The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1903, Image 4

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Hood River's Strawberry Crop
a Record Breaker.
The Hood River strawberry crop has
been estimated by the growers at 109,
173 crates. The Davidson Fruit com
pany has compiled a few statistics fur-
n'shed the company by the growers
which are surprising: to the best In
formed. The company sent requests to
all the growers asking for a statement
on the acreage in liearing and in new
plants and the grower's estimate on
bis coming crop. Two hundred and
forty growers reported 87lV acres In
bearing plants and 327a' acres in new
plants, while the total estimate for
this year's crop is placed at 109,175
crates. U. F. Davidson says there are
about 30 growers yet to report who
have an additional total acreage of 50
acres, which would add 6,250 crates to
the total estimate, making it over 115,
000 crates. These statistics do not In
clude any new acreage owned by peo
ple who do not haveany bearing plants.
This estimate appears all tLe more
startling when It is considered that for
the past two years the Davidsou Fruit
company has gathered statistics lu the
same manner, and each season the crop
exceeded the estimate. Last season
the estimate was about 40,000 crates,
when tbe total shipments exceeded
67,000 crates. The estimate this year
of 110,000 crates (in round numbers)
from 880 acres is at the rate of 125 crates
to the acre a very conservative esti
mate. If prices are as good as last year, the
Hood River strawberry growers will
receive over $200,000 this summer.
Council Proceedings.
Tbe city council held a short meet
ing Monday night. Tbe sewer ques
tion assumed more definite proportions.
and that Hood River will soon be fui-
uislied with a sewer system seems now
assured. Mr. Paget of the tirru of
Paget & Clark, civil engineers, Port
land, was present ami explained the
situation to tbe mayor and council
men. A survey and estimate for sew
ers was made by this firm two years
ago, but the city has growu so in that
time that a new survey must be made
which will meet the needs of an en
larged sewer district. Mr. Paget was
of the opinion that Hood River ought
to put in what is known as the single
sewer system, that is a system to carry
off bouse sewage alone. This would
cost much less than a double system,
which Includes large pipes for taking
care of surface water. This system can
be put in later, and In the meantime
the surface water can be taken care of
by ditches along the streets. The spe
cial committee on sewers' was author
ized to coutinue with its work and to
secure the services of a competent sur
veyor to make Burveys and estimates.
Mayor Coon vetoed ordinance No. 71.
which provided for monthly meetings
oi me council instead or meetings ev
ery two weeks. The veto was sustain
by a practically unanimous vote. May
or Coon's veto message is as follows:
"Hood River, Or., April 13, 1903. To
the Common Council of the City of
xiooa Kiver uenueuien : 1 Hereby re
turn to you. without my approval, or
dinance No. 71, passed by tbe council
on April 6. I am of tbe opinion that
there is not sutiicient reason for fixing
the times of the meeting of the council
one moutu apart. Un the contrary,
there are many matters of Importance
demanding your attention. The peo
ple, if I mistake not, will expect rea
sonable activity on your part and will
be pleased to have the public business
despatched without unnecessary delay.
I huve the honor to be
Your obedient servant,
T. E. COON, Mayor.
The council granted a petition from
William Thompson, asking the right
to lay piping down State street, from
Dr. Adams' corner to Third street. Mr.
Thompson will use the same to furnish
water for his street sprinkler.
The report of tbe committee on
streets, which had charge of tbe peti
tion of M. F. Jacobs and others, to open
a street along the east line of Paradise
farm, was accepted and tbe subject or
dered continued under the same com
mittee. Tbe members of the council
defile to make the proposed street but
find objections from some of tbe ad
jacent property owners.
Ordinance 72, ''irrantimt Joe Wilson
the right to lay pipes In the streets, was
lavoramy reported. The ordinance
was gi veil second reading and secured
final passage by unanimous vote.
An ordinance was presented giving
the Hood River Lumbering company
the right to erect' poles and string wires
on ine ft reels oi flood Kiver. AUd
Winans explained that bis company
desired to bring in a line from the falls,
and wanted lite right to string wires in
tbe streets. The mutter was referred
to the committee on streets and publio
The question then arose whether or
not the Pacific States Telephone com
pany had a permit from the city of
iioou Kiver to place poles in tbe streets,
and the committee on streets was re
questod to look into the matter.
Adjourned. -
Mosier Items.
