The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 18, 1903, Image 2

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    "Hood Itiver Slacier.
THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1903.
Encampment at HwmI Hirer Nest Year.
Hood Rirer will ask for the state en
campment of the Grand Army of the
Republic in 1904. A committee from
Canby pout on Saturday, under instruc
tions', interviewed a number of business
men of Hood River, asking if it would
be policy to invite the Grand Army to
come here next year and if we could
care for the crowd that may be expected
on an occasion of this kind. The com
mittee, as far as they went, found every
one enthusiastically in favor of asking
the encampment to come to Hood River
in 1904. At the present time we may
not be in shape to care for the 300 or 400
people that attend these encampments
not having sufficient hotel accomnioda
tions. But by this time next year we
all expect the situation to be entirely
different. With the Country Club house
projected, the new Mount Hood hotel,
the Entrican house on Paradise farm,
and other hotels jind boarding houses
now running, we will make a good start
, toward accommodating all who may at
tend the encampment. Our citizens in
town and valley, upon an occasion of
this kind, will be willing to take the
visitors into their private houses and
accommodate as many as they can. 'We
will have a bigger town in 1904, so that
' the question of accommodation for all
who may attend the state encampment
of the G. A. R.t if we can succeed in
getting it here in 1904, need not be con
sidered at this time.
Canby post has 15 past commanders.
These all are members of the state en
campment. There are two delegates,
making in all 17 votes in the encamp
ment. Every one of these could and
should be in attendance at the encamp
' went in Portland. The old soldiers
have expressed a desire at previous ere
campmenta to come to Hood River, and
we may expect that, with a good strong
delegation from the post here, it will not
be hard to persuade them to come next
The posts in Portland are at work
making arrangements for the encamp
ment which meets in that city June 24-7.
Wednesday evening, June 24, a general
reception will be given in the white tem
ple, when there will be an address of
welcome from Mayor George H. Williams
and response from Colonel Ormsby of
Salem. Thursday the conventions will
open. The encampment will sit in G
A. R. hall, Women's Relief corps in the
Auditorium, and the Ladies of the G. A.
R. in the A. O. U. W. hall, and a camp,
fire will be held Thursday night. Tri-
day morning at 9 o'clock an excursion
will be given in open cars on the City &
a Suburban railway lines, including trips
to Mount Tabor, Albina, South Portland,
North Portland to the Lewis and Clark
exposition grounds, and to some Other
points. Open cars will be used. This
- excursion will take the place of the pa
rade which has always been customary,
There have been too many drunken
Indians in our community during the
present berry season. The Indian squaws
are the beet help obtainable in the berry
fields, but while the squaws are at work
the worthless bucks loaf about town,
gamble and get drunk at every opportu
nity. These buck Indians from the res
ervation will not work, and for this rea
son are not desirable to have around. A
better class of white people came to
Hood River this year to pick berries.
1 hey should be given every encourage'
ment to come again. It would be a
blessing if we could get along without
the Indians in berry time.
The awfulness of the Heppner disas
ter must be seen to be realized. It
must appeal more strongly to those
who lost friends and relatives iu the
mad rush of waters. Nothing like it
ever occurred before in Oregon. Sliui
hur events, though less iu exteut, are
chronicled in the newspapers yearly.
Comments are made and the incident
forgotten. But not so with the affair
at Heppner. It came too near home
tobe forgot. People of Oregon, whether
they were residents of the unfortunate
city or lived elsewhere, will eer !
member tbe awful Heppner flood.
Hood River has been prompt and
liberal in iU aid to Heppner. For a
city of 1,200 people, 400 is a very good
contribution. No town in Oregon did
more for its size. Especially commend'
able Is the work of S. E. Bartmesi, who
spent two days and nights in helping
to care for the dead, and who has asked
no compensation for the undertaker
goods be took with him and gave to
the Heppner people. Such deeds prove
the sterling character of the man.
