The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 23, 1903, Image 2

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    H'ood iver Sl&cier.
THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1903.
Tli Jjbwih and Clark commission madu
a good start at its monthly meeting' held
in Portland July 11, and actual work
' was begun in preparing a creditable ex
hibit (or Oregon at St. law. Ex-Senator
V, II. Wehruiig. of Hillsborn wait
flirted general nnirintenilent; A.' P.
('Mille oi Oswego was elected superin
tendent of horticulture and agriculture;
J. II. Fink of Portland was elected suf er
intmideiit of tnines and mining. Two
thousand dollar was set aside for the pur
chiiseof such exhibits aldistrict andcoun
ty fairsus "commission may find to be of
value for an exhibit at St.Louig.Thisiein
addition totheU.500alieady set aside for
the same purpose at the state fair. The
appropriation for the St. Louis fair is
not sufficient to permit the erection of a
building, and all the funds will be util
ized in making the fullest possible dis
play of the state's resources. This
means that Oregon will capture her
usual number of premiums.
The Dalles has done the proper thing.
Last week, by a majority of 108 votes
that city decided to issue $50,000 in
bonds to secure a water supply. Only
17 negative votes were cast. (Thisshows
the proper spirit and enterprise, and the
sooner Jlood River follows suit, the
sooner will we have an adequate water
Names of Hood River Farms.
The following names of Hood River
larms nave been handed the Ulacier lor
publication. The list will be repub
lished in a week or two, and those who
have not yet sent in the names of their
farms are asked to do so:
J H Thomas Lily Dell.
H O Crockett Haselwood.
A I Mason Liberty Home.
J Y Htllstrom-Hprlng Hill Farm.
II E Harbison Meadow Kami.
1) N Byerlee Oak dale.
C A Hickle-Vslley View.
Home of Hoole 8parks Fair Oaks Farm.
DrM F Hliaw Kdgewood.
M K Noble-Clllton.
G I) Woodworth Keystone Fruit Farm.
U 1) Woodworth Bunnyslde.
C (i Roberts Netherby.
F Eggerl Kggunnont.
A A Jayne Chinquapin.
.1 E Illnns Mountain Hide. , '
1 B Learning Mountain View.
J 1 Miller eiuiiiipy Orchard. .
A. K Curtis, Curly Top.
J. W. Morton, Riverside,
li K. Lyon, Oak (irove.
R. B. Lindsay, Maple Grove. ,
Mrs. K. 1). Calkins, Floral Hardens.
Joseph Purser, Haidaurabble.
B. K. Blythe, Twin Oaks.
K H. Absten Indian Hardens. ;
Alcl une Camp McCuue.
J. N. U'eal 1'lneburst.
Robert Rand Minnehaha.
Woodmen Held Entlniilnitlr Mectinf.
The Hood River Woodmen of the
World met in I. O. O. F. hall last Tues
day evening for the purpose of advanc
ing the project of the institution of a
camp of that order in this city. About
20 members of the order residing in
Hood River, and as many more inter
ested in the project were present. Geo.
K. Rogers, the state deputy of the order,
was present from Portland, and gave a
most interestihg talk, touching on the
order's financial and numerical stand
ing, and of its fraternal and social spirit
Mr. Rogers is a most pleasing speaker,
and alternately clinches bis statements
of facta with either pathetic or humor
ous stories in illustrating his points. At
the conclusion of his talk he was pre
sented with a beautiful boquet of flow
ers. ' Ice cream and cake was then
served and the charter rool presented
for signatures. All the Woodmen pres
ent affixed their names, as did a large
number of invited guests. It was de
cided to regularly institute the camp on
the evening of August 10, and to invite
all the camps along tho river from The
Dalles to Portland to be present.
City Marshal Cunning, who is an en
thusiastic "chopper," has charge of the
charter roll, and is making arrange
ments for the institution of the camp.
His Heart Failed Him.
There are many who have not the
heart to meet an emergency, but when
it is from physical weakness there is one
thing that will restore it to the full force.
That one thing is Palmo Tablets, the
great nerve and manhood builder, sold
by Williams' pharmacy. These tablets
will restore strength to the back and
kidneys.and rebuild the whole nervous
system in a short time. Price 50c per
box. Lo not hesitate to get these tab
lets for any form of weakness.
The people of Hood River Valley have
recently given another illustration of
enterprise. It hag been found almost
impossible to secure men to act as car
riers on their rural delivery routes, of
which they have two, the residents
along each route have raised the sum of
f-iw to be added to trie pay of the car
rier for their route for the coming year.
Rural Northwest.
