ramento and Placer counties, each com manding a strong posse. All (our horses on the convicts' wagon were shot, and one of the criminals was killed outright. Then the outlaws raised a white flag and marched up the road with the guards and others whom they had captured on each side of them. A general volley was not ordered,' as it might have kil'ed several innocent men. In this desperate manner the second escape was made. Now that the captives have been freed, the pursuing officers have been instructed to shoot the convicts on i ilit, and thier death or capture in the near future is expected. SHCEPHEN IN ARMS. Montana Camp and Pens Burned by Warring Cattlemen. Butte, Mont., July 29. A Miner pecial from Big Timber, Mont., .says that the sheepmen of Bridger treek country, several miles Irom tlnre, are up in arms as a result of the burning the Flannagan Bros', cheep camp and pens, the largest in this section of Montana. The destruction is believed by sheepmen to be the work of cattle men with whom they have been on the verge of war for the past six months. The sheepmen have organized poseee under the leadership of William Bell, one of the prominent sheepmen, and a search o( the surrounding country is being made (or a man whom the sheep men declare they know is the incendi ary, rickets nave Deen strung out over an area of ten miles square. Parties just in from the scene say that th situation is extremely serious and a lynching is threatened if the cat tlemen suspected of firing the fianna gan pens (alls into the bands of the pursuing sheepmen. , Transport Dlx does Aground. Washington, July 30. Quarter master General Humphrey has been in (ormed by cable that the transport Dix went aground oft the Japan coast last Saturday. She has since been docked at Drags, and it is estimated that it will take 40 days to make the necessary repairs, as she is in bad condition The Dix is a freighter, and bad on board 225 tons of Philippine exhibits for the St. Louis exposition. It is ex pected that one of the tranpsorts now out oT commission will be put on to re place the Diz. Colorado Ready to Quit. Topeka, Kan., July 30. It is report ed that the governor of Colorado is about to make proposition to Gov ernor Bailey (or settlement of the Arkansas injunction suit. According to the agreement Colorado is to take no water from the river for Irrigation pur poses during the months of July, August and September or any year, in aldi tion, Colorado is to reimburse Kansas for the $10,000 spent in prosecuting the suit. New Diplomat la Washington. Washineton, July 29. General Jose Manuel Hernandez, the recently ap pointed Venezuelan minister to the Cnited States, came to Washington to day. He is en'hnsiastic over the gov ernment's recent victory atCiudad Bol ivar, and savt it means the restoration ol peace In Veneiuela. AU opposition to the establisned authority is now at as end, he sys. . HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON GREAT FRU1T.YIELD. Rogue River Valley Tracs Promise Choke Product. . From the viewpoint of the grain- raiser dame nature is in a state of revolt this year In Southern Oregon, the drouth prevailing for the past few months having wofully reduced the average In all small grains, it ap pears as if nature, indeed, rebelled at man's persistent perversion of soil and climate conditions iutended to produce nectar for tlMTgods, to the baser usca of growing provender lor klne or grain for human kind or other cattle. The orchards and alfalfa meadows, however, are yielding up such stores of wealth as only those realize who are familiar with existing conditions. Apples and pears promise fancy fig ures again this year, in fact growers look for record-breaking prices, owing to partial failure of fruit of ordinary quality In the east. Of course the fancy fruit for which this section is distinguished is not exactily in com petition with ordinary barrel stock, but scarcity of the latter article al ways enhances prices all round. Growers are carefully thinning and applying the summer spray at pres ent, and favoring weather conditions are giving promise of quality sur passing, perhaps, any former year in the history of the local trade. FIX PRICE OF PRUNES. Willamette Valley Growers' Association Says 1 Cent Basis. The Willamette Valley Prune Asso ciation held an important meeting at Salem last week. Delegates were in attendance from Douglas, Lane, Linn. Polk, Benton and Clackamas coun ties, and from Vancouver, Wash., and was the most