The Sacramento Record-Union hai
changed its name back to the Union
The Sacramento Union has been pub
lished more than 50 years, and at one
tune could be found in every miner
cabin on the Pacific coast. It is now
edited by Alfred Holman, a well know
Oregon editorial writer.
The atrocious murder of the king and
queen of Servia and other officers of that
government is a blot upon modern civi
ligation. The great powers should see
that every one implicated in the murders
stretches hemp.
A fatal case of sunstroke occurred at
Seattle last week. Sunstrokes rarely
happen ou the Pacific coast.
Ferry Boat Is Wrecked.
The Hood River-White Salmon gaso
line ierry was wreckea last week.
Thunalay evening while crossing from
the Washington side the little boat
struck submerged piling at the mouth
of Hood river. Fortunately a sail boat
was in tow and everything was easily
got to shore. Rowland Bros, were on
the boat at the time, and being boatmen
ot nerve, knew what to do in an enter
Ira Rowland, w ho was in the boat at
the time, savt he had a narrow escape
ior uis iii mere were o crates
of strawberries on board at the
time which were all lost. The berries
beloneed to White Salmon growers.
Taking into account the berries he was
responsible for, Mr. Rowland places his
loss at 200 or more.
There were no buoys to indicate me
sunken pilings, and it was fortunate the
accident was no worse. Captain Taylor
of the steamer Maja assisted in saving
the launch. The boat lias been repaireu
but it will be some time before the ma
chinery will be entirely free from mud,
and again in good working order.
Church Notice.
Lutheran Services Rev. Kalb will
preach in the Adventist church Sunday,
at 3 o'clock.
Rev. G. M. Booth. D. D., presiding
elder of the M. E. Church for The
Dalles district, will conduct quarterly
services in the church at Hood Itiver
t ext Sunday eveniiiK at 8 o'clock. This
is the last quarterly meeting of the
n resent conference vear. and an earn
est invitation is given to all to attend.
Unitarian. Fred Alban Weil, pastor,
A. O. U. W. hall. Sunday school at 10
o'clock. A full attendance of children
requested preparatory to meeting week
ly. A talk on "The Sunday School" by
the pastor. Preaching service at 11
o'clock from the text, "A Just Balance
and Scales are the Lord's." Reference
will be made to the Heppner disaster.
Special singing. Come. Unitarian ser
vices will be liehi weekly in A. u. u. w.
Hood River was visited by a lively
thunderstorm last Thursday evening,
and later a good soaking rain fell, doing
lots of eood to vegetation ot alt kinds,
Sundav lust we had two thunder storms
one early in the morning with just a
light sprinkle of rain, and again in the
evening Hood River experienced a lively
wind 9torm accompanied by thunder and
lightning and rain, but no damage was
Names of Hood Rlter Farms.
The Glacier has been asked to publish
a list ot the names ol Hood Kiver tarms
Below is a list as published in 1895. It
is interesting to note the changes which
have taken place in years. Two weeks
from today, if enough new names come
in, the Glacier will print a revised list,
Bring or send in the name of your coun
try home?
W. B. Perry, Maple Dell.
T. E. Wlckens, Hprlng Dale.
W. J. Campbell, Kails View
B. Warren. Klver View.
B, Warren a 40-acre tract. Oak Dale.
P. F. Cordes, Eyole Emit Garden.
8. F. Blythe, Twin Oaks.
II. C. Batebam, Columbia Nursery.
W. H. Perry, Pleasant Home.
P. A. Snyder, Edgemont.
M. A. Cook, East View.
T. A. Templeton, Keystone.
Mrs, E. D. Calkins, fr loral Gardens.
Joseph Purser, Haidscrabble.
H. L. Crapper, Lone Elr.
A. E. Curtis, Curly Tup.
N. H. Hackett, Vlnnle Dale.
C. U. Hanson, Mountain View.
K. E. Lyon, Oak Grove.
Van Johnson, Hermitage.
J. W. Morton, Riverside.
R. B. Lindsay, Maple drove. i
E. E. Havage, Wauna Lodge.
Advertised Letter List.
June 16, 1903.