The Clarke county prune growers will
organize a company with $5,000 capital
and will erect a properly equipped pack
ing house at Vancouver.
The Practical Fruit Grower reports
that about 75 carloads of strawberries
were shipped from Sarcoxie, Mo., thin
veur, and 25 carloads from Republic,
Oregon peaches have been in the
market in Portland for a number of
days, says the Rural Northwest. As
usual the first receipts came from Grants,
in Sherman county. The stretch along
the Columbia from Biggs to Arlington
matures peaches and apricots earlier than
any other place in the Northwest.
The supreme court of the state of
Michigan has declared that pupils of
the public schools must v hereafter go
directly liome atter the close of school
that such a rule is valid and may be en
forced by the principal. Furthermore,
if a principal sees fit he may enter a
More and order the children ho finds
there to leave and go home, and the
owner of the store cannot get damages
on the ground that the principal has
driven away trade and injured the busi
ness of his store.
There is great shortage of harvest
hands all over the country, and in this
neighborhood there has been a scram
ble to secure the hands as thev finished
haying at other ranches. JWie Friday
finished putting tin his hay the first of
the week, and half the ranchers in the
neighborhood were phoning to Cross
Keys to get the ten men who were work
ing there. Antelope Herald.
Passenger train No. 5 on the O. R. &
N. ewaiHnl an awful accident last Thurs
day morning about five miles above The
lal!es, and the passengers got off with
out any serious damace, from what
miisht have been one of the worst rail
road snia-liups in the history of the
Northwest. It was running 30 miles an
hour when a truck under a tourist
sleeper, the next to the last coach in the
train. got uncoupled and stuck fast in
the ties, bringing the train to a sudden
stop. The accident occurred on a sharp
curve in a place where it wis about 40
feet to the nw. Fortunately the track
dropped on the inside of the curve. Had
it gone U the othor side the tourist and
Pullman with all their occupants would
have gone into the river.
Epworth League.
Regular meeting 'Sunday evening,
July at), in M. K. church. This is a
missionary meeting. suDject: "trie
Gospel in the Islands." lea. 41:1. Mist
Mvrt.e Maves, Leader.
For Sale.
A 5-year old bay mare. 1000 poundH: broken
to ride or drive, single or double. True, gen
tle, and no bad ways. Good for a lady's nag.
Price 7o. Inqiilreof the owner.
3 Houses to Bent.
One I room; two 7 rooms. Apply to
Jyia H. C. COE.
Saddle Pony.
A good saddle pony for sale by -
For Sale.
Light driving team and work harness;
uouuie uuggy uaruess unu otlggy.
jya w. a. gribble.
6 Acres tor Sale.
East, side of Barrett school house; 4-roomed
house; smallorchardtoneucrein strawberries,
rest in ciover. r . a. iAJurvnn aian,
For Sale.
12 acres good apple land, CO rods from Pine
urove scnooi niiuse. can on v. vt innneij.nrst
bouse south ol school house, east sldeof road,
Or address V. W1NCHELL.
$50 Reward.
For the recovery of the body of Fred Foster.
who was drowned from the steamer Dalles
City on June 24, near Blngen Landing above
noou niver. me anove rewara win oe niua
by the
Timber for Sale.
I will sell the timber on 200 acres. A good
place for small saw mill or wood camp, Call
on Pit l. inaiiuiieyor no u. 1j. ttUMK.Ko.
A live man to take Interest In manufacture
and saleora simple, inexpensive and effect'
lie lire and burglar alarm for dwellings and
oilier Duuuings. muaii capiuu required. Ad
vertlser owns right tor Wasco county. Ad
diess 1'. o. lock box m, Hood River, Or.
45 Acres for Sale.
30 acres cultivated; about 800 growing trees,
all bearing, all keepers; 14 acres clover. Sit
uated? miles out; well sheltered from the
winu. rnee tizi per acre. Terms easy.
- Cloak Lost.
A girl's clonk, or Jacket. Ixst on the road
On the East Wide. Finder will please leave at
tne uiacier oinee or return to j. R. Y.
Organ for Sale Cheap.
union jei) ti. u. nr.iiUBr.
Cow for Sale.
An Al Jersey Cow, for sale by
Strawberry Plants.
I have good Mtrawberry pi tin is for July and
Hay Press for Sale.
