The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 07, 1903, Image 1

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1 " 1 1 "- ' "" : i " . "' " I,, . , , -
Published every Thursday.
8. F. BLYTHB ft SON, Publishers.
Terms ol eubscrijtion 11.50 a year wbea paid
in eavanee.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. tn. Wednesdays and Saturdays; depart! the
ame aays at noon.
For Cbenoweth, leaves at S a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays: arrives at 0 n. in.
For White Salmon (Mash.) leaves daily ai6:
a. m.: arrives at 7:10 p. m.
t rim White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer,
Tiout Lake and Ulenwood daily at II A. M.
ForBinxen (Wash.) leaves at 5:4s p. m.i ar.
rives at a p.m.
. A MF.KICA Meets second and Fourth Mon
days In each month 111 K. of v. hall.
II. J. Freukhick, C. R.
8. t. Fours, Financial Secretary.
j rt.N do. Meets the (second ana rourtn
Fridays ol the month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. F. II. Brohius, Counsellor.
Mini Nellie Clark, Secretary.
Union No. 142, meets in Odd Fellows' hall
second and fourth Saturdays in each month,
7:3u o'clock. C. L. Cori'Li, President.
J. . Hanna, Secretary.
t 87, 1. 0.O. F.-Meets first and third Fri
ays in each month.
Miss Edith Moom, N. G.
L. E. Morse, Secretary.
ANBY POST, No. 16, G. A. R.-McetsatA.
O. U. Vt . Hall second and fourth Saturdays
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A, k.
tueuibers invited to meet with us.
W. H. Pekky, Commander.
T. J. CrjKNiMO, Adjutant.
rtANBY W. R. C No. 16 Meets second and
j fourth Saturdays of each month In A. O, V.
W. hall at 2 p. m. Mits. Fannie Bailey', Pres.
I (Mrs. T. J. Canning, Secretary.
' M. Meet Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. Wm. M. Yates, VY. M.
C. D. Thompson, Secretary.
Meela third Friday night of each month.
G. R. Castnek, II. P.
A. 8. Blowers, Secretary.
Jl Meets second and fourth Tuesday even
ings of each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Mrs. May Yates, W. M.
Mm. MaXY B. Davidson, Secretary.
OLF.TA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans.
Meets first and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays social: Arti
sans hall. F. C. BROOK'S, M. A.
F. B. Barnes, Secretary.
W AC COM A LODGE, No. 80, K. of P.-Meets
in A. O. U. W. ball every Tuesday night.
F. L. Davidson, C. C.
Pb. C. H. Jenkins, K. of R. & 8.
Meeu first and third Saturdays of eaoh
month. F. B. Barnes, W. M.
E. R. Bradley, Financier.
Chester Shuts, Recorder.
Meets la Fraternal hsll every Thursday
night. Geo. W. Thompson, N. U.
J. L. Henderson, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.,
meeu at A. O. U, W. hall on tbe first and
third Fridays of each month.
Walter Gkrking, Commander,
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meels first aud
rd Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Kate M. Frederick, C of II .
Mihi Annie Smith, Recorder.
OOD RIVER CAMP.'No. 7,702, M. W. A..
meets in Odd Fellows' Hall the nrsl ana
third Wednesdays of each month.
J. R. Reks, V. C.
C. U. Dakin, Clerk.
fjiDEN ENCAMPMENT No. 48, I. O. O. F.
j Regular meeting second and fourth Mon
days of each month. W. O. Abh, C. P.
Y. L. Henderson, Scribe.
Will make regular monthly visits to Hood
River. Residence 963 Sixteenth Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 4.
OlMce in Langille bid. Hood River, Oregon.
Cold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of
Up-to-Dati Dentistrj.
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town or country,
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence. 81; Office, 83,
Office over Everhart's Grocery.
J r. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 283.
' for 28 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience in
Kraj Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and ageuu baus!cuou guaranteed or
110 charge.
Estimate furnished (or all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First and Second. ,
Attracts Furnished.. . Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. ; I to 3
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Do a general bankinf business.
Comprehensive Review ef tbe Import"
ant Happenings ef the Past Week,
Presented la Condensed Form, Mos
Likely to Prove Interesting to Out
Many Readers.
Omaha bag ordered all saloons closed
during the big strike now on.
All warships but those of Austria
will be withdrawn from Salonica.
Tbe more serious forest fires in tbe
Adirondacks are now out and tbe re
mainder under ccontrol.
