ill mfFitrn 5 ! "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." '"""Oeolr CI,-, HOOD RIVER, OREGON, Til ITIISDAY, MAY 28, 1903. VOL. XV. HO. 2. HOOD RIVER GLACIER ! Published every Thursday. S. P. BLVTHB SON, bubllshera. Terms of subscription 11.60 1 year when paid in advance. THE MAILS. S The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock a. ai. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the Iftnie days at noon. For Chonoweth, leaves at 8 a. m.'Tuesdays, Thmfdflvs and Halurdays: arrives at 6 p. ai. for White Salmon (Wash.) leaves daily at t:i a. m.: arrives Ht 7:l;"i p. m. from While Kalinou leaves for Fulda, Gilmer, Tiont I n We and (ilenwood daily at 9 A. M. KorBiimeu (WusU.) leaves at o:4o p. ui. ; ar. rives at 7 p. m. SOC'IKTIKI. pontT HOOD RlVEU No. 42, FORESTERS OF I ; A MKKK'A Meets second and Fourth Mon days In each month in K. of 1. hall. II. ,1. KltKIIKKtC'K, C. R. 8. F. Fouts, Financial Secretary. OAK fll'.OVE COUNCIL No. 142, ORDER OF 1'HNiiO, Meets the Hecond and Fourth Fridavs of the month. Visitors cordiallv wel comeil. K. r. Hivmiuh, Counsellor. Mins Clauk, Hecreiary. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. - Flood Rtvar I'nion No. ll'A iiieets in Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays in each month, J:io'cl ct. C. l corru, l'resiileut. J. E. Hanna, Secretary. AUREI. REUEKAII DE'iREE I.ODOE, No. I 87. 1. 0. 0. K.-Sleets lirst and third Fri- ays in each mouth. Mihb Edith Moonz, N. 0. h. E. MoilnK, Secretary. C1ANIIY POST, No. lfi, O. A. R.-MoetatA. i U. I'. W. Hall m'coimI and fourth Snturdavs of each munth st 2 oV'lwk p. m. AUG. A. K. nieuiheis invited to meet wilh us. VV. II. 1'euky, Commander. T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. rUNBY V. R. f'., No. Ifi-Meets second and y fourth Saturdays of each month In A. O, V. W. hall at i p. in. Mita. Fannie IIailkv, Pres. iIits. T. J. Canninu, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 1(15, A. F. and A AI. Meets Saturday evening on or before i h full moon. u. M. Yates, VV. M. C. D. Thompson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday iilnlit of each month. U. U. t'ASTNKB, II. P. A. 8. Uloweiui, Secretary. I0OD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25, O. E. 8. II Meets second and fourth Tuesday even. iiiK of each month. Visitors cordially wel comed. Mrs. May Yates, W. M. litis. Mary B. Davidson, Secretary. 0LETA ASSKMRI.Y No. 103. United Artisans, Meets lirst and third Wednesdays, work; Itcond sod fourth Wednesdays social; Arti sans hull. F. C. Bkosiub, M. A. F li. Harnks, Secretary. WAl'COMA I.OIXIE, No. 80, K. of P.-Mceti lu A. O. V. W. hall every Tuesday niirht , . K. L. Davidson, U. C. Dr. C. H. Jenkins, K. of R. 4 8. "II 1VERSIDE I.ODCIK. No. M, A. O. U. W. Jt Meets lirst and third Saturdays of each UKiiith. F. II. Barnes, VV. M. F:. K. RitATi.RY, Financier. ( HKfflKH Shute, Recorder. 1DI.EWILDE LOIXIF., No. 1U7, I. O O. F. tleeti iu Fraternal hull every Thursday HlKht. (ieo. W. Thompson, N. G. J. L. Henderson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M., Jl meets at A. O. IT, V. hall on the first and third Fridays ol each month. Wai.tkr (Ikrkinu, Commander. O. E. William, Secretary. IHVEHSIDE 1.0DGF. NO. 40, DEGREE OF t HONOR, A. O. U. W. -Meets Brst and third Saturdays at 8 P. M. Kate M. Frriierick, C. of H. Miss Annie Smith, Recorder. HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A., meets in odd F'ellows' Hall the first and third Wednesdays of each month. J. R. Kiks, V. C. C. V. Dakin, Clerk. -UIW.S ENCAMPMENT No. 48, I. O. O. F. Ti Regular meeting second and fourth Mon days of each month. W. O. AsH, C. P. V. L. Hkndkkwjn, Scribe. TJR. J. W. VOGEL. OCULIST. Will make regular monthly vlsIU to Hood River. Residence W Sixteenth Street, Portland, Oregon. Q II. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones; Office, 281; residence, M. Office in Langille bid. Hood River, Oregon. 1) R. K. T.CARNS, Dentist. told crowns and bridge work and all kind! Of Up-to-Dite Dentistry. HOOD RIVER " OREGON jJ L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Dav or Nlirtit. Telephones: Residence, 81; Office, M. Office over Bverbart'i Grooery. J F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 28S. SURGEON O. R. A N. CO. