The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 16, 1903, Image 2

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    -Hood Iftver Slacier'
THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1903.
The scarcity of water ia Hood River
for irrigation and domestic purposes
tli In season Ih convincing proof that
something must be done to give us a
more liberal supply. The vater com
pany has established rules for the use
of wider for irrigation, giving the west
ern portion of the city the water in the
morning and the eastern part the use
of it in the afternoon. But it seems
the company is powerless to strictly en
force the rule, aud per consequence
every part of the city is short of. water
nine time during the day. The Ula
tier knows of no move at present being
uuirle to bring water to the city for fire
nrolcctlon aud irrigation. If no one is
moving to give us water, it is the plaiu
duty of the citizens to help themselves
towards getting water by the only
means left to them, that of bonding
the city. Under our city charter the
city can be bonded only to the extent
of 5 tier cent of Its valuation. Uuder
our present valuation this would give
us the right to bond to the extent ol
$11,500. If the cost of a suffleient sup.
ply of water for the city exceeds $11,500,
the balante could be made up by tax
ntlon or popular subscription. Sub
scriptions could be paid back by the
city after the, plant bad been put iu
operation by giving a rebate to sub
scribers in water rents. Or the sub
scriptions could be considered as a loan
and paid back in cash. Every one
concedes that the city must have
water, and it should not be a hard mat
ter to interest enough of our citizens
and raise by subscription sufficient to
make up what would be lacking if it
was decided to iwue bonds. If any
one has a better plan to get water than
by bonding the city, the Glacier would
like to hear from him. Or If any one
lias objections to offer against bonding
the city, the columns of the Glacier are
open. Let's have the water, whether
it conies by means of the present water
company or any other corporation, or
by bonding the city.
The first number of Vol. IV of the
Oregon Historical Society Quarterly is
lust from the press. Professor t. G
Young of the University of Oregon fur
nishes the leading article on "The
Lewis aud Clark Centennial the Oc
casion and Its Observance." Alfred A
Cleveland, class of '98, University of
Oregon, publishes the thesis upon
which he recently obtained his M. A
degree "The Educational History of
Astoria." George 0. Goodall, another
University of Oregon graduate, class of
'02, tells of "Early Days on the Upper
Calapooia." The whole number is filled
witli splendid, well written articles,
A enecial school meeting has been
called for Monday, July 20,at2o'clocK
for the purpose of deciding whether or
not the 10th grade shall be taught in the
Hood River school. The board of di
rectors requests all patrousof the school
interested in the matter to be present
If there are any students prepared for
10th grade work who will attend school
here if the course is taught the board
wishes to know it. If there is assur
ance that the 10th grade is wanted, It
will be taught, otherwise not.
There have probably been other freak
years iu the matter of weather. The
Woodburn Independent relates the fol
lowing bit of history: "Twenty-five
years ago, In 1878. it snowed here on
the 4th of July, the ground being cov
ered with the 'beautiful.' Next morn
ing there was ice. Gervais celebrated
the Fourth that year aud all bad
miserable time. The goddess of lib
erty, Miss Vinle Taylor, contracted
cold which terminated fatally."
Down at Oregon City a test of law is
to be made on the question of whether
a resident within a sewer district can
be compelled to connect with a sewer
Mrs. Kate L. Newton refuses to make
the connection, has been arrested and
will test the law. Other towns will
watch results with interest.
Oregon's experience with forest fires
last seasou should be warning enough
to tbe public about being careful with
out the necessity of a governor's proc
lamation, says the Eugene Register.
We want no such repetition of loss of
life and property as we had last year,
The people of Eagle Cliff, Wahkiakum
county, will find there is lots to learn
about strawberries before they will be
dangerous competitors with Hood River,
It is not likely strawberries raised
that locality would stand shipment to
distance. -
Don't write to the Glacier under
nom de plume. The Glacier will glad
ly publish communications upon any
subject of interest to the public, but
the writer must sign his name.
