The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1903, Image 8

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; ! A Taia Gf tha Early Settlers:!
il of Louisiana.
Chopart vu bold, reckless maa, and
crael and avaricious. He had commeno
cd hit career aa. commander at the
Natches fort by cruelty to bla own men,
but out or two grave complaint! made
to Got. Perler had come nigh causing his
removal, and ha let the whites be In
peace, bat expended bla wrath upon the
poor Indiana. He waa now much elated,
for he waa aure that the beautiful village
of the White Apple would soon be bis,
and ha meant to pocket much money In
the transaction. One day he aat in his
rude house, with some of hla attendants
bout him, when a soldier demanded ad
mittance. "How now, sirrah?" ha demanded, aa
the man entered. '
"I have come with a warning," the sol
dier replied. ,
"Ha! a warning Speak out."
"An old woman passed my post this
morning, monsieur, and she bade me tell
the French to be on tbeir guard, for dan
fer threatened them."
"And from whom?"
' "From the Indiana. They will rise and
butcher ua all."
"Have yon spoken of this before?"
"I hare not."
"Then you ahall not tell It to otheri!"
cried Chopart, in anger. "Hare you not
sen enough of tbia idle fear? What hoi
without there!"
At this call, two soldiers entered, who
naually atood In the passage to obey the
commander a call.
"Take this fellow and lock him np In
the prison," he ordered. "We'd soon
hare the red rata down upon us if tbey
knew we lived in fear! They dare not
Ser us harm. Away with him!
And for conveying this intelligence the
poor man was cast into a strong dungeon,
and there kept for several days with hi
feet In the stocks.
But thla waa not the only note of warn
Ing Chopart had. Four days afterwards,
soldier came to him and informed him
that the Indiana surely meditated the de
struction of the fort, and of all Its white
'Out, fool!" exclaimed Chopart, an
grily. 'The old hag who told yon this
only thinks to frighten ns. She thinks
that by exciting our fears ahe can fright
en us into giving up our plan of taking
their village of the White Apple. What!
wonld ye show to the Indians that w
(eared them? Away with auch idle fool
rrl" Pricked Arm was astounded at the In
fatuation of the French commander, and
a a last resort Bhe went to Chonart't
lieutenant, a man named Mace, who, she
Imagined, would have some influence
with his superior. But even this proved
abortive. She told Mace that destruction
would surely fall upon them If they did
Sot take some means to keep the Indians
away from the fort. But on the very
next day Chopart invited all the Indians
te a banquet, and pledged bit friendship
to tnem anew.
With a feeling of otter consternation.
Pricked Arm retnrned to her lodge. One
evening ahe sought White Hand's dwell
ing, for she had a faint idea working
inrougn ner mina tbat the French youth
might nave some Influence In all this. She
knew that he had been originally doomed
to death to go and intercede face to face
with the white man's God, but ahe had
never yet fully known why he was spar
ed. Bhe round White Hand alone. He
gazed eagerly into her face, for he was
anxious to know how her work progress
"White Iland," she said, speaking ab
ruptly, "why were you spared from death
when yon first came here?"
"That I might marry Coqualla," replied
the youth.
"But waa there nothing else?" asked
the old woman, looking him sharply in
the face.
"Why, yes," returned White Hand,
ipeakiag with some diffl Jence, for the real
reason seemed so foolish and ridiculous
to him that he almost feared he ahould
te laughed at for speaking of it.
"And what was that?"
"Why, I promised to pray to the whits
anan's God that none of the wickedness
f the French might succeed, and also
to tell him how basely the red men had
been wronged by the invaders; for I was
of that peoples and they supposed that I
ahould have some Influence with my Su
preme Father."
"That's it!" the sged princess groaned,
with her hands folded across her bosom.
"How?" asked the youth, In surprise.
"I knew that the Great Spirit had a
hand In this work. The fort at Natches
Is doomed paat all hope!"
"No not doomed!"
"It la. The last stick will be removed
to-morrow, and thea the blow must fall!"
i "To-merrow?"
"No tha blow falls on the day after.
