The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 13, 1903, Image 5

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Are now on display in exclusive Pat
tern. Lengths of 6 to 7 yards. No
two pieces alike. London Twines, Si
cilians, Lusterines, Etamines, - Snow
Flake Chevoits, Veilings, Albatross,
Armuires, etc:, etc., and many staple
and fancy weaves, which lack of space
will not permit us to mention.
We Are Ready for Easter.
Embroideries, Medallions, green and
white. White Goods of every descrip
tion, India Linens, Mainsooks, Victoria
Lawns, Dimities, Swiss dotted or plain
Apron Lawn, 48 inches, long cloth,
special piece price. . "
Persian. Lawns, Organdies, 72 inch;
Art Denims, Lace Curtains, Curtain
Swiss, Silkalenes,- etc., etc.
EaMt bound
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:60 a. m.
No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:27 p. m.
No. , Mail Hint Express, 110:46 p. m.
No. 21, Way Freight, 8:4ft p. m.
No. 22. Fast Freight, 3:45 a, in.
WeHt bound
No. I, Portland Hpeelnl, 2:05 p. m.
No. 3, Portland h Iyer, 5:07 a. ni.
No. 5, Mull and Express, 7:40 a. m.
No. 2:1, Way Freight, 8:to a. m.
No. 21, Fast Freight, 11:H0 p. m.
(let Bartmesa' prices on shingles.
Flour and feed at Spot Cash Grocery.
It will pay you to get Bart mess prices
on building material.,,
Loors and windows Bart.mess has
the most complete stock in town.
Fetch Portland quotations on house
furnishings to Hardness and save freight.
Home pack of salt Balmon, none bet
ter, at Spot Cash Grocery.
We will guarantee our creamery but
ter to give satisfaction or money re
funded. Hood Kiver Commercial Co.
We wish to announce our Centennial Saturday Sur
. prise Sale for Saturday, March 21. This will be a
mile-stone in our business, and we -want to make
the day one that will be remembered by our many
friends and patrons, so we have arranged an hour
ly sale, which will be filled full of money-saving mo
ments. Below is the time card for the sale:
9 a. in. to 10 Toweling.
10 to 11 Tinware.
11 to 12 Brushes.
12 to 1 Hosiery.
1 to 2 Child's Underwear
2 to 3 Wash goods.
A 4- e- F 1Jl
we will se!
j ! 1T1 p-reen
Cart to the person making the highest bid for it -
.during the day, no matter what the price bid. is;
regular price of the go-cart is $10. . , .
I orlikc' Cl5.fc A few very fine garments
L,UUICr OKirtr at less than you could .
buy the material for; you'd letter come early, they
won't last long.
Laundry Soap bars, free dress pat
terns for the wrapiers, per bar 4c; Hoe Handles,
15c; Shovel Handles, 23; Ax Handles, 14c; Cross
Cut Saw Handles, 40c pair; Hatchet Handles, 10c;
Toilet Paper, 8c; Parlor Matches, 4c; Feather Dust
ers, 10e; Wall Paper Cleaner, a new preparation
that will effectually clean the paper without injur
ing the colors; you won't have to repaper your
room if you use'this; per can, 20c; Intwct Powder,
loc; Powder Guns, 8c; Carpet Beaters, 15c; Carpet
Stretchers, 10c; Tack Hammers, 8c; Caqiet Tacks,
20c lb; Hat and Coat Hacks, 20c; Wall Mirrors,23c;
Comb and Brush Cases, 10c; Hand Lamps com
plete, 25c; Tar Soap, 3e cake; Turkish Towels, 8c;
Wire Hair Brushes, 1 5e; Clothes Brushes, 1 5c.
U., 'II worth vour while to look over our
WI 1 1 DC ld next wivk"; there'll be fun in it.
The Busy Store,
Always Up to Date.
