The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 30, 1903, Image 2

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    Kood Iiver Slacier.
Monday alternoou, Leslie Butler,
Frank Davenport, 0. J. Gessling and
H. F. Davidson made a trip along the
line of ihe Valley Improvement com
iiin ditili and fltmie and fouud thr
Maine in much better condition than it
ha ever been before at this season ol
the year. Much of tht old flume but
been taken out and a substantial out
built Mislead, and tbe capacity increas
ed to carry more water than has heen
ordered for this season. The company
ha secured the right ot way and win
build another dilch from the west fork
of Hood river, ruuning at au elevation
of 350 feet above the preseut ditch.
This system will completely cover tut
west Bide of the valley uot already cov
ered by the Water Supply company's
ditch. The Valley Improvement com
pany, under the management of Frank
Davenport and his friends, deserve
great credit for the work they havt
done in developing the resources of tbt
valley, considering that this system
was built during very hard limes, has
been very expensive to keep up and
has never sold enough water to pay the
stockholders one cent of dividends.
It looks like the sewer proposition is
a sure go this time. The special sewer
ojuiuiiitee of the city council, author
iztd at tbe last council meeting to em
ploy a civil engineer to make new plans
and estimates, held a meeting Tuesday
of last week and secured the services ol
Paget & Clark of Portland. These men
have staled that surveys and plats can
bj completed within 30 days of the
time they took the contract last week.
Tbe council has practically decided
that the single sewer system l the
" most feasible, and the cost estimates
will be based on this system. The
main sewer will likely extend westward
on River street to Paradise furm, thence
sjuth to Stranahau addition. The
method of payment has not been de
cided, but in all probability the prop
erty owners able to make connection
with the system wilt be asked to pay a
proportional assessment.
Annual school elections will be held
lu Washington on (Saturday, May 9, at
1 o'clock. The school law as amended
by the Inst legislature provides that
the board of directors shall select a
clerk from their own number.
The cool weather in Hood Elver, so
long as there are no killing frosts, is
good for the strawberry crop. If the
seasou is late, as there is every Indica
tion that It will be, the California and
Southern berries will be clear of the
market, and there will be better chances
for Hood River. An Important factor
in the strawberry business this year is
that practically all of the increased
acreage comes from the upper part of
the valley, where the later berries are
SPECIAL for one week"NNN" THREAD at only 3 c a
This is a first-class cord thread guaranteed 200 yards. This special price is made to allow you to sample the brand.
A chance for a FREE round trip ticket to the ST. LOUIS FAIR with every pair of Hart and Arrow
Boys' Suits.
Do not fail
to examine
our, line of
Boys' Cloth
ing. You
will be sur
prised when
you see What
we are offer
ing for so lit
tle money
We intend to
carry .a com
plete line in
this depart
ment. Call
and look
them over. No trouble
to show iroods. and we
do not expect you to buy
every time you step into our
grown. This, will have a tendency to
prolong the season, and Hood River
will be shipping berries after other sec
tions have finished harvesting their
crop. Furthermore, the strawberries
grown in tbe upper valley are consid
ered firmer than thesandy soil product.
Benedicts Lose Ball Game.
Last Sunday's base ball game was a
contest between the married men and
the single men. It was a lively game of
ball, and a large crowd gathered on the
bar just below the depot to see the
aport. The benedicts had the better of
i the game at the start, and things came
their way in lively style until toward
the latter end of the contest when the
younger blood began to hand ont some
pretty hot bunches, and finally won out
by a good margin. The final score wbb
8 to 11. Ed Williams did the proper
stunt as umpire.
Following is the personel of the teams:
Single men, Position. Married men.
Robinson, c Haynes, '
Morse, p Frolin,
Blowers, 1 h Theyson,
Dukes, 2 b Castner,
Richardson, 3 b Davidson,
Strong, as Fouts,
Dewitt, cf Hemmen,
Olinger, c f Jones,
Knapp, r f ' Stout.
