The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 11, 1903, Image 4

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    1 Xosier Itemx.
Mosler, June 9. The continuous warm days
have greatly assisted strawberries and cher
ries in ripening. Cherry grower are ship
ping their fruit, which seems to be a bountiful
In. r vent.
Fete Kben, who for the past five years has
been away from home, returned during the
past week. He has been located at Olympia,
and now that he lias returned here, finds
"there Is no place like home.'
Duvid Barrie of Lyle, formerly a clerk at
the J. J. Lewis A Co. store, was a visitor this
Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Fredericks, sr., spent
Saturday in The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter met with a
most serious arcldeut Wednesday. They were
preparing a lotion fur spraying, when sud
denly the lime and other ingredient began to
effervesce, and without warning was blown
with force Into their laces. Mr. Hunter was
removed to the hospital on Thursday, while
his wife did not go until Hunday. The phy
sicians at the hoepltal believe Mr. Hunters
eyesight to be entirely destroyed. We nope
Oiu aiw.h hi,v nut hA tl-flM.
Jotin Davenport was a Dalles visitor Satur
day. His nephew, Lewis Uunniug, accom
panied him home. , , ...
Mrs. Mary Wilson of Vancouver is visiting
her molher, Mrs. . t.oen, sr.
Mrs. F. Ipler and two children spent Sun
day with friends In The Dalles.
.rhn rarntii nnr wnrthv clerk at A. Stew
art's, accompanied bis mother-in-law, Mrs. t.
Hunter, to Portland Sunday morning.
MlKsMaybelle Boorman spent Saturday in
Tha Italia.
H. Rogers, a druggist of Baker City, spent
last week at the Davenport home. Mr. Rog
ers, being an excellent angler and nature
lover, was much taken up with Mosier.
William and Thomas McClure were among
fh rtftllmltitt HftturdaV.
Miss Lucy Mulllnsis a victim 01 lueiueasiea
ana lsconnnea to ner Dome. ,
... i
Mrs. Thomas Uill'lHll fias returnea irom ner i
Portland trip.
Clarence Densmore visited The Dalles Mon
ftira. r.mM r nn&w una m w uenruuo uav
en port returned, Hnnday, lrom lne imiies,
Where tney visitea mm. r. o. uuuiumk.
Carl and Frank Weidnerof the Kiuge were
ainonir the local Daliesltes last week.
Miss Lurine Jwnsmore of Hog Canyon vis
ited Ming Nora Root Friday.
fete Hennlngsen was a Danes local in urn-
Mrs. Oray snd daughter of The Dalles Is
nondlnir the week at the home of Lee Evans.
Aim nacnei Aiorxan reiurueu iitjih nc
Tlullu Hmiilnv.
KAiMn Krnirer deDarted for Hood River,
Hnnday, where he will be engaged picking
. . . . I
junew ine ounaay nueBiion, which
has been discussea pro ana con in ana
out ot the pulpit is still on, ana nae
pruvciiau mjuiy lovoc. ""'M
.nUn. .Unn a hflnnfil
to the community, ine vermci oi uie
iHjopio uero ib .g uuuuulra,,u
even hatred between those who profess
-!i.ii.nit.. Whr, ivflr hard of a dis-
... ... id
xt - rt 0i,,
rather than to tear down the work and
lif ia wnrth mnr than a thousand ser-
mnn. f!hr mt. rarnfi not to condemn, but
to save the lost and lift ud the fallen,
T.;tl nrnmlnr Dm world is unconverted,
The union church at Odell is only such
in name.
t io ... i n .,,.1
hi. i. rnvl for it. Kast Hood
I T UlUftlllK ia nun 111 lull lull miu
river valley and Willow flat are already
n th forpcrnnnri. and the future will
unfold a wonderful tale in apples, berries
and r.lover.
