The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1903, Image 3

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Offers the following Bargains in City and Farm Properties:
1st, 2d and 3d
Beautiful View Free From Dust.
Don't Waste Money Paying Rent.
No. 1 . Eighty acres, 3 miles out; can be bought
in small tracts from 3 acres up; partly
improved; all under ditch, fine for ber
ries orapples;priceperacrefromf 140to f 300
50. 2o acres on Willow Flat, 8 acres cleared,
fine for apples or berries; price l,ooo
No. 52. One hundred fifty-five acres, 3o acres
bearing orchard of choice varieties; 4o
acres being set to apples; free water;
good house; 6 acres of clover, rest of
land in timber; splendid home, will pro
duce 3ooo boxes of apples next year 17,000
53. 113 acres on the famous Willow Flat, 9
miles from town; sixty acres under
plow; all under new ditch, large spring
on the place, young orchard 10,000
59. Thirty acres finest apple land, five miles
from town; easily cleared, 2,5oo
31. Ten acres with 2 acres in berries, the rest
can be easily cleared, fine land for
1 berries ..:.;....;..,r.......;;.r..: 2,loo:;
29. Ten acres, uncleared; three miles out,
good berry land, price G5o
48. 8oo acres in Washington, loo acres
slashed, 6o acres cleared, 6 acres in
: apples; level; deep, rich soil; peracre, 25
32. IGo acres, fifteen plowed, five miles from
town, price . ' 2,ooo
53. Fifty acres, 2 miles out on main road,
large two-story house, nearly new; 13
acres in bearing berries, 8 acres in nur
sery stock, 13 acres in orchard and
vineyard, 6 acres in clover, 6 acres pas
ture and wood; 9 rooms inhouse, tele
phone, daily rural mail; two good
cellars, good barn; will sell all or part
at the per acre price of '.. 300
36. 8o acres unimproved land in Washing
ton, 2 miles from the river 1,000
50. 24 acres mile from town, ten acres in
bearing berries, fine berry farm 8,ooo
21. Eighty acres, 14 miles out; orchard, ber
ries; good land for large orchard, plenty
of water, 75 acres tillable 2,000
35. Ten acres, with beautiful house, 6 acres
in bearing apples, 2 acres in clover;
cherries, peaches, pears and berries for
home use; a fine home for some one 3,500
No. 51. 16o acres unimproved land, fine soil,
very deep, good drainage for apples;
one (niillion. feet of timber; one of the
finest bodies of apple land in the valley,
peracre 20
8. Sixty-seven acres, all in fruit and clover,
except fifteen acres, which is good tim
ber; fine young bearing orchard; good
house, four miles from town, near good
three-room school house 9,500
9. 65 acres, 1 miles out; berries and apples;
fine drainage for orchard; per acre 125
3. 60 acres, 3 miles out; partially improved 1,600
No. 19. Lots in Dean's addition, fine view,
both of Mount Hood and Mount Adams $ 150
2. Fine hotel property, 30 rooms, doing
good business, corner, 3,500
4. House with 11 rooms, allfurnished, 1,500
5. Two-acre tract in city limits, all fenced... 2,2oo
14. New House and two lots..... 9oo
3. House, 7 rooms, good lot, l,4oo
6. Two large lots 45o
7. Two lots I6oxl4o 5oo
15. New house and lot.....; l,5oo
Two lots on the hill...... 55o
..' 9. Three lots for . 325
11. Four lots close in 45o
8. Large house and lot, looxloo, one block
from post office : . l,8oo
20. Large house in Blowers addition l,4oo
21. Large two-story house, 6 rooms, plas
tered, in Blowers addition l,3oo
An 1 1 -room house can be
bought at a big Bargain.
A Stranger Writes of Hood Kiver.
J. L. Davis writes to the Ntwberg
Graphic from Hood River an follows:
This pluee is situated on the Colum
bia river at the mouth of Hood river,
between Mount Hood and Mount Ad
ams, and with mountains all around.
