The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1903, Image 2

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food Iftver Slacier.
The Davidson Fruit company, as
stated in another column, hag estimated
the coming reason's strawberry crop at
109,175 crates. These figures are al
most startling. The earlier estimates
were between 80,000 and 90,000 crates,
but these numbers are now exceeded by
40,000 crates, but 17,000 less than the
totl crop for 1902. Mr. Davidson says
the prospects for berries was never bet
ter. The strawberry plants in all parts
of the valley look vigorous and thrifty,
and give every promise of an abundant
yield. By use of fertilizers last fall the
plants this spring have been made to
look as green and healthy as one-year-oldj.
With such a large crop it is im
perative that the growers use more than
ordinary care in putting their fruit on
the market, and to see that no
inferior fruit is sent out which
will have a tendency to demoralize the
markets. This matter will be watched
closer than ever by the shipping con
cerus, and every effort made to ship
only first-class fruit in a first-class
The glory of Niagara is departing.
The big drain upon this magnificent
waterfall for electric power Is fast de
pleting the volume of water that has
for ages been one of the grandest sights
iu nature. D. W. Welch, the original
promoter of the Niagara Falls Power
company, recently said: "Enough ap
plications are In Albany now for per
mission to build and operate power
plants to take water from Niagara river
to reduce the flow over the falls one
fifth. The Chicago drainage canal is
carrying a great volume of water down
wards towards the Mississippi, divert
ing it from the falls. The Canadian
government is granting franchises to
companies to use the water as fast as
we are on this side. Steps should be
taken to restrict the number of con
cerns allowed to use the water of the
river, or it will not be long before our
grand cataract will be gone."
' R. H. Webei of The Dalles, fruit com
missioner for the fourth district, in his
report to the state board of horticulture
says: "All varieties of trees have win
tered well in this district, and the pros
pect tor a good crop of all kinds of fruit
is better than it has been for some years.
The earlier sorts, such as peaches, ap
ricots, nectarines, are in full bloom, and
while there is yet some danger from late
frosts, the season is fast advancing and
the danger is steadily diminishing."
Mr. Weber informs the Chronicle that
he does not place much credence in the
reports of injury to fruit by the frosts of
last week. He has never known a late
spring like we are having this year to
be other than beneficial to fruit.
The Prison Mirror, published at the
Minnesota penitentiary, says: "Why is
it that from the first inception of our
paper until the present time we have
never had an editor to sojourn in our
midst? Other professions have been
well represented. Of preachers we have
had enough to furnish subsistence to
an African chief for a year; doctors in
sufficient numbers to depopulate a
state, and enough lawyers to establish
a good-sized colony in hades. But ed
Itors not one.
Under the provisions of a law passed
by the last legislature and now in force,
it is unlawful to kill, catch or have in
your possession, living or dead, any wild
bird other than game birds. The act
prescribes what shall be considered
game birds and exempts crows, bluejays,
horned owls, butcher birds and magpies
from the list of those which it is unlaw
ful to kill. The law also applies to
the nests and eggs of such wild birds,
and violations of the law are punishable
Dy ones ot not less than $5 nor more
than $100.
The semi-aunual statement of the
financial condition of Sherman county
has been published. The statement
shows the county to, be in good condi
tion, there being more than $35,000
casli on hand over and above liabil
ities. This is a good showing. Sher
man county, cut off from Wasou, set
up in business for herself about fifteen
years ago.
The editor of a small country paper
recently stated that he had been kissed
by one of the most beautiful married
women In town. He promised to tell
her name in the first issue of his paper
the next month. In two weeks the
circulation of his paper doubled. But
when he gave the name of his wife he
had to leave town.
White Salmon is to have a newspa
per. The White Salmon Enterprise,
under the editorial management of
Colonel Thomas Harlan, will issue Its
initial number May 9. The people of
hite Halmon are to be congratulated.
Nothing tends to build up aud make a
section of country kuown like a news
The scab, or mange, is affecting horses
in Urass valley, bherman county.
Church Notices.
Cnnrre(Tfttlonat rltnn.K T
J. L
Hershner, pastor. Worship with preach
ing v ii a. in. j. ij. service at i :m
m 1.....1... k i..:-- ii. ii
"., ..nee Aivuia jiuauiev. pun-
day school at 10 a.m. with A. C. Staten,
superintendent. Jim week meeting
Thursday at 7:30. Service at J
Grove at 3:30 A cordial invitation
ail to attend these services.
Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at
Pine Grove next 3:30 o'clock.
J.W. Jenkins will preach at the Union
church, Sunday, at 3 p. in.
Valley Christian Church. J. W. Jen
kins, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. En
deavor meeting 7 p. m. Morning sub
ject: "The Field and the Forces." Even
ing subject: "Christianity's Creed." A
cordial invitation is extended to all
not worshiping elsewhere.
Unitarian services at A. 0. U. W.hall,
Knndav Anrinfti- at 1 1 A. 111., bv KeV
W. U. Eliot. Sunjectoi sermon, iub
Facte about the Bible." Sunday school
at 10 a. m.
Christian Tabernacle Sunday school
at 2:30 p.m. A. B. Cash, superintend
ent Preaching May 3, at 3:30 by Rev.
J. W, Jenkins.
Thn Ida IT R church next
Sunday evening will begin at 8 o'clock
instead of 7 :30 as heretofore.
M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Spaulding,
pastor. Sundav School at 10. Preach-
ing services si ii . m. . p.
Junior Leaizue at 3 Enworth League at
6:30 p. m. Sunday, and E. L. prayer
meeting Tuesday evening at 7 :30. Gen
eral prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7 :30. The public is cordially invited.
Pnninninif villi Mi t . Kunrlav even
ing, Pastor H. C. Shaffer of the United
lirethren church will deliver a series
of sermons from the text, "For there
shall arise false CbriBts, and false
prophets, and shall shew great signs
and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
nrewihle. thev shall deceive he very
elect." Matt. xiv., 24. Subjects:
April 19 Theosopuy.
April 26 Christian Science.
May 8 Morraoniam.
May 10 Unitarlanisui.
May 17 Salvation by Lodges.
May 24 Demo-Republican Worship.
May 81 Nominal Church Member
All bills for material, rendered by oi since
the lth of March, are payable lo our niocetts-
ore, ine Mount tiooa L-nmoer uomnany.
LAjni IjAKL I ; i j -vi n r. L
By Wm. F. Davidson, President.
Seed Potatoes.
Late Hose Heed Potatoes for sale by
H, If. Cot place. East Side. m!4
Heavy Horse for Sale.
or will traae lor uuu pouna nurse or num.
Sine-le Buggy
And double light harness fur utile cheap.
Jersey Cow for Sale.
A nice Jersey cow
call weeks old; price ji
For sale by
Customers tor 800 loads of tie ends nd lum
ber trlmminira. at SI Der load lu the yard.
, CO.
Your vard bv Dlanttnf some of the following.
Ever see such prices: California Privet, for
hedge, at am box Kiaer imapie), nw snaue.o
fL at fin: Virginia Creeper (Am. ivy. for
porch, at 5c; choice roses (monthly, hardy) 1
year, at 2)c. - H. u. if ATEtlAM
Fresh Cows.
Two or th ree fresh cows for sale at River
side Farm, t miles west of town. ,
mis J. W. MORTON.
. Wanted.
To engage 10 berry packers.
A good 10-horse Steam Boiler. Inquire of
To buy twoor three good fresh milk cows
other than Jerseys. Aauress wm. Lr-iiz.,
a23 Lyle, Wash,
Water & Light Notice
All water and light bills are payable at the
Hood River Electric Light, Power and Water
Co.'s oillce from the 1st to the 10th of the
month. In advance.
o31tf N. C. EVANS, Manager,
A man to make good money for himself In
the next few weeks. A man who understands
pruning fruit trees preferred. Call at
Buggy for Sale.
A second-baud buggy for Hale CHKAP. Ap
ply to irzi n.. n. rrv vy iin.
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my snop on me stu tiooa rouu, soma oi town.
Hood work at reasonable prices.
seplT O. A. HOWELL.
Cemetery Notice.
Having been appointed sexton of Idlewllde
cemetery, I wish to give notice that I will at
tend to seeding and caring for lots. Persons
desiring work aone snoaia leave wora witn
me at once. F. H. BLAQQ.
For Sale.