A Young America Huy Press; price (200,
aiso, a mowing macnine, price trii.
jel8 . I). WOODWORTH
To the Ladies of Hood River and vlcinltv:
I am starting classes In Embroidery and
Painting In all their branches, as oil, pastlle
aim crayon, ana win oe pteusea to nave you
call and see my embroidery pieces and paint
ings, at my borne Just west of the school
house. Will also make paintings, orembroid-
ery pieces to order at reasonable prices. Bee
me ior terms lor lessons, very respeciiuiiy,
m21 Hood River, Or.
Cow for Sale.
A good milk cow, giving a good flow of
nuiK. inquire oi j. in. mkiuukm.
Horse for Sale.
A good work hoist;; weight about 1000; 7
years oia. rorsaieoy j. c. noons.
For Exehane-ft.
A fine piano for a building lot In or near
U iuul UU'arnllv 1iIHm.UU fil,,AUB AtR
Bicycles He paired.
I have opened a repair shop for Bicycles on
the hill. Work promptly done.
Fruit Dryer for Sale.
A medium sized lrult dryer, In good eondi
lion, lor snie uy
Jyai i.L- carter.
Investigate This.
Twenty acres nines from town. Hearing
orcnarn ana wrries. ah unaer irrigation,
Fine spring; early location; doHirable home.
intH) Hrran. nff owner. t i . n. iahjin.
From cows that can a tall unfold.
m2l Paradise Farm.
For Exchange.
A stock of Shoes for Hood River property.
euner vaney orcuy real estate, lnquue oi
Furnished Room to Let
Apply to
Phone 778
Two Fresh Cows
For sale at Riverside Farm. 8 miles west of
town. Hieacn. J.W.MORTON
.Having been compelled to move on account
of sale of the property, we are now located In
the Bone house, itrsi door west of the Ulen
wood, where we will be pleas tosee all old
as well hh new customers, jaiv K CUA1EM.
Rooms to Rent.
Two front rooms In new bouse In Blowers
addition. Apply to
John zolia
For Sale or Rent.
A 5-roorn house on the hill. Apply to
50 Acres.
)i miles from town; 16 acres very best land
for peaches, cherries, etc; all can be irrigated
by water on the place. For 80 days $1,200.
auit T. R. COON.
Government Land.
I can locnte home-seekers ou government
land sood fruit land, with snrlniis. some
with water to irrigate; easily cleared; 12 to 13
mites irom noou niver: nearcoun'y roaa.
ail E. C. M 1 LLER, Hood River, Or.
Notice of Final Account.
Notice la hereby given that the final ac
count of Henry Prlgge as executor of the wHI
of V'Mn Johnmn, deoessed, has been filed In
the County tvturt of tbe stntc of Oregon lor
naMY! eottniy, and inat rridsy, the 7lh day
of August, 1WR, at the hour of 10 o'clock, or a
xm thereafter on said risv as the same can
be heard, has been fixed by tbe said court to
near objections to said account snd settle the
same. All persons interested in aald estate
are hereby notmed U present their objections
u tne sa. ne wmiin me time aoove named.
fated i t Hood River. Oreiron, this July 7
1903. H EN RY PlilGUE, Executor.
ITimber jnd. Act .lnnei, PCKl
United State Ijind ttrilce, Vancnover,
Wash., June l liwt. Notice is hereby
iriven that In compliance with the provisions
of the a't of congreas ol June X, Is.K. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe
tatea of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
tbe public land suites bv tut of August 4, Issi
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
( iregon, has this day filed In this ofhc her
worn statem-nt. No. tu7, IVr the purchiuie of
beNEof hW), and 1 and 2 of section
2S, and kit 1 of section li, in township
No S north, range No. DeasU W. M., and will
otter proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable fr It -timber or stone than IVr
tvrtculiurui purposes, and to esbtbilsh her
Maim to said land before the Register and
leoeiverof this ollice at Vancouver, Wash.,
n .Monday, the th day of September, IKii.
she names ns witnessea: Homer C ttmp
betl. n,rge W. Simons. Chnrles K. 8wigerl
and Emery Oliver, all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
bove-d"onhed land, are requested to rile
i kelr claims id this office on or befort said
2th day of September. lwK.
jyfteM FRANK E. VAIGHAN-, Register.
Nhort, WR have Shoes for
ana pOCKet UOOk. uive n u mm. a nuiiicu iti ii
FREE round trip ticket to the St. Louis World's
Fair with each pair of Heart & Arrow Brand
Shoes the best wearing Shoes on earth for the
money. Economize by getting your Dry Goods,
Notions, Tinware and Oraniteware of us.
Others Follow; We Lead.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon,
for the County or wasco.