Mrs. C. P. Huntington bag purchased
the ne w $500,000 six-story mansion of
Mri. J. F. Carroll in New York.
A French-Belgian syndicate bas been
formed in Europe with a capital of $3,
000,000 to work tbe Chilean mines.
Three thousand dollars of tbe money
which was stolen from Express Agent
Peterson, of Britt, la., last week, bas
been found beneath the company's
In a street-car runaway at Rochester,
Pa., tbe conductor was probably fatally
hurt, tbe motorman badly bruised and
six passengers injured. Wet rails
caused the accident.
Tbe rivers and harbors committee of
tbe house of representatives made a
tonr of the navigable waters about New
York to see what improvements are
needed in shipping facilities.
The report that General Matoa, the.
revolutionary leader, has landed in
Venezuela from Curacao, is confirmed.
An association for the protection of
Germans in the enforcement of the laws
of Argentina has been formed at Buenos
Physicians of Ira D. Sankey, the
singer evangelist, now acknowledge the
failure of tbe operation for tbe restora
tion of bis sight.
Attempts to wreck two trains at
Stamford, Conn., are charged to
tramps, and the police are now in pur
suit of seven men.
Robbers wrecked tbe safe of the Bank
ef Assaria, Kan., and escaped on a
hand car. It is not known bow much
money they secured.
Indiana has bad another severe frost
wbich it is believed will practically
kill the strawberry crop, plums and
other tender early fruits.
Edwin C. Kelley, treasurer and gen
eral manager of the Enamel Brick com
pany, of Cleveland, O., is charged with
the embezzlement of $25,000 of the funds
of the concern. Kelley declares be
will be able to prove bis innocence.
Rivalry among the associations of
engineers in this country may nullify
an offer of Andrew Carnegie to give
$1,000,000 or more to establish a
National center for engineers in New
York. A high official in one of the
bodies says it is doubtful if all can live
in peace in one room.
Portland laundrymen have locked out
their employes.
Russia expects war with China and is
preparing for it.
Nearly 500 tenants were evicted in
the New York tenement district May 1.
Fifty half-naked Doukbobors are on
"search for Jesus," near basakatoon,
N. W. T.
The Merchants state bank at Free
man, 8. P., was raided by robbers.
They secured about 13,000 and escaped.
The sixtieth anniversary of the
founding of civil government on the
Pacific coast was celebrated at Cham-
aoeg, Oregon, May 2.
John Firman, 25 years old, living at
Paterson, N. J., has two hearts beating
in bis own breast. He is fine speci
men of physical manhood and constant
ly enjoys good health.
A bell cast by Paul Revere, that bad
been in constant use since its making
is being recast at Troy N. Y, Tbe
Leominster Congregational chnrcb, in
tbe belfry of which it hung, was burned
a short time ago.
Turkey has proclaimed martial law
in Salonica.
An earthquake in Chile caused heavy
property loss.
Postmaster General Payne bas un
earthed a scandal in tbe Washington
Labor troubles are seriously affecting
business in many of the cities through
out the United States.
Six passengers were injured in a col
lision between an electric car and
Lai e Shore train in Chicago.
Fruit and garden track in the Arkaan
sas valley, Colorado, bave been serious
ly damaged by frost. Tbe lose is esti
mated at more tban $500,000.
Forty persons hare been arrested fol
lowing the robbery of the Wei's, Fargo
express company at Silao, Mexico, of
$43,000. All but $11,000 was recov
ered. 1
Rebels in Turkey are fighting with
bombs, blowing up everything within
their reach.
Secretary of the Navy Moody will
visit the coast with r resident Roose
velt and inspect naval stations.
Regulations in regard to matches hi
New York now provide that 00 one
without a license can sell or give them
away. Retailers may not sell more
tban 1,000 in a box. Tbe splints mnst
be strong, and the beads most not fly
Ocean Liner Meet in a Dense Fog, and
Twenty Lives are Lost.
Norfolk, Va., May 7. A collision at
sea that cost the lives of 20 or more
people and the sinking of tbe Clyde
steamship Saginaw by tbe Old Domin
ion steamship Hamilton occurred be
tween Winter quarters lightship and
Fenwick island lightship, oh tbe Vir
ginia coast at 4 :40 o'clock this morning.