T) U.rKna MaDi.I.I1 tm
Johnson, Mrs Mary A Martin, R P
Marie, Miss Martha Hchmldt, Louie
Sullivan, Mrs M A Smith, Henry
Cowherd, J W Smith, Chas
Cook, T R Stevens, E E
Himes, Geo Jones, Charlie
Turner, M H . Will berg, John
wiison, layman.
Epworth League.
Regular meeting held every Sunday
evening at 7 o'clock ; Junior league Sun
day afternoon at 2 -.30.
Topic for Sunday evening, June 21,
"He Lnvnl to the Kintr and the King
dom," job 13:4-10. Sub topics: "Christ,
the King." "the Kingdom, His fol
lowers as Loyal Subjects." Leader,
Miss Maud Parsons.
Cow for Sale.
An Al Jersey Cow, for sale by
v Horse for Sale.
A good work horse, will work any place
you put him. A good saddle horse. Price
fco. spot cash. Jyll PETER MOHR.
Strawberry Plants.
I have good strawberry plant for July and
Ajugust seXUng. O. D. WOODWURTH.
Hay Press for Sale.
A Young America Hay Press; price tax).
Also, a mowing machine, price JAi.
A lady wllh a lad of 10 summers desires to
rent one large or two small rooms lor light
house keeping In or near town. Address B,
care Glaclei, stating rent per month.
A good woman for housekeeper. Only two
in lamily. H. S. RICHMOND,
Jy Mount Hood, Or.
Two Milk Cows.
I have two milk cows for sale. Buyer has
pick of two out of three. One cow Jersey, an
other part Holstcln. Price from KIT, to SIM).
From cows that can a tall unfold.
ni24 Paradise Farm.
L. C. Haynes
James K. DeB i
The place to get an easy .shave, un
up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy tbe
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
Timber Land. Act Jnne 8, 1878.1
United Staled Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., JuneS, WW. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June S.1X78. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the state, of
California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington
territory," as extended to all the public land
slate by act of August 4. lsyi,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, shue ot
Oregon, has this day A led In this office ber
sworn statement. No. SIM, for the purchase
of the southeast quarter of section No. Id, Iu
township No. 6 north, range Na. 12 east, w. M.,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to eatab-
lish ber claim to said laud before the Register
ana Receiver oi una omoe at Vancouver,
Washington, on .Monday, tbe 17th day of
August, ivm.
she name as witnesses: Ida Buswell and
Georgo Buswell of Portland, Or.; E. A.
Ealmer of Oilmer, Wash.; P. l. Heudet
shot of Portland. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are r,juetd to Hie
ineir nanus in nils omoe on or before said
17th day ol August, hm
jells! FRANK E VAl'fJII AN, Register.
iTImber Land, Act Junes, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May ft, MB. Notice is herebv given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. PCs. emitted "n
act for the sale of timber lands In the suite of
iMiiiornia, Oregon, nevaaa ana Washington
Territory," as extended U all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1W2,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
wgon, n ints day n lea in nils onto her
sworn statement, M. 3141, lor the purchase of
the etui ball northeast quarter of
section ro. ii, in township No. 6 north
range No. 12 east, W.M.. and mil offer proof to
show that tbe land aoogbt is more valuable
air Us timber or atone than for airrktiltnral
purposes, and to establish ber claim to md
land befora tbe Register and Receiver of
mis omce, at Vancouver, Haahlngton, on
Thursday, thertth day of August, luA
She names as witnesses: Lottie Cssto and
Henry Hosteller of Portland, Or.; Ermie
Trough and Herman Kuhnbaasen of Ulen
wood. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming ad Tersely the
above-described lands are requested to file
inrir claims in tms omoe ou or before said
h day of August, Imk
inj FRANK . VACGHAX, Register
'T"SM . ,
Dissolution Notice.
To Who.n it May Concern: This Is to give
notice that the partnership heretofore eslst
ing between W. W. Treat and W. L. Huckn
bay la by mutual consent dissolved. W. W.