Drinking places for men have agai
been opened in Hood River, but noth
i ng lia been provided for thirsty horses,
It looks as if Hood River were going
to let slip the chance to secure a flour
ing mill. The committee appointed
by the Commercial club to solicit (2,
000, which turn was to be ud to de
fray the expense of raoviug Mr. Alpin's
mill from Cornelius to Hood River,
met with no encouragement. Frank
A. Cram was the only man to put his
name ou the subscription list. Mr.
Cram subscribed $100. Frmuk Daven
port agreed to give as much as auy
body, aud one or two others signified
their willingness to help get the mill
here. Some would subscribe provided
somebody ele did, while others were
willing to help buy a site, and nothing
Tbe propoftilion made by Mr. Alpiu
seems to tbe G lacier to be very fair
one. For 2,0n0 he agrees to locate A
35,0O flour mill In Hood River. No
other donation is asked, and this (2,000
Is only to help pay the expense of re
moving from Cornelius here. Business
men seem too busy to give this matter
much attention, but we believe an ex
cellent opportunity is being overlooked.
The mill would employ from 4 to 10
men, and would be the means of at
tracting other manufacturing Indus-
ries. In advertising our resources, we
would, be glad to count a 100-barrel
flouring mill among them. At pres
ent, to a great extent, the town is liv
ing on the country. Wouldn't it tie
better to have other- resources? Pro
posed enterprises of this nature have
been defeated too often. Will it ever
be different?
Hood River is sure to have a sewer
svstem this winter. The matter now is
in the hands of the committee of the
city council George Prather, H. F.
Davidson and P. S. Davidson who are
determined to push the work to a suc
cessful completion.
Negroes Won't Vote In South Africa
Chicago Tribune.
There was originally a strong sent!
men t in South Africa against Chinese
abor. but it bus given way because
Chinese are the only ones who can
work the mines. White labor cannot
stand the heat. Tbe negroes who used
to be forced to work uuder the Boer
government are so delighted with tbe
release trom the Kraals mat most, or
tbeui refuse to work at all, and those
who tlo work are Intermittent about It
and cannot be depended upon. That
South Africa is rapidly getting a uegro
question of its own is quite apparent.
One thing seems to be settled, that tbe
South African negro will not get the
ballot, "because." tbe London Spec
tator aays, "that has proved a failure
in America."
Child's So-Bos-So, Kil Fl at Abbott
A Co. "
Trib cures the liquor habit.
Abbott & Co. sell Mason jars 2 quart
95c, 1 quart 7oc.
Mrs. J. C. Snyder is visiting her old
home in Montana.
Baling wire and all kinds of farm im
plements sold by Abbott & Co.
Rev. G. R. Archer and family of
W asco are camped on the hill.
Take your watch to CLARKE the
eweler, opposite the post office.
Mrs. L. J. Havnes is visitins relatives
in Wallowa and Union counties.
Principal H. L. Bates will preach at
Pine Grove next Sunday at 3:30 p. m
Early Crawford peaches are ripe at
The Dalles and are selling for f 1 a box
F. M. Orr has sold his farm of 25 acres
at Odell to W. J. Guy. Consideration
For Sale. Horses, wagon, harness of
all kinds. Will trade for hay or wood
A bbott & Co.
Barnes, the real estate man, has for
sale one of the beet stock randies in
Sherman county.
R. A. -Phelps got returns on 93 crates
and ten boxes ot strawberries which
netted him $183.70.
The steamer Stranger was injured at
the Stevenson dock, last week, and is in
Portland for rtpairs.
Mrs. J. A. Earls, after a two week's
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler
left Thursday for her home in Salt Lake
There will be a baptismal service for
children, and reception of new members,
at the t . a. church next Sunday morn-
inn. It is alio expected that the pres
ident or one of the professors of Phil
omath college will be here Sunday morn
ing or evening, or both.
Clinton Wood of Mosier was fined $20
in Justice Nickelsen's court last Satur
day for assault and battery upon the
person of G. A. Cramer. According to
the evidence introduced, Cramer had
asked Wood to pay a board bill. Wood
became abusive, kicked Cramer and
jumped upon him when down. The
incident happened two weeks ago.