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-ATLAW. ABSTRACTER, K 1ARY PIHLIO and REAL F.8TA1K AGSST. ror 5S vears a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. "Has bud many years eiparience in i. i. ,.. mattara. as abstractor, searcher ot titles and agent, batisfuclion guaranteed or no i-barae. pREDF.RICK 4 ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. F.otimates furnished lor all kindi ol work. Repairing a specialty. Allktndi of enop work. 8hop on State Street, Utvren First and fcecond. A.JAYNE. LAWYER. ALiriit ts Furnished. Honey Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BROSIUS, M. D. ' THYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tbone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. I to I ana q w t m, i gUTLER A CO.. BANKERS. Po general bnkinj baiintw. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happening of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Mos Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Oreeon will receive J910.961 from the national irrigation fund. The Reneral Presbyterian assembly strongly denounces Mormonlsm. I ihprnls will trv to force Britain to show her hand on preferential tariff. Russia has taken steps to punish thoeie taking part tn the Jewish mag sacree. . The Brotherhood of Railway Train men has voted to increase its strike fund to $300,000. In a fight with Insurgents on the Is land of Cebu, the American soldiers killed 6S rebels and captured 29. The man who forged J. Plerpont Morgan's name for large sums of money in Londan has been arrested. Five Chinese were captured at Buf falo, N. Y., while trying to make their way into the United States rrom Can ada. A Kits explosion In a coal mine near Pittsburg resulted in the death of four men and the serious injury of two others. Twn Italians were killed and 18 In jured in a collision between a freight train and several box cars at Colum bus, Ohio. " , Frnnt has done great damaee to Kar tell truck about Manchester, N. H. ninnriom hna rnuRpd the death of a lolored stableman at Newark, N. J. f ho mntrarr hast been let for rock with which to extend the Columbia river jetty. Aftpr hnmine two months, the fire U the Glace Bay (N. S.) colliery has been put out. tin. nonartniMir will order no more ihins to Bremerton naval yard until brothels are closed. . Five electric shocks were necessary n nanse the death of A. Triola, an Ita lian murderer, at Sing Sing, N. Y. .tnotrnvorl the IS 000 building Of -fiA American Ice Comrjany at Phila delphia, and ruined $150,000 worth of machinery. Uonrv Tiornnn of St. Joseflh. MO., will receive the prize offered by the iimr nf nenmark for the best poem m the recent meeting of the Dowager Empress of Russia and the Queen of England. Mark Twain Is seriously ill. Tho TTnlnn Pacific has announced peace with the boiler makers. tv,. in nf Altman. near Cripple Creek, was almost entirely destroyed by fire. CmnAAt. Franc la TnHpnh will not in- U III v-i V. i & - tervene to prevent further bloodshed in Crotla. Dnor-Amirnl TlnrplnY has been or- Jered form Boston to the Puget Sound aavy yard. riro in irrnnri tand at Cambride, Mass., hemmed in the crowd and they had a close call for their lives. Ti,a nun defender Reliance has proven herself a much better boat than either tne uoiumoia or me wu jtitution. Hannah nnnnflea the endorsement f Roosevelt by Ohio because he fears t would injure his cnances ior re election. A power factory at Santo Domingo ias blown up by enemies of the gov ,rment and 22 Deoole killed and a lumber of others Injured. Tho nntl-dvnastic outbreak in Yu- nan province, China, is serious. L-iiled and six others In jured by a Pittsburg elevator break- ng. An eastern company has secured ;ontil of all the coast powder fac- :ories. a -ar XToi.hen dennsed postal of- acial, Is now charged with disobey ing orders. Portland was discriminated against letting contract for carrying Phil- pplne freight Tho TTnlnn Wclflc Boiler makers' rtrike had been declared off. Both jldes .made concessions. Do0i haa assured the United States that it will help maintain an spen door in the far fcast. Count Casslni, Russian ambassador it Washington, and Secretary Hay ire receiving large numbers of letters from cranks. Merlon will make silver Its coin but at a fixed ratio. The announce ment has already caused mucn ior ign capital