Mr. Massey and wife, who recently
i i. i i r 1 i....Do w .
low flat, moved in last Saturday, drivine
A rriW nil thfl WAV from 8nokane. We
congratulate this community on such an
acquisition as JNlr. and Mrs. Massey.
t. t. h taimo u So n
Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Hoff-
Hil. OIJU 1ID. 11 .'.lllivi "uui I
muster of New York, called at the little
u,klto .Inn. Urni.loo mnrnino BnH uarK
aiirnrianH anil ilnlicrhted to find dehciouB
it -a praam. Thev nassed on to the falls
tor a dava ontmi and will no doubt
drink from the Devil's punch bowl, arrived in Hood Kiver luesday morn
They were charmed with Hood river ing, from Toledo, Ohio, and are guests
va lev as indeed all tourists are. some
t hincrH mimt l-ifl seen to be anoreciated.
and Hood river valley, seen when at its
hunt in nevnr fnrffotten.
ti. ot f n,tll u nntrihiiio.l
' I
toward the lunch for the German atrri
'.' f" -' I' -- V" vw.. ' ,
culturalists last Thursday, were well
naid. Indeed the snread and decora-
iinna at the hall were beautiful bevond
description, and the good work of that
i iv hr the neon e ot rlooa Jtiver aim I
suburbs will no doubt prove far-reaching
in ita results.
Tt,ooa norm .i.vo ha nrnvn I,
t .,.;., .i.,. nanaouUv f 1
r. !!-: i
WRwr ior irriLFauon. anu vcl uuisiuo hiu
low lands near the creeks there is none.
Surely another year ought to brinsr. re
sults. The West Side district is an ob
ject lesson on the benefits of water.
Pine drove Gleanings.
June 9. Everything is very quiet
here now, all the young people whocan
be spared are at work in the strawberry
fields on the West Side.
J. L. Davis and father have moved
onto the place recently purchased of If
D. Slater. Mr. Davis' family will not
come here this summer, but will look
after his farm at Newberg, Oregon.
Mr. Clark began building his new
house this week. He will put up a $-(.KM)
residence, which will be a hne improve
ment for this part ot the valley.
Mrs. M. L. Harbison left last Satur
day afternoon for an extended visit with
her son, J. S. Harbison and family, of
Albany, Oregon. She was accompanied
as far as Portland by her grand daugh
ter, Hester Harbison, who will make a
week's visit with relatives there.
Clieiioweth News.
7 Chenoweth, June 9. Fishing parties
are numerous these days. Sunday W.
A. Foley, Miss Edna Brown, the school
ma'am, Arthur Arnold, Miss Annie Ed'
dleinan, John Yandal and Miss Jessie
Hughes, went up Little White Salmon
They cooked W) trout for dinner, and had
a rattling good time.
The same day Postmaster Hill, his
son Kay, and son-in-law O. H. Brown
and Bob Stone put up $1 each to see
who caught the most fish. The P. M
won the $3 and caught 100 fish. A keg
of beer was also with the party. It is
reported that the beer came near being
lost, as some of the fair ladies were
stopped, just in time, from swiping it
from the freighter s wagon.
H. C. Pebo and C. II. Cromwell went
to Portland Tuesday, as witnesses for
Simon Freeman in his land contest case
at the Vancouver land otflce.
Charlie Gibbon goes on crutches with
a crushed foot. A heavy log rolled on
his foot laatfrulay.
Wesley Shockley, an employe of the
Washington Lumber company, went to
Camas prairie last week and returned
with a wife. The newly married couple
were serenaded on their arrival in camp
Miss Jessie Hughes and Court Miller
spent several days last week visiting in
Hood Kiver.
Frank A. Cram, proprietor of the Up.
to-Date store, flood luver, presented A
J. Haynes, ihe Chenowith mail carrier, a
new sail Ia-t week for the mail boat,
which does service on the Columbia
three times a week The sail is a fine
one, and displays a handsome ad of the
enterprising merchant. This boat is also
used as a ferry.
