The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 06, 1903, Image 6

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t A Tala cf the Early Settlers
nf Louisiana.
Far away, in the depths of the forest,
where a deep river ran, and where the
cypress trees grew thick and tall, a party
of Indians sat down to rest. - Only ten
red men ara here upon the edge of the
cypress swamp, and eight of theiu repose
themselves to sleep, while the other two
keep watch. It Is near noon, for the sun
has almost reached its highest point, and
these men have been upon the trail since
early last evening.
But these Chlckasaws are not alone.
Close by the side of a hugecypress log,
one end of which is bedded In the swamp,
lies the form of a child of the pale faces.
The hands and the feet are bound, and
a cord from the lashings of the hands
leads along the ground, and is clutched
by one of the sleeping Indians. In those
fair features, now shaded by the large
log, there Is something of the look of
Louis St. Julien; but even now the flesh
seems sunken, and the beholder would
think that many days, instead of only
few hours, of suffering had rested wi. h
ln that frame.
Thus the party rested until nearly four
o'clock, and then one of the Indians, who
had been placed a little way up the riv
er to watch, gave a low, shrill whlstls,
and on the instant the whole party were'
upon their feet, and had seized their
arms. On the next instnnt, a crashing of
the bushes was heard at no great dis
tance, and not long afterwards, a party
of six Indians made their appearance.
He who led the newcomers was very tall
and athletic. It was the Natehes war
rior, Stung Serpent.
The stout chieftain spoke not until he
had seen the pale youth who still slept by
the cypress log, and then a grunt of sat
isfaction escaped from his lips. He spoke
with the chief of the Chlckasaws for
some time in his own strange tongue, and
then he turned to where the youth slept,
and awoke him. The sleeper started up,
and with a look of terror, gazed around.
"Where is is where is my sister?" he
asked, in a low, thrilling tone.
"She has gone on further south while
you slept," answered Stung Serpent. "But
the daughter of the white man is safe.
No harm can come to her, for her life
Is precious. But you cannot go to her
now. You must go with the Stung Ser
pent to the village of the White Apple.
Wljat can Louis St. Julien fear from his
The youth gassed into the face" of the
powerful Natchez, and for awhile he
was utterly unable to speak. At that
moment a hundred various thoughts and
emotions flew wildly through his mind.
He saw his father and St. Denis still
searching for the hiders, and he heard
their notes of alarm, and saw their tears
of grief. Then he ran over the fearful
Journey through the deep forest, and he
wondered ,why he was thus separated
from his mate. ,
"Can I not go with my sister?" he at
length asked.
"No," was the answer.
"And why may we not be together?"
0 ."Because It is impossible. Kemember,
the Stting Serpent has spoken."
This was pronounced in a slow, mean
ing tone, and Louis St. Julien knew
enough of the Indian character to know
that no appeal would m6ve his captors
from such a purpose. He looked around
once more, and when he saw that half
of the Chlckasaws were gone, he knew
that his companion had gone with them.
In the meantime, Stung Serpent was
performing a work that startled the pris
oner not a little. After he had given his
last answer to Louis, he-irpproaehcd the
Chickasaw chief, and gave to him a
heavy purse. The latter too it and emp
tied Its contents Into his broad palm,
and Louis saw that it was gold. The
Chickasaw's eyes sparkled as thpy rested
Upon the coin. Louis clasped his hands
for they were free now and his frame
shook as his former doubts grew to con
firmations. Who could have placed that
gold in the hands of the Natchez war
rior? To be sure, there was a French
fort near the Natches villages; but then
Louis ktew that they had no gold to
pare there. Thankful must the Indian
be who could get oven a few pieces of
itver from the people of Fort Rosalie.
Then who could have paid this gold but
Simon Lobois? Tile thought came, and
It was fixed. Th prisoner's head was
bowed, and when again he looked up,
there was a shade of determination upon
tht finely chiseled features that contrast
ed strangely with the fear marks that
had before rested there. He folded his
hands upon his bosom, and for a single
instint his eyes were turned heavenward.
With a satisfied look, the Chickasaw
a&r emptied the money back into the
purse, and having placed it in his bosom,
be turnad a his followers and gave the
signal for starting. They quickly gath
ered up their arms, and in a few mo
ments mors they were lost to sight' in
the thick wood.