to be Invested. The forest fire near Glen Falls, N. f., are now under control. fWanae ct increased trade with imerica, Peru has opened a consular jffice in Chicago. The Unitod Lead company has in reased its capital stock from llS.OOOy 300 to $25,000,000. Tl, Hire-ton of the Bank of En land have reduced tne bank's rate of liscount from 4 to 3i per cent. A cyclone In Central Kansas did nuch damage to crops ana property. i n bootblatk received onlf 10 for resto'inrr a lost lO,000 bill to its owner, whose Joy oaaeed him to faint. Receive have been appointed for it,. r.!ern trine comnanv. with a cap ital stock of $ 1,000,000 nd ireneral offices at Zanesville, O. The liabilities m tivn at IS00.000. and aaseta ai '550,000. FLOOD IN KANSAS. Many People are Driven From Their Homes Wheat Crops Ruined. Sallna, Kan., May 26. This city Is tonight the scene of the worst flood in Its history, fully 100 families having been driven from their homes, and the extent of the damage Is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Another heavy rain fell tonight, mak ing four Inches ot rain that has fall en here during the last 24 hours. The northwestern portion of the city is entirely submerged, and women and children were rescued from their homes In boats. The Missouri Pacific grade on the west la holding back a large and threatening body of water. If the water succeeds in crossing the tracks, the entire western portion of the town will be under water. A passenger train on the Lincoln branch of the Union Pacific is held be tween two washouts two miles north of here. The passengers were brought to this city on handcars. The Union Pacific tracks for three miles west of here are washed out, and all through trains are running over the Rock Island from Lincoln Junction, Colo., to Manhattan, Kan. The Union Pacific station here is surrounded by water and the railroad yards are flooded. The entire district for miles north west and southwest from the station Is flooded. As far as the eye can reach, the wheat fields have been transformed Into great lakes of rag ing water. Crops are ruined and homes deserted. EXHIBIT FOR FAIRS. Montana Legislature In Special Session Make Appropriation. Helena; Mont., May 26. (Special.) The Eighth Legislative Assembly assembled here today in extraordinary session, at the call of Governor Toole, for the purpose of making an appro priation for Montana's representation at the Louisiana Purchase and the .ewls and Clark Expositions, in St. Louis and Portland, respectively, in 1904 and 1905. Both houses met in joint session shortly afer 11 otlock and listened to the reading of Governor Toole's mes sage, which stated that there seemed to be a general demand for a display of the state's products and resources at these Expositions, henoe his call for an extra session. Before the day was over three bills had been Introduced and passed ap propriating $50,000 for St. Louis, $10,- 000 for the transfer of this exhibit from St. Louis to Portland, and $15,- 000 additional for the maintenance of the State Capitol and' grounds. Be fore midnight the session had been ad journed sine die. MANY HOMELESS BY FIRF. New Hampshire Blaze Causes a Loss ot $400,000. Laconla, N. H, May 26. Nearly 100 buildings have been burned, 350 per sons are homeless and a loss between $350,000 and $400,000 has been caused by a fire in the Lakeport section, the area burned over being about 15 acres. The fire started in a boiler room of the H. H. Wood hosiery mill. The flames spread briskly, and in a very short time, under the influence of a brisk southeast wind, the entire structure was burning. . Next it spread to the finished-lumber plant of the Boulia & Gorrell Co., and then to the works of the Laconla Electric Light Company. In less than an hour both these plants were destroy ed. The city fire department was helpless to stay the progress of the flames, and destruction went on until the fire actually burned itself out for want of material. SLAVERY IN NEW FORM. Secret Service Men Find Judges Pro motlng Peonage In the South. Washington. May 26. At the re quest of the Department of justice, the United States Secret Service has undertaken an investigation of the charge of peonage, or holding another In servitude to work out a debt, which has been made against persons living In