Trent will continue the business at the old
stand and will pay all firm hills end collect
all outstanding debts.
Hood River, June 8, HUM.
Early Berry Plants.
I have 4 awes ot vigorous strawberry plants
put nut lust tall which are selling nicely to
young plants and will produce aoo.uuo to twfiUO
vines. Parlies wishing early plant should
notify me at once. r'KKl) KA1LKY.
4 Men Wanted.
Married men; wages $4 a day; house rent
fi.'xi lofl a month.
Furniture for Sale.
Book Case, Couch, Hook Ciisb Jap, 4 Rock
ing chairs, Extension Table, ti Kitchen Chairs,
Heating Btove, 2 Iron Bedsteads, 8 .Springs or
Mattresses Yum Yum, Oak Bedroom set,
Kitchen Table, Oilier Draft Lamp, Kitchen
Treasure, Oak Center Table.
Residence ovei McDonald's Store.
For Sale.
A good young 1 too pound team and harness;
also a fresh cow, Durham ami Jersey cross.
Apply to Allen Herman, East Hide, one mile
north of Harbison's mill. Je4
Cow for Sale.
I have a fine cow for sale, giving a good
flow of milk. Price Ha.
15K Acres at $4,000.
Five acres In strawberries; ti acres In clover;
acres ready for berries. Fanning Imple
ments and tools Included.
A pocket-book containing my discharge
from the army, $10 in currency and ottior
small articles. If the huGer will return to me
my discharge he can keep the 810.
jeffi JAUOH C. BINS.
Organ for Sale Cheap.
Call on JeZi H. C. H KSdsr.
Horse for Sale.
A good work horse, H years old; weight
aliout 1100. Inquire of J
. 1.
Miller or id. the
uiacter omce.
Fresh Cow for Sale.
A full-blooded young Jersey cow. For sale
Je25 Ou ttie Purser place.
To the Ladies of Hood Itiver and vicinity:
I am starting classes In Embroidery and
Painting in all their branches, as oil, pAstite
call and see my embroidery pieces and paint
ings, hi, my nonie jusi wfi oi iiie sruuoi
h..,.Ua Will u!a,niuLra naUHx.r. ...urnhml.t.
ery pieces to order at reasonable prices. 8ee
m21 Hood Klver, Or.
Notice to the Public.
I hereby give notice to all whom It may
concern that on snd after May 21, 1008, I shall
not be responsible for any debts or bills con
tracted bv my wife, Mary Hakcl, she having
left my bed and board. JOHN HAKEL.
Hood River, Or., May 21, 1110:1. Jell
Schoolteachers and students who are open
for a traveling position for the summer. Write
to H. W. Norton, The Dalles, Or. jell
Money to Loan.
$2300 to StOOO lo loan on Improved Hood
River real estate, gilt edge security, at 8 1 cent
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on the Mt, Hood road, south of town.
Uood work at reasonable prices.
sepl7 (1. A. HOWELL.
A good 10-horse Steam Holler. Inquire of
a23 MNOW ,V Ul'SON.
Cow for Sale.
An Al cow, fresh, fur sule cheap.
m21 . J. J. JORDAN.
Government Land.
I can locate homc-seckers on government
land good fruit land, wllh spiings, some
with water to Irrigate; easily cleared; 12 to 18
miles trom Hood Kiver; near coim'y road. .
n21 E. M 'LKlt, Hiiod Rl ver, ( Ir.
In the msttcrof thenppllcation of E. !S. Mayes
to register the title to lot :t, block 2. Wluans
Addition to the town (now city) of Hood
River, county of Wasco mid state of Oregon,
In the name of tbe state of Oregon,
To Mrs. o, P. Dodge and nil whom it mav
That on the Kith dav of Mav, A. D. liiffl an
application was tiled by saiil E. K. Mayes In
the circuit court of Wasco county for Initial
registration of the title lo the land above de
scribed. -
Now, unless you appear on or before the22d
day of June, lW and show cause why said
application should not be grained, the same
will be utaen as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of the ap-
Sllcatlon. and you will be forever barred from
isputing the same.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
hereuuto affixed this Pith day of May, A D
19t i , 4., A. F; LAKE, Clerk. "
John Leland Henderson, Atty for applicant.
