The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1903, Image 5

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    Hood Iftvcr Slacier
Graduating Exercises Eighth Grade.
The opera house was filled Monday
night ty the parents and friends of the
graduating class of the Hood River
public school. The programme, con
sidering the short time in which it was
prepared, was very creditably rendered.
The front of the stage was prettily dec
orated with Oregon grape and potted
plant. The teachers and graduates
occupied seats on the platform. Above
the stage was suspended theelass mot
to, "Onward and Upward," and the
clu-ss colors, pink and white, were
everywhere present. Following was
the programme:
Salutatory Harold Hcrehner
Kecilution, An Indian Girl's lament
Ursce Prather
limitation, The Toiler Homer Wood
Kjuuiy. Lincoln Nettle Peunh
IlwllHtion, Man's Devotion ...Klwood I.uckey
Hesitation, The Editor' Uuests ...Stella Btuhr
Solo Mis. Hold
Class Prophecies and Valedictory
Pearl Hradley
Presentation of diplomas Principal
Address Kev. 1). V. Poling
Class sung, Tbougti We Part Class
The graduates of the school are: Her
man Struck, Klwood Luckey, Homer
C. Wood, Herbert H. Searles, Pearl
Hradley, Netiie Peugh, Grace Prather,
Stella iStuhr, Florence Buchanan, Har
old Ilershner.
Patrons and Friends of the Hood
River Public School: As a represent
ative of the class of 191)3, of the gram
mar school, district No. 3, I extend to
you a most cordial and hearty wel
come. I am sure the class is very
much pleased to see that so many are
enough interested In our school and
school work, the teachers and our class,
as to be present on this occasion.
When we entered upon our school
work, about eight years ago, we were
first tatmhi our A, B, C's, how to form
and use them, how to spell, add and
s out rai t ; and then came multiplication,
division, long division and fractions,
and our first work In grammar. But
it seemed then that the teachers could
not impress upon our minds the great
value these things would be in the
higher grades of school. Then was
the time we saw no enjoyment In
school work, anrl our greatest ambition
was to see if there wasn't some way to
gel out of studying.
We thought the teachers seemed aw
ful cross; and sometimes we would not
study as we should, or tried some way
to get out of work; then the teachers
would tell us what an Interest they
took in our work, and how anxious
they weie for us to get along well, and
ki tliul ntir school ilavs would I our
happiest. But we could not see it that
way; we thought they were doing ail
iliev mold aimliist us. But, as we
stepped higher and higher, we saw
what thev had said was true, aud I
suppose there is plenty of time yet to
niui tins out.
Thp state course of study of Oregon
lavs down a lurite amount of work
based uiwm a school term of nine or
ten mouths. Hut as Hood Kiverschonl
has only eight months lo accomplish
this work it makes it bard on lis. and I
am sure it makes it very hard on the
' teachers, for at the beginning of the
term, or rather all during Hie term un
til little w hile before examinations.
we are not ant to studv as hard as we
should. We seem to think there is
pleiitvot time vet. and no one seems
o know or see as the teacher d-Mhat
Band Sawed Lumber, Red Cedar Shingles,
Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic, Ship Lap, Pickets,
Laths, etc., etc.
the day is coming, and coming fast,
when we are to be "measured up," to
see if we did study as we should. Our
lessons sometimes seem hard, or we
don't feel like studying. The teacher
keeps pressing us just the same. He
seems the only one who sees that day
which is not very far away. But 1
think our year's work has been very
profitable, taking into consideration
the time iu which we had to do it.
Our class motto is "Onward and Up
ward." It is, I believe, the first motto
that any member of our class has had.
And we hope that when we are old we
may be able to look back over our lives
and see that we have kept our first
motto true. It is a good motto to carry
through life. It may seem hard some
times to keep up to it, but if we stay
close by it we will succeed.
We may have often been negligent
and apparently unkind to our teacher
during the year, and have forced many
trials upon him which he has borne
with great kindness and patience, but
I am sure we meant no barm and have
the highest regard for him.
Our mistakes are apparent. Kindly
bear with us, as our year's work has
been crowded Into eight months, and
besides, like yourselves, we are not
above making mistakes. Again I say,
dear friends, that we renew our words
of welcome, and thank you for your
presence here tonight.
