The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 11, 1903, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903.
SL .
Fourteen yeurs ago, on June 8, 1889,
appeared the first issue of the Glacier.
Judge George T. Prather, whose pie
lure appears herewith, is the founder
of the paper. For three months, the
Glacier 5 columns, 4 pages was print
ed at The Dulles, until September, 1889,
when John H. Cradlebaugh brought
a printing plant to Hood River and as
sumed charge of the paper, which was
enlarged to a six column folio. Mr.
Cradlebaugh continued with the edi
torial management and ownership for
rive years, or until July 7, 1894, wheu
he sold to S. F. Blythe, and within the
past year the firm name has been made
to reads. F. Blythe & Son. During
the 14 years since the Glacier was es
tablished by Judge Prather, the paper
has niade steady improvements com
mensurate with the growth of Hood
River, and its present worth and use
fulness speaks for itself.
That the German agriculturalists spent
a day in Hood River was due to the per
sonal efforts of A. L. Craig, general pas
senger agent ot the 0. R. & N. Mr.
Craig made a special trip to Washington
City last winter and induced the officials
of the agricultural department to ar
range the itinerary of the Germans so as
to include a trip over the 0. R. 4 N.
Otherwise the trip would hav been
made by way of Pugct sound on the
Northern Pacific, which company was
very anxious to secure the foreigners.
Thiii information was given the Glacier
by a prominent official of the 0. R. & N.
Hood River was further favored by the
Germans making a longer stop here than
at any other farming or fruit center on
their trip. And further, the distin
guished visitors declared Hood lliver
fruit surpassed anything they had seen.
Hood River often gets such bouquets,
but it is extremely gratifying to know
this was said in earnest and not in a
spirit of flattery. Hood River thanks Mr.
Craig that the Germans visited our
The annual Mazama outing will this
year be a trip to the Three SisterB. The
pasty of mountain climbers will leave Eu-
. gene Thursday, July 9. On the following
Monday the largest of the Sisters, the
Big Mountain will be climbed, and the
next day an attempt will be made to
climb the North Peak, a feat, which, so
far as is known has never been accom
The Portland evening Journal re.
cjntly installed a new $25,000 Hoe press,
built expressly for the paper. Other
improvements have been made and its
news service increased until now the
Journal ranks among the leading news
papers of the Pacific coast. The Journal
began life 14 months ago, and is now a
permanent feature in Oregon journalism.
Hood River appreciates tbe Interest
which the O. K. & N. company takes
in advertising tbe town und valley.
Tbe recent booklet on Oregon summer
resorts, mention of which is made else
where, gives a truthful account of con
ditions here, aud presents matters In
a manner convincing. Nothing la
Hood River is too good for Mr. Hall. '
The special immigration issue of the
Portland Tradesman is an artistic pro
duction well designed to advertise the
varied resources of Oregon, and to pro
mote the interest of the Lewis & Clark
Hood River has tbe opportunity to
secure a large flouring mill and a pine
needle factory. It is hoped every in- j
duceruent will be made to bave these
enterprises locate here.
Shall the City Lose $1,800 a Tear!
Hood River, June 10, 1903. Editor
Glacier: Coming up the street a few
days ago, feeling very much as though I
had been caught stealing chickens, I
met Sam Rartmess, and something ol
this kind of a dialogue ensued: "Well,"
said Sam, "did you sign the petition for
a license?" "Yes, I did?" "What did
you do that for?" "Because I believe it
to be the proper thing to do." "Why so?
What are your reasons?" "My reasons
are: While I have but little use for
whisky, and less use for the man that
sells it, I recognize the fact that whisky
is here and that it is here to stay ; that
the fl, I0 now coming in from saloon
licenses goes a long way towards paying
theeipenao of the city, and that it re
solves itself into just thisquestion, Shall
we have an open saloon, recognized by
and under the control of the city, or
shall we keep a nest of blind pigs and
dig up the $1,800 in the shape of taxes?"
"Then whv not license gambling? If
you are going to licence crime, then give
gambling an equal show with whisky."
"Is there gambling going ou?"
"Certainly there is.
"Why don't you stop it?"
"Yon can't stop it go long as we have
"Can yon stop it when the saloons are
gone?" "Perhaps not" "Then I say,
Why not licens it? Why not make it
pay the penalty and again help out the
city government?" "Becau-e there is a
principle involved that ought to cut
mine hgtire in the matter. There ought
to be tome satisfaction in knowing yon
are doing right."
"That is very true if you are doing
right. Tbe w hole question then turn
on the word 'right.' I believe that when
you have a pestilence you can't get rid
of, the right thing tod) is to control it
as much as you can." "Then why not
license murder?" "Murder and chicken
stealing are not legitimate occupations.