L. L. McCartney, plaintiff, vs. M. E. Mark ley,
Raymond Maraiey, iiemcy aiaraiey, w-
Sha Markley, Audry Markley, Gladys
larkley, Iris Markley, Theresa Castner
and Charles Castner, her husband; L. Iv
Morse, Charles Morse, Ueorge W. Markley,
Peter Markley and Harah Markley, his
wife; Addle Mallclt and Nelson Malltlt,
her h'lsband; Charles Markley, Edward
Markley, Lee Markley, A. C. Markley, Hit
rah Eltcr and Kller, her husband; ami
Jesse 1 n i blur, administrator of tlie estate of
J. O. Marklev. deceased, defendants.
To George W. Markley, Peter Markley, Sarah
Alarktey, AUdie aianeii, iNeison .miu-ii,
Cliarles Markley, Kdwaid Markley, Lee
Markley, A. C. Markley, Marah Eller and
Eller. Mrs. Mertha Wheeler. Milton
Wheeler, defendants.
In the name ot me 8tate of Oreiron, you ami
each of you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint tiled against you
in the above entitled suit wiinin me tune
hereinafter mentioned, and if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court ror the reitet prayed lor in
this complaint, to wit: Kor a Judgment against
the defendant. M E. Markley, lor the sum of
1(25, principal of the promissory note men
tioned in the plalntid's complaint, and inter
est thereon at 10 per cent per annum from
March 23, 1WI0, and for the further sum offrfUKi
attorney's fees and for his costs and disburse
ment, and lor a nocree 01 loreciosure oi a
mortgage upon the followiiig-dtscrlbed lands,
Commencing at the southwest corner of the
northwest quarter of the northeast qtiurter of
section eleven (11), In township two (2) nortli
of range ten (10) east of W. M.; running tin nee
east eighty (HO) rods, north twenty tai) rods,
west. eivlit v (KOI rods, and south twelliv t'AU
Krods to place of beginning, containing ten (liij
acres oi lauu, aim uecreeuig vutti me ueieuii
ants and each of them be lorever barred and
foreclosed of all right, title and interest In
said premises and every part thereof.
This summons Is served upon the defend
ants above named by publication thereof
once a week lor six couseculive weeks in the
Hood River ulacier, a newspaper published
In Wasco county, Oregon, said pnbltvallon
being made in pursuauue of an order of Hon,
George C. Blakeley, County Judge of Wasco
county, stale of Oregon, dated the irlh day of
July, MU, and directing that service be made
on said defendants by publication of this
summons in said newspaper once a week tor
six consecutive weeks, and t list salt! service
shall be deemed complete at the expiration
of the time so prescribed for the publication
of this summons; The first publication there
of is made upon the iid day of July, IWi, and
the defendants above named and each of
t hem are hereby required U) appear and an
swer the plaintiff's complaint in Ii is cause,
on or before the last day of the time prescrib
ed in said order above meutloned, namely,
on or before six weeks from the Sd day of
July, IWi. W. H. W ILHON.
iyMail Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78.
United States Land Office, North Yakima,
Wash., July 17, 1U03. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
aclof congress of June a, ;78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds In the statesof
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," asexteuded to all the public laud
states by act of August 4, lHtu,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office her
sworn statement. No. h42, for the purchase of
the east of southwest and west iofsouth
eastof section No. til, In township No. 7
north, range No. 11 east, W, M aud will oiler
proof to show that the lsnd sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before W. 11, Presby, United
Stales Commissioner for district of Washing
ton, at his office at GoldemlHle, Wash., on
Tuesday, the iith day of September, 1WM.
Hhe names as witnesses: Jasper K. Young
and Anna L. Young of Castle rtock, Wash.;
James Cox and Alden Klugman of Trout
Lake. Wash.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before bud
atth day of September, I'JOi).
of Castle Rock, county of Cowlitz, state of
Washington, has this day tiled in this ollice
her sworn statement. No. hH:i, for the purcnase
of the west ofsoutnwest ', oi sectlou :fl mid
the east 3i of soul heasl of section Ml, in
township No. 7 north, range No. It east, W.M.,
and will offer proof to snow that the land
sought Is more valuable for I Is timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said laud before W. H. Pres
by, United Htstes Commissioner for district
of Washington, at his office at Goldciiitale,
Wash., on 1'uesduy, the ailli tiay of Septem
ber. 1903.
She names as witnesses: Alice Schuyler of
rornanu, uregon; jHiues jox, Allien Kins
man and Robert Cox, all ot TrouKLake, Wasu.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
i tieir Claims in in is omce on or before said
2Wh day ol September. HUM.