A dense fog settled along the ehore
shortly after nightfall, and while going
through the fog at reduced speed tbe
Hamilton crashed into the Saginaw's
side about 20 feet from tbe stern.
The fog whistles of both vessels were
distinctly heard by each other for sev
eral minutes before the collision oc
curred. According to Captain Boaz, of
the Hamilton, bis ship was making
about nine miles an hour, and the Sag
inaw about ten. Tbs fog was to thick
that objects a ship's length away were
invisible, and when the two crafts hove
in sight of each other, bow on, there
Was but a moment's interim before they
The inrush ina water caused the Sagi
naw to settle rapidly at the stern, and
the impetus of the Hamilton took her
out of sight of tbe crippled vessel.
The engines, already reversed, were
put full steam to the rear, and tbe
Hamilton circled the scene of the wr ck,
at the same time lowering two lifeboats.
There was consternation among the pas
sengers oi tbe Old Dominon ship, and
tbe first thought was fcr their safety,
but as soon as it was discovered that
the ship was uninjured save that some
bow plates were s'ove in all efforts were
directed to the rescne of those on tbe
Work Alto Covers Laws, Executive Or
ders and Proclamations.
Washington, May 6. The govern
ment printing office bas just issued two
quarto volumes entitled, "Indian
Affairs, Law and Treaties," compiled
by direction of congress by Charles L.
Kappler, a clerk in the senate commit
tee on Indian affairs. The volumes
contain every treaty made by the Unit
ed States with the Indians, and all tbe
laws, executive orders and proclama
tions relating to the Indians up to De
cember 1, 1902, together with statistics
of tribes, trust funds, etc.
The commissioner of Indian affairs,
in his annual reports, has urged fcr
some years that such a compilation be
made for the reason that the laws and
orders relating to tbe Indians were
scattered through a great number of
documents, making it exceedingly diffi
cult to De sure that one bad before it
all legislation on any given question
re'ative the Indians. The present
compilation is indexed carefully, and
in its general arrangement follows tbe
form of the statutes at large.
People Warned to Keep Away From Tur
tle Mountain.
Vancouver, B. C, May 6. A com
mittee of the board of trade examined
Turtle mountain this morning and
decided to warn people" to keep at a
safe distance for at least a week so
that the town will be absolutely de
fer ted for a time at least. The reason
for this conclusion is that an immense
peak of Turtle mountain is now over
hanging the southern part of the town.
Its fall might destroy the remaining
buildinci in tbe town, although exper
ienced mining men believe that another
slide would spread over the valley, de
stroying tbe buildings of the coal com
pany at the base of the mountain but
not overwhelming tbe town proper.
Irish Immigration Increasing.
New York, May 7. Great increase
in immigration from Ireland is shown
by the record of tbe first four months
of this year, compared with tbe same
period of other recent years. Statistics
given out today show the arrival of
8,206 Irish immigrants for the fonr
months ending April 30, against 4,002
for the same time last year. Ail other
nationalities which come here show a
larger per oentage of males tban fe
males, but of the Irish coming this year
about 70 per cent are females. Many
are girls in-their teens.
Closing of Convent Causes Outbreak.
Paris, May 7. An outbreak occurred
today in the vicinity of Nancy, where
the authorities, npon proceeding to
close the convent of the Oblate Fathers,
met with lively resistance from the
crowd, wbich received them with tbe
usual hostile manifestations. A strong
torce of gendarmes and cavalry was
called in, and was obliged to carry two
barricades before it could force an en
trance to the building. During the
fighting a number were injured.
Monitor Leaves St, Louis.
Washington, May 7. Tbe navy de
partment was informed today of tbe de
parture from St. Louis for Cairo, 111.,
of the monitor Arkansas, which was
present at the exposition dedicatory ex
ere 1 see. The veeel will make last tiaie
down stream, and reports received at
tbe department show tbe depth of tbe
river to be entirely sufficient for tbe
Harriman Llnta are Turning Thought
of Thousands to Oregon.