Friends and schoolmates: The time
has arrived for us to separate, but be
fore doing so possibly a few words from
one chosen by the graduating class to
speak for them, as also for the school,
may not be amiss. To the gentlemen
of the school board we wish to extend
our thanks for your untiring efforts in
our behalf, for the kindly encourage
ment you have givenand the faithful and
efficient teachers provided to give us in
struction. We appreciate and are gratelui
for all the kindly considerations had at
vourhands. To our teachers we desire' to
extend our tiianks in a particular man
ner for their earnest and kindly help at
all times. Doubtless at many times the
task has been wearying and burdensome,
and your patience sorely tried, but
through all you have shown by your
actions and kindly words that you had
our welfare at heart, and for this also
we thank von. We believe at this time
that mil but the friendliest feeling and
best wishes are felt by every one of
the school for each of our instructors,
and we are sure that no ill feeling is har
bored by teacher or scholar.
To our parents and the patrons of the
school we woulJ say that we appreciate
very much the interest you have shown
in the school ; by your visits to the school ;
by your words ot cheer ana encourage
ment and by your attendance at the en
tertainments that have been given for
the benefit of the school. The result of
such consideration and help from you
has done much toward making the term
just closed the successful one it has been.
The Dooks, too, wiai nave own proviuwi
through these entertainments will like
wise be of benefit and pleasure to those
who will follow in the school during the
coming terms.
To the pupils that follow as we would
offer a word of encouragement. In the
years Jthat are to come you will doubt'
less find frequent occasions when diffi
culties appear that seem almost (insur
mountable, but earnest effort and close
application is bound to win, and to the
one mho says: "Never give op," there
is no such word as fail. Place yonr
standard high.let "On ward and upward
be your motto, and the years as tbev
com to you will be found replete with
sue ceM. and the goal to which too as
pire will surely bp reached. The places
we now have attained will soon be yours.
So study and so work that when you shall
have come to the closing hours of your
public school days you can look back
and feel that your best efforts have beeu
given and your success honorably won.
And now, just one word and we have
done The pleasant days we have
spent together are gone forever ; our
school term is past and the future is a
closed book to us all. Let our every ac
tion be such as we shall be glad to see
unfold as Ihs new pages are opened in
the time to come by those who shall fol
low us. Live each day so that some
other life than ours may be brighter,
that pleasure and profit may follow all
those with whom we come in contact,
and that the pleasures we have shared,
in the past be not marred by anything
that may appear in the future. And
now, as we say farewell, let us repeat
our thankfulness and gratitude to all,
and extend our best wishes for the fu
ture success and welfare of every one.
Farewell. '
The Frank ton school closed last Fri
day, a week ago, with the following
graduates: Pearl Isenberg, Eurl Noble,
Elmer Isenberg, Robert Oarrabrant
aw Arthur Arnold. The other grades
were also promoted. The average of
the eighth grade pupils in their exam
inations Is the highest in Wasco coun
ty. This is a showing to be proud of,
and the patrons of the Frank I on school
are well pleased with the work of their
efficient corps of teachers.
Odell Edythe L. Copple, Anna Hope
Shelley, Bertha Lafferty.
Crapper Mabel Robinson.
Cascade Locks lCarlc Henry, Eunice
Steel, Ueorge Roche, Philip Lahey,
Preston Ash, Llda Steel.
The highest average standing was
obtained by Pearl T. Isenberg of Frank
ton, being 96.7. The next best was
Mabel Robinson of Crapper, who aver
aged 95.3. The next regular examina
tion will be held May m, 21, VNA.
Dukes Valley School Report.
Following is the report of the Dukes
valley school, district 74, for the mouth
ending April 17: Number enrolled, 18;
average number belonging, lb; average
daily attendance, 15; number days
present, 29U&; number days absent,
8i; number times tardy, 3. Those on
the roll or honor for the mouth are:
Mabel Dodson, Edith Murphy, Louis
Rhoades, Maude Dodge, Vera Dodge,
Bessie Cameron, Delia Cameron, Floyd
Friday aftemoou was observed as
Mothers' day.
tsitors this month were: Mrs. Car-
nahan, Mrs. Dodge, Mrs. William Dod
son, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs Murphy, Mrs.
Wanton, Mrs. L. u. itoyed, Eva Boyed
aud Naomi Boyed.
Ola Kqumas, Teacher.
A war lMtt weetAAina ti-V
the home of Mrs. J. L. Atkinson, on
Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
when Mrs. Atkinson's youngest daugh
ter, Mist Horence Booth Champlain,
was nmted in marriage to Frank Her
bert Irwin. Rev. Elwin L. House, pas
tor of the First Congregational church
officiated at the ceremony. Ned Barrett
was Mr. Irwin's beet man and Miss
Pauline Benhain was bridesmaid. The
bride looked very sweet in a gown of
white eUmine.and Miss Benham wore a
dainty dress of pink organdy. The par
lors were tastefully decorated in Oregon
grape ana caster lines, tinner was
served at J o clock, and at 8:30 Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin left for trip to Southern
No Order too Large for our Capacity.