the vicinity of Montgomery, Ala. One man, named Robert N. Franklin, has already been indicted for keeping a Negro In servitude, and information In the hands of Chief Winkle tends to show that a regular system has been practiced between certain magistrates and persons who want Negro laborers. The plan Is to bring a poor Negro before a magistrate on a flimsy charge. He Is convicted, and the white man offer to advance him the money provided the Negro will make labor contract with him for a length of time sufficient to reimburse him for the money and trouble he has taken to keep the Negro out of jail. The Negro is therenpon taken away, and begins what is frequently a long term of cruel servitude. New York Celebrates. New York. May 28. New York to day officially commemorated the 250th anniversary of the establishment of municipal government in New Am eterdam, afterward called, by force and treaty between Holland and Eng land, New York. The city hall, where the main exercises were held, and city hall park, were ttfi center of at traction. In the public schools 500,- 000 children took took part In the ex ercises. Mayor Low, General James Grant Wilson. Secretary of War Root, Governor Odell and Bishop Potter made addresses. Qerman Report oa the Massacrr. Berlin. May 28. The German Jew Ish Relief Society haa sent an agent houses were destroyer, 600 shops to Klshinef who reports that 700 sacked and that abont 10.000 persons are homeless, as a result of the recent massacre. Forty-nve persons were killed outright during the massacre. 84 were seriously wounded and 500 were slightly Injured. The number of persons affected through losing po rtions or otherwise l estimated at !(k.000. mostly belonging to the poorer classes. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON CONFIDE OF SUCCESS. Prospectors for Oil Do Not Lose Faith Because of Reverses.. The Urapaua Valley Oil Company, of Roseburg, which Las been boring for oil at Myrtle Creek, has abandoned the well, after having reached a dis tance of 1600 feet. Some time ago, while the boring apparatus was. at work, the cable parted and let the drill fall into the well. After, the drill was removed if was found that the casing had also been broken and part of 1 it had fallen into the well. It was later found mat the well had been plugged," and In such a manner that It Is now impohsllfe tttwork it at all. The company is so confident of find ing oil that it has again let a contract to Loyd Smith, a practical well-driller, who will Immemlately commence op erations on the new well within 12 feet of the old. Mr. Smith claims that the indica tions 'for oil are the best he has yet seen on this Coast, and Is confident that oil will be found within 2000 feet. SEALED BIDS FOR WOOL. First Pool Sale This Season Held at Arlington Sale Small. The first wool sale of the season under the system of sealed bids, in augurated in this state for the first time last year, came off in Arlington last week. It was a sorry disappoint ment to both seller and buyer. Over 00,000 pounds of wool was offered for sale, but only about 50,000 pounds was sold. Prices paid for those sold ranged from 11 cents to 13 cents. The offers on the largest and best clips were all declined because the uling prices had fallen below the owners expectations, uissatisiaciion was expressed by a number of buyers over the sales made this morning by the local bank to a buyer on the ground before the time for the public sale when all the buyers should ar rive. This may have had a tendency to qualify the interest of the buyers in the other lots listed. Fruit Trees Feel Frost. A killing frost blighted the pros pects for an abundant fruit crop around Baker City last week. The ex tent of the damage is not fully de veloped, but it Is known that all the early fruit is badly damaged, and In some localities all the fruit is killed. So far as known, there has been no frost in Pine and Eagle valleys, or down on the Snake river, below Hunt ington. These psrtions of the county comprise the principal fruitgrowing sortlons of the country. Until last night the prospects were favorable for the greatest fruit crop ever known In this, the Powder river valley. Rainier Is Confident. The county-seat fight in Columbia county Is on. The election notice call ing a special election for