Tom Newton returned Tuesday from
Portland, and" was a passenger on the
mail ferry the same day.
Fred Kauti, foreman and secretary of
the ashington Lumber company snnll,
made a trip to Hood Kiver luesday.
A bull and 50 feet of rope ate lost ia
the woods and can't be found. Satur
.!. U';ii.h1 .... t.L;.. i.
URJ cum " nii o.iM.iiig iiiv mui.i j
from Charlie Walther's place. &Ute
flume he met William Orser and asked
him to hold the bull while he (Willard)
got a drink. The bull made a break tor
Orser and ran right over him and into
the woods. Search was made but no
bull could be found.
A small ba?ket of choice strawberries
1 f . 1 tl! t
They weced to Chenoweth, but the
guilty party is still at large.
Mr. 8. L. Havnes from Portland is
visiting at Underwood witn tier son, a.
J. Hay lies, the mail carrier.
Freighter Foley . broke his wagon
tongue one night last weeKt ana ins
(Abe's) tongue lias oeen waggiu cvei
Mrs. O. H. Brown has been very sick
with pneumonia. A physician was with
hpr KHilav and Saturday, and she is
some better now, though her case is still
Will Strike Hood River.
It is not a serious blow for it will ben
efit all concerned. It conies in the na-1
inn nf a rvnapr that will drive awav all I
. " - . 1
worry. It is the great Palmo tablets
that have been placed with Williams'
pharmacy. I'almo Tablets are tor all
weak tieonle. There is no tonic and
nerve builder quite so great as Palmo 1
Tabets. Thev are one ot the two oniy
guaranteed remedies in the world. They
cost only ou cents per dox ana are ior an
III! Ilia Ul V. W BIIU U w v . ..... . .
,. . , . . , ,i,UI,0 f ,u
back and kidneys. Remember, they are
ucy imvo oh" v..
guaranteed. Call at Williams' pharmacy
for a free book that gives ail uesirea m
formation. ' 1:
Col. Robert Cowden
at the IT. B.
church tonight.
Perry Wickham was a visitor in Hood
Kiver over Sunday .
N. B. Jordan started Tuesday for Cali
fornia on a business trip
Misa Lulu Anderson and sister Miss
Georaia came jd from Portland Sunday.
Miss tieorizia returnea tuesaav ana
Vf!ca T .nil. will ramain ill TtnnaRlVPf
1UIOD 1JU1U .111. IV.U.M... ... . . . -
vi v p Rroi0 hor it..r.
M L let Tue8dav niomiim
. nin r att.nii thft wftadinff of Miss
, ... , . o ...
nnroijjokert. a niece of Mr. and Mrs
Br8jiey. Mr. Bradley and daughter,
Fearl, followed Wednesday morn
hen the news came I Sunday nigl it
that No. 4 was wrecked, 24 Dalles people
H'nrlavarl hnur tliou wmili'l nnh linmp
ButCflDtain Tavlor of the Maia raised
sjeam and landed the passengers in The
mooniigni nue.
Amone the liooa Kiver people wno al
tended the funeral of Frankie Sinnott
were 8. E. Bartmess. Peter Mohr, JameB
Lacey, Mrs. B. Theyson and others, lo
those, and also to the kind people wno
sent flowers, we extend our most neart-
, , ... r, oi .a
ielt thanks. Mr. ana wrs. r. ounioiv.
vr. uowuen, wno is lecturing anna u .
a. cnurcn. was a coionei in wo civn
war, and at present is general secretary
of the Sunday school Doara ol the u . 15.
church, and aiso, cnatauqua teacner
amonc an uuuuuiiuauuna. twiuii
nls 1(181 '"B1"-
Durine the hot afternoon of last Sun
day, the draws of the steel bridges at
roruanu were expanueu su uy wio ni-
lense neai mai 1 1 was I m uuomuio IU UUC1
. . , , - n.L . I.
