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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1903)
I UP TO DATE STORE. Everything in Summer Goods Must Go to Make Room for Our Immense Stock of Fall Goods now in Transit. Ladies' Cott Shirt Waists, Ladies' Crash Skirts, Ladies and Child's Cloaks, Ladies' Oxford Ties, Ladies' and Child's Parasols, Remnants of Wash Goods, Remnants of Wool Dress Goods, . Muslm Underwear, O D D Knit Underwear, Fancy Hosiery. 4 . "J And many other items which space will not permit of This Sale will Continue through Watch this Space; You will Save Money Thereby. WE MUST HAVE ROOM For Our Fall Stock Soon to Arrive. Yours Truly, FRANK A. CRAM. O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:50 8. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:27 p. m. No. , Mall and Express, 110:48 p. in. No. 24, Way Freight, 8:45 p. in. , No. 22. Fast Freight, 8:46 a, ni. WeHt bound No. 1, Portland Special, 2:05 p. m. No. S, Portland Flyer, 6:07 a. m. No. 6, Mall and Express, 7:40 a. m. No. 28, Way Freight, 8:46 a. m. No. 21, Fast Freight. 11:80 p. m. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Ice cream. Coe & Son. Trib cures the tobacco habit. Rambler Bicycles at Knapp's. Moworg and rakes at Savage's. Get Bartmess' prices on shingles. Horse for sale. G. D. Woodworth. If you want cherry boxes see Joe Wil son. McCormack mowers and rakes at Sav age's. Abbott & Co., are selling wagons at cost. ' No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer & Livery Co. Bottom prices on doors and windows at liartuiess'. Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas', 55 cents a dozen. It will pay you to get Bartmess prices on building material. Washington ice cream, made of pure cream, at Coe & Hon's. Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. Dressed chix for your Sunday dinner, at Hood River Commercial Co. Doors and windows Bartmess has the most complete, stock in town. Bring your eggs and butter to Hood River Commmercial Compaay. If you need a watch, see F. W. CLARKE, before buying elsewhere. At present we can use a few nice chickens. Hood River Commercial Co. Fetch Portland quotations on house furnishings to Bartmess and save freight. Made of pure cream Washington ice cream come and prove it at Coe & Bon's. For 30 days, the W. B. Cole residence, lot 100 x 100. A good buy for $1,600. Frather Investment Co. Get my prices on solid silver metal, knives, forks and spoons. CLARKE, the Jeweler, opposite the postofflce. This is the season when you have to buy a mower can't be put off so go to Savage's and they'll do the rest. - We will guarantee our creamery but ter to give satisfaction or money re funded. Hood River Commercial Co. If you want to file on timber land homesteads, call on George T. Frather, V S. Commissioner, district of Oregon. Ever look over our stock of 10c music? Some very fine things among t hem. The on ly t difference front the high priced music is in the colored cover. A large 118th list to selwt CURTAIN SCMM-Extm wide, lace effect, irom. Askfot our catalogue of latest sheet music. Neck Ribbons. These warm days one hates to wear a collar. A pretty neck ribbon is becoming and comfortable. We have them all widths and shades. Little Pricks. Pillow Tops. Profusion of cushions is the ultra of style, llaveyou seen the new ones at our store? Little Pricks. A DEPARTMENT STORE IN MINIATURE, The Little Store with Little Prices MM AT THE Jfen's two-piece Outing Suits, All Oxford Ties and Low Shoes, All Single Pants, ODD Underwear, Canvas Shoes, .Tennis Shoes, Boys' Waists, . Boys' Crash Suits, Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, Men's and Boys' Crash Hats. ferings before sending to Portland.a Two hundred to 5,000 to loan on real estate. If your security is good your money is ready, f rather investment uo. Bone & McDonald will deliver powder on Saturday of each week, rlace your order with them. Barnes, the real estate man, has for sale one of the best stock ranches in Sherman county. For spring wagons, buggies, harrows, cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon ald & Henrich. For Sale. Morses, wagon, harness of all kinds. Will trade for hay or wood. Abbott & Co. Don't pay rent. See Barnes, the real estate man and have a home of your own. When in need of eyeglasses, see Clarke, the jeweler, opposite postoffice- Girl Wanted For general housework j wages $12 a month. Mrs. C. G. Roberts. Barnes collects rent. pays taxes, draws up transfer papers and writes insurance. Barnes, the real estate man, has a competent stenographer in his office. Take vour watch to CLARKE the jeweler, opposite the post office. We carry a full line of groceries, flour and feed. Bone & McDonald. Baling wire and all kinds of farm im plements sold by Abbott & Co. Watches, clocks and jewelry at Clarke's, opposite postollice. The Montello, a good smoke at Wright & Tompkins'. Abbott & Co. soil Mason jars 2 quart 95c,l quart 75c. Child's So-Bob-So, Kil Fl at Abbott & Co. Ndtary Public done by Barnes. Trib cures the liquor habit. Jelly glasses at Coe & Son's. G. J. Gessling, A. C. Staten and their families left yesterday morning for Sandy Flat and Lost lake. They expect to be gone a week or ten days, and before returning home will make the trip to Mount Hood. Councilman Ed Maves was in the Mount Hood settlement, Monday. ' Al though the dav was one of the warmest of the season, Mr. Mayes says the men at work in the fields had their horses wrapped in blankets. He thinks the people had an idea that owing to the altitude the weather must accordingly be cold. Colonel 0. B. Hartley lost 100 ricks of stove wood by a fire Monday morning on the Keating place on the East Side. The fire came from an unknown source up over the hill from the river. Miss Gladdys Hartley and Will Morgan went out with a team and fought the blaze for awhile, but it had gained too great headway. The wood was worth $75. THE HABIT TRADING STOKE NEWS. SATURDAY SURPRISE GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT green stripe; makes a very pretty curtain. for sum mer, in your dining room or bed room; regular 12c goods Special 10c per yard. Sell Almost Everything Bicycle oil, chain graphite, tire cement, tire tape, patch ing rubber, rubber plugs,cork grips, pumps, guards, magni fying glasses, magnets, com passes, gold dust bags, etc. Little Prices. Wild Cherry Phosphate Makes a delicious drink for a hot day. A teaspoonful in a glass of water; 20c bottle. mention. 8 See our of July and August. Mrs. Ada Griffin, son and two daugh ters of Chicago arrived in Hood River Friday morning. The lady is an old time friend of Robert Rand, and the family are making their home with him on Minnehaha farm until she decides where to locate permanently. They are greatly pleased with Oregon and espe cially with Hood River. They are accomplished musicians and it is a rare treat to listen to the music they make at Mr. Rand's. L. B. Langwisch, night watchman at. the Davidson Fruit company's buildings, was taken sick last week and when found at his room on River street, was a very sick man. He has since been under the doctor's care, and being a Mason, is looked after by the Hood River lodge. A. L. Phelps was detailed to nurse the sick man. Mr. Langwisch is an old sol dier, having served in the civil war in the 1st cavalry. James T. Cooper was in town last Thursday, having come down from Mount Hood on his way to The Dalles to bring r'own another band of sheep. Mr.Coop er has purchased a home in The Dalles. In partnership with A. R. Thompson, he has 8,000 sheep. His family will come down this week and go out to Mount Hood for the summer. G. J. Gessling has about finished up the work of the Hood River Fruit Grow ers' union, and finds that the average returns to union shippers will this year amount to about $1.65. The union shipped about 30,000 crates of straw berries, and 2,000 crates of cherries. The latter brought an average of 75c. per 10 pound box. The directors of the Cascade Locks public school have given their teachers, Howard Isenberg and Miss Tina Cramer, an unsolicited advance in salary of $5 a month. This gives, the principal $i5 a month and his assistant $50. The school term is for nine months, and will begin about September 1. Mrs. W. H. Bishop, who is camped on the T.J. Cunning lots in Parkhurst, went to White Salmon Monday for a stay of several days. Mr. Bishop is