The great American government does
not consider them eurti, although both
are extensively practiced; yet they are
not fostered and protected and regulated
by law as whisky is; and un'il it is made
a crime on the statute books of the
United State to manufacture liquors of
any kind until Mother Nature shall in
Iter wisdom so change her laws that
cider will not get hard or grape juice fer
ment aud make wine until these
changes are made, just so long will
weak humanity drink and get drunk.
"1 want it distinctly understood that
I do not train with the whisky baud. 1
am opposed to saloons, and had the good
work been carried on that I inaugurat
ed the liquor clause in the title to town
lots the city would today be clear cf
-aloona. There is a rough old saying,
Thit a wise man learns by the expe-rii-uie
of others, but a blank fool has to
learn by his own."
Now, I will make this prophecy, and
ask my prohibition friends to watch it
closely. Mark what I say: Do away
with saloon license, tax the people, go
to the extreme of your present power
it will last until the next election, and
then you are done done to death, bo
dead that Gabriel's horn could not res
urrect a corporal's guard of prohibition
ists in this town. Rule with judgment.
"Love wisely; not too well.'
." H.C
Arts T . nqvtri- fc ib us r kmIm m r"r -nrrun
I, w m bi m m4 by 1M w' H-t pwfMilr mm,U Iw tl
IUiitillbNimlft)ui ThM mm -W.-J4 ha mI mf m Mm
M tfm tkstr. If MNM l M -4lU -W rMIiN. k M Ml
(tTMNflkMfiiMtailM. TktJ Urt Um If f liffct, 4iaM U Mflw tl
tMlM, mm pm m4 -MMMlWn m4 lsjr l ha .ywlgfct. WW rt Is 1
bW wh ar naltaf MM hetto Mm iarbM fM ft la vrfer as
sUm-v. It la mm f hill-f Mm. m4 n..k M- fl iwfill M
M UI H MtMMi k bMUg tir a U-pa .
If yon can't name the above letter distinct
ly at a dlHlanee or 20 feet, you need glasses fur
distant vision.
These disks are equally black and distinct.
If one should appear blacker than the othera,
your defective vision Is due to an Insular
shaped eye-ball. Tills defect requires special
ly ground lenses, 'lest one eye at a time.
These are rotiKh te.,ts; mine aie accurate.
Wiien your eyes blur, smart, pain or are in
flamed, or when you ere troubled with ex
cessive headache or nervousneas; or if you
baveany disease of the conjunctiva, which Is
sometime spoken of as catarrh of the eye,
you should have your vision carefully tested,
and should there prove to be any error of re
fraction, a pair of perfectly nttlna; glasses will
hasten to relieve you of your trouble, and of
ten eradicate your apparent disease without
further treatment. 1 have the most accurate
devices known to the optical profession for
testing the eyes, also the knowledge to use
them. I bave satisfactorily fitted glasses
when the most highly recommended local
and city opticians have failed. I guarantee
my work aud compete in price with first-class
competition. Prescription orders a specialty.
Consultation free.
Headquarters Hood River, Or.
Dissolution Notice.
To W'ho.n It May Concern: This is to give
notice that the partnership heretofore exist
ing between W. W. Treat and W. 1 Hucka
bayisby mutual consent dissolved. W. W,
Trent will continue the business at tbe old
stand and will pay all firm bills end collect
an outstanding aeois.
Hood River, Jnne 8, 1WW.
Early Berry Plants.
I have 4 acres of vigorous strawberry plan ts
but nut Inn! full whlih nre uai l.tni niral v in
young plants and wilt produce aOO.OOO to 4ui,00O
vines, ramus wisuiug early pianu anonm
potll'y me at once.
4 Men Wanted.
Married men; wages tl a day; bouse rent
Furniture for Sale.
Book Case. Couch, Book Case Jap, 4 Hock
Ing chairs. Extension Table. 0 Kitchen Chairs,
Heating stove, 2 Iron Bedsteads, UMprlnga or
jiaiireMH-s x um i um, uaa uearoom set,
Kitchen Table, Center Draft Lamp, Kitchen
i rcasure, ous ueuier i aoie.
Residence ovei McDonald's Store.
Timber Land, Act Jnne 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office. Vanennvor
Wash., June 8, 1903. Notice la hereby iilven
Lthat in compliance with the provisions of tbe
(or the sale of limber lands in tbe states of
lamorma, Oregon, mevaaaana Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
aiuies uy acv oi Ailgusi 4, imk,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ot
Oregon, has this day filed In this oitice her
sworn statement. No. Dili), for the purchase
oi in. wiuuiwui quarter oi seciion no. is, hi
township No. 6 north, range No. 12 east, w, M.,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable lor Its tlmberor stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud to estab
lish her claim to said land before tbe Register
uuu iveceiver oi mis omce ai Vancouver,
Washington, on Monday, the 17th day ot
August, 1H03.