G. M. McKin'ney, who has charge of
the immigration department of the
Harriman lines, met with the real es
tate dea ers of Salem to discuss matters
relating to bis work. He explained tbe
plan of bis department and talked with
the real estate men concerning the
methods of advertising that they must
rely upon to draw immigration to this
state. That Oregon in now the most
widely talked of state in the Union is
the declaration he made, after ' telling
how the resource 1 of this state have
been advertised through the immigra
tion bureau. As an indication of what
has been done for the Willamette vat
ley, be said t'.at since bis department
bas been working between 4,000 and
5,000 one-way railway tickets have
been used by Eastern peop e, who came
to the valley and did not go awy
He said that the immigration bureau
of tbe Harriman lines is the most per
fect enterprise of the kind ever organ
ized in the United States, and that it
retches in tbe most effective manner
those persons who are the most desira
ble immigrants. Within seven months
after be began work his department
bad p'aced the literature advertising
this state into the hends of 2,000,000
people. The bureau has placed in the
field six lecturers, with stereopticon
views showing scenes illustrating tbe
resources and industries of Oregon, and
thee lecturers are addressing Eastern
audiences four evenings a ween. Six
immigration agants in the different
lections of the midd'e We 4 are giving
their whole time to disseminating in
formation regarding tbii state, super
vising the. distribution of literature to
tliose who aie most likely to come to
tli is state, and aiding scores of Eastern
real estate men who are encouraging
Western immigration.
By means of this vigorous policy tbe
people of the Eastern states bave been
interested in Oregon, with the result
that there is more talk of this state as a
deeirabie place for home-seekers than
the.e is of any other state.
Bridge Over Santlam.
At a mass meeting of Linn county
farmers held in school district No. 114
recently some resolutions asking the
county court to rebuild Sanderson's
bridge were adopted and sent to tbe
court. This bridge was carried away
by the floods of last January. It was
one of the longest bridges supported by
Linn county and spanned the Santiam
river, connecting this portion of the
county with that rich section known as
the forks of the Santiam.
Plenty of Oold but Little Silver.
Clackamas county officers report an
unusual scarcity of silver. Treasurer
Cahill sa) s gold pieces, in denomina
tions of $20, were never befoie ars plen
tiful as thev are at this time, and he
finds it troublesome to keep on hand a
sufficient amount of silver with which
to make change. No reason is assigned
for this condition, save that it indicates
in a suostantial way a greater degree
of prosperity among all classes.
Wool In riarlon County Pool.
From information produced at the
Marion county woolgrowers' associa
tion meeting, it seems probable that
the quantity of wool controlled by the
pool this year will be nearly double
that of last year. Tbe soliciting com
mittee bas not yet completed its work,
but thus far 50 members bave been
secured, and it is expected 4hat the
total amount of wool represented will
be from 76,000 to 100,000 pounds.
Survey of the McKenzle.
Professor McAlister, who is at the
head of the University of Oregon me
chanical department, lias completed ar
rangements for a hydiographical su vey
of tbe McKenzie river this summer.
The survey will be made for the pur
pose of determining the water power of
the river with a view of locating the
points where eiect ic plants and the
like may be established to the best ad
vantage. Water Seeps from Ditch. .
Tbe irrigating -ditch belonging to
Henry E. Ankeny, of Eugene, and Mrs.
J. T. Henley, of Klamath county, runs
through tbe town of Klamath Falls,
and the village authorities have com
menced suit in the circuit court to se
cure an injunction against tbe owners,
alleging that the property is a nuisance
on account of injury from seepage.
New Road to Crater Lake.
W. S. A rant, superintendent of
Crater Lake national park, reports that
he will have the new road leading to
tbe lake ready for use by August 1. It
will be shorter and have fewer bumps
and steep grades than the old one It
will enable journey from Fort Kla
math to tbe lake, 25 miles, in 24
Rainier Lumber Shipments.
Ninety-five carloads of lumber and
shingles were shipped from Rainier in
tbe past month. This does not include
the cargo of 600,000 feet shipped to
San Pedro by sailing vessel.
Cattle Coming to Summer Ranges.
Cattle are beginning to come into
Staike? prairie for summer rang. Tbe
prair e snmmera several thousand head,
principally from Umatilla and lower
down, in Union county.
Easter Orcgo" Oeotoglcal Survey.
T. B. White, of tbe United States
geological survey, is in Pendleton and
will at one J begin work in Eastern
Southern Oregon Citizens Readily Sign
Protesting Petitions.