representative gather ing of the fruitgrowers of the North west ever held In that city. Organi zations are already formed In Linn. Benton, Douglas, Marlon and Yamhill counties, and at Vancouver, Wash., and associations will be formed all over the state and the nortnwest in the near future. The plan under dis cuslon at the meeting was to have all the associations In the Northwest un der one secretary, so that It will be impossible for one organization to un dersell another In the market, thus creating uniform scale of prices for all fruits on the coast. The plan met with the approval of all present and an effort will be made to bring the condition about. The price of prunes this year Is fix ed on a 2 cent basis. Coming Events. Ninth annual regatta, Astoria Au- gust 19-21. State fair, Salem, September 14-1. Second Southern Oregon District fair, Eugene, September 29-Octoher 3. Summer association of the Nortn west Indian agencies, Newport, Au gust 17-27. Lane county teachers institute, h-u- gene, August 4-6. Klamath county fair, Kiamatn Falls, October 6-9. Good roads convention, Jackson ville, August 15. Fruitgrowers convention, Jackson ville, August 15. Teachers' institute, Tillamook, July 29-31. Old Folks' celebration, La Grande, August 1. Hoo Hoo contenttlon, Portland, August 1. Knights of Pythias convention, As toria, August 20-21. Teachers' institute, La Grande, Au gust 17-21. Smiling Fields of Polk County. Excellent samples of hay and grain have been brought to Independence this week. Early oats and spring wheat have commenced to change col or, and the heads of each are well filled. Some early hops have been exhibited in town, which are three- fourths grown. Hay harvest Is oelng pushed rapidly forward, and there Is larger acreage in Polk county tnis year than has ever been planted be fore. The fruit season for cherries and berries has practically passed, but the plums, prunes and apples are just commencing to ripen. Bricks Made on Coos Bay. The first lot of brick Just hurt at the new kiln in Catching slough was delivered this week at North Bend to be used in making the foundation lor the boilers and engines of the woolen mills and sash and door fac tory. This is the initial burn and somewhat of an experiment, but from the appearance of this production Coos Bav will be able to turn out first-class brick, a much needed Indus try, for heretofore this article had to be Imported. Huckleberry Season Here. j Huckelberries are beginning to rip en in the foothills of the mue moun tains. Never before was there prom ise of such a bountiful crop there as is now presented. The Beasop. has been an Ideal one for their growth. There were no early frosts, and as a consequence none were blighted. Every bush Is loaded, and already parties are being formed to go out and gather the luscious fruit. Collecting Mining Data. George E. Boos, of the United States Geological Survey, Washine ton. D. C. is at Baker City, and will make a complete report of mining in Eastern Oregon, showing production, cost of operation, wages, etc. By act of congress mineowners are compel led to furnish information under pen alty. Raany for Steel Bridge. " The approaches and center pier for the Lewis and Clark draw bridge near Astoria have been completed and are tnr th ateel draw when It ar- from the east. It has been on the road for several weeks and is ' xpected within a few day. JUNE OUTPUT SPLENDID. Sumpter District Mines Cleaned Up All of 3350,000. Estimates based on the production of ore In the Sumpter mining district for the past month give much greater returns than heretofore. The deep sinking operations carried on In moat of the leading properties have result ed in opening up a larger area of min ing territory and consequently an in creased production has resulted. According to the estimates that are at hand from the best sources obtain able, the Bonanza Is said to have clear ed up during June $50,000; the North Pole, 80,000: the Columbia. $45.