$6, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $15
and $18.
rect styles.
price, which is 20 per cent under Port
land prices for same goods. We show
the stock and make everything fit, slim
or stout. 34 or 46, we have them, and
you cannot be disappointed in fit, as we
don't believe in the "Take your meas
ure and send" system. Our experience
has taught us that at least one-half the
orders are not up to expectations, hence
customers are dissatisfied and trade
So; we keep the best Custom-made
Clothing, and.carry enough stock so we
can please any one.
It costs you nothing to look.
Yours truly,
Milk for Sale by Mrs. J. E.Hanna,
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
4 Livery Co.
Koberg'g butter 65c at McGuire Bros.
Home made saner kraut at Spot Cash
Bottom prices on doors and windows
at tsartmess .
Try the new bulk pickles at Hartley's,
both sweet and sour.
For Rent The Langille house store
ro( m, Inquire ol phone 151.
No. 1 timothy hay for sale at the Spot
Cash, brocery.
Wanted 6 to 10 acres grubbed. ,B
R. Tucker. . ...
Buckwheat flour and maple syrurrat
bpot Lash Urocery.
At present we can use a few nice
chickens. Hood River Commercial Co.
Dressed chix for your Sunday dinner,
at lioou Kiver Commercial Co.
Bring your eggs and butter to Hood
Kiver Commmercial Company. f
Uo to McUuire s lor prepared mince
meat. None better.
3 to 4 Lamps. '
4 to 5 Home goods.
5 to 6 Toilet articles.
6 to 7 Waist ings. .
7 to 8 Neckwear.
8 to 0 Men's Shirts.
a rubber-tired,reed body,
upholstered, reclining Go-
Ready for Easter.
Eight construction, right linings, cor
Everything rijrht but the
Paradise sodas at Hartley's.
Wanted A work horse. Apply to
Mrs. N. C. Evans.
A full supply of Utah Land Flaster
now on hand. Davidson Fruit Co.
Fresh celery and lettuce at Hartley's.
, Mrs. Anna Flagg has been quite sick
of late with heart trouble.
Assessor Woodcock has appointed Lee
Morse as his deputy for Hood Kiver,
Hon. . L. Smith has copies of the
report of the state board of horticulture
for distribution.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. sold to Joe
Wilson, last week, a 40 acre trad known
as the Lockwood. tract. - , L
L. II. Richmond is building a shoe
shop lor John Cowley on the lot adjoin
ing Treat & Huckabay's store.
The woman's allianeenf the Unitarian
church will meet this Friday evening
at 2 o'clock at Mrs. Atterbury's.
Until April 1 we will be at C. L.
Rogers' office for the purpose of settling
accounts. a, b. hlowers s son.
Household furniture for Sale. Ex
pecting to go East, I wish to sell at pri
vate sale my household turniture, con
sisting of piano, sewing machine, stoves,
carpets, dishes, etc. Please call ud
stairs at the depot. - Mas. A. N. Hoar.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. sold one
more of those fine resident lots in the
Coe addition to E. A, Soule of Ilwaco,
Wash. This is the second lot sold to
the same party within the past week.
Mr. Soule has gone to Ilwaco for his
family and will return soon to make his
hpme in Hood Itiver.
Dr. and Mrs. M.'F. Shaw arrived in
Hood Kiver last Thursday from Ash
land. They aro stopping at the Glen-
wood for the present and later will move
to their permanent home at Mount
Hood. The doctor will make extensive
improvements on his house before mov-.
ing into it.
Jim Lanaille returned to Hood River
last Thursday after spending the winter
in California. He spent two months in
San Francisco and the balance of the
time he was prospecting in the moun
tain mining districts. It is hard
to keep Jim away from the mountains.
He returns in good health.
Tom Pierce, whodied at Viento March
4, was well known in Hood River, where
fie leaves five children frank, Arthur
and Walter Pierce, M rs. May Jones and
Lilian Fierce, lorn Fierce was born
and raised in Louisiana. He was a sol
dier in the Confedsrate army and be
longed to the Louisiana Tigers. He
was in the battle ot liull Kun and also
in the famous charge of Pickett's di
vision at Uettysburg.