A zealous protest is being made by
the citizens of Josephine aud Curry
counties against the establishment of
tbe great forest reserve, embracing
nearly ball of Curry and all of Western
and Southern Josephine, as wellas part
of Douglas. Josephine would be
blocked in, so to speak, and Curry
would be placed in a position whereby
its advancement would be a. matter ol
Just at this time, when prosperity
seems to be heading this way, capital
is becoming interested, new people
c.niing in, and new industries being
established, it is a hard blow both to
Josephine and Curry, so the citizens
claim who are opposing the measure,
to establish a forest reserve of so vast
dimensions The argumt nt made that
streams are drying up by reason of tbe
removal of trees, seems not well found
ed. But few, if any trees, bave been
removed in that section, not enough by
any means to affect the flow of water in
the croeka and streams. Even the
miners, who need tbe water the most,
oppose the establishment of the reserve.
Petitions, begging that the matter of
estab isliing the reserve bj reconsid
ered, or that the tract be not with
drawn, are being circulated in J seph
ine and Curry coun ies, and are being
liberally signed.
State Labor Federation.
The first annual convention of the
Oregon state federation of labor met in
La Grande this week. About 100 dele
gates were present. The attendance
was neither as large nor as represent
ative as was hoped. By far the larger
part of those in tbe convention were
from Portland, while Astoria Salem,
Albany, Ashland, Baker City and Pen
dleton have from one to three delegates
each. Those in attendance are very
much in earnest in their desire to take
up in tbe convention some of the knotty
questions confronting organized labor
and determine a course of action in re
gard to them.
Little Change la Herd Law.
Aside from the amendment of the
law regarding the running of stock in
Multnomah county, no change wbb
made by the last legislature in the
herd law. Section 61 of the new road
law prohibits the herding of stock upon
tbe highways, thereby obstructing them
with earth, stones, or other debris, but
his section does not prohibit herding
stock on the highways so long as there
is no obstruction remaining more than
24 hours.
Clackamas County Valuation.
The assessable valuation of all Clack
amas "County is being doubled by
Assessor Nelson, who is at work on the
1903 roll. Assessor Nelson reports
that heretofore in this county property
bas been assessed at not to exceed 35
per cent of its real value. This year
it is being listed at double the former
valuations. The amount of the tax
under this plan will be about (he
same, since it will be cut down in pro
portion to the increase in the property
Insane Asylum Report.
The report of Superintendent J. F.
Ca! breath, of the state insane asylum,
for April shows the number of patients
March 31 as 1,297; remaining on April
30, 1,298. Number of officers and em
ployes, 160; expenditures for articles
consumed, $7,749.41; pay roll, $6,064.-
; Cost of maintenance per capita per
month, $10.66; per day, 35 cents.
Eastern Oregon Pioneer.
Julius O. Mack, one of tbe best
known residents of Eastern Oregon,
died at his home at The Dalles Sunday
afternoon, after a short illness, from
pneumonia. Mr. Mack was about 50
years of age.
Wheat Walla Walla,7071c; val
ley, 7576c.
Barley Feed, $21.50 per ton; brew
ing, $23.
Flom Boot grades, $3.95(34. 25; gra
ham, $3.453.85.
Millstuffs Bran, $19 per ton; mid
dlings, $24; shorts, $19.50(320; chop,
Oats - No. 1 white, $1.511.20;
grar, $11.2's'1.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $13(ai3.50; clover,
$10U; cheat, $1112 per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 50c per
sack; ordinary, 25(30o 'per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3
3.50 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, lll2c;
young, 13 14c; b'ens, 12cj tut keys,
live, 16(3 17c; dressed, 20(2 22c; ducks,
$7.00(37.50 per dozen; geese, $66.50.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 16 S(?
17c; Young America, 17gl7ge; fact
ory prices, llc; less.
Butter fancy creamery, 22c per
pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 20(g22V,e;
store, 1618c.
Eggs 1617c per dozen.
Hops Choice, 18(320c per pound.
Woll Valley 12 V?15; Eastern Ore
gon, 8 14; mohair, 35(3 36c.
Beet oroes, cows, sQMc per
pound; steers, 44(35c; dressed, 7?c
Veal 8(38 c. .
Mutton Gross, 7 7 Xc per pound;
dressed, 8(3 9c.
- Lambj Gross, 4c per pinod j'dreesed,
Hogs Gross. 7SSi7c per pound;
Oates and Frick are After Lands ef the
Choctaw Indians.
South McAlester, I. T., May 6. Big
financiers of the East, headed by H. C.
Frick, of Pittsburg, and John W.