Horse, harness and wagon. X high-back
chairs, one rocker, one bedstead, spring and
msltress, a dresser and commode, and oilier
articles, sucn as loom, sloven, etc.
a24 F. W. LOS5IER, Booth Hill,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April
14, 1908. Notice is hereby given that ine fol-lowlnff-namad
settler hiut Hied notice of hln
intention to commute and make final proof
in support oi nis claim, ana mat saia prooi
will be made before Geo. T. Prather, u. H.
I'ommiKMoner. at tiooa Kiver, Oregon, on
r nuay, May of, vis:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. 10,017, for
lomv, iu, loanu is, section d,iownsnipinurtu
ranee 10 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
P. 8. pavldson, F. C. Broslus, F. B. Barnes
and c. W. Murphy, all of Hood River,
afflma MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 14,
1903. Notice is hereby given that the follow.
Ing-named settler has filed notioa of bis Inten
tion to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
vnguu, un nmuruHy, j une o. ihui, via;
of Mosler, Oiegou, H. E. No. 68HI, for the west
k southwest M. southeast V southwest V and
southwest H southeast section .15, township
2 north, rauge 11 east, W. Ii.
He names t he following witnesses to prove
in. voiiiiuumiH resilience upon ana cultiva
tion of said lund, viz:
William Davis, Peter Hennlngsen and
C. K Davidson, all of Mosler, Or., and Ralph
Doyle of The Dalles, Or.
sMmM M 1CHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April
... ipw, iiuiiw in Hcroujr given umi Hie
following-named settler has filed notice of her
Intention to ooramule and make final proof In
support of ber claim, and that said proof
wm ue niaae or lore ueo. i. rratner, u. o.
Commissioner, at Hood River. Oregon, on
Monday, J une 1, 1HUI, vis:
of Hood Rlrer, Oregon. H. E. No. BSS, for the
northeast section 38, township north,
range east, W. M.
Hlie names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and Cultiva
tion of said land, vls:
CharHie J. Hayea, UlyaseaO. Dyer, Henry C.
Baleham and Kva Mr klaxon, all of Hood
m Register.
Wind Mills
Galv. Tank.
Iron Pipe.
Write for catalogue of Aer
motor goods.
Alaier & Schanno,
The Dalles, Or.
2 pairs to each person'. A
U Li
Phone 711.
Early Rose Potatoes
or sale at sum per im ros, m my limit-, ur
will deliver in town.
Also, flllim r.tuiy riif
tune Potatoes.
h. a. hack nrr.
For Sale.
A8-seated back, almost good as new; one
double hack harness and one sot light har
ness; both In good condition.
m H. W. WAIT.
Kodak Outfit and Stove
FOR BALK. Kodac, bu'nlsher, trays, plate
holders, printing frmne, ruby lamp, plates,
solio. Also, a small alr-tlght heater.
Team Work.
I now have a team license and csn do plow
ing In town lota or hauling or any kind in
the city. Call me by phone X4.
Am also prepared to do wood sawing in the
country with my steam saw. I would like to
have neighbors club together and call on me
when they have enough to pay for hauling
out and setting op the saw. It will be chenp-
er for them.
Work Horse for Sale.
Hood work horse for sale cheap; 8 years old;
weight about im H. K EBY,
ni7 Kast Belmont.
A nice lot of Burbauk seed potatoes for sale
As the National Homeseekers' Association
would like to place tiny 1UJ0 contract In
Hood River in the next sixty days, parties
wishing money to purchase homes, farms, or
build houses at the lowest rate of lnterestever
beard of in the West, should consult
J. W. RIOBY, Agent.
Persons carrying heavy mortgages csn re
lieve themselves at a very low rain of Interest.
Work Horse for Sale.
Weight about 1200 pounds. Inquire at this
office, or to G. W. CA VEK.H,
i'j miles out, neanKIng s place. West lde.
Jersey Cow for Sale.
An Al Jerse, cow for sale by
Top Grafting.
1 am prepared to do lop grafting of fruit
trees. Have had 45 years' exjerience In nur
sery business and can be of good service'to
fruit growers. I can give the correct name of
any iruit tree, mere are many trees in riooa
River that .have proved not true to name.
Don't wait until your trees come Into bearing
fo prove their name, but call ou or address
am J. W. KIRKWOOD, Hood River.
Hay for Sale.
O. H. Rhoades has 20 ton of wheat hay for
sale at the L. 8. Rlioades place, east of Odell,
Strawbery Plants.