II. W. Wait had a cow for sale and
advertised in the Glacier. The cow was
soon sold, but the little ad is still doing
business at the old stand, although it
has been dropped out of our columns.
People keep coming to see the cow, and
he is accosted on every turn and asked
about that cow he has for sale. The
best thing Mr. Wait can do now is to
advertise that he sold the cow. A little
ad like that w ill cost him only 25 cents
for four weeks.
Nob hill grocer are getting ready for
the strawberry season. J. H. Gill has a
team and nice new wagon with which
he delivers goods. Ilulman & 8on have
put new capital into, their meat market
and propose, to keep up with the pro
cession. H. M. Abbott has just com
pleted an office room on the south side
of hia store and has given the whole
building a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Gill
has added wareroom, which gives him
more room in his store.
"One drawback to The Dalles during
the advent of homeseekers to the city,
says The Dalles Chronicle, "is the lack
of suitable houses to rent. While there
are a number of medium-sized houses,
it is next to impossible to find desir
able plai-e for a large family to move
into." This plaint is more than appli
cable to Hood Kiver. There is today
not a house of any site or condition to
be had in the town. We know of sev
eral families scouring the town over for
some place to move into. We know of
some instance w here stables have been
made to serve for temporary habitations.
Unless all signs fail, Hood River will
have an inllux of houieeeekerw this
spring, and something: should be done
to provide houses for them to live in.
sPrins Millinery Opening
Saturday, March 21.
Our Pattern Hats, Street Hats and Trimmings
include all of the desirable new styles and many of
the latest novelties.
Every lady is cordially invited to attend the
Street Hats,. Veilings and Trimmings suitable -for
early spring wear ARE NOW ON SALE.
$1.00 Sorosis Gloves $1.00
Every lady's favorite. Why? Because they
give you better satisfaction than the average glove
at $1.50. You may wish to know how so good a
glove can be sold at $1. Come and see them, and
we will tell you how it's done.
Just Arrived K-Toe Hosiery Just Arrived
For men, women and children. K-Toe stands for
the best wearing qualities, best fit and finest for
the smallest price.
Remember, this is new, first quality stock from
the factory, no seconds nor job lots. Ladies pay
more attention' td quality of hosiery than men,and
are therefore better judges, so we especially request
every lady to inspect the K-Toe.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. sold last
Monday the 84-acre tract of O. D. Board
man's at Willow Flat to D. L. Davidson,
recently from Illinois. Mr. Davidson
will clear up the land at at early date,
plant it to fruit most largely, and make
it hie future home. Mr. Davidson is to
be congratulated upon securing so choice
and favorably situated a piece of land
lor iruit culture. ,
D. L. Davidson and wife of Decatur,
111., and Jesse Davidson and son Walter.
are new arrivals in Hood River. Mon
day, Jesse Davidson and son Walter.
along with Charley Davidson moved to
willow flat, where thev will build a
dwelling house and later move to Char
lie Davidson's homestead at Mount
The new firm of R. B. Braes & Co..
successors to A. 8. Blowers & Son, will
nave something to say next week in the
space reserved for them in the ad col
umns of the Glacier. All hands in the
store are kept busy now preparing to
open out a big stock of new goods. 8am
Blowers is chief salesman.
Joseph A. Wilson last week bought 40
acres in Odell district for $1,200. He
bought of Warren Lockwood of Port
land. Joe says he intends to camp right
here; that Hood Kiver is good enough
for him; that "people" who are looking
for paradise will not find it here and
possibly not hereafte.-."
B. C. Jackson is offering to business
men ot Hood itiver special rates on wall
paper: 15 per cent oft on o worth or un
der ; 20 per cent off on $10 and over 15 ;
25 tier cent off on all over $10. Wall
and picture molding. Call him by
pnone, jno. aoo, ana lie it ao tne rest.