July 6 will be posted In a few days. At present there are only three candidates for the honors of . county seat. St. Helens, which is the eounty seat now. Rain ier and Clatskanie. A hard fight will be put up from three points. It Is generally conceded that Rainier will be first in the race. Should no point receive a majority of all votes, a sec ond election will be held in August, and the vote will be taken between the two highest. Pine Lands Cut Out. The General Land Office at Wash ington has received the amended map filed bv the Oregon Development Company, showing lands on the Up- ner Deschutes river in Eastern Ore gon, which it proposes to reclaim un der Carey act. On this map, tne com pany haa eliminated nearly. 15,000 acres that were included in the origin al selection, this action being taken because of the report of Special Agent Green, that much of the original selec tion was land covered with merchant able timber. Damming of the Rogue. The Golden Drift Mining Company has resumed with a vim the work of completing its big power dam across Roeue river. In the Dry Diggings, three miles above Grants Pass. The dam was begun early last year, but was not completed before the arrival of the fall rains. The dam, even in Its uncompleted state, withstood the very high water and several rresnets of the Rogue during the winter. Catherine Creek Claims Taken. There Is another small rush on In locating timber in the Catherine creek district, east of Union. About 20 claims have been located during the nast ten days and others are investi gating. Last year many locations were made, but filings suddenly ceasea when it was rumored that there had been frauds In making locations, and that the government was Investigat ing the matter. Chinook and Shad. The White Island Seining Com- oanv's grounds, about two miles above Cathlamet, have begun operations, and have been catehing about half a ton of fish per day, which more tnan pays flenses- "t hair tne tcn 17 . YonDg Alnellc, nQUfa; fact Is Chinook, the balance being blue- Kaiv.. i' n ' About half the eaten hrine 5 and 6 cent', the bluebacks. 4 cents, and the steelheads, 3 cents per pound. Rich Strike la Oray Eagle. A narrow streak of fabulously rich ore has been struck In the Gray Eagle mine, in the Sparta district. The ore assays $2000 per ton. A five-foot ledge assays $15. The property is owners of the Bonanza. Irrlgstlonlsts Surprised. The abandonment of the geml-annu-A meeting of the State Irrigation As sociation comes as a surprise to most of the friends of Irrigation in the eastern part of the state. COPPER NEAR ROSEBURd. Rich Veins of Ore Reported by Prospec tors Jn Collier Creek Country. Frank Reed arrived In Roseburg a few days ago from the Collier Creek country, In Curry county, where he and other members of his party have made a discovery of a very rich cop per ledge or deposit, on which they have located 16 mining claims. The deposit has been traced a distance of over a mile and a half, and surface in dications show a wide vein. No as says have as yet been made on the discovery, but it is generally believed that this new find will prove the rich est yet discovered. The ledge is about 18 miles south of Rogue river, and is at present a very difficult place to reach, as there is only a trail through that section. It is expected that operations will soon commence on the development of these mines, as Mr. Reed (s a member of a copper company which was re cently organized In Roseburg, with Mr. Fred Blakely at the head. Na tive copper is abundant throughout Southern Oregon, but those owning most of die mines have not sufficient capital to work them properly. Oregon Can Grow Flax. That the Pacific Coast and especial ly the Willamette valley of the state of Oregon Is especially adapted to the culture of flax, and that of the very finest quality, has been demonstrated beyond any possibility of a doubt by Mr. Eugene Bosse, the celebrated Bel gian flax culturist, who has been con ducting a scientific course of experi ments in and around Salem for more than a year past, and Is now engaged In raising the second crop for the pur pose of proving this fact to the en tire satisfaction of those who are now backing him financially, and have shown heretofore a disposition to doubt the veracity of his broad asser tions