None too Small for our Consideration.
California and Mexico. They are both
well known in the city, and were the
recipients of many beautiful presents.
One of the most highly prized is an ex
quisite berry spoon, the present of the
Dix Sorority, and engraved with Soror
ity emblem. The bride was one of the
most popular of the Dix girls, and a few
days before the wedding a very pleasant
informal Dix reception was given in her
honor by Miss Benham, her bridesmaid.
On their return from the South, Mr.
and Mrs. Irwin will be at home at
Mount Tabor, and later at the Breakers.
Long Beach. Oregonian.
Tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Ruth, at Clackamas, Ore., was the
scene of a pretty wedding, Sunday,April'
i, IHU3, when William A. isen
berg of Hood River, was married to
Miss Georgia Ruth. Rev. Walts of
Woodburu performed -the ceremony.
A number of friends and relatives of the
bride were present, and a delicious sup
per was served, after which the young
couple left for Hood River, where they
will make their home. Mr. Isenberg is
an obliging salesman at the furniture
store of W. M. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs.
Isenberg became acquainted while
students at the Portland university.
The Glacier is glad to extend con
gratulations. ARNESON-LINDSAY.
A quiet home wedding took place
Easter day, April 12, at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lindsay, Fairview,
when their daughter, Miss Grace Lind
say, and Louis H. Arneson were united
in marriage. The ceremony was per
formed at high noon in the presence of
relatives aud friends, Rev. W. J. Scott,
of Fairview, officiating. Mr. Fred
Gates was best man, and Miss Nellie
Wickham bridesmaid. The bride was
daintily gowned in tan and white. A
dinner of tempting viands was served in
the dining-room, after the receiving of
congratulations. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs R. B. Lindsay, Voyle and
John Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Reed of Hood River; Miss.S. M. Arne
son, of Portland ; J. Vanansdal, Misses
Maud and Jennie Miller, Fred Gates,
Miss Nellie Wickham of Hood River;
Mrs. Robert Robertson, Mrs. W. H.
Robertson, residing near Hood River;
Kv. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, of Fairview.
Cask Business Brings Success.
No one appears better satisfied with
business conditions in Hood River than
Frank A. Cram, proprietor of the Up-to-date
dry goods ana clothing emporium
on Oak street. Mr. Cram feels jubilant,
and well he may. During the past 14
months his store stock has turned over
five times. This is a record which
speaks much for Mr. Cram as a suc
cessful business man, while at the same
time it eoes to show the prosperous con
dition of the Hoc4 River people. Mr.
Cram reports that last Saturday his re
ceipts exceeded those for July 3d last
year. And what is better yet, the sales
on the Saturday before Easter exceeded
by 1 100 the business done on the day
preceding 4th of July last. During the
month of March last business was 2
timet better than the same month last
year, while during February Mr. Cram
did three times as much business as at
the same time 12 months ago. And all
this business is strictly caeh.
8. Uillfillan of Seattle will be here
May 1, to take charge of the shoe de
partment in cYam's ttore. Mr. Cram
will make a specialty of shoes after this.
and with a competent salesman in the
person of Mr. Uillfillan will supply
Hood River people with the best to be
had 4n the shoe line. An attractive
feata . about this store It the up-to-
dateness of everything. Old stock is
not allowed to accumulate, being sold
out at the lowest kind of price. Mr.
Cram attributes his success to the fact
that he keeps only good, reliable stock
and sells his goods at popular prices.
Mount Hood Lumber Company.
The Mount Hood Lumber company
is the name adopted by the corporation
which recently bought out the mill and
timber lands of the Lost Lake Lumber
company. This new comnany has been
incorporated with a capital stock of
$400,000. The officers consist of David
Eccles, president; William H. Eccles,
vice president; II. H. Rolapp, secretary;
Thomas D. Dee, treasurer, all of whom
All new, fresh, modern a complete
stock bought in quantities which se
cured bed-rock cost. Everything for
the Farmer, Carpenter, Logger, Ma
son and Builder.
Building Material
We furnish every item entering into the
making of any kind of building, ex
cept rough lumber. A reduction of
about 20 per cent on Doors and Win
dows, with a fallingoff in cost of Nails
and Hardware makes building easy.
Ask to see our new styles in Windows
and Art Glass.
Stoves & Tinware
Sufficent to say we are sole agents for
Universal Stoves and Ranges $27 to
t5, every one warranted:'' .Cook and
Camp Stoves, $2.50 to $27.
Picture Framing
New methods, new stock of moldings
prices and work guaranteed.
Carpets & Matting
Carpets, 35c to $1.10 per yard; Matting,
12,'s'c to 40c per yard; Linoleum, 55c
to 1.50 per yard. Couch covers, Por
tiers and Shades.