She names as witnesses: Ida Buswell and
Oeorge liuswcll of Portland, Or.; K. A.
Kalmer of Olimer, Wash.; P. D. Heudet
shot of Portland, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
uinr cwuu. iu una oinoe ou or oeiore saiu
i i u uay oi a ugusi. lwti.
Jellaia FRANK E. VAUOHAN, Register.
iTImber Land, Act Jnne It, 1878.1
IlnltiMl ntalm I.Anif nfflM V.nM1.inM
Wash., May 25, MM. Notice Is' hereby giveu
that In compliance with the nrovlsionsol the
act or congress of June 8, HC'8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states of
i Binornia, Oregon, .Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
sutiea uy act oi August , isira,
of Portland, county of Mullnomab.Btatenf
Oregon, has this day filed in Mils oftioeher
sworn statement, fto. SUI, lor the purchase of
me nwii imii noruieast Quarter nr
section no. zi, in township No. 6 north,
range No. 12 east. W.M and s ill offer nroor m
show that tbe land sought la more valuable
or its iimoer or stone tnan ror agricultural
nuriHHtM, and to eatttbliah feerelaiin tanM
iana neiore tne Register and Receiver of
in ii onice, at Vancouver, Washington, on
t mummy, iitv IHU uay OI AUgUHt, IW3.
She names as witnesses; Lottie Casto and
Henry Hosletter of Portland, Or.; Ermie
irougn ana Herman Kunnhausen of U leu
wood. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
fir ciaima in una omce ou or before said
nil, uay OI August, IMMk
nriqiyao FRANK E. VAUOHAN, Register
Wind Mills
Galv. Tank.
Iron Pipe.
Write for catalogue of Aer
niotor goods.
Maier & Schanno,
The Dalles, Or.
- i "s
Bet Wearing Shoes for Least Money.
We have Some broken lots in Ladies and Children's Shoes which we will close
out at a loss. Ladies' Shoes, worth $2.50 each, high Cuban heel, black vamp,
patent leather they are yours for $1.65 a pair. Ladies' $8 shoes, silk vesting
top, thin sole, $1.50. A few Boys' Shoes, .sizes 13, 13 and 1, worth $1 .10 and
1.30 a pair, you can have them for 85c a pair. Girls' Atlas School Shoes, the
Bradley-Metcalf make, regular price $1.65 and 1.75 a pair; sizes from 9 to 2.
These are SPECIAL BARGAINS, but we need the room for other shoes and you
can have the benefit of the loss. They are yours for $1 a pair. Call to look
the lot over and see what big values you can get for a little money.
CORSETS p aso have several dozen corsets, odds and rmds, worth
75c, 50c and 35c your choice for 25C each.
New Ideal Paper Patterns are the Best, 1 Oc
Bids Wanted.
Notice Is hereby given that bids will be re
ceived for the erection of a Hehool House In
District No. 2, at Frank ton, Wasco county,
Oregon foundation excluded. Hire of build
ing, (Hi feet long by HO feet wide and 24 feet
high, with belfry iOxJO In front. Hills to be
SxtS; studding, t leet apart, 2x; ceiling, bead
ed, 1x1; floor Joist, JixM and '2x12; No. 1 floor
ing, ll,xi; No. 1 V rustle; shingles, cedar, No.
I, i'4 Inches to weather; bed molding and
crown molding. 4 inch; window sills, 2x8:
window stools, Vti; stepping, 1x12. Sheet
ing must be em-faced; ratters; 2x4. Hout-e to
be lined with surfaced lumber and put on di
agonally and rustic on top of that Water ta
ble, 4 inch; windows, tl(i.30x-IO, one light to the
sash; 4 inside doors, ' 8x7.2; i outside doors,
3x7.2, witli transom; 2 lights; heavy mortised
locks. Building to be divided into four
rooms; tipper rooms to have partition to raise
up so It can be thrown Into one room; a raise
or 21 Inches In east end of upier floor 14 feet
wide. 1'aiut, two con Ih; best white lead and
linseed oil; color to be decided on later. One
flue suitable for building of that size, tlxlS, in
side plastered, to extend above the roof 6 feet.
