0 5ood L ver lacier THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1903. Tho price for Hood River strawberries this year will likely full below the high pricesof last season. Market conditions are ouch tliat Hood River will be forced to meet the competition of the greater part of the Missouri and California crops. The early berries will feel this comwtition more than the later berries. The grower who has a mountain berry patch this year will be fortunate. Early berries from White Salmon and Mosior are expected by May 15. The shipping concerns thi year have agreed to put the Hood river label on nothing but first class fruit. Close inspection will be made upon crates offered for shipment, and the inferior grades will be consigned to the cheaper markets without the Hood River brand. The grower who puts up a poor pack will notgeta chance this year to get his berries to market with good fruit branded Hood River strawberries. With the state federation of labor de manding the referendum on the Lewis A Clark fair, no appropriation from the state of Washington, little aid from Cal ifornia, and a number of Oregon news papers denouncing the enterprise as a "graft," the fair managers will need the active support of every prtriotic citizen iu Oregon. Now is the time to lend your encouragement. Clarkton. The new and attractive addition lying cast of the Stranahan addition is now platted into lots and small acreage and jilaced-on the market. This handsome location for little homes is set to straw berries, and purchasers now get the heneut of full qrop of berries this season. Home-seekers should take early advan tage of this opportunity to secure desir able lots and acreage tracts, as this sea son's berry crop will half pay for your home. Geo. 1). Culbertson & Co., gen eral agents, will lurmsh all information President Roosevelt at Portland. For the above occasion 0. R. & N. Co. will sell round trip tickets to Portland, trains 3 and 5, May 21, at one fare for the round trip ii.w; good returning, May 22, 1903. Children between 5 and 12 years of age, 95 cents. E. W. Quarles, Agent. Keep your mind on those sightly building lots in Coe's 3d addition, while looking for a location. This ideal home place is but a few minutes' walk from the business center.and post office, is set to strawberries 'has city water. No finer location in the city for homes For terms of sale call on Geo. D. Cul bertson & Co., general agents. Barnes, the real estate man, Tuesday, sold the Arthur Disbrow place, situated fn the forks of Hood river, to J. II. Thomas, from Newberg. Consideration $2,000. Two hundred to $5,000 to loan on real estate. If your security is good your money is ready. 1'rather Investment (Jo Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Good and Fred Strong, of Portland, are spending the week at ' 1 lie Jrtrs. H. E. Macomber, who has been at Wasco for the past two months, returned to Hood Kiver Monday. Frank Chandler is seeding 30 acres to oats on his hill farm and making other improvements. A. A. Bonney was In town from Tygh valley on Saturday. St Mark's guild will meet with Mrs. Mary Clarke next Wednesday. .Presbyterian General Assembly. For the above event, to occur at Los Angeles, Cal., May 23 to June 2, tickets will be sold as follows: From Portland via steamer, $37.60 ; via rail all the way, 1,19.90. For full particulars call at O. R. & N. office, E. W. Quarles, agent. If you are growing strawberries for fun St mnlina nn HidttronPA hilt if vnll are in the business to make money, or if you want all the money you can get for your STRAWBERRIES, then it stands yon in nana 10 pnir iun,iu wun me DAVIDSON tKVll VV. ' The Smallpox "Shake." The Journal editor was refused the privilege of shaking hands with a good subscriber this week for the reason that the party in question was afraid of smallpox germs, lie said ins physician had ordered him to wave this formality. This is a new idea, and perhaps a good one. 1'rineville Journal. Sunday Opening of Drug Stores. On and after Sunday, May 3, 1903,the . ..i i i.' i-: m : ..... . ,t -1 . .. .. lirtlg Biuret) in u. Co if miauia niiu inline. N. Clarke will remain open all day on alternate Sundays. Both stores will be often in the forenoon each Sunday. Williams' drug store will be closed the afternoon of May 3,ularke s the follow ing Sunday, and so on alternately. Chah. N. Clarke, O. E. Williams. Advertised Letter List. May 4, 1903. Brown, Madge Dick, Elizabeth (2) Ahustive, Ben Bowen, Cliaa Barnett, P li Condon, 8 V Wm. M. Yates, Postmaster. Church Notices. Episcopal Services. Rev. Clarence A. Lake will preach next Sunday, at Work man hall, at 8 o'clock p. id. Lutheran Services. English Lutheran services will be conducted by Pastor Kolb, at the Advent church, at 3 p. m. Sunday, May 10. Unitarian Church. The usual services Sunday, May 10. Rev. W. Q. Eliot will preach at 11 a. in. on the subject: "What is the true optimism, and what is the rational basis of it?" Christian Tabernacle. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m., A. B. Cash, superintend ent. Preaching at 3:30 by J. W.Jen kins; subject, "Moses' First Sin." All are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. Valley Christian Church. J. V. Jen kins pastor. .Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. En deavor meeting at 7 p. m. Subjects: "Enoch walked with God," "Paul the prisoner." All not worshiping elsewhere are cordially invited to attend these ser vices. M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Spanlding, pastor. Sunday School at 10. Preach ing services at 11a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, and E. L. prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Gen eral prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 :30. The public is cordially invited. Beginning with next Suudar, April 19, Pantor II. C. Thaller of the United Brethren church will deliver a series of sermons from tln text, "For then shall arise flse Christs and false prophet,, and shall shew great sign and wonders; Insomuch .Hint, if it wen possible, they fhall deceive the very elect." Matt, sxiv., 24. Subjects: April 13 iiieoMoptiy. April 20 Christian Science. May 3 Mormonism. May 10 UnltariauiHiii. May 17 Halvation by Lodge. May 24 Deino-Kepublieau Worship. Mav 31 Nominal Church Member ship. OOBPEC MEETINGS. Allianv. Or.. stale Evaugelist for the Christian church, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge A. went) or roruaiiu, as singm ..t.nti.mliufa will I'iiruliKtr m aeries of gospel meetings in the Christian taber nacle, on tue run near ai. j. aooihi, itore, beginning May 13. Mr. Holmes is an able and convincing speaker und will discuss the great themes of New Testauieut Christianity. Mr. and Mrs. . p . i i . . i VVebu are successiui tenders oi sung mm Will please you wuu men wiuh nu .liiuiu TIib urvieea will lieirin ut 7:30 each evening except Saturday. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. J. W.JENKINS. Help Wanted ft take homesteads. I have soveral quarter secttonhoi Kood wheat land. Cull on bckuchb I'. IJ. TWKiiDY at Hood River or The Dalles, Oregon- nia Lost, Ql...u1A..tAlllii s l.tittav naif R m.inthfl nIH liad a rope round Its ueck. information re garding us wnereaoouts win ocuianKiiiiiy re ceived py ma x. Biciiiiiiin&n,. Team for Sale. Gentle team. 1IO0 and 1200. Will fully ex plain good and objectionable trails of each an imal and sell them fur loss than their actual value, inquire on A. 8. Disbrow place, iy, mites snuin oi town, oi J. u. KbAvin. Seed Potatoes. Rural New Yorker No. 2, and Carmen No. I 75c a sack, for mile by J. H. KOllEKU. Ice for Sale. Also, pasture to rent and bonne to rent, mai E. W. WINANS. Lost. On streets of Hood Kiver. packftge contain lng three pieces violet embroidery, a piece of nony emnioiaery, one piece oi uruwn mreaa work, and one piece of foritet-iiie-not em broidery. Reward will be paid 11 left at the Ulae.ier omce. in Bids Wanted. Bids will be received for building a school bouse In Rose Hill district, No. 7.1, until 2 o'clock V. M., June 7, IIXM,. Hpecllicntlons can be seen at the house of the district clerk. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or an uius. mjiiiv iihwa.i, iu28 Clerk DIsL No. 73. Berry Packers Wanted. I want to engage eight perry puckers, mat 1. h- WUJilON: Money to Loan. 82500 to W0U to loan on Improved Hood River real estate, gilt edge security, at 8 H cent B17 't . UllAIN Uljf.lt. A Bargain. One 8M-ltich truck, has been used 8 years: one 4-horse wood rack; one new hay rake; one mower ik. w. a. BL.iwun.itL.AiNU, 15 Acres For sale at a bargain-4S(K). Five acres In strawberries, 6 acres In clover, 2 acres more ready ror oerries. rarmiug tools included. m21 FRANK CADDY, ITlmberLand, Act June 3, 1S7S.I NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., April SO. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states oi uantornta, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land stales by act of August 4, 1802, WILLIAM II. CAMERON. Of Portland, county of Mul.nomali, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this ottlee his sworn statement No. 3042, for the purchase of the west half southeast quarter and east half son in west quarter ol section No. 30, In town ship No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M.,and will offer proof to show thai the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lund before the Register nd Re ceiver of this oftice at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 8lh day of September, hm He names as witnesses: Frank E. Kurhow, John V.. Higlit, B. llosmcr and O. L. Bow man, all of Uoldendale, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 8th day of September, JWM. m7Jy9 FRANK K. VAUGHAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1 NOTICE FOB, PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., May 4, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the set of congress of J line 3, 18;8, entitled "An act for the ante of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wushinglon Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1802, RALPH 8AVAOE, of Hood River, county of Wusco, state of Ore gon, his this day Hied In this office his sworn statement No. SKI, for tho purchase of the lots 1 and 2, southeast northwest and northeast Vt southwest Vt or section No. 10, In Uiwuship No. 5 north, range No. 12east,W.M., and will otter proor to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this olhVe at Van couver, Wash., on Wednesday, the Oth dayol Beptemtwr, HUM. He names as witnesses: Oliver C. Dean, Theodore F. Khenler and Allred J. Hhenler all of Hood River, Ore., and H. A. Falmer of unmer, wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore said ih day of September, liiOI. m:jt) FRAN K K VAUGHAN, Register Timber Land, Act Junes, 1878.1 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. ' United States Laud Office, Vancouver, Wash., ApMI 20, VMS. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions nfiheactof wngressor June, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the slates of California, Uregou, Nevada and Washington Territory," ss extended to all the public land slates' by act of August 4, lt92. WILLIAM J. FROST, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Oregon, has this day riled In this office his sworn statement. No. 3212, for the purchase of the southeast V, northwest Vt and northeast southwest section 4, In township No. 3 north, range No. 10 east, W. M., und will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for iu timber or stone than Sir agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 18th day or August, 1H03. He names as witnesses: Dennis Carney and James E. Cameron of Portland, Or., and Jo seph Sullivan and R. It. Cameron of White Salmon, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands ar requested to Hie their claims in this offioe on or before said 18th day of August, low. m7Jyt) FRANK E. VAUGHAN, Register CONTEST NOTICE. United Slates Land Office, The Dalies, Or.. April 14, lMti. A sufficient contest affidavit having been riled in this office by Oeorge W. Huskey, contestant, against homestead entry No. sill, made April 1807, for northwest southeast section 15, too nshlp2 north.ramn II east, by John H. Wheeler, conu-siee. In which It Is alleged that said entrvman has wholly abandoueu said tract for more than four years la.-.l past. That the alleged aban donment is not due to mliiiary or naval ser vice. Kali' partieat are hereby notified lo ap pear, respond and ortvr evidence touching said allegation at 1 o'clock P. M. on June i. IstB. before the Rgiier and Receiver at the United stale lnd ohVe In The Dalltw, (ire. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, filed April 14, IwW. sei lorth facts which show that alter due diligence personal s.-rvl- of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby or dered and dinru-d that snob notice be given by dne and proper publication. 