regarding the possibilities of the flax Industry for Oregon. Curb on Willamette. Extensive work Is being done on tne Willamette river just north of In dependence, oaptain Ogden states that work will be continued all of the summer. The jetty being construct ed below Independence will Bave to the land owners over 1000 acres of land, as the current.' was about to wash through a number of the best farms and change the course of the river for several miles. This jetty will save this as well as the banks which the current has been moving at the rate of about 20 feet a year in many places. Headed Toward Burns. Chief Engineer Joseph West, of the Su.mpter Valley Railroad, Is in Baker City prepared to begin the work of extending the road. The rails and other 'material for the extension have begun to arrive and the sawmills are busy cutting ties for the new road. Just how far the road will be Built this season is not stated, but It is cer tain that it will penetrate some dis tance into Grant county in the direc tion of Burns, the county seat of Har ney county. Preparing for Dry Summer. Baker City authorities are pre paring to supply the city with an abundance of water, for what prom ises to be a long, dry summer. The new reservoir on Goodrich creek, which was completed last fall, will be in use this season in addition to the Eagle creek supply. Several of the water mains are being replaced with larger pipe, so that both the supply of water and the pressure may be equal to the demand. Ocologlcal Survey Begins. Government Engineer Sutton, who has been getting together his corps of assistants and outfit in Union for the past week, has just commenced his field work of making a complete geo logical survey of the county in this section. The work was started in Un ion and will branch out covering about 1000 square miles, requiring about two years' work. . PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 70071c; 'al ley, 74c Barley Feed, f 20.00 per ton; brew ing, $21. Floct Best radefl,3.964.30;fj;ra haml$S.453.85. Millstuffs Bran, $23 per ton; mid dlings, $27; shorts, $23.00; chop, $18. Oats -No. 1 white, $1.101.15; (ray, ii.uo per cental nay Timothy, $80(821; clover, iiutffii; cceai, iiocsio per ton. roiaxoee cow Duroanki, boo per sack: ordinary, 25 (g 40c per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3 3.50 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ll12c; yoong, l(l4c; bens, 12c tar keys, live, 16(17e; dressed, 20(222c: docks. $7.00(17.50 per dosen; geese, $6g6.60. Cheese Fall cream, twins, 18t(t ! Butter Fancy creamery, 2022c per pound ; extras, zic; dairy, 2022Jtc; store, 16g 18c. Eggs 16J17c per dozen. Hops Choice, 18(3 20c per pound. Woll Valley 1 2 Jiff 18: Eastern Ore gon, 1314; mohair, 35$ 36a. sei-uroR, cows, -3g4c per pound; steers, 4i6e; dressed. 1t. Veal 8Xo. Morton Gross, 77'e par poond dressed, 89c Lambs Gross, 4c per poond dressed Hogs Groea, T(S57e per! toonnd oreso, otjojt NEW COALINU STATION. Admiral Dewey Recommends One for Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Washington, May 7. Admiral Dewey, as president of the General Board, has made a report to Seoretary Moody, recommending the Immediate establishment of a coaling station at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, and the erec tion there of a coal depot with an initial capacity gf 5,000 tons. The es timated cost of the-work is about $51, 000. The money is now available. Be lieving that the establishment of a coal depot at this strategic point will strengthen the United States on the Pacific Coast, the President has hear tily approved the plan, and prelimin ary steps In the work have been taken already. - Dutch Harbor is located on one of the Aleutian Islands, and is on the di rect commercial route between the ports of Behring Sea and Southern Alaska and the Pacific Coast of the United Stated. It is also in the line ef steamships passing through the Uni mak, Pass, most of which make Dutch Harbor a port of call. Its use as a coal depot site was first recommended by Rear-Admiral Bradford, Chief of the Bureau of Equipment. His recom mendation was referred to the Gen eral Board, and is now about to be executed according to his plans. Dutch Harbor will form the fifth in the chain of coal depots along the Pacific Coast, which will begin at San