"Now," said Stung Serpent, turning
t his prisoner, "we will be on our wa;
to our home in the domain of the Nat
ches. Can you walk?"
"Yes; but I am weak now, and shall
hardly be able to keep pice with yon if
yoa flurrr."
"The white youth speaks calmly for
on In distress," pursued the chief, look
ing bis prisoner sharply in the ey.
"Perhaps he thinks be shall escape."
"If I speak calmly," returned the
yuth, "it is because I hope you mean
me no harm."
"Ugh!" That was all the answer gtuo?
Serpent returned upon that subject. Ia
momeat tftura he took the prisoner's
band and gaied upon It
"I did not tell the Chickasaw that it
was yen who slew bis peopV the Nat
rhes cald.
Lonls trembled.
"For if I had, I should not have found
yea alive, having one passed through
his hands. You have a small white hand
for a warrior such as yon have pruTid
yourself to be." And Stung Serpent laid
bis own huge hand by the side of hU
prisoner's, that making the youth's deli
cate limb appear smaller by the contrast
than it really was. And then, with a
simile, he continued: "While you live,
we'll throw away your French nam, an 1
henceforth then shalt be called While
Hand. Eh hew docs that sound?"
But the prisoner did not reply Imme
diately, for this last remark was at the
one that chained bis UUBti. "While
you liver were the words that ann led
la bis ears, sod started his feura. Th y
were spokea in a tone and with pent
liar empbarj which seemed to nieaa
something, and if they had a meaning
beyeod the mere chance of natural cause
nd effect, thcti sarely ail was not meant
well for hia. But he did nor speak his
"Eh? Does not the son of tie whit
chief like his name?" -:
The other Indians had stood near at
band, and as they heard the name thus
bestowed, they smiled, and -repeated' it
several times. In a little while longer
the party prepared for the tramp and
set out. For a distance of some miles
they followed the stream to the north
ward and eastward, and finally they left
the rivet''" ind struck into a narrow, du
bious trJil. It was dark when Stung
Serpent gave the order to stop. They
bad reached a small lake, or deep bayou,
upon one hand of which arose a steep
bluff, directly beneath which they halt
ed. White Hand saw that some one had
topped here before, for the traces of
a fire were plainly visible against the
face of the rock, and at he walked over
the spot beneath it he could feel the dry
coals. A fire was soon built, and then
one of the party produced some dried
venison, and some sort of esculent root
that resembled the common artichoke.
The prisoner was hungry, and be ate
heartily, and then he was allowed to lie
down and sleep, Stung Serpent having
taken the precaution to secure his handa
so that he eould not move them with
out disturbing him.
When White Hand was aroused he
started quickly up, and at first he thought
the day had dawned, but as soon as his
senses were fairly at work he found it
was the moon that gave so much light.
He was informed that the party were
now to start on, and he was soon ready.
The moon was nearly at its senlth, and
he judged that it could net be much
past midnight. For two or three hours
the trail waa dubious and difficult. It
lay through a deep growth of oak, and
the ground was uneven, and In some
places wet and boggy from tht late
rains. In the morning they stopped for
breakfast. During the forenoon a deer
was shot, from which they took. the skin
and as much of the meat as they want
ed; so at noon they built a fire and had
some venison steak; only White Hand
would have liked it much better could he
have had a little salt with his meat.
Another night came, and again the
youth slept with his hands confined; and
this time he was allowed to sleep until
morning. Another meal f-om the fresh
deer meat was made, and then the trail
was resumed. During the next day the
prisoner came several times near failing
for want of strength, for however strong
may have been his close-knit frame, he
was not used to this kind of labor. How
ever, the Indians helped him some, and he
managed to move along without much
show of pain or complaint. He knew
that if he would expect kind treatment at
the hands of his captors he must be sav
ing of complaint and trouble, and he re
solved that he would stand up under the
trial as unflinchingly as possible. When
they had stoppN for the night again he
asked his captor how much further they
bad to travel.
"Not much," Stung Serpent replied.
"One more day will bring us to the vil
lage where we are to stop. Does it please
the White Hand, eh?"
"It will surely please me to rest, for I
am weary and faint, and had we much
further to travel I fear I should be a bur
den to you."
