The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 02, 1903, Image 2

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od Fver Slacier. Epworth League.
Hood River lias the chance to secure
a.lOO-barrel flouring mill. Like chances
have been offered onee or twice before,
but the opportunity was allowed to
slip by. Mr. Alpin will present his
proposition to the Commercial club at
a meeting this afternoon. Let every
business man and public spirited cit
izen attend. The mill woi't come un
less encoaragtd, and that too by
Topic for the regular meeting Sunday
evening, July 5: "The Safeguard of a
nation. Jeseon readme, I'rov. 14: 34.
Sub-topics: "Things that make for Safe
ty;" "Home National Needs;" "Some
National Dangers;" "Thing that have
made for Righteousness ;" 'Things that
Shame us as a Nation." Leader Mi
Editu Uill.
A patriotic lesson and well worthy of
earnest, consideration, come out and
take part in this meeting.
junneon on me ,asi tsiue. "mere 18
only one complaint to make about Hood
River," remarked Mr. Ellis, "and that
is the houcea in the country are so
close Idgether there ought to be a rural
Vtsuilr ttnA 1 . 7 ,1 .. . I i. . I .
...... . . f nwft nuu inuucr cuiiiiiimiiv ifir iHarTni,
nwiiipv. I.nntl thtntrs am not ont inr , 1 . . ... 1 ' ' I
j .... - o-. t nouses snouia ail Durn up, someday."
nothing. II the cost in getting amau-l J. A. Keid of Portland is in Hood
nf.. iiirimf pnipn,ri hr can be, mi River selling asbestos shoes. Mr. Reid
, . ... was once a printer and is anxious that
uy an means let us nave tnb mm. nig fellow men shall be prepared to
tread the pavements of the hereafter.
Hood River will have the honor of nuu" "nM888 a-
0 116
P. "t'gmmM ff
ans Faip
entertuining the encampments of the
Grand Army, the Women's Relief
Corps and the Ladies of the G. A. R.
next year. The time will beset for the
eucampmeut ill June, late enough for
the rush of the strawberry harvest to
be over. If you hear any one say that
Hood River can't take care of the
crowd that will come, tell hiui to "go
way back and sit down."
Wisconsin veterans had a reunion at
the encampment In Portland and 42
were present. Of this number four
were from Hood River, as follows: L.D.
Blount, 7th Wisconsin; S. D. Skinner,
43d; T. D. Tweedy, 13th; Thomas Gos,
14th. M. V. Rand and J. 8. Rand of
University Park and T. B. Rand of
Vancouver, brothers, all of the 2d Wis
consin, were also present.
Strawberry Shipments About Ended.
The total production of strawberries in
Hood River this year is something be
tween 85,000 and 80,000 crates. Al
though the reported daily shipments
furnished from the rlnnf dn nnt ikn.
this total, Mr. Davidson has figures to Administrator's NotiCG
SHOW tnat ins company has Shipped 38,- Notice la hereby given thai the undersigned
Hi crates, the fruit Growers' Un on PM Dwn (ml' ppomied y i"e bounty uonr
on kui o..w . l ti- of the state ol Oregon for Wasco county, ail
w.o .ouio agriivoi wis aciuc miniBtrator of the eiiite of George Booth, de
Express company stated that the ex-1 ceased, and all persons havtngclulins against
press shipments amount to over 24,000.
i ins makes a total or wi,wa, with eev
eial more hundred yet to be shipped
To get at the.e.xact production, to this
sum may be added the 6,000 crates re
ceived at the cannerv, making the grand
trial close onto 90,000.
The reported daily shipments to date
are j
May 19 (j June
Our line is the largest in the city, mid we guarantee your money's
worth with every pair. The Heart and Arrow brand Shoes are the best
Shoes for men, women and children. Remember, we give a guess wltb
every pair of these Shoes, which, if filled out and mailed to the fac
tory, may get you a : .
Ftgb Eoefl-TriD TicM to tte SL Louis World's Pair.
The one of our customers guessing the nearest to the correct number will positively get a free
ticket.. Buy a pair. Try a pair and see If they are not the best. Every pair guaranteed to be strictly
as represented.
" The shoes that fit,
The shoes that wear,
The shoes that will take you to the World's Fair."