- 000; Golconda, $35,000; the Radger, $30,000; total. $240,000. The produc tion of the Red Boy is variously stat ed to be from $25,000 to $50,000, and therefore should be added to-the to tal production. There are many other properties that are constantly shipping ores away for treatment at smelters. It is Impossible to get any figures as to the value of these ores, as no returns are given from the smelters receiving them, except to the owners, and the latter as a rule are opposed to mak ing public these figures. It would be safe in fixing the total at $350,000 for the month. This total includes the cleanup from many claims in the dis trict that are not ranking with the big producers. This also Includes the output of the placers as far as can be learned. Oregon King Looking Up. lie Oregon -.ng mine, which has been shut down for several years on account of litigation, is again hoist ing ore. The management Is looking for more miners and preparing to make heavy shipments. To give ... history of this mine would be to re peat that of other properties accident ly, discovered, abandoned, relocated and developed sufficiently to make a trial shipment, which was found to give surprising returns. Shipments followed, which, after deducting charges for a 60-mile wagon haul to the then terminus of the Columbia Southern railway, which was being extended southward, and freight from there to the smeiter at Tocama, net ted over $105 per ton. Not Enough Water. The voters of the proposed Little Walla Walla river irrigation district tear Frewater turned down the pro nositlon to form an irrigation district byMJi2AJM&-SotA. eTg Irving at the upper end of the dis- trte killing th- proposition - on - th ground that the river does not give enough water when at low ebb for those holding riparian rights, where as If an irrigation district were form ed Including both themselves and those below them, they would have to divide what water was with those lelow them. A three-fifths vote of the residents was required to carry the establishment. Hot Contest for Land. A contest of more than usual Impor tance was begun in the Oregon City Land Office a few days ago. Import ant Is the contest because an entire section of heavily timbered land lo cated near Corvallls, Benton county, s involved. It is estimated that the section contains 16,000,000 feet of fine timber. - There are four entry men, each having filed upon a quarter section, and there are as many con testants on the ground that the en trymen abandoned and did not prove up properly on the land. Prospects for New Flax Mill. James Boyce, a millionaire of Mim- cle. Ind.. who is at Salem, is investi gating the prospects for a new flax mill in that city. He has made a for tune In that business, and is Impress ed with the Idea that such an industry would be a paying one there. He is much pleased with the excellence of the Oregon flax fibre, and may back Mr. Eugene Bosse, the local .flax-erqw-er, in the construction of a mill to manufacture the flax fibre into a marketable product. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7 7 78c j val ley, 7Pc. Barley Feed, $19.00 per ton; brew ing.$20. Flour Best grades, $4.10 5 50: graham $3.35(13.76.. Millstnffs Bran, $23 per ton; mid diings, $27; shorts, $23; chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.07 1.07 gray, $1 05 per cental. Hay Timothy, $1920; clover. nominal; cheat, $15 16 per ton. Potatoes Best Bnrbanks, 7075r per sack; ordinary, 8545c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3(3 3.60 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1 1(3 12c ; young, 16(3 17 He; bens, lZe; turkeys live, 10(3 12c; dressed, Ufa 15c; dn-ks M. 00?5.00 per dozen; eese, $6.00(9 6.60. Cheese Fall cream, twins. 15 16c; Yonng America, 15X116c; fact ory prices, 131 Kc less. Butter Fancy creamery, 20f22!-f per pound; extras, 22c; dairy. 20(3 22H'e; store, 16c317. Pegs 20rf21c per dosen. Hops Chol.e, l.V$re per pound. Wool Valley, 17lSe; Eastern Or egon, 12915c; mohair, 86337He. Beef Grots, cows, ai(gc, per pound; steers, 65Jo. dressed, 7c. Veal 7K 38c Mutton Groea, $c per pound drwed.6H6c Lam be Groes, 4c per pound dressed. Tc. Hof Grose, 6(38 Xt per ponnd dreeed,6M7. o r NATIONAL IRRIQATIOra- ' Qfr$ Utah Forwards Object With Liberal , Appropriation. Ogden, Utah, July 29. Unusual efforts have been made to insure the success of the 11th National Irritation Congress, which will be held here September 15 to 18, inclusive. A lib eral state appropriation was made, and the amount has Ixea doubled by private subscriptions from officers of the congress and from citizens of the city and state. The program has been carefully ar ranged with the view of achieving practical benefit, and will include practical irrigation and . forestry les sons, reports of experts, application of provisions of the reclamation act, state progress nnder the national act, views on settlement of lega! complica tions and the pertinent and important theme of colonization. As Utah is the pioneer state in