Wind Mills
Iron Pipe.
Write for catalogue of Aer
motor roods.
Maier &Schanno,
The Dalles, Or.
AVe have just received a large assortment of men's and ladies'
Purses. Ladies' purses, worth 25c, our price, 10c; worth 35c, our
price, 15c; worth 50c, our price, 20c, Gentlemen's purses 4c and up.
lTt . ... 1 1.. 11 1 -.C ...1 v.
ny carry your money loose or ueu up iu a nuiiuKeruniei vwit-u juu
can buy a purse for less' than half price?
We are headquarters for Boys' Suits. We have a large assort
ment to select from, and we know we can SAVE YOU MONEY. Call
and see what a nice suit we can sell you for One Dollar.
Bonnets 12c.
The bonnet season being about over, we want to close out the
remnants of our stock of bonnets. We have the genuine blough bon
net, ruffled edge. You can have them while they bust for 12c each.
Prices Are Always the Lowest at the
The hot weather of last week
having cut the berry crop
short, and having more
goods ordered to arrive from
the 10th of July to August
1st than we have room for,
makes a combination which
forces us to make prices of
the goods now in stock that
will move them to make
room for new goods. You
can't afford to miss this op
portunity to make your pur
chases. All Calicos, 2.j yards for., $1 00
All '50c Shirt Waists 30
All 75c Shirt Waists GO
All $1 and 1.25 Shirt Waists 85
All 1 .50, 1.75 and 2.00 Shirt Waists ... 1 25
With all Men's Suits from 7.50 to 10.00 will bo
given a 1.50 IJat.
With all Men's Suits from 10.50 to 15.00 will be
given a 2.00 Hat.
The Spot Cash Grocery
Having purchased the grocery store of J. L. Honna,
I will continue to conduct it on the same liberal
business basis, and guarantee to the trade cour
teous t reatment and good goods at the right prices,
prompt delivery and close attention to all your
wants. Will continue the agency for The Dalles
Steam Laundry, and solicit a share of yourpatron
" age in that line.
My stock, is complete, consisting of Flour and
Feed, Staple Groceries, Green Vegetables, Fruits,
Nuts, candies, etc. Yours for quick sales and small
profits ., ... R. REED.
Phono. Sill. Kiw Delivery.
Magnetic Body Shields.
I'hysieians, as well as suftererg, mark the flute when and the book
where you, first read this statement: Magnetic vibration rightly applied
to the blood capitlarfrt will cure all diease not in the fatal ttage of
dimolutinn of timurs.
Dr. Thacher's Magnetic Shields
Arethe most perfect device r snch application. We are spending thousand of dol
lars to say this. Will you not spend oue cent for proof? Two books free tliat will as
tonish you.. A book of testimonials the most convincing ever gailiered from grateful
patrons, and Dr. Thacher's Treatise, Magnetic Kims, a Plain Road to Health.
J. K. Fisher, now In Hood River, is agent for the Tbacher Magiiftlc (shield Co. He
lias been paralysed for years, but Is now regaining hl health by the one of Dr. Thacta
er s goods. Invalids will do well to call and see Mr. Fisher at the bouse of Mrs Henry.
Meats and Fruits.
Our supply f frcsli tneaU is alway the best the market affords. We aell
Sirloin Steak at 15c er lb., and other choice meats at lowest rices. Call on
us for CbickeiiH for Sunday r week day dinners. We handle the Millwood
Creamery Butter none better in market.
We will Meet all Honorable Competition.
ITImber Land, Act June S, 1WR.1
United States Ind Offloe, Vancouver,
Wash., May 4, liifti. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act
forthesaU) of timber lands In the staUJiff
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, IW2,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office his sworn
statement No. 3251, for the purchase of the
lots I and 2, southeast Vt northwest YA, and
northeast i southwest H uf section No. lit. in
township No. 5 north, range No. 12eaxt,W.M.,
and will offer proof tn show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this ollice at Van
couver, Wash., on Weduesday, the nth day oi
September, UMU. .