J. P. Carroll, an extensive fruit grow
er at Mosier, was in Hood River, Wed
nesday. Mr. Carroll says the apple
crop in his country will be good this
year, but the prune crop will be short
Mosier is to have a box factory. A Mr.
Moore from near Tygh Valley has
bought land of Mr. Lamb near the rail
road bridge, and will operate his factory
by water power. The Mosier cherry
growers did well this year, says Mr.
Carroll, and received good prices for
their fruit.
Epworth League.
Topic for Sunday evening July 19,
"Strong Men and Strong Women ti e
Nation Hope;" Exod. 18:12; Peut.10:
18 ; Eph. 6: 10-19. Ed Mayes, leader.
The welfare and perpetuity of this nation
denenus largely, If not wholly, upon the char-
actorof its citizenship. There Is but little to
tear from outside encroachment no long as
righteousness prevails within her borders.
Respect for Una's laws as well as for the laws
of men means much as a safeguard for na ss
people, aud the demand for men, and women
too, who will stand for principle and right
was never greater than at tbe present time.
Don't forget that you are Individually a part
of the strength or weakness of onr nation, ac
cording to the value you place upon those
question which make for strength or weak
Wanted at Once.
A young man as offlce clerk in law, survey
ing, real estate, abstracts and Insurance office,
who desires to learn the business. Wages ac
cording to ability. Inquire of John Leland
Henderson, Hood River, Oregon.
Timber for Sale.
I will sell the timber on 2fK acres. A good
place tor small saw mm or wooa camp, call
00 K. C. Mahaney or aS ti L. KOGERH.
A live man to Interest In manufacture
and aaleofa simple. Inexpensive and effect
ive tire and burglar alarm (or dwellings and
other buildings. Hmal I capital required. Ad
vertiser owns rigut lor vvwo county. Ad-
i P. O. Kick box 8H8, Hood River, Or.
45 Acres for Sale.
30 scree cultivated; about Sin growing trees,
all bearing, all keepers; 14 acres clover. Mlt
uated 7 utiles out; well shelutrert from the
wind, frlce 1 per sere. Terms easy,
Cloak Lost.
A girl's cloak, or Jacket. I .oat on the road
on the feast Hide. Kinder will please leeve at
in. uiscic- omcc or return to J. tt. chupdi,
Organ for Sale Cheap.
Call on Jeffl II. C. HENGsT.
Cow for Sale.
An Al Jersey Cow, Sir sale by
Strawberry Plants.
I have good strawberry plants for Julv and
August setting. O. D. WOODWORTH.
Hay Press for SaleT
A Young America Hay Wess; price gt.
Also, a Blowing maenme, price sx
To the tjtdles of Hood River and vtrtattjr:
I am starting elasm la Embroidery and
Painting In all their brmachm, a oil, past tie
and crayon, and will be pleased to k-av yoa
call and see bit embroidery pieces and paint
ings, at my home Inst west of th srerarf
house. Will alsomake paintings, oreflsbfotd
ery piece to order at reasonable price. He.
dm for terms fnr lessons. Very respectfully,
ma Hood River, Or.
Here are a few
28 Granite Wash Basins, first quality,,
Men's Flnstic Susnerfders o-ood erade
? m tw w .a w w - r
ends leather;
A few odd sizes of Men's Overalls ............. 30c
Men's Linen Collars, all sizes, each 05c
Ladies' Wrappers,
trimmed with
Good Whisk Brooms
A first class 6-cord thread, warnt'd 200
A nice lineof Striped Wash Silks, per
Straw Hats .............
6-Quart Tin Milk
Notice la hereby given that A. B. Hammond
of Man Francisco, California, has made appli
cation to tbe Register and Receiver of the
United taies ianu umce at l ue uanw, ure-
5 on, to select, under the act ot congress of
une 4. lnnn (HO Htst.. Mi), the following describ
ed tract, which will be, when surveyed, the
yvH or uis'i section 4. lownsnip z norm,
range 9 east, w. M.