The valley proper is small, perhaps
about 20 miles long and four or five
miles wide. The soil and climate seem
to be wonderfully adapted to the grow
ing of strawberries and apples. The
orchards are usually small and well
cared for, and the people seem to be
pretty well organized and wide awake
to their best interests in varieties of
fruit and attractive ways in putting
their products on the market. I have
been traveling ubout the valley some
what in quest of health, and at the
same time taking some notice of va
rious pursuits thut the people are en
gaged in. 1 think the clearing of land
and putting out of apple orchards is
just now receiving the greatest atten
tion. The lumber business receives
considerable attention, and there is a
box factory or two that do a thriving
business. General farming receives
some attention, but the farmers buy
their hay, tiour, meat and a great
many other things.
The keeping qualities of apples and
strawberries raised here seems to me to
be remarkable. I have seen gome very
tine lots ol apples since I came here.
The long keeping quality of the apples
here enables the grouer to get fancy
prices alter other apple growers are out
of the way. Hon. K. L. Smith told me
that he sold a little lot of Jiewtowus a
short time ago for f 1.75 a box.
There is some idle capital finding its
w ay in here, as are also a good many
neonle. both for health and wealth.
Keal estate, I think, is well up to date
in price.
Is Here to Stay
Hood River, April 20, 190:5. Kditor
Glacier: The undersigned seldom goes
into anything without the closest inves
tigation and has never invested money
where he did not get liis own with rea
sonable interest, and if those who are
persistently throwing discredit upon the
National Home keekers' Association
-! not financiallv blind and led by
those that are equally blind they would
not so onit lie in the Uiteli ol poverty
Ami now. Mr. theassooiutioii
has paid Mr. Coyle's delinquent bills of
advertising in the Glacier, a thing they
were umior no ouuguumi iu uu, ur .i.c
bait ut I him in full for his work, I
think it but fair to put the workings of
the association betore mepuuiic. rirsi.
allow me to say as agent of the associ'
tion they have given inn every opportu
nity to see the inside workings of the
association, and I rind it the most eco-
niii-iillv adjusted niece of finance
have ever met with. Everything from
start to finish pays its owu expenses, to
there are no accumulation of back bills to
meet, and no need of carrying a lar;e
mi ml us of canital for safety. To show
an actual specimen: I carry a contract
for f 1,000, under series 1!K2, and expect
to iret in v moncv within two years. It
will cost'me M plus the price of the
contract, w Inch is $4. That is, ft for my
1.000 contract and thereafter 11.50 for
each month. All sums paid in begin to
draw interest from the date ot payment,
except the price of contract and the
first two monthly- installments, which
used for evoense fund. At the
end of each year there is p!avd to my
credit the HnVnint of money paid in and
interest thereon, and my dividend
share of accumulations of lapsed con-
tracts, which mav reasonably be ex-
tured, notice is served on contract holder
that the association will begin to pay
contract at a certain date and the money
placed to his credit. If he wishes to
build a home worth $1,000, he lets his
contract for same and gives first mort
gage on the real estate, and pays for it
when completed: or if a larm, gives
mortgage on it. If he does not wish the
money, ho can so notify the association
and have the money placed to his credit,
when the contract holder will have his
share of all the income of the associa
tion. Or if he so desires, he can sell his
contract to any purchaser at a premium
above ordinary interest. After the con
tract holder draws his money he begins
to return it in monthly installments of
$5.50 per month interest at 2 per cent per
annum ; that is, he pays $06 a year and
$20 a year interest ; 50 cents per month
being used for expense fund; $00 is
credited on Ih'b loan per year. If he
so desires, the contract holder can pay
whole amount at any time and stop
the interest. Now, there is not a day
laborer or a working girl but might
carry a $1,000 contract to completion
and have their ow n home or $1,000 safely
invested at interest.
If any one wishes definite informa
tion they can address Michael Mauss,
leputv stieritt, Murray, Utah, or II. S.