30m2s ANNE M. LANG, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I -and Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 14, Intl. Not ice is hereby given that the lollow-Ing-named settler has riled notice of blslnien tion lo make tinal-pnsif in support I lu claim, and that aaid proof will tie made be lore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Uregou, on numnlav, Junes. Imt, vie WILLIAM C. WKIDNER, of M osier. Oregon, H. K. No. A. I. kr the west smith west . southeast sonthwesl and -iiiithwext southeast svciiouHi, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M. ll names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vn: William Davis. Peter Henningsen and C. F- Davidson, all of Hosier, Or., and Ralph Doyle of The Dallea. Or. aiimJ) MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Ref liter. Truth is the .stroiia; thing. No combination of high-sounding adjiX-tives can hide tho truth long. Our trado is growing fast. Tho people are ttnding out that wears selling the name or better goods for less money than can be purchased elsewhere. Boys' Clothing. This new department is proving a great success, and we are turningout many suits. The people know a bargain "when they see one, and we have these marked m as they are truly a bargain. -Call and see for yourself. Children's ReadymadeDresses. We have received a nice line of Children's ready-made dresses direct from New York. They are made up in very pretty styles, of good material, and we are selling them at the bottom price. Feather Dusters, just the thing forthe house, 10c; men's Straw Hats, loc and up; men's Crash Hats, 15c and up; boys' Straw Hats, 10c and up; boys' Crash Hats, 15c and up; men's Felt Hats' from 85c up. Ladies' Sun Bonnets in a great variety. Ladies, gents and children's plain and fancy Hosiery of every description from 5c a pair up. We Are Leaders of Low Prices. Blacksmithing And wagon repairing attended to promptly at my shop on the Mt. Hood road, south ot town. Uood work at reusoimhie prwes. sep!7 A. HOWELL. Cemetery Notice. Having been appoli -u-d Kekm of Mlctvllcle cemetery, 1 wish lo y've nolic. t lint 1 will at tend to seeding and caring lor lots. Persons desiring work done should l.-.'ive word vith me st once. F. II. HLAOO. Wanted. X wnnt KnerKdW' and Knthusiuatifl men and women, young or old, for local mid trnv ellntf Agency. We fcive splfiidid terms. Ku cIoe fnilt'-addrenscd, slntnpf l envelope. W. A. (JOUYliA, (Jemml .Urtnt. myfl The 1hHh. 0rnt)n. Tomato Plants. If you want Ton.nto Plants send to.Ieuctt a. While .Salmon, Wash., and get nunc of those early sorts that, have imnlo While Salmon famous us tho earliest and best tomato section In the Northwest. Fine plants, 7i cents per 1U0; $ f per 1(10). A. H. JEWKTT. Single Buggy And double liglit Harness for sale ehenp. K-a A. H. HI.OWKR8. Wanted. Customers for 500 loads oitle ends and luin ber.triinmiugs, at )fl per loud In the yard, ail MT. HOill) I.UMIilOH (;o. Fresh Cows. Two or three fresh cows lor sale at River side Farm, 8 miles west of town, in 14 J. W. MOKTON. Wanted To engage 10 berry packers. mil E. A. FRANZ. FOR SALE. A good 10-horse Hteain Boiler. Inquire of ail KNOW Ul'SON. WANTED. To buy two or three good ircsh milk cows other than Jerseys. Address WM. LKITZ, a2!t l.yle, Wash. Water & Light Notice All water and light bills are piiynljie at the Hood River Klectric Light, l'ower r:i.l Water Co.'s olllce from tlie 1st to the lilih of the month, in advance. ollltf M. C. KVANS, Manger. Wanted. A man to make good money for himself In the next few weeks. A man who understands pruning fruit trees preferred. Call at HANNA'S (IIIUCKRY. Buggy for Sale. A second-Ilium liuggy forsalc 1 11 KAP. Ap. ply to KTj K. R. lilt WIN. Notice. All bills for material, rendered by us since the lull of March, are payable to our success ors, the Mount Hood Lumber Company. LOST LA K K I.U.M11KK CO., By Win. F. Ilnvldson, 'resident. Seed Potatoes. Late Rose Heed Potatoes for sale bv K. A. I'KATHKR. H. H. Cox place, Knst Side. mil Heavy Horse for Sale. Or will trade for 1100 pound horse or team. m U J!l m U o i AKF.lt. Jersey Cow for Sale. A n Jersey cow, cult 8 weeks old: price $M. For sale by KIIUA K HOLM.' l..N. "For Sale. Gasoline Kngitie, nearly new, a1- horse power. Price HI II. c. CuK. For Sale. A S-seated "lack, almost good us new; otic double hack hiirness and one set light har ness; Dom in noon eotiiiition a2:i H. W. WAIT. Team Work. I now have a team license anil can do plow ing In town lots or hauling m any klu l in the city. Call nu- by phone :;.!. Am also prepaivil to do wood sn-.ving in the country with my steam saw. I would like lo have nelghburs eiuh together aiidcitilon me when they have en .nig i to pay for hauling out and setting up I1m -aw. it