Lou Tomlinson wears the broadest
smile of any man in town, and be has a
right to, for his wile presented mm with
a fine ten-pound daughter last Friday
morning. Lou's new dignity sits very
becomingly upon him. Ashwood Pros
L. D. Blount will start today for Mor
row county, wnere ne will mane com
mutation proof upon his homestead in
that county. Mr. Blount has been for
tunate enough to secure a good piece of
ouncn grass iana.
J. tl. DeMoss returned Friday from a
visit to his parents at Wasco. While
there he attended the wedding of his
youngest sister, Myrtie B. DeMoss, who
was married to R. M. Brash of Grass
J. W. Confer and wife of Golden City,
Mo., recently arrived in Hood River
and are stopping for the present with
their son-in-law, E. A. Nor toil. They
come to make Hood River their home.
C. G. Metcalf and Mr. Nicholson, for
merly engineers on the Northern Pacific,
have left their engines for good and are
now giving their whole attention to
their strawberry farms at Belmont.
The Davidson Fruit Co. succeeded in
moving the big red barn to its new loca
tion, where it is being fitted up for the
use it will be put to, and the company
now has slathers of storage room.
The Foresters' ball, March 17, bids
fair to be THE great event of the sea
son. Everybody is expected to wear a
sprig of green on St. Patrick's day and
attend the ball in the evening.
F. G. Church is under the doctor's
care suffering from blood poisoning.
Frdm a slight scratch on his little finger
the case was developed, and he has been
a sick man since Saturday.
The DeMoss family are billed to give
a concert in Hood River, March 28, for
the benefit of our public school library
fund. Prepare to give them a rousing
good bouse.
Miss Edyth Gill of Hood River ar
rived in Dufur, March 5, to assist Mr.
Moorhead in conducting meetings at the
M. E. church. Dufur Dispatch.
Supervisor Wood worth is at work with
a force of volunteers and taxpayers
making a good piece of road from Frank
ton school house to Belmont.
' Mrs. A. I Parker has moved np from
Portland and will occupy her country
home. Her son Frank will run the
farm the coming season.
Edgar Holman bought two lots in
Stranahan addition last week. He has
lumber on the ground and will build a
dwelling bouse.
Friday & Barnes sold on Saturday 40
acres belonging to W. H. Sears to E.
Dunbarof Portland ; consideration f 1000.
Mrs. W. J. Parker of Washington, D.
C, arrived Saturday to visit her eidter,
Mrs. U . Blowers.
' C. II. Stranahan was on the sick list
last week and was confined to his bed
part of the time.
Mrs. Bert Lane returned Sunday from
the Locks, where she spent week with
her mother.
A full supply of Utah land plaster
now on hand at the Davidson Fruit Co.
Holman 4 Son have told their har
ness business to newcomers.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Found A lady's bracelet, and left at
this office. . " ' -
St, Mark's guild will meet with Mrs.
Savage neit Wednesday.
Fresh cow and Holetein bull for sale ;
Inquire at Tucker'.
St. Mark's guild will meet Wednesday
March 25, at Mrs. Damble'a.
Are now in stock, and we are showing some nice lines of Silk Tissue, Etamines,
Chambrag Madras, Viole Silks, Madras in stripes and plaids, A. F. C. Ginghams,
Percales and a nice line of Silks, such as all ladies like to look at and wear.
In Novelties,
We can show you nice designs in Stick Pins, Broaches, Waist Sets, Sash Pins,
Waist Bags and locked Stick Pins.
In fact we have tried to make our stock one of the best that we could pur
. chase for the Spring and summer trade, and would invite you to look it over be
fore making your purchases.
Thompson's "glove-fitting" Corsets, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.50.
Cosmopolitan Patterns,
Seam allowance, 10c always; none higher, none lower. -
Our Grocery Stock
Is complete, and goods always fresh and clean.