The district has (MOO woith of lumber that
must be turned In on contract. All persons
putting in bids must furnish their own speci
fication. Plans can be seen at the residence
olU. 1). Wood worth. All bids to be sealed
and will be opened on
June 15.1903,
at 2 o'clock p. m. Hald building to be com
pleted by Hepieuiber 1, ISAM. All material to
bestrlctly first class. Inside to be finished
in hard oil. Directors reserve the rlKht to re
ject any or all bids. Bonds for double the
amount or building must be furnished if bid
is accepted, ay orueroi me ooarn.
M. II NuHLK, Chairman.
40 Acres for Sale.
Adjoining my place on the East Side, 6
miles out. 21) acres cleared, 12 acres set to
trees one year ago, comprising 6(10 Hpitsen
berg,2U) Yellow Newtown, 100 Jonathan. Land
nearly all tillable. About 15 acres of the un
cleared portion is bottom land with abund
ance ot water flowing through to Irrigate it.
Land all inclosed by a good board fence. This
is a splendid chance for some one to get a fine
fruit farm and borne In theceuterof tbe apple
district. Well worth $125 an acre, but the
owner, being a non-resident with large Inter
ests elsewhere, will let It go. If sold at once, for
considerably lex than 1UU per acre. If Inter
ested In any way, do not fail to nee this prop
erty. For full particulars call on nt write to
K. E. HAKBIKON, Hood huer, Or.
Pbone3W. Je4
For Sale.
A good young 1100 pound team and harness;
also a fresh cow, Durham and Jersey cross.
Apply to Allen Herman, East Side, one mile
north of Harbison's mill. Je4
Cow for Sale. ,
I nave a tine cow for aule, giving a good
now ui uiiia. jrricetto. - v
15 Acres at $4,000.
Five acres in strawberries; 0 acres in clover;
2 sore ready for berries. Farming Imple
ments and tools Included.
A pocket-book containing my discharge
from the army, S10 In currency and other
small articles, it tne tinoer will return to me
my discharge be can keep the $10.
Organ for Sale Cheap.
CalTon Je25 H. C. HEN GST.
Horse for Sale.
A good work horse, 8
years old; weight
about 11(10. Inquire of J
Glacier office.
i. miner or at the
Fresh Cow for Sale.
A nnl-blooded younj Jersey o
by J. it. ga
cow. For sale
On the Purser place.
For Rent.
Lots 5 and , block K, Hood Itlver. Lota 8
and 4, Block K, i'arkhursl.
Jel 1504 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
For Sale.
An A No. 1 Jersey Cow, five vears old; a
yearling call. Jersey and Durham. rIo mitt
good work horse. ,
jn Mils. C. F. y.
Parties are known who took a roll of blan
kets out of J. L. Filslnger's barn. The same
had belter be returned no questions asked.
To the Ladles of flxd River and vicinity
I am starting classes In Embroidery and
Painting In all their braiirhw. ,ill u,n
and crayon, and will be pleawd U have vou
call and see my embroidery pieoes and na'lnt.
Ings, at my home Just west of the school
house. Will also make paintings, orembmlri.
ery pieces to order at reasonable prices. See
ror terms ftr lessons. V ery rennectfullv.
Hood River, Or.
Notice to the Public.
I hereby rive notice to all whn n it ma
concern that on and after May 21, l!i03, 1 shall
not be responsible for any debts or bills con
tracted by my wife, Mary Hakel, she having
left my bed and board. JOHN HAKEL.
nuou niver, or., may n, iwb. Jell
School teachers and Ktndpnti who nr rw
for a t ravelin- noaltinn Cor Lh mnumr wwi
w n. w. mil-win, i ne dhupm. ur. loll
Money tcTLoan.
t2500 to 1(100 In loan nn lmnfnv ur I
River real estate, gilt edge security, at H cent
And wagon repairing attended to pmmptly at
myshopon the Ml Hnod ri anmh
Good work at reasonable prices.
A good 10-horne Steam Boiler. Inquire of
a KNOW 1'1wii
Cow for Sale.
An Al cow, fresh, ror sale cheap.
21 J. J. JORDAN.
Government Land.
I can locate hnrnuvku. . .
land-good fruit land, with tnrinra. ,m
"..illir i? ,rr'f!"e: easily cleared; 12 to IS
mllea from Hood River; near coun'y road.
fcuaiLLKB, H.iod River. Or.
n the matter of the application of R. H. Mayes
fT!;"W.UM;.,",,, w k "lock 2. Wlnins
uf.J " J. "I.!:'" (now city, of Hood
River, county of Wasco and state of tregoii.
Id tht mm. nf th. u..An, , .