irri gation, special opportunities will be offered ior the study of the history and progress of the science, and excursions will be arranged to enable delegates to take full advantage of the fact. Special terms have been secured from the railroads, and Ogden hotels Lave announced that there will be no advance in their rates. Complete ar rangements have been made for the en tertainment of visitors, reception com mittees being detailed to visit all trains. The basis of rpeiesentalion in the congress will be: The governor of each itate and ter ritory to appoint 20 delegated; the mayor of each city of lets than' 25,000 population to apoint two delegates; the mayor of each city of more than 25,000 population to appoint four delegates; each board of county commissioners to appoint two delegates; each chamber of commerce, board of trade, commer cial club or real estate exchange to ap point two delegates; each organized ir rigation, agricultural or livestock asso ciation to appoint two delegates; each society of engineers to appoint two del egates; each irrigation company, emi gration society or agricultural college, and each college or university having chairs ol hydraulic engineering or for estry to appoint two delegates. The following are delegates by virtue ol their respective offices: The presi dent and members of bis cabinet; the duly ac redited representative of any foreign nation or colony; the govern or of any state or territory ; any mem ber of the United States senate or huUBU 'ut TPJifetentatives: member of any au or territorial commission. FATAL CRASH IN FOQ. Two Trains In Minnesota Collide and Four Men are Killed. St. Paul, July 29.- Two trains met in a head-on collision on the Chicago Great Wetsren this morning and the result is four men killed and 25 cr 30 passengers injured. The two trains were the Twin City Limited and a fast (reight. The limited was running as a first section to Minneapolis. The second section con sisted o! an excursion train running from Des Moines to Minneapolis and was three hours behind time. The fast freight, southbound, received an order at Dodge Center reading that the secon . scetion of the passenger train was three hours late and the trew evi dently misread the order and attempted to make Vlaisty Siding, between Dodge Center and Hastings, Minn., thinking tlat it was the limited that was late. Meanwhile the limited was poind ing along at regular speed . nd met the freight head-on juBt after it had rounded a curve ai Vlasity. The morn- ng was foggy and neither engineer saw the other in time to stop, although the engineer of the limited had applied the air brakes. That the two trains came together with terrific force was evidenced by the fact that!both engines weradly dam aged andjthe baggage andbuffet cars weie completely wrecked, ine oag- gageman was buried beneath a pile of trunks when the car was lifted off the track, but was taken out uninjured Qeneral Davis Retires. Manila, July 29. Majoi General Davis has transferred the command of the department of the Philippines to Maj r General James F. Wade, General Davis having been retired for old age General Davis' last act was to review- all tho troops about Marila. The re cords in the case of First Lieutenant Foley, of the Fifth cavalry, who was court martialed on charges involving the embezzlement of soldiers' money and other financial irregularities, have been forwarded to Washington. Boy Not Fit For a King. St. Petersburg, July i9. A special ist on tbe treatment of backward chil dren, at the command of the imperial government, examined and observed Prince George, the eldest son of King Peter Ksrazrgevich of Servia, during the past week, and has reported to the emperor that the boy is a degenerate. Prince George is 18 years old. Un June 12 a Berlin dispatch to the Lon don Times said that King feter might abdicate in favor of his son. Rezed By Llghtalng . Minneapolis, Joly 29. One of the worst wind, lightning and rain storms in tbe history of the city struck Minne apolis todav. In Southeast Minneapo lis tbe financial loa will aggregate many thousands o( dolars. Buildings were razed, others were unroofed and lightning splintered some Electric- vires were prostrated and nearly all the street cars were tied op. ONVICTS ESCAPE 4, THIRTEEN PRISONERS IN FOLSOM TAKE TO THE HILLS. Outbreak Was Unexpected and Officers Were Taken by SurprUe-L'scd Knives Made From Flies to Capture OuarJa Looted Armory and Secured Plenty of Arms and Ammunition. Folsom, Cal., July 