ex pected next week from Warm Springs and will spend his month's vacation in Hood River. The allurements of an Eldorado yet to be discovered have again taken Jim Langille to the McCoy . creek mines. Hi left yesterday and was accompanied by Ed Fewel. They expect to be gone a month or more. Monday was regular meeting night for the common council, but only the mayor, one councilman, marshal Biid two citizens and the reporter showed up at the appointed time. G. W. Cavers offers his wazon, team and harness for sale for $100. Mr. Cav ers is disposing of his goods in Hood Kiver and will leave shortly with his family for California. .We pay spe cial attention to fishermen's iieeds. We know what you want from experience. A new stock of flies and lead ers just in. All the good browns and reds in flies, from 2oc per doz to 50c. Little prices. SALE. with light Tanglefoot And poison fly paper, fly traps, mouse traps, steel traps, insect powder and guns, window screens, screw door hinges, springs, etc. Little Prices. Washboards, Clothes lines, clothes , pins, laundry soap, clothes baskets clothes wringers, wash boilers Little Prices. Bone & McDonald have moved their goods into the new store room in the Artisan's hall building, on River street. They have a fine large store room, with plenty of space for showing off their goods. Mr. McDonald has enclosed toilet room in which will be kept towels and every convenience for ladies who may come in from the country and need a place of this kind to make their toilet after a drive over the dusty roads. This innovation in the way of storekeeping will be appreciated by the ladies. The firm will occupy the whole of the lower Ifoor of the building. In the large room in the rear C. D. Henrich will keep on hand buggies, wagons and agricultural implements. The roomy porch on 'the east side of the building will also be used to display Mr. Henrich's goods. This iB the pioneer stsre on River street, but it will not be long till others will follow the lead of Bone & McDonaldand go where they can get plenty of room. John Groff of Mount Hood had a live ly time with a cougar last Monday even ing. He was driving home from his son's place when he saw a large cougar crouched on a log beside the road. He yelled to scare the fierce animal away, when it took to the brush only to appear again a few rods farther on. This time yelling had no effect, and as he whipped up his horses to hurry by, the cougar sprang at the driver and struck against the hind wheel of the wagon. This is the story as told by Mr. Leasure, who got his information from Mr. Groff. Cou gars must be pretty bold in the Mount Hood settlement. . -( The Glacier was a little premature in starting Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Hinrichs on their European trip last week. They left Hood River on the noon train Fri day and will go direct to Hamburg, Ger many. Mr. Hinrichs left Germany 41 years ago. He has been five times across the Atlantic ocean and made several trips across the Amercan continent. For several years he lived in Mexico, and for the past 30 years has been a resi dent of Hood River, where he has one of the best improved farms and has been successful in managing it Bon vovage1. Hubert Leist of Collins, Wash., was in Hood River last Friday. Mr. Leist be lieves there is money in growing Btraw berries at Collins, where there is a south exposure, and where he says the fruit ripens as early as at White Salmon. He will experiment extensively with berries next year, and with both low and high land he is confident of producing the best paying berries the very early berry and the late berry. The soil at Collins is of a similar nature to the Hood River soil. Captain Belcher has about completed a 16- room cottage at Collins hot springs. In the spring, Captain Belcher thought he had found a hot spring source above high water level,and waa about to erect a 20,000 hotel and sanitarium, but when the river rose this spring the cold water seeped through and destroyed the heat of the springs. This situation con tinues for about two months in the year, and of course obliterates the hot springs. Another attempt will be made to Btrike a spring not affected by high