The Indian shrugged his Bhoulders, but
made no further reply, and shortly af
terwards White Hand lay down to sleep.
In the morning they were once more
in motion, and before' noon they struck
into a broader trail that gave evidence
of much travel. The sun was some two
hours high when they reached the top
of a gentle eminence, and upon looking
down into the valley beyond, White Hand
saw quite a village of Notches huts.
There were Some fifty or sixty" dwellings,
built in a sortof circle, while within this
circle stood four buildings of 'larger di
mensions. "Does the White Hand see yonder vil
lage?" asked Stung Serpent, as the par
ty stopped upon the hilltop.
The prisoner answered in the affirma
tive. "That is the village of the White Ap
ple, the home of the bravest warriors of
the Natchez, and the abode of peace
There lives my brother the Great Sun.
and the chief of all our people. That is
his dwelling next to the temple. But
does the White Hand see where those
trees seem to break away, as though the
fire had run through the deep forest op.
a wide trail? Look away towards the
setting sun. Do you mark it?"
"Yes," replied the youth, looking la
the direction pointed out.
"There travels the great Father of
Waters in his way to the great sail lake.
And do you mark that point? Ah! you
can see a piece of cloth fluttering in the
breeze. Do you not see? away off there?
like a rag playing in the wind?"
White Hand looked, and he saw what
his guide had pointed out. It was just
visible over the intervening tree tops.
"I see It," he said.
"That is the villnge of the white man.
He has built a fort there, and he calls
it Rosalie. They tell me 'tis called so
from a woman's name. Is It so?"
"It is."
The Indian watched his prisoner with
a keen glance while speaking of the fort,
and a simple "ugkj" was his only reply
to the youth's last answer.
In a short time they started down the
hill, and just as the sua was sinking from
sight they reached the village. The mca
and children came flocking out, and while
Stung Serpent was received with lively
demonstrations of joy, looks of the most
eager curiosity were fixed upon White
Hand. But his captor did not stop to
exhibit him. lie pursued his way at once
to a long, narrow building near the tem
ple, the walls of which were formed of
close-fitting timbers driven into the
ground, while the door, which swung to
and fro on wooden hinges, was uncom
monly stout and strong, being formed
of a succession of hewn logs secured to
gether by cross-bars, to which each up
right piec was pinned. This doof was
opened, and the youth was led In, and
with the simple remark that ha would
remain there for the night ha was left
to himself.
As soon as the heavy door waa closed
upon him the prisoner gazed about A
littl light came to the place through the
small belfs in the wail near the roof, and
by this means be could see somewhat of
the nature of bis prison, for that this
was a prison, and built for such, he bad
no doubt. The only floor was the earth,
Ad that must also serve for cbslr, bed
and taLlf, for nothing save the bare
walls sad t1 naked earth met his gaze.
He soon satisfied hiic'elf that he should
naves escape from this plant fcy force, and
he sootf threw nil worn and wear? frame
upon the ground. o the course of' half
an hour to door was opened and Stung
Serpent entered aad act dow a wooden
tray and an eartbea drinking cup. and
without speaking be retired. The youth
found the contents of the tray to be boil
ed wo, and the cup was filled with wat
er, lie ik a little and drank a little,
and again ha lay himself down upon the
hard earth.
Ponoe time during the night. White
Hand vum moved by strange dreams.
Once he dreamed that Stung Serpent
came to him ' kIM biio. Then the stout
Indian seized him. and la the struggle
that ensued, his raptor turned ittlo a
dragn, and blew fire from his mouth.
Thus the prisoner was set on fire, and M
the flames began to garner snoot tae
dreamer he started np m auriBui.
sharp cry escaped from hia lips, for a
glare of flame was really flashing In hit
eyes. He would have started to his feet
but a light hand held him down
"Let the White Hand not fear," pro
nounced a soft, sweet voice, in gentle
tones, "for Coqualla means him no
ha rip
The youth gazed up, and he saw an
Indian girl standing over him with a
small torch In her hand. She was a
beautiful creature for one so dusky u
hue, and the sweef smile that rested up
on her lips was peculiarly gratefu to
the prisoner. As soon as ahe saw that
she had quieted his fears,
her band and stepped back. And now
White Hand had more opportunity to
. oi vnmiff not more
.survey ner. du - ,
, than shrteen-very slim and straight, and
Jithe as the willow orancu.
tures were faultlessly regular, and her
, vi. .b -,! hrilllant Til
eyes large, wn ------ v.f,v
Louth had seen many of, the Natche.
women, but never one Uk. this before.
if ... . , i . ...ii. inma tn Dial
and tne tnougn ;"r:.00, (or
l tnat sne was one m - : .