We have 200 pounds of English Breakfast Tea that we will sell for ten days
only at 25c per pound. Don't miss this chance.
Phone 681.
1 he town is billed for a show next
Monday night, at K. of P. hall, for the
benefit of Waucoma lodge, Knights ' of
Pythias. The romance of "Coon Hol
low, "one of the most thrilling plays ever
written, will be put on the boards bv a
first class company. Reserved seats at
Clarke's drug store.
N. B. Harvey of Milwaukie, Oregon.,
was in the valley recently and put in five
days cutting apple scions for his nur
sery at Milwaukie. He cut his scions in
B. R. Tucker's orchard, where he could
make sure of his varieties and know the
trees had been sprayed.
Ed smith will give a prize dance Fri
day evening. March 20. The best ladv
and gentleman waltzers will receive
the prize now on exhibition at Clarke's
drug store. The prize will be awarded
by three disinterested persons.
Sam Eartmess is moving part of his
large stock of furniture and other goods
into the vacant store room in the Lan
gille building. Expansion is what's the
matter with Ham.
N. D. Sanford, the Cascade Locks
peripatetic merchant, was in town
Wednesday and left his measure for a
year's subscription to the Glacier. He
paid the cash.
Mrs. W. J. Parker of Washington. D.
C, will sing at the Unitarian services
next Sunday. ,
A nine-year-old daughter of a man named
Perkins, living on A. C. Htaton's farm, died of
diphtheria one day last week. Another
child ws taken sick but tins recovered. The
family Is without mean, and the ctaritably
disponed could do good by looking Into their
circumstances. The family was helped by A.
C. Htaten and John McVay, and the county
paid the expense of the buiialof thechlld.
Mlsa Idell Woodworth left the first Dart of
tne week for a visit with menus lu i'ortlaud
and Newberg.
Odell Notes.
B. K. Yonni returned IsHt Monday from a
trip Into the bunch gniMi country bringing
with him some fine horttes. There is a de
mand forsuch horses, and no doubt he Will
turn tlmin quickly and to advantage.
Under the new schedule for ruml delivery
we can now get the morning paper from 1'oru
land which & a desirable change, as we ure
brought Into close touch with the city.
E. T. Folts has been laid up the last few
days. Mr. Foils is an expert apple packer
and his services are much needed Just now.
Why are eggs sold by the dozen and not by
the pound? f our egas were weighed at the
little white store nils morning and they
pulled down lit ounces. These fnur eggs w ere
aid by Udell bens. Then a doiwu that
were brought to the sUire weighed only 20
ounces. One lot weighed ounces each,
the other 1 ounces each.
The rami phone question Is being agitated
here. The people have some rights the capi
talists should tespecL Keep It up. (
C R. Bone is much In evidence here In con
nection wilb his plana for watering rtst
Hood Kiver valley this season.
O. T. Smith, whn Hved last year on the
Hibbard place, has leased the H. K. lavidn
rancb near Booth's and will soon move there.
Wm. Bllngerland is now In Portland on a
bum new trip,aud will move his family there
The orchards are now 11 sprayed for the
8an Jose scale. There is nothing like being
able U conquer obstacles. Industry and in
telligence will work wonders, and liood
Kiver is Id the front rank on these lines.
W. A. Hilngerland has aDout.completed the
eteartng of A) acres of ground on tfie if. K
Jocbliuiien place There are eight Jas there
now. K. K. Thomas has had charge of the
work and has dune good work. Mr. Thomas
Is a eompetent overseer.
Mr. Lafferty's family from Grand Rondc
valley baa arrived at tdell, snd are prepar
ing to move on the Baldwin place at Mount
Hood, which be lias leased for a term of
Mr. Helmer, the Mount Hood merchant. Is
going to either sell or move bin stock, Kepon
says n la figuring on locating at Udell.