Jy23si4 HENRY V. II INMAN, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
17, IDttt. Notice Is hereby aiven that Hie fol
lowing-named settler has tiled notice ol
his Intention to make final proof
In snnportof his claim, and that said prool
will be made before Geo. T. Pi at her, U. S.
commissioner, at noou uiver, Oregon, on
Saturday, August 2H, l'.Krt, vl.:
William g. Hudson.
of Hood River, or., H. E. No, for the lots
ii, ii, i.i auu it oi section a, townslup I north,
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
J. A. Knox, J. M. lA-nt, Peter Oilell and J.E.
Iodson. all of Hiad River. Orcuon.
Jy23a27 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Land Office at. The Dalles, Oregon, Julv
1", 1WI3. NotU-e Is hereby given Unit the
following-named settler has tiled notu; of
his luteal Ion to make final prsf In
support of his claim, and that, said proof
will be made before Geo, T. Prat her, U. s.
Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on
Saturday, August , ltiUl, vie:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. 30701, fur the
EV4 SWU and lou hand 7. section 1. lownshli,
1 north, langedeast, W, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his rontliiHon residence un ami cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
John llllskirk of Portland. Or.: Kraiik V-il
W. R. Winana and James Garrick, all of
J ia7 M1C11A EL T. X O L AN, Reg I st er.
Ijtnd Office at The Dalles. Oreuon, July 17,
IKOii. Notliw Is hereby given that tbe following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tent Ion to make commutation proof in
support of his claim, and that said pnsif will
be niada bete Jeo. T. Prat her, 0. S. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Satur
day, September a, 1S0.I, vu:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. 11I2", for
the N W section U, township 1 north, range
t east, W . M.
He naaies the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residenea upon and cultiva
ttonol mid land, vix:
Andrew A. Jnyne, Casslns A. Hlckle John
I. Miller and Ulyssea G. Dyer, all of Hood
River, orevon.
Jyia MICHAELT. NOLAN, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Soth-e ts hereby given that the undersigned
ou wn amy sppoiniea Dy tne t ,,untv i:airi
of the slat of Orugou r W asco eomitv, ad of Ihj. mi.u, .f i.tA u..,V.
ceased, and all person Ravine claims against
aald estate are hereby notified to present Uiem
Ui me. dulv venhMA mi n,a .li.u. . k
tome, duly vpnflel. al Ui oilir ,
j nr, m innm niver, remm, within mix
niuitttm ftpr tit data nf flrxt i.iihi.rtMU.k .v
Lilts DtlttcA.
in is ounce.
imtvd at Hbod Hirer, Omrnn, thl I'Hh imj
t JlllM. 1U1 il l, 1' Ib.lTU I
of Juiw, ItUi.
Adoiinutrmirlx. I
Made Low Prices
For SHOES 'ive 118 fcall , We are pperjnp the
Ix'st ' vnliic in footVU''tlifiit; rail be "found nnywlWe. We
lm vo Shoes l !V ,i'l(V, Shoes, for tlie. older ones,
. Shoes for the wife and. Shoes for the husband. In
all. and can fit your feet
Every one work to necure the loeation' of the col
lege at Hood River, and do your trading at It. B.
BIlAdG & COS, where you can get good goods at
the price of cheap stuff. We are receiving, almost
. daily, nfnv goods, and you can do better at
Bragg s.
TheMt. Hood Store
Carries a full stock of goods such as is generally
found in a country store. We caii. fit out campers
with all necessary cooking utensils, groceries and
canned goods. Fishing tackle and ammunition.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
A public telephone iii the store building.
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Tinning:, Plumbing, Steam
And the Hayes Double Cylinder I'umps,
In Carriage and Wagon Repairing, Horseshoeing
and General Blacksinithing is done bv
This firm is competent to do all repairing of ve
hiclesno break so bad that they will not repair it.
Give them a trial and be convinced of their capac
itv to do fine work. Phone 123.
Is now open in tht room formerly hecupied by Miss Koe'n millinery
tdore. Huzclwood lee Cream Iihs a reputation second to none. Former
put ron." will need no introduction to this famous cream. All others
tire invited to fall ami try it.
The Spot Cash Grocery
Having purchased the grocery store of J.L. Hanna,
I will continiu? to conduct it on the same liberal
business basis, and guarantee to the trade cour
teous treatment and good goods at the right prices,
prompt delivery and close attention to all jour
wants. Will continue the agency for The Dalles
Steam Laundry, and solicit a share of your patron
age in that line.
My stock is complete, consisting of Flour and
Feed. Staple Groceries, Green Vegetables, Fruits,
Nuts, candies, etc. Yours for quick sales and small
Profits. R. REED.
rii'ino 3(0 . Kre IMiverv.