E'-ll other, were bent and hardened by
6 work nd drudgery ( .
xou ao noi im" - - . - - . .
'.upon him with a look In which i taqu II
itiveness was about equally blended itn
ia warmer feeling.
"No-O no. Why should I fear one
flike ,ou?" . ' . ,
"I knew not but tnai my -
. . tnm vmir ffOOQ.
t disturb you. nui i cn" -
I knew my father had brougnt a pi
er from among the sons of the whites
men." t
"Your father? Is the Stung Serpent,
then, your father?" '
"Yes." . '
' "And your name"
"Is CoQualla." .
"And you are the next heir to the
throne of the Natchez?"
"Next after my father."
"I have heard of you often."
But the princess did not seem at all
anxious to know what the youth had
heard of her. She remained for some
moments in silence, and during that
time she seemed to be studying every
line of the prisoner's face.
"The White Hand is not a great man
in bulk," she at length said, thoughtful
ly; "but yet he must be a brave man, for
my father says he slew six of the Chick
asaw warriors."
"Not alone, Coqualla. Hia friend was
with him."
"So my father said. And yet you must
be brave; and so I would save you."
"Save me?" uttered the youth, starting
now to his feet
" sh! Speak not too loud, for no one
knows that I am here. I would sava
"But what danger threatens me?"
"I cannot tell you surely; but yet I
think I can save you. If you have any
thing to feais it must be from my father.
Therefore, promise him whatever he may
ask. If he means you ill, that ill will be
death, and if he offers you life, you must
accept it I have come to assure you
that he never speaks Idly. If he makes
you an offer he means it, and you must
speak truth with him."
iTo be continued.)
They Are Cheaper Here than In Many
Ott er Countries of the World.
The registration of trade-marks baa
become a necessity of late years, for
unless an article of merit la protected
by such means or by letters patent It
la sure to be Imitated by some un
Bcrupuloua person. It la only within a
few years, however, that the question
of protecting trade-marks baa assumed
grave Importance. This is due to the
enormous increase In advertising of
health foods, cereals, patent medicines
and athletic novelties. The tariff of
charges for registering trade-marks in
the various countries seems In aome in
stances to be based upon the Idea that
authorized labels and the like are as
much a luxury as a coach and four. In
Zululund, Feru, Uruguay, Hong Kong
and Granada the tariff fixed by law for
each trade-marjc Is $145 in gold, the
highest on the entire list.
in this country trade-marks are filed
with the patent office, and the price for
reentering one is $50, which is the low
est rate charged anywhere. Canada
charges $00 for a general" or a special
trade-mark. There are some countries
of Kurone that demand $100 for reg
lsterlng a trade-mark, but In Great
Britain, Germany, Austria, France and
Spain the fee In each case Is $75. This
Is the Fate asked In the majority of the
Enelish colonies, Including New South
Wales and New Zealand, but In Cape
Colony It Is $115, and in South Amca
1135. The latter price Is also demanded
in Costa Rica. Some of the bargain
counter sales of registry for trade
marks are obtainable lu the Leeward
Islands, Jamaica, British Guiana, Mau
ritius. Argentine Republic, Bolivia
Chill, Guatemala, Sierra Leone and
Bulgaria, each of which charges $115
Little Venezuela Is content with $100
for the privilege of recording the exist
ence of a ca tent label
There are thousands of trade-marks
that ape never heard of by the great
masses, because they are not properly
advertised. The majority of trader
mark lawyers reallM big profits light
ing Infringements of private marks
rather than In registering new ones".
One of them has Just settled a case
thtnt was in the courts for four years.
The single word "favorite" was at
Issue, and the courts have decided that
there Is no exclusive proprietary right
lu the word as a trade-mark. One of
the most successful lawyers, who rep
resents the Interests of a big cereal
firm and cracker establishment as
well, says that It eonii more than
$15,000 annually to protect bU clients
from those who twist the namca of
brands In eveTy conceivable way.