Heavy Hardware
Such as Bolts, Hinges, Screws bought
after the great drop in price.' ..We
price accordingly;
Agents for Si mood's Cross-cut saw A
full stock of Diston'i Hand Paws. Yon
don't have to take any old thing we
have what yon want.
The House Furnisher.
'PHONE 111.
are Ogden, Utah, capitalists. The saw
and shingle mill formerly operated by
the Oregon Lumber company st Ingalls,
Ore., on the lower Columbia, bat Men
merged into this company's interest at
Hood River. j
At present there are about 60 men
employed in the big mill, cutting 75,000
feet of lumber a day; ' At toon at pos
sible the company will operate both
sides of the mill, which will give ft capac
ity of 150,000 feet of lumber per day
The logging camp will be reopened this
week on the East Fork of Hood river,
about three miles above Winant. Mr.
Early states that at soon at possible the
comoanv exnects to bezin making im-
I provementa in the channel of the river,
With the result that more
trade has justified a well
equipped modern store, in
which we "handle carloads
with less expense than tons
formerly cost. JSVith this
change has come Re
duced Expenses, and in
return for this we now Re
duce Your Costs at
Seasonable Goods
Priced Right.
Lime Screen Doors
A fresh carload every M and t4, tfie. Win
so days. Blng Is bar- dow (tenant, 30c, 86o
re Is 11.90. and Jc
Lawn Mowers Crass Hooks
To be bad at 13.75, M JSe to M Garden
nd op to 111 Trowels, 10a, 16c, J6a
WatersPruners . Sewing
Elf ht sad 10 feet, II. Machines-tit, tM, IZT
Pruning shears, aOc, and op to a Par
Too and II. lor cab at 137-all
warranted. Machine
' i - nerdlce tor all
Brooms ' mke-a-
We do undersell, a . . ,
new make-try one. Pocket KnlVCS
Gem Safety warranted, far
I tUsor Ket-i, N, SI 60c and op.
For Lawn, and Fie220c to 85c per rod,
and stretcher --loaned for setting.
Barbed wire, in four grades; Pool try
netting, 50c per 100 Jeet.
Clock Shelves
And Mantel Shelves from 35o to $5. Ask
to see. the assortment.
Tents and Hammoks
Tents from S up, according to site
and weight. Hammocks, (1, tl-50 np
to $7.
Sash tools, be to 30c; Varnish, 10c to
f 1.60; Paint, 15c to $2.50; Katsomine,
3 to $4 50: Scrub, Shoe, Shaving,
Horse, bmk and Stove bnianes. Con
ter and Floor brashes. Boy brushes
where yon tee something and get
something for yonr money. Goods
imported directly from the world's
largest factory.
find will spend i
tbia work.
good deal of money for
Hosier Road la Bad Condition.
A gentleman, who came overland
from The Dallea Tuesday , says the county
road, for a distance of about two miles
east of what it known as the Hood
River mountain, is the worst piece of
road he ever traveled over in a some
what protracted life. The gentleman
in question is of Irish nativity and he
avows from personal knowledge that
the "Rocky Road to Dublin" is a mere
poetic figment when compared to it.
Get your abstracting done at the of
fice of BARNES, the real estate man.
Two carloads since December 1, all con
tracted for before the advance in
price, which places us in shape to defy
every market.1! We invite careful in
spection of goods and prices.
Paints, Oils, Glass
At agents for Pure Prepared we guar
antee every tale. Our Zincs, Leads
and Oils are absolutely pure, and our
arrangement with the factory author
izes a guarantee of goods and prices.
We tell all kinds of Lubricating oils,
Quns ammunition
22 Rifles, $1.75, 3.50, $0, $14. Smoke
less and semi-smokeless Cartridgs in
fall assortment.
Camp Outfits
All complete, and at little cost. Tents,
Stoves, Chain, Tables, Axes, Cooking
Utensils, Camp Stools and Lounging
Kitchen Furniture
Every little convenience you ever heard
of is here, and priced to secure trade.
Genuine triple-coated Chrysolite ware
it warranted.
Cheap Granite
Ware we have it. 8 qt Kettle, 95c:
Copper Bottom Boilers, 90c; Copper
Bottom Kettles, GOc; 14 oi. Copper
Boilers, $2.75.
The Laundry
Washing machines, $3.50 to $9 ; Wring
ers, 5 year guarantee, 1.40 to ,$4.50;
Straddle Clothes Pint, 2H'c g; Spring
Clothes pint, 5c g; Clothes Lines, 10c
nd 20c
The Complete Outfitter