The fatal sticks mark the intervening
"Aad must all fall? all-all V
"All at Natches, but not elsewhere, for
the others wait yet another week, and
ere that time the whites will be warned.
But what noise is that? Hark I There
are shouts of welcome."
They both started for the door, where
they were met by Stung Serpent, who
caught the youth by the arm and forced
blm into the bouse again.
"White Hand," he said, apeaklng quick
ly and sternly, "remember your oath, for
your aalvatloa may now depend upon It
The white men have come to carouse la
the White Apple. Beware that you do
not forget yourself! Bha.ll we trnat you?
Mind all Is well with you If yon are
"Fear not, my father," spoke the youth,
nable to repreas the trembling tbat seis
ed his limbs.
"Thea you msy conduct Coqualla to the
It waa a calm, warm night, and in the
center of the great square were built two
rea af pitch-wood to serve ss torches,
aad here the white men and the red were
gathered In social confab and amusement
There were over a hundred white mra
there, aad at their head waa Chopart him
self. Louis recognised blm at once as a
brutal maa whom he bad once seen at
New Orleans flogging aa Iudian girt.
Most of the whites were decent looking
men; but before the night had passed
away, White Hand shrank away to his
lodge, and aa he laid his aching bead
npoa bin plDow be drew Coqualla eloee
te blm, aad in a sinking tone be tour
aredi "Alas! I am ashamed of my awn peo
' pie. With all their advantages of birth
aad education with the enlightenment of
ages aa their heritage, they are but sv
ages still r
The next day found some doaen of the
Frenchmen' atil at the Iadlan village.
Bat the Great Sun himself, with a few
af bis warriors, accompanied them to tha
town, and there the dark monarch prom
ised Chopart that in consideration of his
kindness in allowing them to remain so
long In their village, they would bring
more than the quantity of corn promised.
"On the morrow," he aaid, "we win
.... - j.Hi.i.
come with our triuute 01 corn, uwuui
what we promised, and on the next day
we ahall leave tha village of the White
"But stay," cried Chopart, "we wiu
have one more carousal ere we part. This
night you ahall bring your warriora here,
and we'll cheer our souls."
"Our white brother' speaks kindly," re
turned the Great Sun; "but will he not
be wroth at the rudeness of my people?"
No. Bring them, and we'U pledge
"Thy red brother will come."
"And bla braves with him?"
"It shall be so."
And that night saw the scene of ca
rousal changed to Natchea. And there
they aat the doomer and the doomed!
And they pledged eternal friendship! The
white man had planned to rob the red
man of his birthright to drive him from
his home, profane hla temple, and plow
up bis fathers' graves! The red man
had planned to keep bla home, to main
tain sacred hla temple, to guard well his
fathera" aravee. and that thla ahould be
done, the Invader was to be swept away!
It was a Strange pledge, but the white
man waa the first to offer it.
It was after midnight when they sep
arated, and the stars lighted the Natchea
to their homes. When they rea.hed their
village, the Great Sun, in company with
his chiefs and nobles, went to the tem
ple and entered. They approached the
pluce where the-sticks had hung, but
there were none there now. The leathern
thongs hung against the wall, but there
was nothing in them.
Chiefs, nobles and warriors of the ones
powerful Natchea, may not this be tbe
era of our re-awakening? The day la
past the morn cometh! Shall not tbe
Natchex once more atand at the "head of
nationa? To-morrow we open the path,
and henceforth from that time let our
enemies beware! The Great Spirit is with
as, while the white men's God baa for
saken him. What shall we .fear? Sleep
now, but aleep not too aoundly nor too
long. Let the aun find ns ready to bid
him welcome so shall we do honor to
the narent of our great first king!"
Thus spoke the Great Sun, and as ne
closed, he moved slowly towards the
door, and his chiefs followed him; and
ere long afterwards the village of the
White Apple was wrapped in silence; but
there were two there who slept not.
White Hand still prayed that the coming
death Wow might" not extend to his fata-
er, and the wish kpt sleep from his eyes.
And he who watched the aacred fire now
felt hi duty doubly binding, and sleep
came not to him, as he still kept up his
tireless vigils.