Grim Humor.
"Do you wish your missionary steak
rare or well done?" asked the most high
chef, with an obeisance.
"What was the rlctim's occupation.
In life?" replied the cannibal chief,
"He was a collector, your majesty,"
resiHindxd the chef.
."Well dun.-? opcluded the chief, who
enjoyed bis own Jot hugely. The
court attendants broke Into a labored
guffaw, for wbxyex did not laugh did
not live. Ohio State Journal.
He Wanted to Know.
Minister (to Sunday cyclist) Toung
xpn, yon are on the path to perdition.
CyeiilirThat.ol How are the roads?
San Franctsce Examiner.
There are ordinarily from thirty to
forty varieties of fish In the Honoluln
market A large percentage of th.
native make their living by fisblcg.
Ifeyfe? . : fci2- J
Will the Panama Canal Pay?
AN attempt has been made by Colonel George F.arl
Church, In the Journal of the Royal Geographical
Society in London, to show that the Panama Canal
will not pay. He begins by asserting that the pro
jected waterway could not hope
commerce now passing between Europe, on the one nana,
and Asia and Africa on the other. The figures seem con
clusive on this point. The distance from the English sea
Dort rivmouth to Yokohama in Japan Is 1,725 miles less by
Sue than by Tanama. Kven by the way of the Cape of
Good Hope, Plymouth is nearer to Shanghai by 745 miles
than It would be by a Tanama canal. As regards the trade
between Europe and Australia, there is a slight difference
In favor of Panama on some of the routes, but this, accord
ing to Colonel Church, would be more than counterbalanced
bv the canal tolls. With reference to
South America, we are reminded that
part of its freight traffic comes from the nitrate deposits
of Chile. It is, In the first place, uncertain how long the
nitrate traffic will last, owing to the doubt concerning the
depth of the deposits; and, even as things are now, It is
questionable whether the nitrate trade, more tnan tntee
fourths of which goes on Sailing vessels, would take the
Tanania route, owing to the fact that an extensive region
of calms adjoins the western terminus. The value of the
trade of our own Taclflc slope is not disputed by Colonel
Church, bat he believes that the greater part of It will con
tinue to be conveyed across the continent by rail. "There Is
no doubt that our transcontinental railways have super
seded the Cape Horn route, which used to employ a huge
fleet of cllpper-shlps, and they have practically absorbed
the trade which used to cross the Isthmus by the Panama
Railroad. In 1809 the traffic between New York and San
Francisco via the Panama Railway was valued at $70,
000.000, but ten years later It had shrunk to less than
$5,000,000.- Uarper'i Weekly.
New Names for Old Vices.
THE tendency of the age Is to find excuses; to per
suade ourselves that an action which at first sight
looks detestably bad Is In reality not one which the
communlty'ought to punish severely and swiftly, but
: one for which we should try. to find "extenuating
circumstances;" to persuade ourselves, In fact, that black Is
seldom anything more than at worst dark gray, and that
In some cases It Is white to all intents and purposes. If a
financier organizes a gigantic swindle, or a clever woman
ruins a hundred men, no vindictive punishment follows; It
Is decided to be inconvenient to prosecute, or men find
themselves laughing that there are still so many fools in
the world. If a woman kills her paramour, or a man in a
passion stabs a nagging wife, the first thought may be of
the rope, but the second Is of a petition to the Home Secre
tary. Last, if the marriage tie Is broken especially in high
places there Is an Immediate tendency to invest with a
mist of romance and pretext finding what Is nothing better
("than weakness and vulgarity. Is the
If the people decide that they are only going to hang
men and old or ugly women, you come perilously near the
doctrine that before a woman commits a murder she must
look In the glass. Murder and swindling are ugly words,
but no nation has ever been, or ever will be, the better for
using pleasanter synonyms for crime. London Spectator.
Railroad Accidents and Their Causes.
DURINO the past year on all the railroads of the
United States. 167 persons-were killed in railroad
accidents (collisions, derailments, boiler explosions,
etc.) and 3,580 passpngers were Injured. During the
same period on British roads not a single passenger
was killed and only 470 were Injured In railroad accident.