water. Robert Leasure of Mount Hood was in town Friday. He reports the clover crop of Mount Hood all harvested and hauled in. Al Kankey'B baler has been at work for William Rodenhiser, where he baled 35 tons of first class clover hay. 1 lie crop waa excellent as usual, and was all saved without rain. , The timo thy, which is alsoa fine crop, is now Deing cut. uats is also a good crop. J. L. Gordon, while in Hood River last week leased John L. Henderson's ranch nt White Salmon. Mr. Gordon and Mr. Henderson will go into the Angora goat business. They will start with 100 goats. They are in the market for this number and will buy only thor oughbreds. Mr. Gordon returned to Dufur for his family and is expected to arrive here this week. Jesse Davidson, who has been working at carpentering work for 8. H. Cox, on Wednesday went to his homestead at Mount Hood, where he will take a "rest" from labor while he puts up a house. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ackerman of Sa lem are in Hood River i visiting Mrs. Ackerman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Boorman. Mr. Ackerman is state superintendent of public instruction. Subscriptions to the fund to help out the salary of the mail carrier on route No. 2 are coming slowly. There is dan ger of this route being discontinued if the earrier is not installed soon. Bank Opens In New Quarters. Butler & Co., Hood River's banking firm, opened for business Wednesday morning in their new office In the Crowell building- The new quarters are splendidly furnished, and few Ore gon towns bave nicer banking fix tures. The wood work is all eolden oak, and at the cashier's' and paying teller's windows are dealing plates of Tennessee chocolate marble. Heavy imported linoleum covers the floor, while behind the counter are three quarter-sawed, piano-polished desks, direct from the 'Globe-Wernicke com pany, Cincinnati. The other fixtures were supplied by the Andrew company. Chicago. At the rear of the building' is a nicely litted private room or direc tors' omce. 1 lie cost of furniture and fixtures amounted to 11,000. A hurgiar-proof vault and safe open at the west end of the room. Hall's time-lock and safe are used, affording a depository for coin, documents, etc. butler & uo. are members of the Amer ican Bunkers' association and are in sured against burglary in the Fidelity and Casualty company. Depositors in the Hood Kiver bank ran thus feel assured that their money and docu ments are safe and secure. The Bank ers' association employ such thorough detectives that proressional burglars are careful to pass up all batiks where the metal membership tag hangs above me casmer a winnow. Butler & Co. began business in Hood River three years ago when the de mands for the institution barely paid the enterprising promoters. Today, with the growth of the town and val ley, Messrs. Butler & Co. are clad to say they have a nice little business. The Hood Kiver bank is a solid, well managed institution deserving of the success the business of the community can make for it. Olinger Captnres a Crazy Man. Deputy Sheriff Olinger captured a crazy man, Monday morning, and took lii iti to the Dallea, where he was ad judged insane and taken to Salem by Mr. Olinger and Sheriff Sexton. The insane nmn gave his name as Bert Dross and claimed he belonged Id For istell, Mo., where his stepfather, Mr. Burlingame, is a barber, lie is labor ing under the idea that be stole a horse in Artzoua and must suffer for his aim. He is about 24 years old and gives evi dence of education. Dross first showed up at Dufur two weeks ago, having comeover the moun mains from Oregon City. Later he turned up listless at Cloud Cap Inn. Iju.1 Thursday he called at Dr. Watt'i ortiee in town and Sunday asked for work at the NetTBros, nneh, 6 miles up Hood river. That night the crary man divested himself of all clothing and was bow ling in the barn. Fearing hm actions, lonslalile uiingcr waste! cphoued fur at midnight, and be im mediately went out after the man. Mrs, F. S. Perry and two children of Portland, and Mrs. Perry's sister, Mrs. Huff, of Carlin, Nevada, have gone into camp at E. E. Lyons' place, in Crapper district, for a two-weeks' outing. Frank Chandler struck three feet of water ut a depth of 17 feet, in a new well on his lots on the hill. His other well 75 feet away went dry, but he thinks now he has plenty of water. . ' The second-hand store on Rand's old corner has gone out of business. The proprietor found second-hand goods a alow sale in Hood River and has gone to pastures new. The A. O.U. V. and Degree of Honor lodge desires to thank James DeBord and Mrs. Pritchard for their assistance in the old maids' convention. 