This notice Is published for the purpose of
giving tne statutory pertoa oi iniriy aays
from date hereof tor tiling at the United Stales
Lund Ottice at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, or auy
protests or contests against the selection of
said land, or any- portion thereof, on the
ground that anld land, or any portion thereof,
Is more valuable for its mineral than lor ag
ricultural purposes.
Dated June 24. IH03.
Jytfaw MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Notice of Final Account.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe final av
count of Henry Prlgge as executorof the will
of Van Johnson, deceased, has been tiled In
the County Court of tbe state of Oregon lor
Wasco county, and that Krldsy, the 7th day
of August, 1MB, at the hour oflO o'clock, or as
won thereafter ou said day as the same can
be heard, has been fixed by the said court to
bear objections to said account and settle the
same. All persons Interested In said estate
are hereby notified to present their objections
to the within the time above named.
Dated i t Hood River, Oregon, this July 7
1IJ03. HENRY rltlUUK, Executor.
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of
flce, The Dalles, Oregon. July 8, 1H03. A suffl
eient contest affidavit having been filed In
this offlce by Henry 8. Harvey of Ureshum,
Oregon, contestant, against Peter F. Orapen
geter, defendant, H. K. Kntry No. 241. made
May 18, mo. The Dalles, Oregon, for the N
BKU, BKH NEW sec. 80, and SWK NW!,
sec. '29, township I south, range 10 east, by Pe
ter F. Orapengeter, conteatee, In which It Is
alleged that claimant has never constructed a
bouse upon the tract, has never resided upon
or cultivated the same; that the abandonment
has existed for the six months last past, and
that said alleged absence from the land was
not due to his employment in the army, navy
or marine corps of the United mates as a pri
vate soldier, officer, seaman or murine,
during the war with Bpsln, or du
ring any other war In which the United States
may be engaged. Maid parties are hereby no
tilled to appear, respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.m. on
August 15. 11)0.1, before the Register and Re
ceiver of The Dalles Laud offlce. The Dulles.or.
The said contestant having. In a proper affi
davit, filed June 80, 11108, set torth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of thlB notice can not be made, It U hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publication.
)y(ta MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tbe nnderslgned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
ipointea ny uie county '
iregon for Wasco count-
ot the state of
Oregon ror vt asco county, au-
mlnistrator of the estate of George Booth, de-
ceased, and all persons having claims against
saia estate are nereoy noiineu w present mem
to me, duly verllted, at the otlioe of A. A.
Javne. In Hood Ulver. Oregon, within six
mouths alter uie uale qi nrst puoucaiion oi
tbls notice.
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, mis ma any
of June, wus. Aiacr. Bixir,
JegjlylM Administratrix.
Department of the Interior, United Rlntes
Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or., June 10, lisM.
Notice is hereby given that the plat of survey
of townships south, range 11 east, W. M., will
be tiled in this office Monday, July 27, 11KKI,
and that on and alter said day we will bepre-
ared to receive applications for entry of
ands In said township from any persons who
made settlement prior to the withdrawal of
said township lor the Cascade Forest Heserve.
ANNE M. LANO, Receiver.
For Exchange.
A stock of Bboes for Hood Ulver properly,
either valley or city real esuile. lnqul-e of
Jy2 K. P. FltlDAY.
Furnished Room to Let
Apply to
Phone 7
Two Fresh Cows
For sale at Riverside Farm. S miles west of
town. M6each. J. W. MORTON.
15 Acres at $4,000.
Five acres in strawberries; 8 acres In clover;
2 acres ready lor berries. Farming Imple
ments and tools included.
Having been compelled to move on account
of sale of the property, we are now located in
the Hone house, nrnl door west of the Glen
wood, where we will be pleased to see all old
as well as new customers. JANK C I A'l KH.
ftooms to Kent.
Two front rooms in new bouse In Mowers
addition. Apply to JOHN ZOLLS.
For Sale or Rent.
A 5-room house on the hill. Apply to
Cow lor Sale.
Freeh cow, giving lilto 14 quarts of milk per
day; calf t months old: price or cow and calf.
tM. For sale by A. C. CROCKETT,
Jyltl Hsaelwood Farm, fcaxtfclde.