If It be argued that we have nearly 200,000 miles of track
In this country as against 22,000 In Great Britain, it must
be answered that the liability to railroad accidents In-'
creases with the density of traffic. That Is to say, the risks
of collision, etc., are greater the greater the number of
Georgia Congressman Had a lose Call
for Ilia Life In War Times.
One of the most popular members of
Congress Is Representative Lfvlngston,
of Georgia, a former Confederate sol
dier who was thorr
o u g h I y "recon
structed" soon aft
er the last gun of
the conflict had
been fired, writes
a Washington cor
respondent II e
was telling, In the
A pproprlaticug
Committee room
at the Cnpltol, the
story of his nur-
Hfc.fjviMMTO?. to,' escape frotn
Yankep soldiers during operations at
Atlapta, He and a Texas scout were
sent on a perilous mission tq citizens'
clothes, "J. knew every path leading
to the city and the streets as well as
I did the hog paths around my own
farm, and General Hardee directed me
to ascertain Information about the en
emy, which I believed I could do from
a woman living In the city," sand Mr.
"We rode up to the back gate, but
to our astonishment the Yankees were
In her house. I sprang back Into my
paddle and we galloped away, the Yan
kees )bj after us. ' Years afterward,
the late General ppgswell, of Massa1
cbusetta, and I met here in "his cguir
mlttee room, and I happened to learn
that he was the military commander
at Atlanta at that time. Then I told
him my story.
"When I finished telling it General
Coggswell put bis arm on my shoul
der and said:
" 'Let us be friends through life. I
am mighty glad the boys did not catch
you. As a soldier, you know vwhat
'jvdnld have been your fate under the
circumstances, apij we never would
have met under such delightful condi
tions.' ,
"From that day until bli death Gen?
eral Coggswell and myself were as
fast friends as any two men who ever
wore the blue and the gray. I was
one of his pallbearers and saw him
laid to rest among the people be served
so well."
Congressman Livingston comes of
good fighting stock, bis grandfather,
who was born In Ireland, having
served under Washington la the revo
lutionary war. Before entering publfc
life be followed the pursuits of a farm
er ajjd was rice president and presi
dent reiitlely for eleven and four
years of the jicarg! State Alliance.
For many years he has been a power
In the Democratic politics of Georgia.
He was elected to the Fifty-second
Congress and has sat In that body
ever since.
Blander of Public Speaker.
Others beside Irishmen blunder when
Unexpected demands are made upon
-. , 7
to gain any of the
the west coast of
the most valuable
tendency good or
them. A well-known public man was
(lately assured by the chairman that
.the assembly welcomed him "with no
! unfeigned pleasure," at which the vls-
j itor ivas so embarrassed as to soy, '1
I'm always glad to be here or any
where else.'' t was an English May
or who ordered an (nterrupter to sit
down and gq out, A suburban speak
er suggested that the pending propo
sition "be postponed to the future--or
, some other time." The recent ap
pointment by a Midland authority of a
I lady as medical officer brought a pro
test "against women becoming medi
cal men;" which reminds one of the
convening of a meeting of "womeu of
every clnss regardless of sex or con
dition." Sir Francis Scott, who com-
1 ui nn (led the late expedition In Ashan-
tee, In subsequently reviewing bis
troops, said that !'lf there batj been
any fighting there, would have been
absent faces here to-day." This re
minds one of tl)e scantily attended
meeting at which we heard the chair
man say, "I am sorry to see so many
absent faces here.'
How It Waa Bnilt and Kept Alive by
an Expert.
After the evening chores were done
my father would appear In the door
way with the big black log coated
with snow, often of ampler girth than
himself, and fully breast-high to him
as' he held It- upright, canting In one
way Bd another, and walking bel
fore him on Us wedge-shaped end. He
would perhaps stand It against the
chimney while be took a breathing
spell and planned bis campaign. Then,
the andirons hauled forward on the
hearth, and the bed of half-burnt
brands and live coals raked open, the
Icy log was walked Into the chimney,
where a skillful turn would lay It
over, hissing and steaming. In its lnlr
of hot embers, says a writer In the
Atlantic Monthly. It seemed a thing
alive', and Its vehement sputtering and
protesting made' a dramatic momenf
for at least on small spectator. The
stout shove) aad tongs, or. perhaps, a
piece of firewood used as a lever,
would force It against the chimney
back; then a good sized stick, called
a "back-stick," was laid on top of It,
and the andirons were set In place.