Following Is tbe score by innings:
Score by innings 123466789
Single men, 20,1302012
Married men, 01 0201202
The marrfed men feel that they are
yet the better players, and have ar
ranged for another contest this coming
Sunday. Things promise to be interest
ing at this match don't miss the
opportunity to attend.
Church Notices.
Christian Tabernacle Sunday school
at 2:30 p. in. A. B. Cash, superintend
ent. Preaching May 3, at 3:30 by Rev.
J. W. Jenkins. Subject: "The Progress-
ive developments oi the scheme of
Redemption." All are invited to at
tend these services.
Union Church. Rev. Troy Shelley
will preach, Sunday, at 11 a. m. Rev.
C. A. VVyman will preach in the even
ing, ioiiowing the U. . service.
M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Spanlding,
pastor. Sunday School at 10. Preach
ing services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 d. m.
Junior League at 3 Epworth League at
6:30 p.m. 8unday, and E. L. prayer
meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. . Gen
eral prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30. The public is cordially invited.
Congregational Church. Rev. J. L.
Hershner. pastor. Worshin with Dreach-
ing at 11 a. m.C. E. service at 7 :30 p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. with A. C.Sla-
ten, superintendent, l'rayer' and con
ference meeting on Thursday at 7:30.
Juvenile song practice Friday evening.
A cordial invitation to all toattend these
Episcopal Services. Rev Clarence A.
Lake will hold services in A. O. U. W
hall next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.
Valley Christian Church. J. W. Jen
kins, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 n. m. En.
deavor meeting 7 p. m. Morning sub
ject: "This Grace Also." Evening sub
ject: "The Faith and Practice of the
Early Church." A cordial invitation
is extended to all not worshiping else
where. ;.
BeKinnlntr with next Sundav. Anril
19, Pastor H. C. Shaffer of the United
Brethren church will deliver a series
of sermons from the text, "For there
shall arise false Christs, and false
prophets, and shall shew great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
Men's Shirts.
ing much
short of
an in
spection of our
line of
you real
ize the
you can save by buying at
this store. Our line of 50c
dress shirts.either stiff or soft
bosom, cannot be equaled in
the city. Work shirts of all
kinds. Boys' shirts for either
dress or everyday wear, from
25c up.
Children's Shoes.
We have 4he best line of
Children's Shoes to be found
outride of the large cities,
and we make it a point to
give a high quality shoe for
a very low price.
Tennis shoes, with rubber
or leather soles, high and
low cut, for boys and girls, a
good variety to pick from.
possible, they shall deceive the very
elect." Matt, xxiv., 24. Suhjecls:
April 19 Theosophy.
April 2ti Christian Science.
May 3 Morraonism.
May 10 Unltariauism.
May 17 Salvation by Lodges.
May 24 Demo-Republican Worship.
May 81 Nominal Church Member
ship. .
Has For Sale
Tree Supports
They are perpetual.
There is no further expense after put
ting on.
No yearly hauling and handling of
Easily and quickly adjusted.
Neatness combined wilh efficiency.
The cost of this method is lens than
any wooden prop that can be bought.
Wooden props are in the way of sum
mer cultivation, irrigation, hiiulinir,
picking in fact, they are always in
the way. ,
This support Is out of Ihe way of
When you have these supports on your
trees your propping is ended for years.
No further trouble and the first cost
Is cheaper than the cheapest.
These supports can be placed on the
tre At nrtinini tima nr in IhAPurlv
spring at less expense and In a more
nuiiEHni-iifi y luiimirr ujuii w urn me
limbs are heavy with fruitage.
The Kimball Cultivator
Is the one to ut hi nil orchard.-i. It Is
S feet wide. Very easy to guide. Has
a fender which prevents striking the
tree with knife. , No hoeing of trees
where used. Two horses used on it In
orchard, or for destroying fern, pink,
sorrel, oats, briars and Canada thistle
has no equal.