At an early hour the Great Sun and
Stung Serpent were astir, and when the
first rays of the morning tun darted Into
the beautiful vale, thpy rested upon all
the warriors of the Natcbes there as
sembled. Such as bad pistols carefully
loaded them, and hid them away with
their hunting knives in their bosoms.
Their tomahawks wert sharpened and
slnng to their belts, and all took their
guns. Then each man of the common
class went and got his bag of corn, and
having set It down, they commenced their
war dance. But they made not such hide
ous noise as usual only enough to pro
pitiate the Great Spirit, and make him
acquainted with their intent.
It was well in the morning when they
set out snd by the middle of the forenoon
they reached Natchea. They entered the
nlace dancing and singing, and atraight
way carried their corn to tbe fort. Then
the red men began to aeparate some this
war and some that fcvery bouse bad
one or more visitors, according to the
number of people In It. Some begged for
milk, some asked to buy powder and shot,
for which they promised to pay in corn
'at soma future day. A richly stored
barge lay at the pier, which had come up
the day before, and on board thla a num.
ber of Indians crowded. Into the fort
they crept by different ways, presenting
themselves wherever there was a white
man, until at length they were distribut
ed wherever there was a blow to be
At length a sort of solemn stillness
reigned over the devoted town, as though
the death-angel had hushed all hearts.
But hark! What la that horrid yell that
comes from the fort a yell that makes
the very blood freeae, and causes the
hair to atand on eud? What are those
fearful cries those maniac shouts and
those despairing groans?
The general assassination of the
French took to little time that the exeru
tion of tbe deed and tbe preceding signals
were almost one and the same thing. One
aingle discharge closed the whole affair.
It cost the Nstches only twelve men to
destroy two hundred and fifty, through
the fault of the commanding officer, who
alone deserved tbe fate which was star
ed by hla unfortunate companions.
Some half dozen Frenchmen escaped,
ss by a miracle, this general-massacre,
and made their way to New Orleans In
safety. The women and children of the
whites were mostly saved to be kept as
Of course the Natchea supposed that
all the whites in the country were now
dead. Not one of them dreamed that
they bad been deceived into- striking
week too early. So they caroused in the
town all night, and on the next morning
they atarted for their Tillage. They had
spared two men whom they retained aa
prisoners, and who escaped from them
after baring aerved them some weeks.
One waa a wagoner, named Mayeux, who
waa kept to transport the goods ef the
French to the Indian village; and tbe eth
er waa a tailor named Lebean, whose ser
vices they wanted in fashioning tha
French garmenta to tbeir own use.
On tbe next morning. White Hand waa
stsrtled by the return of the Natchez.
Ha went out but bis heart elckened at
tha scene ha was destined to witness.
Two hundred and fifty human heads
But those who know the Indiaa charac
ter can Imagine tha horrid orgies th
might bold when fired with revenge and
flushed with victory. Even the historian.
who deala only with stubborn facts, lav
down his nen In silent horror when he
finds himself la tha midst of Lel eau'
narrative of what ha saw in the In lian
village, and bida his readers spare him
the recital.
White Hand crept back to h i tolge,
and Coqualla found blm there pale an
faint She bathed hia temples snd brow,
and after a while be revived, but be dar
ed not venture out
"Alas, my companion !" murmured tbe
princess, "they make horrid pomp over
their victory, bat it has coat them dear,
though they realise it not now.. My peo-
pla are now blind, but they ahall awake
to aensa and sight snd kaow that the
best man of them au la gone
"Coqualla? uttered the youth, atartiag
op. It was a mere interrogative.
"My father Is woended. avem ante
death." And as tha maiden thus spots
she bowed her bead and tbe big tears
trickled dowa between ber fingers.
"Wbea? Hew?" asked White Hand,
forgetting for tha momcat the deep terror
of his own soul m tha grlaf of his com
panion. "He received a bullet In bis bosom yes
terday. But he sent me for you. Come."