On. small sorrel Indian horse, brand L 8 on
right aoouiaer. inner please notify
50 Acres.
-1 mile, from town; 15 acres very best land
for peaches, cherries, etc; all can be irrigated
by water on tbe place. For 80 days l,axi.
aud T. R. COON.
Bids Wanted.
The andersirned will recelv. sealed hlris
for painting the old school bouse, one coat of
paiui. Bins to be opened at 12 o clock noon,
July JX, Right Is reserved to reject any or all
bids. FRKD It. BARN KM,
. Clerk District No. S.
Cow for Sale.
A good milk cow. aivmc
rood flow of
milk. Inquire of J. N.
Horse for Sale.
A good work horse:
velght about 1000; 7
years old. For aale by
11 Acres for Sale.
Near Barrett school hotiae. Hmsll orchard;
5 acre In Mrawtwrrim, etover and allalla; 4
room bouse; mile from store.
For Exchange.
A fine piano for building lot In or near
Hood River city. Address O lacier omce.
Bicycles Iiepairedr-
I hare opened a repair shop for Bicycles nn
Work promptly done.
Fruit Dryer for Sale.
A medium sited truit dryer, la good condi
tion, tor sale by
)f' J. I CARTER.
"Investigate This.
Twenty aerea IS aa Ilea from town. Rearing
orchard and berries. All under Irrigation.
I- iMspTttur: early locallou; desirable home.
Cheap r cash. Kee owner. T. R. pwjx.
From cow. that can a tall unfold.
H FaradM. Farm.
prices that will save you money:
worth 25 cents; uur rnce . . iuc
well made, large flounce, well
braid; worth 75 cents; Our Price
Pans, Three for ........
We will Continue the Sale
on Straw and Crash Hats at
HALF PRICE; also have a
COATS and PANTS with
Belts, size 36, 37, 38 and 39V
worth $10.50 and $11,50 will
offer this week at
And lots of other Bargains
numerous to mention. Give
us a call and we will con-
, vince you that you can do
, better at
Tinning, Plumbing, Steam
And thu Hayes Double Cylinder Pumps, ;
In Carriage and "Wagon Repairing, Horseshoeing
and General Blacksmithing is done bv
This firm is competent to do all repairingof ve
hiclesno break so bad that they .will not repair it.
Give them a trial and he convinced of their capac
ity to do fine work. Phone 125.
!gf I
Is now open in the room formerly occupied by Miss Koe'n millinery
xtore. Hnzelwood lee Cream Iiub reputation second to none. Former
pal roiiH will need no introduction to this famous cream. All ot hen
are invited to call and try it.
The Spot Cash Grocery
Having purchased the grocery stored J . h. iianna,
I will continue to conduct it on the same liberal
business basis, and guarantee to the tradecour
teous treatment and good goods at the right prices,
prompt delivery and close attention to all your
wants. Will continue the agency for The Dalles
Steam Laundry, and solicit a share of yourpatron
ige in that line. : '
My stock is complete, consisting of Flour and
Feed, Staple Groceries, Green Vegetables, Fruits,
Nuts, candies, etc. Yours for quick sales and small
irnts. R. REED.
Phone Sill. Kre Delivery.
Meats and Fruits.
Our supply of frexh meats is alwaya
Sirloin Steaks at lc per lb., and other
us for Chickens for Sunday or week
C reamery Butter none lietterin market.
We will Meet all Honorable Competition.
Orchardists, Take Note.
Mavlntr hsd H years experience In Oie or
chards of California, Omron and Idaho, thor.
otifhly ttnderstsaitin. irrigation, -ulilvtHn.
praying, pruning, huddinf and graftini, also
theeyaporHtlng of fruits, I desire osll.on as
foreman. Verv ht of references. Address
P. O. bo 1, Hood River, Or. Je
each 18c
elastic, both
. .
yd; a spool
yd, 35c and
the best the market affordi. We aell
choice meat at lowest priors. Call on
day dinners. We handle the Hlllwood
L. C. Hayne Janxa If. Dcbor-
Tbe place to get aa easy shave, aa
up-to-date bair cut, aod to enjoy tbe
luxury ot a porcelain bath tub.