Examine the new Reversible Disc
Plow at our ware, rooms
Davidson Fruit Co
Men's Pants.
We aim to ,
keep this line well
up and are able to
give you better
values for your
money than any
where else. , We
carry a large as
sortment of over
alls, also, and are
sell ing a good cop
per riveted pair,
the kind you pay
50e for elsewhere,
for 40C-
Shirt Waist Sets.
We have just received a
large stock of Pearl Buttons
in all sizes. A large variety
of Shirt Waist sets and belt
pins that are marked for
economy. See what a pretty
set of 3 buttons you can get
for only 12c. Pendants, me
dallions, lace collars, turn
over collars, in fact all kinds
of dress trimmings.
Prtraber Land, Art J line S, I878.J
United State lnd Offlrc, Vancouver
Wash., Keb. 21, Notice li hereby given
that In compliance with tbe provisions of
the act, of Oonarewi of June 8, IrtTM. entitled
"An act for the sale of tlniler lands in tbe
Htwtes of California, Orafon, Nevada, and
Washington territory ," a extended to all tbe
Public Land states by act of August 4, 18M2,
of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of
Orenon, has this duy filed In this office his
sworn Hiatement, No. Slfll, for the purchase of
the northwest of section No. if. In town
ship No. 5 north, runice No. 12 east, W. M.,and
will otter proof lo show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber orsume than
fer agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to suid land before the Register and
Receiver of this ollU at Vancouver, Wush.,on
Tuesday, theltilh day of June, 1U03.
Ue names as witnesses: W m. A. McNaugh
ton of Bumpier, Or.: Nelson Anderson of
t'uldaP. O., Wash.-, ileorge ttilva and Joseph
Sllva of Dyle. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their cluims in this office on or before said
16th day or June, 1UU3.
f27myl . W. H. DUNBAR, Register.
ITimber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States liand Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March 2, 1WM. Notice Is hereby given
that lu compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress or June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale or timber lands in the Slates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
slates by act of August 4, IBM,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled In this office ber
sworu statement, No. 8141, tor the purchase of
the east hall northeast quarter of
section No. 25, In township No. 5 north,
range No. 12 east, W.M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought la more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fmrposes, and to establish hercluiin lo said
and before the Register and Receiver of
this otttce, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Thursday, the 25th day of June, ltKM.
She names as witnesses; Lottie Caato and
Henry Hostettei1 of Portland, Or.; Ermle
Trough and Herman Kuhubausen ot (ilen
wood, Wash.
Any and all peYMtrili claiming adversely the
above-described lithds are requested to tile
their claims In this office ou or before said
25th day of June, KW.I.
mar20m22 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April
14, ItHW. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his
Inttnilon to commute and make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before (no. T. Prather, U. S.
Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on
Kriday, May 29, MM? viz:
HooO River. Oregon, H. E. No. 10,047, for
lots 0, 10, IS and 111, section 8, township 1 north,
ranpe 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
P. S. Davidson. V. C. Broslus, F. B. Barnes
and C. W. Mini h t, all of Hood River.
a2.)m28 MICliAKL T.NOLAN, Register
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April
17. 1U01. Notice Is hereby given that; the
following-named settler has filed notice of her
Intention to commute and make final proof In
support of her claim, and that said proof
will be made before Oeo. T. Prather, U. 8.
Commissioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on
Monday, June 1, lttttl, viz:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. 9(05, for the
northeast section 20, township 2 north,
range 9 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Charles J. Hayes, Ulysses G. Dyer, Henry C.
Bateham and Eva Nlcklason, all of Hood
a4ni28 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 14,
1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion lo make final proof lu support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver Ht The Dalles,
Oregon, on Saturday, June fl, 11103, viz:
of Mosler, Oregon, H. E. No. 5801, for the west
X soutnwest y southeast y, soutnwest ana
southwest yt southeast section 85, township
2 north, rmige 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
William Davis, Peter Hennlngsen and
C. E. Davidson, all of Mosler, Or., and Ralph
Doyle of The Dalles, Or.
s23m28 M ICH A EL T. NOLAN, Register.