will he chewi er for them. niJil F.o. HRAl'K. Work Horse for Sale. Oood work horse for sale cheap; (1 years old; weight about MA). s. F. lillV, m7 . Kast Lclmonl. SEED POTATOES. A nice lot of Bui bank seed ot.i;oes for sail by II. I'lllHliK. MONEY TO LOAN. As the Nationnl lloniest-rkers' AssiH-iatlon would like to place IP'ty Simo ronlrncts iu Hisid River In luu next sixty days, parties wishing niont-y to pureiiiise homes, farms, or build houses at. the lowest rsteol Intrust ever heard of In the Wesl, should consult J. W. KKIHV, Agent. Persons carrying heavy morigages chii re lieve themselves at a very low i-Hleoi'iiiterest. Work Horse for SaleT Weight about lAU pounds. Inquire ni ibis office, or to U. W. C. Kits, 4!jriHc out, near King's pls" Wesl Hide. TimberLnd' Wanted If you have timber land, in the. vicinity of ML liedauce, for sale, send full desrriptiou of location und price to X. care of Glacier. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Ihe County Court of the state nfdregon for Wasco couut't has regularly iipdmed the iimleivgned ad ministrator of Ihe late of. I. ihn W. Murphy, deceased. All -rsona havimr claims nun lust said estate are hen liy liolltl.-d to presi nt ihe same to tho said adioini.-sra oi, with the proper voueliers iUeri..r,t lii.oiU.-e in Hood Hlver. Oregon, on or belore six months from thedateol this notice. Hated at Mood Kiver, Orecon, tills 9th d.iy of April, lkt. GKOUlii: T. I'ltATHKU, n" Administrator. ' Summons. In the Circuit Court of the state or Oregon, for the Cot.:n ni usio. Joseph A. Knox, :iii iir, vs. Katurnh D. Knox, di fend.int. Suit for Divorce. Tokninrah li.Knox, liwuhovc nnmed: In t lie namec.t u.c Mte m.-ch, on art henliy riilied t.. n.ear and ims-Ver the eonilalnt nlcd at-hi,!; i,i theals..ein. titled suit, on or befon- s:x weeks f.-oin the 2d .lay of April. l'J'i, ,r,1 if vou fail to answer, tiie l.iiniif al.ovn h.i-i h,i (Vii take Judgment again-4 you for waul tiier.nf, and will apply lo the court tr the ichei "p.avid l.. in the complaint on n;,- hi-.-i in, uv.ti l int the bonds of malrlinonv n,. ,-xi.in le tween you and the p:murt u rtiu he di-ov. ed and forever annuih-d, ntrl fir g-nerul relief. Thissutnm -Ik K ,v, ; ,. you hy pul llcaii.m thereot on. c a w.-eli lor six con.secn tivc weeks, and lor seven c..--.iL,ve l.i-er tions In the ll s.,1 l;v.-r in r. a nrw.rstner oigeiiei-aU-irt iil..u.,n,.;l- t.'ii .t.-d as tn.- one m.M likely f ,re j,,., ,, p.ij weekly Hi H a.-o eoulitt , State ol Oievon.aud M m served hy virtue of an order .ttl'v made and entered herein on the aid nav ofM.nh A. II. lii. (,.- n.e u,,,,. v.. r ' iir-,dha-; Judge of tlielln-uii court afore-Snd. l ned.de of said order !s Mar.-h !. IMI, and the dale of thedrst put.li. mi .on i-i said sumnionsi.ua this notice u a pnl i, p.ni. John l.ti.AMi n t:M-: it x, u , , Attorney foi l'lalntlff. IMted, Hood River, Oregon, MaK-h a, ltrni. PRANK ANNOUNCES A Sweeping -i - ON Every Shoe in the Store, Commencing Friday, at 8 A. M. Everything must go. Nothing reserved. We need the room. Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. REMEMBER, The Glacier Buggy , WILL HE GIVEN AWAY June 4, 1903. -o- Examine the label on your paper and see if you are not entitledto a ticket. A ticket is given for every year's subscription paid, whether you are in arrears or pay in advance. To Show this Week, New Arrivals of Oxford In several different styles. Also, Opera Slippers In ladies, misses and children's that we would be pleased to have you come in and examine. r - GET PRICES. Yours truly, R. B. BRAGG & CO. Idlewilde Addition TO HOOD RIVER. Lyin west of the city, fronting the state road, is now ready for sale. This is a pleasant place to make a home, is less than 20 minutes' walk from the post office, affording a fine view of Mt. Adams and the lordly Columbia. Remember, the city is "rowing westward there is no other direction for it to go ami when Hood River has 3,000 happy people and she will in five years Idlewilde will contain 100 contented fam ilies, dwelling peacefully together. Why? Reeause the drainage is jierfect, and therefore Idlewilde is a healthy place to live; because it has the finest view, and for the further reason that the lots are cheapest, and the terms are the liest. giving purchasers easy payments. For further particulars call upon GEO. D. CULBERTSON & CO. FA R A. CRAM Ties Reduction UU flet Timber lAnd, Act June 3. 1H73. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ITnlted Slate. f'.and omce. Vancouver, Wash., Keb. IU, MB. Notice Is hereby given thai. In compliance with the provisions of the act or congress of Jiina 8, ItnrtJ, entitled An act for the sale of timber land In the State of Jahfornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washlniiiou Territory," as exteuueu to so the public land states bv act of August 4, 1SU2, JOHN 1.. OKI MM, .fr?nir,. eonnivof Whitman, stat or Wash ington, has this day men in mis omce oi sworn statement, Mi. Hlilo, lor ine pur- chaso of Ihe southwest quarter oi sec tion K-o in townshlo No. 5 north, range No. II east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valua ble for IU timber or stoue than for agrlcul-lio-ul niiriwwM and to establish his Claim to said land before the Register and Kecelverof this otllceat Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, the 15th day of June, I'm. u. .n. u wi,.,,,uiuu. Alevatiiler Clievne. Nellie Steward, Mary V. Cheyne and Robert dieyne, all of Ullmer, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aiKive-oescrtoeu lanns re rpiumt w their claims In thlsolllc on or before said 15th day or June, 1HWI. , . ft!7myl W. R. DUNnARLReglster, NOTICE FOH I'LBLICATION. Ijind Office at The Dalles. Oregon, April 17, lWtt. Notice la hereby given that, the following-nanied Bettler has filed nolice of her oib.oi.ion tji ciiitiioute and make final oroof in supiairt of her claim, and that said proof will be mac-lo petoie oeo. i. rraincr, u. n. (,'otiimlssioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Monday, June i, iw, viz: l.ucv A. HOADLKY. of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. for the northeast section 2B, township 2 north, range east, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upou aud cultiva tion ol biuu lund, viz: Charles J. Haves. UlvssesG. Dyer. Henry C. hateham and Eva Nleklasin, all of Hood Rlver.Or. MICHAKb 1. NOUMN, a!lm2H Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T.anH Hlfle. at Thfl llullns Oregon. Alirll 27. 19U1. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler nas niea nonce oi nis in tention to oommtito and make tinal pioor in support of his claim, and that said proof will inissloner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Satur day, June I), pun, viz: hiSkhkrt r. entrican. of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. ftVXI, for the west southeast and south northeast 54 H'tlon 2a.townshfo 2 north. rangeeast,W.Al. - He names the following wiltiessesto prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Oeorge ismlth, 0. V. Richardson, O. B. Hartr ley ana u. J. tiaves, an oi iioou uiver, ur, jiHOJl MICHAEL TL NOLAN, Register. "NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 14, lHOil. Notice Is hereby given that the fol-lowlng-naiiied settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute aim maae miai pnaa in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Geo. T. 1'ialher, U. H. Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Friday, May l, l'Mi, viz: CHARLKS R. BONE. of Hood River. Oregon, H. K. No. 10,047, ror lots 9, 10, 15 and 18, sectlpn 3, township 1 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultiva tion of said land, viz: P. H. Davidson, K. C. Brosius, F. B. Barnes iindU, W. Murtinv, all or Hooa itiver. 23m28 MICH AKL T. NOLAN, Register, iTimber Land, Act June S, 1K7S.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, Vancouver, Wash.. March 2, 11I0J. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlm her lands in the .Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, WW, NETTIE ALVORD. of Portland, county of Mtillnomuh, stateof Oregon, has this day tiled in this office her sworn statement, No. 8141, lor the purchase of the east ball northeast quarter or section No. 25. In townshlo No. 6 north range No. 12 east, W.M.. and will oiler prisif to snow that me lanu gougut is more valuable for lis timber or stone than lor agricultural niirisatea. and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this omce, at Vancouver, Washington, on xntirsaay, tnezoin aay oi June, in. Hhe names as witnesses; Louie Casto and Henry Hosteller of Portland, Or.; Ermie Trougn ana Herman Kunnnausen of uien wood. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to Hie ineir claims in tins omce ou or tietore said 26th day of June, l!)i. mar2um22 W. li. DUNBAR, Register. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., March 2S, 1!K:). Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice of her Inten tion to make final proot in support ot her claim ,and that said proof will be made belore W. B. Presby, United Slates Commissioner lor aistrict or wasntngton, at his otnee in oniaenaaie, wasntngton, on Friday, amy 15, itftu, vie; ELIZABETH JONES, A dauEhter and one ot the heirs of Elizabeth Jarvls, deceased, who made Homestead Entry jno, lunre, ror me nw oi l w l w V ot SW Wand EofSW of section 24, town ship a north, range 11 east. W. M. fcihe names the following witnesses to prove ner continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Leigh Evans or Ooldendale. Wash.: Nora Llnday, Henry Johnston and E. J. Oliiey of l oiu K- inn, nail a2m8 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, "Vancouver, Wash., March 2, lMJS. Notice is hereby giveu Liiat in compliance Willi ine provisions of the act of congress or JuneH. I78. entitled 'An act Tor the sale of timber lands In the suites or canromla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land stales by act or August 4, HUB. in. I.'. M III NI lU or North wood, county or (irami Forks, state or iorin iiaaoia, nas this day nied In this olliee his sworn statement, No.;tW9, for the purchase ui mo uortu uau uortiiwesi quarter, soutn east quarter northwest quarter and northwest quarter northeast quarter of section No. 9 In township No. 4 north, range No. 11 east, w. M., and will offer proof to show that, tho luurt sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural puriioses, and Ui esutunsu ins ciaim 10 nam lanu before the Register and Receiver of this ortiee m v. oouver, Wash., on Tuesdsy, the 2.ld day of d unr, itiu, He names as witnesses: ftenron w iiiimi. Melv.n Manley, Charles W. Uiimer and Will iam t;. jnaniey, all ol Uiimer, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descrllwd lands are requested to 11 le their claims In this olliee On or het'orM Mulil Itid day of June, IWi. marauma w. K. DUNBAR, Register. Timber l.and. Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htates Land Office, Vancouver Wash., Feb. 18. 1WM. Notice is herehv iri v that In compliance with the provisions or the act oi congress oi j tines, 1878, entitled "An act hr the sale or timber lands in ine status ..f l aiitornia. uregou, nevaua.and Washington lerrllory," as extended to all the public lund slates by act or August 4, ML MINERVA E. GENTRY, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ot Oregon, has this day Bled in this olliee her sworn statement, No. mill, for the purchase or the southeast quarter or seetlon No. 10 lu township No. 5 north, range No. 12 east w li and will otter proof to show that the Isnd sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone "" ai".-iiiunii purposes, nd to estab lish her claim to said land belore tn Kiwki.. and Receiver of this oiIIcm at vi,e..... Washington, on Monday, the 8th rtav ol June, lMUa. isne names as witnesses: Ida Buswell ana George Buswell of Portland, Or.; Julia Me Masters ol Vancouver. Wiuii i n u i... shot or Portland, Or, Any and ail persons elalmlnj adversely the slHive-deserilieU Isnds are ipj.iro.m to tr their claims in this office ou or lefo e said Sill day ol June, Imf. li.myt v.. K. DLNI1AR, Register. Timber Ijind Act Juua j, 1S7S.I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ITnllH KfulM I un,i ft! " ah March 20, lmw.Noh.t- in htrvbv ki l hi I In wiiii tiliu mith 1 1, . , ver, ven the act of ooriizrH of Jnn it Ik k i.Hi,n.4 for Ih f XL A? ,,ari net wiim.miis vnitoQ, evHUa aim VVatiinKion irriurj, Mxinie(i lo nil tue nubiiiT I- mtMttm hv ai-t nf 1 imn. i a i.i.i 1 land I'UL'DV tT it-fi. Of Portlund, (XMHiiy of Mtihmmiah, stale if w" w.v llKU in Ui.hi.- Wiirn h t . t 1 1 1 l ' r In fcSC' fcwium and N ,S SK ia of iliue f lo Z ' whhi iioriti, ri i. Y , ' m" Wilt lif-tH show that the land nought in more vatu fir IU timtwi or stone tiian for HttrU-u i ititile al id hiki mi mattiiMi 111! U 111 ( v. " j...,u i,. ii.'r,dir.-..ii ... um ni., r.; anniew ti. Kirhnumd and ..i..o uniruni ! tOlllHtlU, Or.J t rank im.ciiKir(iii riisHi mvr.lr. Ativ and mI wr.n. ..!.. . - . alsne-iteserilHsi l.ir.Us are re,i!..