We have a Large Assortment of 4th of July Material of All Kinds.
THE PARIS FAIR The Home of Low Prices.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United 8UtM Land Offioe, Vancouver,
Wash.. May 4. lUut Notice is hereby given
that In compliance wltb the provisions of the
set of conersss of Jane 8. 1878. entitled "An act
for the sale or timber lands In the statfl'tof
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the public land
states uy sctoi August , into,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
ion. this dav tiled In this office hts sworn
statement No. &K1, for the purchase of the
lots tana 1. southeast norm west . ana
Dortneast ft sou lowest oi section no. in, i
township No. 6 north, range No. 12easl,W.M
and will offer proof to show that the lam
sought Is more valuable for its timber or
I alone than for agricultural purposes, and to
I establish bis claim to said land before the
Keeisterand Receiver of this ottioe at Van
I oouver. Wash., on Wednesday, the day ot
i oepienioer, two,
tie names as witnesses: Oliver C Dean
Theodore F. Bheoler and Altred J.
I of Hood River, Ore., and H. A. Calmer of
i uiimer. wasn.
I Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tneir claims in tms omce on or oeiore iaia
tb day of September, im.
I m;jy tkakk t. vauumak, nemsier.
said estate are hereby notified to present them
tome, auiy vermeil, at the omce or A. A
Jayne, In Hood Klver. Oreaon. within si
mouths after the date of first publication of
mis notice.
Dated at Hbod River, Oregon, this Kith day
oi June, laua. ALlCc. HiWiM,
.Ie2ft.y28 V Administratrix
Old settlers on Puget sound declare
that the climate of the North Pad tie
coast la changing. Thunder storms
and lightning were never known to
happen SO years ago.
. 85
. W
. 51
. 2fli)
. m
, 2H2
. 3111
, 100
. 12112
State encampment at Hood River in
1904. Wouldn't that G. A. It. you?
June 1 2i;
8 8310
4 mm
5 42H0
8 6.1IH
7 4070
8 4775
; 5375
Encampment Comes to Hood River,
The encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic in Portland, last week,
was the largest gathering of the kind
ever neia in tne state. A bier deleea
tion from t.'anby post and the Relief
Corps went from Hood River. In fact
the Hood River delegation filled a car.
The city of Portland gave the veterans
ana tne ladies a ride over tne cltv in
open cars. Ten cars were filled by the
purty. The day was flue and the ride
was very much enjoyed.
The encampment elected David H.
Turner of Newberg department coni-
niancier; tne vv. K. v. elected Mrs.
Rose M. Schenck of Toledo Its depart
ment president, ana ftirs. l. m. Ken
eaict was cnosen department pres
ident of the Ladies of the G. A. R.
Hood Itiver was selected as the next
place of meeting. Eugene, Grant's
Pass, Albany, Ashland, Pendleton and
Hood River were placed in nomination,
and probably a dozen speeches were
made In nominating and seconding
the nominations. M. P. Isenberg in a
neat little speech nominated Hood
River. After all had had their sav.
Captain James P. Shaw in a speech of
a tew words seconded tne nomination
of Hood River. A Grant's Pass man
had spoken of tlmir lovely climate and
fruit. He said if the boys would come
down to Grant's Pass tbey would get
tne oest peacnes ana watermelons in
the world, that they could eat enough
iruii to give every one or ttiein the dia
betes. Captain Shaw, in his remarks,
after dwellingstipon our grand scenery,
the grandest in the world, and men
tioning our luscious strawberries for
which Hood River is famous, declared
the boys when they came to Hood
River could eat all the strawberries
they wished without fear of diabetes.
Captain Shaw's little speech won the
day, and when the ballot was taken
Hood Kiver got 54 votes but not a ma.
Jority. As the hour was late a second
vote was taken by raising hands, when
iu unmiH were vouuuHi oy tne secre'
do nooo mver will nave the en
campment In 1904. It will bring here
probably 400 people from all parts of
iu state, some or mem will remain
with us for a week or more; others for
two or three days. When the proper
time comes a citizen s committee will
I organized to act with the Grand
Army post and W. It. C. Iu providing
quarters and entertainment for our
10 ..
12 ....
14 ...
