No tiian or woman with a eoul (or the divine in nature ever visited White Sal mon without being impressed w ith its matchless view of mountain and river. The entire absence of town life with its rich and its poor its people of fashion and its outcasts, . its grinding competi tion and its sickening pathos, has been to many who have sunk into its .retreat ita greatest charm. In them the occa sional rumor of a railroad down the north bank of the Columbia awakens no enthusiasm. To such persons the advent of a railroad, or even the development from a rural hnmlet into a village means the advent of bums and thugs, gin-mills and jails. Nevertheless, such a process is slowly giing on at White Salmon, and he who loves the solitude must, in a few years, move on or adjust himself to a more complicated condition, lock his doors at night and wear a collar. We have a telephone connection with the rest of t'ie world, a local reservoir and water system. Mercantile buildings are in process of construction and others are planned, and so it goes. P. A. Trana's new residence Is going to L-e one of the handsomest and most homelike at White Salmon. Frank Uroshong is putting up a resi dence opposite Wolfard's store. Work Is being pushed on the Jewell water system. D. D. MeClure has been laying 4,000 feet of pipe from big new residence for irrigating purposes. Professor Thomas Condon of the Uni versity of Oregon and his daughter, Mrs. F. C. Wolf of Pendleton, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Condon of this place. Judge Arthur L. Fraser and family of Portland are sojourning at Trout Lake for the summer. ('. M. Wolfarrt is building a large addition to his store to meet the growth of this community and the demands of an increasing trade. A large stock of clothing is to be a feature of the new arrangement. The new building to bo used as a drug store with oftices above is nearing com pletion. Rev. W. G. Eliot delivered a splen did sermon to our people last Sunday evening, every seat in the house being filled. Mr.and Mrs.BIythe, Jr.,of Hood River recently visited White Salmon as the guests of the Condons, both having been former students at the state uni versity. Among the needs of this place, the most indispensable are a new school buidling and an Irrigating system. Miss Georgia Johnson has been elect ed to teach the primary department of our public school. The principal has not yet been chosen. Those fruitgrowers whose strawberry shipment was wrecked on an unmarked submerged pile belonging to the Lost Lake Lumber company feel that the company has not only defied the law, but acted very small and excited much indignant feeling. The attention of the federal authorities may be called to the matter. The reckless obstruction of a stream like the Columbia and the impudence of the company may re sult in an early investigation by certain federal oflleers. Clii'iioweth Sews Jiotes. Our beautiful little burg of Chenow eth is situated in the midst of the most beau tifu 1 of the Col u ra bia river scenery. A few miles above the Cascade Locks is the Little White Salmon, a stream of water flowing now in gentle descent, then in wild dashes, funning cascades of splendor and beauty and quiet pools of crystal clearness, fresh from the mountains fur above. This makes, an ideal trout stream, where a lover of fishing or of art and oeauty can find the most enjoyable place. Here nature in her fullest abundance has pro vided all that could be asked for. Our little burg of one store and a post office is situated in the midst of this splendor and beauty. One wishing an outing or sport cannot find a place to compete with the, Little White Salmon. Hunting is excellent for those who are not afraid of the fam ous w ild animals so very numerous, here. Earl Keys. George Marcyier spent Saturday and Sunday in Hood IUver. Robert Stone lost a good horse Sun day through the animal becoming crippled. 