White Hand arose and followed Co
qualla from the lodge. In tha center of
the great square, before tha temple, there
was a fire kindled, but tbe youth dared
not look towards It. He knew Its terri
ble purpose, and with quickened steps he
hurried, stopping his ears with his fingers
to shut out the sounds that fell upon his
ears. But fortunately he had not far tc
go. When he entered Stung Serpent's
dwelling, he found the women there cry
ing and yelling in despair. Upon bia bed
of bearskins lay Stung Serpent, breathing
heavily, and ever and anon raising Bis
head to listen to the sounds that cams
from the square. When bis eyes rested
upon White Hand, he beckoned the youth
forward, at the same time bidding the
others stand back.
"Sit thee down by my side," he said,
for I have much to say to thee."
Quickly the youth sat down, for ,he
hoped he should now know some things
that were only bla at present by suspi
(To be continued.)
Mow Jepiter Plnvlna Knocked Oat a
Corner In Oljrmrlan Nectar.
The boss of high Olympus looked np
from his cup with a wry expression.
"What's the matter, Jupe?" inquired
Juno, aa she dipped Into the ambrosia
"It's this nectar," replied the eminent
Olympian. "It ain't up to the standard.
What's the matter with It?"
"In my opinion," aaid Juno, as ahe
took a spoonful of the honey of Ilybla,
It's all tbe fault of the trust Tbey
have let tbe quality run down. And
at tbe same time they have raised the
"Trust!" cried Jupiter. "What trust
la that?"
Tbe Olympian Nectar trust," replied
Juno. "I thought you knew all about
It. Mercury Is the president and gen
eral manager, and be and Apollo ara
tbe board of directors. Mara wanted to
buy In, but they wouldn't let blm. Tbey
claimed he was too quarrelsome. They
gave Neptune 100 shares of preferred
on condition tbat he'd help tbem water
tbe stock. I thought you heard of It
at the time."
Jupiter looked black, 'saya the Cleve
land Plain Dealer, aa be pushed away
from the table.
"I hear of It now for the first time,"
he growled, and tbe echoes of bis growl
reverberated among the distant bills,
"And what's more, I don't expect to
hear of it again. Syndicate my nectar,
will they!. Why, blame their pesky
hides, what do they meanly It?"
"There, there, Juple," said Juno, In
her most soothing tone, "don't get so
riled. The boys didn't know bow vexed
you'd feel about It."
"Well, they'll soon find out! Haven't
thev a plant somewhere, or some
"There It Is," said the statuesque one,
aa ahe pointed to a lower terrace.
Jupiter grimly amlled.
"We won't have to wait for any Su
preme Court decision In this case," be
remarked, as he stepped to the nearest
cupboard and drew out what looked to
be a half-dozen metallic skyrockets.
At sight of tbem Juno gave a little
scream ana put ner uanas over ner
ears. A moment later Jupiter stood
by the open window and drew back
bis massive arm. There waa a bund
Ing flash and a startling report, and
the nectar pUVht on the terrace below
trembled to Its base. Thunderbolt fol
lowed thunderbolt, and when tbe sixth
was thrown there wasn't a vestige of
the building left
"There," said Jupiter, as he wiped
bis hands on bis napkin and calmly re
sumed bis seat at tbe table, "I fancy
that's one way of solving the trust
problem, rasa tbe nightingale tongues,
Railroad Magnate Who Knew How to
Handle a Derailed Ens-toe.
James J. Hill's wonderful versatility
and grasp upon the multitude of details
of practical railroad management have
been a source of much comment among
railroad men In recent years. While
on a tour over tils' Great Northern road,
bis train, which was going down
steep grade, became derailed. Running
at a low rate of speed as the train was,
no damage was sustained by the offl
cials further than a general shaking up,
Mr. Hill waa the first man to alight
when the train stopped after running
several rods along the ties. He found
tbat the locomotive had been thrown
from the rails, and atood watching the
Ineffectual efforts of tbe train crew to
place tbe engine back on tbe track,
Jackscrews were used, but the men did
not seem to thoroughly understand the
"That won't do." said Mr. mil "Your
Jacks won't lift It when In that posi
But the men applied the levers, think
ing they would show the president that
tbey knew tbeir business. The Jack
slipped, letting the ponderous machine
down on tbe ties with a bump.