July I
. 55H0
Deoartmentof the Interior. Ifniterl Hlntes
Land office, The dalles, Or., June 10, 11(08.
root ice is nereuy given that the plat ot survey
of township. HmjuIIi, ransre 11 east, W. M will
oe niea in mis omce Monaay, juty H7, iwj,
and that on and alter said day we will be tire-
parea to receive application lor entry oi
anus in sata townsti u from anv nersons w no
made settlement nrior to the withdrawal of
saia townsntp lor tne cascade f orest Reserve,
jiiuhakii i. inuijAK, Hegtsier,
ANNE M. LANG, Uecciver.
A Hood woman for hoiiwkeener.
in family. H. 8. RICHMOND,
Only two
Mount Hood. Or.
Two Milk Cows.
I have two milk cows for sale. Hover has
pica of two out of three. One cow Jersey, sn.
uiuer pan jioisteiu. rnce irom sra to sou.
Advertised Letter List.
Juue 29, 1908.
Balrd.MIss Grace
Heal, Mrs John
bisnop, Mrs M
Foster, Mrs Mina
Real. John M
Bishop, Randolph
Hiwte, Herman
Hollnirer, A L
Borwlck, Wm
Brown. Henrv
Oodberson, Thru
uon, Arttiur j
Hawltt, Blrt
Haworth, Alfred
James, C K
Kelgar, Manlay
McCoy, Elmar E
Martin, Fred
Newlond, Ralph
ruieon, jacK
Khoads, Pearl
Koss, J W
York, John
From cows that can a tall unfold.
Paradise Farm.
Dissolution Notice.
To Who.n It May Concern: This is to five
ounce mat me partnerenip Heretofore exist
ing between W. W. Treat and W. L. Hucka-
oavisov mutual consent d jso ved. w. w.
Treat will continue the business at the old
I stand and will pay all firm hills end collect
an outstanaing aeots.
w. w. TKEAT.
Hood River, June 8, 1903.
For Exchange.
A fine tUno for a hiillrii ntr lut In rr nans I
nuuu nivrr cny, AQQrehS MM UlRCler Office.
Bicycles Kenaired.
I have opened a reoalr shoo for RinvoiA.
the hill. Work promptly done.
Early Berry Plants.
I have 4 acres of vigorous strawberry Dlants
put out last full which are settlnii nicelv to
young plants and will produce 300,0ml to 400,000
num. r unit's wtsning eariv plants snouia
uuinyme at once. pttp.D hailki
For Exchanee.
A Stock Of Mhocs for Hood River nmurlii
iiim j yji viijr icieutie. inqui'eoi
r Ki
For Sale.
F. P.
A Kood youns 1100 pound team and hnrness!
also a fresh cow, Durham and Jersey cross.
Apply to Allen Hermun, EustSide, one mile
uono oi naroiKon's nun. Je4
Fruit Dryer for Sale.
0 A medium sized fruit tirvr In arA -hi
urii, iiji ante uy
Jit' J. L. CARTER.
Investigate This.
1 wentv acres v mm from in.n uu,inl.
orchard and berries. All under Irrigation
t ine springs; early location; desirable home.
Furnished Room to Let
Cow for Sale.
I have a tine now for sale, giving a good
low Ul uiiiK. r-rice aui.
158 Acres at $4,000.
Five acres In strawberries: 6 acres in clove
2 acres ready for berries.
raents and tools Included.
Farming Imple-
Annly to
A good saddle horse.
fhone 778
Horse for Sale.
eood work horse. 8 vesrs old- weltrht
aliontllOO. Inquire of J, I. Miller or at the
uiacieromce. lei
Apply to
For Sale Cheat).
All kinds of furniture and nookinis nti..i.
carpets, lounges, chairs and other articles too
uumeruus u enumerate. A rare chance for
poor people as well as rich. Oninn to hn.
uise rann ana get oargnins.
Two Fresh Cows
For sale at Riverside Farm. 8 miles went, nf
w u . vHeacil. J..W. HtlKTON.
Final Settlement-
Notice Is herebv etvpn tht. t ha nnrio-ai..
ed. Kxocntrix of tl,e mlMe of Wintm h
iitjvi u. urunniwu. laLH III W 1WVI mnnlu i truv
"s. itfw, mini wcvuui ma remit iu
-in n wiiii me cierK or tne County
Court of Wasco county, sute of Oregon, and
uiHiine JDuge or said court hut fixed Tuesday.