15. F. Fuller and wife have gone to Sherman county on au outing for three or four weeks. Mrs. J. W. Forbes of Hood River spent three or four days with her parents, last week, gathering blackber ries. The young folks of mill A had quite a nice dance Saturday evening. Sever al people from mill B attended and reported an excellent time. Camping parties are occasionally seen going up the valley to partake of the sport to be found there, such as hunting, fishing aud fruit gathering. Mrs. Bert Snyder of Ruthton Is visit ing with Mi's. Arnold and gathering some berries. A. E. Moreta has injured his back again aud is unable to work at present. Clarence Hill and Clifton Hughes spent a couple of days camping out up the valley last week. Fred Kaut. spent several days at Hood Itiver and towns along the line on business last week. The weather has been very warm for the past two or three days. Fuller and Tubbs have finished mak ing hay up the valley. Charles Meyers is seen here occasion ally. At present he Is looking after his hay on the ranch. ('rapper I'rupphigs. The weather for the past week has been quite warm. We look toward the cool blue hills and wish we could spend a fortnight or so there during the warm days, but like many others we are too busy to spare the time now. It. II. Nichols and sister and Mm. William Nichols took a trio to the black berry patch and succeeded in gathering about 100 quarts of tine berries. Mrs William Nichols returned to The Dalles on Saturday, well pleased with her trip. The blackberries seem to be plentiful this year, as quite a number have gone out after hemes and come back well supplied. ! lSert Tvler had quite a thrilling ex-! perienee last Saturday in the shape of a ! scrap with a vicious badger. The bad- ger seemed to do all the scrapping while , lrt did the yelling. Bert is working I far Fred Chandler aud started from the house w the orchard about ten rods distant, and wlfen about half way he ran across a large badger. The badger didn't seem to be very bashful, and started for him with bia bristles up and his mouth open. Bert gave one Com anche Indian war whoop and landed on a workbench close by. The badger made several attempts to jump on to the bench, but Bert kept bis feet going pretty lively and yelling at the top of his voice. Miss "Kuby Chandler and Miss Ellen Dodge hearing his screams ran out to his assistance, and seeing his plight called the dog.which ran the bad ger off to the tmioer. The girls assisted Bert down from the bench and into the house, very badly frightened but not hurt. Bert says, talk about your wild cats, cougars, bears or anything elBe, but he'll take any of tham in preference to that old badger. Several of the neiah bor bovs took a trip to Green Point on a fishing excur sion. Some were quite lucky, and we understand one of them caught 730 line trout. But we won't tell his name as that sounds kind of fishy. Some of our farmers are setting out more strawberries this summer, while others are Dlowimr uu their berries and will sow to clover, claiming that there is more proft in hay at present prices than in berries. The Christian Adventists are holding a camn meetine in theeroveeastof their church. Quite an interest is taken.there being a large attendance every evening H. E. Blocher gave a dance and oyster npper in his new hall last Saturday night. Quite a number was in attend ance and all appeared well pleased with their evening's entertainment. Mr. Blocher will have when completed one of the finest halls in the valley, it being 30 x 40 .eet. He will give another dance and oveter suDPer on Saturday nigni. August 1. Good stable for horses. Everv one invited to come. P. Harsh informs ns that his wife, who went to Kansas last spring with the iutention-of making her home there, has . . .. 