Ladies' Skirts.
The make of
these garm
ents is high
class, with the
price at the
very lowest
We have a
very fine assortment of all
the latent styles made of the
best material. We have them
from a 25c washable skirt to
an $8.75 fancy dress skirt.
Each and every one is a rare
Men's Hats.
Straw, crash
and felt Hats,
all sizes and the
latest shapes.
Our prices on
this class will
surprise you.
Straw Hats from 10c up;
crash Hats, 15c; felt Hats,
GOc, and up.
Also, a nice line of straw,
crash and felt hats for boys
at bed-rock prices.
Timber Land Act June 8, 1878.)
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March 20, 1903. Notice is hereby given
that lu compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An act
for t he sale of timber lands tn the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to aH the public land
stales by act of August 4, 1892,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, nas tins any nieu in imsonice ms
sworn statement No. 8177, for the purchase
K NK section 2:1, and N NK of
set-lion zm. III lowiisnip ito. a norm, ranae
No. 9 east, w. m., and will otter proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or atone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish his claim to said
and before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday,
thetd day of July, 1903.
He names as witnesses: John L. Henderson
of Hood River, Or.: Andrew H. Richmond and
Homer C. Campbell of Portland, Or.; Kraotc
Davenport or Hood River, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
23d day of July, 1908.
ru 27 11129 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Keb. 18, 1908. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of conuress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1892,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale ot
Oregon, has this day filed In this office ber
sworn statement. No. 8119, for tbe purchase
of tbe southeast quarter of section No. 10, in
township No. 6 north, range Nu. 12 east, w. M.,
and will offer proof to siiow that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stoue
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish ber claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Vancouver,
Washington, on Monday, tbe 8th day ol
June, 1903.
She names as witnesses: Ida Bnswell and
Georgu Buswell of Portland, Or.; Julia Mo
Masters of Vancouver, Wash.; P. D. Hender
shot of Portland, Or,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo file
their claims in this office ou or before Bald
8th duy ol June, 1903.
CHiiiyl W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.)
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March 2, 1903. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of tbe act of congress or June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the
states or California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," us extended to all
the public land states by act or August 4, 1892.
of Northwood, county of Grand Forks, state of
North Dakota, has this duy tiled In this office
his sworn statement, No.3139, for the purchase
of the mirth halt northwest quarter, south
east quarter northwest quarter and northwest
quarler northeast quarter of section No. 9 In
township No. 4 north, range No. 11 east, w. M.,
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for It Umber or
stone thau fur agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Van
couver, "Wash., on Tuesday, tbe 23d day of
June, 1903.
He names as witnesses: George W. Gilmer,
Melv.n Mauley, Charles W. Gilmer and Will
iam C. Manley, all of Gilmer, Wash.
Any mid all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to tile
their, claims In this office on or before said
23d day of June, 1903.
niar20m2i W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., March 28,
1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has hied notice of her Inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim ,and that said proof will be made before
W. B. Presby, United states Commissioner
for district of Washington, at- bis office In
Goldendale, Washington, on Friday, May 16,
1903, viz:
A daughter and one ot tbe heirs of Elizabeth
Jarvis, deceased, who made Homestead Entry
No. 10192, for Ihe- SW W of N W NW y. of
HWUtnd Eo'eW of section 24, town
ship 8 north, range 11 east, W. M,
She names Ihe following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
l,elgh Evans of Goldendale, Wash.; Nora
Llnduv, Henry Johnston and E. J. Oluey of
Pine Flat, Wash.
aims W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Ladies' Wrappers.
Our assortment
this season has
been very much in
creased, and we
now have on exhi-
I bition one of the
finest lines of wrap-
fpers to be found
anywhere. They are made
full size, fit perfectly, arei
trimmed very neatly, and to
gether with the low price we
are askinjr. makes them a!
most desirable article.