Waldo, 3430 High street Denver, who
have received loans from the associa
tion ; or call at my home, where I can
satisfy the most incredulous.
Jkshb VV. Kioby, Agent.
Presbyterian General Assembly.
For the above event, to occur at Los
Angeles, California, Mav 23 to June 2,
tickets will be sold as follows: From
Portland via steamer $37.00; via rail all
the wav $351 00. For full particulars call
at O. K. & N. office E. VV. Quarles,
tumn sun. I would rather have been
that poor peasant with my loving wife
by my side, knitting as the day died out
of the sky with my children about my
knee and their arm's about me. I would
rather have been that man and gone
down to the tongueless silence of the
dreamless dust than have been that im
perial impersonation of force and murder.
Ingcrsoll on Napoleon.
A little while ago I stood by the grave
of the old Napoleon a magnificent tomb
of gilt and gold, fit almost for a dead
deity and gazed upon the sarcophagus
of black Egyptian marble, where rests
at least the ashes ot that restless man.
I leaned over the balustrade and thought
about the career of the greatest sol
dier of the modern world.
1 saw him walking on the banks of
the Seine, contemplating suicide. I saw
him ut l union I siiw hi in putting down
the mob in the streets of Paris I saw
him at the head of the army in It
aly I saw him crossing the bridge at
1idi with the tri-color in his hand I
saw him in Kgypt in the shadow of the
pyramids I saw him conquer the Alps,
and mingle the eagles of France with the
eagles of the crags. I saw him at Marengo
at I'lni and Austerlitz. I saw him In
Russia, where the infantry of the snow
and the cavalry of the w ild blast scat
tered Ids legions like winter's withered
leaves. I saw him at Liepsic in defeat
and disaster driven by a million bayo
nets back onto l ans clutched like a
wild beast banished to Elba. I saw
him escape ami retake an empire by the
force of his genius. I saw him upon the
frightful field of Waterloo, where chance
ami fate combined to wreck the fortunes
of their former king. And I saw him at
St. Helena, with his hands crossed be
hind him, gazing out upon the sad and
solemn sea.
I thought of the orphans and widows
he had made of the tears that had been
shed for his glory, and of the only wo
man w ho ever loved him, pushed from
his heart by the cold hand of ambition.
And I said I would rather have been a
, French peasant and worn wooden shoes;
! I would ra'hcr have lived in a hut with
pected to reduce my slight expenditure j a vine over the door, and the grapes
for expenses. Xow our contact is ma-' growing purple in the ravs of the an-
Hints for Grocery Samplers.
A Buffalo grocer, says the American
Grocer, posted the following gentle hints
in and about his store, to keep the people
from sampling:
Please do not eat any of these dates.
We aim to keep all our dates.
Customers will please not eat these
cheap prunes. The obliging clerks will
be pleased to serve you with a better
variety kept especially for free lunches.
Customers are warned not to sample
these codfish. The last person who did
so caught a bone in her throat and died.
This is only 12-cent coffee so I beg of
you do not chew any of it. Ask us for a
few beans of the 48-cent variety.
If you do not like to nibble raisins
with seeds take a handful to the back of
the store where the boy employed for
the purpose will remove' the seeds with
a corkscrew. .
Do not clean your hands by running
them throuh this rice. A special mani
cure and Turkish bath department has
been opened on the 49tb floor. It is free
to customers.
These peanuts are raw. If you want
to eat a half pint or so while your coffee
is being ground teil the proprietor and
he will have them roasted for you.
Fruit Trees! Fruit Trees!
We have yet ou hand, ready for im
mediate shipment, the following vari
eties of apples:
Ited Astrachan, Yellow Transparent,
Alexander, Ductless of Oldenburg, Grav-
enstem, Red Beitigheimer, Twenty
Ounce, Waxen, Arkausas Black, Bald
win, Yellow Betlnower, Ben Davis, Blue
Pearmain, Bismark, Gano, Jonathan,
Lawyer, M. B. Twig, Missouri Pippin,
Yellow Newtown Pippin, Northern Spy,
lied Cheek Pippin, lied Canada, R. I.