(Timber Land, Act June 8. 18T8.1
United State. Land Office, Vancouver,
UT..k U..r J lUTM Nnt M In htTCKV if I V (' II
that In compliance with the provision, ofthe
set of congress of June 8, W78, entitled "An act
fttrthe ante of timber lands In the statmof
California. Oregon, Nevada and Wellington
Territory." an extended to all the publio iaud
state by act of August f, vm,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, stale of Ore
gon, ,m thl day Hied In tlila office his sworn
statement No. Sl, for the purchase of the
lota 1 and !, eoutbeast noruiwesv vt, aim
northeast V, southwest H of section No. 18. In
towushlp No. 6 north, range No. hleast.W.M.,
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought la more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of tins omce hi Van
couver, Wash., on Wednesday, the th day ol
September, 1903. ,x
- Ha names aa witnesses: Oliver C. Dean,
rkdnn, v Hiianlor and Alfred J. Bhenler.aH
of Hood River. Ore., aud H. A. Falmer of
Ullmer, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
tbelr claims In this otnee on or oeiore saia
th day of September, 1M03.
m7jyv r tlAnn r. v Auuna, twg""
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.)
iTnlted Rtatai Land Office. Vancouver,
nr.. ... Ann art lull Siol.Uw is herehv
given (hat In compliance with the provisions
Ot Wl. aciOI wngress 01 juuo o, ioio, wiww"
"An act for the aale of timber lands In the
state, of California, Oregon, nevaaa ana
Wssli nirtnn Territory." as extenueu u an
lb. public land states by act of August 4, IStt,
OfPortland.county of Mulmomah, state of
Oregon, aaa una aay rnea iu hub uihot uib
worn siaieinenL wo. nni. lor iiie yureiiiiKi ui
the west half southeast quarter and east half
southwest quarter or section o. w. in town
ship No. 6 north, range Mo. 11 east. W. M.,and
will otter proof to show that the isna sougni
I. more valuable for Ita timber or stone than
fnriurriniiltiiral mirooses. and to establish Ills
claim to aald land before the Keglster and Re
ceiver of this otlioe at Vancouver, Wash., on
Tuesday, the 8th day of September, 181.
He names aa witnesses: Frank E. llarbow,
John K. Hlght, B. Hosmer and u. L. Bow-
man ml of ttoldenda e. Washington.
Anv and all Dersons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
heir claims in this office on or oeiore snia
sth day ofHeptemner, iuuh.
Timber lin, Act June 8, 1878.
United State Iand Offlce, Vancouver,
Wash., May , 1KB. Notice ia hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
itt nrnnnirreits of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act
ftjr the sale of limber lands In the states of
California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
state by act oi August, ,
nauuiE, A, iLnr,i n,
of FuldaP. O., oounty of Klickitat, state of
Washington, lias this clay niea in inisomce
her sworn statement. No. 8253. for the uur-
cluuie nf the lot 1: south M of the northeast V.
and tbe northwest or the southeast oi sec
tion No. 1, in township No. a north,
range No. 11 east, W.M., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more vnlua-
b . for ita timber or atone than for agricu
tural DurtxHW. and to establish ber claim to
said land before W. It. Presby. United States
Commissioner for district of Washington, at
bis omce at Goldftidale, waau., on Tuesday.
ll, '!ll 1uv of .l-ilv. 1WM.
one namesaawiinesses: Lianiei w. nerve oi
Ooldendale, Wash.: Halsey D. cole, jonn
11. Wvers and Ham uel M . Cole of Fulda.Wash
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovelescribed lands are requested to file
theirclalms In this offlce on or before said list
day of July, Vm.
mHyl6 FRANK E. VAUGHAN, Register.
Primber Land. Act June 3. 1878. 1
United Rtate I .and Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. Anrll 20. 1MB. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act oi congress oi June s, iss, euiuieu -sinaci
for the sale of timber lands In the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
stales ny act oi August, , una.