Across the andirons another good-sized
stick was laid, called a "fore-stick."
and In the Interspace smaller sticks
wer crossed snd thrust and piled, all
quickly kindled by the jre coal and
brands. In very cold Weather a fire
was kept burning all bight, our father
getting up once or twice to replenish
It Even tn summer the coals rarely
became extinct A good heap of
them! covered With etchers at bed
time, would be found allr. when raked
open In the morning.
Thos persons yon would really Uk
to talk with are always going the oth
er way.
trains that pass over a given stretch of line In A given
time. Now, here again statistics prove that the density ot
traffic over English roads Is far greater than that over our
own, so that when we have taken this Into consideration,
we find that the difference In safety of travel Is even more
marked than the mere statement of the relative total num
ber of persons killed and Injured would suggest
Two of the most prolific causes of accident are the use
of single track for trains traveling in opposite directions (It
was on single track that the recent collision occurred) and
that most unreliable system of safeguarding a stopping
train by sending back a rear flagman. The first condition
we can only hope to remove gradually as the Increase In
density of traffic warrants the laying of double track; but
It Is obvious to the most unobservant passenger upon our
railroads that, half the time, rear-flag safeguarding Is
worth very little In protection against rear collisions. '
If American railroad men are asked to explain the dif
ference In results between the two countries, they point to
the fact that tn Great Britain signalmen, and railroad em
ployes generally, remain In the service of the company and
at one particular class of work for many consecutive years
of service, and, consequently, attain remarkable skill and
accuracy. Traffic conditions in Great Britain, moreover, are
less variable, whereas In this country the volume of traffic
varies greatly with the season of the year, and during the
rush attendant on the moving of Western crops, for In
stance, If Is necessary to take on a large number of tem
porary employes whose sef-vlces are discontinued when the
rush season Is over. Scientific American.
Great Future of Corn.
CORN Is the great American crop. Is It to become the
world's king of cereals? There Is some reason for
believing that corn has entered upon a career unex
ampled heretofore tn the history of grain production
and consumption. A recent report based on the
latest developments In this direction notes the significant
change that has come about. Until within a few years
Europe bad little use for corn, but now Is buying and eat
ing It freely. There Is so great a demand from all parts of
the world that last year's crop, enormous as It was, Is likely
to be pretty thoroughly consumed. Of course this sustains
prices, and the corn grower profits accordingly, The belief
is now expressed that the American farmer can never again
raise corn enough to congest the market, and that prices are
likely to be sustained at a high level. This must stimulate
corn production, and there la plenty of ground where It
may spread. The "corn belt" Is a wide one, extending
across the continent and new methods of cultivation, the
utilizing through Irrigation of millions of acres now un
filled and the Increased yield coming from more skillful
farming can add enormously to the output. Troy Times.
More Indians than Ever.
TUB removal of 8,000 Cboctawi from Mississippi and
Louisiana to the Indian Territory, which Is now In
progress, need Inspire no eloquence about red men's
wrongs and "palefaces' broken treaties." The treaty
breaking was on the other side; these members f
the tribe are descended from those who failed to move
West in 1830 a they agreed, and they are exchanging a
precarious and bard existence for comparative affluence.
Our Indians do not now fare badly. Far from dying
out, they are increasing In number. The census of 1890
reported 249,000 of them; Secretary Hitchcock's recent re
port shows an Increase to 209,000. Allowing for Indian ad
mixture tn men reckoned as whites, there is more Indian
blood In the country to-day than when the Pilgrims landed.
Then the tribes were decimated by disease and wasted by
wars; great tracts of uninhabited forests lay between
them, apd they cpuld not bold lands so nmch wider than
they used. Now their descendants mainly dwell in compact
communities, usually civilized and prosperous,
T-lie rise In value of their lands has made most of the
Indians well-to-do, the richest tribes being three or four
times as wealthy as the same number of average whites.
New York World.
Then Made Nciahbor Pay for Ride tn
Work or Hired Han.