7 II 1 11'. come to me conclusion uiai iioou ivivcr is good enough for her and has written to her husband not to sell the place, as she intends returning soon. When vou find a better place to live in than Hood River valley you have a paradise. An ice cream social will be given, at the home of Mrs. John A. Mobf, of the East Side, Fndoy afternoon and even ing, July 24. Everybody invited. Odell Motes. Messrs. Coe & Shute of Hood River are busily engaged putting up the warehouse at Odell. Fred Coe is on the erotuid siiDerintendinir the work and has a force of 7 men under his direction. The work is first class and is progressing rapidly. The building is two stories with basement and will be quite an imposing structure. Mrs. George Booth is building an ad dition to her home on Odell Heights. John Groff, who lives on the Mount Hood road above the bridge, called at Odell today and related in a graphio manner one of the most thrilling inci dents that has been told here for a loug time. A few days ago he was going from his sou's ranch homeward when he encountered a cougar, which chased him for 80 rods, with bis horses under a dead run. and finally sprang at him in the wagon. Probably the only thing that saved him was the speed of the horses. The cougar made a leap for the side of the wagon and landed at the rear end of the wagon box. This is no dream, for the prints of bis claws are plainly visible on the end gate and one side of the wagou box. I don't think Mr. Groff is at all frightened now. but from his vivid descriutiou of the incident it was surely exciting. I think this is about the hardest propo sition this old war veteran ever tackled. Last Sunday W. E. Neff found a era zy man in his barn. Ihe roper authorities were notified and he was taken charge of. Fred Coe and wife and Henry Shute and wife are tenting near the little white store. They seem to enjoy the outing notwithstanding the men are working ten hours a day. A small pnrtv of friends of Messrs Coe and Shute was entertained at their tents on Wednesday evening. Ice cream was served and a pleasant evening was spent beneath the pines in the park near the store. Pine Grove Gleanings. Mrs. G. D. Board man's mother and sister started today for Iheir home In Los Gates, Call., after an extended vis it with relatives here. Roltert Miller has returned to his home in Waterloo, Iowa. Rev. Frank Spaulding of Hood River preached at tlie fine urove cnurcb Sunday morning, and Professor Bates of the Pacific university. Forest Grove, preached in the afternoon. Miss Lulu Thomas closed her school work last Friday and has returned to her home. Rumor says she will take a scuool ol only one scholar next year. There will be preaching services at the church again next Sunday after noon at 8:30. V. V. Johnson Is building a new barn. His new house is nearly com pleted and will soon be ready for occu pancy. A gentleman representing New York City commission house is in the valley buying apples. We have heard of a few sales being made, among them being C. H. Sproat and J. L. Davis sel ling their No. 1, 4-tier Spitzenbergs at $1.25 per box net f. o. b. Hood River. Roy Jackson has finished hauling lumber for Ids new house. He will be gin building at once on the ten acres he owns near the Moody place. There will be a lawn social at Mrs. John Mohr's residence Friday evening, July 24. Ice cream and other refresh ments will be sold. The proceeds of the entertainment will be added to the funds now on hand intended for the erection of a church by the Catholic people of Hood River valley. Come early to the social and be sure of a wel come. Dukes Valley Items. We are having some warmer weather at present, which is good on the hay makers. Our Sunday school and preaching had a good turn out latt Sunday. If the crowd continues to grow our house will not hold them. We have given the bill of lumber to J. I. Koouta of Mount Hood for the new school house in Dukes Valley. We have had but one applicant for teacher as yet, and this does not suit our directors. If there is any woman who wants a school, she might stand a good chance to get a school here, as they seem to a eat a lady teacher. Nelson Anderson of Roseburg was in our valley last week. Mr. Anderson