Gates, of Chicago, are forming a pool
to get possession of all the coal lands
in the Choctaw nation. There are
440,000 acres in the Choctaw nation,
which will be sold at public auction
and tbe proceeds divided among the
Choctaws according to tbe act of con'
gress. The price agreed npon by the
rnclt-Uates syndicate is $25 per acre,
It is not the intention of the syndi
cate to disturb the present mining
companies, either large or small, or
their coal leases. All that tbe Eastern
financiers want is the undeveloped coal
lands. They will let the companies
now mining coal buy the land covered
Dy tneir leases, hut no mere, if some
of the independent mining concerns
are not able to buy the land which they
now have leased the syndicate will buy
it for them and allow them to operate
it on a royalty of 8 cents a ton, as they
are now paying the Indians.
borne of tbe men in the syndicate
will purchase the land for development,
while others will hold it for speculative
purposes. Frick is to get the land
along the Fort Smith & Western rail
road, which he owns. Gates wants a
tract of land in the eastern part of the
Choctaw country , which carries a qual
ity of coal especially suited for coking
purposes. George Gould is to get a
large tract in the vicinity of South
MacA tester.
Expert on Leprosy Holds Its Treatment
of Disease All Wrong.
Honolulu, May 6. The legislative
committee, which visited the leper set
tlement has made its report, submitting
with its onw findings a long and sensa
tional statement made Dy Dr. A. L.
Alvarez, a physician, wbc went to
Molokai with the committee as expert.
The doctor very seerely criticises
Hawaii's system of segregation and
makes the statement that out of 21
supposed lepers examined by him some
time ago 16 were entirely free from the
disease and should be at liberty. The
segregation system, the report eays,
leads those who have leprosy and their
relatives to conceal the fact, in order
that they may avoid being sent to
Molokai. Dr. Alvarez approves the
system of segregation in vogue in Nor
way. The legislative committee recom
mends the establishment of a large
hospital on the island of Oahu, and the
employment of Dr. Alvarez as physi
cian in charge. It is also 'recommend
ed that a medical commission be se
cured to go to the settlement and ex
amine all the doubt'ul cases, releasing
those who have not the disease.
Italian Workmen on New York Subway
Become Demonstrative.
Nw York, May 6. The strike of
Italian rock drillers and diggers took a
more serious turn in the Bronx today,
50 policemen being sent to keep order
along tbe excavation for water mains
where men are working in the strikers'
places. 1 he police were picxeted along
the excavation and all Italians near it
and not working were ordered to move.
Bands of Italians, however, marched by
and shouted harshly at tbe men in
their places.
Agent Landau, of the Italian labor
union, said there were 15,000 men on
strike in this city, and that all work in
tbe Bronx would be stopped.
A big box of explosives, which was
in a shanty for the excavating work in
the Bronx, was ordered buried by the
police, and two guards were stationed
near to watch it.
Encouraged by tbe action of the Cen
tral Federated union in endorsing their
demands, the laborers employed on the
subway remained on strike today and
the tie-up of work was complete.
River Completely Dammed by Rocks and
Flood Is Feared.
Blairmere, N. W. T., May 6. Small
slides have been coming down from
Turtle mountain at intervals during tbe
past 36 hours. This morning at day
oreak the largest rock slide since the
first disastrous one occurred and caused
much uneasiness among the handful of
officials left in Frank. Those who bad
portable property began to remove it
this morning, but when the big elide
came they fled precipitately. Govern
ment engineers went to the mountain
this afternoon to mark out blasting
spots and clear off the loose rock.
Renewed fears of a flood have been
caused by the unexpected rise of the
river. Rain is predicted, and with the
river still practically dammed by rocks,
a flood now would be disastrous.
No Coup by Russia.
Washington, May 6. The Chinese
minister called npon Secretary Hay to
day and discussed the Manchnrian ait
nation. There is good reason to De
lie ve that tbe negotiations have taken
a more favorable turn, and that the
Russian roup which was expected bas
either been abandoned or been indefi.
nitely postponed. It is understood
that this involves no retreat on the
part of the Russian government from
any position officially taken.
Shanghai Negotiations Suspended.
Pekin, May 6. Tbe negotiations at
Slianshai for American and Japanese
commercial treaties have beo suspend-
ed. They will be continued here in a
fortnight. The principal question still
remaining to be settled is tbe tariff.1
Tbe Japanese treaty, like the American
treaty, provide for the opening to
trade of Manchnrian towns. J
City of Salonica Plunged Into Darkness
by Explosion of a Bomb 100 Turkish
Soldiers kilied-Clty Is Under Martial
Law dermany Sends a Gunboat to
Watch Proceedings.