Russell Sage has not squandered
very much on clothes and personal lux
uries during his long life, still he has
spent some pretty large sums 09
horses, bis Jove pf which has amount:
ed to almost a passlop. Soma time
ago be paid 10,00Q for a team of trot'r
ters for use at his country place oq
Long Island, and the first time he was
to drive them he asked Frank Tllford,
who was a neighbor of his, to go with
him. How Uncle Russell made the ro
tund Tllford pay for his outing Is stilf
told with great glee throughout the
After driving a little way a team
was seen approaching drawing a load
of salt hay out from the meadows
along the shore. ' Immediately said
Sage: ' ' '
u am paying tQ much, money for
bedding for. my horses. Now we'll s.ep
what this man wants for bis load of
So the stranger was stopped and the
aged financier began negotiations.
"What do you want for that load of
"Five dollars," was the reply.
"Five dollars?" said Sage. "Why, It
la not worth a cent more than three.
It does not cost you anything; all you
have to do Is to cut It."
"Welf," replied the farmer, "It takes
a good half day's work, and the use
of my horses and wagon.?!
put Stige would not pay J5, so a com
promise was made for $4 for the load
"Where shall I leave It?" said the
"At Frank Tllford's," said Cncle
Russell, and, turning to Tllford, as
they drove on, he said:
"You see, Frank, if he knew that
hay was for Russell Sage he would
not let It go for less than 7. And, by
the way, when he leaves It at your
place. Just let your man bring It ove
tq my barf)." Mail and Express.
" '-" , t
A Poabtful Compliment.
He brought her a present.
It was a dream of a little teapot fins
china with pink roses and gold bead-'
tng all over It.
"Oh. you dear!" she cried, holding It
up from Its wrappings. "Isn't It Just'
the prettiest thing?" I
"Yes," he said absently; "It's a pret
ty teapot. It reminded me of you when '
I bought It." s I
And slit djdp't know whether to
throw it at him or not Philadelphia;
Bulletin. ' '
The Sohool for Scandal. -
"Look at the crowd of women go-
te attraction?''
ueiracuon. .i ne sewing circle meet
there to-dsy."-
Philadelphia I'ress.
We don't believ we ever knew any
one who was not ail right In theory.
fBuocMir to E. L. Smith,
.ublii)ied House In the valley.)
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established honse will con
tinue to pay cash for all it goods; it
, pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but
does not have to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with customer!
in the way ot reasonable prices.
Posts, Etc.
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Co.
Have opened an office in Hood River.
Call and get prices and leave orders,
which will be promptly filled.
Published Every Friday
Advertising, 50 cents per inch, single
column, per month; one-half inch or
leFS, 25 rents. Reading notices, 5 cents
a line each insertion.
THE GLACIER prints all the loca
news fit to prinf.
When you 8(? it in THEJ GLACIER
you may Know viwv omers we J'
Siiopj lime
and union Pacific
VwO tLuVSo Mo
rhlcsgo Sslt Uke, Penver, 4:90 p.m.
fortlsnd Ft. Worth,Omh;
fijwcisl K n i;Ujr, at.
t:20. m. Lom,CUii'tfOq4
via lisu
Afsntla It. Paul Fast Mail. 10:30 a.
Express p.m.
St. Pnl Atlantic Expreu. 7.85a.m.
Fst 1111
CiOU p. m.
No Changa ef Cars,
Lowent Rates, Quickest Tim,
ritos rouriANo,
All tilling dates
subject to chance
For San Frsnclnco
1:00 p. ai.
tlltTrjr dart
folumbli ltr
To Aitorli and Way
00 D. IB.
I'.otip. m.
Mi M p. m.
f: (n4s.r
Hon., Wed. I
8:90 p. m,
Tu., Ttau..
and 1-ri. HAltm. lnninn.
crence, urvemt
and war landlugs.
t ree m. Tsaklll (Iter.
4 SO p. m.
Mob.. Wed.
aad Tn.
Tnn.. Thur.
audsai. OreronriiT,pt)n
talk Nlr.
Detlv eteept
cierpl Ciparia to Lewliton
J Mturaay
Ceierei l awnj er Agent, Portland. Or
f v ' 1 - 1.
A. R. HOAR, Bt. Bh4 stiver.