lived in Hood River valley some 14 years ago. He is formerly from Illinois and is acquainted "with Dodsons and Cameron of Dukes valley. He said he could recognize the valley only by the lay ol the conn try. William TVflonn P II Glanlnn 1 C Cameron and N. Anderson went fishing Ust wek up Hog river and the East Of interest now Something Hammocks A good oue, 85e; better, $1.50; Al, $1.75 up to 14.50 at STEWART'S. Cool Cooks With cool tempers are guaranteed if you use our uiue name on move. Agents Universal Ranges. STEWART'S. Screen Doors Best cedar, 90o to $1; Front doors, $1.40 to $1.65; Window screens, 35c to 40c; Steel wire cloth, all widths. STEWART'S. "Hardware, Stove and Tinware, Paints and Oils, Building Material, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Pictures Frames. Not yet ready for business, hut please Fe:k of Hood river, but did not get loaded down with fish as they expected, but report a good time just the same. James Carnahan has returned from Sunny side and is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Q. Carnahan. Miss Ola Norman, our school teach er, was catling on her frieudB in Dukes valley hist week. She has the primary room in the Barrett district, and wecon gratulate them in securing her as a teacher. Trout Lake New Notes. Uoldendale Sentinel. A young son of Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt died at Trout Lake on July 2. The eight year old son of Mr.and Mrs. Yost of Trout Lake died on July 5. There are some 200 campers at Trout Lake and vicinity and it is expected that there will be fully 400 campers before the season is over. Miss Janet Locy of Ooldendale closed a successlul term of school in Trout Lake district Friday. A basket social was held in the evening, Professor Frisbee selling the baskets at auction, and brought the sum of $8.40, which will be used to buy maps for the school. Miss Locy has been engaged to teach the next term of school there, beginning in September. C. W. Moore has sold his stage line from Trout Lake to Bingen to Gus Cole man. The Trout Lake Artisans installed the following officers Monday evening: Win. Coate, M. A. ; Janet Locy, superintend ent; Claus Pearson, inspector'; Alden Kingman, M. C. ; August Wagnetz, treasurer; F. M. Coate, secretary; Wayne Dean, S.C. ; Ktlie Bvrkett, J. C.; O. B. Frisbee, past master artisan; Ame lia Fitchner, instructor; John Peterson, warden ; Julius Hope, Louise Byrkett, field commanders. This order now has some 45 members at Trout Lake. Bills Allowed by County Court. The following bills were allowed at the July meeting of the Wasco county court last week : J F Haworth, sup clerk's office. .$ 8 50 C M Grimes, 11 H fare indigent. . 3 !K) Star Lodging house, hoard 3 00 E C Pease Co, Flip to indigent. . . 3 50 Friend & Burkell, lumber for road 18 15 Irwin-Hodson Co, sup elk office, 45 00 The Filigree Ball bv Anna Katherine Brown. If you begin it you won't stop before the end. The most clever book of the season. Drop in and keep posted on the new books. They are arriving dailv at SLOCOM'S, The Book Man. Bicycles Must Go at Once. We have six bicycles that must be sold at once. And here is a list of bargains in second-hand wheels: Bov'a wheel.. $7 00 Gent's wheel, $ 12 00 Ladies' wheel, 5 00 Gent's wheel, 21 00 Ladies' wheel, 6 00 Gent's wheel, 8 00 Ladies' wheel, 10 00 And sundries of all descriptions at E. II. HOLMAN'S, Successor to C. C. Holman. Now Is a Good Time to Paint Powdr Paint Costs I"ss than one-half the price of oil paint; is weather and fireproof. Forprieessee Abbott & Co. Tents 7x9, $4.75; 8x10, $0.50; 10x12, $7.50 ; 12x12, $8.50. Special irders filled promptly. STEWART'S. Dining Tables You w ill give yours away after seeing our immense line in beautifully fin ished oak, hist in $6.75 to $30. STEWART'S. STEWART Furnishes everything needed about a home. ! ' J E Rand, road supplies 9 55 F S Gordon, surveying Cox road.. 10 60 Win Davidson, viewing same. . . . 