Greening, Borne Beauty, Golden Rus
sett, Rox. Russett, Jeneton, Spitzen
burg, Shackleford, Stark, Swaar, Wal
bridge, Wealthy, Wine Sap, Wolf River,
W. VV. Pearmain and York Imperial.
These we quote at Vii cents each on
board cars here at The Dalles.
We also have a good assortment of
Pears, Prunes, Plums, Peaches, Apri
cots, Crab Apples, Nectarines, Quinces,
Cherries and Grape Vines, at reason
able prices. All orders intrusted to ns
will have careful attention and will be
shipped out the same day they are re
The Dalles, Oregon.
Ten Thousand Dollars to be Distributed
An interesting announcement appears
in that great metropolitan newspaper,
The St Louis Republic, in the form of a
profit-sharing offer to anyone now a sub
scriber or willing to become a subscriber
of The Republic. A big sum of $10,000
is to be paid in rewards lor good woV
ment and skill. It is possible to tarn
all the way from $10 up to $5,000.
1 tie Kepublics subscribers are invited
to estimate npon the number of admis
sions to the orld s Fair grounds upon
the occasion of the grand dedicatory
ceremonies, April 30, 1003, of the Louis
iana Purchase Exposition. The sub
scriber whose estimate comes nearest
the official recorl will receive $5,000
the next one will get $2,5n0. and In ad
ditional sum of $2,500 will be divided in
ewards ranging from $1,000 down to
$10 among those whose estemates most
nearly approximate the official record of
admissions. A payment of $7.80 will
provide for the delivery of the daily and
Sunday Republic for not less than one
year, or $6 will pay for six annual sub
scriptions to the twice-a-week Repub
lic, and if the remittance Is recieved on
or before 4 p. m. of April 29, 1903, the
person sending It can make six esti
mates. More estimates may be made
by extending the subscription beyond
one year, or by organizing clubs ana in
ducing others to subscribe.
Complete information as to the con
ditions of this contest, together with
blanks will be found in the dailv. Sun
day and twice-a-week editions of the Re
public from April 2 until April 29, 1903,
or will be mailed to any one upon appli
cation. All communications and esti
mates should be addressed to the Re
public Profit-Sharing Bureau, Call Box
201, St. Louis, Mo.
Asiatic Ladybirds Destroy Fruit Scale.
Government entomologists have dem
onstrated that the Asiatic lndybird has
a great liking for the larva of the San
Jose scale as an article of steady diet,
and are now propagating this specie of
insect for distribution among orchard
iata in districts affected by the scale,
says an official report. Efforts have
been made heretofore to induce Ameri
can ladybirds to feed on the scale with
out effect; but the Asiatic article seems
to have a natural predilection for the
pest which has caused more trouble and
expense to orchardmen of the Pacific
coast than anything else. In the inves
tigations conducted by the government,
it has been found that the original hab
itat of the San Jose scale was in the
northern and northwestern oart of
China. Here also the ladybird nourishes
and is known as the deadly enemy of
the scale. Hence when imported to
America, the beetle immediately at
tacked the scale from instinct.
Clark ton.
The new and attractive addition lying
east of the Strwiahnn addition is now
platted into lots and small acreage and
placed on the market. This handsome
oca t ion for little homes is set to straw
berries, and purchasers now get the
benefit of fnll crop of berries this season.
Home-seekers should take early advan
tage of this opportunity to secure desir
able lots and acreage tracts, as this sea
son's berry crop will half pay for your
nome. ueo. v. uuioertson s Co.. gen
eral agents, will furnish all information.
President Rooserelt at Portland.
For the above occasion O. R. A N. Co.
will sell round trip tickets to Portland,
trains 3 and 5, May 21, at one fare for
the round trip $1.90; good returning,
May 22, iwi. thildren between 5 and
12 years of age, 95 cents. E. VV. Quarles,
Signs of Spring.