We have all
shapes and sizes in
linen, rubber and
celluloid collars.
We are selling a
good 3-ply linen
collar as good as
many you nave!
10c and 15c, for only
5c each.
List of
' 1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near sannon house ; -only
$100; terms easy.
4. 160 acres fine timber, Al land near
White Salmon, on west bank of White
Salmon river, known as itio tlamre tiui
ber claim. About tour miles from lloou
River, for sale cheap.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth; price $1000.
6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
: 7. Barrett-Sipma addition; $100 per
lot: $10 down and $5 per month ; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Price
21. N. 8. E. M, S. N. E. y-i sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; tine
timber laud ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
; 32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White 8alniou, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
. Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-dust
solar compass, and ttie proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, ll(ti;l,
the rates will he as follows: $7.50 a
day and expenses, or $10 a day if I pay
my own expenses. Lot corners estab
lished for $5 a lot; two contiguous lots
for one owner, the same price.
The new company now offers for gale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
' Fine improved apple farm on the East
Side for sale. $8,000. Terms easy.
Choice Bargains.
Will sell for a short time part of my
160 acres under the Davenport ditch,
Crapper settlement as follows : 50 acres
north of vDitch creek at $40 an acre;
the 110 south of Ditch creek at $30 an
acre or any 40 south, Ditch creek,
being the north line, at $35 an acre.
If the 50 acres north of Ditch creek is
Shoes for Ladies and Gents.
e e tuB or
We take great pride in our Shoe Department, and not
only carry the largest assortment in thecity, butour stock
is complete. Ladies' Shoes from fl a pair to 3.25. Gents'
Shoes from a heavy work shoe for 1.10 to the finest gen
uine monkey skin top shoe for 4.05. Men's tennis ami
canvas shoes, either rubber or
In the line of
ladies', gents and
children's Hose
we defy competi
tion. We carry a very
stock and give exept
values in all lines.
Lands 0
sold, will reserve the 110 acres south and
if the 110 acres south is sold, will re
serve the 50 acres north of Ditch creek.
Will not sell alt.
For Sale The Howell cottage and 3
acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, for 5
days, at $1,600. After 5 days, $1,900.
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
Corner lot in front of school house.
160 acres, house and garden natch,
on the corner 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $900.
For Lease or Sale A fine improved
farm, property of J. L. Henderson, 30
acres in cultiva'ion; 5 in bearing or
chard. Free irrigating water. If leased
will take pay in work. Party securing
the lease must be man of family and
bring recommendations.
For Sale The N. 40 acres and the
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's.
Free irrigating water for the.Jower 40.
Price $5,400 for the two tractsltold to
gether. If sold separately, $2,750 for
the 40; at least $500 down, balance on
5 years time at 7 per cent interest.
Subject to McCuistion's lease. , This 20
has six acres in apples and cherries just
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries between the rows of fruit trees.
Price of the 40, $2,750.
For Sale or Kxchango A beautiful lot
208 1700 feet, on Ihe gulf of Mexico in
Mississippi, 65 miles from New-Orleans,
on the L. & N. R. R., in town of Pass
Christian. The land is sandy and cli
mate healthful. Beautiful trees, shell
road, white ocean beach, bathing nine
months in the year. Owned by the
Hendersons for 70 years. Inquire of
John Leland Henderson. Unimproved.
For Sale Thirteen acres in Wind
River, at Carson, quarter of a mile from
school,partly cleared; $450. Terms easy
Five acres at I-'rankton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
- Persons who have made desert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone and timber entries,
which entries have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
by conferring with John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
leather soles, in great va riot v.
Kitchen Hardware
We are headquarters for
Kitchen furnishings and
quote only the very lowest
prices on all these articles.
If in need of anything in tin
ware, graniteware, etc., give
us a call.
We know we can save you'
money. i