He names aa witnesses: Oliver C. Dean,
Theodore F. Shepler and Allred J. Hhepler.all
of Hcad River, Ore., and H. A. Faliner of
Ullmer, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to II le
their claims in this office on or betore said
9th day of September, UWt.
m7y FRANK K. VAUGHAN, Register.
fTlinher Land Act June 3. 1S7H.1
United BWtca Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March l, 1!K. Not Ice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. 1.S78. entitled "All act
for the sale of timber lands In the stales of
California, Oregon, Nevaua ana wasnington
territory,'' as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, WM,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, lias mis aay nieu in iiiisoiuce ins
sworn statement No. 8177, for the purchase
K SE V. see on at. ana H v t. v. ol
section 2H, In township No. 8 north, range
No. V east, w. St., ana win oner prooi to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
Durnoses. and to establish his ciitlm hi said
land before the Rculhtcr and Receiver of this
olftee at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday,
tlie iMi aay oi juiy, imm.
He names as witnesses: John I,. Henderson
of Hood River, Or.; Andrew H. Richmond and
Homer O. Oampbeti ot rortianu, or.; rrutiK
fiuvMnnort of Hiod River. Or.
Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the
anove-aescrtoeu lanus are retjuesieu 10 me
their claims In this omce on or betore saia
2)d day of July, 1WW.
W. K.
DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 8,
I'KM. Notice is hereby given that the follow-Imr-named
settlers have filed notice of their In
tention to make final proof In support of their
claims, and that said proof will be made
oeiore w. h. j resoy, uniieu ctuiwjs ononis
sioner for district of Washington, at hts office
In Uoldendale, Wash., on Monday, June
l.fvo, vib;
Homestead Entry No. 10M0, for the W of SE
tection and NW of NE and N K 4 of
N W V of section 7, township 5 north, range 11
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cmiivn
tlon of said land, viz:
F'red Htoller, William V. Stadleinan, Arnold
Anrlg ana Rush seiungcr, an oi rroui i.nite
Washington. And
Homesieaa r.ntry rso. izifi, ior um w - oi
N W i of section lit and HWH of IS W ot sec
tion in, ana oi his yA ot section it, town
shin 5 north, ramro 11 east. W. M.
Mhe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous, residence upon and cultiva
tion of Bald land, viz:
Leonard Rtump snd Jens Christenson of
Hi id a, vt asii., ana r.imer ft. wngiii anu
Courllana chapman oi i rout Lake, wasii.
mltjelS FRANK E. VAUUHAN, Register,
ITImber Land. Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., April 30, ltKB. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
stulcs of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all
tbe public land states by act of August 4, 18112,
Of Portlund, county of MuLiiomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this ollice his
sworn statement No. 3042. for t he purchase of
the west half southeast quarter and east half
southwest quarter of section No. :0. in town
shin No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M.,aud
will otter proof U show that the innd sought
Is more valuable for It limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, unit hi establish his
claim to said land before the Register and IU
ceiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.; on
Tuesday, the 8th day of September, I'MI.
He names as witnesses: V'rank E. Rarbow,
John E. Hlght, II. Hosmer and U. L. Row
man, all of Uoldendale, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this ollice on or before said
8th day of .September, 11)03.
ui7Jy9 FRANK E. VAUUHAN, Register.
Timber ljnd, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Ijmd Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May , 1D03. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act
for ttie sale of timber lands In the states oi
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, lK2,
of Fnlda H. O., county of Klickitat state of
Washington, has tins day niea in this oftiee
her sworn statement, No. 82.W, for t lie pur
chase of the lot 1; south t of I lie northeast
and the northwest 't of tue southeast yt of sec
tion No. 1, In township No. 5 north,
range No. 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valua
ble for Its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before W. B. Fresby. United Slates
Commissioner for district of Washington, at
his office at Uoldendale, Wash., on Tuesday,
the 21st day of July. 1110,3.