2 00 Win Kennedy, same 2 00 B R Tucker, same 2 00 F 8 Gordon, survey Winans road 2!) 40 L E Morse, viewing same 8 00 G R Castner, same 8 00 W R Winans, game 8 00 F S Gordon, survey HUon road. 38 00 C C O'Neil, viewing same 4 00 WN Wiley, same 4 00 Henry H Smith, same 4 00 F S Gordon, survey Covert road . 18 00 Win Vanderpool, viewing same. . 4 00 J V Dixon, same 4 00 O B Connelly, same . . .. 4 00 Umatilla house, meals indigent. 50 J Like, hauling . 5o E C Pease Co, nails rd diet No 13 3 35 H Klebs, services physician .... 5 00 A 8 Cathcart, road work 12 00 Pac States Tel, rent and service, ti 35 W A Johnson & Co, sup indig. . . 12 00 Times-Mountaineer, printing 21 50 Dalles City Water works 12 70 Hansen & Thomsen, lumber 5 88 Transfer Co, team 4 days 20 00 Van Duyn-Adams Co, road sup. . 9 tto 8 W Stark, sup rd dist No 9.... 7 00 J C Kvans, sup rd dist No 21 ... . 50 00 David Hoekman, water trough. . 8 20 Frank La Pier, rftad work 101 00 G W Covert, bal due rd sup 35 00 E Frederick, sup dist No 11 30 00 J D Douglas, snp dist No 23 85 00 Dr 0 C Doane, ser at inquest. . . 5 00 N Y Restaurant, jurors' meals.. . 3 25 A E Lake, incidentals 18 65 Frank La Pier, freight rd scraper 2 45 B A Scott, work on Tygh road. . . 22 00 II A Jones, same 41 25 Ed Pitcher, same H 00 G E Corson, same 20 40 James Slentz, same 17 00 E Rogers, same 19 00 C Cruss, same 10 00 M G Asluey, same 30 00 Andv Slimier, same 14 00 HOPless, same 10 00 Otto, same 14 (X) Sess Robb, same 8 50 Roy Carson, same 8 50 Dr II Logan, services indigent.. 82 00 Davenport Bros Lumber Co 47 80 V J Craft, quarantine small pox 8 00 CL Gilbert, stamps 10 00 C. A. MORGAN & CO., The Only Exclusive Cigar & Tobacco Store In Town. Cail and See Our Line of HIGH-GRADE PIPES. - -PATTON'S . Sun Proof Paints. WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS, For sale at SAVAGE'S. THE True to Name Nursery, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. We will offer for next seasons planting about 20, 000 well-bred apple trees, largely Newtowns, Spitz enburgs, Jonathans and other varieties adapted to local conditions. This nursery stock wtw grown mainly to insure trees true to name and propagat- ing from buds selected only from well known trees of health and fruitfulness. We warrant this stock free from apple canker, wooly aphis and other iiests common to many parts of the country. As our supply of trees is limited, orders should le received at an early date. E. L. SMITH. H. S. GALLIGAN. . else in winter Wagon Covers From $2 up. You cau't do without one at the prices we name. STEWART'S. Sewing Machines $18 to $37. Hibbard Noisless Ball-bearing Good -10 year guarantee. STEWART'S. Mattings A late arrival of mi immense variety. Japanese linen wurp induces cut prices to force out of way of our fall stock of curtains. STEWART'S. keep us in mind. Dr II C Dodds, professional eer. 14 00 Times-Mountaineer, printing 3 00 N A Bonn, rebate on taxes 13 75 Theo Miguet, sup dist No 13. . . . 57 50 Sisters of Mercy, care co wards. . 15 00 Pac Sta Tel, sheriff's office .... i . 2 50 F C Sexton, bd pris, stamps, etc 253 05 J C Benson, road work 10 40 Win Emlerby, gravel for road ... 5 00 T H Wkwood, super dist No 8... 54 00 Dalles Com Club, tax rebate .... 24 00 Crandall & Burget, coffin to Ind. 10 00 A M Calmev, sup dist No 35. . . . 43 00 P A Scott, wk on Tygh hill road . 5 00 R A Jones, same 7 50 M G Ashley, same 9 00 James Htentz, same 9 00 K Rogers, same 5 00 Andv Sluder, same 2 00 R C'Pless, same 000 D C Jones, same 0 00 Frank Prit;e, lumber for road 12 09 Clark & Buchanan, expert work. 400 00 $100 Reward For any case of the liquor, cigarette or chewing tobacco habit I rib fails to cure. Rev. J. R. N. Bell the oldest living chaplain ol the grand lodge of the Mason ic order in the world and pastor Presby terian church, Baker City, Or., writes: "I have watched with interest the good results obtained oy the useot your rem' U, K. ...... k..i:t 'Trib,' and feel that I can safely and heartily recommend it to all in need." Price $12.50 per treatment. For sale by all druggists. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy brain-fag into mental power. They re wondertul in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke, druggist. Trib Is the name of the world's greatest cure tor t tie liquor and tobacco habits and can be found at any drug store in Hood River at a price of $12.50. It is the great est remedy of the kind ever placed upon the market. Trib cures the liquor habit. &-1SW''" y-'H jsf Watches and Jewelry. As I have worked at tny trade for 18 yours, I can turn out the finest work in watch repairing mid adjusting in eight positions. Jew elry repairing of all kinds. Tcf Vfillr' CVqC tl,el" wltu thu l,est White Pebble I eSl i.OUr Cye& Ground Center lenes, steel frames, for $1.00. Bolid gold nose and tips, $.').50, regular Chicago prices. War ranted to give easy fit and to improve your eyes. C. H. TEMPLE Bargains in Real Estate. 8 aeresthree miles from town, all in berries, a good house and barn. 15 acres 4 miles from town, 200 house and 12 acres cleared. Good apple and berry land. 100 acres, G miles out, 1,000 bearing apple trees, 3 acres in berries, and all kinds of other fruits; JH) acres in cultivation; good house, lmrii and milk house; income, f 1,1 00 a year. 40 acres 4 miles from town, 20 acres in cultiva tion, 5 in bearing trees; can sell in 20 acre tracts. 5 acres G miles from town, .'?()() apple trees, the balance in wheat and clover. 20 acres 7 miles out, till in apples 2 years old. 20a 7 miles out, all cultivated, fine apple land. 80a, 9 miles out; ttoa in cultivation; barn&house. For prices and terms call on or address H. F. JOCHIMSEN, Hood River, Or. bone & Mcdonald. ARE Closing m Their Dry Goods, Shot's, Hats and Men's Furnish ings goods at .prices that cannot be duplicated in Hood River. Our stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed Is complete and prices fire right. Come and see us. bone & Mcdonald. Doors and Windows. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL, Paints and Oils, Furniture, Carpets, l?eds and Redding. FUNERAL niltKtrrOR AN I) KM HA I, M Kit. Geo. D. Culbertson & Co., DEALERS IN The largest list of Hood River valley and from. Honest treatment will award you by plac ing your property in our hands. Loans' nego tiated. Insurance. HOOD RIVER, - - J OREGON. Williams Pharmacy, Otten lluilding, G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Headquarters for Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, SPRAYING MATERIALS. Prescriptions my Specialty. City Blacksmith Shop, j. r. xick,n,Prop General Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing and Dealer m Blacksmith and ; Complete line of Syracuse rami implements HANFORD'S Cor. 4tli and Columbia. FASHION Livery, Feed First nd Onk Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket office for the Regulator Line o( Steamers Telephone and have a hack carry you to aud fr.nn the landing If you want a first-class turnout call on the HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. America's BEST Republican Paper. The Weekly Inter Ocean. ."2 twelve-page papers $1 a year. The Inter Ocean and Glacier one year for $!.!). A'ou is the time. To use Squirrel Poison. Ne have . AW i time Tosprav your orchards, we nave all kinds of spraying material for i sale at the lowest prices, j AW the tiirc V; To purifv your blood. We have fj Sarsapar'illa's and all kinds of Spring tonics. fmnrt ihr itliue. When vou want anvthing in the J IIIII'li'l IVK irt it at CLARICES'. t3 4 iiL Out rniii. ami uerrv uuuis in 1 .1 L. 1 I 1 White Salmon to select Wagon Wood Work Wagon Makers' Supplies Agency for Milburn Wn ir ons, Carriages & Iuies. BALSAM rF MVRDU Thone 2.s:5 STABLE. and Draying. STRANAHANS & BAGLEY. Horses lKuj:lit, sold or exchanged. l'leasuie parties can secure tirsl-cliiss Hks. Spe cial attention f-iven to moving Furniture and l'ianos. We do everything horses can do. HOOD lilVKIt, OUEOON. Km. "none Ten.