' n n ri n n r r Illi w - . i ! ' 1 1 I baiiMi r-fiil Liwidi '"-frfi' imia& grOTr j p ri n r iO- iO. i Hi II i)fi i it yfl If w r? n n rlr lf) I? uu u u mm u u Packers and Shippers Of Hood River's Famous Fruits. In this line of business we have been eminently successful, shipping each year more from Hood Riy-', J , er than all others combined. , . AA'e spend a large amount of money annually in advertising our brand, of Hood River Fruit, which is well known in most of the states of the Union, Alaska, Siberia, Japan, China and Great Britain. As to the results, Ask our customers. They know how the returns compare with other ways of disposing of their crops. AVe are in business all the year round, and are in a position to give our patrons many advan-, , , THE POMONA. tages. ' 'HmS" rimy" Wagons, Buggies and Carts. Studebaker, Farm AA'ngons, Berry AA'agons, Delivery AA'agons, Passenger AA'agons, Buggies and Tarts. ' Some styles especially adapted to Fruit Growers, . A'e also sell Harness. . We have them in stock by the Car load. Come and take your choice. J ru--: Qould Line of Spray Pumps. The Bordeaux. . " ' ;y The Fruitall. .1'. The Sentinel Jr. The Pomona. . ' These pumps have displaced almost all others in Hood River Valley. We' have extra nozzles, hose, etc. ; .. , 'i. :4 i';- 1 1 S t?i 4 'i BOX FACTORY. - AVe have a well equipped plant with capacity enough to manufacture four times the present re quirements of Hood River Valley. We ask you to patronize a thoroughly home institution and get the best of crates and boxes at as low a price as is named anywhere, and lower than in most places. There are other reasons why you should buy our crates. Ask about it, f 2 Headquarters for Utah Land Plaster, ' POTASH, NITEATE OF SODA, Phosphoric Acid and General Fertilizers. - 531 P. & 0. Canton Line. Chilled Plows," Steel Plows and Side Hill Plows in variety. Spring Tooth Harrows, Orchard Cultivators, One-horse Cultivators, All of the latest and best models. Planet Jr, Iron Age "and other Garden Toos. AAre carry attachments and repairs for the above lines of implements. s r.- Come and See the New Kimball Orchard Cultivator, Pulverizer and Weed Killer. CANNERY DEPARTMENT. Preparations have been made to do a largely in creased business this season. AA'e can use all the suitable Berries, Cherries, Peaches, Pears and To matoes that you bring to us, and we are willing to contract for the same. AA'e desire to see less of cull apples shipped away in boxes, so we have arranged to operate a mod ern Cider and Vinegar Factory. We Can Use Them All. Mi Our lew Waaon and ImDlement Warehouse.