? inem ior several nuurs. n
Bureau thermometer regisiereu wo oe-
K"CBB, HID uuncov uuuo I uu itwiu iui
XV. H. Marshall, brother of H. T,
Marshall, and daughter, miss louise,
oi jmibs teaiun inenursi. , wr. maranau
is manaeer of the union depot at Toledo,
They are highly pleased with Hood
River, and are elad to be here in time to
. . i ti i t:
enioy some oi tue lainous noou rviver
, 1 .
Joseph Frazier, jr., holds the record
for laree strawberries. Monday he pre-
sented the Olacier with a pound box
containing but 22 berries. They were of
trie Biars s t,veroeaniiK vaneiy, aim
Mr. Frazier says the plants producing
these berries have been watered but
once this year. 1 he btark 8 Overbear
1 n if bears twice in a summer anu is
niPB tAh hprrv. hut a rmor nroduct for
- , - - r , - -
distant markets. I n color, too, they do
not come up to the Clark's Seedling. Mr.
Crazier b larm on the hillside above
Crapper's, produces fine strawberries
and large yields of clover.
The Spokane flyer was derailed Sun
day night near Latourelle Falls, and it
was late Monday morning beiore a tram
got through either way. The train was
speeding along at 3d miles an hour when
the front wheels of the engine truck
were lifted from the rail by a small
spike on an eight degree curve. The
engine dashed into the Columbia, the
tender was smashed, a baggage went
partly over the track, and the smoking
and chair cars jumped the track. The
only person severely hurt was Engineer
John A. Christians, whose right hand
was crushed. A wrecking train passed
Hood River at 9 o'clock, but it was 7
o'clock the next morning before anv
strawberry cars could be moved.
A good one has just come to light on
the general manager of the Hood Kiver
Electric Light and Water company. It
seems that several months ago one of
the Celestials who operates a wash house
near the railroad track called at the
oltice of the light company and asked:
"How muehee one 'lectric lightee?" The
manager stated the price, and the chink
inquired w ho stood the expense of 'wiring
the house. "Why, the landlord usually
does," was the answer. "All lightee, I
takeeone lightee," responded the almond
eyed customer, and the bargain was
Timber Land, Act Jane 8, 1K78.1
United States I .and Office, Vancouver,
w aan.. May o, HUB. ftolKw Is Dereny given
that in compliance with the provisions of
the act of Vuoarem of J due Hi 1H7H, entitled
"An act fur the sale of timber lands in tbe
8Uilvs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wftxhlnxton territory," aa extended to all tbe
Public Land suites by act of Atuust 4, UttU,
of Olenwood, county of Klickitat, nttite of
Waxhinrton.tias this dnv filed In thin oltice his
sworn statement, No. :&i2, for the purchase of
me toi i, nonneast nonnweni ana north
'4 northeast of section No. 18, In town
ship No. S north, range No. 12 east, W. M., and
will fl'er proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for It timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Kecelver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on
Wednesday, thetilh day of Hepiemher, HUB.
He names hs wltnesMea: Albert Kuhnhau
en, Myrtle Harker.ltorv-rt Barker stud Charles
Marvin, all of WWnwood. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
anove aeserioeu iHnu are requested uj nie
their claims in thiaorik-e on or before said
nth nay of eptemher. lyns.
mTJys FRANK K. VAL'tiH AN, Reg later.
Job Printing
In up-to-date styles, good
mnterial and right prices.
We will ni(Hjt Portland coni-
letition, quality Of Stock, Size
. , i i ., ,
of order and work considered.
We respectfully
solicit your
order for anything inthe Job
Printing line.
Agt.for Densmore Typewriter
Of interest nowSomething
A good one, 85c; better, $1.60; Al, 1.75
up to 4.ou at
Cool Cooks
With cool tempera are guaranteed if
you use our Blue blame oil stove.
Agents universal tutnges.