"Let me set that Jack," aaid Mr. Hill
"I don't think It will slip then." And,
grabbing tbe screw, he set It at an In
cllne to bis own satisfaction, and, after
throwing a little aand on the top and
bottom, he exclaimed, "Now go ahead.
Tbe train men were a little dubious at
first but they applied the levera, and
tbe huge machine slowly lifted Itself
Into place and slid quietly onto tbe
rails. The delay was only twenty min
utes. New York Tlmea. 4
Question of Degree.
Tbe philosophy of human existence
was discussed In tbe presence of the
representative of the Washington Star.
"It la my opinion." remarked the first
sage, "that a man who baa a cnllege de
gree la very likely te be successful In
True," answered the other, fresh
from tbe reports of the commen.enient
exercises in tbe newspapers, "and It
a rule that worxs ootn ways, a man
who la auccessful In life la very likely
to get a college degree."
Frees Habit,
Mr. Brown G oed morning, Mr,
Jones; bow's your wife? ,
Mr. Jones (who It deaf anddldnt quite
understand) Very blustering and dis
agreeable again this morning.
Grief hallows hearts even while
ages beada. Bailey.
Science and Disease.
THE warfare of science with aisease is one 01 ujub.
ever-old and ever-new contests which have a fascina
tion for many minds. While tb training of special
tsta has doubtlesa done much to effect cures In Indi
vidual cases, and while the experlraenta ef investlga
tors have certainly enlarged the boundaries of human
knowledge respecting disease neither of these factors have
contributed ao much toward tbe control of the half-dor.en-more
Important maladies tbat annually alay their thousands
aa the gradual spread of elementary knowledge respecting
disease among Increasing numbers or tne eartn s luimuii
ante. The Immortal Jenner haa for more than a century
bad the credit of discovering the efficacy of vaccination
and ao of saving the lives of millions; yet it is probably
trim that he iralned hla knowledge of cow-pox, the method
of disseminating It among human beings,
tion it afforded naralnst smallpox from
folk of Gloucestershire, who had long
world owes him a debt of gratitude for spreading abroad
tbe Information he bad gained, but hardly for a true dis
covery or generalization In science. Pasteur worked out
from many contributing sources a consistent tneory or germ
diseases, and following bis reasoning Behring and Boux
perfected 'tbe anti toxin treatment of diphtheria, probably
the greatest contr button of pure science
treatment of disease. In the case of typhoid fever, while
science has done much In Investigating the causes of Its
epidemics, only tbe gradual education of
nrotectton of its food and water supplies
end to Its ravages. Fortunately, the public Is growing more
and more alive to the importance of such protection, and
the death rate from typhus is decreasing. Only the eo
oneratlon of large numbers of widely
destroy the malaria-burdened mosquito;
yellow fever Intelligent action by a
board, like that of Havana, will suffice
quer the dlseaae. Tuberculosis, again,
able by the spread of knowledge that
must be disinfected; and the end of cholera Infantum waits
on the growth of the simple practice of
In all these various directions while
the pioneer It reuialna for the slow spread of elementary
knowledge among the people to work the cure. Current
, A Disappearing Race.
HH WO decades ago the native population of the Esqul
I main lands, Labrador, Greenland
I 30,000. To-day the population of
1 only 15,000 a decrease of BO per
tbe Esquimaux will soon have vanished off the fact
of tbe earth. There la something about thla evanescence
of race as a totality which Is more than dramatic it It
tragic. This In spite of the fact that tbe
one of the Inferior divisions of the great human family
The disappearance of a distinct subdivision of humanity
as a whole shows how dubious Is the
when the question Is considered with regard to tbe destiny
of human beings In their relation to
historic progress. One naturally thinks
ance of tbe Indians In the United States aa a parallel.