Money to Loan.
s-awu to Fjoo to loan on Improved Hood
Klver real estate, gilt edge security, at 8 1 cent
And wagon repairing attended U promptly at
my shop on the Mt. Hood road, south of town.
Good work at reasonable prices.
epi - u. . HOWKblj.
A good 10-horse Hleam Boiler. Innulre of
B2:f KNOW & UlHON.
of said day, as the time, and the count v nnrt
In the city of The Dalles. Wium
slate ofOregon, as the place for hearing said
uii.i am-ouui anu reHrt.
am persons interested fn said estate are
ut-icujr uoiiueu h appear at said time and
Cow for Sale.
An Al oow: fresh, for sale cheao.
m21 J. J. JORDAN.
Government Land.
I Can locate homcseekers on irftverrtmont
land good fruit land, with springs, some
with water to irrliate: easily cluaivd: 12 in lit
mues irom tiood Htver: near coun'y mad.
" r j. ai i, tioou: uiver, or.
Timber lnd. Act June 3, 1878.1
United 8tatea Ijind ndloe Vgnrai,,...
Wash., Junes, 1908. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
ood Klver Will be equal to place, and show cause, ifany there be, why aotfngre88ofJune8,lK7s, entitled "An act
on. I mid i,b1 coonnt and report should not In fr the sale of timber lands In the states of
tbe occasion.
Jack Rand gladdened the Glacier
editor early lhursday morning with
dox oi itoyai Ann cherries laree, lus
cious, beautifully colored fruit. Mr.
ltand is growing cherries this year that
wouiu capture a goia nieual at any
wonu a mir.
John P. Alpin of Cornelius, who is in
Hood Kiver looking for a flouring mill
eito, is an old time friend of Hon. J. W.
Morton. The father of both men were
at one time partners in the milling
uiiniiiesB in tvasningion county
Willie Bowers, a bright 10-year-old
boy, arrived on the afternoon train,
Wednesday, from Salt Lake, and will be
the guest of Sir. and Mrs. J. W . Ander
son of IM mon t for the next two months.
llelteu & Rea have been awarded the
contract to build a house for llarr
liailey on his lots just south of Kra
Chandler's on the hill. The residence
will cost about f 1,000.
Miss Anna C. Edmond and Miss
Jnliet H. 1 .inn bard of Berkeley, Cali..
after spending a week at The Fire left
Wednesday morning for a mouth's stay
ill 1 M ,
at viouu V-ap lun
M. P. Isenberg, forest supervisor of
the Cascade forest reserve, is home from
a tour oi inspection in eastern Marion
and l.i nn counties. t
St. Mark's guild will meet next Wed
nesday, juiy o, wun :urg. snow, in
liiowera addition.
H. D. Langille was in town Wednes
day and returned to Portland this morn
ing. R. R. Erwiu left this morning for a
visit with his family near Whatcom,
Take your watch to CLARKE the
jeweler, 'opposite the post office.
B. F. Belieu went to Portland Monday
Trib cures the liquor habit
W. H. Ellis, a Sherman county wheat
prower located near Wasco, was in
Hood River durimg the week, the guest
of A. I. Mhwii of the East Side. Mr.
Ellis and Mr. Mason were boys together
in the cornfields of Missouri 23 years
ago. Mr. Mason spent Tuesday in show
ing his gtiest the apple and berrr farms
of Uotd River, and More he had been
here 48 hours, Mr. Mason manipulated
a real estate deal. herebv Mr. Ellis
made purchase of 20 acres f rom W. V.
mi moots oe aiioweo, ratined, approved and
vuiiiiimmi, uu Hum executrix aischarged.
I kl 111 l lit In 1 . . . . . . , . f . , V . ........
.'"u IHI. ibvuh Ul .J U I V , A. II. 1WW.
AI.II'R.T ltT,-Lfl..I
Executrix of the Estate and Will of William
n. incaen, deceased.
John Inland Henderson, Attorney for the
Berry Patch
For rent. Write or call on H. A. Knann.
Booms to Rent.
Two front room In nnv hnnw in mABrn
tuuiuwu. Auuiy M JOHN Ail AM
For Sale or Rent.