To Mrs. O. P. Dodae and all wiw.,,, it'
Thaton the lsth dav of M.t- a n in .
fJFi,f; " V by said E. 8. Mayes In
..t-uh own oi wnsco county lor Initial
regmratkMi of th tiiu ik i i j"
Now nnlna you appear oa or before IheZM
day of June, and snow camw why said
application abould not be granted, the same
will be taaea as mnfeaard, and a (ierree will
be entered according to Uie p raver of the ap
plication, and vou will h a... k
di.pullngineiime. '
W line my hand and the seJ of Id eonrt
JJ""0 affiled Uii Wth day of May. A. D.
Joha Lel-Dd Henderson, Atty for applicant
mi, llel
Saturday, June 13,
bummer uress
Goods Sale.
In KfiHo Kords, a number of patterns to wloct
froin all 10c values, at ,
1'icot stripes in beautiful patterns, l.Gc values nt
Several patterns in Mercerized and Silk Zephyrs,
25 and 27c values, at
- 21c.
AihI a beautiful piece white fig:uretl Damask" for
shirt waists, ttoc value, and cheap nt the price,
All children's and boys' two and three-pieee suits,
15 per cent off. All new goods and good patterns.
Don't overlook the ODD AND END SHOE SALE.
Some of them as high as f 2.50 and f 3, all go at
85c. If there is anything in this lot you can use,
it is a bargain.
Are you a coffee drinker? If so we can please
you. 'Any price from 15 to 35c. We especially call
your attention to our new 25c Blend. To intro
duce it quickly; for this week we will sell it for 20c.
You can't get any better than our Mandhling Java
and Mocha, even though you should pay 50c.
The Spot Cash Grocery
Having purchased the grocery store of J. E. Hanna,
I will continue to conduct it on the same liberal
business basis, and guarantee to the trade cour
teous treatment and good goods at the right prices,
prompt delivery and close attention to all your
wants. Will continue the agency for The Dalles
Steam Lanudry, and solicit a share of your patron
age in that line.
My stock is complete, consisting of Flour and
. Feed, Staple Groceries, Green Vegetables, Fruits,
Nuts,, candies, etc. Yours for quick sales and small
Phone rn.
Magnetic Body Shields.
Physicians, as well as sufferers, mark the date when and the book
where you first read thb statement: Magnetic vibration rightly applied
to the blood eapillaric trill eiire all dUeuse not in the fatal ntcge of
dinnolutioit orVwiw.-
Dr. Thacher's Magnetic Shields
Arelhe most perfect device for such application. We are spending thousands of dol
lurstosay this. Will you not spend one cent for proof? Two books free that will as
tonish you. A book of teatimonlaia the mont convincing ever gathered from grateful
patrons, mid Dr. Thacher's Treatise, Magnetic Fori, a Plain Road to Hesllh.
J. It. Flabrr, now in Hood River, la agent lor the Thucher Magnetic Shield Co. He
has been paralysed for years, but is now regnioinz hl health by the use of Dr. Thaeb
r syooda. Invalids will do well to call and see Mr. Fisher nt the house of Mrs Henry.
Meats and Fruits.
Our supply of fresh meat ia always the brat the market affords. We aell
Sirloin Steaks at 15c per lb., and other choice meat at lowest prices. Call on
us for Chirk-Vita for Sunday r week day dinners. We handle Ihe Millwood
Creamery Butter none Issuer In market.
We will Meet all Honorable Competition.
to Friday, June 19
Ktve Delivery.
w A B
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May 4, im. Notice is hereby given
Mini in coiiiiilluiice with the provisions of the
act of coiia-reii of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act
fortliesnlo of timber lands 111 the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and waHniiigton
Territory." as extended to all the public land
states by act of August ,
of Hood Uiver, county of Wasco, stale of Ore
iron, has this day tiled In tills office his sworn
HtHtement No. l-riil. for the. purchase of tli
lota I and 2. southeast hi northwest hi, and
northeiuit V. southwest hi of seotlon No. ID, I
township No. 6 north, range No. 12east,W.M
and will olt'er oroof to show that the lall
sought Is more valuable for Us timber o
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before tl
Itralster mid Receiver of this office at Vail'
couver. Wash., on Wednesday, the tttli day ol
Mepleiiitier, imh.
He names as witnesses: Oliver C. Pcan
Theodore F. Bheolerand Alfred J. Hhepler.a
of Hood River. Ore., and 11. A. r'aluier of
(11 liner. Wmh.