But great as Is the decline of their branch of the human
commonwealth within recent years, It
equal the losses sustained, by tbe Esquimaux. Buffalo En
qulrer. -
How the New Law Hits Bankrupts.
fi MEASUKJ5 or great importance
I I and lawyers and, indeed, to
n munity Is the blH which was
J President recently, and by
runtoy law of 18H8 was materially
observe, In the first place, tbat by
ferred creditors of a person who soon
a bankrupt are not debarred from having other claims pass
ed upon by a failure to surrender the amount received. In
pursuance of a decision of the Lnlted
"Now, Aunt Margaret, It it a rainy
afternoon, and l waut to nave it out
with you about my 'bad manners, as
you call them. I've been here Just a
week, and you have spoken to me seven
times about my behavior. Here's the
list, aa nearly as i can remember It
'You told me I mustn t whisper in
church, even about something In the
sermon. That was tbe first dsy I was
here, and It wasn't a very good begin
ning, was It?
"Monday I talked too loudly on the
street. Wednesday I was scolded for
eating a chocolate bonbon m a street
car, tbjugh I waa dreadfully hungry.
Then I didn't put on my gloves to go
over to Hattle't, and 1 didn't look up
from my book or rise when you and
grandma came Into the room. You ob
jected to me fixing my hair at the con
cert last night, and thla morning you
criticised my eating my cream toast
with a spoon Instead of a fork.
"Now-It seems to me, Aunt Margaret,
that If I am to put my mind on all
these trifles I shall think about myself
from morning till night, and presently
be the most eelf-conectoue prig In the
world. That would be worse than these
lapses from your code of manners.
Don't you really think so?"
That was Helen's case, and It was
not such a bad one. Her pretty face
looked very grave over It Let ua try
to deal with ber trouble aa the wise
Aunt Margaret dealt with It .
To think of one's behavior all the
time is a little like thinking of one's
cio.hes or one's eyes or one's clever
ness. But uuderueatb most of these
apparently arbitrary rnles Ilea tbe gen
eral law that no one shall do anything
In the public eye to attract attention to
herself. Loud talking, eating, toilet
making are non-social acts; that Is,
tbey Ignore tbe claim of society that
uo one person shall do what would be
painful and confusing If all did It at the
same time.
Again, tbe mark of respect for age
and position baa a moral reason for Its
existence. Tbe quick perception of the
fitness of tblugs la tbe mark of true
Whatever tbe conventional demand Is
and It la substantially tbe aame tbe
world over It la based on a sense of
proportion, on an unselfish wish to
make life easy and pleasant for others,
and on a Just feeling of one'a own place
In tbe general order of the world.
Gloves, forks, chairs, voice, gesture, arel
all to serve one end tbe art of gentle
To think about tbat art not about
one's self for oue year or five years Is
tbe time spent. If one may acquire it so
that at the end of tbe time It "comes ss
natural as life,"
Court, a Dreferred
paid, provided, of course, the payment was not fraudulent
while at the same
share the rights of
amendment provides
for an Insolvent corporation ahall be deemed an act oi
bankruptcy entitling
tee. Aniojog the objections to a discharge wnicn are in
cluded in the new law Is the giving of a false mercantile
statement or the proof that a voluntary bankrupt haa
aougbt to go through bankruptcy more than once In alz
years. The bill Just enacted also adds to the list of debts
from which a bankrupt cannot be relieved by a discharge
In bankruptcy. Among these additions are debts to the
wife and children, and alimony; also any sum due under a
Judicial decision to a seduced woman or for tbe aupport of
an Illegitimate child. We note, finally, that the list of cor
porations permitted to go Into voluntary bankruptcy will
and the protec
tne simple oairj
hereafter include mining corporations, and that tne reea
observed it. me
of refcreea and trustees
about 60 per cent of
Harper's Weekly.
to me speciuc
the public to the
of newcomers promptly sought employment In the towns
can ever pui au
and cities, especially In the East, Instead of spreading
throughout the country and assisting to populate the fann
ing regions of the West.
Tbe change that has come about In this respect la
marked. Formerly fb'e majority of our iramlgranta came
from Great Britain, Germany and Scandinavia, Those
from tbe last two territorial divisions of Europe made
tbeir way In great numbers to the West and Northwest,
where their energy and Industry made them valuable fac
tors In building up the prosperity of the agricultural" Com
monwealths which play such Important parte in feeding
the nation and producing the surplus food products which
the United States send abroad to furnish means of subsist
ence for tbe masses of the Old World.