She names as witnesses: Dnnlel W. Pierce of
Uoldendale, Wash.; Halsey 1). tvile, John
U. Wyers and Samuel M. Cole of Fulda, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely t tie
atiove-described lands are requested to file
theirclalms In this office on or before said 21st
day of July, 1!K.
mUJyltf FRANK E. VAITGHAN, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 9,
1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler lias hied notice of his In
tention to make 11 mil proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register am' Receiver U. H. Land Office ut
Vancouver, Wash,, on Jnne'ij, 11103, vhc
Who made Homestead Entry No. 10,(112, for
the eaat northwest and west northeast
quarter section 21, township 4 nor in, range 11
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Jacob N. Locke, Hanlel I). Underwood, Jas
per Gunning and Frank Ledtord.all of White
Salmon, Wash.
Iiil4el8 FRANK K. VAIJO H AN. Register.
I nii'ii juiit fs.t u nii-r a. inin,
United States Ijind Office, Vancouver,
Wash., April JO, 1908. Notice is hereby given
that iu compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory,'' as extended to all the public land
slate by act of August 4, IXfi,
ITImhas land A . nnAQ lu-u
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In 11118 0(11 his
sworn sUtemenl, No. 8221, for the purchase of
the lots 3 and 4, and south X northwest of
section iso. 4, in township
. tf north, range
No. 10 east, W. M., and will oiler pnsif to show
that the land sought Is more valUHble for its
Umber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
si Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the
10th day of August,
He nameaas witnesses: William M. Camp
field, Peter Smith, William Hoof and I hrisl
Uuler, all ol Trout l,ake, Wasn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands ure requested to file
theirclalms In this office on or before said
19th day of August, I:iu3
m7Jyt FRANK K. V A l"i ill AN, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.1
United Stales Land Office, Vancouver
Wash., April 211, lm. Notice Is herebv g.ven
that In compliance with tbe provisions of the
act of congress of June a, Is.s, entitled "An
act for the sale of timlier lands In the stati i
C alifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," aa exleiidrd lo all tbe public land
state by act of August 4, K 'i,
of Portland, county of Muitiiom h, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn slaieim-nt, No. S2i',, for the purchase of
tbe east half southwest quarter and west half
southeast section II, township .No.s north
range No. lieast. W.M.and wlliorier proof lo
show that the land sought is more valuable
lis timber or stone ttmn foragricultural far
poses, and to establish hi. riaini to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
l Vancouver. W an.. on Wednesday, tae
th day ol August, isai. "
lie name aa wiiiKmc James E. Mason
Crocket Castle, Susan W. S.nith and Preston'
W. Smith, all of FulJa, Wasn. '
Any and all persons dunning adversely ,
above-deM-ribed lands -are retjnrsteil to tile
their claims lo this office ou or before saiil
.th day of August, law.
ni7jy FRA.Nk K. VAUUHAN, Register, i
Real Estate
For Sale
Money to loan.
1. Lotw. in Waticoniii Park addition
The eust half of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres west of Lyman
Smith's; free irrigating water; fl.iiiKl.
3. Lot 10, Rolniont; in cultivation;
fair house; 5 acros; price $1,500.
5. Tho NW ,4 auction 25, T2 N, II i
E ; known as the W K Pearson home
stead; improvements worth fiOO; half
the land, oi more, tillable; Davenport
ditch runs through it. In the Crapper
neighborhood; price $1,500.
Comer lot in front of school house
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipnia addition, f 375.
Z.7. r.arrett-Sipma addition; $125 per
TiTt: $10 down and $5 per month.
2. Eligible residence lots in SpangU r'a
subdivision, near cannon house; "only
$125; terms easy, installment plan.
G. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood Kiver, belonging to George K.
Forsyth; price $4000.
21. N. S. K. S. N. E. 4 sit.
4, T. 3 N., K. 11 E White Salmon; tine
timber land; $10 per acre.