C U. Roberts baa quite a force of men at
work clkring laud ou bis rant-n at Taiigle
wood. Business at the little while store Is very sat
isfactory. A nice park Is being cleiired utl,
S3. ZE2. 'mttmmJCJOAL, ljSr3y
Doors and Windows.
Paints and Oils,
Furniture, Carpets, Peds and Redding.
J. E.
which will serve as a picnic ground where
the public will be welcome.
Why go to town when you can save money
by buying at the little white store?
You will And a neatly kept stock with cor
rect prices at the little white store.
' A very pretty wedding was solemnized
Tuesday, March 10, 1003, at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butlur,
Hood River, Oregon, when their young
est daughter, Carrie, was united in mar
riage to Carleton Hamilton Yaughan,
formerly of Muskegon, Michigan ; the
ceremony being performed by Rev.Dr.D.
V. Polingof The Dalles, assisted by Rev.
J. L. llershner of Hood River, in the
presence of immediate friends and rela
tives. The wedding march from Lohengrin-was
plaved by Miss Mary Coldwell
of Portland. The bride looked charming
in a dainty gown of organdie, carrying
a shower boquet of brides' roses. The
home was profusely decorated in honor
of the occasion, with sniilax, ferns and
cut (lowers. Immediately after the cer
emony a dainty repast was served, after
which the happy couple took their- de
parture ou the afternoon train for Puget
sound points. They-will be at home to
their friends after April 1, Hood River,
Oregon. No cards.
In Hood Itiver valley. March 11, liift't, at the
residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Annie
lenK, Joseph llimmick and Miss Lula Lenz,
father lironsgeest olllclallng. '
In l'ortlimd Mnrch 11 UNYt n. S. Crnnnor.
aged HU yearn. Funeral will take place Fri
day, March 13, upon the arrival of the noou
IleiUthy, clean, Industrlonfl, trustworthy
boy uinlt r 18 to (insist with light work. Home
and WHfS. Appfv anvdHy except Tut'sdtty
or Friday to AlHH. AiKHCEK,
Formerly Carl Xioas plure.
I have 10 acres strawberry land In Hood
River valley that I want to lease to a party
who will clear all or part for the use for three
years. mSJ C. U. IF.KMS, Boyd, Ore.
We have removed from the millinery slore
to the building opposite the Koyr.1 llakery.
and are now prepared to do Pre ."Oiniktiiir and
all kindsof Tailor work. JAN'K t'o.VIKM.
For Sale.
On Harwood place, on Nell crwk, one mtle
south Pine Grove whool house, one Oak (Side
Bottrd, & French plate mirrors in ttaine; two
plnnh uphoUtered Iteolintiift (.'hair; oneOiilt
Bedroom get and Maltreat; Wrttimi lek;
iartrc Lnmp; Bruswls Hug i feet long ty 12 feet,
Willi nliiny; bImo, other muniI arlieti. All
the furniture If up to date and good a new.
timr-'U M. MOTT.
Sealed Bids
Will be received by me up to 7 o'clavk P. M.
March IB, lt, lor building a city hall. 1'lans
and MgM'ctticatioiiM can be t-n at my oftii-e.
Contractor to take his pay In city warrants.
The cilv reserves the right to reject any or all
bids, lly order of the common council.
J. R. NH'KKIKN, City ftecorder.
LandOfflce st Vancouver, Wash., Kebrnsry
3i, Intl. Notl1 Is hereby giveu that the lol-iowlng-namd
secler tssllled notiiw of ln
intention to make commutation prisaT in
supsrt of his claim, ami that said pnt
wit! be made before Reciter and Ueo-iver
United Males Lund oiliee at auiMuver;
Wai-li., on Airil Tl. tM, vir
Who made H. E. No. 11 Ait, for ttie lots 1. 2.
and 4. section ;ti, township 1 north, rsnge i
eat, W. M.
He names the fo!lortng witnews to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
James O. Lvle, John lntry. Corneles Hall
snd Rube Barlow ail of Lj le. Wash.
marttalO W. H. LL NilAK, Register.