Thla general distribution of tbe Immigrants was whole
some on every account, since It tended to equalize the
national population. Now, however, the people who coma
to our shores are chleily from Russia and the south of
Europe, and their tendency to etay In the Cities Increases
the congestion In Industrial centers, while It leaves a
marked scarcity of labor on the farma of the West, where,
during most of tbe year, the demand for workers at good
wages la keen and constant.
How this trend toward concentration Is to be overcome
Is not apparent But It Is manifest that It It a much less
healthful development than the former praetlve. It is far
better that the Immlgranta who are now arriving In such
multitudes should be distributed widely over areaa where
the population Is comparatively scarce than tbat they should
herd together on tbe Atlantic slope In 'colonies" which
tend to make the progress of Americanization slower snd
more difficult Philadelphia Bulletin.
scattered people can
but In the case of
single local neaitn
practically to con
is clearly prevent
consumptive sputum
sterilising milk for
science has been
and Alaska, was
these countries Is
cent. At this rate
Eskimos are only
tenure of tbe earth
tbe great march of
of the disappear
HE statistics
cannot relatively
to Congress by
for tblrty years
world. In spite
suicide, Insanity, Juvenile crime, and pauperism are at
present Increasing faster than the population. This in
crease, due apparently fo concentration of population and
Increased strain on the mental apparatus of mankind, does
not necessarily Imply tbat tbe world is growing worse, but
merely that It U changing. An Increase of crime may be
aa Incident of a development tbat In the long run will be
salutary. Dr. MacDonald'a report accompanies a bill to
provide a laboratory for tbe study of the criminal, pauper
and defective classes. In the bope of discovering the microbe
of crime and eliminating It. Harper'a Weekly.
to business men
tbe whole com.
signed by the
which . the bank
amended. We
the new law pre
afterward becomes
States Supreme
Owner Waa Olad to Take the Money
. Eventually.
They bad been speaking of the far
back days, the days when the men
of the old regime used to put negroes
upon the block and sell them, the
mellow antebellum days before tbe
proclamation had been Issued giving
the negro bis freedom.
"That reminds me of one of tbe
most Interesting slave aalea I ever
made." said an old auctioneer, who
Uvea down la tbe old quarter, accord
ing to the New Orleans Times-Democrat,
"and It may be Interesting to
state right here tbat the aale was
made Just before tbe war between the
States. I was conducting an auction
buainest In the neighborhood of tbe
old Cablldo.
"One day a friend of mine who was
a very large slave owner came to me
and aaid he bad an old negro woman
that be wanted to get rid of. He said
she was not worth much, and he waa
willing to take almost anything for
her. 'She Is too old to work,' said tbe
owner, 'but she makes about 60 cents
every day by picking up coffee on the
river front which means $15 a month.
But Just give ber away If yon want
to,' he said, aa he left me, and as s
matter of course I thought be meant
what he said.
"A few days later I put tbe old wom
an np and sold ber under tbe ham
mer, and she brought the sum of flO.
Tbe owner came around. 'Well. I
guess you sold tbe old woman for a
song.' be said, aa he brushed lato the
office; 'a couple of hundred was all
she waa worth.' I began to feel heavy
In the throat tor I knew he would
have a fit when I told him 4 had been
able to get only f 10 for her. But I
had to tell blm, Juat tbe same, and be
did bars a fit lie refused to take the
creditor may now retain the amount
time, aa regards debts unpaid, ne wiu
other creditors. Another Important
that the appointment of a receiver
the credltora to choose their own trus
are to be increased on an average of
the fees hitherto allowed by law.
New Tendency in Immigration.
N alluding to the fact that during the six months end.
Ing with the close of 1902, 823,641 aliens entered the
United States, Commissioner Sargent, of the Immigra
tion Bureau, points out that tbe great bulk of thla army
Increase of Crime,
of crime aa set forth In a report made
Dr. Arthur MacDonald Indicate that
past crime baa been Increasing In tbe
of tbe progress of education and the
labors of philanthropy, mental and nervous diseases,
money, and told me rather curtly I
could keep It. I did keep It
"More than six years rolled sround
before I saw my friend again. Ia
the meantime the war broke on the
country and the South wakened from
tbe bloody orgy poor in purse and
broken In spirit One day a worn and
haggard man walked Into my office.