Meats and Fruits.
Our unppty of ftvsli meHU U slway
Sirloin Stenkst at 15e per lb., stid other
us for ChlckeiiR for Sunday or week
Creamery Rotter none letter in market.
We will Meet all Honorable Competition.
in Hood River.
the bent the market atTordi. We fll
choice meats at lowest prices. Call on
day dinners. We handle the Millwood
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 1B78.1T
"Notice foh publication.
lTniii-il HUtHi fjinrl Offloe. Vancouver,
Wuuh. Mhv4 tft. Mutlce Ih hereby lit veil
that 111 compliant) wlth tbe provisions of tbe
Het of conirrewi of J iftie H, 1878. entllleU " Au act
for the siile of timber landn In the utatos of
California. Oregon, Nnvada mid WiwIiiiiKtoii
Territory." kh exleiideil to nil Hie public land
nlut8 by Hct of AuifiiNt i,
of Himil Klver, .uiutity of Wasco, stale of Ore
gon, h4 thin dav filed In thin office his sworn
statement No. sal, air me purcnuse oi uie
lots 1 and 2, southeast northwest , and
nortbeiud Va southwest V, of section So. IH, In
township No. 5 north, rantre No. lieast, W.M.,
and will onVr pnaif to how Ihat tbe luntl
sought is mure valuable for Its timber or
stone tliuti foraarli ultural purposew, and to
establish bis vlalin to said bind before the
Register and Receiver of this ollice at V au-
couver. Wash., on Wednesday, the 9th day ol
September, linw.
no iiHliies tu wuurwen. vllcil . A.cni),
Theodore K. Hbepler and Allred J. Hbeplor.ull
ol uooa Kiver, ore., auu n. a. runner oi
Giltner, Wash.
Any and all persons clalmlnir adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claims in this office ou or belore said
lb day of September, 1IKJ3.
mijyt) tKAiVKti. VAt,unan,uiigiuT.
ITimber Land, Act June 8, W7ti.
United States Land Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. Anrll 30. 1WW. Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1K78. entitled
"An act for tne sale oi timuer minis in inc
tatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washinifton Terr txirv." as exlenileo to all
the public land states by act of August 4, Wi,
Of Portland, county of MuUnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this ollice his
worn statement No. HUM, for the purchase of
the west half southeast quurterauit east tmn
southwest Quarter of section No. HO. In town
ship No. a north, range No. 11 east. W. M.,and
wilt otter proof to show that the land Nought
ts more valuable for Its timber or stone t han
for agricultural purposes. Hiid to establish his
claim to flam lanu ueiore nie negisu'r unu iuv
celver of this office at Vancouver, Wiwli., on
Tuesday, the 8th day orHenteinber, tiKii.
He niiines as witnesses: Frank K. Harbow.
John K. Htglit, B. llosmer ana t. i,. now
man. a lot lioiuenauie. wasfiington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said
8tb day of September, ltM.
iti7Jyt KRANK K. VAUGHAN, Register
ITimber Land, Act June 3, 1K7S.J
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., April 20, 1110,'i. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance wllh the provisions of the
act of congress of June it, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public laud
states by act of August 4, MB,
of Portland, county of Mullnoinuh, state of
Oregon, bus this day filed in this office his
sworn statement, No. 3221, lor the purchase of
the lota 8 and 4, and south U northwest yt of
section No. 4, In township No. ti north, range
No. 10 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than lor agricultural pur
poses, and lo establish IiIh claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the
liith day of August, 1MI3.
He names as witnesses: William M. Camp
field, Peter Smith, William Roof and Christ
liuler, allot Trout Lake, Wash.
Any and all persons clui tiling adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
lltth day of August, ltw.
ni7jyB FRANK E. VAUGHAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. " ' "
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. April 20. 1MB. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act ot congress of June d, i88, entiueu "An
act tor the sale of timber lands In the states oi
California. Oreaou. Nevada and WuNhiiiL'ton
territory," as extended to all the public land
slates uy act oi August 4, irwi,
nDii XI r. T IL'. A 1 ,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this nay mcu in ting office tus
sworn statement, No. 3225, for the purchase of
the east half southwest quarter nnd west hall
range No. 12 east, W.M. and will otter proof lo
show that the land sought is more valuable for
lis it in ucr or stone inaniorugricuiturai pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, tttc
win day ot August, ivu.
He names as witnesses: James E. Muroii
Crocket Castle, Susan W. Smiili and Preston
W. Smith, all of Fuldu, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands ere requested to file
tneir eiHims lu tins omce on or before saia
2iith day or August, liwc-t.
ni7Jy FRANK K, VAUGHAN, Register.