UUS1AVC A. Artorr.ifc
of Portland, county of Multnomah
Oregon, ha this day filed In thlsi
state of
ay filed In this offlce hi
sworn statement, No. 3241, for the purchase ot
section No. 4, in township No, H north, range
No. 10 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show
that tbe land sought is more valuable for its
limner or sumo than tor agricultural pur
Doses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the
lth day of August, 11103.
He name, as witnesses: William M. Cainp-
fleid.l'eter Hmitii, William rtoor ana ciirisi
Ouler. all ol Trout Lake. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely t he
aoove-nescriDea tanas are requestea to nie
their claims In this omce on or before said
IHlh day of August, 1HU3.
ni7Jy FRASK E. VAUGHAN, Register,
timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.) "
United States Land Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. Anrll 20. 1903. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory." as extended to all the public land
late by act ot August , iwi
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office hi
sworn staiemeut, No. 3225, for the purchase ol
the east half southwest quarter and west hull
southeast V section 14, township No, 6 north.
range No. 12 east. W.M. and will offer proof to
show that the tana sought is more vaiuaoieior
Ita timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
Doses. and to establish bis claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, tne
mill aay oi August, ivut.
He names as witnesses: James E. Mason
Crocket Castle, Husan W. (Smith and Preston
W. Hmith. all of Fulda, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described binds are requested to rile
theirclalms In thl-" office on or before said
2m b day of Angost, WW.
ni7Jy9 FRANK K. VAUGHAN, Register,
ITimber Land, Act Jnne 8, 1878.1
United Mates Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May 2T, 1903. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of eongress of June 8, 1K7H, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. 1X02,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office her
sworn statement. No. 3141, lor the purchase of
the east ball northeast quarter of
section No. 21, In township Ita 6 north,
range No. 12 east, W.M., and will offer proof to
show that tbe land sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purpose, and to establish her clulm to said
land before the Register and Receiver ot
thl office, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Thursday, theoth day of August, 1M13.
Hhe names aa witnesses; Inutile Casio and
Henry Hosteller or l'ortland, Or.; F.rmle
Trough and Herman Kabnhausen of Glen
wood, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this offlce on or before said
Uth day of August, lOOi.
Di2H)y30 FRANK K. VAUQHAK, Register
Timber iJind. Act Jnne 3, 1878.1
United rjtatea Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., June 8, 1903. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
art of congress of June 3, 1H7H, entitled "An act
forth sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory,'' as extended to all the public iund
states by act of August i, 1KU,
of Portland, oount.v of Multnomah, state ol
Oregon, baa tbls day filed in this office ber
worn statement. No. Sllil, tor the purchase
of Ot southeast quarter of section No. In, lu
township No. north, range No. 12 east, w.u.,
aad will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for IU timber or atone
than hjt agricultural purpose, and to eetala
llah ber claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of tbls office at Vancouver,
Washington, on Mondsy, the l. th day ol
August, 1MM.
Hhe name a witnesses: Ida Ruswell and
George Buswell of Portland. Or.; F. A.
Fainter of Ullmer, Wash,; P. 1). Heudet
suot of Portland, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In tbls office on or before said
17lb day ot August, 1003.
Jellaia FRANK E. VAUGHAN, Register.
Final Settlement-
Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersign
ed, Executrix of the eelale of William H.
ttlcken, deceased, late of Wssco county, Ore
gon, has hied ber final aoconnt aud report as
such fcxeeutrix with the clerk of the Couuty
Court of Waaco county, state of Oregon, and
that the Judge of said court has Hied Tuesday,
the 4th day ol August, lH, at 10 o'clock A M.
of aaid day, as the lime, and the oounty court
room. In the city of The I wiles, Wasco countv,
stale of Oregon, a toe place forbearing said
Snal account and report.
All persona Interested In aald estate are
hereby Doll tied to appear at said time aud
placa, and show cause, if any there be, why
aid anal account and report should not In
all thing be allowed, ml itlt-d, approved and
confirmed, and aaid Kxei utrls discharged,
Oated tbls 1st day of Julv, A. I). hr(.