I scarcely knew him even after he bad
reached out to offer me bla hand. But
In a few momenta I recognised him,
and he began te tell me about tbe
hardships of the war. He was penni
less, and did not hesitate to aay ao,
'By the way, old man, I owe you $10,'
I said to blm In a friendly way, 'and
Ml pay It now If you don't mind.'
"He took the 10 and was apparently
glad to get It All of which goes to
show that you can't always tell Just
how tbe dice will roll out of tbe box.'
Flah Ejected by Volcanoes.
The stories of dead flab thrown out
by volcanoes have been revived by
the recent West India catastrophes.
In particular, great quantities of them
are reported to have en cast Into tbe
sea from tbe Island of St Vincent It
ts pointed out by a Trench expert, M.
Glrardln. tbat these fish are simply the
denitens of the lakes formed In tbe
craters during tbeir long period of In
activity. A crater first becomes
clogged, then fills with water, and the
water Is In time peopled with fish tbat
find access to It through subterranean
cbannela. When volcanic activity la
resumed, tbe first thing tbat occurs It
an explotlon that blows tbe lake
water, fish, and all Into .the air. and
distributes it over tbe neighboring
land and water surface.
When people meet you, after an ab
sence of several year, they don't look
more closely at a borrowed book tbat
has Just been returned, for signs of
. Successor to E. L. Smith,
Oldest Established House In the valla?.)
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house wi'.l con
tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it
pays no rent; it employs s clerk, but
does not have to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with customers
in the way of reasonable prices.
Posts, Etc.
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Co.
Have opened an office in Hood River.
Call ami get prices and leave orders,
which will be promptly filled.
Published Every Thursday
$1.50 A YEAR.
Adverting, 50 cents per inch, single
column, per month j one-half inch or
lees, 25 t ents. Reading notices, 6 cents
a line each insertion.
THE GLACIER prints all the local
news fit to print.
When yoi see it in THE GLACIER
you may know that others see it.
Between Portland and The Dalles daily
except Sunday.
Leaves The Dalles 7 a. m. : arrive at
Portland 4 p. m.
Jave I'ortiami 7 a. in. ; arrive at ne
Dalles 5 p. m.
1-eave Hood Kiver, down, 8 :.W a. m.
Arrive Hood Kiver, up, 3:30 p. m.
General Manager.
Shot Line
and union Pacific
flips If
viitiPvo A Io
PE"T Portlmd. Of. annivs
Chicago 'pull take, Denver, 4:311 p.m.
Portland Ft. Worth.Omaha,
Rpecfkl I Kanna City, St.
t:-i)a. m. i Loiila.Chicagoanil
via . LacU
Huntington. I
At'antle at. Paul Fast Mall. 10:80a. ra.
8:15 p.m.
St. Paul Atlantic Kxprem. 7 t&a. to.
Faxt Mail
t;0U p. m.
No Change of Cars.
Loweit Bates. Quicken Time.
all aalllng dateaj
ubjtcl to cliangai
6:10 p. m.
For San Franri
feail every dayt
K.Kn ular
t on p m.
Hi .UU p. m.
Celenbla Sitae
To AaUirla ami Way
800 p. m.
Ex. Suiidajr
Mon., M ed.
and FrL
Wlllaawtte Sler.
: p m.
Tuea , Tba.,
Palem, Indepen-
aenoe, i orvaius
and way landing.
luta., Thur.
and HL
TsatMN llrar.
4 Bp. m.
Mon.. Mal
and Fn.
Oregon Oily, nayton
and way landings
I.t. Rirta
4:16 a. m.
Saakt liter.
:Uu a. aa.
ball except
Ixily exorpt R I par lata Lewlston
Gtneral Passenger agent, Portland. Or .
A. M. HOAR, Sgeat, ShI Kiver.