1 Timber Land, Act June , 1S7K.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May 2A, l'.HM. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
suites uy acini August 4, ixtu,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, n as this any ntea in this office her
sworn statement, No. mil, for the purchase ol
the east halt northeast quarter of
section No. 21. in township No. o north.
range No. 12 east, W.M., and will otter proof to
snow mai me inna sougui is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, ana to estannsn her eiiiim to said
land before tbe Register and Receiver of
this onice, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Thursday, thelltb day of August, lKiM.
She nuines as witnesses: Lottie Casio and
Henry Hostetter of Portland, Or.; Ermie
Trough and Herman Kuhnhausen of Ulen-
wooa, wasn.
Any and all personsclalming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo file
their claims in this ollice ou or before said
am day or August, iw;i.
ni28JyaO KRANK E. VAUGHAN, Register
Timber Land Act June , 1878.1
United Unites land Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. June 8. lHft'l. Notice Is herehv ulven
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June:!, 178, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the stales of
Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," asexteuded to all the public land
siaies Dy aci ot August 4, iwj,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ol
Oregon, has this day filed In this ollice her
sworn statement. No. 81111, for the purchase
oi me souineasi quarter of section No. lit, in
township No. 6 north, range No. 12 east, w, M:,
snd will otl'cr nroof to show that the lumi
sought is more valuable for lu tlmberor stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to esbib-
llsii uer claim to sain land belore the Reglsn-r
and Receiver of this office at Vancouver,
Washington, ou Monday, the I7th day ol
August, WKI. -Hbe
names as witnesses: Ida liuswell and
George Huswell of Portland, Or.; F. A.
Kalmer of (il liner, Wash.; P. I), ilender-
stiot ot I'oriinna, or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
ttieir claims in mis omce ou or before said
17th day ot August. IIKM.
Jellaia FRANK E. VAUGHAN, Register.
Department of the Interior, U. H. Land Of
fice, The Lalles, Oregon, July 8, PttW. A suffi
cient contest affidavit bavins- been flleci In
this office by Henry . Harvey of Ureslmm,
Oregon, contestant, against Peter F. Orapen-
Seter, defendant, H. E. Entry No. 211. made
lay 18, lw. The Dalles, Oregon, for the N'4
HK. HKii NK4 see. , and SiWti NWiJ
sec. 29, township 1 south, range 111 east, by Pe
ter K. Grapengeu-r, contestee, in which it Is
alleged mat claimant lias never constructed a
bouse upon the tract, has never resided upon
or cultivated tbe same; that theabaiidoniiient
has existed tor the six mont hs Imi n.i un,i
that said alleged absence from lite land was
ma aue in ins employment In the army.navv
or murine corps of the United .stud's as a pit
vate soldier, officer, seuiiinn or marine,
during tbe war with Spain, or lu
ring any other war In which the United States
may be engaged. Suld parties are hereby no.
tilled to apear, resiwuil and otter evidence
touching said allegations ut 10 o clock a.m. on
August Ii nun, before the Register and Re
ceiver of The Dalles I .and office. The Dalles,or.
The said conlewtaiil having, in a profier affi
davit, filed June .(, Mtt, wt b.rth facts winch
show that nfler due olligenco pri-sonsl service
ol this notice can not be made, it j herehv or
dered and aim-led that am-n notice be given
by due aud proper pub! nation.
I.Wh M It'll A K.L T. NOLAN. Register.
TColif u h.mhv al.u, th..t A U LI
nf Httll ii rulinium I ' I, I. , - .....
- ..... n.,..., .,,, II III, lUMtir HIIOI1.
cation to the Register snd Receiver of the
uimninviiwi uiiki umce ai I lie OMlles. Ore
gon, to select, under the act ol eongrem of
June 4, 1NH7 tstau. .Hn. the following itescrib
el tract, which will be. when suneved. the
N4 of SE'i section 4. township J nortli.
rsnge D east. W. M.
1'hls noilii 1 nitl.llal.uH . r
.-... . f " l'K V ... S OI j
giving the statutory period ot thirty itavs ,
from date hereof for filing at the Ciiltd Slates I
lnd Office at The Dalles, Oregon, of any I
protests or contests against the selection of!
said land, or any portion, on thel
sriHind (list s-ild lsnd. or any portion thereof
is more valuable fiar Its nilnerai than foran
rlcullural purrnMex.
lumi dune n. iwsi. i
JMIAELT. KtiLlS, Register.