A fine lot of strawberry plants for sale.
a2 . H. C. HENOHT.
Timber Land Wanted.
If you have timber land. In the vicinity of
Ml. Defiance, for sale, send full description of
location ana price in ., en re .or uiaciwr.
Furnished Rooms.
Three farntehed room to let. Inquire at
meuinner omw, marzu
For Sale.
Good set single harness. Ho been In nse
aooui a year. Apply to k. b. hiiadlky.
Strawberry Plants
For Hale. Five thousand fine plHnts at my
place two miles west of Hood River, on state
road. a; c. K. WOOLMHY
Cows for Sale.
Two cows, one fresh: the other will be fresh
In about six weeks. For sale by
Hens for Sale.
A number of thoroughbred White Leghorn
hens tor sale for a short time at nO cents eaca.
Phone Suburban 5(M.
Milk for Sale.
Best Jersey cows, from Kansas; fed on corn
chop. Rest and richest milk In Uiwn, deliv
ered. Leave orders at Pearl Restaurant or by
phone at Dr. Adams. II. J. TREIBER.
"For Sale 5 Acres.
Near Belmont; family orchard; J acres In
straa berries, clover, timothy, Krapes, etc. For
particulars apply on premises.
Closing Out
Ladies' Dress Goods,
ladies' Underwear,
Men's Shirts,
ladies' and Children's Hose,
Shirt Waists,
German Sox,
Men's Hats,
And dozens of other articles usually carried in a general store
We mean Business!
Intend to Retire. Outside business De
mands Our Attention.
We are now working fiir you. You can have all the profit. We are paying expenses out of capital.
No profit to us iu these good. Our prices will env!uce you. There is good substantial ChrteimM
I'"" ,or "y no. woman
Owing to thegreat number of oalln we have had for Boys'
Clothing we have milled this line to our stock, and hereafter those
contemplating anything in this department will find it greatly to
their advantage to give us a call. Our prices will always be
found the lowest.
Be sure to see the Boys'. TW0-Piece Suits we are offering
for $1. We are not going to give yon some little prize with each
suit, but we are going to give .you the best goods for the least
money. . '
SATURDAY morning, from 8 a. m. until 12 m., we will sell
you a first-class LADIES' SEAMLESS HOSE, fast black.double
heel and toe a hose that cannot be bought anywhere lor less
than 10c a riair our special price, fin a pair. Not more than
I J. J.
chance you should not miss.
The Leaders of Low
' worcs Ton
Come and see Our Goods
and get our prices. They will please you. We
have a nice line of
Ladies' Waists from 50c to $6.50.
Also, a beautiful line of men's and children's
Straw and Canvas
Hats from 10c to $2.25,
As well as a big line of Fur Hats from $1.50 up to
a $5 Stetson, in all shapes and colors.
In Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries, you can
do no better than at
R. B. BRAGG & CO.'S.
City Blacksmith Shop, j. It. Nickelsen,Prop.
General Blacksmithing.
Horse Shoeing and
Dealer in Blacksmith and
Complete line of Syracuse
! Farm Implements
Cor. 4th and Columbia.
Meats and Fruits.
Our supply of fresh meats is always
Sirloin Steaks at 15c per lb., and otber
us for CbickdiB for Sunday or week
Creamery Butter none better in market.
We will Meet all Honorable Competition.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a first-class turnout call on the
We Have
Bed Spreads,
Children's Underwear,
Shoes for everybody,
Children's Suits,
House lining,
Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons,
Cow Bells,
Rubber Boots,
and child In the Talley in our store at
bone & Mcdonald.
, -
' .
New Idea Patterns
Any Puttprn
t taste our
Wagon Wood Work
Wagon Makers' Supplies
Agency for Milburn Wag- .
ons, Carriages & Buggies.
'Phone 24
the beat the market affords. We sell
choice meats at lowest prices. Call on
day dinners. We handle the Ilillwood
factory prices.
Sale !
Timber Land, Act June 3. 18T8.1
United States Land Office. Vancouver,
that i'n compliance wltli the irovliilon .ol
tneacl or cow?reiM oi jhiib , ""'. ""'",7"
An act for the ttle of timber lanil In tle
Kll of California, Oregon. Key.