Mosier, April 21. W. Crosier came
u ) from Portland and spent a few days
visiting old friends last week.
Mesdames A. Stewart and L. Smith
were visitors at Hood River this week.
Mrs. L.V. Wood and daughter Marian
returned from The Dalles, Tuesday, after
a week's stay.
"Urandpa" McGregor is a resident of
Mosier again; having returned from
lleppner, where for the past three
weeks he visited his daughter.
The Infant eon of Mr.and Mrs. W.Row
land is dangerously ill with pneumonia.
The names of W. A. Husbands, Leslie
Root and Nancy Miler may be added
among the patients who are convalesc
ing. Will Kruger returned from Uolden
dale during the week. Will reports
flourishing conditions at Goldendale and
vicinity. j
On Monday last theC.K.A N.Co's sur
veyors were at worn, in a professional
capacity, surveying a track for the bond
ing of a dork near the depot. This,
when completed, will fill a long fiJt
want to the general satisfaction of the
Miss Nell Davenport and nephew,
Lewis (Sunning of The Di lles.are visiting
Mrs. A. Watt went to Portland Wed
nesday to enter St. Vincent's hospital
for treatment. Mrs. Watt's father ac
companied her to Portland.
Messrs. Russell and Oeorge IIukr
wvr transient visitors at The Dalles
Kdwin B. Wood spent Sunday with
friends at Mosier, returning to The
Dalles at8 :30 o'clock, Sunday evening.
Mrs. A. Nelson and the Misses Ilulda
(iranlund and Hannah Weburg came
down to attend the club party on Friday.
They returned to their respective homes
in The Dalles, Sunday.
Tlie Friday Night club gave their
weekly party at the residence of Wil
liam Johnson. An enjoyable evening
is the verdict of those who attended.
School began in district 62 on Mon
day, with Mrs. J. P. Shaw at the helm.
Miss Elizabeth Schooling and the
Misses Zoe and Alice Gunning spent
Sunday with Miss Nell Davenport.
Miss Edythe Lapier returned to The
Dalles, Sunday evening, after a brief
visit. J can.
Odell Notes.
G. W. Brown, who taught the Odell
school, has moved his family on the
West Side, where he bought five acres
of land near the Idlewilde cemetery.
John Leland Heuderson of Hood
River, assisted by a party of four men,
is surveying the Roberts place, one time
part of the William Odell donation land
claim. The land is being cut into three
tracts and will be placed upon the mar
ket by Mr. Livingstone of Portland.
This is a very desirable niece of land
and will make three valuable homes, and
no doubt will find quick buyers.
The following pupils at Odell
examination in the 8th grade:
Shelley, Bertha Lafferty and
The road grader with six horses at
tached is now turning the soil in this
district under the guidance of W. ii.
Sears, and we have a promise of better
roads in the future.
Horses are in great demand. F. P.
Friday was yesterday making a house
to house search trying to hire one but
failed. B. F. Young went to The Dalles
yesterday after another lot, having
sold down to his buggy horse.
Ed Miller of Mount Hood passed here
yesterday with two strangers showing
them the country.
Holman's meat wagon is out on its
first trip of the season today. They
will furnish Odell and vicinity with
meats twice a week, Tuesdays and Fri
days. X.
Cbenoweth News.
Elmer Wise is quite sick and confined
to his room.
Bert Veatch and family have moved
to the Coulter logging camp, just west
of the Underwood farm. ,
Supervisor William Orser is engaged
with two or three men improving the
hill at Walter brother's.
Trout fishing in the Little White
Salmon has been good of late, and many
sportsmen have been on the stream.
Albert Yandle, who cut his foot open
with an ax, a eouple of weeks ago, is
getting along nicely, and is now around
on crutches, i
A. G. Wise, a newcomer,' lately from
Missouri, haB purchased the homestead
right of Billy Woods to his place on the
hill just above Drano.
. Harry Wellenbrook is the proud pos
sessor of a f 15 watch, which he won at a
raffle, Monday night, at the camp of
the Washington Lumber company.
John H.Hill has been appointed, post
master and one week ago last Saturday,
took possession of the post office
at Chenoweth, Wash., succeed
ing J. A. Fisher, who had held the
office for the past 10 or 15 years.
Things were lively at Oregon Lumber
Company mill B a week ago Saturday.