Screen Doors
Best cedar, 00c to tl: Front doors,
$1.40 to fl.65; Window screens, 35c to
40c; Steel wire oloth, all wiatns,
TTo vri ttto to Rfntm orifl
Furniture Carpets
Until July
duction of
facing on
want a lot, BUY NOW.
closed. Next day the company manager
discovered that the Chinese laundry was
in one of his own buildings, and further
more that it would require, besides a
transformer, three additional poles and
several hundred feet of wire to supply
the one light. The landlord hasn't yet
wired the wash house ior electric iigius.
esse Davidson has found a remedy
for tape worm he can recommend as be
being a sure shot, and for this reason we
give it publication.- may oe ine
means ot curing oiners. ne ausiameu
from all victuals for two days, except
that he ate pumpkin seeds. On the
third day the tape worm gave up the
fight, and Mr. Davidson now feels that
be ia rid ot him.
Joe Morris is down from Arlington and
is helping with the big strawberry crop
of C. A. Shurte's at White Salmon. Joe
says at one time he knew everybody in
Hood Kiver; now ne uoesn t Know one
in ten of the Hood River people.
H. J. Byrkett and H. H. Bailey went
out to Trout lake the first of the week
on a fishing trip. They got there about
one week loo late. The water iu the
lake was too high for good dulling.
Frank McFarland and family of Port
land are spending a month at their sum
mer cottage at Belmont. Mr. Mcfarianu
is agency director for the Provident Sav
ing Life insurance company.
E. G. Jones and wife from Appleton,
Wis., are spending a week in Hood
River. Mr. Jones is an extensive tim
ber land owner above the forks of Hood
Advertised Letter Hut.
June 8, 1903.
Randol, MlsaSarah Kendall, Chas B
Hchely, Mrs Rose Llnville, Bert
Thompson.Mrs Julia McClintade, J E
Waterman, Mrs 8 8 McDanlels, Edward
Alr'Hne, Krana Hiioues, jonn
Harvey, Lucas .
That Throbbing Headache
Wnutd nnicklv leave von. if vou used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and rvervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up your
health. Only 2o cents, money back n
not cured. Sold by Charles N.Clark,
Barber Shop,
On the Hill,
S. C. JACKSON, Proprietor.
Ice Cream and Candies
in adjoining room.
Meat Market.
McGuire Bros., Propr's.
Dealers In Fresh snd Cured Meats. Lard
Poultry, Fruit and Vegetables.
r ree Delivery. rnone an.
and Builder.
Plans and Estimatks Furnished
Upon Application.
& Builders.
On the Mount Hood road, South
of town, keeps constantly on band
the beat quality of
Hay, Grain and Feed,
At Lowest Prices.
da D. r. LAMAR, Prop.
and Builder.
PIM furnished and Estimate given
on Buildings. Juyl
: 7
and Builder
Pun axd Estimates Fcixibhed.
S. H. COX.
7x9, $4.75; 8x10, $6.60; 10x12. 7 .50;
. 12x12, $8.60. special orders filled
Dining Tables
You will give yours away after seeing
our Immense line In lieautlfully fin
ished oak, jtiNt in- lo $H0.
Furnishes everything
needed about a home.
Tinware. Paints and Oils. Building: Material,
Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Pictures Frames.
Reduction in
1,1 will make a re
$50 a lot on all lots
Eugene street. If you
Here are some of the
Hartley s
Pure White Flour, guaranteed the best in town;
New Orleans Molasses in bulk. Fresh vegetables
every day. Minced Hani and Picnic Hams. Best
Cream Cheese. Fresh cakes on hand all the time.
Sweet and sour pickles. Royal Baking Powder.
Coffee'from 15 to 40c per ft. Telephone orders
given spt.-cial attention. Phone 571. Free delivery.
For sale "at
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies and Confections. Cig
ars, Fruits. White help only.
Do not arrange for (hipping your strawberries without consulting
They have shipped more than half the strawberries grown in
Hood River Valley the past 10 years.
They lead in verything that has made the strawberry business
so profitable.