Wiwlilnxton Territory," mwiw "
the public land ihu by art of August 4, itsra,
of Colfax, county of Whitman, mate of Wash
ington, nas tui aay nieu m um "
Worn statement, No. 8125, for the pur
choHe of the wiutliweHt quarter of sec
tion No. 3a, In townsnip Jo. n iiuum,
range No. 11 east, W.M., and will oiler proof
to khow thut the laud nought la more valua
hi r..r u timiuar or atone than for agricul
tural purposes, and tnextabliHh IiIh claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver ol
this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday,
the lftth day of June, lWtl. -
He names as wltnesles: Alexander Cheyne,
Nellie ttleward, Mary C. Cheyne and Robert
fiiaui.M uii nrrjiiniMr. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aoove-aescrioea lancis are i
thelrclaims In this oftloe on or before said ljlb
day of June, W03.
fJrmyl W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
fTlmber Land, Act June 8, 1K78.
United States Land OlBee, Vancouver,
Wash., Feb. 18, 19U1. NotU is hereby given
that In eomiillance with the provisions of the
art of congress of June , 1M78, entitled "An act
lor the sale oi timoer lanus iu mo m
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extenaea to an tne puouc laiiu
states Dy act oi aukusi i, imw,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ol
Oregon, has this day filed Iu this ollice her
sworn statement, No. itlls, for the purchase
of the southeast quarter of section No. 10, lu
township No. a norm, range no. a east, w,
and will offer oroof to show that the lunil
sought la more valuable for lu tlmberor stone
thau for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish ber claim to said laud before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Vanuouver,
Washington, ou Monday, the 8th day ol
June, llKtl.
tthe names as witnesses: Ida Uuswell and
George Uuswell of 1'ortland, Or.; Julia Mu-
Mastersor Vancouver, wasii.j f. Li. liennet
shot of Portland. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims iu this office on or before said
8th day ot June, l'ML
f27myl W. R. DUNBAR. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United Slates Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March 2, luul. Notice Is hereby
given that in compliance witn tne provisions
of the act of congress of June S. 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public lund stales by act of August 4, 1892.
of Northwood, county of Urand Forks, state of
iHorin UHKoui, nas mis uay niea in tins ouice
bis sworn statement, No. 3I.W, for the purchase
of the north half northwest quarter, soul h
eastquarter north westquarter and northwest
quarter nortneast quarter ot secnon no. in
township No. 4 north, range No. 11 east, w. M
and will oiler proof to show Unit the land
ought Is more vuluable for Ita timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim lo said laud before the
Register and Receiver of tins office at Van
couver, Wash., on Tuesday, the Aid day of
June, 1UU8.
He names as witnesses: Oeorge W. Gilmer,
Meiv:n Manley, Charles w. uinner and Will
iam C. Manley, all of Uilmer, Wash.
Anv and all Demons clalinimr adverselv
the above-described lands are requested to Hie
tneir claims in tins ornce on or ueiore saia
2Hdday of June, 1!KH.
maraOmiSi W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
ITlmber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March 2, ltwt. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by actor August 4, lrarc,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stntcof
uregon, nas tins aay niea in tins omce tier
sworn statement, M). U1, lor the purchase oi
the east halt northeast quarter of
section No. 25, In township No. 6 north,
range No. 12 east, W.M., and will offer proof to
show that the lund sought Is more valuable
for IM timber or stone than for agricultural
land before the Register and Receiver of
tnis onice, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Thursday, the 25th day of June, liHM.
She names as witnesses: Untie casto and
Henry Hostetter of Portland, Or.; Ermle
Trough and Herman Kuhnhausen of Olen
wood. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to (lie
their claims in this office ou or before said
2&th day or June, lHui.
maraim22 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land Act June S, 1S78.1
United Stnles Land Office. Vancouver
Wash.. March 2U. HUM. Notice Is herebv alven
that in compliance with the provisions of the
acioi congress ou une .1, ih.h, enutieu "An art
for the sale of timber lands In the stales ol
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory,1' as extended to all the public land
suties uy act oi August i, ushz,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, nas tins aay niea in tins onice Ins
sworn statement No. 3177, fur the purchase
EKSE yt section 23, and N NE ol
section 'in, In township No. 8 north, rangu
No. II east, w. M., and will otter proof to
show that the land sought is more vuluable
lor II timher or stone than for agricultural
fiurposea, ana to esutDiisii ins claim to said
and before the Register aed Receiver of this
office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday,
the 23d day of July, HUM.