Leslie Murray bad hia arm thrown out
ot joint in an altercation over some
trivial affair in the mill and the scrap
did not last long, but the onlookers say
it was lively enough while they were at
it. .
, . Pine Grove Gleanings.
Apric 21 : Charles Blater of Portland
visited his parents a few days last week,
- Mr. Newman and family have moved
onto the place recently vacated by Rob-
en Harbison.
miss L,uitt inonias began a summer
term of school at Kingsley, Ore., labt
There is to be a social dance at Mr,
Lacey's b riday night
L, E. Clark expect to begin work on
ms new nousesoon.
M. Mott has purchased a lot in Hood
Rivef and will build on it. He expects
to nave ms new house ready lor occu
pancy in June.
D. U. -Gunnel! starts for Southern
Oregon this week, where he expects to
remain uuring uie summer.
Our school closed last Friday. The
patrons are much pleased with the work
done this year by Professor Gunnell and
Miss Smith, and hope that their services
can be secured lor next year. Y.
- The Easter Hat.
Hood River, April IS, 1903. Editor
Glucier : As iuister Sunday, like Christ
mas, comes but once a year. I. in com
moil with many others, deemed it mv
duty to attend Easter services, and my
choice fell upon the U. B. church. It
took me longer to orimD than usual
ami consequently was a little late, and
of course every available seat was full.
and the usher did not like to leave his
seat for fear he might lose it. But
brother George, who was sitting in the
last row, saw how Ionesom6 I was feel
ing, and squeezed sister George a little
and so made room for me by his side.
The church looked very pretty in its
Easter dress: that is. so much or It aa I
could see, and that covered tbe upper
nan oi tne winaows ana all or tbe ceil
ing. But the display of Easter hats
was rar aueaa or my fondest anticipa
tion; and I will say,, confidentially,
that that was all I went to see, any
way. Of course I could hear very well.
But I was glad I went just to see tbe
ulster nais, tor i couia not have seen
anything else if I bad wanted to. And
there was such a variety of them. too.
Why, some of them must have been
two reel across: Ana such an empo
rium of things that was on them!
There was feathers, and flower, and
grass, and birds' tails, and birds' heads,
and wings, and yards and yards of rib
bons done up iu such cute, exquisite
knots and bunches; and one hat in nan
ticular looked as though a boquet of
uauooi s was atiacnea to it. brother
George was so uneasy and fidgety that
he attracted my attention. He was
peeking and bobbing around like a dis
contented cora on a troubled sea. I
wanted him to keep still bo we could
bear what was going on down In front.
as Mrs. Hanna's class was saying some
thing (at least that Is what the pro
gramme called for). Then brother
George said something dreadful, "Blank
that hat!" I gave him a withering
look, and sister George done the same,
and he immediately settled down In his
coat collar until bis head was level with
tbe back of the seat and kept quiet and
listened, i a now wnai was the mat
ter he went there to see, and churches
is not the place to see anything but
hats. .You go to church to hear and
learn. You can't learn auy thing much
with your eyes; It is your ears that you
learn with. A church ain't a theater.
A theater is a show. (Some people call
it a 'holy show;" but it ain't; it is just
a place where uaughty old men with
high foreheads go to raise a row about
hats. One year tbe common council of
Portland was composed of these bad
old men. There was not a single mar
ried man in the lot, and they passed an
ordinance requiring the ladies to re-1
tl.ati. hula In ihoutora Tt was
suggested that this ordinance be made
to apply to churches, but they said
, f' .'..I I I. UK M.a
mry wouiu nut. wouncv wuu uo
lUiiHtkaa tit at linir navDS tvon t. in
church and didn't care if the women
wore three bats apiece, so trial ais-
.. - ...1 T ,1 1 ,1 M- tl.n .hil.
jrmvo WR8 nvcitcu. i uiu an ti buir
dren, however, after church was out,
. i i i i A. .1 i . ..
anu iney iookcu very pretty auu uapyt
in their white dresses and Easter Dow
ers. In the evening I attended the Con
gregational services. It was simply
another bat show, interspersed with
songs by the children. I saw nothing
but bats, only once when a little white
hand reached up on the arms of a white
cross. I suppose there was a child
lower down, but I could not see on ac
count of Easter bats. Yet I enjoyed
the services very much. The children
done extremely well. Miss Vaughn's
solo was a complete surprise tome. I
did not know .that Hood River pos
sessed so sweet a sluger, and I hope we
may often have the pleasure of listen
ing to her full, rich voice. Tbe chil
dren's song service around the cross de
serves special mention and reflects
much credit on those who bad it in
charge as well as the performers. The
unpleasaut feature of tbe evening was
tbe faulty ventilation and the little
care taken by tbe janitor to keep the
temperature even and comfortable.