Free Delivery
rTlmber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United Htatcs Land Office, Vancouver,
WaKli,, Feb. 18, 1H0S. Notice ia hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1K78, entitled "An act
lor the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory ," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 18M,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this otlice her
sworn statement, No. 3119, for the purchase
of the sout heast quarter of section No. 10, lu
township No. 6 north, range No. I'i east, w, M
and will otlcr proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its tlmberor stone
thun for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver,
Washington, on Monday, the 8th day ot
June, 1WI.I.
Nhe Humes as witnesses: Ida Buswell and
George litiswell of Fortland, Or.; Julia Mc
Masiersof Vancouver, Wash.; P. 1. Hender
sbot of I'ortlaud, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alxive-di.scribcd lands are requested to tile
their claims lu this ollioe on or before said
8lli day ot June, lHiM.
tr, in yl W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance to
an order issued by ttie Honorable George C.
ltlnki'lcy. Judge of the County Court of the
Ntateof Orcgou for Wasco county, dated at
The Italics, January 31, 1H0H, the undersigned,
Alice J. iJickeu, has been appointed sole ex
ecutrix of the estate of William 8. Ulcken,
deceased, late of Hood Rver, Wasco county,
state of Oregon. All persons having claims
attinst said estste are requested to present
them, accompanied by proper vouchers, at
theoll'ice of John Eeland Henderson, attor
ney tor the eslalc. Hood River, Oregon, with
in six () mouths from the date of this notice.
Executrix of the estate of William 8. Idcken,
Daiud at Hood River, Oregon, Feb. 7, 1903.
ITImber Land, Act June 3, 187R.J
United fctntes I Jind Office, Vancouver.Wash.,
Jan. 27, liW. Notice Is hereby given that In
compliance witli the provisions of the act of
congress of J iiiic 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
thebaic of tiuilier lands iu the States of Cat
liorniit, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, liri,
ofPoit'.and, county of Multnomah, slate of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office his
swoin statement, No. auH, for the purchase of
northwest quarter of section No. 27, town
ship No. (j noilh, range No. 11 east, W. M.,nd
wlli oiler proof to show that the land sought
Is more vain ttile for Its tlmberor stone than
for agrlcultuiMl purposes, and to establish his
claim to sunt laud before tiie Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Friday, the l.'ilh dayof May, 1WH.
He names as witnesses: Rotiert F. Cox of
Portland, or., Andrew J. Derby of Olenwixal,
Wash., James F. Cox of Trout Isike, Wash,
and Ocorge Oiimer of t.ilmer, Washington.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
nbove-ih-serihed lamts are requested to file
their claims In t ills office on or before said lath
day of May, 1U0.1
1'alO W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United tstates Ijind Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Jan. 28, l!.-Notlce is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
aiiof congress of June s. 18:8, entitled "An
art for the sale of tiiuier lands in the states of
Ceiif'.rTiiaj Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory, ' as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, In2,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oreiih, has this day filed in thlsoffioe his
sworn slaU-meut, No. 'AfM f,ar the pur
chase of the northeast quarter of section
No, 2't, In township No. a north, range
No. Ilcat, W. .VI., and will oit'er proof ia
show thai lite land sought Is more valuable
f- it- timis-r or suoie than for arrlculuira.
puriMM.-, and to elablisli his claim to said
land bciore the Register and Receiver of this
oiti'-e at Vsncouv-ir, Wash., ou Friday, Ue
tiili day of May, lw.
H iiHinea as witnesses: J ft me F. Cox,
of Trout 1- ke. '.liH M-oige Oiliiier ol t,il
mer, M s-lm.t urn, W slier 11. Atlieruiu and
John W. RtriKer of Portland, Oregon.
Any and n it persons claiming advemely the
ahove-d.-w-rihed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before ssvld
loin day ol May, li.
bald W. U. DUNBAR, Reft iter.