He names as witnesses: John L. Henderson
of Hood River, Or.: Andrew H. Richmond and
Homer C. Campbell of Portland, Or.; Frank
Davenport of Hood River, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
nbove-descrlbed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
23d day of July, 11103.
in27mi W. It. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, March 18,
1903. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of Ills In
tentlon to make final proof in
support ofbls claim, and that said proof wll
be made before tieo. T. Prather, 8. U. Com
missioner, at Hood Klver, Oregon, on Sut
day, April 20, 1903, vlr.:
or Mount Hood, Oregon, H. E. No. 0041, for
the lots 3, 4, 5 and I), section 16, township 1
north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said lamL viz:
William S. GriLble, Henrv H. Toinllnson,
Oscar Fredenburg and O. H. Rlioades, all of
Mount Hood, Oregon.
marWit JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco.
Joseph A. Knox, plaint I If, vs. Kaluruh D.
Knox, defendant. Suit lor Divorce.
To Katurah D. Knox, the above named:
In the name of Hie State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the aliove en
titled suit, on or before six weeks from the
2d day of April, 19U3, and If you rail to
answer, the plaintiff above-named will take
judgment against you for waul thereof, and
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for
In the complaint ou file he.-ein, to-w lu That
the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff herein be dissolv
ed and forever annulled, and for general
This summons Is served npon yon by pub
lication thereof once a week lor six co'usecu
tlve weeks, and for seven consecutive Inser
tions, In the Hood River Ulacler, a newsiwiier
ofgeneral circulation, designated as the one
moat likely to give you notice, published
weekly In Wasco county. Slate of Oregon, and
la so served by virtue of an order duly made
and entered herein on the 23d day ol March
A. D. 19U3, bv the Hon. W. 1 llradshaw,
judge of the Circuit court aforesaid. The dale
of said order Is March 2.!, 19U3, and the date
of the first publication of said summons and
tills notice is April x, 1H.
John leland Henderson,
ml , Attorney for Plalnlltr.
Daled.Hood River, Oregon, March 28, DHL
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., March 28,
WW. Notice Is hereby given thst the follow-Ing-naiued
setller has filed notice of hertnlen
lioD to niske final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made before
w. B. Presby, Untied Wales Comuilstiom-r
ftr district of Washington, at his ..trice n
Uoldendaie, Washington, on Friday. May li
A daughter and one otlhe helm of Ellxnbeth
. . . . -, , " "- uiMir . 1 1 ' r.iur V
No. 10192, lor the sw U of N W '.; NW i of
W U and E of W V. of section 24, Iowd-
hh ninu ti, f. .!).. u- . . .
. '"H i'huw h i i tri f
Bereonlinnoua resilience upou andcultiva-
ii,,n . , . t i
livh l''r.n. aT j i. . 1 . .... . 1 I i . .
v.. uvkhmh, nasn.; .-Nora
Llnday, Htnry Jobestou and E.J.olney of
a-hn W. R. DUNR R. ll,l
"For Sale.
For Sale
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lota in SpangU'r's
BiibdiviHion, near cannon house; only
$100 ; terms easy.
4. ltJO acres fine timber, Al land near
White Salmon, on west bank of White
Salmon river, known as the llamre tim
ber claim. About tour miles from Hood
River, for sale cheap.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of HokI Kiver, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; price $1000.
6. The Kopliu place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
7. liarrett-Sipma addition; $100 per
lot: $10 down and $5 per month ; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood Kiver. Trice
21. N. S. E. i, S. N. E. 4 sec.
4, T. 3 N., Ii. 11 E White Salmon; tine
timber laud ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town; fine range; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
solar compass, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age proiierty in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April .), I'Mi,
the rates will be as follows: $7.50 a
day and expenses, or $10 a day if I pay
my own expenses. Lot corners estab
lished for $5 a lot; two contiguous lots
for one owner, the same price.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Rank treasurer.
Fine improved apple farm on the Eatt
Side for sale. $8,000. Terms easy.
Choice Bargains.
Will sell for a short time. part of my
100 acres under the Davenport ditch,
Crapper settlement as follows : 50 acres
north of Ditch creek at $40 an acre;
the 110 south of Dilch creek at $,'!0 an
acre o; any 40 south, . Ditch creek,
being the north line, at $35 an acre.