One or this Listeners. -
While surveying on Dutch Flat, Wed
nesday, J. B. Goit came across a bearing
tree which was marked ,'48, and
referring to his field notes, Mr. Goit
found that it was blazed July 23, 1859,
by Daniel Murphy. This is one of the
oldest marks to be found In this section,
as the base line was surveyed by D. P.
Thompson in 1858. The tree is a scrub
oak and the mark is very clear. Mr.
Goit intends to send it to Geo. II. Himes
of the Oregon Historical Society, to
whom all such relics are valuable.
Colonel P. G. Swift, special agent of
the land office department, who has
been in The Dalles for some months
past, having been sent here to examine
into the alleged land office frauds, left
this morning for Seattle, to remain a
short time with relatives before going
on to his home at Rice Lake, Wis. Col
onel Swift is a splendid gentleman, and
and Builder.
Plans and Estimatks Furnished
Upon Application.
Established 1881.
Pioneer Fruit and Produce
Solicit Consignments of Apples,
Pears; all Green and Dried Fruit.
Meat Market.
McGtjire Bros., Propr's.
Dealers In Freh and Cured Meats, Lard
Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 85.
- And time may go, hut we will con
tinue to do all kinds of plain and
Job Printing:
at the same old stand, satisfactorily
and expeditiously.
Your orders respectfully solicited.
& Builders.
S9-PLANS and Estimates Pcrnishkd-
those who became acquainted with him
will be glad to learn that he contem
plates returning to the coast to make
his home here. He spoke in the high-
dot forma rf Vw. rvi.ti.nini unit nAar fttfi-
- - . . . VUU UUIUiug ....... "
rials in the land otW'c, and did not hes
itate to say that the idea ot iraua must
have originated in the fertile brain of
some one. ami ii rennrt to headauar-
ters was to that effect. Chrouicle.
The first time a neighbor wishes to
borrow the Observer lend it to him with
pleasure. The next time manage to
throw a little surprise into your face as
von hand it over. The third time geut
ly intimate that you like to keep your
: . . . 1 . 1 1. r 1 . . : ...
tell him he had better subscribe. Some
men would actually walk a mile b'l times
a year to keep the editor from getting
what belongs to him. Moro Observer.
Students of natural history will find
something to interest them in the win
dow of Geo. F. Coe & Son's store The
llMmlnur la i ... ,1 .. ,)nnn.ata n-ilK mnnulw
. .... w .. ... I ' ( .I. ( UCUIIllVU njwi
and branches, and the taxidermist's
skill is shown in the birds and animals
on exhibition. There is the woodchuck,
muskrat, pine squirrel, native pheasant,
crow, camp robber, groesbeck, wood
pecker, magpie and owl, all perched in
their different positions aa natural as
life. The collection belongs to Henry
Shute, and some of the work was done
by him.
Robert Leasure of Mount Hood was
in town last Friday. Mr. Leasure has
had charge of a crew of loggers on the
East fork of Hood river all winter for
the Lost Lake Lumber company. He
has resigned hie position for the pres
ent to look after his farm and put in his
spring crops, after which he will again
take charge of the logging camp for the
Oregon Lumber company. Mr. Leasure
says that by putting in two more splash
dam, s one on the Middle fork and the
other on the West fork of Hood river,
the company would be able to drive all
the logs they might need down the
river. The Oregon Lumber company
intend to push the logging business in
the Forks all summer.
Algy So you asked old Jones for his
daughter's band 1 What did he say?
Ferdy He said "Take her and let me
be happy."
FLS foi BO
of A. J. C. C. Jersey Cattle.