Executrix of the Estate snd Will of William
H turkea, deceased.
Joton Inland Henderson, Attorney for the
fca, f jvj 30
Real Estate
For Sale
Mono)' to loan.
1. Lots in VVaueoma Park addition
The east lialf of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres went xf Lvnian
Smith's ; free irritating water; 1 1,(00.
3. lxt 10, Belmont; in cultivation;
fair house; 5 acres; urice 11,500.
5. The NW V. section 25. T 2 N. It 9
E; known as the W E Pearson home
stead; improvements worth l00: half
the land, or more, tillable; DavoiiDort
ditch runs through it. In the Crapper
neighborhood; price $1,500.
Corner lot in front of school house
The Geo. Melton lot and cottaue in
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition : 1125 uer
lot; $10 down and $5 per month.
2. Eligible residence lots in Smimrler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George K.
rursym; price tuuu,
21. N. S. E. H, S. N. E. M sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; line
timber land ; $10 per acre.
The Howell cottage near town and t
acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, for 5
days, at $1,000. After 5 days, $1,SK)0.
100 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of Tbe
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price 1000. ,
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber.
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Five acres at Frankton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a mouth.
Tbe 3 acres cast of Garner's, near Mrs.
Howe's; one-eighth mile lieyond the city
limits. All in berries and apples; good
cottage. A lovely homo. Price for 15
days $1,700; after that $1,900 subject
to lease till November 1, 1003.
Persons who have made desert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timber entries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
by conferring with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 Urst-clas
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practicul surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1003,
the rates will be us follows: $10 a (lav ;
Lot corners established for $f) a lot;
two contiguous for one owner,' the
same price.
Special Offers
Howell eottiig-e and 'I
east of Mrs. Alma
Howe's, for 5 days at 1,700,
after 2 weeks 1,1)00.
IGO-acre farm, 5 miles
southeast of town on The
Dalles road; fences and build
ing's; several acres cleared
The Fulton 11-rooin house
and lot bv the arinorv, for
ITimber Land, Act June 3, 1H7S.1
United Slates Ijind Office, Vancouver
Wash., Apt II -M, Unci. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions
of Iheactof congress nf Junes, ls;s, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada ami
Washington Territory," as extended lo nil
the public bind suites by act of August i. Islt'
of Portland, county of .Multnomah, stuie t
Oregon, has this day tiled in this offl,.,. his
swoin statement, No. ;au, for the purchsse of
the southeast northwest snd northeast .4
southwest yt seel Ion 4, In township No.,1 north,
range No. 10 east, y. M.t ,! wm m.r
proof U) show that (lie hind sought Is
more valuable for its timber 'or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of thl office at Vancouver. Wash
on Tuesday, the 1st h day of August, vm.
He names ss witnesses: licnnis Csrnev nnd
James h. Cameron ol Portland. Or., and Jo.
seph Hulllvan and H. 1). Cameron of While
halmon, W ash.
Any and all persons elHlmlnu adversely the
above-desrribeii lands a-e requested lo (tie
theirclalms In this office on or before said
IHlh day of August, pud.
m7Jy8 FRANK K. VAroHAN, Register
Land Omce at The Dalles, Oregon. June A,
1KB. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have hied notice of luun
tion to make final prtsif on their respective
claims before Oeorge T. l'ralh.r, I . rt. Corn
mlasloner, at HimmI River, Oregon, on Satur
day, July 18. l'Kct. vis:
Guardian of thecsutleof John Francis Wvnn.
minor, who is the sole heirof James F.W i nn,
deceased, on homestead application Nu.nirj
for the K SK W, MWU sli y. and WK 'i KW
HseeS, TI N, K II K. W M.
of Hood River, i m-iron, on homestead appll
cation No. W 0, "for the N ' NK U and K
N W sec 17, T 1 N, It II K, tv M. '
Witnesses: Charles isiark and Samuel Stark
of Mosier. Oregon, and K. C. Rogers and
John Kiigersof itissi River, Oregon.
Jetljylti M1CHAKLT. NOLAN, Register.