5 "The Hood River Fruit Growers' union received returns Tuesday on a shipment of Black Republican cherries to Denver, which netted the growers so cents a box. William Huntley,mayorof Millsville, Wis., was visiting in Hood River last week with his former neighbor, Mrs. Marcellus. Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Disbrow of Uni versity Park were in the valley several days last week on business and pleasure. Hon. D. R. Cooper of Mount Hood took a party of seven Portlanders to Badger lake last week to be gone a week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Williams, Miss; Clara Mosely and Arthur Davidson are camped at Trout Lake. MIDSUMMER SALE. This is the month in which we make a clean-up of all odds and ends. If we didn't stop every now and then and tidy up, our shelves would be loaded with remnants, and then we'd be a "trash" store. Dress Skirts, Under Skirts, Shilt Waists, Ladies Underwear, Percales, Ginghams, Calicos. On these goods we will give you a dis count of from 20 to 4o per cent. Here are bargains you don't get every day. Dry Granulated Cane Sugar $5.55 a Sack. FREE DELIVERY ?iew Today. , "3 in 1" Oil at E. M. Holman's. For bargains in watches and jewelry, go to C. H. Temple. Morrow coaster brake, the best made. Sold by E. M. Holman. When in need of fine work in watch repairing and jewelry, see Temple, the jeweler. If your eye sight fails and you have pains and headaches, see C II. Tem ple, the occulist. Are you up with the times? You can't be. unless you read the new books Slo- com, the book man, keeps them. When vou are down town, slip in and look over the new books at Slocom's. He is only too glad to show them to you. Any one having copies of the "Old Maids' Convention" will please send them to Mrs. J. E. Rand, as the origi nal copies must be returned. If vou want to have a good time come to the ice cream social, Friday evening, Mav 24. at the home of Mrs. Jobn A. Mohr, of the East Side. The Chicago Inter Ocean says:"If you see a novel with this on its title page The Main Chance, by Meredith w lchol- son' buy, beg or steal it." Attention Members of the Degree of Honor and A. O. U. W. are cordially in vited to spend next Tuesday evening at the residence of George P. Crowell, for a social time. Also any one who so kindly assisted in the "Old Maids' Con vention." This evening is to show our appreciation to these friends and for an mlormai time. mjm. Chiircli Notices. J.W.Jenkins will preach in the Union church on Sunday at 3 p. m. Christian Tabernacle. A. Bj Cash, superintendent. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. l'arents are inviteu to attenu and bring their children. Valley Christian. J. W. Jenkins.pas- tor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Endeavor meeting at 7 p.m. subject : a Mission Study South Africa." Ed Drake, leader. Congregational. Rev. J: L.Hershner, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Services at Pine Grove at 3 :30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8. Sunday ecliool at 10 a. m. Baptism of children at the 11 o'clock service. Unitarian. A. O. U. W. hall. Rev. William G. Eliot, jr., will preach at 11 o'clock.and all interested in the Unitar ian church are asked to be present. A business meeting will follow the service. Special music. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Episcopal Services Sunday, July 2(1, both morning and evening in Knights of Pythias hall. The Rev A. K. Glover of Portland will officiate. Services as fol lows: 'Morning prayer, sermon and holy communion at 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7 :30 p. m Married. COI.EHAN-TIMM. At the residence of Hou. A. R. Byr kett. White Salmon, on Sunday, July 19, lf.03, Augnstus H.Coleman and Miss Marie Katharine Tinira, Rev. J. L. llershner, officiating. Judge By rkett'a beautiful home waa the scene of a happy gathering on the occasion of the marriage of this happy couple. The floral decorations in the front parlor and dining room were beautifully arranged by Mrs. Evereole of Seattle, who in an mint of the groom. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon waseerved. The uewly wedded pair left Hood River on the train Sunday afternoon for Portland, w here several days were spent. J'RAXZ-MRII,. In Hood River, Satnrdayevening.July 18, 1903, at the I". B. manse, Bruno G. P. Frani and Mist Clara May Xeill, Specials To Keep You Cool. Ladies Gauze Vests 7e up Ladies Handsome Batiste Girdles 50c up Ladies Batiste Corsets, elegant fitters, 50c up Millinery Prices Slaughtered Beautiful Patterns below Cost, Stylish .Street Hats sacrificed; stock must be sold to make room for Fall Goods. LaceJGloves, a splendid subsstitute for Kid. Men's Straw Hats in the latest styles and prices, much lower than you will find others of equal merit. Also the well known Elk Hats in summer shades. A Reliable Hat. Light weight cool summer underwear at attractive prices. THE PEOPLE'S STORE S. A. KNAPP, Proprietor- JULY BARGAINS. H. C. Shaffer officiating. Mr. Franz is a prosperous fruit grower of Hood River, and his wife one of the accomplished young women of the community. The Glacier joins their friends in congratula tions. Meeting of Apple Growers' Union. Subscribers to the capital stock of the proposed apple growers' union will meet on Saturday next at 2 p. m. for organization and adoption of by-laws at the A. O. U. W. hall. Committee. Born. At White Salmon, July 16, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Zeigler, twins, a son and daughter. Blare on Roof Davenport Residence. Hood River narrowly escaped a destructive Are Wednesday noon, when Are was discov ered on the root of Frank Davenport's res idence, formerly the home of 8. J. LaFrance, Just east of Bragg's store. Mrs. Ora McUIln tock was the first to discover the blaze, and In a few mluntes Jack Bagleyand Percy Cross were on the roof with chemical fire extin guishers, while Ed Mayes handled a hose. Many others supplied buckets and water and the blaze was extinguished with only a bole In the roof. There was a high wind at the time. How the blaze caught no one knows, as there was no fire in the house al the time. Excitement was high ot the time, and half the town gath ered at the scene within a few moments. George Smith is down from Coeur A' Alene on a business trip. The merchants of Hood River now close their stores at 8 a. m. IiOst A set of false teeth. Finder please leave at tlia Glacier omce. The Fashion Stables bought six tons of fine hay from Fred Miller last week. Laura Metealf left for Vancouver, Wednes day, to visit her sister for a week or two Mr. and Mrs. R. Leasure and their little son of Mount Hood were in the city Wednesday. Linn Wlnans is erecting a $2,000 house on his sightly residence property in Wlnans ad dition. The K. of P. lodge has a new piano, having purchased the' same, Monday, from H. 1). Parkins of The Dalles. Members of the A. O. U. W., during the ab sence from the city of E. R. Bradley, can pay their dues to George Slooom. McOulre Bros.' meat market will hereafter, until further notice, close at 7:80 p. m., except Saturdays. Henry Is on a strike for shorter hours. After this date Bonney's market and Mo Guire Bros, will make but two trips dally Ui the top of the hill. The wagons will leave at 8 a. ra. and 4 p. m Mrs. Bradbury and daughter, Mrs. Forbes. of Portland, are guests of Miss Teal at Pine hurst. They came up two weeks ago for the benefit of Mrs. Bradbury's health. E. R. Bradley and family went to Puget sound today, to be gone for two or three weeks. Mr. Bradley has left a competent printer in his office to look after the work. Sam Blowers was a very sick man during the past week, and for several days bis life was despaired of. But thanks to the skill of his physicians, he Is now out of danger and getting along nicely. Stricture of the bowels was bis ailment Marshal fanning was called to Mosler, Tuesday, where