The Howell cottage near town and :)
acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, fur 5
days, at $1,000. After 5 days, f 1,!00.
KiO acres, house and garden patch,
on the corner 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $01.10.
The Hunt place '& miles southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in straw ber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1400.
The new company now offers for sule
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Kiver Townsite company, of which com
pany John Inland Henderson is secre
tary and t he Hood kiver Bank treasurer.
Five acres at Frankton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, bam ami
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
The 3 acres east of Garner's, near Mrs.
Howe's; one-eighth mile beyond the citv
limits. All in berries and apples; good
cottage. A lovely home. Price fur 25
days $1,700; after that $1,000 subject
to lease till November 1, 1003.
Persons who have made desert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timber entries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles to their lauds
by conferring with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood Kiver.
Tickets to and from Europe.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from' John
L. Henderson, who is agent for the
lieaver line of steamships.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
solar compass, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 0, l'.iu;!,
the rates will lie as follows: $10 a dav;
Lot corners established for $5 a hit;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Special Offers
The Howell c(ittav and .'5
aert'H, oast of Mrs. Alma
Howe's, for 5 (lavs at 1,700.
after 2 weeks 1, )()().
100-aere farm, ." miles
southeast of town on The
palloH roatl; fences and build
ings; several acres cleared
The Fulton 11 -room house
and lot by the arniorv, for
(Timlier Land, Act .luneS, ls;s.
Cutted States Lnnd (illlce, Vancouver,
Wash., April JO, HUM. Notice is herebv tiveii
that in compliance. Willi the provisions
ol the nctof onttrcss of June:!, lK7h, entitled
"An not for the sslo of timber lands in the
states of California, On-goA, Nrvada and
Washington Territory," as extended to nil
the public lend shoes bv ait or Atieust 4 W.
' , WILLIAM J. Htusr.
oriorthind, county of Multnomah, state of
Oreiton, bus this day filed In tills oili.-e hi
sworn statement. No. It'li, fr the purchase Mi
llie southeast 4 northwest and ll..rtlna-t
southwest t section 4, In township No.:iiiorili.
ramie No. in eust, w. M., ami will oil. r
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable f,,r lis Umber or stone lh.,n
for agricultural purposes, and to estiihli-li his
claim to said Uinil before tli HcsiMcr mxl
Receiver of this oilU-e at Vancouver, Wash.,
on luesday, ibe Ism dav of August, putt.
lie names aa witnesses': Ivnnls t'sruev mid
James K Cameron of Portland, dr., and lo
seph s-ulllVMii and K. 1). Cameron of White
.Salmon, V, ash.
Any undall srsnn claiming advcrsclv the
abovr-dtwrrlla-d lands are requested lo Iiie
theirclalms In this office on or before said
Isth day of Auent, Urns.
n7Jy KK A .VK KA ACU H A N. lleaist. r
Land Ofth-e st The lalles, Oregon. .1'iiie '.
lrtH.-Noti.-e is hereby (riven that the follow.
iiiic-namfd settlers have filed nolicvof inten
tion to niaki liaal proof on their rcspeetitc
ciaima helore tieorue T. Prattur, I . S. Coiu
inisBinncr, al Hood Itiver, Oregon, 011 Satur
day, July is, pun viz:
Uuardlan of the estate of John Kraneis Wvnn.
minor, who Is the sole heir of James K.Wj nn.
deceaso,! , on hoine-liid application No. Vise!.
rortheK' MK U kW, M. andsK'. s-W
ec , T I N, U fl K, W M.
JOHN W. ll.Wly,
of Hood Itiver. Oregon, 011 boim sleail upi 'i
csiion No. eu.O. for the N NK '4 and h ',
N W - see . T 1 N. K II K, W M.
; witnesses: Cbarlea Siar and Samuel Shirk
of Mosler, Or. gon, an I E. c K niers a id
John Kogersof Hood Kiver, Oregon.
i4ljj lit iUUiALL T. NOLAN, Kei;Mcr.