The days are growing lon?en
You It I Ui soft south brerse;
The bens bla to cackle;
The doc I full of ilea.
The birds sre cslllog softly.
In cadw low and -Wfri;
Tb ground bog's sleep Ik over.
The flisbtng can't be beat.
The little yellow crocus
Kprings from II wintry bed;
Tbe lamb bleats In the meadow;
The calf bawls In the shed.
The spicy scent of woodland
Kills the qulverinr air;
Tbe mud Is deep and spongy;
Tbe gray borse sheds bis hair.
Tbe mingled sounds of nature
Kali on tbe listening ear;
The fn croaks in the meadow;
You bet that spring is here.
Alton Telegraph.
New Shoe
On Second street, between Htate and Oak
streets; second door from post office: opposite
Utewart's furniture store. Repairing neatly
and quickly done. JOHN COWLEY,
a24 Proprietor.
L. C. Ilaynes
James r'. DeBoid
The place to get an easy shave, an
up-to-date hair cut. and to enjoy tbe
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
and Builder.
Plans furnished and Estimates given
on Buildings. Juyl
The Dalles, Oregon,
Agents for the Celebrated
Smith Grubbing Machines.
We also carry the best Steel Wire Cable for Stump Pulling; Rope
Shortened; Snatch Blocks; Grubbing Hooks and extra Rope Hooks.
Write for Prices.
J. T. HOLM AN, Prop.,
Keeps on hand all kinds of meat and vegrta
bles of best quality. We aim to give satlsfac
tion with every sale of goods, t ree delivery
On the Mount Hood road, South
of town, keeps constantly on band
the best quality of
Hay, Grain and Feed,
At Lowest Prices.
d22 D. F. LAMAR, Prop.
and Builder.
st-Pi.ans Ann Estimates FrBWisHEP-ys
New License,
Manufactured In Hood River by A. White
head. A belter cigar than is obtainable else
where for the money.
and Builder
Plans ano Estimates FramsHgD.
S. H. COX.
Barber Shop,
On the Hill,
S. C. JACKSON, Proprietor. Will
do picture framing in connection. Room
moldings and all kinds of picture and window
glass constantly on hand. Call and see sam
ples of wall paper. Phone S8.
Iwaler tn Bicycles, Poes repair work, etc.
Free Delivery. Phone 671.
Hood River, Or.,
Groceries, Fruits and Wood.
Real Estate Dealer,
Has Lands of all kinds in Hood River valley for
sale at from $5 an acre up to $400. Strawberry
land, apple land, Meadow land and Timber lands.
Also, Town Lots and Blocks.
. See Him for Bargains.
' We respectfully announce to the public that we have for tbe
coming planting seasons a fine lot of trees of all kinds.
Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Orders are now being booked as received and varieties furnished
as long as they last. This season will witness larger plantings of
single sorts than any in tbe history of this valley, and to get what
you want will necessitate early orders.
We would also state that we are prepared to furnish for next
season's planting any number and ANY VARIETY. GROWN
Long experience In tbe nursery business enables us to guarantee
Nursery on East Hide, at crossing of Neal creek. Orders solicited.
KAWSON & STANTON, Hood Elver, Or.
I wish to let tbe people of Hood River know that I have the only
Eye Tester on tbe Columbia river between Tbe Dalles and Portland.
Come to me if you rrced spectacles, and bave your eyes tested so
that you can be suited in glasses. If your eyes are not both tbe
same, it Is sometimes necessary to bave lenses ground, cylindrical
and spherical. I bave all my lenses ground by the very best opti
cal company In America. They never fail to give satisfaction. And
I can sell them for leas tban half what you would pay in Portland,
as my expenses are small. I bave ft way of fixing rimless lenses
that is my secret, by which they are not easily broken. For com
pound stigniat ism no one can be suited with lenses unless their
eyes are treated by a regular eye-teting Instrument, same as I have
iu my store. H. TEMPLE-