he took charge of a young man named Raymond Fox, taking him to The Dalles, where he was adjudged Insane. Fox la 13 years old. P. H, Martin brought to the Glacier office Wednesday, a bnni'H of oats 5 feet 10 Inches In height. Mr. Martin has two acres in oats on his ranch in the ('rapper district, all of which. he seys, stands nearly in is tngn, This is the second crop on this land. JlmmleWranahan and Harry Elliot went to the Falls last Knnday on a fishing trip. No one has beard of any fish they caught, hut Judging from report, they fed the fishes, after finding a big blackberry patch. Perhaps af ter this the boys will not leave their luncb baskets far behind them. It has been sug gested that they strap them to their backs. W. 8. Grtbble. the Mount Hood storekeeper, was In town Wednesday. Mr. Gribble nas decided it will pay a country store to adver tise, and his ad, Informing the people of the class of goods he carries, can now be loand In our advertising columns. Prospective camp ers as well as the clllsens of Mount Hood. will find something to interest tbem in the ad of the Mount Hood store. Principal H. L. Bate of Forest Grove preached at the t.oocrnrational church last Sunday. While In Hood River, Principal Hates secured the names of three or four young people who will probably attend Pa cific university at Forest Grove. The endow ment fund of tills university Is now oversaw, OiU. Marsh memorial hall, a beautiful stone structure, is second to no daoatkwai build tog In the Pact tic Northwest. Dr. J. V. Watt, J. E. Rand. Profeaenr C D. Thompson and Barnes the real estate man spent three days tbe first of the week flatting In lue but rork of Hood river. The party Do You Want a Bargain in Shoes? Ask to see some of our clos ing lines; we have no inferior goods to offer but the best kind that are procurable here at prices below manufactur er's cost How is that for a bargain? Men's and Boys' Suits, " " " Pants, " Underwear, Neck Wear, Carpets and Rugs, Muslins, Shoes. PHONE 581 camped back of the Fouts place and caught all the Hsh they wanted. The man who sells real estate declares he caught the biggest fish a trout measuring over a foot In length, but, the others, who are better flshermeu, landed the biggest strings. Cale Richardson and Robert Bowen left Monday morning for Trout Lake, where they will spend a couple of weeksJUunting, lishing and exploring Ice caves. St. Mark's guild will meet with Mrs.Chsrles Clarke, on the hill, next Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Ten Years High Water Record. The following table has been compiled by the Chronicle editor from the gov ernment records at The Dalles, showing the river readings on April 1 and 15 during the past 10 years and the highest stage oi water readied eacli year : Year 1st 15th Highest Feet .June 22.... 35 .June 14.... 38.3 .June 6.... 59.6 .May 31.... 28.7 .June 22.... 42.9 .May 24.... 42.7 .June 21.... 1892 '7.3. 1893 7.0. 1894 20.4. 1895 8.1. 1890 12.0. . 9.2.... . 8.3.... .20.8.... .22.6.... 11.7 1897 (no reading) 1H9S 0.3 1U.9. . 1899 6.4. 1900 13.5. 15.3 Juno 22.... 43 17.5 Mav 11).... 32.2 1901 1902 1903 - 8.5.. - 3.2.. -13.2 9.2. 7.0 . ...June . . .June .37.5 .36.5 Light and Water Notice. All light and water bills are due aiid payable at the com pany's office, from the 1st to the 10th of each month, in advance. All service not paid for before the 10th will be shut off, and the consumer will have to pay for having the service turned on, in adj dition to arrears. All those wishing to irri gate lawns or gardens must make application at the com pany's office for number of lots they wish to irrigate, be fore irrigating, or their ser vice will be turned off, same as for non-payment for ser vice. All irrigation MUST be done by SPRINKLING; no other METHOD will be ALLOWED. Street sprink ing by hose is absolutely prohibited. All irrigating west of line of Fifth street must be done from J3 a. m. to 11 a. m. All irrigating east of line of Fifth street must be done from 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. Any or all failing to comply with the above rules for irrigating will have water shut off. By order of board of di rectors. X.C. Evaxs, f Manager.