AS-room house on the hill. Annivtn
Je25 E. R. BRADI.KY.
A canary bird that Is a good singer.
Cow tor Sale.
lie Fresh cow, giving 12to 14 quarts of milk per
rry ?ay; calf 3 months old: price of row an calf.
t $). Korssleby H.C.CROCKETT,
1IK (via l(...iu. , i . . . .'. .
Onen.ftl. nm?1 Indian hnra hrnH t
"si" wiuuiucr, riuuer pieane notify
fc A. A. JAYKR.
Orchardists. Take Note.
Haying hsd 15 years experience In the or-1
chants of California, Oregon and Idaho, thor.
y i, riKMUon, cultivation.
spraying, prunlng.buddingand grafting, also
... nn,ininiB i uuits, i uesire posltlot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to ail the public land
suites by act of August 4, mi,
of Portland, couuly of Multnomah, state ol
Oregon, has this day filed in this office her
sworn statement. No. ailil, for the purchase
of the southeast quarter of sectlou No. 10, In
township No. north, range No. 12 east, w. si
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought la more valuable for lu tlmberor stone
than tut agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish ber claim to said land hefora th K,,iui.
.mu itoudvr ui iuis omce at Vancouver
Washington, on Monday, the 17th day ol
August, im.
Hhe names as witnetues- Tdn Rimvoii
George Ruswell of Portland. Or.: K. A
Falmer of Uiimer, Wash.: p. D. Heuder
shot of Portland, Or.
Any and all net-sons clatnilnv nHv.rwii) hu
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this nitice on or before said
17lh day ot August, umi
JellalH FRANK E. VAUGHAN. Kegister.
Tinning, Plumbing, Steam
A ml the Hayes Double Cylinder Pumps,
mmber Land Act Juue 8. 1M7H.I
United States Ijtnd Offloe. Vancouver,
Wash.. March 20. W0S. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of Junes. 1878. entitled "An act
tor tne sate ot timoer lands in tne states oi
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extonded to all the public laud
iai oy act oi August 4, una,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day nied In this oftloe his
sworn statement Mo. 8177, for the purchase
fc H 8E H section 28, and N X KE do!
section 2D, in townsiiip no. a nortu, range
ao. east, w. m., ana win oner proot to
show1 that the land sought Is more valuable
lor its timnes or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
omce at Vancouver, wash., on lhursday.
tue28d day of July. 1808.
He names as witnesses: John L. Henderson
of Hood River, Or.; Andrew H. Richmond and
Homer C. Campbell of Portland, Or.; Frank
Davennort of Hood River. Or.
Any and all nersons claiming adversely the
a bovfrd escribed lands are requested to Hie
meir claims in tnis omce on or Deiore buiu
Ighi day of July, 1003.
, K. DUNBAR, Register.
iVIen and Boys
Just Received,
A big line of HATS in all shapes, styles, colors and
prices, from a 65e wool to a $5 Stetson,
AIho have some odd lines in good shapes and
styles we want to close out, and to move them
quick will place them on sale at a price that will
surprise you. ,
We also have a few of the odd and end SHOES
left, but sizes are badly broken, and if there is any
of them you can use, they
Go for 55c.
Timber Land, Act June 3, lx;tU
United Stales Land Office. Vancouver
Wash.. April 80. 100M. Notice is herebv
given tnat in compliance witu tne provision
of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states or California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4, 1802,
Of Portland, county of MuUnomah, state of
vregou, uas liiis uay n lea in tins omce n is
sworn statement No. 8042, for the purchase of
the west half southeast Quarter and east half
sou iu west quarter oi section no. tv, in town
ship No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M .and
rill offer proof to show that the land souirht
Is more valuable for Ita timber or atone than
for agricultural nnrnosua. and to establish hla
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver oi tins omce at Vancouver, wash., on
xuesuay, vue otu aay oi September, itfoa.
ne names as witnesses: r rails n;. Harnow,
ildendale. Washington.
Any and all Deraons ctaiminir adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
meir uikiiiib iu mis omce on or oeiore urn
atn aay of Heptemoer, 1003.
injyn rMn K. VAUOHAN, Register.
John E. Hlght, B. Hosmer and U. L
man, an ot uoiaennaie, Washington
Timber land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Btatea 1 Jin it Offtee. Vanrauv.,.