London, May 6. Except as to the
number killed, which is now said to
exceed 100, the latest telegrams and
mail advices from Salonica fully con
firm the previous reports of the serious
nature of the outbreak there. Advant
age seems to have been taken of the
fact that the Turks bad relaxed their
precautions, and the garrison was ser
iously depleted, amounting to only 400
soldiers. The first mine that was ex
ploded cut the principal gas main and
plunged the city in darkness. Then
the Ottoman bank and other buildings
were attacked with bombs,- as already
has been described Soldiers were hur
ried up to the scene of the disorder.
They fired wild volleys, but many of
their attackers were killed or wounded
by tbe explosion of their own bombs.
Attempts at throwing bombs are now
being dealt with summarily. At noon
Sunday a man disguised as a Turkish
priest tried to throw a bomb into the
telegraph office at Salonica. He was
apprehended and executed on the spot.
ihe authorities continue to make
arrests, and many Bulgarians disguised
as Turkish officers are being seized.
Among those arrested are professors in
the Bulgarian schuol, who are alleged
to bave been at the head of the revo- 1
lutionary movement.
Edib Pasha, who arrived in Salonica
last Saturday to carry out the decree of
martial law, has issued a proclamation,
stating that the sultan has ordered hira
to deal severely with all persons guilty
of outrages.
At Uskub, European Turkey, the po
lice have seized stores of dynamite in
tbe houses of the Bulgarian settlers.
The news that Germany bas sent a
warship to Salonica has led the Aus
trian newspapers to discuss the proba
bility of European intervention. In
both Berlin and Vienna, however, semi
official statements have been issued ex
plaining that the object of sending the
ships of war is solely tbe protection of
foreign subjects, and that the vessels
will be withdrawn as soon as the danger
is over.
Continuance In Hearing of Injunction la
Oranted Western Union.
Butte, May 6. A continuance has
been granted by the Federal court to
the American labor union in the hear.
ing on the injunction granted to the
Western Union telegraph company, re
straining all members of the union
from interfering in any way with tbe
business of the company. The hearing
has been continued until May 18, at
wbich time the court will decide
whether the order shall be allowed to
stand and be made permanent or with
drawn. Attorneys have been secured
by the Trades and Labor assembly to
fight the matter out in the courts.
It was announced at tbe offices of the
American Labor union today that no
further action is to be taken in the
affair until after the court has rendered
a decision. Since the injunction was
issued the messengers of tbe Western
Union company have been unmolested
and there has been no attempt to in
timidate tbem or persuade them to quit
tbe serice.
The "unfair" banner which was
placed in the street in front of the
Western Unoin office for several weeks
bas been taken away.
Road Across Andes.
Washington, May 6. In a report to
tbe state department, Consul Mansfield,
at Valparaiso, rays that during the last
session of the Chilean congress, which
adjourned in February, a bill was
passed which provided for the construc
tion of a railway over the Andes moun
tains to connect Buenos Ayres with
Santiago and Valparaiso This will be
the first line to cross the continent of
South America. The Argentine govern
ment is building a railway from Buenos
Ayres, which is connected with the line
from Valparaiso.
London Objects to Americanism.
London, May 6. The Yerkes-Speyer
scheme for the consolidation 0! all the
underground railways of London is
meeting with much opposition. The
newspapers protest against such "Amei
icanism"and monopoly and urge parlia
ment not to submit thereto. The par
liamentary committee of the London
county council will submit its report to
tbe council tomorrow. Thiai.xrt will
insist upon a further investigation- of
tbe consolidation scheme, which the
committee contends will raise fares.
Colombians May Migrate to Mexico.
Kingston, Jamaica, May 6. Senor
Camach Uribe and several other prom
inent Colombian Liberals arrived here
today from B goto on their way to Eur
ope. They report that Urge numbers
of Colombian Liberals bave decided to
emigrate to Mexico, having no confi
dence in tbe government of Colombia.
They say also that a majority of the
Conservatives have determined npon
the rejection ol the canal trerty aniens
great sum of money is forthcoming.
Chicago Fire Loas.
Chicago, May 6. Fire tonight de-
'stroyed the five-story building at 151-
153 Wabash aveuue, pausing loss of
$150,000. Tbe buikling was occupied
by several mercantile firms, whose stock
was completely destroyed.
! I