Diego and include San Francisco, Pu get Sound and Sitka. Honolulu Is the sixth tn the chain, and Guam probably may be added to the list. FIRE LOSS A niLLION. Large Philadelphia Warehouse Jls an Entire Loss. Philadelphia, May 27. Fire this evening in the building of the Front Street Warehouse Company caused a loss estimated at $1,000,000. The building which was three stories high on Front street and five in the rear, with two sub-cellars, containing mer chandise of a general character. One floor was packed solidly with matting and there was 1500 rolls of carpet, 600 barrels of molasses, a carload of wines, and other liquors, a carload of matches and much machinery. Everything in the building was de stroyed either by fire or water. The fire started in the basement and was not diacovered until the cen ter of the first floor was In flames. The character of the goods In the building made it an easy prey to the flames, and the whole structure was soon ablaze. The contents of the building were owned by many firms and individuals, and it is not known tonight what amount of insurance was carried. UNIONS DON'T UNDERSTAND. Energy Must Be Properly .Directed If They Would Live. Chicago, May 27. Clarence S. Dar- row, who was chief counsel for the miners in the recent arbitration grow ing out of the strike In the anthracite coal fields, delivered an ' address to the Henry George Association here today on the "Perils of Trades Un ionism." The general tone of his talk was that "labor unions do not under stand the principles upon which they are founded and along which they must work if they are to continue In existence." He said In part: "Men catch trade unionism, specu lation, combination, as they catch the measles or the mumps. Capital has caught the fever of combination until it has gone mad over corporations and trusts. Likewise, labor - had caught the fever of trade unionism and with out knowing what it means or real izing how it .may be of real service to the world, has turned its power and energy In the direction of building np organizations. Unless this force Is turned to po litical power or substantial methods for bettering Industrial .conditions then all this great movement must be for naught." fjreat Irrigation Dam. Washingtoa, May 27. The Geolog leal Survey ha3 prepared a model of the extensive dam to be constructed on Salt river, 65 miles above Phoenix, Ariz. This dam will be among the first and also among the largest irri gation enterprises to be undertaken by the Government under the new law. The exact proportions of the dam are 188 feet thick at the base, 830 feet long at the top and 250 feet high. It will contain 11,600,000 cubic feet of masonry. The reservoir to be con structed will drain over 6000 square miles of territory. Estate Long Unsettled. San Diego. Cal.. May 27. By an or der of court the valuable estate of James W. Robinson Is to be distrib uted. The case Is a remarkable one. Robinson, who was once Lieutenant- Governor of Texas and subsequently a prominent lawyer In this state, died here In 1857. For some reason his heirs, who lived in Ohio and else where In the East were not awawe of his death until long afterward and no efforts were made until comparative ly recently to settle up the estate. Butchery By Turks. London, May 27. The Sofia corres pondent of the Morning Leader tele graphs that the Macedonian commit tee reports that the Turks have burn ed the village of Banltzal. near Seres. Only 48 of the 500 inhabitants caped aid many wqsnen and girls were outraged and murdered and their bodies caat Into the water. WORK OF TORNADO FIFTEEN PEOPLE IN NEBRASKA LOSE THEIR LIVES. Twenty Others More or Less Seriously Injured Several Towns Visited by Storm and Every Building In Its Path Blown to Pieces Heavy Financial Liss. Hastings, Neb., May 27. A series of heavy storms, two of which developed into the worst tornadoes that have visited Southern Nebraska for years, passed over portions of Clay, Franklin and Kearney counties last evening. Fifteen persons are known to have lost their lives. 