Wash.. May 0. 1803. Notice Is hembv irlvcn
that In eomnliance with the nmvlslons nr the
aolof congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An aclJ
for the sale Of tlmhnl- Inntli In IIia Ktalo, ..r I
uainornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
iiM vj wiui AUKiiHt s, Inez,
of FuldaP. O., county of Klickitat, state of
waaniugton, nas this day filed In this office
iier sworn statement, no. 321. for the nur.
chase of the lot 1; south L of the northeast W
and tbe northwest of the southeast X of seiv
tlon No. 1, In township No. 6 north,
range No. II east, W. M., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valua
ble for IU timber or stone than for agricul
tural purpoves, and to establish her claim to
uu oeiore w . n. rresDv
Commissioner for district of Washington, at
bis office at Uoldmdale, Wash., on Tuesday,
the 21st day of Julv. law. - "
She names as witnesses: Daniel W. Pierce of
uuiiinnimie, w asn.; naisey u. Cole, John
O. Wyers and Hiunuel M. Cole of Fulda,WaMh.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
thelrclalms In this office on or before said 21st
miilyM FRANK E. VAUGHAN. Register.
True to Name Nursery
V e will offer for next season's planting about 20,
000 well-bred apple trees, largely Newtowns, Spitz
enuurgs, Jonathans and other vrp mtipa
local conditions. This nursery stock was grown
iu tttouitj trees true xo name ana propao-at-mg
from buds selected only from well known trees
of health and fruitfulness. We warrant this stock
free from apple canker, wooly aphis and other pests
common to many parts of tbe country. As our
supply of trees is limited, orders should be received
at an early date.
Timber Land, Act J fine 8. 1878. 1
United Rtatea Unil nfflna v. .,....
Wash.. Anril 20. 1803. N'min. i.'i,.i.
that In eomnliance with the
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lunilu in ihi
f.n,. i- . ,. : - -" ui
aiiiuruin, uregon, nevaaa and Washington
territory," as extended to all tbe public laud
of Portland, county of Mult
uy niea in tuisofflce bis
sworn statement, No. 8221, for the purchase of
the lota 3 and 4, and south northwest of
section No. 4, In township No. north, range
Ji . .i. ih a- M" nu wi" ot,er Prof toshow
"oujjui, is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
l , ' v, '""""nii ma ciaiiu io saia land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
?iii.Xf,100?er' "f"1 on Wednesday, the
10th day of August, 1003. "
He names as witnesses? U'mi,,m m
fleld, Peter Hmlth, William Roof and Chrlsl
Uuler, all ol Trout Lake, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
a" 1,1 . "IPS? on or before said
1Mb day of August. 1003.
'aaja e.. VAUOHAN. Register
L. a Baynes - James K. DeBot'
The place to trot an easv shave an
up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy the
luxifry of a porcelain bath tub.
ce Cs'eam
fa now open in the room formerly occupied by Mis Roe1, millinery
atore. Hazelwood Ice Cream h.w a reputation second to none. Former
.fflWlir100 10 U'i8 fU,"OU8 -.AlK-
P. lMsix 3S"i, Hood River, Dr.
HOOD RlVKR. fir., .fun 91 ton.
have this day ten ted niv fruit farm
nursery lorrsnnilii k. Broslusof Lyle. He
will carry on the business and be glad to suo-
Cherries and currant, mmf . . I
1"crJ'. n. ti UATEHAM.
Having been compelled to
of sale of the properly, we are now located In
the Bone house, it rut door west of the Ulen-
I, 1 pleased hi see all old
urn sn new rusiomers. JAKtXIAlKM.
Cow for Sale.
An Al Jersey Uo. tor sale hv
Jete J. H. BrlOEMAKER.
Strawberry Plants.
. . . v. ' . .... . . f j
Hay Press for Sale.
A Yotlnir Amertca Hiv Pmm. .m
Also, a mowing machine, price
A lady with a lad of 10 summers desires to
rent one large or two small rooms lor light
hoos keeping In or Dear Iowa. Address R.
cars Ulaclet, slating rent per month.
Wind Mills
Galy. Tank.
, Iron Pipe.
Write for catalogue of Aer-
motor goods.
Maier &Schanno,
The Dalles, Or.