29-Thirteen desperate convicts assault and over come the guard, capture the prison armory, make their escape and carry with them 11 officials and guards of the Folsom state prison, including War den Wilkinson and Captain R. S. Murphy. Such, in brief, was the news that startled the people of this community and sent a thrill through the length and breadth of the state this morning. Ihis morning affairs at the prison went forward in the ordinary groove. There was no indication of t The conspiracy of the desperate con victs whe had decided on a dash for liberty, had been well kept. The pris oners marched into the dining room and had breakfast. After the meal the men marched out of the main gate of the prison into the yard. The upper yard line was out and most of the 6toue line was through, when two prisoners turned suddenly on W. Chalmers, the outer gate keeper, and 'a dozen others rushed lor the captain's office, only a few feet to the left of the main en trance to the prison proper. tach ol the desperate men was armed with a "fi'e Inife" or a razor, and in the twinkling of an eye they were in me midst ol the assemb ed guards and officers, none of whom were armed, and ordered them to line up and march out. The convicts, having- quelled all demonstrations made by the free men. started with their prisoners across the yard in the direction of the prison arm ory. Four guards were at the armory receiving their rifles preparatory io taking out their "lines." The convicts marched their prisoners up to the arm ory, and, holding their knives over them, demanded that the doors be opened. It was a cae of opening the doors or slaughtering, the Kanlsn.rap. tain and other officials. Warden Wil kinson realized the uselessnefs of re sistance, and told the guards to open the armory doors. This was done, and the convicts took possession, secured 10 rifles, 25 revolvers and all the ammu nition they wanted, and then marched to the main entrance and demanded that the gate be opened. They again threatened their prisoners and the gute was oi.er,ed. The convicts marched out and up the hill in the very teeth of the Gatling guns trained on them. The; plan iiad worked even beyond the wildest hope of their imagination. Iheir prisone-s were: their safeguard. and they bad not lost a single man. fosses were started in pursuit. 21 guards, headed by lieutenants, and were alter the fugetives half an hour after they started. Sheriff Beeee dep utized J. J. Hinters, who gathered a posse and stalled on the trail over the mountains, and posees from Eldorado county were also put in motion. Battle With Convicts. Auburn, Cal., July 29. fierce bat tle occurred between the escaped Fol som convicts and the officers toniaht near Pilot Hill, in Eldorado county. The convicts were traveling in a (our horse wagon, and after holding up and looting a store at Pilot Hill of provis ions, proceeded in the direction of Colons. Shortly after leaving Pilot Hill they were overtaken by posses from Sacra mento, Folsom and Placerville. Guard Curry, of the Folsom pot-se, opened ne gotiations by shooting one of the horses attached to the convicts' wagon, and this blocked the advance and an open fight ensued. Convict Howard was killed outright and Seabis, a negro convict, was badly wounded. Two guards, who were with the convicts, managed to escape. It was alsc noticed that Gordon and another convict were missing, and it is presumed that they dropped out somewhere between Folsom and Pilot Hill and have taken to the woods, which anywhere in this locality wonld provide safe hiding. Panama Situation drave. Washington, July 29. Consul Gud ger at Panama has made the following report by cable to the state department of the episode at that place: "Last night about 10 o'clock soldiers, headed k-y tbe commsmler-in-chief, searched tbe governor's house. The governor escaped, tried to reach the' consulate, but was intercepted. Took refuge at the house of an American. Streets lined with ro!diers. A i rested secre tary of state and departmental em ployes. Department has money." Thames Flood Damages. London. July 29. Heavy rains over tbe south of England caused serious floods and great damage in London. The noderground railway was flooded and many printing rooms of London newspapers built in the underground district between Fleet street and the Embankment were flooded and unable to print. Tbe heavy rains coincided with a high tide on the Thames, in undating several lowlying district's. it J