20 odd were more or less seriously Injured, and a number of others received minor Injuries. Every dweilin- and outbuilding in the oath of the tornado was blown to pieces, and the financial loss thus far account ed will reach about $60,000. Near Norman, at the home of Daniel McCurdy, a number of relatives and friends were spending the day, and not an Inmate escaped death or serious Injury. Two miles south of Upland German Lutheran services were being held in a school house, when the storm struck and demolished it, kill ing four of the occupants, Including the minister, and Injuring a number of others. The storm was equally destructive at FairfleIdK but the people were warned of its comlpg and sought cel lars for safety. Six dwellings were blown to pieces at that place but their occupants escaped Injury, with a few exceptions. MUST LEAVE FRANK. Repetition of Recent Accident May Oc- cur at Any Time. Ottawa, Ont., May 27. Messrs. R. W. Brock and R. P. McCormell. the geologists who were sent to report on , the cause of the landslide at Turtle Mountain, which wined out the town ot Frank, have submitted a prelimi nary report to Sir William Mullock. acting minister of the Interior. Mr. McConnell estimates that be tween 60,000,000 and 80,000,000 tons of rock fell, the debris . of which covers almost two square mlUa. The slide is attributed to the steepness of me mountain and the shattered con-, dition of the rock. This was due to "faulting" and crushing of the rock during the process of mountain build ing. Heavy rainfalls pouring through the fissures tended to open them still further. The accident was locally hastened by a creep in the coal mine which caused a jar. The mountain where the slip took place Is very badly frac tured and is now slipping down con tinuously In small pieces. There is Janger of another slide, as some of the fractures extend back 500 or 600 i'eet from the face, and if these were to open another bulk would come down? Mr. McConnell thinks that there will ilways be more or less risk In living at Frank and that the people should move as soon as possible. SWEPT BY TORNADO. Oklahoma In Track of Storm-lnjurlts to People are Few. Oklahoma City, O. T., May 26. Last light a tornado struck the town of Carmen and destroyed one-third of the place. P. F. Brown, of Wichita, was Instantly killed by flying timber and Mrs. Wlsmiller fatally injured. Twenty people were more or less in jured. The Methodist church was set on top of the parsonage, where It re mains and can be seen for miles. , The dwellings of J. P. Atterbury and Robert Payne were demolished. Mrs. Atterbury was carried 60 feet but not seriously injured, while her son and daughter were dangerously hurt. Orchards and crops were dam aged severely. The Arkansas river Is on a rampage as a result of the heavy rains. The town of Kaw City Is prac tically under water, many farmers liv ing In the bottoms near Ponca City and Newklrk having been compelled to leave their homes. Fields and crops are submerged, numerous bridges have been washed away, and traffic la blocked. Fraudulent Citizens' Papers. Washington. May 27. Immigration officials said today that they had inves tigated reports that thousands of fraudulent naturalization papers had been sold to Immigrants at New York, and had ascertained that the purpose was not to facilitate the admission of immigrants Into the United States, but to permit immigrants to secure work on the subway and other Im provements In New York, as under the state laws only citizens can work on improvements of that kind. In some cases as much as $50 waa paid for a fraudulent certificate. Block on American Trusts. London, May 27. The Daily Mall's correspondent at Singapore states that the government of the Malay States haa Imposed a prohibitive duty . on the export of tin ore unless it Is smelted within the colony. This step Is designed to check an attempt to create a combination In the tin trade by the Standard Oil, the United States Steel Corporation and the American Tlnplate Company, who propose to import the ore Into the United States free of duty and re-export the smelted article. Locomotive Boiler Explodes. Erie, Pa., May 27. While passing May's siding on a hill west of Kane today, the boiler on one of the loco motives pushing a Philadelphia sr. Erie freight train exploded, killing one man and Injuring four others, three perhaps fatally. The crown sheet of the boiler was blown through the caboose, splitting the caboose In two. The Injured, ex cept the engineer and fireman, were in the caboose. i si HOOD RIVER. OBEGOS.