The Spot Cash GrocerV, ,,1, 1 J.l. , ' &
mi .iitiiuMM-ti uie grocery store 01 j . ri. llanna,
I will continue to conduct it on the same liberal
business basis, and guarantee to the trade-courteous
treatment and good goods at the right prices,
prompt delivery and close attention to all your
wants. Will continue the agency for The Dalles
.Steam Laundry, and solicit a share of your patron
age in that line.
My stock is complete, consisting of Flour and
ml, Maple Groceries, (ireen Vegetables, Fruits,
Ants.-cifndies, etc. Yours for quick sales and small
profits. jy nrpTi
Plume 3H1. " c '1!.
tt iTiifrrr,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United State Unit rm. v
Wash., April 20, 18ttt.-Notlce Is'herebygiven
that In oomn anee with the ; .V"
act of congress of June 8, 18r8, entitled "An
act for the sa eoftlmherTan,iu i ...
. 1, """"j revaaa and WashlUKUin
territory .''as extended to n ti. n.,i.nM T....S
HEN It V ul'tui'n
JY-Ei- ?iaatI ot Mul'nomah, state of
ii"0'. h.,u th'"iay "led in this bflleehls
uT. T-j; hLiS IOF Pim-hase of
,n,i7L:; iizz:;, .z 77 ?ur, na wt hair
" . - n bowiisn p wo. 5 north
i,. . . """B"n more valuable ror
Ha timber or stone than r..rnriAi. .
poses, and to establish his clahn to said la d
h'V.?'! fSSX? Hecelverof thlsoffl'
lie naiiiM b wtttiMauum Tun.u m .
V.,6.1..08.1.1. ""n W. Smith and VnmUm
w . omiin. an or mida, Wash.
Anv and all isftrwina iusi.x. .
rh?iItf.T.,JVr1.Jfnd!' ued ti me
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
1. Lota in Wauoonia Park addition
The east half of the north 40 of tho
HendorBon 80 acres west of Lvman
Smith's; free irrigating water: $'l,ti00.
3. Lot 10. Rulmoilt: in cultivation;
fair house; 5 acres; price 11.500.
5. The N W H sei-tion 25. T 2 X. T? o
E; known as the V E Pearson home.
stead; improvements worth lf.")00; hulf
the land, or more, tillable; Davenport
ditch runs through it. In the Crapper
neighborhood; price $1,500.
Corner lot in front of srh
The Geo. Melton lot and rottaim In
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
7. Barrett-Simiia addition: 125 ot.r
lot: $10 down and $5 per month.
2. Eligible residence lots in RnnmrliT'a
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
6. Ihe Kopliu place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved: free irriirat.ino
water. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber lam! at t.lm falls
of Hood River, beloiurinu to Gannm K.
Forsyth; price $4000.
21. N. 16 8. E. Vi. S. M, N. E. W Rin.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
1 he Howell cottage near town and 3
acres, east of Mrs. Alma Hnwu'x fur a
days, at $1,000. After 5 days, $1,000.
100 acres, house and cariln notni,
located 10 miles south- of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $900.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $14,50.
The new comoanv now nlWo i.,r o,i
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Hende
tary and tho Hood River Bank treasurer.
Five acres at Frankton. know,, m 1 1,
Charley Rogers' place ; house, bam and
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
rerms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
The 3 acres east uf (innwr's lino m.o
Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the city
limits. All in berries and aimles: tmml
cottage. A lovelv !inm. l
days $1,700; after that $1,000 subject.
to lease till November 1, 1003.
I ersons who have mailt Hoaort lnn,i
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timber entries,
which entries have Imon oMc.t,i u..