They have made complete settlement with their shippers when
others were kicking for money to pay pickers.
In Carriage and Wagon Repairing, Horseshoeing
and General Blacksmithing is done by
snow & upson:
This firm is competent to do all repairingof ve-hir-leflno
break so bad that they will not repair it.
Give them a trial and Ih convinced of their capac
ity tft do fine work. Pljone 2't.
else in winter
Wagon Covers
From $2 up. You can't do without
one at the prices we name.
Sewing Machines
$18 to $37. Noisless Ball-bearing Good
Hilibard 10 year guarantee.
A lute arrival of an Immense variety
Japanese linen warp induces cut
prices b force out of way of our fall
stock of curtains.
Price of
New Goods on hand at
Proof Paints.
LXow is th" time
SZ To ut Squirrel Poison. We have .
Now in the time
To snrav vour orchards. We have
i all kinds of spraying material for
j sale at the lowest prices.
yoio is the tiwe
To pnrify your blood. We have
Sarsaparillas and all kinds of Spring
Don't forget the place.
When von want anything in the
DRUG'LIXE get it at
All grades and makes of watches. Gold-illled cimes, warranted for
20 and 25 years; also solid gold-all sold at Kiiatern prices.
In the line of OPTICAL GOODS I will carefully tost 4 he eyes
and fit them with the liest lenses in good gold-lllled frames for one
third what these traveling oculists, who do not imderst.ind their
business, charge for cheap goods.
Bargains in Real Estate.
8 acres, three miles from town, all in berries, a
good house and barn.
15 acres 4 miles from town, $200 house ami 12
acres cleared. Good apple and berry land.
100 acres, 0 miles out, 1,000 Hearing apple trees,
3 acres in berries, and all kinds of other fruits; .'50
acres in cultivation; good house, barn and milk
house; income, 1,100 a year.
40 aeres 4 miles from town, 20 acres in cultiva
tion, 5 in bearing trees; can sell in 20 acre tracts.
5 acres G miles from town, 800 apple trees, the
balance in wheat and clover.
20 acres 7 miles out, all in apples 2 years old.
20a 1 miles out, all cultivated, fine apple land.
80a, 0 miles out; 35a in cultivation; barn&house.
For prices and terms call on or address
H. F. JOCHIMSEN Hood River, Or.
Mount Hood Mill Co.,
All kinds of well-seasoned finish lumber on hand,
such as Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic, etc.
All orders filled as quick as the quickest, as
cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best.
Prices on Application.
bone & Mcdonald.
Still Closi
Their Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Men's Furnish
ings goods at prices that cannot be duplicated in
Hood River. Our stock of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Is complete and prices are right. Come and see us.
bone & Mcdonald.
Doors and Windows.
Paints and Oils,
Furniture, Carpets, and Redding.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.,
The largest list of Fruit and Berry Lands in
Hood River valley and White' Salmon to select
from. Honest treatment will award you by plac
ing your property in our bands. Loans nego
tiated. Insurance.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten F.uilding,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
City Blacksmith Shop, j. It. Nickelscn,Proi).
General Blacksmithing.
Horse Shoeing and Wagon Wood Work
Dealer, in Blacksmith and Wagon Makers' Supplies
Complete line of Syracuse
Farm Implements.
Cor. 4th and Onluintmi. Thone 2H.'
Livery, Feed and Draying.
Klrt snrt mk
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and fr. m the bout landing If you want
a first-class turnout rail on the
America's BEST Republican Paper.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
."2 twelve-page pajiers $1 a year. The Inter Ocean
ami Glacier one yeaj for 1 .1)0.
Agency for Milbum Wag
ons, Carriages & Buggies.
llorws liought, Hold or excliai jrod.
Pleasure parties can necure li rut -chins ri!. So
cial ut It-lit ioti jriven tti moving Furniture
ami Pianos.
We do everything horses can do.
'linnc 7irt.