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this office on or oeiore suiu
Uth dav of .HeDtember. IW1.
rniJyH FRANK E. VAUOHAN, Register.
rrimber Land Act June 8. 1878.1
United Htntea Land Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. March 21). ltM. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 18K. entitled "An act
lor the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the publlo lund
s lutes by act or August i, inii,
Of Portland, couuty of MultnoniRh, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his
sworn statement No. 8177, for the purchase
EJHK M, seciion 21, and N N'E of
section ), in uiwnsmp o. 3 norm, range
No. 9 east, w. M., and will otter proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone man for agriculture
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
luna oeiore tne uegister aca iteceiverot tni
office at Vancouver, Wash.,' on Thursday,
lhe2M day of July. 1WM.
He name as witnesses: John L. Henderson
of Hood River, Or.: Andrew 11. Richmond am
Homer C. Campbell of Portland, Or.) rrun
Davenport of Hood River. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
anove-uescrioed lanus are reqursteu: to me
their claims in mis oince on or Dctore sum
liid day of July, im.
m27m2 W
R. DUNBAR, Register.
Itnd Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 8,
I'KCL Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Ing-named
settlers have tiled notice of their in.
ten (Ion to make final proof In support of their
claims, and that said proor will be mum
before W. B. I'reshy, United States ( omnils
sioner for district of Washington, at his offic
In Ooldeudule, Wash., on Mouuuy, June !,
lim;i, tic
Homestead Entry No. 1010, for the W i of HE
hi i-ectlon and NW hi of NE hi and UK hi of
N W hi of section 7, township 6 north, range 11
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous resinence upon ana cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
Fred K toller, William F. Stadelinan. Arnold
Anrig ana itusn Bellinger, ail or Trout l.uke.
wasningion. Ana
Homestead Entry No. liJiT, for the W of
n w ji oi section m anu rw y oi sev
Hon 12, and BE of HE hi of section 11, town
ship 5 north, range 11 east, W. M.
Hhe names the following witnesses to pt
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Leonard Htiimp and Jens Chrlstenson
Fulda, Wanli., and Elmer E. Wright and
Courtland Chapman of Trout Lake, Vt ash.
'K E. VAIIGHAN, Register.
ITImber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. April 80, 1!W. Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
if lliaanl nf Omunitfunf liii.a'J itf'y antiflu.l
"An act for the sule of timber 'lunds In the
stales or California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to till
the public land states by act of August 4, lrtW,
Of Portland, county of MuUnomah, state of
Oregon, has this duy died In this office hi
sworn statement No. 3012. for the unrchase of
the west half sou llieasl quarter and east half
southwest quarter of section No. HO. in town
ship No. & north, range No. 11 east, W. M .hihI
will oiler proof to sluiw thai the land sought
Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim to said lam! before (he Uegister and Re
ceiver oi tins office al Vancouver, Wash., on
Tuesday, ttie atn uuy ofHeptemher. liKW.
He names as witnesses: Frank E. Burbow
John K. Hlght, B. Hosmer and (j. L. l!ow
man, all of (joldendule. Wahliigton.
Any anil all persons claiming adversely the
alKvelescrlbed lands are requested to tile
t heir claims in this office on or before said
sth aay or September, 1HUS.
ni7Jy9 FRANK K. VAUUHAN, Register.
Timber ljmd, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Ijtnd Oftlce, Vancouver,
Wash., May , liWI. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
hci oi congress oi j uue a, live, entitled "An act
for the sale ot timber lands In the states of
calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
lerniory," as extended to all the public Inn
states by act of August 4, 1S0'2,
of Fulda P. O., county of Klickitat, state of
Washington, nas mix iiuv nieii n i ,i om,.
ner sworn statement, no. xm. for the mir.
chase of the lot 1: south hi of the northeast.
.w hiwcbii y oi-fciio BOULNeusi - Ol sec-
wwu i-,o. t, iii uiwiisuip o. o norin,
range No. 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof
w snow until i no lund sougni is more valua
ble for Its Umber or stone than for msrieiii.
tural purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before W. II. Presby United Slste
tjommissioner ror district of Washington, al
Ills office at Uoldf ndale, Wash., on Tuesday,
the iilst day of Julv. Won.
She names as witnesses: Daniel W. Pierce of
uoidenaale. Wash.; Halsey 1. Cole, John
(i. Wyers and Samuel M. Cole of Fulda, Wash.
Any and all persons clalnilmr adveraelv the
above-described lauds are requested to tile
thalrclalma In this office on or before sitld21st
aay ot Jiuy, isos.
mHJyl6 FRANK E. VAUOHAN, Register.
lnd Office at Vancottvor, Wash., May 9,
1H03. Notice Is herebv elven Hint, the follow.