1 MAY 15-16, 1903.
I will wMr'fy public auction at Multnomali Fair Grounds (formerly Irvlntrton
Park), PoM land, Oreson, about 100 head of pure bred A. J. C. C. Jemey cattle. Found' ,
utlon stiwk all rcKmlered, remainder eligible to registry. All cows and heifers ex
cept two bulls. H end oi herd Dewey of theOlades, sired by Exile of the Ulades.son of
Nuiad'a St. Lambert KinitJOmA. Dam 8U Lambert Girl, by Ida's Kioterot St, Lam
bert lWifxj. Hecond dam Desdainona Belle
The average test of tills herd Is over HKVEN PER CENT, and the herd Is one of
the best prod ueera on the cou4t. They are large, possess great constitutional vigor,
and are warranted tree from all diseased. -
1 will also sell the first twenty-eight volumes of the A. J. C. C. herd books.
50 Head of Hogs.
I will also sell at public auction fifty head of stock hogs, Poland China and Berk
shire cross.
$ulea of less than !100, cash: sales over 100, six months time on bankable paper at
seven (7) per cent. Hales to oommence at 10 a. in, each day.
J. L. McCarthy, Auctioneer, Portland, Oregon.
A. R. BYRKETT, Bingen, Wash.
Note is the time
To use Squirrel Poison. We have it.
How in the time
, To sprav your orchards. We have
' all kinds of spraying material for
sale at the lowest prices.
Now fa the iiwe
To purify your blood. We have
Sarsaparillas and all kinds of Spring
Don't foraet the place.
When you want anything in the
DKUti Liau get it at
Fishing Season,
111 111! lllTT'lllll rfllMUlsj I
Geo. F. Coe & Son
have a well selected line of Split
Bamboo and Cane Poles, Flies, Snell
and Bait Hooks, Reels, Creels and
Straps, ('all and examine stock.
Crockery, Glassware, Stoneware,
FruiU, Nuts and Confections. Al-
den Chocolates. Stationery.
Kerneniber the place,
Masonic Annex.
Phone 361.
Fruit Growers' Union.
Incorporated 1803.
Always in the Lead.
Ship your"strawberries with them and get the
betst results.
The Spot Cash Grocery
Buckwheat Flour,
Salt Salmon,
Dry Herring;,
And all Country Produce taken in exchange for goods.
Doors and Windows.
Paints and Oils,
Furniture, Carpets, Beds and Bedding.
t i
You will never regret it if yoti buy some of our bargains, as
Hood River Real Estate
you fine City Lots on grade, with good water
and fine view on EASY TERMS.
Bystreets will be improved in the Spring. For
full particulars see
Prather Investment Co.
oe s
-This magnificent location is now being plotted and will soon be
placed on the market, and surpasses anything that ha.s ever been offered as
It is high and sightly and is furnished with an abundance of
pure spring water from
The soil is very sandy, so you get no seepage from cess
pools or closets.
It is only one block from the Waucoma school house. The Uni
tarian church is in process of construction adjoining this plot, and the
Episcopal church will soon be built in the very center of this addition.
You have always wanted a lot in my STRAWBERRY
FIELD, and now is your time to get one.
We start at bed-rock prices, with terms 25
per cent cash, balance to suit the. purchaser.
Don't wait until prices go up, but secure a handsome site at once.
Map and all information at the office of George D. Culliertson & Co., on
Oak street.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies and Confections. Cig
ars, Fruits, Ice Cream, and Ice Cream Soda. Fresh
Oysters always on hand. White help only.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.,
The largest list of Fruit and Berry Lands in
Hood River valley and White Salmon to select
from. Honest treatment will award you by plac
ing your property in our hands. Loans nego
tiated. Insurance.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten Bnildinp,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Secialty,
Bargains in Real Estate.
8 acres, 3 miles from town; fine strawberry land;
good house and barn.
10 acres, 2 miles from town, all in strawberries;
a good bargain.
10 acres, 2 miles from town; 2 acres in straw
berries, balance in apple and prune orchard in full
bearing; free water.
Vt acres, 3 miles from town; 3J in berries; bal
ance in cultivation. Flumes ready for irrigating.
80 acres, 9 miles from town; 30 in cultivation;
good improvements, good farm and apple land!
All can be irrigated. '
20 acres, 6 miles from town; all in apple trees 2
years old.
40 acres, i miles from town; 33 in cultivation;
good apple and clover land; can all be irrigated.
For prices and terms call on or address
H. F. JOCHIMSEN, Hood River. Or.
Livery, Feed and Draying.
Horses bought, goM or exclmngcd.
rieasure part lei can wwure ArM-dum riirs. Ppe
, cial attention given to moving Furniture
and Pianos.
We do everything horses can do. .