If the 50 acres north of Ditch creek is
sold, will reserve the 110 acres south and
if the 110 acres south is sold, will re
serve the 50 acres north of Ditch creek.
Will not sell all.
For Sale The Howell cottage and 3
acres, east of Mrs. Alma Howe's, for 5
days, at $l,f00, After 5 days, $1,900.
The Geo. "Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
Corner lot in front of school house.
$300. '
100 acres, house and garden patch,
on the corner 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $J00.
For Lease or Sale A fine improved
farm, property of J. L. Henderson, 30
acres in cultivation; 5 in bearing or
chard. Free irrigating water. If leased
will take pay in work. Party securing
the lease must be man of family and
bring recommendations.
For SaleThe N. 40 acres and the
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lvman Smith's.
Free irrigating water for "the lower 40.
Price $5,400 for the two tracts if sold to
gether. If sold separately, $2,750 for
the 40; at least $500 down', balance on
5. years time at 7 per cent interest.
Subject to McCuistion's lease. This 20
has six acres in apples and cherries just
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries between the rows of fruit trees
Price of the 40, $2,750.
For Sale or Kxchange A beautiful lot
208x1700 feet, On the gulf of Mexico in
Mississippi, (S5 miles from New Orleans,
on the L. & N. It. R., in town of Pass
Christian. The land is sandy and cli
mate healthful. Beautiful trees, shell
road, white ocean beach, bathing nine
months in the year. Owned by the
Hendersons for 70 years. Inquire of
John Iceland Henderson. Unimproved.
For Sale Thirteen acres in Wind
River, at Carson, quarter of a mile from
school, partly cleared; $450. Terms easy
Five acres at Frankton, known as the
Charley Rogers' place; house, barn and
plenty of free water. Price, $1,050.
Terms easy. House and garden for rent
by the month at $5.00 a month.
Persons who have made desert land
entries and have abandoned the same
may get their money refunded. Persons
who have made stone ami timber entries,
which entriea have been suspended by
the government, may have their entries
completed and get titles to their lands
by conferring wi th John Leland Hender
son, attorney, Hood River.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver
Wash., Feb. 21, 1R Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S. entitled
"An act for the sale of liuiber lunds lu the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington territory," as extended to all the
Public Lund suite by act of August! I8lf
of Astoria, county of ClaUop, stato of
Oregon, has this day filed In tins office his
sworn statement, No. 812-1, for the purchase of
the northwest of section No. Hi in town
ship No. S north, range No. 12 east, w. M , and
will oiler proof to show that the land souglit
Is more valuable for ittliutar or stone tliau
lor agrlcultuial purposes, and to esiahllsh his
claim to said land before Hie Register and
Receiver ol Oils ollice at Vancouver, W sh. on
luesday, theliith day of June, pmi.
He names as witnesses: V in. A. McNaugh
t."D ,"' SuinpiL-r, -or.; Nelson Anderson of
J uldaP. o., Wash.; George Si Iva aud Joseph
Silva of Lyle, Wash. '
Any and all persous claiming adversely the
alsive described lands are requested to tile
thelrclaims In tbisoidce on or before said
Itiih day of June, Imu.
J?'nyl W. R. DUXHAR. Register.
1 al't Energetia and Enthusiastic men
and women, ouog or old, for local and tntv
eling Agency. W give splendid terms. En
close aeii-Mddresseii, stania-d envelope.
W. A. COlt YEA, tieneral Agent. i
Jn'? Tliejiallea, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Nonce Is hereby given that the County
Court of Hie slate of Oregon for Wasco count v
has regularly appiinted the undersigned aii
niinisiralorof tiie estate of John W. Murphy,
deceased. All persons having claims against
sal elate are hereby notified to present the
same to the said administrator, with the
proper vouchers hisofflee In Hixal
Klver, Oregon, on or before six months from
tlienateol this notice.
Oau-d at Hood River, Oregon, this Stb day
of April, I'm. '
Homestead' EightsT-
Perwon mho have not used uieir hums.
ead rights and want la rm land In a wheal
country should c: nie at once.
T. V. TWEEDY, Hood River, Or.
power. lUeelia. - c. CUE.