Ing-named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
me negisier ana neceiver u, 8. Ulna otilee at
Vancouver, wash,, on June i, HUH, via:
Who made Homestead Entry No. 10,II2, for
mo ram uor in west ana wesi yt nortneiLst
quarter section 21, towuslilp i norm, range 11
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nn coiiiuiuoiiH resiucnoe upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Jacob N. Locke. iMnlel D. Underwood. .Ian.
per Gunning and Frank Ledford, all of White
eminidu, WIUI.
mllei8 FRANK K. VAUOHAN, Register,
ITImber Land, Act June 3, 1K7S..I
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. April 20. 1903. Notice is hereby invm.
that in compliance with the provisions of the
acl of congresaof June 3, W7K, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In tbe states ol
Hinornia, uregon, nevatta and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
stales by act of August 4, IM,.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
un ou, uh una uay niea in mis ornce his
sworn sUlemeut, No. Si, for the purchase of
tne lots 3 mt t, and south U northwest hi of
section No. 4, in township No. north, range
No. 1(1 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
belure Hie Register and Receiver of this oitice
st Vancouver, Wach., on Wednesday, Hie
luth day of August, inn.
He names as wituesxea: William M. ('smp
fleld, Peter Mmlth, William R. aif and Christ
Uuler, ail ol Trout Lake, Wah.
Any and all neraons cliiimfiiir i1vap.i ih.
above-deacribetl lands are reuueated lit flle
their claims In this office on or before said
lui h day of August, hud.
ni7Jyl FRANK E.' A UG HAN, Register.
fTlmber lnd. Act June. 1, 1S7S 1
United BlHtea Ind Offlce, Vancouver,
Waah., April 1, liWt.-Notl.-e Is hereby given
thai In compliance with the ni-ov-i. ,.r
acl of congress of June , Iss, entitled "An
acl for the sale of timber landa in the aiHtea ot
( all lorn la, Oregon, Nevada and Waalilngton
lerriUM-y," as extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, l-M,
HKMiV H I. v i -n-
of Portland, eu my of Mullnou'iHb, state of
Oregon, baa this day filed In thla om.. i,,.
worn staiemeal. No. HZix for the uun i,a-...r
theeaat half aoiuhweat onarter ami m i,.,ir
-unieui -K-iion M, utwnanip No. 4 nonh
range No. limn. W .M.and wilioritT pna.f to
show that Ihe bindsotiglii is more valuable for
Its Umber or stone than f,a-agricultural pur
pws,and Uieslabiiah blaciiiini i ,,,i
before the Ri glsler and Rettiyer of Una oitli-e
l Vjoasnw, Wash., ou Wednesd.y. iM
asth day ol AilguM, !(. "
He name, mm 1. 1 1 m.-- jan,. i- 1 1 . .
Crocket Castle, Sun W. M.imh and
V. . Mmlth nil of Ful Ja, Wash.
Any and all uersnna ri.imin. .u.
atave-deiirrUed lauda are reiiuested lo file
Ihelrclaima In thia oifi.- m nr i..t.. ,
lh day of August, Iwn.
njTJy FRANK E.VALOHAN, Register.
For Sale
Money to loan.
l.'LotH in Wancoma Park
The east half of the north 40 of the
Henderson 80 acres west of Lyman
Smith's; free irrigating water; if 'l, duo.
Lot 111, l.elmont; in ctiltivnti
fair house; 5 acree; price Tl,.rKhl.
mi :
5. The NW seetiun r, T L N, ; i
K; known as the V K Pearson home
stead; improvements worth fViO; Inlf
thelatnl, or more, tillable; Havennort
ditch runs through it. In the t'rai.per
neighborhood; price $1,500.
Corner lot in front of school ,iis,.
f tiOUi
The Geo. Melton lot ami cott:i-(. j
Barrett-Sipnift addition, fir,1). .
Fine improved apple farm on the l-'-K
Side for sale. $8,000. Terms easy.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; Vr p(.r
lot: 10 down and $5 per month ; no iu.
Eligible reside
subdivision, near cannon; onlv
$123; terms easy.
6. The Kojilin place at Frankton. 17
acres well unproved; free irrigalinu
water. Price $4,000.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to (ieorge '
Forsyth; price $1000.
.'i. i. ft m. k. yA s. tj K. K. l
4, f. 3N., K. 11 K White Salmon
timber laud; $10 per acre.
lor Sale The Howell cottage and :i
acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's for :
days, at $1,000. After 5 days, $1,1100.
32. Emma G. Robinson's ItiO acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fitm timber; unim
proved. KiO acres, house and garden patch
on Ihe corner 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $000.
Persons desiring to purchase tickets to
or from any points in Europe or South
Africa may secure the same from John
L. Henderson, who ia agent for the
Beaver line of steamships.