-il 1.; the file yieu vin.in. in luin nniee on or b-iore UI I "ay Ol 4UIV, lii. nu.mai W. K. HCNBAR, Register. LIST OI" LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Money to loan. 1. Lots ill Waiu-oraa Park addition $135. Corner lot in front of school house $:iou. The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in Bttrrctt-Sipnia addition, $1175. Fine improved apple farm on the Katt Side for gale. fS,000. Terms easy. 22. The Emerson homestead, only one mile east of town ; fine range; $1,500. 7. Barrett-Sipma addition; f 100 per lot: $10 down and $5 per month; no in. terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners in the center of Hood River, l'rii-e $2,500. 2. Eligible residence lots in Spangk r's subdivision, near cannon house; only $100; terms easy. - 6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17 acres well unproved; free irrk'ntina water. Price $4,000. 4. 820 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood Uiver, belonging to George F Forsyth; price $400(1. 21. N. y2 S. E. hi, K. )Z N. E. t4' w.,.. 4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; line timber lathi; $10 per acre. For Sale The Howell cottage and 3 acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, (or 5 days, at $1,X). After 5 days, $1,!IIHJ. 32. Emma G. Robinson's KiO acres on hills east of White .Salmon, known as the Dryer place; fine timber; tiniiii. proved; $785. KM) acres, house ami garden patch, on the corner 10 miles smith of The Datloa. Known as the Wood man place. Price $1)00. Persons desiring to purchase tickets to or from any points in Europe or South Africa may secure the same from John L. Henderson, who is agent fur the Beaver line of steamships. 4. 1(10 acres fine timber, Al land near White Salmon, on west bank of White Salmon river, known as the lliiuire tim ber claim. About lour miles from Hood Kiver, for sale cheap. The new company now offers fur sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood Kiver Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary und the Hood Kiver Bunk treasurer. For Sale Thirteen acres in Wind River, at Carson, quarter of a mile from school, partly cleared; $450. Terms easv Five acres at Frankton, known as the Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and plenty of free water. Price, $1,050. Terms easy. House and garden for rent by the month at $5.00 a month. Persons who have tnado desert land entries and have abandoned the sumo may get their money refunded. Persons who have made stone and timberentries, which entries have been suspended by the government, may have their entries completed and get titles to their lands by conferring with John Leland Hender son, attorney, Hood Uiver. At the Emporium is kept a first-class solar compass, and the proprietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age property in lots and bhicks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and lifter this date, April !, 1)()3, the rates will -he as follows: $7.5(1 u day and expenses, or $10 a day if 1 pav my own expenses. Lot corners estab lished for $5 a lot; two contiguous lots for one owner, the same price. For Sale The N. 40 acres and tin cast 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's. Free irrigating water for 'the lower 4(1. Pries $5,400 for the two tracts if sold to gether. If sold separately, $2,750 for the 40; at least $500 down, balance on 5 years time at 7 per cent interest. Subject to McCuistion'g lease. This 20 has six acres in apples and cherries jui-t beginning to bear. Five acres of straw berries between the rows of fruit trees. Price of the 40, $2,750. Special Bargain. The undersigned desiring to build a brick building in Hood Kiver must have some "cash" and for a few wet ks offers for sale his KiO acres inCnipir neighborhood for f 2500.00 "cash." D,iV- eiiK.-l's ditch run ' mile through g:uie and till the lund Is under his two ditches. This land has about 4) acres good limber on the flume, mid is all good land. About 80 acres quite level and the oilier 80 is a sp"i-inl bargain, as the purchaser will get about loo m-rtu of surface See. This U a simp. Ab stract of title furnished. Price In Ids subject to change uny day. JolIX I-KI.AM) Hkmikiison. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Design - Cmvsuimti Aft anTmnnHunniKlMFli snd rteneHMIr.il mtr qnleklT aseertmn nr nnm.n rm. l.s Iiitsi Hon it probtf iMiemiible. .mummies. H .'Sf""1'1""""'- HidImon l-slents i . . V wney f'H- oeeurins pstsnls. fnal notice, without chr. In the xtfnwic jlmencan. puiat.or of tnr Miein.iw tonm.t' rirt rir- : fur nuonttu. L Hutdb)! numttia, L Sold Uf J newiWim. Am- ' - A riili.iii&Co.e,B'-N8wyork tw Ft, WUBIDKIun, o. c