15 Acres at $4,000."
. r. w . im. " mrtrm in cidvei ; '
Z menm rrady for berrUn, t anning impie-"
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to lo(in.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
The east half of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres west of Lyman
Smith's; free irrigating water; fl,t00.
3. Iit 10, Belmont; in cultivation ;'
fair house; 5 acres; price f 1,500.
5. The N W )i section 25, T 2 X, R 9
E; known as the V K PearHon home
stead ; improvements worth f00; half
the land, or more, tillable; lavnort
ditch runs through it. 1 n the Crapper
neighborhood; price tfl,500.
Corner lot in front of school house
rioo. s
The Geo. Melton lot and cnttmm in
Barrett-fSipma addition, 375.
7. Hurrett-Sipina addition; $125 per
lot: $10 down and 5 per month.
2. Rliifibln residence Iota in Riinmrlt-r'a
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125 pterins easy, installment plan.
6. The Koplin nlace at Frankton. 17
acres Hvell improved; free irritiatitiiz
ater. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the fnlla
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George K.
forsyui; price $1000.
21. N. i 8. E. , P. Si N. E. U 'c
. T. S X.. R. 11 E.. U'bil Kalmoii- .,
timber land ; $10 per acre.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of Tlu
Dalles. Known as tho Woodman
place. Price sjyuo.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
tow n. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Kiver Townsile company, of which com
pany John Lelaml Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood Kiver liank treasurer.
Five acres at Krankton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
The 3 acres east of Garner's, near Mrs.
Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the city
limits. All in berries ami "apples; good
cottage. A lovelv home. Price for 15
days $1,700; alter that $1,900 subject
to lease till November 1, 19011.
Persons who have untile desert land
entries and have; abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timberentries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, mav have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
by conferring with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
iL. Ilunderson, who is agent for the
Heaver line of steamships.
. First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-clans
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the. work of hiving out acre
age protierty in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of survevinu and nlattinir.
From and after this date,' April 1), lDOo1,
the rates will he as follows: f 10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
The Howell cottngo and :
uptvh, east of Mrs. Aluui
Howe's, for o days at 1,700,
after 2 weeks 1,000.
100-acre farm, miles
southeast of town on The
Dalles road; fences und build
ings; several acres cleared
The Fulton 11-rooni house
anil lot by the armory, for
' -JT,ln,'J,:'r,l,'a"'1' A-t June's, lKVM
United Klntes Uml Office, Vancouver
-b,i ;,r caiiiiia, ,, :r jXniH
'".''Tfi'"," '1;,"ll'"-y." a extended to "
the public land stales by act of August 1,
of 1 ortland, comity f .Multnomah. si,.t.. ,.r
uregon. lias 1 til, ,y flwJ thlH ,',, , ,
proof u, snow- ,i ,;' v
inore valuable fH- its timber or stone thail
.MrtoU aid"', i'I'T' a'"1 ' WW hi"
i laliii lo sin. I HI1,i belore the K. niMer ami
lt-.;lver ul this office at Vu, , Wa"
un , Inesday, ie Istt, ,ly 0f Angus," :w
He name. wit, ,; IH-nni, r;,"v and
iH.",'.K.,Miv '""t'r".n .'" .'"'"".I. Or., ami Z
salmon, ZU ' ' 1 "'" rou of W
Any and ail person clslmit,K s,lver-lv t,
st-da.ntw, ,(lK ar tufJt t
n-v11 Jl!-Sii V.VAt'OUAN Reeister
Final Settlement-"
Not? its hi-n-Kv irtt- ti i ..
e.l, Kx.ntrlx of , n " 1 "I?","
lcken. iI,..Mk,.,i i:,,,, ..t vi'...
iron, has hi r final a,-,,,,,,,, ,, r,.,
onrtof Wavocounty, t.,ic of Oregon anil
bat tie judge f said tvnr, ha, fixed
the lib d ol Ang.,.i, , luo ci.K A jiV
of said day. as the ti,P, ,, l(,
rjann. in the cty of 1 he Halle. Wa.""?,, u. tut j.ia, for hearing wij
fliisl a;onut and reM.rt
be.el.y i.oiiilmt ,,,., at Kind time and
place and aim ran-. irs. there i , !
a d tliu.1 ammul ,a ,rl ,.,, ,,,
a, I i nag. I sllow,, ra,, i, d. .ppr. v,M a, J
cntlr..,.,!. H...I said Kxwntrlx di!rbH
Haled this 1st day of .lulv, A. Ii. I'.it
.. A LICK J. I'll K e s
John Inland Henderson, Altorney for the