----- i.-ul.iui;U uy
the government, mav have their
completed and get titles to their lands
oy conierring with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desi
or from any points in Europe or South
may becure tieBame from John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kn o t
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of lnvitm
age pronerty in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of
snrvaiMnr an.l nl.n:
From .! .. tlill(C.
he rates will be as tolled :P $l0a d ':
Lot PArnnra aDl n l.l.'l. .. .1 - . J 1
- cniuu 1n11t.11 'i
tar, . V"
wuuiigiiuug ior
same price.
one owner,
Meats and
'Timber Land, Act Jnne 8. 1878.1
uiiiLea hu m int m
Wash, May lwZNoti?hJL.!5
that In eoinnlianea with n ...i.i .V
avtofeonresa of June , mfi emit ed " n
5 r timber land. In ?h" Kulu,. ,
I'KJTi ?" Public g.nd
"t miKi,vs. l.'i,
. . NErriK ALVORD.
o J?J? K,.S?5ty J, Multnomah, state of
unm III IB UnT 11 IfLl in inis k
sworn statement. No. 8111, tor the purchsse of
... . DOneast quarter of
range No. u . WM an(1 w , j
i oiio umo mr airr ru Uira
purwwes and to establish ber claim to skid
ssjsssu in V 111(7 rUVlHi VT ttnfl tVvl r
tl.i. nAI . If 7.."" ... m UI
TbiirmUay, thfllh flay of Aofuat, iSS
o "'"twHei: unite o-lo and
I Tst ii wi., crmif
wo Walb. ft-u-iunauwo of Uien
Adt and all iwrmniplBiinin. .,1...
above-deaeribed lands are ret'oesled to tile
I i-" "!?' o or before
To the Ladles of Hood River and vWnltv
ramilna loall their branches, asoii hast lie
andcravon. and will h. iLJ T7 "l1' ne
n - - v- - i-- m nave you
.. -uu ,T rnionim.-r.T oleics and naint.
" in nainunir. ru-..,. i
to order at reasonsbie prloes. Hee
Hood River, Or.
i for
Our 1
supply of fresh meats is alwava the brat th markoi .er-.i.
CI.1..!. r.. . .. - ' " -...r.u,
0.1 tieaKs at isr per lb., and other cholc meats at
usiur tlilckens for iimlay or wek day dinner.
v reaiuery Butter none lietier in market.
W. aril
lowest prioet. Call on
We handle the Millwood
fMekfll-hnnlr anni.inu. ... .
Ifmm theanny. io i T curA-n 7 and olr
K'- If the flnoer wIllreuTro to mi
ii " be keeP he ia
We will Meet all Honorable Competition.
I Organ for
Cslloo Jc25
Sale Cheap.
Special Offers
The Howell cottnge and
ucnw, east of Mrn. Alma
ii owe m, lor o clays at 1,700
after 2 weeks 1 ,0oo. '
1 CO-acre farm, 5 miles
southeast of town on The
alles road; fences and build
ings; several acres cleared
The Fulton 11-rooni house
and lot by the armory, for
United Hlates
that I
of the a'
"An a for the snle
nd om,
, Ap,ll a, IKK-Nuu . her," v v
n compliance will, the ".rovKlJ
i iu.t
states of California, Or Nevada .S
Washinalon IVrrln.ry as it,d , ,1
Oie public I-;. -tatebv
of Portland, ouinty f Multnomah stale of
Oretp.1., has this day filed In thYa otnee I,?!
swoi n stMteinent, No .121 f, lh" ,V'e '"
U.e southeast k iArtiiwiS t" 1 !? 1"'" """" !'f
prtaif U, show IU he Cd iht u
s.T."i?. '"'"-"or -
claim to said lin, i i h ii , , 'Nh
He nrniin u oim.. il .V 1
ttalmn.Wh. Ul L'"W"n of White
.... ----- ....,un ma reoueslt'il In tuu
on or before sultl
IhelrelBl.i,. i ti.i- . .. ... 'IT'." u "'e
Isih day of AiuriiKl. Unii
m7Jy FRANK K. VAI'tlllsV
iit-t run I'LBLICATIOX.
lnd tifflt st The Pnlles. in,,.n i ,
.111 inai tlit-fi,
n nained settlers have tiled notice of liiilnl
tion to make final pr,f n their r. " re live
claims before Oeorv, T. l'rath.r I? m Ti v
nilssloner, al River orison . '"
day, July I". !!., vis- ' oron-on "-ur.
IU II till',..
sec i, T 1 N, R fl w M , "
JIlUV U.- l.ivi
of Hood River, f trcgou n homestead ...n
est ion No. 0 0. for Ihe - v il- i ..".'..1;
. sec 17. T I N. K II K, M 74 r-
of Mi.ier. -r..n and" rXe 3
John tturersof II. wi u, v"ters and
JHlJyU M RHAtL T. .nUlS, Renler.