8. 100 acres fine timber, Al land near
lute Salmon, on west bank of White
Salmon river, known as the Ilanire tim
ber claim. About lour miles from Hood
River, for sale cheap.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River lownsite company, of which com
pany John Iceland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Hank treasurer.
Five acres at Frankton. known n...
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
pienty ol tree water. Price, $1,050.
lerms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
Tlfo 3 acres east of Garner's, near Mrs.
Howe's; one-eitrhth mile tu.vr mil I Iu. ett
limits. All in berries and annles: i-ood
cottage. A lovely home. Price for 25
days $1,700; after that $1 '100 subject
to lease till November 1, 1003.
Persons w ho have made desert. I ii n 1 1
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
no nave made stone and titnberentries,
which entries have lieen nsnm.,I,.l i.
the government, mav have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
uy contemng with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
solar compass, and tl III 1 irottru.l, i
being a practical surveyor, i ..ll ,,r...
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting,
rrom and after this dale, April !, 1003
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
For Sale The X. 40 acres and tl,.
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's.
i it-c irrigating water tor the lower 40.
Price $5,400 for the two tracts if
gether. If sold separately. $2,750 for
the 40; at least 500 down. I.uhi.,,...
5 years time at 7 per cent interest.
Subject to McCuist ion's lease. This 20
tius six acres in apples and cherries just
beginnimr to bear. K
berries between the rows of fruit trees.
Special Bargain.
The undersigned ilonminr r i.,,n.i ..
brick biiildiuir in Hood 1(1
;e some "cash" nod for f..u.- u.i.
oilers for sale his 100 acres in Cninm.r
neighborhood fnrJ250l).(K)"i-MKli " i'.,..
enport's ditch runs mile through
same and all the land is under lliu t u-n
ditches. This html him nlmni in
good timber on the Hume, and is all
good land. About 80 acres finite level
and the oilier 80 is a special burgai.i, as
Ihe purchaser will pet about lot) acres
of surface See. This is a mint. ai,.
struct of title furnished, price holds
subject to change uny day.
JJ.lmb!'r lMni Act Junes, 187X.1
United Slates
waah.. Amu an. ..' ,. A";, .M,"''r-
f Iheactof . ouKicaof Juiie.i, LsrV entitled
at.iies of ( Hiifornla, Oriyon, Nevada hiiiI
I'. !:::K!.",n ""ry,- steaded to ";!
' aiau-B ny Hit of Auk-list 1. lMr
, i,. .i "''AM J. KHllhl',
if Portland, eouniv ..r ii,. i. ........ ,
UreKon, bna lliia ,,'iv nM , ,,. ',. ,.,'
range .No. lo eKI, M ailJ wj . '
.r,H,f to show that the luiiii ii,," i
!ratric,..nreir,,r "" "",b"r or ",,,'J '"'
lain, to win ,; , Mi " "
1 111IIIIH HM K'UllMvu.. .. ... ,
0 I,' , i niitn , .in ut-y HII'I
alius K. t Mliieron of PorlUml ii, ,.,. i...
III! hlllllVllll Ullll II l i '.'r ' .
Hahnon, Wah. ......,o ,
Any anil t-rsons cliilmiua: adversely the
aive-dem-nlMjil l.m.u . ..........,.' ..!
helrclali.ia in t hi. out.- .. '"V
lsih duy of AlllHlM.l'Stl. '
nirjvti KHANK k VAUUHAN. Ileis(..r
Ijllld Oltiee at The linll.a Ji.. i .-.
IMtct. Notice Ik lierehy irtv.-n' (hill tne folloii-
iiK-iiHiue'j rnnrs Have lll.,l i.i,..,,
tlon to make tliml pr..f on their rei.iie. tive
claims oeiore titainre T. l'ruth. r, L'. S roni-iiiik-lnner,
at H.aKi H.y. r, on lion. Mtur
day, July Is. I 'll, vi,.:
(.uardian of lue-u!vof ,im Kranei Wvnn.
innior, who i ihe ai.k heir. if Jamea K.Wvmi,
il.-rntM. un hoin.wKvd n..lieation N'u.'.wr.
fortneK'jkiK KWU shAmiitsK'W
sec , 1 IN, K II K. W .M. 4 '
Jdll.N W. iVH
of Hood Itiver. on-dtii, on h..ii..-tead :.n.!l
cat on No. in o. for the N M-; v. M,i V i
'i "e T 1 X. K II K. A- M '
V. Knew,-.: fhrl.-stHrk and Mamu.-I Stark
. .. " K-wars
John Hirers ol Ho 1 uu-.. i
i U iu Jtllll.ta T. .NOLAN, llesi.